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2009年311月对南宁市园林树木白蚁为害情况进行了调查。结果表明,台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki是危害园林树木的优势种;调查的57种树木中,45种树木受到了白蚁的侵害,占总数的78.95%,树木受害株率达13.11%,严重受害株率为1.66%。银桦、侧柏和樟树等树种受白蚁危害最为严重。  相似文献   

在广西南宁市调查台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki对园林绿化树木的危害情况及其筑巢规律。结果表明,在调查的57种树木中,有44种树木受到台湾乳白蚁的侵害,占调查树种的77.19%,树木受害株率13.38%,严重受害株率1.63%。侧柏Thuja arientalis、荫香Cinnamomum burmannii和银桦Grevillea robusta的严重受害率最高,分别为15.85%、13.43%和11.11%。台湾乳白蚁筑巢对树木种类有明显的选择性,可在树心筑巢的树种有16种,隶属于11科14属,其中筑巢率较高的树种为荫香、侧柏、银桦和桂花树Osmanthus fragrans,分别占所调查树木的16.42%、15.85%、11.11%和10.91%;其次为樟树Cinnamonaom camphora、大叶桉Eucalyptus robusta和白千层Melaleuca leucadendta,筑巢率分别为7.98%、5.76%和3.42%。  相似文献   

2010年7月~2012年10月对南宁市隆安县板栗园的白蚁种类及危害情况进行调查,结果表明:板栗园的白蚁种类隶属2科8属16种,以白蚁科的种类占的比例较大,共有6属14种,种类数占875%;鼻白蚁科有2属2种,种类数占125%。危害板栗树的白蚁种类有7种,其中小头钩白蚁Ancistrotermes dimorphus、黄翅大白蚁Macrotermes barneyi、土垄大白蚁Macrotermes annandalei和黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus是危害板栗树的主要种类;平形土白蚁Odontotermes parallelus、细齿大白蚁Macrotermes denticulatus、平头大白蚁Macrotermes planicapitatus、梅多大白蚁Macrotermes meidoensis、方头亮白蚁 Euhamitermes quadratceps、扬子江近扭白蚁Pericapritermes jangtsekiangensis、五指山近扭白蚁Pericapritermes Wuzhishanensis、合浦近扭白蚁Pericapritermes hepuensis和中华钩扭白蚁Pseudocapritermes sinensis等9种白蚁在板栗园中有分布,但不危害板栗树,其中梅多大白蚁及五指山近扭白蚁2个种属广西新记录种。板栗树受白蚁为害较严重的阶段主要在老龄时期,老龄板栗树的受害株率达到9265%,严重受害株率达到7918%。  相似文献   

我国有400多种白蚁,它们主要分布在华南一带,常见危害种台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki是危害房屋建筑、林木果树的主要害虫。为摸清不同pH土壤与台湾乳白蚁生存和取食的关系,测定pH1.7~10.8的黄粘土泥层对台湾乳白蚁活动和取食的影响。结果表明,台湾乳白蚁能快速穿透pH3.0~10.1范围的泥层,进入泥层中心取食木块;随着泥层pH值的增加穿透力减弱,取食量减少。采用逐步回归方程预测,台湾乳白蚁不能进入土层蛀蚀木块的土壤pH范围为<1.85和>10.91。  相似文献   

台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁对三种饵剂的嗅觉行为反应   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
利用“Y”型嗅觉仪,测定了台湾乳白蚁Coptotermesformosanus和黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermesflaviceps对灭蚁灵,氟虫胺,氟铃脲等3种饵剂在不同浓度下的嗅觉行为反应。结果表明2种白蚁对0. 2 5和0 . 5 %灭蚁灵;0 .2 5 ,0 .75和1 %氟虫胺;0 . 5 %氟铃脲均具有明显的趋性,且趋性差异不显著。因此,可将氟虫胺及氟铃脲作为灭蚁灵的替代品来防治白蚁。此外,台湾乳白蚁对1 %灭蚁灵,0 . 5 %氟虫胺,1 %氟铃脲具忌避性;而黄胸散白蚁对0 . 75和1 %灭蚁灵;0. 2 5 ,0. 75和1 %氟铃脲具忌避性,表明2种白蚁对饵剂的嗅觉反应既有相似性,又有不同点;台湾乳白蚁产生趋性的饵剂浓度大于黄胸散白蚁。因此用饵剂防治白蚁时,需根据不同种类的白蚁,采用不同的浓度进行防治。  相似文献   

红脂大小蠹的发生和危害规律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用标准地调查和单株调查的方法,研究了红脂大小蠹的发生和危害规律。结果表明:红脂大小蠹主要为害油松的基部和根部,多为胸径7.5cm以上、树龄30年生以上的树木,幼龄树受害很少;海拔850m以上的树木受害重,且随海拔的增高危害加重;路边树木受害最为严重,其次是山顶,林缘树木受害较轻,林内树木受害最轻;在不同坡向分布的树木,阴坡受害大于半阴坡,半阴坡大于阳坡;此外,该害虫一般侵害树势衰弱的林木,随着树势衰弱程度的增加,其危害程度加重,树体内害虫数量与树木的衰弱程度呈线性相关,其方程为Y=13.32X-16.25,此方程可以用来推断红脂大小蠹可能发生的程度。  相似文献   

乳白蚁属Coptotermes是鼻白蚁科Rhinotermitidae最具经济意义的属之一,其中的台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shriaki分布广、适应性强,个体在不同种群以及不同巢龄间外部形态存在明显变异,已报道多个同物异名。本研究发现在模式产地重新采集到经形态学鉴定为赭黄乳白蚁Coptotermes ochraceus Ping et Xu的标本,其形态特征与台湾乳白蚁相似度较高,又以线粒体16S rRNA和CO II基因作为分子标记,将两者进行了序列比对,并与美国国立生物技术信息中心(NCBI)中台湾乳白蚁以及其他一些乳白蚁种类的相应序列一起进行了遗传差异比较和同源性分析。结果表明,台湾乳白蚁与赭黄乳白蚁16S rRNA和CO II序列的遗传差异均明显小于台湾乳白蚁与属内其它种之间的差异;在基于两种分子标记构建的支序图中,台湾乳白蚁和赭黄乳白蚁均聚为一支,并得到了很高的自展支持率。综合分子和形态两方面的证据,本研究建议赭黄乳白蚁为台湾乳白蚁的次异名。  相似文献   

朱永淡  朱曦 《兽类学报》1990,10(4):276-281
浙江省被松鼠剥皮危害的树木有马尾松、杉木、柳杉、湿地松、银杏等计47种,以针叶树最严重。危害林木的主要种类为赤腹松鼠嘉兴亚种(Callosciurus erythraeus styani)。据1987—1989年在759块标准样地12947株树木调查,平均被害率为54.44%,被害树木中死亡的占13.3%。 松鼠剥食树皮从秋季开始,以2—3月最严重,这与此时松鼠食物供应不足有关。松鼠剥皮危害程度也与林分组合有关,混交林较单纯林受害率低。此外与食物供需丰歉也有关系。  相似文献   

台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus是我国南方木材及其建筑结构最主要的有害白蚁,也是世界重要的入侵性物种。台湾乳白蚁兵蚁品级的量度特征是其描述鉴定的重要依据,本文对台湾乳白蚁兵蚁主要量度特征数据进行了整合,并就台湾乳白蚁11个地理种群兵蚁品级的主要量度特征进行了比较,探讨了台湾乳白蚁相应量度特征的分类学意义。  相似文献   

【目的】利用多种药用植物水提液绿色合成纳米银粒子,测定分析其对台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus的毒杀活性和作用机理,探索绿色合成的(silver nanoparticles, AgNPs)在白蚁防治方面的潜力,拓宽AgNPs在农业领域的应用前景。【方法】分别利用药用植物大黄Rheum palmatum根茎、白毛夏枯草Ajuga nipponensis全株、苦参Sophora flavescens根和鱼腥草Houttuy niacordata全株的水提取液绿色合成纳米银粒子,采用紫外 可见分光光度计(UV-vis)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线能谱分析(EDS)和纳米粒度分析仪验证AgNPs的生成并表征其粒子大小、形状和聚集程度等;在实验室条件下测定AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁的毒杀效果。通过测定800 mg/L AgNPs处理7 d的台湾乳白蚁工蚁体内可溶性蛋白质含量、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性和滤纸酶活性(filter paper activity, FPA)水平,来探析AgNPs对白蚁的毒杀作用机理。【结果】4种药用植物水提取液合成的AgNPs颗粒均呈球形,粒径在69~180 nm之间;7 d内AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁的LC50值分别为150, 340, 342和309 mg/L;800 mg/L AgNPs处理7 d后台湾乳白蚁工蚁的可溶性蛋白质含量以及AchE活性和FPA与对照相比均显著降低。【结论】4种植物提取物合成的AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁均有较好的毒杀效果,它们可通过降低白蚁体内的可溶性蛋白质含量、AchE活性和FPA来影响其存活,说明绿色合成的AgNPs在防治台湾乳白蚁方面具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

Both large herbivores and termites are key functional groups in savanna ecosystems, and in many savanna areas, large termite mounds (termitaria) are associated with distinct woody clusters. Studies on the effect of large mammals on tree regeneration are few, and the results are conflicting. Large herbivores have been found to be important seedling predators in some areas, but facilitate tree regeneration by outcompeting small mammals and reducing grass cover in other areas. Through the use of the experimental fencing of termite mounds and adjacent savanna areas in this study, we investigated how termites and large herbivores influence tree regeneration. Termite mounds had a higher number of seedlings, more species richness, more alpha diversity (OD) and lower evenness (E) than savanna plots. Large herbivores did not significantly affect overall seedling density, species richness, OD or E. Beta diversity was higher in savanna areas than on termitaria, and beta diversity decreased in savanna areas when herbivores were excluded. Herbivore exclusion increased the density of the 12 (40 %) most common seedling species, representing 79 % of all seedlings, and fenced plots had relatively taller seedlings than open plots. Thus, termites were the main determinants of tree regeneration in our study area, but large mammals regulated the most common species. Although our study confirms previous work suggesting that large herbivores affect tree regeneration, we found that termites were an even more important determinant. Termite impacts on tree regeneration deserve increased attention by savanna ecologists.  相似文献   

Savanna trees often display significant hollows due to the combined action of fire and termites (N’Dri et al., J Trop Ecol 27:269–278, 2011). Observations have shown that internal cavities caused by termites in tree stems often result in external hollows under annual fire regimes, and it is quite possible that such hollows/fire interaction may increase the probability of trunk or big branch breakage and/or tree mortality. A study of individual tree and branch mortality as a function of prior termite and fire damage was undertaken in a West African savanna (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire) where most of the trees naturally have hollows in their stems due to termite and fire interaction. Our goal was to examine the dynamics of hollowing and to determine whether hollowing significantly affected tree mortality. Branch and whole plant mortality were quantified for dominant tree species according to their initial hollow state and height. Four different responses were obtained depending on tree species: (1) mortality increased with cavity severity and tree size (Piliostigma thonningii), (2) mortality depended on tree size only (Bridelia ferruginea), (3) no mortality even after being hollowed by termites and externally damaged by fire (Crossopteryx febrifuga, the species with the highest proportion of individuals with hollows yet the greatest background survival time, 14 ± 2 years) and (4) high mortality, but few hollow trees suggesting a weak resistance to hollowing (Cussonia arborea which was insensitive to all the factors examined in this study). For species resistant to hollowing, tree mortality was rare; alternatively, for species prone to hollowing, whole trees died quickly and before the most severe hollow classes could be observed. Long-term demographic data yielded population-level mortality estimates of adult trees at least four times lower in fire-exclusion zones than that in fire-prone areas. Because hollow dynamics interact with fire in affecting adult mortality of some dominant tree species, fire management is important for a sustainable woody component of these savannas.  相似文献   

Termites are typical house pests that can also be harmful pests for living trees, although this topic has not received much attention. To clarify the damage to trees caused by dry-wood termites (Neotermes koshunensis), and the ecological characteristics of such damage, we conducted a study on Taiwan cherry trees (Cerasus campanulata) grown in parks, historical sites, and streets in the central-southern area of Okinawa Island, a subtropical region. Damage by N. koshunensis was confirmed in 21 of the 36 sites surveyed (58.3%) and in 76 of the 1076 trees surveyed (7.1%). However, damage by Formosan subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus), a house pest, was only observed at six sites (16.7%), and 10 trees (0.9%), indicating that most damage was caused by N. koshunensis. Furthermore, the probability of the presence of damaged trees close to other damaged trees was significantly higher than the probability of the presence of damaged trees close to undamaged trees, implying that destructive colonies spread from damaged trees to other trees nearby. Therefore, care for trees in the initial stages of termite invasion seems to be the best method for preventing the spread N. koshunensis damage to other trees in the same area. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report that dry-wood termite N. koshunensis are harmful pests for Taiwan cherry trees in Okinawa Island. Our results could be used to establish dry-wood termite countermeasures for garden tree species.  相似文献   

三明地区林木白蚁种类、分布及危害的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在三明全区范围内设点普查,得知共有林木白蚁2科9属22种,其中中华葫白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头家白蚁、高山散白蚁为福建省首次发现危害林木。黄翅大白蚁、闽华歪白蚁、大近歪白蚁、歪白蚁、中华葫白蚁、小象白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头象白蚁、蛋头蔡白蚁、黄肢散白蚁、高额散白蚁、高山散白仪、细颏散白蚁、武宫散白蚁、尖唇异白蚁为本地区首次发现危害林木。三明地区白蚁优势种有黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁和家白蚁。黑翅土白蚁等白蚁对林木造成严重危害,已成为当前林业生产中的一大难题。三明地区林木白蚁区系分布有以下特点:1)林木白蚁种类多,分布广泛,危害较为普遍;2)土白蚁、大白蚁是危害林木的主要类别;3)全区范围白蚁发生情况是由北向南蚁种延增,危害趋重。  相似文献   

In savannah ecosystems, termites drive key ecosystem processes, such as primary production through creation of patchiness in soil nutrients availability around their nests. In this study, we evaluated the role of termites in altering the soil seed bank size, an important ecosystem component that has often been overlooked in previous work. Data on above ground vegetation and soil seed bank samples were collected from four microhabitats, that is, the wooded mound, unwooded mound, tree sub‐canopy and the open grassland matrix in a protected game reserve in south‐central Zimbabwe. The seedling emergence method was then used to identify species present in the soil samples. One‐way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's multiple comparison tests was executed to test for significant differences in plant species richness among the four microhabitats. The results indicate that plant species richness was high on wooded termite mound but did not differ between the unwooded and the sub‐canopy microhabitats. The open grassland microhabitat had the lowest plant species richness. The influence of termites on the soil seed bank composition was also life form specific. The herb and woody life forms had significantly (α = 0.05) higher species richness in the soil seed bank at wooded and unwooded termite mounds when compared to the other two microhabitats. Overall, these results imply that termites alter the soil seed bank and the findings enhance our understanding of the significant role termites play in regulating processes in savannah ecosystem.  相似文献   

台风是重要的森林干扰因子之一,会对森林生态系统的结构和功能产生较大的影响。2012年的台风"布拉万"对我国东北地区局部森林造成了严重的破坏。以受灾最重的吉林省汪清林业局的近天然落叶松云冷杉林为对象,采用方差分析和相关分析方法,研究林分结构和地形条件对林木株数损伤率的影响。结果表明:(1)林木损伤类型可分为折断、连根拔起、搭挂、压弯4种,其中连根拔起为最主要的损伤类型,占总损伤株数的52%,台风灾害造成的林木株数损伤率平均为14.09%。(2)径级大小对林木株数损伤率的影响显著。损伤主要发生于径级较小林分处,径级越大,其株数损伤率越小。(3)林木株数损伤率随林分密度的增加有减小的趋势,但在统计学上它们的关系不显著。(4)不同树种间的林木株数损伤率差异显著,落叶松、冷杉等针叶树种损伤株数最多。(5)林分的树种多样性指数与林木株数损伤率无显著的相关性。(6)海拔、坡度和坡位对林木株数损伤率的影响不显著,但坡向的影响显著,东北坡向林分的林木株数损伤率最大。研究结果可以为灾后森林恢复和减少风灾影响的森林培育措施提供依据。  相似文献   

Termites usually build nests differently shaped and characterized according to each species, to protect and keep society cohesion. Some species build nests in the ground, some prefer tree thunks or branches as support, whereas other dig galleries in the wood. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the occurrence of arboreal termites Constrictotermes cyphergaster Silvestri and tree species that support the nest of this species, in a Cerrado sensu strictu of the Serra de Caldas Novas, GO. Data suggest a association relationship between C. Cyphergaster and the tree species Qualea grandiflora Mart., Annona crassiflora Mart., Caryocar brasiliense Camb. and Plathymenia reticulata Benth., shown by high Qui-squared values (chi2 = 214.986, gl. = 20, P < 0.001). This relationship may be found among other termites and tree species, including Cerrado biome, and may be due to several factors, such as natural competitors and predators, toxin production by other tree species or benefits between associated species (facultative mutualism or facilitation).  相似文献   

Morphological phylogenetics of termites (Isoptera)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Isoptera (termites) are an ecologically important order, with both a high abundance and biomass in tropical ecosystems. However, there have been few phylogenetic hypotheses for termites, and we present here the first comprehensive cladistic analysis for the group. We analysed relationships between all seven termite families, including representatives of all known feeding group, plus a number of systematically critical taxa. Termite species richness is biased towards the higher termites (Termitidae), and our taxon sampling reflects this. Our analysis was based essentially on morphological characters (96 workers, 93 soldiers) plus seven biological characters. The cladistic analysis gave four equally parsimonious trees, representing two islands of topologies. The strict consensus tree is fully resolved for the higher termites, but less so for the lower termites. Overall there is low statistical support for the suggested topology, and this can be explained by the high incongruence between the data sets (worker, soldier and biological). This study highlights the particular problems of coding morphological characters in social insects with multiple castes. Without the input of additional data sets, e.g. alates, biological, behavioural and molecular, it will not be possible to obtain a well-supported termite phylogeny.  相似文献   

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