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栗山天牛Massicus raddei (Blessig)是我国东北林区发生面积最大的林业害虫,造成了严重的经济和生态损失.为探索诱杀栗山天牛的有效技术措施,本研究利用自主研发的专用黑光灯对栗山天牛成虫进行了诱杀技术试验研究.结果表明,将黑光灯设置在山脊是诱集栗山天牛的最佳位置;20:00~22:00是引诱的最佳时间;以天牛成虫羽化前期和末期的雄虫略多,而盛期雌虫略多,但差异不显著.诱集到的雌虫的怀卵量前期和盛期平均30粒/头,和处女雌虫无明显差异,表明诱集到的雌虫为卵刚成熟而未产出的发育阶段的成虫,而在羽化末期诱到的雌虫怀卵量不足10粒/头.和普通手电相比,该专用黑光灯的诱集数量是其2.03倍.晴天诱到的成虫数量远多于阴天.用专用黑光灯诱杀栗山天牛成虫效果显著,将在降低该害虫后代的种群数量上发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

为探索诱杀栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)成虫的新技术,本文研究了糖醋酒液对栗山天牛成虫的引诱效果。结果表明:糖醋酒液对栗山天牛成虫有较强的引诱作用,天牛羽化期内共诱捕到成虫6427头,平均每个引诱点引诱到107头,是林间寄主树单株虫口密度的5.15倍。诱捕到的雌雄成虫数量基本一致,且诱捕到的雌虫怀卵量只比处女虫略低,表明诱捕到的雌虫尚未产卵或者产卵较少。糖醋酒液引诱剂最佳配比为糖∶醋∶乙醇∶蒸馏水=30∶20∶10∶100,最佳引诱时间是19∶00-21∶00。添加了菊酯类杀虫剂的引诱剂对栗山天牛成虫的引诱效果明显下降,且成虫对该引诱剂的取食时间明显缩短,取食该引诱剂的成虫80%在2 h内即死亡,24 h后死亡率达100%。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇羽化出土及橘园成虫诱集动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】柑橘大实蝇是柑橘类果树上的重要害虫。预测该虫的羽化出土进度、掌握成虫发生动态是指导橘同成虫期防治的重要依据。【方法】本研究通过在25℃恒温、室内常温和室外网室3种条件下饲养柑橘大实蝇的蛹,以逐日观察成虫羽化出土数量;在重庆武隆、四川江油等5个地区共设置240个麦克菲尔(MePhail)诱集器,以糖酒醋液和水解蛋白为诱饵诱集成虫,得到柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化出土的逐日数量和橘园成虫诱集的逐期数量。【结果】用逻辑斯带模型拟合成虫羽化出土和橘园成虫诱集动态,结果表明,成虫的始盛期、高峰期和盛末期在25℃恒温条件下分别为4月25日、28日和30日,盛期的持续时间为6d;在室内常温条件下分别为5月3日、7日和10日,盛期的持续时间为8d;在室外网室条件下分别为5月8日、14日和18日,盛期的持续时间为11d;橘园诱集成虫分别为6月2日、14日和26日,盛期的持续时间为25d。【结论与意义】随着羽化期温度的提高,柑橘大实蝇羽化出土期提前,历期缩短,羽化整齐。虽然网室成虫羽化和橘园成虫诱集都处于室外条件,但后者的始盛期、盛期和盛末期比前者分别迟了36、30和22d。因此,建议采用室外网室饲养蛹的方法监测柑橘大实蝇成虫的发生期,若仅凭橘园诱集成虫的数据,因其滞后性十分明显,对指导柑橘大实蝇成虫防治的意义不大。  相似文献   

[目的]明确齐齐哈尔市玉米田双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica成虫发生规律,为该害虫的预测预报和综合防治提供科学依据.[方法]2017-2019年,通过在齐齐哈尔市玉米田间罩网,定点观察双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化动态、虫体大小、发生数量与温度及降雨量的关系.[结果]成虫羽化出土始见期在7月上中旬,初期羽化出土的成虫虫体偏小;7月下旬-8月上旬为成虫羽化出土高峰期,虫体的长度与宽度明显增大,8月上中旬,羽化出土的成虫虫体达到最大值;8月中旬以后羽化出土成虫数量明显下降,成虫虫体的长度与宽度逐渐减小;到8月下旬-9月上旬只有少量的成虫羽化出土,成虫虫体的大小与初期羽化出土期的相近;9月中旬以后零星羽化出土的成虫虫体大小达到最小值;9月下旬以后未见有成虫羽化出土,10月上旬田间成虫消失.双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化出土持续时间在61-74 d,平均1 m2玉米田羽化出土的成虫12.0-97.8头.温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化出土始见期、盛发期、持续时间影响较大,5-7月温度高有利于成虫羽化出土.降雨量对羽化出土的双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫总量影响较大,6-8月降雨量大羽化出土的成虫数量减少.[结论]齐齐哈尔玉米田双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫在7月上中旬羽化出土,8月上中旬达到高峰,与当地玉米抽雄吐丝期相遇,8月中旬后成虫羽化数量明显减少,8月下至9月初仅有零星羽化出土,9月下旬无新羽化出土,10月上旬田间成虫消失.成虫虫体大小与羽化时期密切相关,以羽化盛期的虫体最大.温度和降水影响成虫的羽化时间和数量.  相似文献   

为了明确柑桔大实蝇Bactrocera minax (Enderlein)辐照成虫和田间自然发生的成虫对引诱剂的敏感性差异,指导柑桔大实蝇辐照不育技术的有效利用,在田间释放柑桔大实蝇辐照成虫,以常用引诱剂桔丰和果瑞特同期进行诱集监测。监测结果显示,辐照显著降低了柑桔大实蝇成虫对桔丰和果瑞特的敏感性。在柑桔大实蝇成虫发生高峰期桔丰诱集到辐照成虫的数量仅为诱集总虫量的2.6%-11.6%,果瑞特为5.0%-50.0%;桔丰诱集到的辐照雌性成虫的数量仅为诱集的所有雌性成虫数量的4.4%-11.8%,果瑞特为33.7%-50.0%;桔丰诱集到的辐照雄性成虫的数量仅为诱集的所有雄性成虫的5.3%-11.4%,而果瑞特始终未能诱集到辐照雄性成虫。此外,辐照缩短了柑桔大实蝇成虫对常用引诱剂趋向性的持续时间。研究结果对柑桔大实蝇辐照不育技术与诱集诱杀技术的协调应用具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

利用福建农林大学研发的APF-Ⅰ型松墨天牛持久型诱芯和专用配套ZM-808型诱捕器诱捕松墨天牛成虫,摸清其在福建龙岩市新罗区的活动规律,为松材线虫病的防控提供依据。结果表明,新罗区松墨天牛成虫在3月下旬开始活动,为活动初期;活动盛期在5月中旬至7月中旬;7月下旬至11月上旬为活动末期;11月中旬至翌年3月上旬无松墨天牛成虫活动。5个诱捕器全年共收集松墨天牛成虫824头,其中雌虫701头,雄虫123头,雌雄比为1:0.18,收集到的松墨天牛成虫雌虫数量多于雄虫数量。根据松墨天牛成虫的活动规律,在松材线虫病防控工作中,松墨天牛诱捕器诱杀应在3月下旬至10月中下旬进行;每年3月底前应将不明原因枯死松树清理干净,同时加强林间松墨天牛成虫防治工作,杜绝传播隐患。  相似文献   

浙江余姚地区松褐天牛羽化规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内饲养和室外笼养观察研究了余姚地区松褐天牛成虫的羽化规律。结果表明:松褐天牛在室内开始羽化的时间晚于室外,但羽化盛期基本一致。野外成虫羽化受气候影响较为明显,不同的年份羽化始期不同,但羽化盛期基本一致。另外,高山地区松褐天牛的羽化期比平原地区推迟30d左右。  相似文献   

为了研究明确林间释放花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire后影响松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope羽化率的关键因子,本文在试验地不同位置设置诱木引诱松褐天牛成虫产卵,并在诱木上释放花绒寄甲成虫,之后调查诱木的生长环境及诱木上花绒寄甲的寄生率、其他天敌寄生率,并对各因子与松褐天牛羽化率进行逐步回归分析,筛选出关键因子。结果表明,影响松褐天牛羽化率(Y)的关键因子是花绒寄甲寄生率(X_(16))和其它天敌寄生率(X_(15)),两者与松褐天牛羽化率均呈显著负相关关系。依此建立多元回归模型:Y=1.0194-0.6608 X_(15)-0.8665 X_(16)。经检验,平均差异程度为0.2573。以上研究,证实了释放花绒寄甲对松褐天牛的种群起到了重要控制作用。  相似文献   

北京郊区苹果小卷蛾成虫发生规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苹果小卷蛾AdoxophyesoranaFischervonR slerstamm为北京郊区大桃生产中的主要害虫 ,试验采用黑光灯诱杀、糖醋盆诱集 2种方法在不同生态环境果园对其成虫发生期进行了观测。结果显示苹果小卷蛾在北京地区 1年发生 3代 ;越冬代成虫羽化高峰为 5月底至 6月初 ,第 1代幼虫防治适期为 6月1 0~ 1 5日 ;第 1代成虫羽化高峰为 7月中旬 ,第 2代幼虫防治适期为 7月下旬。  相似文献   

通过室内配对饲养和野外观察,本文研究了栗山天牛成虫的取食、交配和产卵行为。结果表明:栗山天牛成虫吸食从栎树树皮受伤处溢出的汁液补充营养。栗山天牛雄成虫比雌成虫更具攻击性,在取食和交配中的雄成虫易发生争斗,交配中的雄成虫攻击性最强。其攻击方式主要是用上颚咬住对手的触角或者足进行拖拽。70%的栗山天牛雄成虫争斗是为了争夺配偶,其次是为了争夺食物资源。栗山天牛成虫完成一次完整的交配经过4个阶段,即:识别、追逐-攀附、抚慰-插入输精-交尾间歇、配后保护。整个交配过程最长可达2 h。试探性插入、插入输精和输精后保护是整个交配过程的重点,持续时间长短不一。雄成虫输入精子的次数与交配持续的时间成正比。雄成虫每次插入输精持续的时间与次数成反比,每次输精间歇时间与次数成正比。雄成虫输入精子之后会再次插入保护,平均持续约1 min。栗山天牛雌成虫产卵于寄主树皮裂缝中。以上研究为了解栗山天牛成虫的行为及其防治提供参考。  相似文献   

Field-collected adults of the southern pine sawyer, Monochamus titillator (F.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), naturally infested with fourth-stage juveniles (dauerlarvae) of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970, were maturation fed on excised shoots of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var elliottii, for 21 days. During August 1981, a male and female adult beetle were held in a sleeve cage placed on the terminal of a side branch of each of seven replicate, healthy 10-year-old slash pine trees. All seven branch terminals showed evidence of beetle feeding on the bark after 1 week, and pinewood nematodes were present in wood samples taken near these feeding sites. Four of the seven trees showed wilt symptoms in 4-6 weeks and died about 9 weeks after beetle feeding. Pinewood nematodes were recovered from the roots and trunks of the dead trees. Each of seven replicate slash pine log bolts was enclosed in a jar with a pair of the same beetles used in the sleeve cages. After 1 week, wood underlying beetle oviposition sites in the bark of all replicate log bolts was infested with the pinewood nematode.  相似文献   

安庆褐飞虱近三个大发生年虫源和气候条件的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较并分析安庆市1997,2005年和2006年褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugehs(Stal)大发生的虫源、气候条件。1997年,迁入期偏早,初迁虫量大,到7月26日止,单灯累计诱量为1228~8698头;7、8月份气温比历史均值低0.2~1.3℃,导致单季稻上基数适温协同暴发型;再迁补充虫源峰次较多,但9月份气温比历史均值低1.0℃,抑制了双季晚稻褐飞虱发生。2005年,迁入期较早,但初迁虫量低,到7月26日止,单灯累计诱量为200~3334头;7月中旬至8月份气温比历史均值低0.4~0.8℃,9月至10月中旬气温比历史均值高1.8~2.2℃,有利褐飞虱发生的气候条件长达3个月;同时,夏、秋季台风暴雨频繁,再迁补充虫源丰富,8月16日~9月25日每侯灯下≥1000头的回迁峰次多达5个,分别比1997年和2006年多1个和2个,导致多代连续重发。2006年,迁入期早,6月底以前的早迁虫量分别是1997年和2005年同期的6.4倍和2.1倍,初迁虫量大,到7月26日止,单灯累计诱量为1595~7181头;虽然7、8月份气温比历史均值高1.0~2.0℃,但单季稻田间小气候适宜,构成单季稻基数暴发型;再迁补充虫源峰次较少,但8月底~9月初短期内大量集中迁入,9月下旬至10月份气温异常偏高,高于历史均值1.5~3.0℃,引起晚稻持续重发。  相似文献   

The moth,Pterolonche inspersa (Staudinger) (Lepidoptera: Pterolonchidae), is widely distributed in southern Europe, north Africa, Turkey and the former Soviet Union. It occurs in both thick and scattered stands of knapweeds in disturbed sites, usually on sandy and/or stony soil. Larvae bore in the roots of diffuse and spotted knapweeds (Centaurea diffusa De Lamarck andC. maculosa De Lamarck). There is one generation per year in northern Greece, and larvae feed in the roots for about 11 months during the growing season (August–September, to the following July–August). In the laboratory garden, emergence took place between the second half of July and the end of August, with peak emergence during mid August. In the field, adults were observed from early to late July. Female moths oviposited on rosettes during the first ten days of July and continued through the end of July. Eggs were laid singly or in groups of five or six, firmly attached to the leaves of the host plant. In the laboratory, females mated within 24 hours of emergence and the preoviposition period lasted 2.6±0.8 days. The oviposition period lasted 7.4±2.2 days and the average number of eggs per female was 142.2±59.2. The incubation period was 12±4.7 days; the pupal stage lasted 14.7±2.4 days; and females lived 15.8±2.4 days, while males lived 10.7±1.4 days. First instar larvae failed to survive on economically important Compositae in the generaCynara L.,Helianthus L.,Zinnia L. andCalendula L. (Dunnet al., 1989).  相似文献   

Transmission of pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, to mature, field grown Scots pines through feeding wounds of Monochamus carolinensis was investigated by caging nematode-infested beetles on pine branches for 24 hours. Nematodes were transmitted to 31 of 64 branches. Frequency of successful transmission was independent of the sex of the beetle but dependent upon beetle age. Transmission frequencies were highest for beetles 2, 3, and 4 weeks after emergence as adults. The number of nematodes transmitted per branch was low and did not differ between beetle sexes or among beetle age categories. The number of nematodes extracted per branch was correlated with the number of nematodes carried per beetle but was not correlated with the feeding area on the branch.  相似文献   

A warmer climate may potentially have a strong effect on the health status of European oak forests by weakening oak trees and facilitating mass reproduction of wood boring insects. We did a laboratory experiment in Slovakia to study the response of major pest beetles of oak and their parasitoids to different temperature regimes as background for predicting climatic effects and improving management tools of European oak forests. With higher temperatures the most important oak pest Scolytus intricatus emerged much earlier, which indicate that completion of a second generation and increased damage further north in European oak forests may be possible. Lower temperatures gave longer larval galleries and more offspring per parents but still lower beetle production due to semivoltine life cycle. For buprestids and longhorn beetles warmer temperatures resulted in more emerging offspring and a shift towards earlier emergence in the same season, but no emergence in the first season indicated that a change to univoltine populations is not likely. Reduced development success of parasitoids at the highest temperatures (25/30 °C) indicates a loss of population regulation for pest beetle populations. A warmer climate may lead to invasion of other population-regulating parasitoids, but also new serious pest may invade. With expected temperature increases it is recommended to use trap trees both in April and in June, and trap trees should be removed within 2 months instead 1 year as described in the current standard.  相似文献   

The Biogents® Sentinel (BGS) trap is the standard tool to monitor adult Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), the Asian tiger mosquito. BGS traps are commonly placed in residential properties during surveillance operations, but locations within properties may have significant differences in ambient light, temperature, and humidity (e.g. between a sunlit lawn and shady underbrush). We examined the effect of BGS trap placement on Ae. albopictus capture rates in three residential properties in Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA. In each property we visually selected locations as shade, partial shade, and sun. Traps in “partial shade” locations were under vegetation and were exposed to filtered sunlight during some parts of the day while “shaded” locations were never exposed to direct sunlight. Locations defined as “sun” were exposed to direct sunlight for large parts of the day. We placed a BGS trap in each of the three location types and used small data loggers to measure temperature, relative humidity, and light exposure at each trap during a 24-hour deployment. To address temporal variability, we made seven separate measurements from 31 August to 22 September 2010. We found that “partial shade” and “full shade” locations did not differ but that “full sun” locations had significantly higher light exposure, higher temperature, and lower humidity. Importantly, Ae. albopictus catches (males, females, or both) were consistently and significantly over 3 times higher in traps located in shaded locations. To further investigate the effects of local temperature and humidity on surveillance we examined Ae. albopictus collections from 37 BGS traps fitted with data loggers and deployed weekly from August through mid October, during the 2009 season, in three urban sites in Mercer County, NJ. We confirmed that local climate influences capture rates and that Ae. albopictus surveillance projects need to monitor trap placement carefully for maximum efficiency.  相似文献   

空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila是入侵杂草空心莲子草Alternan thera philoxeroide的重要天敌,冬春季低温冰冻是影响其安全越冬的关键胁迫因子。为了探明采取保护措施是否能提高越冬后的种群基数问题,在低温冰冻天气来临前,用塑料膜覆盖网室构建空心莲子草与空心莲子草叶甲保护生境(PH),分低温期(2009年1月21日至4月9日)、升温期(4月15日至5月1日)与自然生境(NH)中叶甲成虫初现期(从6月1日至29日)3个阶段,调查比较PH与NH两类生境中空心莲子草叶甲种群数量、结构、空间生态位分布特征及控害效能。结果表明:在保护生境中,低温期空心莲子草叶甲不休眠,且能安全越冬,当晴天温度较高时,成虫主要在直立茎或嫩枝上活动取食、补充营养,而在阴雨低温天气则停留在匍匐草层或土壤表层、缝隙中,少活动。随着气温回升,成虫转移到直立茎生态位上活动取食,并于4月上旬开始产卵繁殖,种群数量迅速增加,对空心莲子草的地上部分有较好的控制效果。在自然生境中,直到6月初才见少量成虫活动,此时草生长茂密,较低的空心莲子草叶甲种群难以发挥生防因子的作用。比较两种生境中6月1日与6月15日的控草效果显示,空心莲子草株高增长率分别为:PH-13.91%,NH-2.94%,NH中空心莲子草株高极显著高于PH,且单株生物量的控制率为PH(47.56%)极显著高于NH(4.89%)。在6月15日与29日的调查表明,单株叶片控制效果PH极显著优于NH,PH中的空心莲子草茎上均无叶,叶片或被取食殆尽、或被害后干枯脱落。茎被害率、茎蛀孔数与蛀茎率均为PH极显著高于NH。结果说明覆膜保护能显著提高叶甲越冬种群基数,使其提前进入繁殖期,从而能更有效地控制生境中的空心莲子草。  相似文献   

In previous crop rotation research, adult emergence traps placed in plots planted to Cuphea PSR-23 (a selected cross of Cuphea viscosissma Jacq. and Cuphea lanceolata Ait.) caught high numbers of adult western corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), suggesting that larvae may have completed development on this broadleaf plant. Because of this observation, a series of greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that Cuphea could serve as a host for larval development. Greenhouse-grown plants infested with neonates of a colonized nondiapausing strain of the beetle showed no survival of larvae on Cuphea, although larvae did survive on the positive control (corn, Zea mays L.) and negative control [sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] plants. Soil samples collected 20 June, 7 July, and 29 July 2005 from field plots planted to Cuphea did not contain rootworm larvae compared with means of 1.28, 0.22, and 0.00 rootworms kg(-1) soil, respectively, for samples collected from plots planted to corn. Emergence traps captured a peak of eight beetles trap(-1) day(-1) from corn plots on 8 July compared with a peak of 0.5 beetle trap(-1) day(-1) on 4 August from Cuphea plots. Even though a few adult beetles were again captured in the emergence traps placed in the Cuphea plots, it is not thought to be the result of successful larval development on Cuphea roots. All the direct evidence reported here supports the conventional belief that rootworm larvae do not survive on broadleaf plants, including Cuphea.  相似文献   

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