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孙楷  孙凡  朱亮 《生物磁学》2014,(6):1180-1182
单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase, MAO)是人体内天然存在的一种酶,催化单胺类物质氧化脱氨反应的酶。人体内含有两种单胺氧化酶:单胺氧化酶A 和单胺氧化酶B。单胺氧化酶A 主要分布在儿茶酚胺能神经元中;单胺氧化酶B 主要分布在5- 羟色胺能神经元、组胺能神经元和神经胶质细胞中,这两种亚型都均可以使单胺类神经递质失活。而单胺氧化酶抑制剂则能够通过抑制单胺氧化酶的对单胺类物质的氧化活性,从而达到减轻或者消除由各种原因引起的单胺类物质减少或单胺氧化酶活性过高导致的疾病。本文主要总结了近几年单胺氧化酶抑制剂在临床上用于治疗帕金森病、抑郁症和幽门螺旋杆菌方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase,MAO)是人体内天然存在的一种酶,催化单胺类物质氧化脱氨反应的酶。人体内含有两种单胺氧化酶:单胺氧化酶A和单胺氧化酶B。单胺氧化酶A主要分布在儿茶酚胺能神经元中;单胺氧化酶B主要分布在5-羟色胺能神经元、组胺能神经元和神经胶质细胞中,这两种亚型都均可以使单胺类神经递质失活。而单胺氧化酶抑制剂则能够通过抑制单胺氧化酶的对单胺类物质的氧化活性,从而达到减轻或者消除由各种原因引起的单胺类物质减少或单胺氧化酶活性过高导致的疾病。本文主要总结了近几年单胺氧化酶抑制剂在临床上用于治疗帕金森病、抑郁症和幽门螺旋杆菌方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

苯丙氨酸解氨酶在诱导黄瓜幼苗抗寒性中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了探讨苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)在诱导黄瓜幼苗抗寒性中的作用,采用喷施特异抑制剂(AOPP)的方法控制PAL活性,测定幼苗抗寒性的变化.结果表明: 低温可以诱导黄瓜幼苗叶片中PAL的基因表达和活性升高;喷施AOPP显著抑制了叶片中PAL活性,减少了酚类和类黄酮物质的积累.低温对黄瓜幼苗造成显著伤害,AOPP预处理加剧了低温对幼苗的损伤,幼苗抗寒性降低.与对照相比,幼苗叶片中相对电解质渗漏率和丙二醛(MDA)含量显著升高,PSII最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)降低,光化学猝灭参数Y(NO)升高,胁迫相关基因(PR1-1a、COR47、P5CS、HSP70)的诱导表达受到抑制.低温导致黄瓜幼苗叶片中H2O2积累,还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)含量降低,脱氢抗坏血酸(DHA)含量升高,AsA∶DHA减小;喷施AOPP的幼苗中抗氧化酶(过氧化氢酶CAT、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶APX)活性显著低于对照,H2O2过量积累,AsA∶DHA更低.施用H2O2清除剂可以有效缓解喷施AOPP引起的低温损伤加剧,而施用CAT抑制剂的幼苗对低温胁迫更敏感.表明低温诱导了PAL活性升高,促进了苯丙烷类次生代谢产物的合成,提高了胞内抗氧化酶活性,可有效清除活性氧分子,维持AsA氧化还原状态,缓解低温引起的光损伤和氧化损伤.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高可能对森林土壤的甲烷(CH4)氧化速率产生影响.本文采用开顶箱技术,对连续6年高浓度CO2(500 μmol·mol-1)处理的长白山森林典型树种蒙古栎树下土壤CH4氧化速率进行研究,并利用CH4氧化菌的16S rRNA特异性引物以及CH4单加氧酶功能基因引物分析了土壤中CH4氧化菌的群落结构与数量.结果表明: CO2浓度增高后,生长季土壤甲烷氧化量与对照和裸地相比分别降低了4%和22%;基于16S rRNA特异性引物的DGGE分析表明,CO2浓度增高导致两类甲烷氧化菌的多样性指数降低;CO2浓度增高对土壤中Ⅰ类甲烷氧化菌数量无显著影响,而使土壤中Ⅱ类甲烷氧化菌数量显著减少,功能基因pmoA拷贝数与对照和裸地相比分别降低了15%和46%.CO2浓度增高导致森林土壤甲烷氧化菌数量与活性降低,土壤含水量的增加可能是导致这一现象的主要原因.  相似文献   

用二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH)-TLC法和酶标仪法对一株细脚拟青霉RCEF0394发酵液甲醇提取物的清除自由基活性进行了定性和定量测定,发现该提取物具有较强的清除自由基活性,在浓度为5.0mg/mL,于37℃下保温10min时,它对0.4mg/mL的DPPH自由基的清除率可达75.4%。以大鼠肝脏线粒体单胺氧化酶为靶标的体外实验发现供试细脚拟青霉发酵液有较强的抑制单胺氧化酶活性,且其活性和浓度呈量效关系。该发酵液冻干品对单胺氧化酶的半数抑制浓度IC50为118.1μg/mL。其三氯甲烷提取物对单胺氧化酶的抑制活性明显强于发酵液冻干品,表明该抑制剂可能为极性较低的化合物。进一步的分型试验表明该三氯甲烷提取物对A型单胺氧化酶呈混合抑制,对B型呈竞争性抑制,其Km值分别为0.44mg/L,0.34mg/L。  相似文献   

为了探讨Bach1 (BTB and CNC homology 1)与红系衍生的核因子相关因子2(Nrf2)和γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶(γ-GCS)的表达变化在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)中的作用和意义,用气管内注入脂多糖及熏香烟的复合刺激法建立大鼠COPD 模型.观察两组大鼠的肺组织病理学改变,测两组大鼠的肺功能指标;应用免疫组化、Western印迹、原位杂交和逆转录 聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)等方法检测Bach1与Nrf2及γ GCS 在两组大鼠的肺组织中的表达.结果显示,COPD组的肺功能指标(FEV0.3、FEV0.3/FVC%、PEF)明显恶化;光镜下肺组织病理改变符合COPD的特征性改变;γ GCS与Nrf2 的mRNA及蛋白质表达在COPD组大鼠肺组织中明显增强;而Bach1 mRNA及蛋白质在COPD组和对照组的表达无明显差别.且核/胞浆分离技术表明,Nrf2蛋白在对照组主要表达于胞浆,胞核中表达水平较弱,在COPD组胞浆、胞核均有表达,但是在胞核中的水平明显升高;Bach1蛋白在对照组主要表达于胞核中,胞浆中无明显表达,在COPD组主要表达于胞浆,胞核中无明显表达.相关性分析表明,γ-GCS mRNA与FEV0.3、FEV0.3/FVC%、PEF均呈负相关;Nrf2蛋白表达与γ GCS mRNA呈正相关;Bach1蛋白与γ GCS mRNA呈负相关.上述结果提示,Bach1与Nrf2和γ-GCS可能均在大鼠COPD的发病中发挥作用,且Bach1和Nrf2可能通过竞争性机制调控γ-GCS的表达,影响COPD的发生和发展.  相似文献   

试验分别于2013和2014年在中国农业科学院新乡综合试验基地进行,以20 cm蒸发皿蒸发量(Ep -20)为灌水依据,设置5种水面蒸发系数(Kcp1:0.25;Kcp2:0.5;Kcp3:0.75;Kcp4:1.0;Kcp5:1.25)代表5种灌水水平,分析了不同水量(Ir)对温室黄瓜滴灌耗水量(ET)、产量、品质以及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响,探讨了以Ep -20制定温室滴灌灌水计划的可行性.结果表明:温室滴灌黄瓜整个生育期内的耗水量在129~314 mm,耗水量随着灌水量的增加而增加.当灌水量超过0.75Ep 20时,各处理之间的产量无差异,平均单果质量、单株瓜条数和平均瓜长对灌水量的响应均存在一个阈值(0.75Ep 20);品质方面,可溶性固形物、维生素C和可溶性糖含量均随着灌水量的增加而降低,而可溶性蛋白质含量为:Kcp2>Kcp3>Kcp4>Kcp1>Kcp5;采用修正后的Penman Monteith公式计算温室滴灌黄瓜参考蒸发蒸腾量所得结果与Ep -20呈极显著线性相关关系.可见,在华北地区日光温室黄瓜的滴灌灌水制度选用0.75倍的20 cm蒸发皿水面蒸发量作为灌水依据简单可行.  相似文献   

无水分胁迫下行作物蒸发散与双涌源能量分配和交换关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以内蒙古浑善达克沙地人工草地种植的行作物——青贮玉米为研究对象,将FAO-56的双作物系数法与双涌源能量平衡模型相结合,计算了太阳入射能量按叶面积指数(LAI)分配到两个涌源(冠层、土壤表面)的有效能量Ac和As、潜热通量λEc和λEs以及显热通量Hc和Hs.分析两个涌源在有效能量驱使下的潜热和显热通量相互作用.结果表明,1)在无水分胁迫条件下,冠层Hc与λEc相互作用使冠层吸收微热平流,强化蒸腾作用,加大蒸腾量.蒸腾(以潜热通量表示)超过冠层有效能量的增量(λEci-Aci).最大值出现在生长发育阶段LAI为0.6的7月15日到LAI为2.4 的8月9日之间,其平均值为4.32 MJ·m-2·d-1.2)无水分胁迫情况下,λEs和Hs相互作用,除强湿润过程后的1~2 d外,其他各天土壤均以低于土壤表面有效能量的速率蒸发.蒸发强度取决于土壤表面有效能量消散为土壤潜热通量的百分比,这个百分比最小值出现在生长中期阶段,其平均值为11.5%;最大值出现在生长初始阶段,其平均值为51.9%.3)两个涌源潜热通量是蒸散过程中能量交换的主要成分,在生长发育、中期、后期阶段转换为两个涌源潜热通量的有效能量均占总能量的83%以上.  相似文献   

曹雯  段春锋  姚筠  岳伟   《生态学杂志》2014,25(12):3619-3626
基于联和国粮农组织推荐的Penman Monteith公式和60个台站1961—2010年逐日气象观测资料,估算了安徽省的参考作物蒸散量(ET0),在对ET0空间分布特征和时间演变规律进行分析的基础上,定量探讨了安徽省影响ET0变化的主导因素.结果表明: 研究期间,安徽省ET0的年平均值约为878.58 mm·a-1,夏季最大,冬季最小.年平均ET0呈现由北向南、由低海拔向高海拔递减的空间分布特征.ET0的变化主要归因于日照时数和风速,而气温和相对湿度的作用较小.由于日照时数和风速的共同负贡献明显超过气温和相对湿度的共同正贡献,导致安徽省ET0整体上以-1.61 mm·a-1的速率显著下降.ET0在春季呈不显著的微弱上升趋势;夏季ET0以-1.37 mm·a-1的速率显著下降;秋、冬季的ET0微弱下降,但趋势不显著.春、秋、冬季ET0变化的主导因子是风速;夏季的主导因子是日照时数.ET0变化的主导因子存在明显空间差异.有36.7%站点的年平均ET0变化的主导因子是风速,主要分布在淮北南部和沿淮地区;其他大部分地区的主导因子都是日照时数.

人类新基因netrin-G 2的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Netrins是与层粘连蛋白相关的、高度保守的小分子分泌蛋白家族成员,在细胞迁移和轴突导向活动中具有重要的作用,其同源物在多种模式动物中均已发现.Netrins分为2个亚家族:netrins和netrin-Gs;其中的netrin-G亚家族各成员之间具有高度的相似性.目前,在人类中得到确证的只有netrin-G1,推测在人类中应该还有其它的netrin-G亚家族成员以及编码它的基因.从20周龄人胚中提取脑组织的总RNA,用PCR cDNA文库试剂盒制备脑组织cDNA文库,再用特异性引物进行PCR扩增,得到1条人netrin-G的全长cDNA,命名为人netrin-G2,用Northern杂交研究其表达,用进化树分析其与netrin家族各成员间的关系;证实人netrin-G2确实为netrin-G亚家族的1个新成员,该基因位于染色体的9q34,大小为2 428 bp,含有1个1 593 bp的假定开放阅读框,起始密码子为86位的甲硫氨酸,终止密码子为1 678位的TGA,可编码1个大小为530个氨基酸的蛋白质;Northern杂交显示,人netrin-G2在脑组织中特异性表达,而在其它组织中却很少发现,推测人netrin-G2可能在中枢神经系统的发育过程中具有重要的作用,可能与刺激性神经冲动的传递以及神经调节有关.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a major molecular form of subtilisin inhibitor from adzuki beans (Vigna angularis) was established by manual analysis using 4-N,N-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate (DABITC). Sequencing was performed on the peptides which were derived by digesting the inhibitor with lysyl-endopeptidase and Staphylococcus aureus V8-protease. The inhibitor consisted of 92 amino acid residues and the molecular weight was calculated to be 10,800. A minor form of subtilisin inhibitor was found, which lacked the amino-terminal 19 residues of the major one. Comparison of amino acid sequences revealed that the adzuki bean subtilisin inhibitors were 29-68% homologous in sequence to the inhibitors of so-called "potato inhibitor I family."  相似文献   

A plasma inhibitor of tonin activity in the rat, was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange of chromatography, and gel filtration. Its purity was investigated by analytical electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel and by ultracentrifugation sedimentation velocity. The molecular weight (360 000) of the purified inhibitor was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis and its isoelectric point (4.5) by gel isoelectrofocusing. The Stokes radius (640 nm) was evaluated by gel filtration studies and a frictional ratio (f/fo) of 1.95 was calculated from the molecular weight and Stokes radius. Kinetic studies using angiotensin I as substrate showed that the inhibition of tonin by the purified inhibitor was noncompetitive and does not exceed 70%. Electrophoresis showed the same mobility for [125I]tonin bound to plasma proteins and for [125I]tonin bound to the purified inhibitor. The inhibitor may be a protein resembling half of the dimeric protease inhibitor rat alpha 1-macroglobulin or human alpha 2-macroglobulin.  相似文献   

The molecular weight of the proteinase A inhibitor IA3 from baker's yeast was determined by different methods. From gel-filtration experiments, a molecular weight of 19 000 was calculated for the native inhibitor, while under denaturing conditions a molecular weight of 7400 was found. From electrophoretic experiments with the native protein, a molecular weight of 9000 was calculated. A similar value was obtained from the analytical ultracentrifuge, even at a protein concentration of 12 mg/ml. The diffusion coefficient and the partial specific volume were measured and from these data the frictional ratio and the Stokes radius were calculated. These parameters indicate that the relatively high apparent molecular weight calculated from the gel-filtration experiments is caused by the assymetric shape of the inhibitor molecule rather than by an aggregation of subunits.  相似文献   

An acrosin inhibitor was isolated from bull seminal plasma by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 fine and ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex. The inhibitor is a basic polypeptide (pl greater than or equal to 10.5) of molecular weight 6 200 (calculated from amino acid composition). Its N-terminal amino group is blocked. The inhibitor is not strictly specific in its effect since it also inhibits trypsin and to a lesser degree chymotrypsin, in addition to bull and boar acrosin.  相似文献   

Computational studies on the interaction of novel inhibitor compounds with the Cathepsin K protease have been performed to study the inhibition properties of the inhibitor compounds. The quantum chemical calculations have been performed to analyze the molecular geometries, structural stability, reactivity, nature of interaction, and the charge transfer properties using B3LYP level of theory by implementing 6-311g(d,p) basis set. The calculated C–S and N–H…N bond lengths of the inhibitor-triad complexes are found to agree well with the previous literature results. The chemical reactivity of the inhibitors and catalytic triad are analyzed through frontier molecular orbital analysis and found that the inhibitors are subjected to nucleophilic attack by the catalytic triad. The nature of inhibition of the inhibitor compounds is examined using the quantum theory of Atoms in Molecules analysis and found to be partially covalent. The NBO stabilization energy for the Cys – inhibitor are found to be most stable than the other interactions. The molecular dynamic simulations were performed to study the influence of dynamic of the active site on the QM results. The many body decomposition interaction energy calculated for the final results of MD simulation reveals that the dynamic of the active site induces significant changes in the interaction energy and occupancy of H-bonds plays a major role in the stabilizing the active site inhibitor interactions. The present study reveals that the inhibitor compounds can inhibit the proteolytic activity of the proteases on binding with the catalytic active site.  相似文献   

Crystallographic structures of HIV protease with three different peptide-mimetic inhibitors were subjected to energy minimization using molecular mechanics, the minimized structures analyzed and the inhibitor binding energies calculated. Partial charge assignment for the hydrogen bonded catalytic aspartic acids, Asp25 and -25', was in good agreement with charge calculations using semi-empirical molecular orbital methods. Root mean square deviations on minimization were small and similar for both subunits in the protease dimer. The surface loops, which had the largest B factors, changed most on minimization; the hydrophobic core and the inhibitor binding site showed little change. The distance-dependent dielectric of D(r) = 4r was found to be preferable to D(r) = r. Distance restraints were applied for the intermolecular hydrogen bonds to maintain the conformation of the inhibitor binding site. Using the dielectric of D(r) = 4r, the calculated interaction energy of the three inhibitors with the protease ranged from -53 to -56 kcal/mol. The psi groups of the inhibitors were changed to add or remove a 'transition state analogue' hydroxyl group, and the loss in energy on the removal of this group was calculated to be 0.9-1.7 kcal/mol. This would represent 19-36% of the total measured difference in binding energy between the inhibitors JG365 and MVT-101.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitory activity from the hemolymph of Limulus polyphemus was found to co-purify with coagulogen (the clottable protein in blood coagulation) after acidification, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and gel filtration. Limulus trypsin inhibitor (LTI) was separated from coagulogen by ion-exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl-Sephadex. LTI is an inhibitor of trypsin (Ki = 3.3 nM) on both high and low molecular weight substrates. It also inhibits chymotrypsin but has little or no effect on thrombin, thermolysin, pepsin, or papain, nor does LTI inhibit the proteolytic cascade produced in endotoxin-stimulated Limulus amoebocyte lysate coagulation. Electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions on denaturing polyacrylamide gel yields a doublet migrating with an estimated Mr of 20,000. Under reducing conditions, a single broad band migrates with an estimated Mr of 15,000. The native structure is a monomer of moderate asymmetry with a molecular weight of 16,300 and a so20,w = 1.5(5), as determined by analytical ultracentrifugation. The amino acid composition of LTI yields a calculated molecular weight of 15,680 and a calculated partial specific volume of 0.71(7) ml/g. LTI does not contain methionine, tryptophan, or detectable levels of reducing carbohydrate. The NH2-terminal sequence (V-S-P-P-F-I-K-Q-T-K-F-S-T-X-F-L-G-X-S-S) consists primarily of hydrophobic amino acid residues. Comparison of the amino acid composition and amino-terminal sequence of LTI with those of other known protease inhibitors reveals no significant similarity to other trypsin inhibitors. The novel physical characteristics suggest that LTI represents a new type of protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

Human lumbar disc tissue when extracted with 4M GuHCl and subjected to dissociative CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation yielded trypsin inhibitor activity in the low bouyant density fractions (rho less than or equal to 1.38 g/ml). Disc proteoglycans sedimented in the high bouyant density fractions (rho greater than or equal to 1.5 g/ml). Sephadex G75F gel filtration of the low bouyant density protein fractions afforded a major low molecular weight (Kav = 0.5) trypsin inhibitor pool which was further purified by trypsin affinity chromatography. This latter step facilitated separation of the trypsin inhibitors from neutral proteinase activity also present. The trypsin inhibitor fraction so isolated was shown to possess potent inhibitory activity against a range of human serine proteinases including leukocyte elastase and cathepsin G, urokinase, kallikrein, plasmin and thrombin. Significantly this serine proteinase inhibitor preparation effectively prevented degradation of proteoglycans by a neutral proteinase also isolated from the human intervertebral disc.  相似文献   

G Pearce  S Johnson    C A Ryan 《Plant physiology》1993,102(2):639-644
Six small molecular mass, wound-inducible trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor proteins from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves were isolated to homogeneity. The isoinhibitors, cumulatively called tobacco trypsin inhibitor (TTI), have molecular masses of approximately 5500 to 5800 D, calculated from gel filtration analysis and amino acid content. The amino acid sequence of the entire 53 residues of one isoinhibitor, TTI-1, and the sequence of 36 amino acid residues from the N terminus of a second isoinhibitor, TTI-5, were determined. The two isoinhibitors differ only at residue 11, which is threonine in TTI-1 and lysine in TTI-5. The isoinhibitors are members of the potato inhibitor II family and show considerable identity with the small molecular mass members of this family, which include the eggplant inhibitor, two small molecular mass trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors from potatoes, and an inhibitor from pistils of the ornamental plant Nicotiana alata. Antibodies produced against the isoinhibitors in rabbits were used in radial immunoassays to quantify both the systemic wound inducibility of TTI in tobacco leaves and its constitutive levels in flowers.  相似文献   

The axenic Dictyostelium discoideum growth medium HL-5, prepared using Difco proteose peptone No. 2, contains an extremely potent inhibitor of the binding of 125I-labeled discoidin I to glutaraldehyde-fixed, cohesive D. discoideum cells. Axenic strain A3 D. discoideum cells bind or internalize the inhibitor during growth in HL-5 medium and subsequently shed or excrete it while differentiating in suspension. The inhibitor has been purified from Difco proteose peptone No. 2 by sequential gel filtration on Sepharose 4B and affinity adsorption using discoidin I-Sepharose. The inhibitor is heterogeneous in molecular weight (4 · 105?2 · 106), but is relatively homogeneous in density on CsCl density gradients. The size and activity of the inhibitor are resistant to periodate, reduction and maleylation, proteases, nucleases and heating in the absence or presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Mild alkali causes a partial reduction in activity and converts the higher molecular weight fraction of the inhibitor to a lower molecular weight. The purified inhibitor contains neutral hexose, hexosamine and amino acid in an approximate molar ratio of 4 : 3 : 2. These and other properties suggest that the inhibitor is an unusual proteoglycan. Certain well-characterized glycosaminoglycans are relatively potent inhibitors of discoidin I binding. The proteoglycan reported here is the most potent discoidin I-binding inhibitor ever identified.  相似文献   

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