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龙眼树干、枝、叶、果实空间分布格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择6年生早结丰产龙眼植株,采用分层调查法对名优品种储良龙眼树体结构特别是树冠上枝、叶、果实的分布格局及其相互关系进行了分析研究。结果表明,主干较矮、树冠为自然半圆头形,冠幅略大于冠厚,主枝4或5条,主枝与各级分枝在树冠空间上分布较均匀,枝梢、结果母枝和果实比较均匀地分布在平行于主干的纵向各行上,在垂直于主干方向上,则以中部各层所占比重较大,绿叶层较厚,且和果实均匀分布于树冠表层,果实主要集中在中部距冠底60-150cm的冠层上,占总产量的78.9%,各冠层中的枝梢、结果枝、果实粒数、果实产量之间存在显著线性相关关系。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期生物学研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
叶辉 《昆虫学报》1996,39(1):58-62
本文研究了纵坑切梢小蠹Tomiaus piniperda对云南松枝梢的危害,并对该虫在蛀梢期的有关生物学特性,如性比、交配、食物选择、卵巢发育、越冬等进行了探讨。在昆明地区,蛀梢期从当年5月持续到次年3月。在此期间,该虫平均可蛀害3-6个枝梢。受害梢以当年生枝梢为主,平均直径为7-8.5mm。同一枝梢可受到多次蛀害。侵入孔距枝梢末端约3~4cm。该虫在蛀梢期已开始交配活动。交配率随卵巢发育进度而增大。各虫态受冬季气温低的影响发育减缓,但均能顺利越冬。  相似文献   

虹吸输液滴干技术作为一种新型的输液技术,能显著提高龙眼对调节剂的利用率。该研究利用虹吸输液滴干技术来研究氯酸钾与多效唑对龙眼成花的影响,同时探索从花芽生理分化期开始控制龙眼冲梢的方法。结果表明:氯酸钾输液滴干不但能够促使龙眼提早开花,而且能够提高其成花率、抽穗率、雌雄花比例与坐果率。不同品种龙眼对氯酸钾的敏感度不同,‘石硖’对氯酸钾最为敏感,但稳定性低;‘储良’对氯酸钾的敏感性低,但稳定度高;‘桂香’对氯酸钾的敏感性与稳定度居中。从整体上看,‘石硖’的处理效果最好,最佳处理次数为3次,每次施用7.5 L浓度为1 g·L-1的氯酸钾,处理后枝梢成花率、枝梢抽穗率、雌雄花比例、坐果率分别为53.67%、59.38%、16.01和19.58%。多效唑输液滴干对‘桂龙1号’的控梢效果显著,有效促进了龙眼成花,并以160 mg·L-1的多效唑溶液处理效果最佳,抽梢率为15.16%,抽穗率、雌花率、花穗长、花穗宽和坐果率分别为96.53%、10.36%、21.95 cm、12.96 cm和38.37%。药剂输液滴干技术施用氯酸钾和多效唑对于龙眼成花坐果有积极作用,该研究结果为实现高效、省工、环保的果园管理模式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

芒果横线尾夜蛾的生活习性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何林 《昆虫知识》2003,40(1):83-84
芒果横线尾夜蛾在元江 1年发生 5~ 6代 ,世代重叠 ,以蛹在枯枝或树皮缝中越冬。幼虫共 5龄 ,3龄以后集中钻蛀嫩梢和花穗轴 ,严重影响芒果的树势和产量。新梢抽生 2~ 5cm时用 1 0 0 0~ 1 5 0 0倍液的杀朴磷、氧化乐果、杀虫威交替喷雾 ,防效均在 89 95 %以上。  相似文献   

国槐DNA导入花生D5代性状遗传变异的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用花粉管通道技术对国槐DNA导入花生栽培品种79266,D2代变异株98D010-7经连续自交,D3代获得9个株系,61个株行,641个单株,观察D5代群体内每个单株的开花型、株型、主茎高、第一对侧枝长、分枝数及单株结果数等主要农艺性状的表现型。结果表明:(1)79266和98D010-7均为连续开花型,D5代出现了交替开花型变异株,占总株数4.37%,开花型分离株行占16.39%;(2)79266株型直立,98D010-7株型葡匐,D5代表现型有直立,葡匐和半葡匐3种类型,分别占34.95%、14.04%和51.09%;表现分离的株行占73.77%;(3)株高和第一对侧枝长与79266相比显著降低;(4)单档分枝数与受体平均值相近,只有1个株系分枝数显著少于受体79266,其它8个株系差异不显著;(5)D5代群体有3个株系的单株结果数显著大于受体79266的单株结果数。  相似文献   

金星果(Chrsyophyllumcainito)又名星苹果,系山榄科植物。原产印度西部和中美洲。我国广东、福建、海南、云南等地有引种或栽培。其为热带常绿小乔木,据观测,西双版纳热带植物园24年生实生树株高6.3—6.8m,地径32.2cm,冠幅6.9×8.5m,茎干分枝部位低,分枝角度20°至30°左右,成枝力强,3—4级分枝多而密集且细小,年抽梢次数可达四次以上,结果枝为当年生枝条,以秋梢为主,较柔软,老茎多为菱形黄褐色,嫩枝金黄色,具白色乳汁。单叶互生,全缘,革质,椭圆形,长15.6cm,宽6.4cm,叶片正面绿色…  相似文献   

对节白蜡的组织培养及植株再生   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
1植物名称对节白蜡(Fnainushupehen-sis),又名湖北白蜡,湖北俗称对节树、望乡树。2材料类别幼嫩茎段,取自本校盆景园20~30年生中型盆景桩(高50~60cm)当年新梢。3培养条件分化培养基:(1)MS+6-BA2.5mg·L-1(单位下同);(2)MS+6-BA5.0;(3)MS+6BA10.0;(4)WPM+6-BA2.5;(5)WPM+6-BA5.0;(6)WPM-6-BA10.0;(7)DKW+6-BA2.5;(8)DKW+6-BA5.0;(9)DKW+6-BA10.0。生根培养基:(1)WPM+IBA0.5;(11)WPM+IBA2.0。以上培养基均附加蔗糖30g·L-1,琼脂6g·L-1…  相似文献   

冬桃的离体繁殖   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1植物名称桃(Prunuspersica)品种“冬桃”。2材料类别3年生嫁接苗树冠外缘向阳果枝的嫩梢腋芽。3培养条件基本培养基为MS。(1)芽诱导和增殖培养基:MS+6-BA0.8~2mg/L(单位下同)+IBA0.4~0。8+GA3~5;(2)生根培养基:MS+IBA0.4~07+NAAof~03o培养基中含蔗糖3%(W/V)、琼脂0.8%,PH为5.8,培养温度25土豆C,光照度1200IX,照光12h/d。毛生长与分化情况外植体在无菌条件下用0.2%升汞95ml+95%酒精5ml浸泡8min(使灭菌液更易附着于表面组织),无菌水冲洗4~5次,然后切成l~2cm长带腋芽的茎段,接…  相似文献   

陈凯 《生命世界》1992,19(3):7-7
柑桔是常绿果树,其需光要求不如一般落叶果树强,树冠骨架的从属关系不明显,成年树冠内膛易光秃空虚,但也易更新复壮;不同品种(或品系)的枝梢生长和结果习性及需光性能差异较大。根据上述特性,我们在柑桔树冠内膛光秃的部位进行嫁接不同优良品种(或品系)试验。在正常的栽培管理条件下,内膛嫁接材料当年即能萌发抽梢,形成结果枝组,第二年可形成串状果球(图1),以后,仍能保持很好的连续  相似文献   

蔓生型南瓜资源部分植物学数量性状的评价探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对123份蔓生型南瓜(Cucurbita moschataDuch.)自交系的茎节间长度、主蔓粗、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶柄长度、叶柄粗、第一朵雌花着生节位、主蔓20节内着生雌花数、花径9个数量性状进行了统计分析,提出节间长度、叶片长度、叶柄长度、第一雌花着生节位和主蔓20节内着生雌花数5个性状可以作为蔓生南瓜植物学性状评价的代表性状,并采用9级评价分级体系将这些代表性状进行评价分级,为建立规范化、标准化的南瓜种质资源评价系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

银杏枝、花、种子在树冠上的分布格局及其相互关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用分层调查的方法研究了14年生银杏嫁接植株树冠上枝、花、种子的分布格局及其相互关系。结果表明,长枝、短枝、短果枝和花主要分布在树冠中部,且分布比较均匀,树冠上从上到下,长枝平均年龄逐渐增大,分枝角度逐渐升高,种子主要集中分布在距地面180-320cm的体积冠层中,这一冠层中的种子数占植株种子总数的51.3%,不同冠层中枝、花、种子数量之间密切相关  相似文献   

In loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.), the comparison of fruiting trees and defruited trees carried out covering a range of developmental fruit stages reveals a significant reduction in flowering due to fruit from its early stage of development, being higher when it changes color and becomes senescent, which coincides with the floral bud inductive period. This effect occurred both at the tree and at the shoot level. Furthermore, although current shoots almost always develop into panicles, those from fruiting trees develop fewer flowers, suggesting that fruit also affects at the floral bud level. In our experiment, the gibberellin concentration at the floral bud inductive period was significantly higher in bark tissues (periderm, cortex and phloem tissues) of fruiting trees, compared with defruited trees that tend to flower more. The lower concentration of IAA in the bark tissues of defruited trees also contributes to increase their flowering intensity. On the contrary, the zeatin concentration was higher. Accordingly, at bud burst, the IAA/zeatin ratio, an indication of effect on flowering, was significantly higher for fruiting trees. Some disruption in the nitrate reduction process in fruiting tree was also observed. The process of floral bud induction and differentiation was not associated with either reducing or translocating and reserve carbohydrate concentration. Hence, loquat flower intensity depends on the time the fruit is maintained on the tree. The intensity is affected indirectly, by reducing the number of shoots, and directly, by reducing the number of flowers per panicle, and these effects are linked to endogenous plant hormone contents.  相似文献   

Improvement of light penetration within tree canopies has been a constant objective of fruit tree architecture manipulation through the setting up of training systems. Recently, centrifugal training, i.e. the removal of fruiting shoots in the tree centre and on the underside of branches, has been proposed to improve fruit size and colour as well as return-bloom as compared to conventional solaxe-trained trees with equivalent crop loads. The present study was conducted to quantify the benefits of centrifugal training on light interception by the fruiting shoots via computer-assisted three-dimensional representations of foliage geometry. Data were collected on six 5-year-old apple trees cv.Galaxy, trained either with solaxe or centrifugal training systems, using an electromagnetic 3D digitiser. The 3D distribution of the foliage in the tree canopy was recreated by combining both the spatial locations of shoots (as measured from 3D digitising) and foliage reconstruction. Light interception efficiency properties of the trees were characterised by silhouette to total area ratio (STAR) values computed from images of the 3D mock-ups. Compared to the solaxe system, centrifugal training significantly improved the STAR of the whole tree by 20%. It also increased both leaf area and STAR of the fruiting shoots by approximately 15%, regardless of their position in the canopy. In this paper, we discuss the role of this enhanced light interception by the canopy in increasing the autonomy of the fruiting shoot, i.e. improved fruit size and colour, and return-bloom.  相似文献   

The patterns of variability in the production of staminate inflorescences, pistillate flowers, and fruits for Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch and C. tomentosa (Poir.) Nutt. at Hutcheson Memorial Forest (Somerset County, New Jersey) were examined over a four-year period. We sought to determine 1) the patterns of variability in flowering and fruiting (within-trees, among-trees, and between-years), 2) if variable flowering might account for observed nut-bearing patterns, and 3) what were the relative contributions of intrinsic (genetic) and/or extrinsic (environmental) factors in determining flower production and fruit set. In general, our fine-scale analysis of shoots within canopies did not reveal a distinct mast fruiting pattern. While the number of male and female flowers varied significantly (among trees and between years), fruit set was not markedly affected. Variability of flowering and fruiting among shoots within trees was low. Both flowering and fruiting were observed to have a strong genetic and/or microenvironmental basis; however, flowering appeared more plastic and thus more sensitive to yearly environmental vagaries than did fruiting. Favorable environmental conditions at the time of flower differentiation may result in increased flower production; but, this does not necessarily result in increased fruit set. Many pistillate flowers abscise around the time of pollination and fertilization, apparently adjusting fruit set to available shoot resources. Approximately 50% of the pistillate flowers of both species fail to set fruit. Overall, individual trees exhibit their own flowering and fruiting schedules, suggesting the need to account for this level of variability in future studies of mast fruiting.  相似文献   

Architectural analysis of 840 Slovenian walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes was performed to determine the most typical and frequent morphological types and to evaluate their vegetative and generative potential. Four branching and fruiting patterns (I-IV) were detected. A 3-year-old fruiting branch, consisting of a 3-year-old shoot plus corresponding 2-year-old and 1-year-old shoots, was used as a structural unit for quantitative analysis. In the intermediate fruit-bearing types with mesotonic and acrotonic branching pattern (types II and III), the total lengths of 3-, 2- and 1-year-old shoots were 385 and 380 cm, respectively, compared with 275 and 253 cm in the terminal and lateral-fruiting types (types I and IV). In type I, 1-year-old shoots had significantly fewer nodes than in other types. In addition, they had a thinner basal diameter than types III and IV, and their angles were the most erect (39 degrees ). Only 0.4 out of 3.6 1-year-old shoots were flowering with one mixed bud with 1.9 female flowers. In type IV, 2-year-old shoots had significantly more nodes and a larger basal diameter than other types. One-year-old shoots in type IV are thicker than those in other types. Ratios between the number of flowering and the total number of 1-year-old shoots were 0.7 in type IV, 0.6 in type III, 0.5 in type II and 0.1 in type I. On 1-year-old shoots in type IV, 1.7 mixed buds with a mean of three female inflorescences per bud were counted. Consequently, the generative potential is highest in type IV and lowest in type I. In types II and III, growth and the ability to bear fruits are more balanced.  相似文献   

The development of new shoots plays a central role in the complex interactions determining vegetative and reproductive growth in woody plants. To explore this role we evaluated the new shoots in the olive tree, Olea europaea L., and the effect of fruiting on new shoot growth and subsequent flowering. Five-year-old branches served as canopy subunits in order to obtain a global, whole-tree view of new shoot number, size and morphological origin. The non-bearing trees had many more shoots than the fruit-bearing trees, and a greater number of longer shoots. In both bearing conditions, however, the majority of shoots were less than 4 cm long, with shoots of progressively longer lengths present in successively decreasing frequencies. Six major shoot types were defined on the basis of apical or lateral bud origin and of parent shoot age. On fruit-bearing trees, the new shoots originated predominantly from the shoot apex, while on non-fruiting trees, they formed mainly from axillary buds, but in both cases, they tended to develop on younger parent shoots. The previous bearing condition of the tree was the main determinant for subsequent inflorescence development, which was independent of both shoot type and length. Thus, reproductive behavior strongly affected both the amount and type of new branching, but subsequent flowering level was more influenced by previous bearing than by the potential flowering sites on new shoots.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In the dry tropics, vegetative phenology varies widely with tree characteristics and soil conditions. The present work aims to document the phenological diversity of flowering and fruiting with reference to leafing events in Indian dry-tropical tree species. METHODS: Nine tree species, including one leaf-exchanging and eight deciduous showing varying leafless periods, were studied. Monthly counts of leaves, flowers and fruits were made on 160 tagged twigs on ten individuals of each species for initiation, completion and duration of different phenological events through two annual cycles. KEY RESULTS: Variation in flowering relative to leaf flushing (which occurred just prior to or during a hot, dry summer) revealed five flowering types: summer flowering (on foliated shoots), rainy-season flowering (on foliated shoots following significant rains), autumn flowering (on shoots with mature leaves), winter flowering (on shoots undergoing leaf fall) and dry-season flowering (on leafless shoots). Duration of the fruiting phenophase was shortest (3-4 months) in dry-season and winter-flowering species, 6-9 months in rainy-and autumn-flowering species, and maximum (11 months) in summer-flowering species. A wide range of time lag (<1 to >8 months) between the start of vegetative (first-leaf flush) and reproductive (first-visible flower) phases was recorded in deciduous species; this time lag was correlated with the extent of the leafless period. A synthesis of available phenological information on 119 Indian tropical trees showed that summer-flowering species were most abundant (56 % of total species) amongst the five types recognized. CONCLUSIONS: The wide diversity of seasonal flowering and fruiting with linkages to leaf flush time and leafless period reflect the fact that variable reproductive and survival strategies evolved in tree species under a monsoonic bioclimate. Flowering periodicity has evolved as an adaptation to an annual leafless period and the time required for the fruit to develop. The direct relationship between leafless period (inverse of growing period) and time lag between onset of vegetative and reproductive phases reflects the partitioning of resource use for supporting these phases. Predominance of summer flowering coupled with summer leaf flushing seems to be a unique adaptation in trees to survive under a strongly seasonal tropical climate.  相似文献   

辽东栎芽库统计:芽的命运   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
孙书存  陈灵芝 《生态学报》2001,21(3):385-390
植物体是一个构件集合体,植物的枝系伸展可由芽库出生率、死亡率的统计学过程来分析。在东灵山地区,应用随机枝取样法调查了辽东栎芽的命运,并对其与枝长、叶数、果数等的关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:(1)辽东栎的芽或保持休眠状态,或死亡后脱落,或分化为营养枝、生殖枝(包括雄花枝、雄花序、雌花枝和两花枝)等;(2)不同生境中芽的命运不同,生活在林窗中的幼树上的芽分化为具有生殖功能的枝条的比例显著高于郁闭林中的幼树,而与成熟个体接近;(3)芽的命运还受其它因子的影响,如上层枝条上、或叶数多的长枝上的芽分化为生殖枝的可能性大于其它的芽,另外还发现结实枝的枝长、枝上叶数都明显高于非结实枝。  相似文献   

为了阐明抚育间伐强度对辽东栎生殖构件的影响,以黄土高原南部黄龙和桥山林区辽东栎中龄林为研究对象,对不同间伐强度(对照、10%、20%、30%)下近自然经营抚育间伐5年后的辽东栎平均单株个体大小、生殖构件产量、比率及空间分布格局特征等进行研究.结果表明: 间伐强度对辽东栎林分平均树高、胸径影响不显著,而与冠幅面积、冠幅体积呈显著正相关;辽东栎标准株的生殖枝、幼果、成熟果实产量随间伐强度的增大而增大,而营养枝、雄花序、雄花、雌花的产量变化不大.当间伐强度达到20%时,生殖枝、幼果、成熟果实产量显著提高,30%间伐下达到最大.生殖枝比例和座果率随间伐强度增大而增大,在20%、30%间伐强度时与对照的差异达到显著水平.约3/4的生殖枝、雌花、雄花集中分布于树冠上层,1/4分布于下层;树冠阳面生殖构件数量占65%,树冠阴面占35%.树冠下层、阴面生殖枝、雌花、雄花序的空间分布比例随着间伐强度的增大而增大;树冠上层、阳面生殖枝、雌花、雄花序分布比例随间伐强度的增大呈递减趋势.因此,选择30%间伐强度(保留郁闭度0.6)最佳,可以大幅提高辽东栎的座果率和成熟率,有效提高结实量和品质,为辽东栎林的采种及天然更新提供保证.  相似文献   

Carbon autonomy of current-year shoots in flowering, and of current-year shoots plus 1-year-old shoots (1-year-old shoot system) in fruiting of Siberian alder (Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica) was investigated using a stable isotope of carbon, 13C. The current-year shoot and 1-year-old shoot systems were fed 13CO2 and the atom% excess of 13C in flowers and fruits was determined. The majority of photosynthate allocated to flower buds was originally assimilated in the leaves of the flowering current-year shoots. Of all the current-year shoots on fruiting 1-year-old shoots, only those nearest to the fruits allocated the assimilated photosynthate to fruit maturation. These results indicate that the current-year shoots and 1-year-old shoot systems are carbon-autonomous units for producing flowers and maturing fruits, respectively.  相似文献   

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