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李莉  刘芳  苏松坤 《昆虫知识》2012,49(4):1061-1065
蜜蜂复杂的社会行为受到了研究者的广泛关注,了解蜜蜂的学习、记忆、导航、信息传递等行为的神经分子基础,可对探索人类自身的脑科学和复杂社会行为的分子基础提供比较研究信息。本文综述了多巴胺的作用机制及其在蜜蜂行为中的作用,详细介绍了蜜蜂脑部的多巴胺受体,总结了蜜蜂脑部多巴胺水平的影响因子等,最后对进一步研究多巴胺神经通路对蜜蜂行为的作用及机制的前景做一展望。  相似文献   

蜜蜂复杂的社会行为受到了研究者的广泛关注,了解蜜蜂的学习、记忆、导航、信息传递等行为的神经分子基础,可对探索人类自身的脑科学和复杂社会行为的分子基础提供比较研究信息.本文综述了多巴胺的作用机制及其在蜜蜂行为中的作用,详细介绍了蜜蜂脑部的多巴胺受体,总结了蜜蜂脑部多巴胺水平的影响因子等,最后对进一步研究多巴胺神经通路对蜜蜂行为的作用及机制的前景做一展望.  相似文献   

陈发军  李建军 《四川动物》2012,31(5):751-754
捕食作用会对访花昆虫的种群、行为以及植物适合度产生影响,是植物与传粉者相互关系研究中常被忽视的因素.本文报道了黄猄蚁对大蜜蜂的捕食行为,并模拟捕食的关键环节研究了捕食过程对重要访花昆虫行为的影响.结果表明,黄猄蚁能够利用局部环境主动攻击猎物,利用群体合作捕获采集过程中的体型较大的大蜜蜂,捕食威胁是其影响植物-访花者关系的重要机制.大蜜蜂具有感知花上危险的能力,模拟处理的个体会逃离危险的花或植株并在花上留下标记,将危险信息传递给其它个体.其它拜访者对具有危险信号花的采集频次明显减少,采集时间缩短;模拟处理的影响会随时间推移而较快地消失.此外,该实验没有发现大蜜蜂在花上停留采集过程中具有明显的防御行为.  相似文献   

潘娇  李志国  吴俪楠  苏松坤 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1360-1365
狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor已蔓延至世界各地,给养蜂生产带来巨大挑战,被认为是世界养蜂业的主要威胁。因此,抗螨机制的研究和抗螨蜂种的培育显得尤为重要,而掌握蜜蜂的抗螨机制则是成功培育抗螨蜂种的前提条件。本文从行为、生理及分子机制等多个不同角度对国内外蜜蜂抗狄斯瓦螨机制研究的最新进展进行了详细的阐述。尤其是从分子水平研究蜜蜂的抗螨机制对选育抗螨蜂种具有重要意义,将为利用分子遗传辅助标记筛选方法和先进的生物工程技术并结合传统的育种手段成功培育出具有抗螨性能的优良蜜蜂品系奠定基础。  相似文献   

意大利蜜蜂是典型的社会性昆虫,存在与年龄相关的劳动分工行为,一直是人类研究动物行为的最佳模式生物。蜜蜂行为可塑性是劳动分工的重要特点,与其自身脑部神经结构变化、脑部基因表达变化及体内激素水平等有关。miRNAs与靶基因特异性结合,发挥多种生物调节功能。miR-let-7介导靶基因在动物发育及病理方面的研究较深,但对动物行为可塑性的调控机理尚未明确。本文就ame-let-7影响蜜蜂哺育蜂与采集蜂的劳动分工行为研究进行总结,主要从ame-let-7的表达模式、其对蜜蜂行为可塑性调节作用、对蜜蜂糖反应及学习记忆能力的影响及其相关靶基因的研究等方面进行归纳,为深入研究ame-let-7对蜜蜂行为可塑性的调控机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

蜜蜂能够灵活调整出巢觅食行为,从而有效保证蜂群的正常发育与繁衍.为了探索采集蜂的行为特性,本文利用由江西农业大学蜜蜂研究所与广州市远望谷信息技术股份有限公司合作研发的蜜蜂无线射频识别(RFID)系统,对西方蜜蜂进行为期38 d的全天候监控记录.结果表明: 两蜂群中分别有63.4%和64.5%的采集蜂存在轮休现象,轮休时间比例为22.5%~26.4%;轮休与非轮休蜜蜂的采集工作总量差异不显著,但轮休蜜蜂寿命显著高于非轮休蜜蜂;提前发育的采集蜂的寿命显著低于正常采集蜂.本研究丰富了蜜蜂社会行为学内容,为进一步探索蜜蜂采集行为的形成机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera作为真社会性昆虫,是人类认知行为研究的理想模式生物之一。正常蜂群中工蜂有着年龄依赖性的行为转变,成年蜂一般在出房后3周内主要从事巢内工作,之后工蜂行为渐渐转向巢外采集工作,其中最重要的是采集蜜粉等。工蜂这种从巢内工作转向巢外工作的行为转变与多种因素有关,本文从蜂群自身社会环境、工蜂体内生理和基因(包括mRNA和microRNA)的表达变化等方面详细概述了工蜂哺育蜂和采集蜂行为转变研究进展,为深入探究影响蜜蜂行为转变的调控因子及机制提供理论背景。  相似文献   

MicroRNA (miRNA)是一类长度为18~24 nt的内源性非编码小RNA分子,它能通过与靶标mRNA 分子互补结合抑制蛋白质翻译或导致 mRNA 降解,从而调控靶基因表达。蜜蜂是重要的社会性经济昆虫,一直是国际上热门的研究对象。迄今为止,通过各种生物技术在蜜蜂中发现已鉴定注册的miRNA共有218个,对蜜蜂miRNA的研究表明其在蜜蜂的胚胎发育、级型分化、劳动分工和免疫防御等方面可能具有重要的调控作用。本文就miRNA对蜜蜂蜂王和工蜂级型分化、哺育蜂和采集蜂劳动分工、舞蹈行为、脑部神经功能及免疫防御等方面调控作用的最新研究进展进行了综述,以期为进一步研究miRNA提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

【目的】深入了解蜜蜂哺育蜂与采集蜂行为转变机制,寻找与之相关的调控因子。【方法】我们随机选取了5群意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica,分别采集相应的哺育蜂和采集蜂。利用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-q PCR)对哺育蜂和采集蜂头部中的mrjp1、Ache、CSP3、Dop1等22个基因的表达进行了分析。【结果】实验结果表明:mrjp2、mrjp4、mrjp6、mrjp7、LOC406114、Hbg3、Ef-1a-f1、Obp3、Wat、Oa1、Tpn T在意大利蜜蜂哺育蜂和采集蜂头部表达差异极显著(P<0.01),mrjp1、mrjp3、Ache、LOC406142、Mblk-1、Tpn CIIIa、Ant、CSP3、Dop1、Jhe、Per在意大利蜜蜂哺育蜂和采集蜂头部表达差异显著(0.01相似文献   

动物通讯是动物个体通过不同的信息交流方式实现信息传递及共享的过程。尿液是动物化学通讯中传递和分享信息的重要信号来源,尿液化学通讯是动物种内乃至种间信息交流的重要途径之一。本文阐述了不同物种之间信息交流和相同物种不同个体之间的尿液化学通讯,对于了解动物个体尿液化学成分组成、繁殖、行为以及社会识别等具有重要的生物学意义。  相似文献   

Bee foraging ranges and their relationship to body size   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bees are the most important pollinator taxon; therefore, understanding the scale at which they forage has important ecological implications and conservation applications. The foraging ranges for most bee species are unknown. Foraging distance information is critical for understanding the scale at which bee populations respond to the landscape, assessing the role of bee pollinators in affecting plant population structure, planning conservation strategies for plants, and designing bee habitat refugia that maintain pollination function for wild and crop plants. We used data from 96 records of 62 bee species to determine whether body size predicts foraging distance. We regressed maximum and typical foraging distances on body size and found highly significant and explanatory nonlinear relationships. We used a second data set to: (1) compare observed reports of foraging distance to the distances predicted by our regression equations and (2) assess the biases inherent to the different techniques that have been used to assess foraging distance. The equations we present can be used to predict foraging distances for many bee species, based on a simple measurement of body size. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We explored the pollen foraging behaviour of honey bee colonies situated in the corn and soybean dominated agroecosystems of central Ohio over a month‐long period using both pollen metabarcoding and waggle dance inference of spatial foraging patterns. For molecular pollen analysis, we developed simple and cost‐effective laboratory and bioinformatics methods. Targeting four plant barcode loci (ITS2, rbcL, trnL and trnH), we implemented metabarcoding library preparation and dual‐indexing protocols designed to minimize amplification biases and index mistagging events. We constructed comprehensive, curated reference databases for hierarchical taxonomic classification of metabarcoding data and used these databases to train the metaxa 2 DNA sequence classifier. Comparisons between morphological and molecular palynology provide strong support for the quantitative potential of multi‐locus metabarcoding. Results revealed consistent foraging habits between locations and show clear trends in the phenological progression of honey bee spring foraging in these agricultural areas. Our data suggest that three key taxa, woody Rosaceae such as pome fruits and hawthorns, Salix, and Trifolium provided the majority of pollen nutrition during the study. Spatially, these foraging patterns were associated with a significant preference for forests and tree lines relative to herbaceous land cover and nonflowering crop fields.  相似文献   

Food choice and eating behavior affect health and longevity. Large-scale research efforts aim to understand the molecular and social/behavioral mechanisms of energy homeostasis, body weight, and food intake. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) could provide a model for these studies since individuals vary in food-related behavior and social factors can be controlled. Here, we examine a potential role of peripheral insulin receptor substrate (IRS) expression in honey bee foraging behavior. IRS is central to cellular nutrient sensing through transduction of insulin/insulin-like signals (IIS). By reducing peripheral IRS gene expression and IRS protein amount with the use of RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that IRS influences foraging choice in two standard strains selected for different food-hoarding behavior. Compared with controls, IRS knockdowns bias their foraging effort toward protein (pollen) rather than toward carbohydrate (nectar) sources. Through control experiments, we establish that IRS does not influence the bees'' sucrose sensory response, a modality that is generally associated with food-related behavior and specifically correlated with the foraging preference of honey bees. These results reveal a new affector pathway of honey bee social foraging, and suggest that IRS expressed in peripheral tissue can modulate an insect''s foraging choice between protein and carbohydrate sources.  相似文献   

Bees require distinct foraging and nesting resources to occur in close proximity. However, spatial and temporal patterns in the availability and quantity of these resources can be affected by disturbances like wildfire. The potential for spatial or temporal separation of foraging and nesting resources is of particular concern for solitary wood‐cavity‐nesting bees as they are central‐place, short‐distance foragers once they have established their nest. Often the importance of nesting resources for bees have been tested by sampling foraging bees as a proxy, and nesting bees have rarely been studied in a community context, particularly postdisturbance. We tested how wood‐cavity‐nesting bee species richness, nesting success, and nesting and floral resources varied across gradients of wildfire severity and time‐since‐burn. We sampled nesting bees via nesting boxes within four wildfires in southwest Montana, USA, using a space‐for‐time substitution chronosequence approach spanning 3–25 years postburn and including an unburned control. We found that bee nesting success and species richness declined with increasing time postburn, with a complete lack of successful bee nesting in unburned areas. Nesting and floral resources were highly variable across both burn severity and time‐since‐burn, yet generally did not have strong effects on nesting success. Our results together suggest that burned areas may provide important habitat for wood‐cavity‐nesting bees in this system. Given ongoing fire regime shifts as well as other threats facing wild bee communities, this work helps provide essential information necessary for the management and conservation of wood‐cavity‐nesting bees.  相似文献   

The development of insecticides requires valid risk assessment procedures to avoid causing harm to beneficial insects and especially to pollinators such as the honeybee Apis mellifera. In addition to testing according to current guidelines designed to detect bee mortality, tests are needed to determine possible sublethal effects interfering with the animal's vitality and behavioral performance. Several methods have been used to detect sublethal effects of different insecticides under laboratory conditions using olfactory conditioning. Furthermore, studies have been conducted on the influence insecticides have on foraging activity and homing ability which require time-consuming visual observation. We tested an experimental design using the radiofrequency identification (RFID) method to monitor the influence of sublethal doses of insecticides on individual honeybee foragers on an automated basis. With electronic readers positioned at the hive entrance and at an artificial food source, we obtained quantifiable data on honeybee foraging behavior. This enabled us to efficiently retrieve detailed information on flight parameters. We compared several groups of bees, fed simultaneously with different dosages of a tested substance. With this experimental approach we monitored the acute effects of sublethal doses of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid (0.15-6 ng/bee) and clothianidin (0.05-2 ng/bee) under field-like circumstances. At field-relevant doses for nectar and pollen no adverse effects were observed for either substance. Both substances led to a significant reduction of foraging activity and to longer foraging flights at doses of ≥0.5 ng/bee (clothianidin) and ≥1.5 ng/bee (imidacloprid) during the first three hours after treatment. This study demonstrates that the RFID-method is an effective way to record short-term alterations in foraging activity after insecticides have been administered once, orally, to individual bees. We contribute further information on the understanding of how honeybees are affected by sublethal doses of insecticides.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The allocation of honey bee foragers among food patches is a result of decisions made by individual bees that are based on internal and external cues.
2. Decision-making processes are often based on internal thresholds. For example, if the quality of the food source is assessed by a forager as exceeding its internal threshold, the bee will continue foraging on that food source.
3. It is often assumed that all individuals have the same threshold and therefore use the same thresholds in decision-making, but because the honey bee queen mates with 12–30 males, the workers within a colony are genetically heterogeneous. Thus, the thresholds used by individual bees may be genetically variable within a colony.
4. Models of colony-level foraging behaviour of honey bees suggest that the rate of abandoning food sources is a critical parameter affecting foraging success. Moreover, these models show that variance among subfamilies in their abandonment rates may increase the colony's foraging efficiency.
5. Experimental data showing the relationship between the probability of abandoning a food source and its profitability are lacking, as is information on any variation in abandonment rates among subfamilies.
6. Abandonment rates were determined experimentally for four honey bee families for seven different sucrose concentrations. The results showed that abandonment rates appear to be invariant among (sub)families. The importance of forager fidelity to declining food sources is discussed with respect to foraging efficiency in a changing environment.  相似文献   

A honeybee colony is a superorganism that has evolved precise communication systems, which allow the colony to gather information from numerous individuals and coordinate its behavior. Alarm pheromones, such as isopentyl acetate (IPA), the main component of sting alarm pheromone, play a critical role in the coordination of individual behaviors as well as colony communication in honeybee colonies. In this study, honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana) were exposed to relatively high levels of IPA at a foraging site (6–8 bee equivalents) and inside their colony (28–58 bee equivalents) to investigate the influence of alarm pheromones on foraging activity and hive flight activity. IPA reduced the number of bees that flew out the hive, foraged, and waggle danced. Under both contexts in the hive and at the food source, IPA can therefore inhibit honey bee foraging and foraging communication.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Foragers of social insects can be guided to profitable food sources by social information transfer within the nest. This study showed that in addition to such an information-centre strategy, social information in the field also plays an important role in individual foraging decisions. The effect of the presence of a nestmate on individual decision-making on where to forage was investigated in six species of stingless bee that differ in their recruitment system. Some species preferred to feed close to a nestmate (local enhancement) whereas other species actively avoided landing close to a nestmate. The term local inhibition is introduced for this avoidance behaviour.
2. Local enhancement and local inhibition were species specific but were not related to the species' recruitment system.
3. Local enhancement and local inhibition were affected by the individual's experience with the food source. Newly recruited foragers of Trigona amalthea showed local enhancement whereas experienced foragers showed local inhibition.
4. These individual decision-making rules explained accurately the spatial distribution of recruited nestmates: foraging groups of T. amalthea , which shows local inhibition, were more dispersed than foraging groups of Oxytrigona mellicolor , which shows local enhancement.
5. The effect of heterospecifics on stingless bee flower choice was investigated for 18 species combinations. Landing decisions were influenced significantly by the aggressiveness and the body size of the resident bee. Larger and more aggressive heterospecifics were avoided, whereas in some cases less aggressive bees acted as an attraction cue.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid Alters Foraging and Decreases Bee Avoidance of Predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concern is growing over the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides, which can impair honey bee cognition. We provide the first demonstration that sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid can harm honey bee decision-making about danger by significantly increasing the probability of a bee visiting a dangerous food source. Apis cerana is a native bee that is an important pollinator of agricultural crops and native plants in Asia. When foraging on nectar containing 40 µg/L (34 ppb) imidacloprid, honey bees (Apis cerana) showed no aversion to a feeder with a hornet predator, and 1.8 fold more bees chose the dangerous feeder as compared to control bees. Control bees exhibited significant predator avoidance. We also give the first evidence that foraging by A. cerana workers can be inhibited by sublethal concentrations of the pesticide, imidacloprid, which is widely used in Asia. Compared to bees collecting uncontaminated nectar, 23% fewer foragers returned to collect the nectar with 40 µg/L imidacloprid. Bees that did return respectively collected 46% and 63% less nectar containing 20 µg/L and 40 µg/L imidacloprid. These results suggest that the effects of neonicotinoids on honey bee decision-making and other advanced cognitive functions should be explored. Moreover, research should extend beyond the classic model, the European honey bee (A. mellifera), to other important bee species.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of honey bees, Apis mellifera L., to supplement bumble bee, Bombus spp., pollination in commercial tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller, greenhouses in Western Canada. Honey bee colonies were brought into greenhouses already containing bumble bees and left for 1 wk to acclimatize. The following week, counts of honey and bumble bees foraging and flying throughout the greenhouse were conducted three times per day, and tomato flowers open during honey bee pollination were marked for later fruit harvest. The same counts and flower-marking also were done before and after the presence of honey bees to determine the background level of bumble bee pollination. Overall, tomato size was not affected by the addition of honey bees, but in one greenhouse significantly larger tomatoes were produced with honey bees present compared with bumble bees alone. In that greenhouse, honey bee foraging was greater than in the other greenhouses. Honey bees generally foraged within 100 m of their colony in all greenhouses. Our study invites further research to examine the use of honey bees with reduced levels of bumble bees, or as sole pollinators of greenhouse tomatoes. We also make specific recommendations for how honey bees can best be managed in greenhouses.  相似文献   

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