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蔗糖合酶(SuSy)是植物蔗糖代谢关键酶之一,该研究利用反向遗传学手段,采用RNAi技术抑制拟南芥中AtSUS3基因的表达,测定纯系转基因植株的抽苔率,并对酶活性、糖含量等指标以及糖代谢相关基因的表达进行了检测,探讨SuSy在植物发育中的作用。结果显示:(1)转基因拟南芥的抽苔平均早于野生型植株2~3d,且优先3~4d完成抽苔。(2)开花后生长天数对角果蔗糖和葡萄糖含量有显著影响,而对果糖含量影响不显著;开花后5d时,野生型株系的葡萄糖含量显著高于转基因株系SUS3-2,至15d时,两种转基因株系葡萄糖含量均显著低于野生型株系。(3)开花后生长天数对SuSy、SPS、INV的活性均有显著影响,随开花时间延长,野生型株系SuSy活性显著低于转基因株系,而SPS和INV则相反。(4)AtSUS3基因沉默对其他糖代谢基因有不同程度的影响,开花后5d时,转基因植株的角果中AtCesA1、AtCesA7和AtCINV1的表达量较野生型都有所增加;开花后15d时,转基因植株的角果中AtCesA1、AtCesA7的表达量较野生型高,而AtCINV、AtCwINV的表达量比野生型低。研究表明,拟南芥AtSUS3基因沉默后,在正常生长条件下未造成植株发育异常,同时还可能通过同源家族中其他SuSy的表达水平增加,促进了该酶及糖代谢相关基因整体水平的增加,有助于角果成熟。  相似文献   

高表达水稻WRKY72基因影响拟南芥生长素信号传导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物转录调控因子WRKY基因家族是一个拥有众多成员的超家族,功能涵盖了植物生长发育的控制与抗病耐逆的调节。我们主要分析了OsWRKY72基因在外源植物拟南芥中的生物学功能。通过转基因拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的遗传学研究发现外源高表达该基因不单明显地抑制转基因植株的顶端优势,增强植株侧枝的生长,还改变了转基因植株叶片和角果的发育。进一步分析证实,高表达OsWRKY72基因所导致转基因拟南芥植株的表型和其它生理现象都与生长素信号通路改变所导致的表型和生理变化极其相近。这些结果说明OsWRKY72基因在外源植物拟南芥体内高表达后很可能改变了其正常的生长素信号通路。  相似文献   

棉花乙烯合成基因促进拟南芥和烟草不定根发生的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从棉花纤维cDNA中克隆获得乙烯合成基因GhACO3,构建了植物过量表达载体p35S::GhACO3.通过花序侵染法和叶盘法分别转化拟南芥和烟草,利用卡那霉素筛选及分子检测获得转基因阳性拟南芥和烟草植株.结果表明,GhACO3基因已整合到拟南芥和烟草基因组中;经过纯合筛选后获得转基因T2代拟南芥植株;与野生型拟南芥相比,GhACO3基因对拟南芥不定根发生具有显著促进作用;与野生型烟草植株相比,转GhACO3基因烟草不定根发生得到了显著的促进.研究表明,GhACO3基因的过量表达能够促进拟南芥和烟草不定根的形成发育,为进一步探讨GhACO3的生物学功能和进行转基因育种奠定了基础.  相似文献   

拟南芥CYCD3;1基因的克隆及功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从拟南芥基因组中克隆出CYCD3;1基因,将其插入植物双元载体pER8中,使其受一个嵌合转录启动子的控制;利用农杆菌介导通过真空渗透法将外源基因导入拟南芥中,经潮霉素抗性筛选出转化植株后,用PCR鉴定出阳性转化植株,对阳性转化植株进行连续光照培养并观察其表型变化,发现转基因株系与野生型之间在抽苔和开花时间上有较大差别。结果表明,CYCD3;1低水平误表达会影响植物的生长发育。  相似文献   

郝林  曹军  冯树 《应用生态学报》2001,12(2):269-271
以细菌Xanthobacter autotrophicus卤代烷烃脱卤酶基因为遗传负选择标记,建立了该基因在拟南芥中反式失活的实验系统,在卤代[烷烃脱卤酶转基因的拟南芥中,有1株表现为转基因失活,离体核run-off转录实验表明为基因转录后沉默(这里特指沉默位点),用这一转基因沉墨植株与同源转基因高效表达植株(这里特指同源转基因位点)杂交,结果96%的F1代植表现为同源基因反式失活,将F1代植株自交,使部分沉默位点与反式失活的同源转基因位点分离,结果200株子代中有42株表现DhlA活性,158株无DhlA活性,即 dhlA沉默植株与表达植株之比为3.76:1,表明沉默位点是以孟德尔显性因子方式使同源转基因位点反式失活的。  相似文献   

为了研究山葡萄CBF基因调节植物对盐胁迫的应答机理,分别构建了山葡萄Va CBF1、Va CBF2和Va CBF3的植物过表达载体。经酶切及琼脂糖电泳检测证实3个基因均插入到p BASTA中,表明表达载体构建成功。然后,分别将3个植物过表达载体转入农杆菌EHA105中,并通过浸花法浸染拟南芥。利用除草剂筛选获得3个基因的拟南芥过表达株系。最后,对野生型拟南芥与转基因拟南芥进行盐胁迫处理,发现OE-CBF2转基因植株的主根伸长长度显著长于其它植株,3个转基因株系的侧根长度也明显长于野生型植株。上述结果表明山葡萄CBF基因可能在植物盐胁迫中对根部生长发育起到非常重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

该研究以哥伦比亚生态型野生拟南芥为材料,将甜瓜CmSAMDC基因构建到植物双元表达载体pCAMBIA1304上,采用农杆菌介导法转入拟南芥,在含有50mg/L潮霉素(Hyg)MS固体培养基上筛选转基因后代,并利用T3代转基因幼苗进行耐盐性分析。结果显示:(1)成功构建了植物超表达载体35S∷CmSAMDC,并经农杆菌介导法转化拟南芥,潮霉素抗性筛选后获得了转CmSAMDC基因拟南芥T3代植株。(2)转CmSAMDC基因拟南芥T3代幼苗在含100、150、200mmol/L NaCl培养基中,侧根长势比野生型植株更为健壮;在200mmol/L NaCl浇灌处理后,转CmSAMDC基因T3代植株仍能维持正常生长,而野生型植株的生长明显受到抑制;在400mmol/L NaCl浇灌处理后16d,野生型植株逐渐死亡,而转基因植株仍能继续存活;对盐胁迫后植株的脂质过氧化程度(MDA)测定显示,野生型植株MDA水平较转基因植株上升更为明显。研究表明,过表达甜瓜CmSAMDC基因增强了转基因拟南芥的耐盐性。  相似文献   

MwMYB4基因是从蒙古冰草中克隆得到的MYB类转录因子家族成员之一。该研究以转MwMYB4基因的拟南芥后代为材料,通过在干旱和低温胁迫下对转基因植株进行表型分析、理化指标测试和分子鉴定,分析并验证MwMYB4基因的功能。结果显示:(1)蒙古冰草MwMYB4基因已成功整合到转基因拟南芥T_1代的基因组中并实现转录水平的表达。(2)转基因拟南芥T_2代植株在干旱胁迫条件下,转基因植株叶片枯黄程度较轻,相对电导率较野生型变化幅度低,脯氨酸含量明显高于野生型对照,且MwMYB4基因的表达量随干旱胁迫时间延长而增加。(3)在低温胁迫条件下,转基因拟南芥叶片的枯白程度明显低于野生型,且MwMYB4基因的表达量随低温胁迫时间增加而增加。研究表明,过量表达蒙古冰草MwMYB4基因能够提高转基因拟南芥对干旱和低温的耐受性,该基因可能在干旱胁迫和低温胁迫调控机制中发挥调控作用,可作为改良农作物和其他牧草抗旱、抗寒性的重要候选基因。  相似文献   

PPF1是一个与植物营养生长相关的基因.它编码的产物可能是一个膜蛋白并与拟南芥叶绿体中的类囊体蛋白ALB3有很高的同源性.免疫电镜分析表明PPF1蛋白同样主要定位于类囊体膜,而且在短日照G2豌豆开花两周后仍发育良好的叶绿体中有很高的表达,在长日照豌豆同时期非正常叶绿体中丰度非常低.对转基因拟南芥和野生型植株的叶片衰老进程比较发现, PPF1在拟南芥中的过量表达可以延缓叶片的衰老,而用PPF1反义mRNA抑制拟南芥中的同源基因ALB3则明显加快叶片衰老速度.对转基因拟南芥的超微结构分析显示,PPF1在拟南芥中过量表达时,转基因植株的叶绿体比野生型植株的叶绿体大并含有更多的基粒和基质类囊体膜;相反,反义PPF1表达抑制其在拟南芥中的同源物时,转基因植株的叶绿体比野生型植株的叶绿体小并含有较少的基粒和发育较差的类囊体膜系统.这些数据表明叶绿体的发育状况与PPF1或拟南芥同源物ALB3的表达水平呈正相关.我们的结果提示PPF1基因可能通过控制叶绿体的发育状况来调节植物的发育.  相似文献   

编码苯基香豆满苄基醚还原酶(phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase,PCBER)的基因PCBER属于PIP亚家族,是苯丙烷代谢途径中参与木脂素合成的关键基因。该研究构建了棉花GhPCBER基因的植物过表达载体并转化拟南芥,同时构建了VIGS(virus induced gene silencing,病毒诱导的基因沉默)载体转化棉花,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对GhPCBER基因在不同组织中的表达进行分析;对野生型和转基因植株茎叶组织中的木质素和木脂素含量进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)成功构建了GhPCBER植物过表达载体pGWB17-GhPCBRE以及基因沉默重组载体pTRV2-GhPCBER;经遗传转化获得6株转棉花GhPCBER基因抗性拟南芥植株,同时获得15株GhPCBER基因沉默棉花植株(5株为一组)。(2)PCR检测表明,6株转基因拟南芥均为过表达株系,其中株系1、2、3相对表达量更高,且在茎、叶组织中的表达量分别较野生型提高了7~14倍和6~16倍,表明GhPCBER基因成功在拟南芥中过表达;GhPCBER基因沉默棉花植株的茎、叶组织中的表达量分别比野生型棉株约下降12%和26%,表明烟草脆裂病毒(TRV)体系(pTRV2-GhPCBER)成功抑制了GhPCBER基因的表达。(3)转GhPCBER基因拟南芥茎、叶中木质素和木脂素含量较野生型均显著降低;GhPCBER基因沉默棉花植株茎、叶中木质素和木脂素含量较野生型均极显著降低;组织化学染色观察发现GhPCBER基因沉默棉花植株茎秆颜色明显比野生型染色浅,也证明沉默基因棉花植株茎秆中的木质素含量减少。(4)苯丙烷代谢通路中8个相关基因的实时荧光定量PCR分析发现,过表达或抑制GhPCBRE基因均会导致苯丙烷代谢途径发生重新定向。  相似文献   

We present a computational study of reentry wave propagation using electrophysiological models of human cardiac cells and the associated magnetic field map of a human heart. We examined the details of magnetic field variation and related physiological parameters for reentry waves in two-dimensional (2-D) human atrial tissue and a three-dimensional (3-D) human ventricle model. A 3-D mesh system representing the human ventricle was reconstructed from the surface geometry of a human heart. We used existing human cardiac cell models to simulate action potential (AP) propagation in atrial tissue and 3-D ventricular geometry, and a finite element method and the Galerkin approximation to discretize the 3-D domain spatially. The reentry wave was generated using an S1-S2 protocol. The calculations of the magnetic field pattern assumed a horizontally layered conductor for reentry wave propagation in the 3-D ventricle. We also compared the AP and magnetocardiograph (MCG) magnitudes during reentry wave propagation to those during normal wave propagation. The temporal changes in the reentry wave motion and magnetic field map patterns were also analyzed using two well-known MCG parameters: the current dipole direction and strength. The current vector in a reentry wave forms a rotating spiral. We delineated the magnetic field using the changes in the vector angle during a reentry wave, demonstrating that the MCG pattern can be helpful for theoretical analysis of reentry waves.  相似文献   

Src homology 3 (SH3) domains bind peptides to mediate protein–protein interactions that assemble and regulate dynamic biological processes. We surveyed the repertoire of SH3 binding specificity using peptide phage display in a metazoan, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, and discovered that it structurally mirrors that of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We then mapped the worm SH3 interactome using stringent yeast two‐hybrid and compared it with the equivalent map for yeast. We found that the worm SH3 interactome resembles the analogous yeast network because it is significantly enriched for proteins with roles in endocytosis. Nevertheless, orthologous SH3 domain‐mediated interactions are highly rewired. Our results suggest a model of network evolution where general function of the SH3 domain network is conserved over its specific form.  相似文献   

Lv Y  Wei C  Zhang L  Lu G  Liu K  Du L 《Animal biotechnology》2011,22(1):1-6
We assessed SLC27A1, a candidate gene for milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cattle. DNA was extracted from the blood of 48 top Chinese Holstein Cattle selected according to phenotypic character and mixed into DNA pool for SNP detection. We tested blood samples of these cattle for SNPs in exon 3 and the 3'-flanking region of the SLC27A1 gene by using polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing. We found 2 polymorphic sites: 112T>C, a synonymous mutation, in exon 3 (SNP(1)), and 64G>A in the 3'-UTR (SNP(2)). We also determined the genotypes of 330 Chinese Holstein cattle by using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). We found 3 genotypes each at SNP(1) (TT, TC, and CC) and SNP(2) (GG, GA, and AA). The association among the different genotypes at these 2 sites and milk production traits was analyzed using a least-squares procedure. The results showed that cows with genotype CC had higher milk yields than those with genotype TC (0.01 < p < 0.05). No significant difference was detected among the 3 SNP(2) genotypes in terms of milk production traits. Our results provide evidence that the C allele have potential effects on milk yield trait.  相似文献   

We had shown previously that paraoxonase 3 (PON3), a putative circulating antioxidant, was systemically upregulated in late-gestation rat, sheep, and human fetuses. Our overarching hypothesis is that preterm human infants are delivered with low levels of PON3 and that this contributes to a state of oxidative stress. We sought to determine whether absence of Pon3 was associated with reduced neonatal viability in mice and studied the offspring from crosses between Pon3(+/-) mice. The number of Pon3(-/-) animals at E10.5 and E17.5 was significantly lower than the expected 25% (9.3 and 7.9% respectively, P < 0.001). On the first day of postnatal life, this was reduced further (2.4%, significantly less than the proportion in fetal life, P = 0.04). Pon3(+/-) animals had lower body and placental weights than wild-type littermates at E17.5, an effect that was independent of the parent of origin of the mutant allele. We then studied the effect of PON3 knockdown in a human cell line, A549. Stable knockdown of PON3 using short-hairpin RNA reduced cell proliferation in 21% oxygen. We then studied the effect of transient knockdown of PON3 using short interfering RNA (siRNA) in the same cell line in low (2%) or ambient (21%) oxygen. Knockdown of PON3 using siRNA reduced total antioxidant capacity in 21% (P = 0.008) but not 2% oxygen. We conclude that the absence of Pon3 in mice resulted in increased rates of early fetal and neonatal death. Knockdown of PON3 in human cells reduced cell proliferation and total antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

M Inoue  K Inoue  K Akimoto 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40375


We examined how the prevalence of individuals diagnosed with diabetes differs by age and sex using the diagnostic criteria of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and/or glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in a large Japanese population.


We conducted a cross-sectional study using a dataset of 33,959 people (16,869 men and 17,090 women) without known diabetes who underwent health checkups from 1998 to 2006. We divided the age range of the participants into six groups of similar numbers. We compared the prevalence of diabetes using the criteria of FPG ≥7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl), HbA1c ≥48 mmol/mol (6.5%), or both, in men and women in each age group.


Men had higher prevalence of diabetes than women using the criterion of either FPG or HbA1c (7.5% men vs. 3.4% women, P<0.001), or both (4.3% men vs. 1.8% women, P<0.001). HbA1c increased steadily in women through the six age groups. In the oldest group (≥66 years), the proportion of women among those diagnosed with diabetes was as high as 42.3% (215/508) using the criterion of either FPG or HbA1c, and 41.6% (116/279) using both criteria.


Using either FPG or HbA1c, the prevalence of people diagnosed with diabetes would almost double compared to using the criterion of both scores, and this would include more elderly women than men. The impact of introducing HbA1c for diabetes diagnosis should be considered in terms of age and sex.  相似文献   

In this work, we tried to find a new scaffold for a PDE3 using virtual screening for the obesity treatment. We first analyzed structural features for the known PDE3 inhibitors based on the PDE3B-ligand complex structure, and then carried out a docking study based on PDE3B 3D structure. We obtained a compound as potent PDE3 inhibitor stimulating lipolysis in murine adipocytes and human adipocytes.  相似文献   

We screened a human lymphocyte cDNA library using the yeast two-hybrid system and an automodification domain of PARP as a probe. The DNA sequence of an isolated clone (clone 3-9) was identical to the partial cDNA sequence of the human ribosomal protein S3a. We confirmed that PARP interacts with clone 3-9 by performing binding studies using a GST-3-9 fusion protein as bait. We also demonstrated that native S3a in nuclear extracts of HL-60 cells interacts with the automodification domain of PARP and that PARP from nuclear extracts is coprecipitated with the GST-3-9 fusion protein. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Bcl-2 interacts with PARP in association with S3a and that the interaction of S3a and Bcl-2 with PARP causes a significant decrease in PARP activity. Since Bcl-2 failed to inhibit PARP activity in the absence of S3a, we suggest that Bcl-2 together with S3a prevents apoptosis probably by inhibiting PARP activity.  相似文献   

The progressive deposition of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) in fibrillar form is a key feature in the development of the pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have characterized the time course of Aβ fibril formation using a variety of assays and under different experimental conditions. We describe in detail the morphological development of the Aβ polymerization process from pseudo-spherical structures and protofibrils to mature thioflavin-T-positive/Congo red-positive amyloid fibrils. Moreover, we structurally characterize the various polymorphic fibrillar assemblies using transmission electron microscopy and determine their mass using scanning transmission electron microscopy. These results provide the framework for future investigations into how target compounds may interfere with the polymerization process. Such substances might have a therapeutic potential in AD.  相似文献   

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