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猴运动前区皮层神经元在顺序行为中的放电活动   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Chen YC  Huang FD  Chen NH  Shou JY  Wu L 《生理学报》1998,50(2):121-131
本工作猴运动前区(PM)皮层神经元在视觉图表引导的有序运动行为中的放电活动,并在与记忆信息完成的空间顺序行为(MSS)中的活动作了比较。为为训练三只猴同时学会FRS和MSS任务。对111个神经元的统计分析表明,它们在FRMS和MSS暗示期中发生放电频率变化的均有一半以上。反应期里有放电频率变化的比例也很高;图形期里,FRS中的比例比MSS中的高出很多。它们对不同运动顺序呈现明显的选择性。对在动物完  相似文献   

在两只已建立视觉分辨行为以及一只未经训练的猕猴上记录了前额皮层主沟区的单位放电,视觉分辨作业包括下列事件;(1)暗示信号红光(在R模式中)或蓝光(在B模式中)(1.30^s);(2)延缓期(2.10s);(3)反应期出现白光(1.88s)在R模式中动物必需在白光出现后立即拉杆以避免电击在B模式中不给予电击,要求动物不拉杆,共记录了127个前额皮层单位,其中80个单位的放电变化与视觉分辨作业的事件相关,占总数的63%,在测试间歇期内观察了前额皮尾神经元对无关的短声\闪光以及闪烁的红、蓝和白光的反应,总共对96个单位进行了短声和/或闪光刺激的测试,其中23个(24%)对上述刺激产生反应,并大部分(15个)是与行为作业中事件相关的单位,在对103个单位进行闪烁的红、蓝、白光测试中,发现只有12个(12%)单位有反应,在另一只未经训练的猕猴的前额皮层主沟区记录了100个单位,发现只有4个(4%)单位对无关的光刺激有反应,这些光刺激的物理性与上述实验中所采用的刺激相同,以上结果表明,通过学习具有行为意义的刺激能引起更多的前额叶神经元的放电活动,也就是说前额叶神经元对具有行为意义的刺激的反应是在学习过程中形成的,它们的活动是可塑的。  相似文献   

在猕猴执行延缓辨别作业和单纯辨别作业时,观察了与作业无关的新异刺激对额叶神经元延缓期放电的影响。在这两种作业中,延缓期在1—4s之间随机变化。此时,动物必须高度注意信号的变化,稍不注意即导致操作错误。此外,在延缓辨别作业中,动物在延缓期还要暂时记住暗示期的信号,单纯辨别作业则无此要求。在203个与作业相关的神经元中,有70个神经元在延缓期出现放电频率变化,其中见于延缓辨别作业者41个,见于单纯辨别作业者29个。实验结果表明,在这两种作业的延缓期所出现的神经元放电增多的反应,有着许多相同的特点。与课题无关的声、光、触、痛等刺激引起分心时,神经元的延缓期反应出现明显的变化,随之出现操作错误。多数神经元的反应受到抑制,但也有出现反应增强者,而且同一神经元对不同感觉模式的无关刺激可出现不同的效应,表现出不同程度的感觉模式特异性。此外,无关刺激在延缓期和在测试间歇期可产生不同甚至相反的效应。上述在延缓期出现反应的神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的一定范围内。本文对实验结果进行了讨论,认为额叶神经元的延缓期反应,可能在很大程度上与注意有关。额叶神经元感觉模式各种程度的特异性可能是注意的通道选择性的神经基础。额叶的背内侧部,包括前额叶后部和运动前区前部  相似文献   

为了研究去甲肾上腺素在大脑认知功能中的作用,在3只猕猴进行延缓辨别作业的同时,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的皮层区,记录了230个作业相关神经元的电活动。对其中159个神经元观察了微量电泳去甲肾上腺素、妥拉苏林或心得安的效应。这些神经元在作业各期的分布是:开始期11个,暗示期28个,延缓期66个,反应期54个。约2/3的神经元在作业中出现兴奋反应(放电增多),1/3为抑制反应(放电减少)。在延缓期出现抑制反应的神经元,绝大多数对去甲肾上腺素敏感。在电泳去甲肾上腺素时,神经元的自发放电减少,延缓期的抑制加深。电泳妥拉苏林或心得安则出现相反的效应,即自发放电增多,延缓期的抑制减弱或不出现抑制,并可拮抗电泳去甲肾上腺素的抑制效应。实验结果提示,在额叶弓状沟上支内侧皮层神经元的注意、短时记忆等认知功能中,可能有去甲肾上腺素参与作用,主要参与神经活动的抑制过程。  相似文献   

为研究额叶神经元对躯体痛、热刺激出现反应的机能意义,设计了痛、热延缓辨别作业对猕猴进行实验。痛和热仅在暗示期给予,要求动物对此不立即作出行为反应。而是暂时记住这个信号,等到行动期再作出反应。待作业正确率连续三天达90%以上,记录额叶神经元和两侧上肢肌肉的电活动.以观察神经元活动与信号刺激以及肌肉活动之间的关系。在记录的142个作业相关神经元中,与痛、热刺激相关者87个(66.4%)。其中22个仅对痛刺激、18个仅对热刺激起反应,47个对痛、热刺激都起反应(其中4个反应方向相反)。此外,有21个对痛、热、视都出现反应。其余仅对视觉刺激起反应。这些神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧,包括前额叶和运动前区皮层。在两侧上肢12块肌肉中,除操作侧指总伸肌、尺侧腕屈肌和桡侧腕屈肌在压放杠杆时,可记录到短暂的肌电活动外,在作业的其它时期和其它肌肉均未记录到规律的肌电活动。这表明痛热刺激在暗示期引起的神经元反应与行为动作的发动没有直接关系,从而支持关于额叶皮层这一区域的神经元在对刺激物信号意义的辨别机制中,可能起着重要作用的假说。  相似文献   

Shen LM  Chen YC 《生理学报》2000,52(2):109-114
用胞外单位放电记录的方法,研究了猕猴在执行记忆引导的空间有序运动(MSS)时,大脑皮层弓形沟距背侧F2及腹侧F4区的放电活动。对于以绿色为暗示信号的MSS-G任务,在暗示期,F2(78.2%)比F4区(41.5%)有更多的细胞发生放电变化(χ^2=15.2,P<0.005);在图形期,F4(67.9%)比F2区(45.4%)有更多的细胞发生放电变化(χ^2=5.5,P<0.05);在触摸反应期,F  相似文献   

邢宝仁  郭益民 《生理学报》1990,42(5):413-419
用31个脑片观察了去甲肾上腺素(NA)和乙酰胆碱(ACh)对90个室旁核神经元放电活动的影响。脑片灌流 NA(10~(-6)mol/L,3min)后,14/78(17%)个非周期型放电单位和7/12(58.3%)个周期型放电单位的放电频率增加,10/78(12%)个非周期型放电单位和2/12(16.6%)个周期型放电单位的放电频率明显降低甚至完全停止,54/78(69%)非周期型单位和3/12(25%)个周期型单位无明显反应。NA 对非周期型放电单位的兴奋作用可被 α 受体阻断剂酚妥拉明完全阻断,而 NA 对周期型单位的兴奋作用只能被部分阻断。脑片灌流 ACh(10~(-7)mol/L,3min)后,使15/78(19%)个非周期型和6/12(50%)个周期型单位放电频率增加,9/78(11%)非周期型和2/12(16.6%)个周期型放电单位放电频率降低,54/78(69%)非周期型和4/12(33.3%)周期型单位无反应。阿托品或东莨菪碱可翻转 ACh 对它们的作用。实验提示,NA 和 ACh 对室旁核神经元的兴奋或抑制作用是分别由 α、β 和 Μ 受体介导的。  相似文献   

Shen LM  Chen YC 《生理学报》2000,52(1):22-28
用细胞外记录的方法研究了猕猴在执行图形辨认引导的有序运动(FRS)时大脑皮层弓形沟距周围背外侧运动前皮层(PMd)F2区和腹外侧运动前皮层(PMv)F4区的放电活动在FRS的暗示期,F2和F4区中分别有52%(39/75)和16.9%(13/77)的细胞发生放电变化;在触摸反应期,各有51%(38/75)和87%(67/77)的细胞发生放电变化,经统计检验,均有显著差异。F2区比F4区有更多细胞对  相似文献   

分析上丘神经元光诱发反应与其背景放电频率的关系。结果见到:根据密度迭加直方图判断呈兴奋反应的单位,背景放电频率高的反应变化率小,反之则大。呈抑制反应的单位,背景放电频率低的反应变化率小,反之则大。部分无明显反应的单位,背景放电频率低时,呈兴奋反应,北京放电频率高时,呈抑制反应。提示:对神经元活动的分析,如果仅以密度迭加直方图判断有无反应而忽视与背景放电频率的关系,将丢失部分阳性反应单位。  相似文献   

在氯化筒箭毒制动的情前期及间情期大鼠上进行实验。用玻璃微电极记录内侧视前区-下丘脑前区(mPOA-AHA)的单位放电。mPOA-AHA 的大多数单位表现连续性或周期性自发放电。情前期大鼠周期性放电单位所占的百分比显著地多于间情期大鼠(P<0.01)。刺激子宫颈部可以使单位放电发生两种反应。一种单位对宫颈刺激发生放电频率增加的反应(宫颈兴奋神经元,CE 神经元),另一种单位则发生放电频率降低的反应(宫颈抑制神经元,CI神经元)。情前期大鼠 CE 与 CI 神经元所占的百分比与间情期大鼠没有明显的差异(P>0.05)。但情前期大鼠的 CE和 CI 神经元多呈现周期性放电,而间情期大鼠的 CE 和 CI 神经元则多呈现连续性放电。这说明 mPOA-AHA 神经元的电活动随生殖周期发生明显的变化。脑室注射去甲肾上腺素(NE)能使 mPOA-AHA 内大多数 CE 神经元对宫颈刺激的兴奋反应暂时受到抑制,而注射 NE 却使大多数 CI 神经元发生抑制解除。这些结果提示 NE 可能有抑制 CE 神经元和刺激 CI 神经元的作用。  相似文献   

宿双宁  刘觐龙 《生理学报》1992,44(4):317-325
To study the role of norepinephrine (NE) in the cognitive function of the brain, the effects of NE, tolazoline (TOL) and propranolol (PR) on the activity of frontal neurons were examined in 3 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during the performance of a delayed visual discrimination go/no-go task. Of the 230 task-related neurons recorded from the area medial to the superior ramus of the arcuate sulcus, 159 neurons were tested with NE applied microiontophoretically. Of these tested neurons, 11 neurons were related to starting period, 28 neurons to cue period, 66 neurons to delay period and 54 neurons to response period. About 2/3 of these neurons increased in discharge rate in the task, and the rest decreased. For most of the neurons with decrease of discharge rate in the delay period, the discharge rate was further decreased during application of NE. During application of TOL or PR, the discharge rate was increased and the effect of NE was antagonized. The present results suggest that NE may play a role in the cognitive function of the frontal neurons, particularly in attention and short-term memory, and may be involved in the inhibitory process of the neuronal activities.  相似文献   

The population-vector analysis was applied to visualize neuronal processes of sensory-to-motor transformation in the prefrontal cortex while two monkeys performed two types of oculomotor delayed-response (ODR) tasks. In a standard ODR task, monkeys were required to make a quick eye movement to where thevisual cue had been presented 3 s before, whereas in R-ODR task, monkeys wererequired to make an eye movement 90°clockwise to the direction that the visual cue had been presented. In both tasks, directions of population vectors calculated from cue- and response-period activity were almost the same as cue directions and saccade directions, respectively, indicating that population vectors of cue- and response-period activity represent information of visual inputs and motor outputs, respectively. To visualize neuronal processes of information transformation, population vectors were calculated every 250 ms during a whole trial. In ODR task, population vectors weredirected the same direction as the cue direction during the delay period. However, in R-ODR task, population vector rotated gradually from the direction similar to the cue direction to the saccade direction during the delay period. These results indicate that visual-to-motor transformation occurs during the delay period and that this process can be visualized by the population-vectoranalysis.  相似文献   

 We propose a neural network model for a category-association task. By simulating the model, neuronal relevance of cortical interactions to recalling long-term memory was investigated. The model consists of the left and right hemispheres, each of which has IT (inferotemporal cortex) and PC (prefrontal cortex) networks. Information about visual features and their categories were encoded into point attractors of the IT and PC networks, respectively. In the task, the IT network of the right hemisphere was stimulated with a cue feature. After a delay period, the IT network of the left hemisphere was simultaneously stimulated with the choice feature and an irrelevant feature. The cue and choice features belong to the same category, while the irrelevant feature belongs to another category. To complete the task, the IT network must select the point attractor corresponding to the choice feature. We demonstrate that the top-down pathway (PC-to-IT) triggers the retrieval of long-term memory of the choice feature from the IT, and the bottom-up pathway (IT-to-PC) contributes to the maintenance of the retrieved memory during the delay period. The key mechanism for the retrieval and maintenance of that memory is the dynamic linkage of attractors across separate cortical networks. We show that a single hemisphere is sufficient for the memory retrieval, but it is advantageous to use the two hemispheres because the retrieved memory is thereby retained with greater reliability until the brain chooses the choice feature. Received: 4 April 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 17 September 2002 / Published online: 20 January 2003 Correspondence to: O. Hoshino (e-mail: hoshino@cc.oita-u.ac.jp, Tel.: +81-97-554-7301, Fax: +81-97-554-7507)  相似文献   

猕猴额叶神经元视辨别机能可塑性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘觐龙  宿双宁 《生理学报》1989,41(5):504-511
我们曾经提出,额叶神经元的反应,主要不是取决于刺激物的物理属性,而是与信号意义有密切的关系。为了验证这一看法,设计了两套作业,即视延缓辨别作业(作业Ⅰ)和视辨别反应作业(作业Ⅰ),对4只成年猕猴进行实验。两套作业都由1—4期组成,在第2期都有伪随机出现的红绿灯光信号,在第3期都要求动物密切注意随后的灯光信号变化。但是,作业Ⅰ要求动物对第2期出现的红绿灯光进行辨别,作业Ⅰ则要求对第4期的红绿灯光进行辨别。待动物学会作业,正确率达90%以上,在动物进行作业的同时引导额叶神经元放电。共记录作业相关神经元163个。其中作业Ⅰ98个,作业Ⅱ 65个。在作业Ⅰ中,神经元的反应多数出现在第2、3期,占该作业反应总数的70%。而在作业Ⅱ中,反应多数出现在第3、4期,也占该作业反应总数的70%。其次,作业Ⅰ第2期的神经元反应绝大多数对红、绿灯光有明显的特异性,而作业Ⅱ第2期的则没有,只有第4期的反应才有明显的特异性。本实验结果进一步支持了我们的上述看法,并且表明,额叶神经元对信号的反应主要是在学习中逐渐形成的,有很大的可塑性。  相似文献   

Dynamics of population code for working memory in the prefrontal cortex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Baeg EH  Kim YB  Huh K  Mook-Jung I  Kim HT  Jung MW 《Neuron》2003,40(1):177-188
Some neurons (delay cells) in the prefrontal cortex elevate their activities throughout the time period during which the animal is required to remember past events and prepare future behavior, suggesting that working memory is mediated by continuous neural activity. It is unknown, however, how working memory is represented within a population of prefrontal cortical neurons. We recorded from neuronal ensembles in the prefrontal cortex as rats learned a new delayed alternation task. Ensemble activities changed in parallel with behavioral learning so that they increasingly allowed correct decoding of previous and future goal choices. In well-trained rats, considerable decoding was possible based on only a few neurons and after removing continuously active delay cells. These results show that neural activity in the prefrontal cortex changes dynamically during new task learning so that working memory is robustly represented and that working memory can be mediated by sequential activation of different neural populations.  相似文献   

Reaction time (RT) and error rate that depend on stimulus duration were measured in a luminance-discrimination reaction time task. Two patches of light with different luminance were presented to participants for ‘short’ (150 ms) or ‘long’ (1 s) period on each trial. When the stimulus duration was ‘short’, the participants responded more rapidly with poorer discrimination performance than they did in the longer duration. The results suggested that different sensory responses in the visual cortices were responsible for the dependence of response speed and accuracy on the stimulus duration during the luminance-discrimination reaction time task. It was shown that the simple winner-take-all-type neural network model receiving transient and sustained stimulus information from the primary visual cortex successfully reproduced RT distributions for correct responses and error rates. Moreover, temporal spike sequences obtained from the model network closely resembled to the neural activity in the monkey prefrontal or parietal area during other visual decision tasks such as motion discrimination and oddball detection tasks.  相似文献   

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