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不同氮效率水稻生育后期根表和根际土壤硝化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验研究了不同氮效率粳稻品种4007(氮高效)和Elio(氮低效)生育后期在N0(0 kgN hm-2)、N180(180 kgN hm-2)和N300(300 kgN hm-2)水平下根表、根际和土体土壤pH值、铵态氮(NH+4-N)和硝态氮(NO-3-N)含量、硝化强度和氨氧化细菌(AOB)数量.结果表明无论是齐穗期、灌浆期还是成熟期,根表土壤pH值均显著低于根际和土体土壤.土壤pH值范围在5.95至6.84之间变化.土壤NH+4-N含量随水稻生长显著下降,且随施氮量增加而显著增加.根表土壤NH+4-N有明显亏缺区,且随距水稻根表距离增加,NH+4-N含量逐渐升高.土壤NO-3-N含量随水稻生长显著增加,施氮处理均显著高于不施氮处理,但N180和N300处理差异不显著.NO-3-N含量表现为根际>土体>根表.水稻根表和根际土壤硝化强度随水稻生长显著下降,而土体土壤硝化强度随时间延长小幅增加.施氮显著提高4007水稻根表土壤在齐穗和收获期硝化强度以及Elio在齐穗期根际硝化强度,但在施氮处理N180和N300中无显著差异.在整个采样期间,土壤硝化强度均表现为根际>根表>土体.水稻根表和根际AOB数量随水稻生长而显著降低,而土体土壤AOB数量无显著变化.例如,根表土壤AOB数量在齐穗期、灌浆期和收获期分别为16.7×105、8.77×105个g-1 dry soil和8.01×105个g-1 dry soil.根表和根际土壤AOB数量无显著差异,但二者显著高于土体土壤AOB数量.就两个氮效率水稻品种而言,土壤pH值基本无差异.4007土壤NH+4-N含量均显著高于Elio.在齐穗期水稻根表、根际和土体土壤NO-3-N含量在N180水平下均表现为Elio显著高于4007.而在灌浆期和收获期,水稻根表、根际和土体土壤则表现为4007显著高于Elio.在所有采样期,两个水稻品种土体土壤硝化强度和AOB数量在3个施氮量下均无显著差异.Elio根表和根际土壤硝化强度和AOB数量在水稻灌浆期之前一直显著高于4007,而在灌浆期之后则显著低于4007,且最终产量和氮素利用率(NUE)显著低于4007,这可能是由于4007灌浆期后硝化作用强,根际产生的NO-3-N含量高,从而4007根吸收NO-3-N的量也高造成的.因此水稻灌浆期和收获期根表和根际硝化作用以及AOB与水稻高产及氮素高效利用密切相关.  相似文献   

脲酶抑制剂/硝化抑制剂对植稻土壤中尿素N行为的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
采用自制根盒试验,主要研究了脲酶抑制剂氢醌(HQ),硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)及二者组合对离水稻根际不同距离处NH4^--N和NO3^-N分布的影响,结果表明,DCD及其与HQ组合均能显著促进稻株地上部分生长,始终显著降低水稻根际与近根际土中NH4^ -N含量直至施肥后60d,施肥后20d时,DCD及其与HQ组合可使非根际土中NH4^ -N含量显著增加,随后,却出现相反现象,施肥后20d时,距根际不同距离的土壤中,配施DCD或DCD+HQ处理均能显著降低NO3^-N含量,随后,近根际和非根际仍保持上述现象直至施肥后40d;同未施DCD处理相比,根际土壤却较早出现NO3^--N含量高峰,正好与水稻N营养需求时期相一致,因此,DCD及其与HQ组合可减少水稻根际环境下尿素N损失潜势,通过不种稻土壤和距根际3cm处的土壤中尿素无机氮形态分布的差异,充分显示了研究水稻根际土壤氮素转化及相关抑制剂对其影响时,以取离根际3cm外的土壤作为非根际明显优于不种稻土壤。  相似文献   

淹水条件下籼稻与粳稻苗期根际土壤硝化作用的时空变异   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
李奕林  张亚丽  胡江  沈其荣 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1461-1467
由于硝态氮(NO3^--N)对于水稻的生长起到非常重要的作用,所以发生在水稻根际的硝化作用越来越受到人们的重视.试验采用根盒(3室)--速冻切片技术研究了常规籼稻(扬稻6号)和常规粳稻(农垦57)苗期根际土壤矿质态氮、硝化作用和氨氧化细菌数量的时空变异.结果表明,在淹水条件下,土壤矿质态氮主要为铵态氮(NH4^+-N),NH4^+含量随水稻生育期的推进变化不大,但随着距根区的距离增加其含量随之增加,两个水稻品种之间差异不显著;而NO3-的变化趋势与NH4^+不一致,NO3^-含量随水稻生育期的延长而显著下降,在培养58d时其平均含量约为0.05 mg kg^-1,同时在整个土体内呈均匀分布,两个水稻品种之间差异显著.土壤的硝化强度随水稻的生长而增强,且两种水稻的硝化强度均为根际土壤最高,然后依次为土体土壤和根区土壤.扬稻6号和农垦57硝化强度最大值分别出现在距根6 mm和2 mm处,最大值分别为0.88 mg kg^-1h^-1和0.73 mg kg^-1h^-1.土壤氨氧化细菌(AOB)数量随水稻生长时间的增加而增加,且其水平变异趋势与土壤的硝化强度一致,根际土壤AOB数量最多,土体土壤次之,根区土壤最少.相关分析结果表明,硝化强度和AOB数量呈显著正相关关系(r=0.86,p<0.01).种植扬稻6号的土壤NO3^-浓度、硝化强度以及AOB数量总是高于农垦57.  相似文献   

以不同产量籼稻品种中旱22(ZH,高产品种)和禾盛10号(HS,低产品种)为材料,采用根际培养箱(三室)--速冻切片技术研究了红壤水稻土种植条件下,水稻苗期生长、氮素积累和氮素利用率(NUE)、根孔隙度(POR)、根际土壤矿质态氮含量和硝化强度.结果表明,ZH苗期生长、氮素吸收及NUE均显著优于HS,且ZH单株不定根数量及根系通气组织发育程度(用POR表示)均显著高于HS.ZH根际和土体土壤中铵(NH+4)含量始终低于HS,而硝(NO-3)含量则始终高于HS,但二者根表土壤NH+4和NO-3含量均无显著差异.ZH和HS硝化强度最大发生部位均是在距根表2 mm的根际土壤,分别为:0.48 μmol kg-1h-1和0.31 μmol kg-1h-1.随着距根表越远,硝化强度就越弱,直至距根表10~20 mm处土壤硝化强度就接近于土体土壤.ZH根际土壤硝化强度始终显著高于HS,但二者根表和土体土壤硝化强度均无显著差异.与不种水稻的CK相比,根际土壤硝化强度提高了约2~3.5倍.尽管红壤水稻土硝化作用很弱,但红壤区水稻根际硝化作用与水稻苗期生长和氮素营养密切相关.  相似文献   

在冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟模式下,玉米品种“郑单958”(植株密度9株/m^2)和小麦品种“93-9”(基本苗704株/m^2),冬小麦基施144kg N/hm^2,研究了玉米5个施N量(0、90、180、270和360kg/hm^2)对后茬小麦期间土壤剖面硝态氮含量、无机氮总量,以及小麦氮素吸收利用和产量的影响.结果表明:(1)与不施氮相比,玉米施氮显著增加小麦季0~200cm土壤硝态氮含量;自拔节起,0~40cm、0~130cm和0~200cm硝态氮含量均随施氮量增加而递增,在硝态氮含量较高的小区增幅也大.(2)轮作一周期后,不施氮和施氮360kg/hm^2显著影响0~130cm和0~200cm无机氮总量,但在90~270 kg/hm^2之间,施氮量的影响不明显.(3)施氮小于180kg/hm^2时,成熟期小麦植株氮素和籽粒氮素积累量、氮肥利用率均随施氮量增加而递增,但不明显.(4)与不施氮相比,施氮90kg/hm^2的小麦产量和麦玉轮作总产均增加但不明显,施氮180 kg/hm^2均显著增加,施氮270kg/hm^2与180kg/hm^2无明显差异.本试验条件下,夏玉米施氮90~180 kg/hm^2是适宜的.  相似文献   

通过水稻盆栽试验,分别于水稻分蘖期和孕穗期采集根际与非根际土壤,利用末端限制性片段长度多态技术(T-RFLP)和实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术探究水稻生长对根际反硝化作用和反硝化微生物的影响.结果表明: 分蘖期根际土壤的反硝化势显著低于非根际土壤,而孕穗期根际与非根际土壤的反硝化势没有显著性差异.但分蘖期和孕穗期根际土壤中含narGnosZ基因的微生物数量均显著高于非根际土壤,其中含nosZ基因的反硝化微生物的群落组成结构和多样性对根际环境响应更敏感.说明虽然水稻根系生长会刺激反硝化微生物的生长繁殖,但抑制了根际土壤中一些反硝化微生物的活性,从而降低了根际土壤的反硝化潜势.  相似文献   

以不同基因型的水稻品种日本晴、N70、N178和OM052为供试品种,氮肥采用尿素,按基肥(70%)和蘖肥(30%)两次施用,设置3个施氮水平(N用量设0、120、270 kg·hm-2)的田间小区试验,研究氮素水平对水稻产量、氮素利用效率和稻米品质的影响,以期为氮肥合理施用和氮高效水稻品种创制提供科学依据.结果表明:施氮能增加水稻品种产量的原因是提高了有效穗数和每穗实粒数;与对照(0 kg·hm-2)相比,当施氮量为120和270 kg·hm-2时,OM052籽粒产量在4个品种中增幅最大,分别为41.1%和76.8%;品种产量增幅不同是由于氮素利用效率的差异,在120、270 kg·hm-2氮处理下,4个供试品种中,日本晴籽粒产量和氮素农学利用率(40.90 g·g-1、18.56 g·g-1)都最低,为氮低效品种,OM052籽粒产量和氮素农学利用率(145.9 g·g-1、81.24 g·g-1)都最高,为氮高效品种.施N能够增加各品种的直链淀粉和蛋白质含量,使胶稠度变长,降低垩白率、垩白度和碱消值;随施氮量增加,热浆黏度、峰值黏度、回复值和崩解值递减,而消碱值递增.相关性分析表明,低N水平下,供试品种产量及产量构成因子与外观品质、蒸煮食味的相关性更显著.综上,OM052是一个籽粒产量和氮素利用效率“双高”基因型品种,合理施用氮肥可以显著增加水稻的有效穗数和每穗粒数,改善稻米籽粒品质,实现高产和优质的协同.  相似文献   

平衡施肥对缺磷红壤性水稻土的生态效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究平衡施肥对缺磷水稻土的生态效应,对长期缺施磷肥水稻土进行了3.5年平衡施肥试验。试验采取盆栽水稻的方式,在长期缺施磷肥的红壤性水稻土上比较不施磷肥(NK)、平衡施用氮磷钾无机肥(NPK)、无机氮磷钾肥配施硅肥(NPKSi)、无机氮磷钾肥配施有机肥(无机肥占3/5)、NPK基础上增施磷肥(NKhP)、NPKM基础上增施磷肥(NKhPM)处理的土壤肥力、土壤微生物特性、土壤磷的渗漏量以及地上部水稻产量、养分利用率、磷肥利用率的变化。试验表明,平衡施肥处理NPK、NPKSi、NPKM、NKhPM显著提高水稻产量,比不施磷肥(NK)平均增产147%,其中NPKM提高152%;能提高土壤肥力,比不施磷肥土壤有机质含量平均提高18.5%,其中NPKM提高30.1%;显著提高土壤微生物生物量,比不施磷肥土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)平均提高57.2%,其中NPKM提高87.1%;提高氮素、钾素养分利用率,比不施磷肥平均分别提高120.3%、33.6%,其中NPKM分别提高152%、43%。而长期重施无机磷肥处理(NKhP)虽然水稻产量比不施磷肥处理提高125.1%,但因土壤中磷酸根离子含量过高影响土壤微生物正常生长,土壤微生物活度比不施磷处理降低9.4%,土壤微生物量碳(MBC)降低2.4%,稻田土壤微生物生态系统质量劣化。此外,重施磷肥处理(包括NKhP、NKhPM)易导致稻田水体的磷污染。各处理比较,NPKM综合生态效应最佳,以下依次是NKhPM、NPKSi、NPK,NKhP,NKhP对稻田土壤微生物生态系统产生负效应。根据试验结果,平衡施肥是恢复缺磷水稻土的有效措施,其中在平衡施用氮磷钾化肥的基础上增施有机肥或硅肥效果较好。  相似文献   

为探究不同供氮水平下施硅对辣椒产量、果实品质及养分吸收利用的影响,以辣椒品种‘奥黛丽’为试验材料,采用基质栽培,设置正常施氮肥(1.0N:260.9 kg/667 m2)、氮肥减施40%(0.6N:149.1 kg/667 m2)、氮肥减施60%(0.4N:104.3 kg/667 m2)、不施氮肥(0N:0 kg/667 m2)4个不同供氮(基施)水平和2个硅肥(根施)水平(0 mmol/L、1.5 mmol/L),研究不同供氮水平下硅对辣椒产量、品质及氮肥利用效率的影响效应,并筛选出最佳施肥处理,旨在为辣椒的增产提质提供理论基础和技术参考。结果表明:(1)0.6N供氮水平较1.0N、0.4N和0N供氮水平下的辣椒果实产量分别提高了7.18%、74.14%和87.99%,施硅处理后则进一步促进了果实产量,其中0.6N供氮水平下施硅较正常供氮量下的辣椒果实产量提高了15.33%;(2)0.6N供氮水平更有利于促进辣椒果实中可溶性糖、还原糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C含量的提高和可滴定酸、NO3?含量的降低,施硅后不同供氮水平下辣椒果实品质均显著提高;(3)0.6N供氮水平更有利于辣椒果实矿质元素的积累与土壤氮肥利用率的提高,其中0.6N供氮水平较1.0N供氮水平下的氮肥利用率与氮肥农学效率分别显著提高了97.57%和69.20%,施硅处理后不同供氮水平下辣椒果实矿质元素含量与土壤氮肥利用率均显著提高;(4)通过对辣椒产量及果实品质指标的主成分分析,结果表明,0.6N+Si处理下的综合得分最高,即氮肥减施40%配施1.5 mmol/L的外源硅肥对辣椒产量、品质及氮肥的吸收利用促进效果最佳。  相似文献   

华北地区夏玉米土壤硝态氮的时空动态与残留   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:40  
为了进一步明确华北地区冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系周年氮肥利用效率及其影响因素与机制,在试验区夏玉米生育期年均降雨量400mm左右,轻壤质底粘潮土中等土壤肥力条件下,通过设计不同施氮量(0、90、180、270kgN/hm2)处理,重点研究了夏玉米大田土壤硝态氮动态与残留积累情况。试验结果表明,夏玉米根系生物量最大值出现在吐丝期,最大根系分布深度约为1.2m。根干重密度(g/m3)随土壤深度增加而明显降低。根群主要分布在表土层,0~80cm土体根重比例达95%以上,1m以下根重比例不足1%。土壤硝态氮测定表明,从播种前到收获期,各施氮量处理(0、90、180、270kgN/hm2)2m土体土壤硝态氮平均含量均表现出“N”型曲线变化趋势。在玉米收获期,施氮处理(90~270kgN/hm2)2m土体均有明显的硝态氮残留积累,并且残留积累量随着施氮量增加而增大,施氮处理下层土壤(120~200cm)硝态氮残留积累量比不施氮处理高出50.4~95.4kgNO3-N/hm2。这说明,在玉米生育期降水影响下氮肥发生了淋溶,有部分氮肥已经向下移出玉米根区以外,积累在下层土壤中。这些残留积累在下层土壤中的硝态氮对于玉米来说很难被吸收利用,不仅降低了氮肥的利用率,也成为污染地下水的潜在隐患。分析表明,各施氮处理籽粒产量和植株吸氮量都显著大于不施氮处理,但施氮处理之间比较,籽粒产量和植株吸氮量并无显著差异。90kgN/hm2、180kgN/hm2和270kgN/hm2施氮处理下,氮肥表观利用率分别为11.52%、13.37%、9.93%。根据本研究结果,从小麦-玉米种植体系考虑,玉米根区以下残留积累氮素的回收利用是提高周年氮肥利用率的一个重要方面,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,研究了不同氮肥施用时期和基追比例对土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量变化及小麦产量和品质的影响.结果表明:土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量随着土层深度的增加而降低,不同氮肥施用时期和基追比例对0~20 cm土层土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量均有显著影响;与氮肥全部基施处理相比,氮肥施用时期后移和基追比例的增加,明显提高了氮肥吸收利用率,减少了小麦全生育期土壤氮素的表观盈余量,同时显著改善了小麦籽粒品质;但对籽粒产量影响不显著,孕穗期追施比例过大导致产量显著降低.在本试验条件下,综合考虑产量、品质和生态效益,以基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥为5∶3∶2为最佳氮肥运筹方式.  相似文献   

A link between plant diversity, elevated CO2 and soil nitrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interactive effects of reductions in plant species diversity and increases in atmospheric CO2 were investigated in a long-term study in nutrient-poor calcareous grassland. Throughout the experiment, soil nitrate was persistently increased at low plant species diversity, and CO2 enrichment reduced soil [NO3-] at all levels of plant species diversity. In our study, soil [NO3-] was unrelated to root length density, microbial biomass N, community legume contents, and experimental plant communities differed only little in total N pools. However, potential nitrification revealed exactly the same treatment effects as soil [NO3-], providing circumstantial evidence that nitrification rates drove the observed changes in [NO3-]. One possible explanation for plant diversity effects on nitrification lies in spatial and temporal interspecific differences in plant N uptake, which would more often allow accumulation of NH4+ in part of the soil profile at low diversity than in more species-rich plant communities. Consequently, nitrification rates and soil [NO3-] would increase. Elevated CO2 increased soil water contents, which may have improved NO3- diffusion to the root surface thereby reducing soil [NO3-]. Higher soil moisture at elevated CO2 might also reduce nitrification rates due to less aerobic conditions. The accordance of the diversity effect on soil [NO3-] with previous experiments suggests that increased soil [NO3-] at low species diversity is a fairly general phenomenon, although the mechanisms causing high [NO3-] may vary. In contrast, experimental evidence for effects of CO2 enrichment on soil [NO3-] is ambiguous, and the antagonistic interaction of plant species reductions and elevated CO2 we have observed is thus probably less universal.  相似文献   

以黄土高原南部17年长期定位试验不同处理土壤为研究对象,研究了不同肥料处理及撂荒条件下土壤氮素矿化特性、灭菌与不灭菌条件下不同肥力土壤对施入外源硝态氮转化的影响.结果表明:氮磷钾化肥和有机肥配施(MNPK)及长期撂荒处理显著提高了土壤有机质和全氮含量以及土壤氮素矿化量和矿化率;氮磷钾化肥(NPK)处理虽然提高了土壤无机氮含量,但对土壤有机质、全氮、土壤氮素矿化量和矿化率的影响相对较小.高温高压灭菌显著增加了土壤铵态氮含量,但对不同处理土壤硝态氮含量无明显影响;在灭菌土壤培养过程中,土壤铵态氮含量呈显著增加趋势.同一土壤类型,不论灭菌与否,培养过程中施入土壤的硝态氮含量保持相对稳定,说明在本研究培养条件下,生物因素和非生物因素对外源硝态氮在土壤中的转化无明显影响.  相似文献   

 植物对土壤有效养分的影响是植物竞争取胜的重要生态策略之一, 土壤酶活性对土壤有效养分的变化具有重要作用。该文研究了紫茎 泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)单种(A)、非洲狗尾草(Setaria sphacelata)单种(S)和两物种混种(A+S)群落4种重要的土壤酶活性和土壤养分的 变化及其规律, 并对土壤酶活性与土壤养分进行了相关分析。结果表明: 1)群落S土壤有效氮(NH4+-N和NO3--N)含量高于群落A对应养分含量, 而与群落A+S该养分含量没有显著差异; 群落S土壤有效磷和有效钾含量低于群落A对应指标, 而群落A+S其含量最低。2)群落S、A+S和A土壤蛋 白酶和脲酶活性的高低次序分别为S>A+S>A、A+S>S>A; 群落A+S、S和A磷酸酶活性依次升高; 群落A+S、A和S蔗糖酶活性依次降低。3)在生长 过程中, 3类群落土壤NO3--N、有效磷和有效钾含量在生长初期(5月)最高, 随后逐渐降低; 土壤NH4+-N含量呈现单峰趋势, 在生长后期(9月)最 高。3类群落土壤蛋白酶和蔗糖酶活性随生长时间推移而升高, 在生长末期(11月)最高; 土壤磷酸酶和脲酶酶活性在生长过程中呈现单峰趋势, 在生长旺盛期(7月)最高。3类群落间土壤酶活性与土壤肥力具有较一致的相关性。由此推断, 非洲狗尾草对土壤含氮化合物的活化能力比紫茎 泽兰强, 且在种间竞争中能够强烈抑制紫茎泽兰对土壤含磷、含钾化合物的活化能力是其竞争取胜的可能原因; 不同植物群落土壤酶活性的差 异是引起土壤有效养分变化的重要驱动机制之一。  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of northern Sweden are often considered to be N limited. This limitation may have been exacerbated by the elimination of wildfire as a natural disturbance factor in these boreal forests. Phenolic inhibition of N mineralization and nitrification (due to litter and exudates of ericaceous shrubs) has been proposed as a mechanism for N limitation of these forests, but this hypothesis remains largely untested. N mineralization rates, nitrification rates, and sorption of free phenolic compounds were assessed along a fire-induced chronosequence in northern Sweden. A total of 34 forest stands varying in age since the last fire were identified and characterized. Overstorey and understorey vegetative composition and depth of humus were analysed in replicated plots at all 34 sites. Eight of the forest stands aged 3-352 years since the last fire were selected for intensive investigation in which ten replicate ionic resin capsules (used to assess net N mineralization and nitrification) and non-ionic carbonaceous resin capsules (used to assess free phenolic compounds) were installed at the interface of humus and mineral soil. A highly significant correlation was observed between site age and net sorption of inorganic N to resin capsules. Net accumulation of NH4+ and NO3- on resin capsules followed a linear decrease (R2=0.61, P<0.01) with time perhaps as a result of increased N immobilization with successional C loading. NO3- sorption to resin capsules followed a logarithmic decrease (R2=0.80, P<0.01) that may be related to a logarithmic increase in dwarf shrub cover and decreased soil charcoal sorption potential along this chronosequence. A replicated field study was conducted at one of the late successional field sites to assess the influence of charcoal and an added labile N source on N turnover. Three rates of charcoal (0, 100, and 1,000 g M-2) and two rates of glycine (0 and 50 g N as glycine M-2) were applied in a factorial design to microplots in a randomized complete block pattern. Net ammonification (as assessed by NH4+ sorption to resins) was readily increased by the addition of a labile N source, but this increase in NH4+ did not stimulate nitrification. Nitrification was stimulated slightly by the addition of charcoal resulting in similar levels of resin-sorbed NO3- as those found in early successional sites. Resin-sorbed polyphenol concentrations were decreased with charcoal amendments, but were actually increased with N amendments (likely due to decomposition of polyphenols). Net N mineralization appears to be limited by rapid NH4+ immobilization whereas nitrification is limited by the lack of an appropriate environment or by the presence of inhibitory compounds in late successional forests of northern Sweden.  相似文献   

Ammonium-fed plants may acidify the rhizosphere and thus increaseavailability of Mn in calcareous alkaline soils. The importanceof N nutrition in the differential expression of tolerance toMn deficiency among cereal genotypes is not yet clear. Two factorialexperiments testing effects of the NH4-N/NO3-N ratio and Mnfertilization on growth of barley genotypes differing in toleranceto Mn deficiency were conducted in two calcareous alkaline soilsin pots in a controlled environment. In the soil containing80% CaCO3at pH 8.5, better root and shoot growth and highershoot Mn concentrations were achieved with nitrate supply, especiallyat lower rates of Mn fertilization. The Mn-efficient genotypeWeeah (tolerant of Mn deficiency) achieved better root and shootgrowth than Mn-inefficient Galleon barley (sensitive to Mn deficiency)regardless of experimental treatment. Fertilization with Mndid not influence total N concentration in barley roots andshoots. In the soil containing 5% CaCO3at pH 7.8, ammonium-fedplants had better root and shoot growth and, at shoot Mn concentrationsabove the critical level, Mn-inefficient Galleon performed betterthan Mn-efficient Weeah barley. It appears that differentialexpression of Mn efficiency among barley genotypes is not associatedwith differences in Mn availability expected to be producedby differential rhizosphere acidification as a response to differentforms of N supply. There is an apparent preference of locallyselected barley genotypes for nitrate nutrition when grown onthe highly calcareous alkaline soils of southern Australia. Ammonium; calcareous soil; Hordeum vulgare ; manganese; nitrate; nitrogen form; nutrient efficiency; rhizosphere  相似文献   

Allen, S. and Smith, J A. C. 1986. Ammonium nutrition in Ricinuscommunis: its effect on plantgrowth and the chemical compositionof the whole plant, xylem and phloem saps.—J. exp. Bot.37: 1599–1610. The growth and chemical composition of Ricinus communis cultivatedhydroponically on 12 mol m – 3 NO3-N were comparedwith plants raised on a range of NH4+-N concentrations. At NH4+-Nconcentrations between 0·5 and 4·0 mol m–3,fresh- and dry-weight yields of 62-d-old plants were not significantlydifferent from those of the NO3-N controls. Growth wasreduced at 0·2 mol m–3 NH4+-N and was associatedwith increased root. shoot and C: organic N ratios, suggestingthat the plants were N-limited. At 8·0 mol m–3NH4+-N, growth was greatly restricted and the plants exhibitedsymptoms of severe ‘NH4+ toxicity’. Plants growingon NH4+-N showed marked acidification of the rooting medium,this effect being greatest on media supporting the highest growthrates. Shoot carboxylate content per unit dry weight was lower at mostNH4+-N concentrations than in the NO3-N controls, althoughit increased at the lowest NH4+-N levels. Root carboxylate contentwas comparable on the two N sources, but also increased substantiallyat the lowest NH4+-N levels. N source had little effect on inorganic-cationcontent at the whole-plant level, while NO3 and carboxylatewere replaced by Cl as the dominant anion in the NH4+-N plants.This was reflected in the ionic composition of the xylem andleaf-cell saps, the latter containing about 100 mol m–3Cl in plants on 8·0 mol m–3 NH4+. Xylem-saporganic-N concentration increased more than threefold with NH4+-N(with glutamine being the dominant compound irrespective ofN source) while in leaf-cell sap it increased more than 12-foldon NH4+-N media (with arginine becoming the dominant species).In the phloem, N source had little or no effect on inorganic-cation,sucrose or organic-N concentrations or sap pH, but sap fromNH4+-N plants contained high levels of Cl and serine. Collectively, the results suggested that the toxic effects ofhigh NH4+ concentrations were not the result of medium acidification,reduced inorganic-cation or carboxylate levels, or restrictedcarbohydrate availability, as is commonly supposed. Rather,NH4+ toxicity in R. communis is probably the result of changesin protein N turnover and impairment of the photorespiratoryN cycle. Key words: Ricinus, ammonium nutrition, nitrate, whole-plant composition, xylem, Phloem, amino acids, carboxylate  相似文献   

We studied the responses of Xanthium occidentale (Bertol.) (cockleburor Noogoora burr), a noxious weed, to atmospheric CO2 enrichmentand nitrate-N concentrations in the root zone ranging from 0.5to 25 mM. CO2 enrichment (1500 cm3 m–3) increased dry-matterproduction to about the same extent (18 per cent) at all levelsof supplied N: most of the increment in dry matter was distributedequally between leaves and roots so that there was little effecton shoot-to-root dry-weight ratios. Growth was stimulated greatlyby N and plateaued at 12 mM supplied N. Shoot-to-root dry-weightand total N ratios increased with increasing N supply. CO2 enrichmenthad no effect on the total amount of N accumulated by plants,but increased the N-use efficiency of leaves. Enriched plantshad lower concentrations and quantities of N in their leavesthan controls, and therefore lower shoot-to-root total N ratios.Little free NO3 accumulated in organs of control or enrichedplants. NO3 was the major form of N in xylem sap fromdetopped plants at low supplied NO3-N, but amino N was equalin importance at high supplied NO3-N in control and enrichedplants. Concentrations of NO3 were lower in the xylemsap of CO2 enriched plants. It was concluded that the betterN-use efficiency of CO2 enriched plants could result in increasedgrowth of X. occidentale in regions of marginal soil fertilityas atmospheric levels of CO2 increase. CO2 enrichment, nitrogen, Xanthium, Noogoora burr, cocklebur  相似文献   

Nitrification performance of a chemostat and a membrane-assisted bioreactor (MBR) was assessed at pilot scale for the treatment of sludge reject waters with NH4+-N concentrations up to 600 mg/L and low organic content (COD<200 mg/L). To prevent nitrifier washout the 1-m3 chemostat was operated at 20°C with minimum hydraulic retention time of F=2 days. At the 0.71 m3 MBR, F was successively reduced to 6.2 h. Complete sludge retention was achieved by means of a 2-m2 100,000-Dalton PES ultrafiltration membrane. Operation in crossflow mode with flow velocities from vF=2.4-3.7 m/s and transmembrane pressures (p=0.5-1.2 bar yielded a long-term permeate flux of 110 L/(m22h). In the MBR, nitrification rates up to 2,500 g N/(m32d) were measured with biomass concentrations between 4 and 15 g TSS/L. Despite low TSS values, about 0.2 g/L of the chemostat was able to nitrify 180 g N/(m32d). The microbial community composition differed considerably between the two reactors as determined by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. For both reactors, the relative abundance of ammonia and nitrite oxidisers measured by FISH was consistent with results from dynamic simulation of the nitrification process.  相似文献   

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