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在两只已建立视觉分辨行为以及一只未经训练的猕猴上记录了前额皮层主沟区的单位放电,视觉分辨作业包括下列事件;(1)暗示信号红光(在R模式中)或蓝光(在B模式中)(1.30^s);(2)延缓期(2.10s);(3)反应期出现白光(1.88s)在R模式中动物必需在白光出现后立即拉杆以避免电击在B模式中不给予电击,要求动物不拉杆,共记录了127个前额皮层单位,其中80个单位的放电变化与视觉分辨作业的事件相关,占总数的63%,在测试间歇期内观察了前额皮尾神经元对无关的短声\闪光以及闪烁的红、蓝和白光的反应,总共对96个单位进行了短声和/或闪光刺激的测试,其中23个(24%)对上述刺激产生反应,并大部分(15个)是与行为作业中事件相关的单位,在对103个单位进行闪烁的红、蓝、白光测试中,发现只有12个(12%)单位有反应,在另一只未经训练的猕猴的前额皮层主沟区记录了100个单位,发现只有4个(4%)单位对无关的光刺激有反应,这些光刺激的物理性与上述实验中所采用的刺激相同,以上结果表明,通过学习具有行为意义的刺激能引起更多的前额叶神经元的放电活动,也就是说前额叶神经元对具有行为意义的刺激的反应是在学习过程中形成的,它们的活动是可塑的。  相似文献   

在猕猴执行延缓辨别作业和单纯辨别作业时,观察了与作业无关的新异刺激对额叶神经元延缓期放电的影响。在这两种作业中,延缓期在1—4s之间随机变化。此时,动物必须高度注意信号的变化,稍不注意即导致操作错误。此外,在延缓辨别作业中,动物在延缓期还要暂时记住暗示期的信号,单纯辨别作业则无此要求。在203个与作业相关的神经元中,有70个神经元在延缓期出现放电频率变化,其中见于延缓辨别作业者41个,见于单纯辨别作业者29个。实验结果表明,在这两种作业的延缓期所出现的神经元放电增多的反应,有着许多相同的特点。与课题无关的声、光、触、痛等刺激引起分心时,神经元的延缓期反应出现明显的变化,随之出现操作错误。多数神经元的反应受到抑制,但也有出现反应增强者,而且同一神经元对不同感觉模式的无关刺激可出现不同的效应,表现出不同程度的感觉模式特异性。此外,无关刺激在延缓期和在测试间歇期可产生不同甚至相反的效应。上述在延缓期出现反应的神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的一定范围内。本文对实验结果进行了讨论,认为额叶神经元的延缓期反应,可能在很大程度上与注意有关。额叶神经元感觉模式各种程度的特异性可能是注意的通道选择性的神经基础。额叶的背内侧部,包括前额叶后部和运动前区前部  相似文献   

猕猴前额叶皮层神经元在视觉延缓分辨活动中的放电活动   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在已学会颜色延缓分辨的3只猕猴上,用钨丝微电极记录前额叶背外侧部皮层神经元的放电活动,着重分析神经元放电活动与颜色延缓分辨活动的各个时期之间的相互关系。延缓分辨任务开始时,同时把红色光和绿色光分别投射在测试板上的两个显示窗上,约持续1.2s(暗示期)。颜色光熄灭后2—4s(此为延缓期),各自位于每一显示窗下的两个反应键同时向猴方推出。自此,反应期开始,动物应马上有选择地作出按键反应。如果动物作出正确选择按红色光下的反应键,则给少量桔子汁作奖励。共记录了155个前额皮层单位。其中40个单位的放电频率在动物完成视觉延缓分辨作业过程中没有明显变化,另外115个单位与该任务的某些时期有关。大多数单位(n=99)在反应键推出时,或者在按反应键的前后有放电频率变化。这99个单位中,15个在暗示期和反应期内放电活动有变化(CR 型单位),13个在延缓期和反应期内放电活动有变化(DR 型单位),42个只在反应期内或反应期后放电频率出现变化(R 型单位),其余29个单位则在分辨任务的各个时期都显示出放电活动变化(CDR 型单位)。上述这些单位中,有少数单位在动物作出正确反应时的放电型式与动物作出错误反应时的放电型式有明显不同。此外,即使动物对任务测试不作出按键反应时,也观察到16个单位的放电活动在任  相似文献   

本实验记录到鸡卵和鸡胚四种直流电值,包括:正快,正慢,负快,负慢电位。电位出现存在活动期和静息期。降温可使电位数量减少或消失,随复温逐渐出现并增大。据微电报测定结果提示:直流生物电位的产生可能是酶促反应所导致的电位变化。  相似文献   

为了研究去甲肾上腺素在大脑认知功能中的作用,在3只猕猴进行延缓辨别作业的同时,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的皮层区,记录了230个作业相关神经元的电活动。对其中159个神经元观察了微量电泳去甲肾上腺素、妥拉苏林或心得安的效应。这些神经元在作业各期的分布是:开始期11个,暗示期28个,延缓期66个,反应期54个。约2/3的神经元在作业中出现兴奋反应(放电增多),1/3为抑制反应(放电减少)。在延缓期出现抑制反应的神经元,绝大多数对去甲肾上腺素敏感。在电泳去甲肾上腺素时,神经元的自发放电减少,延缓期的抑制加深。电泳妥拉苏林或心得安则出现相反的效应,即自发放电增多,延缓期的抑制减弱或不出现抑制,并可拮抗电泳去甲肾上腺素的抑制效应。实验结果提示,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧皮层神经元的注意、短时记忆等认知功能中,可能有去甲肾上腺素参与作用,主要参与神经活动的抑制过程。  相似文献   

应用在体细胞外记录群体细胞兴奋性突触后场电位方法,研究C57BL6小鼠听皮层A1区突触长时程增强(LTP)特性。观察到,给予模拟的θ节律电刺激(TBS),刺激听皮层白质,可在听皮层灰质ⅡⅢ层记录到明显LTP。根据TBS后LTP幅度变化特征,LTP可分为瞬时增强型(有PTP)和缓慢增强型。高强度TBS诱导的LTP增幅百分数比低强度TBS诱导的LTP增幅大,但两者诱导的LTP成功率无显著差异。实验还表明,2月龄小鼠较4月龄小鼠LTP幅度增长率更高,提示听皮层LTP具有年龄依赖性特征。实验结果为进一步研究听觉模态学习记忆的神经机制提供了资料。  相似文献   

大鼠前肢作业时的皮层慢电位徐峰恽君惕顾晓蓬李斌(中国医学科学院中国协合医科大学基础医学研究所,北京100005)与随意运动相关的皮层慢电位(slowcorticalpotential,SCP)在灵长类已得到广泛的研究。而有关大鼠的资料很少。本文报道...  相似文献   

为研究额叶神经元对躯体痛、热刺激出现反应的机能意义,设计了痛、热延缓辨别作业对猕猴进行实验。痛和热仅在暗示期给予,要求动物对此不立即作出行为反应。而是暂时记住这个信号,等到行动期再作出反应。待作业正确率连续三天达90%以上,记录额叶神经元和两侧上肢肌肉的电活动.以观察神经元活动与信号刺激以及肌肉活动之间的关系。在记录的142个作业相关神经元中,与痛、热刺激相关者87个(66.4%)。其中22个仅对痛刺激、18个仅对热刺激起反应,47个对痛、热刺激都起反应(其中4个反应方向相反)。此外,有21个对痛、热、视都出现反应。其余仅对视觉刺激起反应。这些神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧,包括前额叶和运动前区皮层。在两侧上肢12块肌肉中,除操作侧指总伸肌、尺侧腕屈肌和桡侧腕屈肌在压放杠杆时,可记录到短暂的肌电活动外,在作业的其它时期和其它肌肉均未记录到规律的肌电活动。这表明痛热刺激在暗示期引起的神经元反应与行为动作的发动没有直接关系,从而支持关于额叶皮层这一区域的神经元在对刺激物信号意义的辨别机制中,可能起着重要作用的假说。  相似文献   

豚鼠的耳周围声音诱发电位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作用 BDP 型生物数据处理机记录了豚鼠耳周围的短声诱发电位。较佳的刺激条件为每秒1次、时程为5ms、包含5个脉冲的重复短声。该电位与听皮层的诱发电位波形相似,为一先正后负、以正相为主的电位。此电位的反应阈值比皮层诱发电位的高60—70dB,潜伏期最大6—7ms,振幅500μV。它与耳廓反射的肌肉活动密切相关。电反应是双侧性的,同侧和对侧的电位振幅和阈值甚为接近。全身麻醉和局部麻痹能使耳廓反射和耳周围电位同时消失。本文对该电位的来源作了讨论。  相似文献   

用刺激兔丘脑后腹核引起的皮层诱发电位作为制约反应,胼胝体电位作为测验反应,可见到后者发生先抑制后易化的改变。易化过程表现为测验反应慢成分幅度的增大和其后发放活动的增强,而快成分却只受到抑制。如制约反应具有后发放活动,则测验反应幅度将伴有相应的周期性波动。如果,被后腹核刺激引起的诱发电位作用而增大的胼胝体电位,反过来再作用于后腹核刺激引起的诱发电位,则可见到其有强大的胼胝体易化作用,同时胼胝体电位慢成分幅度愈大,其胼胝体易化作用也愈强,两者有正比关系。  相似文献   

During the last decade, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the prefrontal cortex has become established as a treatment for various mental diseases. The rational of prefrontal stimulation has been adapted from the mode of action known from rTMS using motor-evoked potentials though little is known about the precise effect of rTMS at prefrontal sites. The objective of the current study is to investigate the inhibitory effect of prefrontal 1 Hz rTMS by stimulating the generators of event-related potentials (ERP) which are located in the prefrontal cortex. Thus, 1 Hz rTMS was applied offline over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) in 18 healthy subjects who subsequently underwent a GoNogo task. Both active conditions were compared to sham rTMS within a randomized and counterbalanced cross-over design in one day. ERPs were recorded during task performance and the N2 and the P3 were analysed. After 1 Hz rTMS of the left DLPFC (but not of the MPFC), an inhibitory effect on the N2 amplitude was observed, which was related to inhibitory control. In contrast, after 1 Hz rTMS of the MPFC (but not at the left DLPFC) a trend towards an increased P3 amplitude was found. There was no significant modulation of latencies and behavioural data. The results argue in favour of an inhibitory effect of 1 Hz rTMS on N2 amplitudes in a GoNogo task. Our findings suggest that rTMS may mildly modulate prefrontally generated ERP immediately after stimulation, even where behavioural effects are not measurable. Thus, combined rTMS-ERP approaches need to be further established in order to serve as paradigms in experimental neuroscience and clinical research.  相似文献   

Abstract: In vivo electrochemistry was used to characterize dopamine clearance in the medial prefrontal cortex and to compare it with clearance in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens. When calibrated amounts of dopamine were pressure-ejected into the cortex from micropipettes adjacent to the recording electrodes, transient and reproducible dopamine signals were detected. The local application of the selective uptake inhibitors GBR-12909, desipramine, and fluoxetine before the application of dopamine indicated that at the lower recording depths examined (2.5–5.0 mm below the brain surface), locally applied dopamine was cleared from the extracellular space primarily by the dopamine transporter. The norepinephrine transporter played a greater role at the more superficial recording sites (0.5–2.25 mm below the brain surface). To compare clearance of dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex (deeper sites only), striatum, and nucleus accumbens, varying amounts of dopamine were locally applied in all three regions of individual animals. The signals recorded from the cortex were of greater amplitude and longer time course than those recorded from the striatum or accumbens (per picomole of dopamine applied), indicating less efficient dopamine uptake in the medial prefrontal cortex. The fewer number of transporters in the medial prefrontal cortex may be responsible, in part, for this difference, although other factors may also be involved. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that regulation of dopaminergic function is unique in the medial prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The effect of lesions of the catecholamine nerve terminals in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat on neurotransmitter mechanisms within the basal ganglia has been investigated. Bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions were stereotaxically placed in the dopamine-rich (DA) area of th frontal cortex. Animals were pretreated with desmethylimipramine to block the uptake of neurotoxin into noradrenergic (NA) terminals and to make it more selective for DA terminals. The lesion produced a selective reduction of both NA and DA from the medial prefrontal cortex, a result related to falls in tyrosine hydroxylase activity at this site. Lesioned animals showed enhanced DA turnover and utilisation in striatal and limbic regions. There was no change in subcortical tyrosine hydroxylase activity. In addition there were significant falls in other putative neurotransmitters within basal sites, including 5-hydroxytryptamine and GABA. Decreased activity of the neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzyme glutamate decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase was also recorded in certain regions of the basal ganglia. The results suggest that frontal cortical catecholamine systems may serve to regulate various neurotransmitter mechanisms in the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Experts in a skill produce movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) of smaller amplitude and later onset than novices. This may indicate that, following long-term training, experts require less effort to plan motor skill performance. However, no longitudinal evidence exists to support this claim. To address this, EEG was used to study the effect of motor skill training on cortical activity related to motor planning. Ten non-musicians took part in a 5-week training study learning to play guitar. At week 1, the MRCP was recorded from motor areas whilst participants played the G Major scale. Following a period of practice of the scale, the MRCP was recorded again at week 5. Results showed that the amplitude of the later pre-movement components were smaller at week 5 compared to week 1. This may indicate that, following training, less activity at motor cortex sites is involved in motor skill preparation. This supports claims for a more efficient motor preparation following motor skill training.  相似文献   

目的:观察大鼠前额皮层谷氨酸(Glu)及γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)在氯胺酮致精神分裂样表现中的变化。方法:雄性Wistar大鼠32只随机分为生理盐水组(S组,n=16)和氯胺酮组(K组,n=16)。腹腔注射生理盐水或氯胺酮30 mg/kg(容积1 mL),一天一次,连续5天,最后一次给药后0.5 h及2 h分别通过敞箱实验观察大鼠自主活动,并记录刻板行为评分。行为学测试后,取大鼠前额皮层,检测Glu及GABA含量。结果:与S组比较,K组大鼠给药后0.5 h自主活动增强、刻板行为评分增高(P0.05),符合精神分裂症大鼠表现;给药后2 h行为学评分则无显著差异(P0.05);给药后0.5 h及2 h大鼠前额皮层Glu水平均增加、GABA水平均下降(P0.05)。与氯胺酮给药后0.5 h组相比,给药后2 h Glu水平下降(P0.05)、GABA水平则无显著差异(P0.05)。结论:氯胺酮致精神分裂样表现可能与大鼠前额皮层Glu增加及GABA减少有关。  相似文献   

Recognition of fragmented images with an increasing number of fragments was studied in children of three age groups (five to six, seven to eight, and nine to ten years of age) to compare the behavioral and neurophysiological parameters of recognition in these groups. The most pronounced changes in effectiveness of recognition were observed when the five- to six-year-old and seven- to eight-year-old children were compared. In the former, recognition was not accompanied by any significant changes in the event-related potentials of the prefrontal cortex or by an increase in N250?C400 (Ncl) in the extrastriate cortex (though it is an important characteristic of the process). However, the amplitude of the N170?C200 component, which reflects analysis and encoding of sensory features, did increase at the age of five to six years. Immaturity of the prefrontal cortex is manifested in a deficiency of the control: these children respond hastily and make numerous mistakes. In seven- to eight-year-old children, recognition is accompanied by an increase in the amplitude of the N100 and N250 components in the prefrontal cortex, whereas the amplitude of the Ncl component increases in the extrastriate cortex. The error rate and recognition threshold are significantly lower in these children than at the age of five to six years. The role of prefrontal cortex is the most pronounced at the age of nine to ten years, which is manifested in the Ncl amplitude and the later phases corresponding to the cognitive recognition. Our results demonstrate qualitative differences in the mechanisms of recognition in children of the preschool and primary school age. At the age of five to six years, recognition is a result of integration of the sensory signs. Beginning from the age of seven to eight years, the prefrontal cortex plays an important role in recognition of the fragmentary images; this brain region is responsible for a search of possible analogues in memory and identification of an object.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex play critical roles in mediating attention, working memory, and executive function. Despite proposed dynamic modulation of connectivity strength within each area according to task demands, scant empirical data exist about the time course of the strength of effective connectivity, particularly in tasks requiring information to be sustained in working memory. We investigated this question by performing time-resolved cross-correlation analysis for pairs of neurons recorded simultaneously at distances of 0.2–1.5 mm apart of each other while monkeys were engaged in working memory tasks. The strength of effective connectivity determined in this manner was higher throughout the trial in the posterior parietal cortex than the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Significantly higher levels of parietal effective connectivity were observed specifically during the delay period of the task. These differences could not be accounted for by differences in firing rate, or electrode distance in the samples recorded in the posterior parietal and prefrontal cortex. Differences were present when we restricted our analysis to only neurons with significant delay period activity and overlapping receptive fields. Our results indicate that dynamic changes in connectivity strength are present but area-specific intrinsic organization is the predominant factor that determines the strength of connections between neurons in each of the two areas.  相似文献   

 Movement-related potentials (MRPs) recorded from the brain are thought to vary during learning of a motor task. However, since MRPs are recorded at a very low signal-to-noise ratio, it is difficult to measure these variations. In this study we attempt to remove most of the accompanying noise thus enabling the tracking of transient phenomena in MRPs recorded during learning of a motor task. Subjects performed a simple motor task which required learning. A modified version of the matching pursuit algorithm was used in order to remove a significant portion of the electroencephalographic noise overlapping the MRPs recorded in the experiment. Small groups of MRPs were then averaged according to experimental parameters. Our results show that the power of the MRPs does not decay uniformly during learning. Instead, there is a significant peak in their power after 4 or 5 repetitions of the task. This peak is noticeable especially in electrodes placed over the prefrontal region of the cortex at times subsequent to the actual movement. The observed pattern of activity may indicate problem solving related to comprehension of the force against which the user performed the task. It is possible that this problem solving occurs in the prefrontal cortex. Received: 27 December 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 26 April 2001  相似文献   

隐神经C类纤维传入诱发小脑皮层电反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴杰  陈培熹 《生理学报》1989,41(6):529-535
当弱刺激只引起隐神经A类纤维传入时,小脑皮层出现A-CEP,由潜伏期为11.8±3.5ms的早成分和312.1±17.5ms的晚成分组成;当强刺激同时引起A类和C类纤维传入时,出现AC-CEP类似A-CEP;用极化电流选择性阻断A类纤维传导后,只让C类纤维传入时,出现潜伏期为134.2±18.4ms的C-CEP。在Ⅵ小叶蚓部原裂附近C-CEP以正波为主,幅值最大,并在深层位相倒转。C-CEP的潜伏期较长,频率响应较低,幅值较小,随C类纤维传入量而变化,且对镇痛剂较敏感。结果表明C-CEP是由单纯C类纤维传入引起的,在小脑皮层内产生,是小脑皮层对慢痛信息传入的反应。提示C类纤维传入可以到达小脑皮层,引起诱发电位。当A和C类纤维同时传入时,C-CEP不出现,可能是被A类纤维传入所抑制。  相似文献   

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