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龙洞山溪鲵精子的超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑中华  江建平  谢锋 《动物学报》2005,51(4):703-709
应用透射电镜和扫描电镜对龙洞山溪鲵(Batrachuperuslongdongensis)精子的超微结构进行观察和研究,探讨山溪鲵属以及小鲵科物种精子的结构特征,并探讨有尾两栖类精子结构特征的演化及其与生殖进化的关系。结果表明:1)龙洞山溪鲵的精子具小鲵科物种精子的共同特征,即精子无顶体钩,顶体呈三叶草状,尾部无线粒体,轴纤维粗大呈圆柱状等特征;2)龙洞山溪鲵精子核脊的形态结构与小鲵科其它属物种以及有尾类其它科物种精子的核脊存在明显的差别,由此可见核脊形态结构具有属或种的特异性。此外,与已有报道的有尾两栖类物种精子的结构特征进行分析比较表明:1)有尾类精子特征的分化与其受精方式的变化是一致的;2)精子结构特征支持隐鳃鲵超科为单系的推测  相似文献   

我国有尾动物分类中几个问题的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
徐剑 《四川动物》2001,20(4):177-180
本文对有尾两栖类小鲵科Hynobiidae山溪鲵属、巴鲵属、小鲵属分类研究中的同物异名,以及属称的订正方面进行了进一步探讨,认为我国山溪鲵属应为5种,无唇褶山溪鲵B.cochranae应为北方山溪鲵Batrachuperus ti-betanus同物异名。巴鲵属是一个有效属称,义乌小鲵Hynobius yiwuensis应为中国小鲵H.chinensis的同物异名,黄斑拟小鲵Pseudohynobius flavonaculatus可以暂定为秦巴北鲵Ranodon tsinoaensis的同物异名。黑抓异鲵Xenobius melanonychus是否有效种有待确定。  相似文献   

青海省发现两栖纲小鲵科无斑山溪鲵   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2012年8月,在青海省果洛藏族自治州班玛县采集到小鲵科山溪鲵属标本2尾,经形态鉴定并和山溪鲵属近缘种进行线粒体Cyt b及COⅠ基因序列比较分析,鉴定为无斑山溪鲵(Batrachuperus karlschmidti),为该物种在青海省内首次发现。  相似文献   

西藏山溪鲵精子的形态   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在光学显微镜下观察和测量了西藏山溪鲵 (Batrachuperustibetanus)精子 ,结果表明 ,该物种精子具有小鲵科科精子的共同特征 :由头、颈和尾组成。头部细直 ,颈部短而不显 ,尾部长曲 ;波动膜螺旋盘绕尾部轴棒 ,轴丝游离 ;顶体包括顶体鞘和穿孔器 ;颈部短。西藏山溪鲵精子种的特异性主要表现在量度方面 :其全长为 (2 89. 85± 1 3 0 2 ) μm ,顶体长为 (1 7. 96± 3. 69) μm ,头长为 (90 . 84± 8 .3 3 ) μm ,尾长 (1 81 .0 6±1 1. 5 3 ) μm ,头宽 (2. 75± 0. 3 7) μm ,其头部在已知精子形态的小鲵科物种中最宽。本文为该科物种的生态适应进化和系统学研究提供精子形态学依据。  相似文献   

小鲵科为亚洲特有的有尾两栖动物,是现生有尾目10科中第三大科.中国是小鲵科动物属、种分布的主要区域,且研究其分类历史较久,学者较多,故导致学术观点差异较大.本文对中国小鲵科分类地位发生变更的部分属(巴鲵属Liua、拟小鲵属Pseudohynobius、肥鲵属Pachyhynobius)、种(秦巴巴鲵L. tsinpaensis、满洲小鲵Hynobius mantchuricus、豫南小鲵H. yunanicus、弱唇褶山溪鲵Batrachuperus cochranae和太白山溪鲵B. taibaiensis)的变更历史进行回顾,旨在为小鲵科动物的分类提供一个清晰的背景知识.  相似文献   

为探讨有尾目脊椎的划分,本文以小鲵科的山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)为例,运用透明骨骼双色法对其脊柱的形态特征进行了观察,并对各部分椎骨特征进行详细描述和绘图.结果显示,山溪鲵的脊椎根据椎骨是否具前关节突、横突、肋骨、肋软骨和脉弓等形态特征可分5部分;同时结合小鲵科其他20种94号标本和蝾螈科6种27号标本的脊柱特征及文献资料,讨论了有尾目脊椎的划分,认为将有尾目脊柱划分为5部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎、尾荐椎和尾椎)的观点较将其划分为4部分(颈椎、躯椎、荐椎和尾椎)的观点更合理.  相似文献   

余平 《四川动物》1990,9(4):31-32
本文用四种有尾两栖类眼晶状体蛋白质为实验材料,以等电聚焦电泳法在恒定功率和时间内作了分类的比较。材料巴鲵(Liiua shihi)5只,3♂,2♀,1986.4采自四川巫山;无斑山溪鲵(Batrac-hoperus karlschmidti)9只,5♂,4♀,1986.5采自四川康定;北方山溪鲵(B.tibet-anus)8只,6♂,2♀,1986.6采自陕西周至;盐源山溪鲵(B.yenyuanensis)6只,5♂,1♀,1986.6采自四川冕宁。方法薄层凝胶板按蒙义文等(1981)方法,作者根据有尾两栖类眼晶状体蛋白质酸碱度,作部份改动。活取眼晶状体,用滤纸吸净血污,称重,蒸馏水反复冲洗后,匀浆(4℃下),4000r/min,离心5min,…  相似文献   

西藏山溪鲵生殖腺的季节性变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
徐剑 《动物学杂志》1995,30(3):47-49
关于有尾两栖类性腺的周期性变化规律,仅见有关东方蝾螈的报道,本文通过对西藏山溪鲵生殖腺季节变化的研究,发现该鲵每年的生殖期集中在3,4月份,4种不同发育阶段卵的数量,也有与之相应的季节性变化。输卵重量也发生与之相适应的变化。  相似文献   

血液学指标不仅可以反映动物生理和病理变化,也能体现动物对环境的适应。本文利用血液学方法检测了27尾龙洞山溪鲵(Batrachuperus londongensis)个体的血细胞组成和血红蛋白含量,龙洞山溪鲵血红蛋白平均含量为4.16×10~(-2) g/ml;红细胞卵圆形,细胞核椭圆形位于中央或亚中央,红细胞平均含量为6.04×10~4个/mm3;白细胞数量较少,多为圆形或近圆形,平均含量为2.90×10~3个/mm3;白细胞中淋巴细胞最多,其次为单核细胞、嗜碱性细胞和中性细胞,嗜酸性细胞最少。血液参数中仅中性细胞和嗜碱性细胞的百分比在雌雄之间存在显著差异;头体长、体重和各血液参数的相关性均不显著。同时,将研究结果与其他小鲵科动物的数据进行了比较。本文报道的龙洞山溪鲵血细胞组成和血红蛋白含量的基础数据为其后续的健康监测和诊断以及适应进化的研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

2007年6月~2009年5月对甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区有尾两栖动物进行了为期两年的调查研究,了解白水江自然保护区现存有尾两栖动物西藏山溪鲵Batrachuperus tibetanus、大鲵Andrias davidianus和文县疣螈Tylototriton wenxianensis的分布状况和资源现状.分析了大鲵和文县疣螈栖息地环境存在问题的原因,针对原因从加强宣传教育、加强科学研究、严格执法、加强社区发展项目和合理开发5个方面提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunodiffusion, we identified paramyosin in two smooth invertebrate "catch" muscles (Mytilus anterior byssus retractor and Mercenaria opaque adductor) and five invertebrate striated muscles (Limulus telson levator, Homarus claw muscle, Balanus scutal depressor, Lethocerus air tube retractor, and Aequipecten striated adductor). We show that (a) the paramyosins in all of these muscles have the same chain weights and (b) they are immunologically similar. We stained all of these muscles with specific antibody to Limulus paramyosin using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Paramyosin was localized to the A bands of the glycerinated striated muscles, and diffus fluorescence was seen throughout the glycerinated fibers of the smooth catch muscles. The presence of paramyosin in Homarus claw muscle, Balanus scutal depressor, and Lethocerus air tube retractor is shown here for the first time. Of the muscles in this study, Limulus telson levator is the only one for which the antiparamyosin staining pattern has been previously reported.  相似文献   

Marinetti CJ 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1999,104(4):1153-62; discussion 1163-4
One of the weak points in face lifts is their failure to fully correct the ptosis of the labial commissures. This article illustrates a new technique to optimize this commissural repositioning in face lifts by using the muscular balances of the lower half of the face. There is, in effect, a third type of muscular balance, which acts on the commissural modiolus and is created by the opposing forces of the levator muscles (notably the zygomaticus major and the levator anguli oris) and the depressor muscles (principally the depressor anguli oris). Rarely a purely cutaneous problem, labial commissural ptosis is more a part of mediofacial ptosis affecting the entire soft tissue. I have used the malar subperiosteal face lift technique, the only approach that allows the centrofacial features to be lifted as a whole block, since late 1996 and have treated a series of more than 30 patients affected with mediofacial ptoses involving the malar eminences, the nasolabial folds, and the labial commissures. Retensioning the levator muscles was combined with wholesale subperiosteal release of the depressor muscles, notably the depressor anguli oris. Patient follow-up has lasted between 6 and 20 months. In all instances, this use of the lower facial muscular balances allowed optimal repositioning of the labial commissure. In particularly outstanding cases, unilateral release of the depressor muscles was used to correct facial asymmetry at the level of the lip commissures and thereby restore harmony and alignment. In 10 of our cases, this slackening of the depressor muscles was also used in conjunction with a peripheral face lift; the resulting heightening of the commissures was, in these cases, perhaps less spectacular, but it invariably contributed to the rejuvenation of the face.  相似文献   

The cranial and hyobranchial muscles of the Triassic temnospondyl Gerrothorax have been reconstructed based on direct evidence (spatial limitations, ossified muscle insertion sites on skull, mandible, and hyobranchium) and on phylogenetic reasoning (with extant basal actinopterygians and caudates as bracketing taxa). The skeletal and soft‐anatomical data allow the reconstruction of the feeding strike of this bottom‐dwelling, aquatic temnospondyl. The orientation of the muscle scars on the postglenoid area of the mandible indicates that the depressor mandibulae was indeed used for lowering the mandible and not to raise the skull as supposed previously and implies that the skull including the mandible must have been lifted off the ground during prey capture. It can thus be assumed that Gerrothorax raised the head toward the prey with the jaws still closed. Analogous to the bracketing taxa, subsequent mouth opening was caused by action of the strong epaxial muscles (further elevation of the head) and the depressor mandibulae and rectus cervicis (lowering of the mandible). During mouth opening, the action of the rectus cervicis muscle also rotated the hyobranchial apparatus ventrally and caudally, thus expanding the buccal cavity and causing the inflow of water with the prey through the mouth opening. The strongly developed depressor mandibulae and rectus cervicis, and the well ossified, large quadrate‐articular joint suggest that this action occurred rapidly and that powerful suction was generated. Also, the jaw adductors were well developed and enabled a rapid mouth closure. In contrast to extant caudate larvae and most extant actinopterygians (teleosts), no cranial kinesis was possible in the Gerrothorax skull, and therefore suction feeding was not as elaborate as in these extant forms. This reconstruction may guide future studies of feeding in extinct aquatic tetrapods with ossified hyobranchial apparatus. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Unlike all other primates, the digastric muscle of the orangutan lacks an anterior belly; the posterior belly, while present, inserts directly onto the mandible. To understand the functional consequences of this morphologic novelty, the EMG activity patterns of the digastric muscle and other potential mandibular depressors were studied in a gibbon and an orangutan. The results suggest a significant degree of functional differentiation between the two digastric bellies. In the gibbon, the recruitment pattern of the posterior digastric during mastication is typically biphasic. It is an important mandibular depressor, active in this role during mastication and wide opening. It also acts with the anterior suprahyoid muscles to move the hyoid prior to jaw opening during mastication. The recruitment patterns of the anterior digastric suggest that it is functionally allied to the geniohyoid and mylohyoid. For example, although it transmits the force of the posterior digastric during mandibular depression, it functions independent of the posterior digastric during swallowing. Of the muscles studied, the posterior digastric was the only muscle to exhibit major differences in recruitment pattern between the two species. The posterior digastric retains its function as a mandibular depressor in orangutans, but is never recruited biphasically, and is not active prior to opening. The unique anatomy of the digastric muscle in orangutans results in decoupling of the mechanisms for hyoid movement and mandibular depression, and during unilateral activity it potentially contributes to substantial transverse movements of the mandible. Hypotheses to explain the loss of the anterior digastric should incorporate these functional conclusions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of picrotoxin solutions into the pericardium of lobsters,Homarus americanus, to produce final, estimated blood concentrations of between 8×10–8M and 4.5×10–6M led to disruption of the normal motor output to the scaphognathite. The phase separation of the starts of the bursts in the D1 and D2 muscles (Young, 1975) was reduced on the average by 49%; that of L1 and L2 muscles by 16%. The durations of the D1 and L1 bursts increased by 94% and 48% respectively. The phase separation between the starts of the levator and depressor portions of the cycle was not altered. Whilst rhythmic activity persisted ventilatory rates were depressed, and reversals and ventilatory pauses continued to occur. The rate of reversals and their pattern were not greatly altered. Inexplicably, tonic, synchronous spikes occurred in all four groups of muscles, levator and depressor, during periods of severe disruption. It was concluded that in spite of this, the observations supported the proposals of Young (1975) that (a) recruitment of the D2 and L2 bursts normally is delayed partly by inhibition from D1 and L1 units respectively, and (b) termination of D1 and L1 bursts results normally from inhibition due to activity in D2 and L2 units respectively. The findings also indicated that the synaptic mechanism determining timing within the depressor and levator sessions differs fundamentally from that operating between sessions. One mechanism may be based on picrotoxin-sensitive, and the other on picrotoxin-insensitive inhibition.Abbreviations GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid - SG scaphognathite  相似文献   

Two months after hatching, the fibers of the jaw muscles of the American alligator are associated with three types of nerve terminals namely, plates, simple plates, and grape endings. Simple plate endings are mainly observed on the small muscle fibers. Grape-type endings are found on muscle fibers that resemble the tonic fibers of garter snakes (Hess, Am. J. Anat., '63). Most terminals are plate endings and account for 53.7–74.7% of terminals per muscle. Fibers with grape-type endings were found in all the jaw muscles studied; they lack well organized T-systems, M-lines, and post-junctional sarcolemmal folds, as well as irregularly distributed small of fibrils, and zigzag Z-lines. The properties of nerve endings of the American alligator indicate that M. depressor mandibulae, M. pseudotemporalis, and M. pterygoideus posterior have primary roles in jaw movements. M. pterygoideus anterior and M. intramandibularis contribute mainly to postural adjustments of the jaws. The multiplicity of nerve terminals in the jaw muscles of American alligators contrasts with the simple movements of their jaws. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anatomy of the mandibular branches of the facial nerve.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In operative dissections of mandibular branches of the facial nerve, we identified certain branches below the inferior border of the mandible in all cases. These usually supplied the depressor labii inferioris and mentalis muscles, though infrequently the branch to the depressor anguli oris was also below the mandible. At least 3 nerve branches were identified in all dissections. The clinical applications of this include the necessity to identify and protect these nerve branches during operations in the submandibular triangle, as well as when incising the platysma muscle or removing fat from over the body of the mandible in a face-lift procedure.  相似文献   

Pteropodidae possess unique muscles in the uropatagium called Musculus uropatagialis and M. depressor ossis styliformis. The homology of these muscles is important for the phylogenetic analysis of bats because the wing membrane is a characteristic feature for them. Here, I discuss the homology of M. uropatagialis and M. depressor ossis styliformis in Rousettus leschenaultii by tracing their innervations. I found that the dominant nerve for the M. uropatagialis contains the components of the sciatic nerve associated with the dominant nerve of the flexor muscles of the thigh. This result shows that M. uropatagialis is homologous to the flexor muscles of the thigh. The dominant nerve of M. depressor ossis styliformis is the lateral plantar nerve derived from the tibial nerve. Thus, this innervation pattern proposes the hypothesis that M. depressor ossis styliformis is homologous to one of the muscles of the foot sole.  相似文献   

Summary In crustacean walking legs, the coxo-basipodite chordotonal organ (CB) composed of about 50 sensory cells, evokes a resistance reflex in the levator (Lev) and depressor (Dep) muscles responsible for the movements of the coxo-basipodite joint where it is located. Mechanical stimulation of the CB strand and electrical stimulation of its sensory nerve have been performed along with systematic intracellular recordings from CB terminals (CB T) and levator (Lev) or depressor (Dep) motoneurons (MNs) in order to study their connections. Measurements of conduction times in the CB nerve demonstrated different pools of sensory fibres, the fastest of which reach the ganglion in 2.5 ms. During imposed movements to the CB strand, intracellularly recorded Lev or Dep MN display EPSPs that are correlated to spikes in the CB nerve, their delays are incompatible with a polysynaptic pathway. Systematic stimulation of the CB nerve demonstrates that about 4 to 8 CB fibres are connected with each Lev or Dep MN. Classical tests for monosynaptic connections indicate that EPSPs occurring between 3 ms and 6 ms correspond mainly to monosynaptic connections with CB T, whereas IPSPs (the latencies of which are above 12 ms) are polysynaptic. In spite of the high selectivity of the CB T onto MNs, eight simultaneous intracellular recordings of coupled CB T and MN (out of more than 300 MNs penetrated) have allowed a direct measurement of synaptic delays (less than 1 ms). The functional significance of these results is discussed in relation to the proprioceptive control of locomotor movements.Abbreviations CB Coxo-basipodite chordotonal organ - CB n CB sensory nerve - CB T CB sensory terminal - Dep depressor - Lev levator - MN motoneuron  相似文献   

The kinetics of the head and function of select jaw muscles were studied during biting behavior in the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris. High speed cinematography and electromyography of seven cranial muscles were recorded during bites elicited by a probe to the oral cavity. In weak bites mandible depression was followed by mandible elevation and jaw closure without cranial elevation. In strong bites cranial elevation always preceded lower jaw depression, lower jaw elevation, and cranial depression. The average duration of the strong bites was rapid (176 msec), considering the size of the animal relative to other fishes. Different electromyographic patterns distinguished the two forms of bite, primarily in activity of the epaxial muscles, which effect cranial elevation. A composite reconstruction of the activity of seven cranial muscles during biting revealed that epaxial muscle activity and consequently cranial elevation preceded all other muscle activity. Mandible depression was primarily effected by contraction of the common coracoarcual and coracomandibularis, with assistance by the coracohyoideus. Simultaneous activity of the levator hyomandibulae is believed to increase the width of the orobranchial chamber. The adductor mandibulae dorsal was the primary jaw adductor assisted by the adductor mandibulae ventral. This biomechanically conservative mechanism for jaw opening in aquatic vertebrates is conserved, with the exception of the coracomandibularis, which is homologous to prehyoid muscles of salamanders.  相似文献   

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