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肥胖是继心脑血管疾病和癌症之后威胁全人类健康第三大疾病,全球有40%的成年人面临肥胖和超重困扰。中国肥胖人数成人已达到世界第二,儿童达到了世界第一,并且儿童期肥胖极大可能发展为成年期肥胖。研究表明肠道微生物可能是众多导致代谢紊乱的因素之一,这些紊乱会导致肥胖、β细胞功能紊乱、代谢内毒素血症、全身炎症和氧化应激。近年来,应用微生态制剂(益生菌和益生元)治疗肥胖已成为研究热点,本文主要围绕肥胖人群肠道菌群特点以及益生菌、益生元对肥胖的干预作用进行综述,以期为以后相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

烟酒成瘾、药物滥用和停药反应的增多,对社会和家庭造成巨大的经济损失,同时也产生了一系列的健康问题,其中神经系统是成瘾的关键。近年来,越来越多的资料证明脑-肠轴的联系,人们发现肠道微生物的扰动对神经系统的调节有至关重要的作用。综述了烟酒和药物的成瘾机制,脑-肠轴影响宿主的代谢和对神经功能的调节,益生元和益生菌的摄入能引起肠道菌群的改变。深入分析脑-肠轴和肠道菌群代谢,通过益生菌,益生元改变菌群结构治疗成瘾成为今后研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

益生菌及益生元调节骨代谢的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨质疏松症已成为威胁中老年人健康的主要疾病之一,越来越多的人受到该病症的危害.肠道菌群是定殖在机体肠道内,与宿主形成共生关系的微生物,对宿主的免疫及代谢等产生重要影响,研究发现,肠道菌群与骨代谢之间存在密切关系,本文从肠道菌群与免疫、骨代谢与免疫、肠道菌群与骨代谢、益生菌及益生元调节骨代谢等几个方面阐述,肠道菌群有望成为骨质疏松症治疗的一个新靶点,通过益生菌或益生元来干预肠道菌群组成,进而调节免疫系统状态,抑制促炎因子的生成,从而降低骨吸收作用,达到预防和治疗骨质疏松症的目的.  相似文献   

代谢相关脂肪性肝病(metabolic-dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease,MAFLD)已成为我国慢性肝病的主要病因之一,其发病率呈逐年上升趋势。MAFLD是代谢综合征累及肝脏的表现,其发生发展与肠道菌群失调和代谢功能障碍等密切相关。由于发病机制尚不明确,目前依旧缺乏有效的药物治疗方法。肠道菌群与胆汁酸代谢密切相关,胆汁酸可靶向法尼醇X受体(farnesoid X receptor,FXR)信号通路负反馈调控肠道菌群,同时肠道菌群通过一系列复杂的生化反应影响胆汁酸代谢。大量研究发现MAFLD的免疫应答受损及全身低度慢性炎症可导致胆汁酸代谢紊乱。此外,MAFLD常伴随肠道菌群失调。本文就肠道菌群与胆汁酸代谢在MAFLD发生发展中的作用作一综述,以期探寻治疗MAFLD潜在的新的靶点。  相似文献   

越来越多的研究结果表明,肠道菌群与宿主消化、呼吸、内分泌、心血管、神经等系统发生的疾病密切相关。目前,全世界患肥胖和Ⅱ型糖尿病的人逐渐增多。肠道菌群的平衡有利于维持宿主正常的能量代谢过程,而肠道菌群失调使机体产生慢性炎症反应及胰岛素抵抗,从而导致肥胖和Ⅱ型糖尿病等代谢性疾病的发生。本文综述了肠道菌群影响肥胖的机制,以及通过调控肠道菌群改善肥胖的方法。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症以及痛风的发病率持续升高,已经成为一个重大的公共卫生问题。肠道菌群的结构改变或失调可引起机体代谢紊乱,肠道微生态尤其与代谢性疾病的发生发展关系密切。目前研究发现高尿酸血症、痛风患者存在肠道菌群失调,降尿酸治疗后肠道菌群可发生相应改变,并且益生菌制剂具有降尿酸作用。本文概述高尿酸血症及痛风患者的肠道菌群特点,从高嘌呤及高果糖饮食对肠道菌群的影响、肠道参与嘌呤和尿酸的代谢、代谢性内毒素血症以及痛风相关炎症因子等方面探讨肠道菌群与高尿酸血症及痛风的关系,并展望肠道菌群可能成为未来诊治高尿酸血症以及痛风的一种新方法。  相似文献   

高杰  何肖龙  曹虹 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1938-1949
肝硬化是慢性肝炎发展的终末阶段,患者出现有不同程度的肠道菌群失调,并伴有肠道屏障功能的缺失和菌群移位,是引发肝硬化并发症的重要原因。尽管益生菌能在多个层面保护肠道屏障功能,但其在肝硬化肠道菌群紊乱中的疗效并不明确。现在的研究发现一些益生菌的组分或代谢产物有着与益生活菌类似的益生功效,包括稳定肠道菌群、加强肠上皮屏障功能和调节肠黏膜免疫反应等,其重要的优点是具有明确的分子结构和显著的生物活性,可能是未来调节肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程的新方向。本文主要总结了肝硬化肠道菌群失调对于肝硬化并发症及疾病进程的影响,探讨了益生菌的作用及局限性,并重点讨论后生元在调控肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程中的应用前景。  相似文献   

慢性病的井喷趋势已经引起国家的干预和重视。慢性病可防可治,临床上肠道菌群失调患者常有双歧杆菌数量减少及伴有其他肠道菌群减少或增多。增殖患者体内益生菌数量可以改善患者肠道微生态状态。益生元具有增殖肠道有益菌、抑制有害菌的生理功能,通过选择服用益生元类产品调节肠道菌群,有助于保持肠道健康状况。  相似文献   

摘要:肥胖症患病率在全球范围内持续增长,其中导致肥胖的最主要因素是能量摄入和消耗失衡。肠道菌群是涉及肥胖和代谢紊乱的环境因素,肥胖动物和人类患者表现出了肠道菌群组成和结构的改变。这种菌群失衡能影响机体能量平衡、炎症和肠道屏障功能等,进而影响代谢。研究显示益生菌可有效改善高脂饮食造成的肥胖。改变肠道菌群可能会成为预防或控制肥胖的有效疗法,该领域尚处于早期阶段,相关数据仍有限。本综述旨在总结最新的具有减肥功效益生菌的实验研究,帮助了解减肥益生菌的最新进展,为该领域后续研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

膳食营养是影响肠道菌群结构和功能最为重要,也较为迅速的因素,并由此影响宿主的代谢状况。高脂等不健康饮食习惯会引起肠道菌群的失调,使肠道通透性增加,形成全身的慢性、低水平炎症,进一步破坏胰岛素的信号转导通路,最终导致包括胰岛素抵抗、肥胖、糖尿病等在内的代谢综合征的发生。高纤维饮食可能通过富集短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)产生菌,增加肠道内SCFAs浓度,降低内毒素产生菌水平,进而减少脂多糖(LPS)入血引起的组织器官炎症。这类饮食还能抑制某些能产生有害物质,如三甲胺(TMA)和吲哚的有害菌,从而改善宿主的代谢状况。益生元能减少宿主的脂肪积累,降低宿主的炎症水平并增加胰岛素敏感性,同时还伴随着食欲因子、胃肠肽水平和肠道中某些益生菌丰度的增加。此外,蔬菜、水果、奶制品等食物也能通过调节肠道菌群进而改善宿主的代谢状况。虽然越来越多的研究表明,肠道菌群可能在调节宿主的代谢状况中存在着因果关系,但是在食物-肠道菌群-代谢这条通路中到底存在着一种怎样的机制,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The obesity epidemic afflicts over one third of the United States population. With few therapies available to combat obesity, a greater understanding of the systemic causes of this and other metabolic disorders is needed to develop new, effective treatments. The mammalian intestinal microbiota contributes to metabolic processes in the host. This review summarizes the research demonstrating the interplay of diet, intestinal microbiota and host metabolism. We detail the effects of diet-induced modifications in microbial activity and resultant impact on (1) sensory perception of macronutrients and total energy intake; (2) nutrient absorption, transport and storage; (3) liver and biliary function; (4) immune-mediated signaling related to adipose inflammation; and (5) circadian rhythm. We also discuss therapeutic strategies aimed to modify host–microbe interactions, including prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, as well as fecal microbiota transplantation. Elucidating the role of gut microbes in shaping metabolic homeostasis or dysregulation provides greater insight into disease development and a promising avenue for improved treatment of metabolic dysfunction.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that metabolic disorders, such as obesity, are closely linked to lifestyle and diet. Recently, the central role played by the intestinal microbiota in human metabolism and in progression of metabolic disorders has become evident. In this context, animal studies and human trials have demonstrated that alterations of the intestinal microbiota towards enhanced energy harvest is a characteristic of the obese phenotype. Many publications, involving both animal studies and clinical trials, have reported on the successful exploitation of probiotics and prebiotics to treat obesity. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these observed anti-obesity effects of probiotics and prebiotic therapies are still obscure. The aim of this mini-review is to discuss the intricate relationship of various factors, including diet, gut microbiota, and host genetics, that are believed to impact on the development of obesity, and to understand how modulation of the gut microbiota with dietary intervention may alleviate obesity-associated symptoms.  相似文献   

Dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis is defined as a shift in the intestinal microbiota composition resulting in an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria. Since the ban on the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in animal feed in the EU, dysbiosis has emerged as a major problem in intensive animal production. Prebiotics and probiotics are currently under investigation as possible alternatives to growth-promoting antibiotics, as their mode of action is thought to be based largely on a modulation of the composition and function of the intestinal microbiota. In this review, we analyse the currently available data from both animal and human nutrition that document the potential and limitations of prebiotics and probiotics for the control of dysbiosis. An impressive number of empirical feeding trials have been carried out in healthy animals, yielding sometimes contradictory results. More in-depth studies have revealed the complexity of the interactions taking place in the lower intestinal tract, thus illustrating that pre- and probiotics cannot be a simple replacement for growth-promoting antibiotics. Although there are indications that the strategic use of pre- and probiotics can provide major benefits, there is still a lack of basic knowledge on the delicate interactions between the microbiota, the host and the feed components, which hampers the widespread use of these valuable feed additives.  相似文献   

Several microorganisms belonging to the intestinal microbiota act in an ecosystem responsible for maintaining the homeostasis and vital functions of human beings. From birth to old age the diversity of the intestinal microbiota may change due to environmental factors such as nutrition, immunity, diseases or the use of antibiotics leading to dysbiosis. Improvement in microbiota diversity can be achieved by modifying related risk factors through changes in lifestyle and a healthy diet. Besides, the addition of probiotics, prebiotics or the combination of both (symbiotics), can result in the improvement of the intestinal permeability, inflammatory pathways and the immune system. Also, the use of probiotics prevents harmful bacteria and their derived products (e.g., bacteriocins, endotoxins, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) to leak through the intestinal wall to the circulation that results in the activation of signaling pathways that may be implicated in liver disease. The liver receives a constant flow of noxious entities that promote inflammation and oxidative stress. The use of probiotics with clinical evidence in liver disease, represent a novel therapeutic alternative, inducing positive changes in the balance of the intestinal microbiota which lead to improvement in liver function tests (AST and ALT), decreasing tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), andblood cholesterol, among other risk factors. In this review, we discuss the main elements that play a leading role in the development of steatosis as well as the benefits of using probiotics and the impact in the quality of life of patients that develop cirrhosis.  相似文献   

The complex communities of microorganisms that colonise the human gastrointestinal tract play an important role in human health. The development of culture-independent molecular techniques has provided new insights in the composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota. Here, we summarise the present state of the art on the intestinal microbiota with specific attention for the application of high-throughput functional microbiomic approaches to determine the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to human health. Moreover, we review the association between dysbiosis of the microbiota and both intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases. Finally, we discuss the potential of probiotic microorganism to modulate the intestinal microbiota and thereby contribute to health and well-being. The effects of probiotic consumption on the intestinal microbiota are addressed, as well as the development of tailor-made probiotics designed for specific aberrations that are associated with microbial dysbiosis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a result of chronic inflammation caused, in some part, by dysbiosis of intestinal microbiota, mainly commensal bacteria. Gut dysbiosis can be caused by multiple factors, including abnormal immune responses which might be related to genetic susceptibility, infection, western dietary habits, and administration of antibiotics. Consequently, the disease itself is characterized as having multiple causes, etiologies, and severities. Recent studies have identified >200 IBD risk loci in the host. It has been postulated that gut microbiota interact with these risk loci resulting in dysbiosis, and this subsequently leads to the development of IBD. Typical gut microbiota in IBD patients are characterized with decrease in species richness and many of the commensal, and beneficial, fecal bacteria such as Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes and an increase or bloom of Proteobacteria. However, at this time, cause and effect relationships have not been rigorously established. While treatments of IBD usually includes medications such as corticosteroids, 5-aminosalicylates, antibiotics, immunomodulators, and anti-TNF agents, restoration of gut dysbiosis seems to be a safer and more sustainable approach. Bacteriotherapies (now called microbiota therapies) and dietary interventions are effective way to modulate gut microbiota. In this review, we summarize factors involved in IBD and studies attempted to treat IBD with probiotics. We also discuss the potential use of microbiota therapies as one promising approach in treating IBD. As therapies based on the modulation of gut microbiota becomes more common, future studies should include individual gut microbiota differences to develop personalized therapy for IBD.  相似文献   

肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种常见的功能性胃肠道疾病,其特征是反复发作的腹痛,伴随排便频率与大便性状的改变。腹泻为主的肠易激综合征(IBS-D)是其主要亚型,主要表现是腹痛和腹泻。目前IBS-D的发病机制尚不完全明确,但大量的研究提示可能与胃肠道动力紊乱、黏膜通透性和肠上皮屏障功能改变、内脏高敏感性增加、"脑-肠-菌"轴失调、肠道感染与炎症反应激活、精神心理因素异常等有关。随着研究的不断深入,发现肠道菌群与IBS-D的关系密切,调节肠道菌群的益生菌干预成为缓解IBS-D相关症状的手段之一。本研究就近十余年来肠道菌群情况与IBS-D关系的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   


Gut microbiota play important role in maintaining health. Probiotics are believed to augment it further. We aimed at comparing effects of probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) and Bacillus clausii (BC) (a) on the gut microbiota abundance and diversity and (b) their contributions to control intestinal dysbiosis and inflammation in Th1- and Th2-biased mice following Salmonella infection. We report how could gut microbiota and the differential immune bias (Th1 or Th2) of the host regulate host responses when challenged with Salmonella typhimurium in the presence and absence of either of the probiotics. LA was found to be effective in ameliorating the microbial dysbiosis and inflammation caused by Salmonella infection, in Th1 (C57BL/6) and Th2 (BALB/c)-biased mouse. BC was able to ameliorate Salmonella-induced dysbiosis and inflammation in Th2 but not in Th1-biased mouse. These results may support probiotics LA as a treatment option in the case of Salmonella infection.


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