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李滨忠 《生命科学》2012,(6):518-520
DNA甲基化是一种非常重要的表观遗传调控方式,在基因印迹、X染色体失活、转座子与外源DNA的沉默及组织特异性基因的中发挥着重要的作用。在哺乳动物的配子发生过程及从受精到着床的早期胚胎发育阶段,基因组DNA发生大规模的主动去甲基化。但去甲基化的分子机制一直是表观遗传领域的谜题。2009年,Anjana Rao及其同事发现一种DNA双氧化酶TET蛋白能够将5-甲基胞嘧啶氧化成5-羟甲基胞嘧啶,这为DNA去甲基化的机制研究开拓了新的思路。在此基础上,徐国良实验室展开了深入研究,发现TET蛋白能够进一步将5-羟甲基胞嘧啶氧化成5-羧基胞嘧啶,并发现糖苷酶TDG能够特异性地识别并切除DNA中的5-羧基胞嘧啶,进而启动碱基切除修复途径完成DNA去甲基化,从而提出了氧化作用与碱基切除修复途径协同介导的DNA主动去甲基化机制。  相似文献   

维持基因组稳定是生物生存的基础。碱基切除修复(base excision repair,BER)是修复损伤DNA、维持基因组稳定的主要方式之一。碱基切除修复对结核分枝杆菌等胞内致病菌尤其重要。fpg编码碱基切除修复的关键酶。本文通过比较分枝杆菌的基因组,发现结核菌较其他非致病分枝杆菌具有更多的碱基切除修复基因。这提示碱基切除修复可能对结核菌在宿主体内存活和致病至关重要。这条途径也许是新结核病药物研发的重要靶标。  相似文献   

DNA损伤修复机制——解读2015年诺贝尔化学奖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich和Aziz Sancar三位科学家因发现“DNA损伤修复机制”获得了2015年诺贝尔化学奖.Lindahl首次发现Escherichia Coli中参与碱基切除修复的第一个蛋白质--尿嘧啶 DNA糖基化酶(UNG); Modrich重建了错配修复的体外系统,从大肠杆菌到哺乳动物深入探究了错配修复的机制; Sancar利用纯化的UvrA、UvrB、UvrC重建了核苷酸切除修复的关键步骤,阐述了核苷酸切除修复的分子机制.DNA损伤是由生物所处体外环境和体内因素共同导致的,面对不同种类的损伤,机体启动多种不同的修复机制修复损伤,保护基因组稳定性.这些修复机制包括:光修复(light repairing);核苷酸切除修复(nucleotide excision repair, NER);碱基切除修复(base excision repair, BER);错配修复(mismatch repair, MMR);以及DNA双链断裂修复(DNA double strand breaks repair, DSBR).其中DNA双链断裂修复又分同源重组(homologous recombination, HR)和非同源末端连接(non homologous end joining, NHEJ)两种方式.本文将对上述几种修复的机制进行总结与讨论.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化及去甲基化是生物体调控基因表达的重要机制。在植物中,DNA甲基化的建立主要通过依赖于小RNA的甲基化途径来实现,最近的研究发现了DNA甲基化最初起始的新机制。DNA主动去甲基化由ROS1/DME家族介导并通过碱基切除修复的通路来实现。最新的研究发现了ROS1下游参与碱基切除修复的多个关键因子。更重要的是,越来越多的参与调控DNA主动去甲基化的特异性的因子及其作用机制被发现。现介绍植物体中DNA甲基化建立和维持的机制,并着重讨论植物体中DNA主动去甲基化方向的最新进展。  相似文献   

DNA损伤修复基本方式的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DNA损伤修复基因可修复由不同原因导致的DNA损伤.从而保护遗传信息的完整性。DNA损伤修复有3种基本形式,即碱基切除修复、核苷酸切除修复和错配修复。本文综述了DNA损伤修复3种基本形式的研究进展情况并讨论了DNA链断裂重组和重接合修复及DNA聚合酶绕道修复DNA损伤。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化作为一种重要的表观修饰,在基因表达调控及胚胎生长发育等方面起到重要作用。尽管5-甲基胞嘧啶(5mC)是一种稳定的共价修饰,但它在生物体内仍处于一个动态变化的过程,也就是说,它可能会通过某种方式发生去甲基化。而TET蛋白功能的揭示为DNA主动去甲基化提供了一条途径:TET双加氧酶可以将5mC迭代氧化形成5-羟甲基胞嘧啶(5hmC)、5-醛基胞嘧啶(5fC)和5-羧基胞嘧啶(5caC),再通过DNA糖苷酶TDG介导的碱基切除修复(base excision repair,BER)途径将5mC重新变为未修饰的胞嘧啶。随着人们对TET双加氧酶及主动去甲基化研究的深入,主动去甲基化的生物学功能也被逐渐揭示。现总结了已经揭示的主动去甲基化分子机制和生物学意义,同时,概括了本实验室近些年的研究进展。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化状态是由从头合成的甲基化、维持型甲基化和DNA主动去甲基化动态调控的结果,由不同调节途径靶向各种酶的催化。5-甲基胞嘧啶DNA糖基化酶/裂解酶ROS1(REPRESSOR OF SILENCING1)是一种DNA去甲基化酶,能够通过启动碱基切除修复途径完成DNA主动去甲基化。介绍了植物中DNA主动去甲基化途径中的去甲基化酶和调节因子;ROS1介导的DNA主动去甲基化的途径;DNA主动去甲基化酶ROS1在各种植物不同发育过程中的作用,包括负调控印记基因表达和种子休眠、调控水稻籽粒品质、影响植物气孔发育等。  相似文献   

天然产物产生菌自抗性中DNA损伤修复的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床上使用的抗生素大多是由微生物次级代谢产生的天然产物及其衍生物,这类化合物可以抑制微生物的生长,具有显著的细胞毒性。产生菌在合成这些抗生素的同时,也需要通过多种自抗性机制来应对其对自身的毒害作用。本文总结了近年来DNA损伤修复途径参与的天然产物产生菌自抗性机制的研究进展,重点介绍了DNA损伤类抗生素产生菌中的碱基切除修复途径和类核苷酸切除修复途径等,并对目前DNA损伤修复抗性机制中存在的问题进行了讨论,同时对其潜在的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

重离子辐照通过直接和间接作用导致生物体DNA产生损伤,包括DNA的链断裂、碱基的插入或丢失以及氧化损伤等.DNA损伤直接影响复制、转录和蛋白质合成,同时还是突变的重要原因,因此,DNA损伤修复系统尤为重要.在酿酒酵母中,这些损伤主要是通过同源重组修复(homologous recombination repair,HRR)、碱基错配修复(mismatch repair,MMR)和碱基切除修复(base excision repair,BER)等途径来修复的.作为真核生物研究的模式生物,对于酿酒酵母DNA损伤修复的HRR、MMR和BER途径研究颇多,也不断有一些新的成果出现,特别是对于相关途径的完善和相关蛋白的深化更是研究热点,在此对近年来有关重离子辐照酿酒酵母DNA损伤修复途径方面的研究做一综述.  相似文献   

DNA损伤的发生与积累是造成细胞功能紊乱的根本原因,也是引起衰老与肿瘤等疾病发生的关键事件。为维持机体自身遗传物质的完整性与稳定性,生物体内拥有多种针对不同类型DNA损伤的修复方式。Sirtuin蛋白是一组NAD+依赖的、高度保守的组蛋白去乙酰化酶,可通过去乙酰化作用调节众多底物蛋白质的表达、活性与稳定性。 近来的研究显示,DNA损伤修复途径的多个关键蛋白质是Sirtuin的下游底物。Sirtuin蛋白通过调节同源重组修复、非同源末端修复、核苷酸切除修复等途径中的核心蛋白质参与修复包括双链断裂(double stranded breakes, DSBs)在内的多种DNA损伤类型,从而在维持基因组稳定性、寿命以及细胞能量代谢调节等一系列生物学作用中发挥至关重要的作用。本综述将介绍近年来Sirtuin与DNA损伤修复的研究进展。  相似文献   

DNA methylation on cytosine is an epigenetic modification and is essential for gene regulation and genome stability in vertebrates. Traditionally DNA methylation was considered as the most stable of all heritable epigenetic marks. However, it has become clear that DNA methylation is reversible by enzymatic “active” DNA demethylation, with examples in plant cells, animal development and immune cells. It emerges that “pruning” of methylated cytosines by active DNA demethylation is an important determinant for the DNA methylation signature of a cell. Work in plants and animals shows that demethylation occurs by base excision and nucleotide excision repair. Far from merely protecting genomic integrity from environmental insult, DNA repair is therefore at the heart of an epigenetic activation process.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA methylation and demethylation at CpG clusters are involved in gene regulation. CpG clusters have been identified as hot spots of mutagenesis because of their susceptibility to oxidative DNA damage. Damaged Cs and Gs at CpGs can disrupt a normal DNA methylation pattern through modulation of DNA methylation and demethylation, leading to mutations and deregulation of gene expression. DNA base excision repair (BER) plays a dual role of repairing oxidative DNA damage and mediating an active DNA demethylation pathway on CpG clusters through removal of a T/G mismatch resulting from deamination of a 5mC adjacent to a guanine that can be simultaneously damaged by oxidative stress. However, it remains unknown how BER processes clustered lesions in CpGs and what are the consequences from the repair of these lesions. In this study, we examined BER of an abasic lesion next to a DNA demethylation intermediate, the T/G mismatch in a CpG dinucleotide, and its effect on the integrity of CpGs. Surprisingly, we found that the abasic lesion completely abolished the activity of thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) for removing the mismatched T. However, we found that APE1 could still efficiently incise the abasic lesion leaving a 3-terminus mismatched T, which was subsequently extended by pol β. This in turn resulted in a C to T transition mutation. Interestingly, we also found that APE1 3′–5′ exonuclease activity efficiently removed the mismatched T, thereby preventing pol β extension of the mismatched nucleotide and the resulting mutation. Our results demonstrate a crucial role of APE1 3′–5′ exonuclease activity in combating mutations in CpG clusters caused by an intermediate of DNA demethylation during BER.  相似文献   

Oxidation of 5-methylcytosine by TET family proteins can induce DNA replication-dependent (passive) DNA demethylation and base excision repair (BER)-based (active) DNA demethylation. The balance of active vs. passive TET-induced demethylation remains incompletely determined. In the context of large scale DNA demethylation, active demethylation may require massive induction of the DNA repair machinery and thus compromise genome stability. To study this issue, we constructed a tetracycline-controlled TET-induced global DNA demethylation system in HEK293T cells. Upon TET overexpression, we observed induction of DNA damage and activation of a DNA damage response; however, BER genes are not upregulated to promote DNA repair. Depletion of TDG (thymine DNA glycosylase) or APEX1 (apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1), two key BER enzymes, enhances rather than impairs global DNA demethylation, which can be explained by stimulated proliferation. By contrast, growth arrest dramatically blocks TET-induced global DNA demethylation. Thus, in the context of TET-induction in HEK293T cells, the DNA replication-dependent passive mechanism functions as the predominant pathway for global DNA demethylation. In the same context, BER-based active demethylation is markedly restricted by limited BER upregulation, thus potentially preventing a disastrous DNA damage response to extensive active DNA demethylation.  相似文献   

Patterns of DNA methylation, an important epigenetic modification involved in gene silencing and development, are disrupted in cancer cells. Understanding the functional significance of aberrant methylation in tumors remains challenging, due in part to the lack of suitable tools to actively modify methylation patterns. DNA demethylation caused by mammalian DNA methyltransferase inhibitors is transient and replication-dependent, whereas that induced by TET enzymes involves oxidized 5mC derivatives that perform poorly understood regulatory functions. Unlike animals, plants possess enzymes that directly excise unoxidized 5mC from DNA, allowing restoration of unmethylated C through base excision repair. Here, we show that expression of Arabidopsis 5mC DNA glycosylase DEMETER (DME) in colon cancer cells demethylates and reactivates hypermethylated silenced loci. Interestingly, DME expression causes genome-wide changes that include both DNA methylation losses and gains, and partially restores the methylation pattern observed in normal tissue. Furthermore, such methylome reprogramming is accompanied by altered cell cycle responses and increased sensibility to anti-tumor drugs, decreased ability to form colonospheres, and tumor growth impairment in vivo. Our study shows that it is possible to reprogram a human cancer DNA methylome by expression of a plant DNA demethylase.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation at CpG dinucleotides is a central component of epigenetic regulation in vertebrates, and the base excision repair (BER) pathway is important for maintaining both the genetic stability and the methylation status of CpG sites. This perspective focuses on two enzymes that are of particular importance for the genetic and epigenetic integrity of CpG sites, methyl binding domain 4 (MBD4) and thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG). We discuss their capacity for countering C to T mutations at CpG sites, by initiating base excision repair of G·T mismatches generated by deamination of 5-methylcytosine (5mC). We also consider their role in active DNA demethylation, including pathways that are initiated by oxidation and/or deamination of 5mC.  相似文献   

DNA glycosylases preserve genome integrity and define the specificity of the base excision repair pathway for discreet, detrimental modifications, and thus, the mechanisms by which glycosylases locate DNA damage are of particular interest. Bacterial AlkC and AlkD are specific for cationic alkylated nucleobases and have a distinctive HEAT‐like repeat (HLR) fold. AlkD uses a unique non‐base‐flipping mechanism that enables excision of bulky lesions more commonly associated with nucleotide excision repair. In contrast, AlkC has a much narrower specificity for small lesions, principally N3‐methyladenine (3mA). Here, we describe how AlkC selects for and excises 3mA using a non‐base‐flipping strategy distinct from that of AlkD. A crystal structure resembling a catalytic intermediate complex shows how AlkC uses unique HLR and immunoglobulin‐like domains to induce a sharp kink in the DNA, exposing the damaged nucleobase to active site residues that project into the DNA. This active site can accommodate and excise N3‐methylcytosine (3mC) and N1‐methyladenine (1mA), which are also repaired by AlkB‐catalyzed oxidative demethylation, providing a potential alternative mechanism for repair of these lesions in bacteria.  相似文献   

DNA methylation and demethylation in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell type-specific DNA methylation patterns are established during mammalian development and maintained in adult somatic cells. Understanding how these patterns of 5-methylcytosine are established and maintained requires the elucidation of mechanisms for both DNA methylation and demethylation. The enzymes involved in the de novo methylation of DNA and the maintenance of the resulting methylation patterns have been fairly well characterized. However, important remaining challenges are to understand how DNA methylation systems function in vivo and in the context of chromatin. In addition, the enzymes and mechanisms for demethylation remain to be elucidated. There is still no consensus as to how active enzymatic demethylation is achieved in mammalian cells, but recent studies implicate base excision repair for genome-wide DNA demethylation in germ cells and early embryos.  相似文献   

Regulation and function of DNA methylation in plants and animals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
He XJ  Chen T  Zhu JK 《Cell research》2011,21(3):442-465

DNA methylation patterns are the dynamic outcome of antagonist methylation and demethylation mechanisms, but the latter are still poorly understood. Active DNA demethylation in plants is mediated by a family of DNA glycosylases typified by Arabidopsis ROS1 (repressor of silencing 1). ROS1 and its homologs remove 5-methylcytosine and incise the sugar backbone at the abasic site, thus initiating a base excision repair pathway that finally inserts an unmethylated cytosine. The DNA 3′-phosphatase ZDP processes some of the incision products generated by ROS1, allowing subsequent DNA polymerization and ligation steps. In this work, we examined the possible role of plant XRCC1 (x-ray cross-complementing group protein 1) in DNA demethylation. We found that XRCC1 interacts in vitro with ROS1 and ZDP and stimulates the enzymatic activity of both proteins. Furthermore, extracts from xrcc1 mutant plants exhibit a reduced capacity to complete DNA demethylation initiated by ROS1. An anti-XRCC1 antibody inhibits removal of the blocking 3′-phosphate in the single-nucleotide gap generated during demethylation and reduces the capacity of Arabidopsis cell extracts to ligate a nicked DNA intermediate. Our results suggest that XRCC1 is a component of plant base excision repair and functions at several stages during active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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