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扬子鳄消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:59,自引:3,他引:56  
应用7种特异性胃肠激素抗血清对扬子鳄消化道内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学定位。5-羟色胺细胞在消化道各段都有分布,以十二指肠密度最高,食道、直肠其次。生长抑素细胞在胃幽门部非常密集,胃体中等,胃贲门部较少,十二指肠偶见。胃泌素细胞主要分布于十二指肠前段,空肠、回肠和直肠偶见。许多血管活性肠肽细胞分布于胃贲门部,胃体和胃幽门部少数。胰高血糖素、胰多肽和P-物质在消化道各段均未检出阳性细胞。结合扬子鳄的  相似文献   

竹叶青蛇消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学定位   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
张志强  张盛周  吴孝兵 《动物学报》2001,47(6):666-671,T001
应用8种特异性胃肠激素抗血清对竹叶青蛇(Trimersurus stejnegeri)消化道内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学定位。5-羟色胺细胞和生长抑素细胞在整个消化道中均有分布。5-羟色胺细胞以十二指肠和回肠密度为最高,空肠、直肠和幽门其次,胃体较低,食道和贲门中偶见;生长抑素细胞在十二指肠处数量最多,胃体、幽门和空肠其次,其余消化道各段偶见;胰高血糖素细胞只见于十二指肠和空肠;血管活性肠肽在贲门和胃体处有少量阳性细胞分布,食道中偶见。以上各处内分泌细胞的分布密度差异显著。未检出胃泌素、P-物质、胰多肽和胰岛素免疫反应阳性细胞。上述内分泌细胞的分布特点可能与竹叶青的摄食习性和生活环境有关。  相似文献   

牛蛙胃肠胰系统内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学鉴定与定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用过氧化物酶标记的链霉卵白素(S-P)免疫组织化学方法对牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)胃肠胰系统5种内分泌细胞进行了鉴定与定位.在消化道中检测到了5-羟色胺(5-HT)、生长抑素(SS)、胃泌素(Gas)和胰高血糖素(Glu)细胞.5-HT细胞主要分布于胃幽门部和空肠,食道中偶见.SS细胞主要分布于胃,幽门部较密集,小肠各段少量,直肠和食道偶见.Gas细胞主要分布于小肠各段,胃和直肠中偶见,食道中未检测到.Glu细胞主要分布于胃和直肠,小肠各段偶见,食道中未检测到.在胰腺中检测出了5-HT、SS、Gas、Glu和胰多肽(PP)细胞.SS、Glu和PP细胞数量较多,成簇分布于胰岛中,5-HT和Gas细胞少量,散在分布于胰腺腺泡之间.胃腺部和胰腺内分泌细胞多呈圆形、椭圆形或形态不规则,有的可见明显胞突伸向邻近细胞,胃肠道上皮中的内分泌细胞多呈梭形、楔形或锥形,有的可见明显胞突伸向消化腔.与其它两栖动物相比,牛蛙胃肠胰系统内分泌细胞的存在与分布有一些共性,也存在着种间差异.  相似文献   

北京鸭消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
应用七种消化道激素抗血清,对北京鸭消化道内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学定位,促胃素释放肽细胞大量分布于腺胃和肌胃。生长抑素细胞在腺胃和肌胃数量很多,在幽门部密集,且偶见于十地二指肠,胃素细胞在幽门部非常密集,并较多分布于整个小肠,肌胃内亦有少量。5-羟色胺细胞大量见于肠管各段,并偶见于幽门,少量胰多肽细胞见于腺胃、十二指肠和空肠,未检出胃动素和抑胃肽细胞。  相似文献   

花鲈消化道内分泌细胞的鉴别和定位   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
应用免疫组织化学Elivision二步法 ,用 5 羟色胺 (5 HT)、生长抑素 (SST)、胃泌素 (Gas)、胰高血糖素 (Glu)、胰多肽 (PP)等 5种抗哺乳动物血清对花鲈 (Lateolabraxjaponicus)消化道内分泌细胞 ,进行免疫组织化学定位的研究。结果表明 :5 HT和SST细胞分布于食管、胃贲门部、胃体部和胃幽门部 ,而肠道各段均未检出。Gas细胞分布于胃幽门部和前肠、中肠 ;食管、胃贲门部、胃体部和后肠未检出。Glu细胞分布于前肠和中肠 ,其余各段均未检出。PP细胞在消化道各段均未检出。本文将对花鲈消化道内分泌细胞的分布密度、分布型及形态进行描述和讨论。  相似文献   

目的 对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)消化道的嗜银细胞及5种内分泌细胞进行鉴别与定位。方法应用整块组织Grimelius银染法和过氧化物酶标记的链霉亲和素(SP法)免疫组织化学技术结合生物统计学分析。结果嗜银细胞在克氏原螫虾消化道除幽门胃外的各段均有分布,位于消化道上皮细胞间及结缔组织中。五羟色胺(5-HT)细胞在除幽门胃外的消化道各段均有分布。生长抑素(SS)细胞仅在食道和后肠中有分布。胃泌素(Gas)细胞分布于除幽门胃和中肠外的消化道各段。胰高血糖素(Glu)细胞在除幽门胃外的整个消化道均有分布,在食道和贲门胃中最多。胰多肽(PP)细胞仅在肠道中有较多分布。结论克氏原螫虾消化道中存在多种内分泌细胞,它们的分布情况与其它甲壳动物存在一定的共性,然而也有其一定的特异性。  相似文献   

目的 研究扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)消化道中生长素释放肽ghrelin免疫活性(IR)细胞的分布、组织定位及其在冬眠期的变化.方法 应用链霉亲和素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物(SABC)免疫组织化学方法结合生物统计学分析.结果 Ghrelin-IR细胞在扬子鳄的小胃密度最高,在胃贲门部、胃体和胃幽门部有少量分布,主要位于胃腺上皮细胞之间.在食管、十二指肠、空肠、回肠和直肠中均未检测出ghrelin-IR细胞.冬眠期小胃ghrelin-IR细胞显著性减少(P〈0.01),其它部位无显著性变化(P〉0.05).结论扬子鳄消化道ghrelin-IR细胞的分布同其它动物有相似之处,也有其一定的特异性.Ghrelin在扬子鳄冬眠期的代谢变化和能量稳态的调节中起重要作用.  相似文献   

乌龟胃肠胰系统内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
应用过氧化物酶标记的链霉卵白素(Streptavidin peroxidase,简称S-P法)免疫组织化学技术,使用六种特异性胃肠激素抗血清对乌龟胃肠胰系统内分泌细胞的种类、定位、分布密度及形态进行了研究。在乌龟胰腺中检测出5-羟色胺、生长抑素、胰高糖素和胰多肽等4种内分泌细胞,生长抑素、胰高糖素细胞多成簇大量分布于胰岛中;5-羟色胺、胰多肽细胞多散在少量分布于胰腺腺泡之间。在乌龟消化道中共检测出5-羟色胺、生长抑素、胃泌素、胰高糖素和P物质等5种内分泌细胞:5-羟色胺细胞在消化道各段均有分布,以十二指肠处分布密度最高(30.7±4.2),空肠其次,回肠、直肠处最低(12.0±1.0/11.2±3.0);生长抑素细胞仅分布于食道和胃中各段;胃泌素细胞分布于胃幽门部和十二指肠处;胰高糖素细胞分布于胃体至空肠段,以胃幽门部分布密度较高(11.3±1.1);P物质细胞仅布于胃幽门部;消化道各段均未检出胰多肽细胞。与其他爬行动物比较,乌龟胃肠胰系统内分泌细胞的分布既存在着一定共同点,又显示了较大的种间差异。    相似文献   

白条草蜥消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用6种胃肠激素抗血清和免疫组织化学ABC法(avidin-biotin complex method),对白条草蜥(Takydromus wolteri)消化道内分泌细胞进行了免疫组织化学定位研究和形态学观察。结果表明,5-羟色胺细胞较其他5种内分泌细胞的分布更为广泛,整个消化道中(即从食管到直肠)均有分布,其分布密度高峰位于幽门。食管、回肠和直肠未检测到生长抑素细胞,生长抑素细胞在幽门部分布密度最高,总体来说生长抑素细胞的分布在胃部较高而在小肠部较低。胃泌素细胞和胰多肽细胞分布在小肠,均在十二指肠分布密度最高。胰高血糖素细胞在胃幽门部分布密度最高,十二指肠、空肠次之,回肠分布密度最低。P-物质细胞仅分布于幽门部。6种内分泌细胞以圆形和锥体形为主,它们广泛分布于消化道黏膜之间、腺泡上皮细胞之间及上皮细胞基部。内分泌细胞的密度分布与其食性、食物组成和生活环境有关,它们的形态与其内、外分泌功能是相适应的。  相似文献   

极北鲵消化道6种内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用卵白素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物(ABC)免疫组织化学法,对极北鲵(Salamandrella keyserlingii)消化道5-羟色胺(5-HT)、胃泌素(Gas)、生长抑素(SS)、胰高血糖素(Glu)、人胰多肽(PP)和P-物质(SP)6种内分泌细胞的分布进行了研究。文中采用Duncan多重比较的方法,对消化道内分泌细胞的分布密度进行统计学分析。结果显示,5-羟色胺细胞在消化道各部位均有分布,胃体(2.80±0.70)和十二指肠(2.60±0.75)分布密度最高,幽门最低(0.85±0.67);胃泌素细胞仅分布于小肠,十二指肠(1.85±0.75)密度最高;生长抑素细胞分布于食管、胃体、幽门、十二指肠和回肠各部位,且幽门(2.25±0.64)分布密度最高;胰高血糖素细胞只见于胃贲门部和胃体,人胰多肽细胞和P-物质细胞在整个消化道均未检测到。各种内分泌细胞的形态多样,呈圆形、椭圆形、锥体形和梭形等。极北鲵消化道内分泌细胞的这种密度分布和形态特点与其他两栖类动物及黑龙江产地的极北鲵相比,既有共性又有差异,其原因可能与物种、食性和栖息地环境等因素有关。  相似文献   

K Yamada  M Ukai 《Histochemistry》1976,47(3):219-238
In order to study the histochemical nature of mucosaccharides in germfree animals, the organs in natural contact with bacteria (stomach, small and large intestine) and those naturally remote from bacteria (tracheal and ear cartilage and aorta) were studied by means of light microscopic methods for mucosaccharides in germfree and conventional rats. In the stomach (surface and foveolar cells) of germfree rats the histochemical reactions for acid and neutral mucosaccharides were apparently less intense than in that of conventional rats, whereas in the small and large intestine (goblet cells) of germfree rats the reactions were significantly more intense than in those of conventional rats. In the cartilage (intercellular matrix, lacunar border and chondrocyte cytoplasm) and aorta (interelastic spaces) of germfree animals the reactions were less intense than in those of conventional animals. In addition, some differences in the histochemical nature of mucosaccharides between the organs of germfree and conventional rats were noted, as revealed by the effects of chemical modifications and digestions with enzymes upon the histochemical reactions studied.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the histochemical nature of mucosaccharides in germfree animals, the organs in natural contact with bacteria (stomach, small and large intestine) and those naturally remote from bacteria (tracheal and ear cartilage and aorta) were studied by means of light microscopic methods for mucosaccharides in germfree and conventional rats. In the stomach (surface and foveolar cells) of germfree rats the histochemical reactions for acid and neutral mucosaccharides were apparently less intense than in that of conventional rats, whereas in the small and large intestine (goblet cells) of germfree rats the reactions were significantly more intense than in those of conventional rats. In the cartilage (intercellular matrix, lacunar border and chondrocyte cytoplasm) and aorta (interelastic spaces) of germfree animals the reactions were less intense than in those of conventional animals. In addition, some differences in the histochemical nature of mucosaccharides between the organs of germfree and conventional rats were noted, as revealed by the effects of chemical modifications and digestions with enzymes upon the histochemical reactions studied.This investigation was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid from the Japanese Education Ministry (1975). A major part of this investigation has been presented at the 10th International Congress of Anatomists held in Tokyo (1975)  相似文献   

A complex histochemical investigation has been undertaken to study the epithelial lining of the glandular stomach in birds having various types of nutrition. The protective barrier of the avian stomach has been found to be characterized as a resistant (mucosal) barrier, with neutral glycoproteins, sialo- and sulphoglycoproteins as its components. Differences in histochemical properties of the epitheliocyte secretion have been described in birds with different types of nutrition. They are connected with various correlation of carbohydrates and proteins in the composition of the micromolecular glycoprotein complex. The data obtained are compared with those concerning the histochemical properties of the stomach in amphibia and reptiles which have the mucous membrane structure similar to that in the avian stomach.  相似文献   

Kallikrein was localized in goblet (or mucous) cells of rat colon and in rat and cat small intestine and stomach by two immunocytochemical techniques. A kallikrein-like enzyme was also localized by enzyme histochemistry in mast cells of colon, intestine, and stomach of the cat, where they appeared to be associated with blood vessels in the lamina propria. The mast cell enzyme, however, was not detected by immunocytochemistry using antibodies to kallikrein. Modification in the enzyme histochemical procedure (pH, fixation) yielded positive results for a kallikrein-like protease in goblet cells of the intestine and colon. The possible physiological and pathological significance of kallikrein-like enzyme in the gastrointestinal tract and elsewhere is discussed.  相似文献   

S K Loo  W C Wong 《Acta anatomica》1975,91(1):97-103
The pattern of mucin secretion of the gastrointestinal tract of the toad (B. melanostictus) was investigated by histochemical methods. The goblet cells of the oesophagus secreted mainly acid mucins which were sialomucins, while the cells lining the surface of the stomach produced neutral mucins only. Goblet cells of the small intestine and cloaca secreted acid mucins, which were predominently sulphated mucins.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of histochemically detectable 5'-nucleotidase (5'-Nase) activity is described in smooth muscle cells of the rat's gastrointestinal tube (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine). Both, light and electron microscopic methods are used. Faint positive 5'-Nase activity is observed on smooth muscle cells of the lamina muscularis mucosae in the thoracal esophagus whereas it is completely absent from smooth muscle cells of the abdominal esophagus and the stomach. In the small and large intestine strong positive 5'-Nase reaction is found on smooth muscle cells of the lamina muscularis mucosae and the innermost part of the lamina muscularis externa. In the circular and longitudinal layer of the lamina muscularis externa a slight increase in 5'-Nase activity is observed from the proximal to the distal segments. The reaction product is restricted to the outer cell surface of smooth muscle cells. In the small intestine the strong enzymatic activity in the innermost part of the muscularis externa is found to be localized at small and dense muscle cells (sd-cells). Common morphological and histochemical characteristics of sd-cells and smooth muscle cells of the lamina muscularis mucosae are emphasized. Hypothetical functions e.g. uptake of precursors of nucleosidephosphates, possible functional connection to a high glycogen content, correlation between 5'-Nase activity and proliferation capacity and local vasodilatory effect are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphological state of the internal organs as well the changes of microsomal oxidation in liver of white rats exposed to the action of sodium sulfate in doses 200 and 600 mg per 100 g of body weight have been studied. The sodium sulfate in dose 600 mg per 100 g of body weight has been found to decrease the cytochrome P450 content, increase its inactivation rate and have an injurious effect on the membranes of hepatocytes. Sodium sulfate administration through the gastroenteric tract causes the destructive and pathological histochemical changes in liver, stomach, duodenum and small intestine. The alternative changes are expressed most of all in duodenum and small intestine.  相似文献   

The neurochemical composition of nerve fibres and cell bodies in the myenteric plexus of the proventriculus, stomach and small and large intestines of the golden hamster was investigated by using immunohistochemical and histochemical techniques. In addition, the procedures for localising nitric-oxide-utilising neurones by histochemical (NADPH-diaphorase) and immunohistochemical (nitric oxide synthase) methods were compared. The co-localisation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and nitric oxide synthase in the myenteric plexus of all regions of the gut was also assessed. The results demonstrated the presence of nerve fibres and nerve cell bodies immunoreactive to protein gene product, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, tyrosine hydroxylase, 5-hydroxytryptamine and nitric oxide synthase in all regions of the gastrointestinal tract examined. The pattern of distribution of immunoreactive nerve fibres and nerve cell bodies containing the above markers was found to vary in different regions of the gut. Myenteric neurones and nerve fibres containing immunoreactivity to nitric oxide synthase and NADPH-diaphorase reactivity, however, were shown to have an identical distribution throughout the gut. In contrast to some studies on the guinea-pig and rat, the co-existence of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and nitric oxide synthase was seen in only a small population of myenteric neurones.  相似文献   

This study reports a detailed anatomical and histological study of the digestive system of Octopus vulgaris. Emphasis was placed on characterising the glands and glandular cells and their distribution throughout the digestive tract. The use of classic histological and histochemical techniques revealed two morphological types of glandular cells: granular and mucous. Moreover, the histochemical analysis indicated specialisation of mucous glandular cells in the buccal mass, the submandibular gland and the caecum for secreting acid and neutral glycoconjugates. The cells of the anterior salivary glands are specialised for secreting neutral glycoproteins, and those of the posterior salivary glands are specialised for granular and mucous secretion. The oesophagus, crop and stomach lack glandular cells, but both granular and mucous glandular cells are found in the intestine. An unusual structure resembling the typhlosole of bivalves is described for the first time in the intestine of O. vulgaris. The highly ciliated epithelium and location of the structure in the anterior part of the intestine suggest a possible role in bypassing the caecum, stomach and intestine. We discuss how these cells and organs contribute to the process of digestion in the light of the present histological and histochemical data and of previously published information on the morphology and physiology of digestion in the octopus.  相似文献   

A specific histochemical profile of the muscular tunic of the stomach has been revealed; its myons demonstrate a high succinate dehydrogenase and myofibrillar ATPase activity. Electrical activity of the oesophageal musculature has common features with biopotentials of the skeletal muscles and the smooth musculature of the stomach. The similiarity with the skeletal muscle biopotentials is evident as a peculiar spike activity, especially at the time of feeding. In electrograms of the striated oesophageal muscles slow waves are seen; they change at deprivation and feeding. Therefore, it is possible to compare them with the smooth musculature capable to generate slow waves.  相似文献   

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