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番茄晚疫病是河北省番茄生产上最具毁灭性的病害之一,对引起该病害的致病疫霉群体结构进行分析有利于病害的防治。利用对峙培养法和菌落直径法对2007-2008年采自河北省保定、沧州和唐山分离自番茄的49个致病疫霉菌株进行了交配型和甲霜灵抗性的表型测定,结果表明该群体所有菌株均为A1交配型,以甲霜灵敏感菌株为主,抗性菌株仅7株。利用聚合酶链式反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)、简单序列重复(SSR)和扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)等分子技术对该群体的基因型进行了分析,结果表明供试菌株线粒体基因型均为Ia型,共鉴定出了Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ3种SSR基因型,AFLP聚类分析在相似系数0.87时可以形成α、β和γ等3个不同的分支。河北省所有番茄上致病疫霉菌株均分布在α分支上,该分支又可进一步分为7个亚分支。AFLP亚分支与甲霜灵抗性和地理来源均无明显相关性,但Ⅱ型SSR与甲霜灵抗性和地理来源有明显的相关性。综合表型和基因型数据说明河北省番茄上致病疫霉群体结构比较单一,遗传多样性程度较低。  相似文献   

四川省马铃薯晚疫病菌群体表型和遗传变异的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans引起的晚疫病是马铃薯的一种毁灭性病害。为了对四川省近年马铃薯晚疫病菌进行系统多样性分析,本研究从表现型和基因型两个方面鉴定了四川省马铃薯晚疫病菌的群体多态性。交配型、甲霜灵敏感性和生理小种的鉴定结果发现A1交配型菌株只有2份,A2型有29份,自育型12份;甲霜灵敏感菌株3株,中抗菌株22株,高抗菌株18株;共测定出11个生理小种,其中全毒力小种发生频率最高,占供试菌株的25.58%。基因型鉴定结果表明,43份材料共发现了10种SSR基因型,5个SSR标记在该种群上共产生了16个SSR位点,每个标记平均有3.2个位点,多态性信息含量平均值为0.46,SSR4是多态性最丰富的标记。本试验中A2菌株和自育型的基因型SSR相同,其中全毒力小种是当地的优势致病菌,该研究为今后四川马铃薯晚疫病的有效防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans为马铃薯晚疫病的重要病原菌。通过从昆明市寻甸县采集110P和H-6两株致病疫霉,明确其染色体倍性、交配型、线粒体单倍型、毒性和甲霜灵敏感性,经对峙培养,利用改良的卵孢子萌发方法获得有性生殖F1代群体POP1(60株),并对POP1进行表型和基因型测定。结果表明:冷冻处理24h为最佳条件,卵孢子萌发率达5.09%±0.15%;POP1的交配型、毒性和甲霜灵敏感性均发生了分离,其中交配型分离比为A1:A2:A1A2:自育型(SF)=16:5:17:22,毒性分离比为抗性(R):敏感性(S)=11:49,甲霜灵敏感性分离比为抗性(R):敏感性(S)=2:58;3个表型的分离均偏离孟德尔单基因显性遗传特点。基于8对SSR多态性引物对POP1基因型分析表明,遗传相似系数为0.98时,可将所有菌株分为14个基因型;遗传相似系数为0.95时,可将POP1分为6个分支,其中优势群体为S1,占分离群体的61.67%。关联分析进一步表明,8对SSR所代表的基因型和几个重要表型有显著相关性(R2=0.6667)。本研究建立了高效的致病疫霉卵孢子萌发体系,解析了有性生殖后代群体遗传结构特点,为深入探索致病疫霉的变异规律及病害流行趋势提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

中国部分地区马铃薯寄主上致病疫霉SSR基因型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用两对SSR引物对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G进行了PCR扩增,测定了中国部分地区66个致病疫霉Phyophthora infestans(马铃薯晚疫病菌)菌株和2个参考菌株的SSR基因型,并对菌株的基因型进行了鉴定和命名.在被测定的66个致病疫霉菌株中,共产生了7种SSR基因型D-03,D-05,D-06,G-02,H-01,F-01和F-06,其中F-06为本研究新命名的基因型.F-01基因型菌株53个,占总菌株数目的80.3%,该基因型为中国致病疫霉的优势基因型.在对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G产生的等位基因统计分析发现基因座Pi4B产生的多样性比Pi4G高.对SSR数据揭示的河北、黑龙江和云南3个不同省份致病疫霉遗传多样性的比较发现,河北省和黑龙江省致病疫霉遗传多样性几乎相同,然而与云南省致病疫霉有较大的遗传差异.此外,发现致病疫霉SSR基因型与其对甲霜灵抗性无相关性.  相似文献   

由致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans引起的晚疫病是马铃薯生产上最严重的病害之一,认识其群体结构特征,可为晚疫病防控策略的制定以及抗病品种的合理布局提供指导。对2009年采自宁夏一个种植有93个品种(品系)的马铃薯种质资源圃的致病疫霉进行了交配型、致病型和线粒体DNA单倍型分析,结果表明,116个致病疫霉菌株中存在A1、A2和自育型3种交配型,发生频率分别为24.1%、57.8%和18.1%,A2交配型为优势类型;对其中43个菌株的致病型进行测试,检测到两种致病类型:和3.4.10,发生频率分别为95.3%和4.7%,可克服所有11个抗病基因的1.类型占绝对优势;对62个菌株的线粒体DNA单倍型进行分析,检测到Ia和IIa两种类型,发生频率分别为74.2%和25.8%。综合表型和基因型数据分析发现,该马铃薯种质资源圃中致病疫霉群体致病型单一,但致病型毒力因子高度复合;线粒体DNA分析表明,该马铃薯种质资源圃引入了遗传背景较为复杂的致病疫霉"新"群体。  相似文献   

云南番茄致病疫霉的交配型、甲霜灵敏感性及毒力类型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对2003~2004年云南省番茄致病疫霉的交配型、甲霜灵敏感型、毒性因子及毒力类型进行了系统的测定和分析。结果表明:云南番茄致病疫霉只存在A1交配型,未发现A2交配型或自育型。甲霜灵抗性和中抗菌株是主要菌系,抗性、中抗、敏感菌株分别占测定菌株的51.2%、31.7%、17.1%。云南番茄致病疫霉居群对已知的抗性基因R1、R2、R3、R4、R6、R7、R8、R9、R10、R11有毒性,其毒性频率在9.8%~95.1%之间。测定的61个菌株中检测到26种不同的毒力类型,每种类型平均含有5.2个毒性因子,其中毒力类型1.出现频率最高,为优势的毒力类型,出现频率为44.3%,其次为1.、,出现频率均为4.9%,其它23种毒力类型出现频率仅在1.6%~3.3%之间。云南番茄致病疫霉居群显示了复杂的表型特征。  相似文献   

为了解来自广东和广西的瓜类疫霉的遗传多样性,利用从180条RAPD引物中所筛选出的多态扩增性强、重复性好的12条引物,对分离自两省区的96株瓜类疫霉进行了全基因组DNA遗传多样性分析和指纹图谱构建。通过对供试菌株的RAPD-PCR扩增,共获得135条DNA标记谱带,其中124条为多态性谱带,多态检测率为91.9%。利用NTSYSpc Version2.1软件对供试菌株间的遗传距离进行聚类分析并构建系统树,以遗传相似系数0.81为阈值,将96个供试菌株划分为12个RAPD群,多数分离物之间遗传相似性较低,在DNA水平上存在显著的遗传变异,具有较丰富的遗传多样性。不同地区间菌株的遗传分化程度不同,分离自黄瓜的菌株遗传分化明显高于分离自冬瓜的菌株。RAPD群与菌株地理来源、分离寄主、致病力、交配型及甲霜灵抗性均无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

汪晓雯  韩淼  国立耘 《菌物学报》2016,35(12):1535-1546
致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans属于异宗配合卵菌,当A1、A2两种交配型同时存在时,可以进行有性生殖,产生卵孢子。检测疫霉菌交配型的传统方法是采用对峙培养,这种方法耗时长并且需要标准的A1、A2交配型菌株作为参照。因此,人们希望开发出更加简便和快捷的可直接基于核苷酸序列差异的分子检测方法。目前,已报道了3个与致病疫霉交配型紧密连锁的分子标记可用于交配型的检测。本研究用64株致病疫霉菌比较了3种基于交配型分子标记的检测方法与传统方法检测的结果。结果显示,依据分子标记的3种分子检测方法与传统对峙培养方法测定的交配型结果一致率为61%-73%,而且3种分子检测方法都不能检测出自育菌株。因此,致病疫霉交配型的分子检测方法还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

致病疫霉在中国云南的马铃薯田间形成卵孢子*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans (Mont.)de Bary引起的马铃薯和番茄晚疫病是世界性的作物病害,每年均造成巨大的经济损失和社会影响。致病疫霉是异宗配合的卵菌,有两个已知交配型A1和A2,两个相对交配型互作时可进行有性生殖产生卵孢子( Gallegly & Galindo,1958)。过去许多年一直认为致病疫霉在除墨西哥以外的国家中只存在A1交配型,通过产生孢子囊进行无性繁殖。近年来,由于致病疫霉新致病群体的产生以及全球范围的迁移和替代,A2交配型菌株先后在欧洲、美洲、亚洲和非洲的许多国家被发现。A1、A2两种交配型菌株的同时存在,增…  相似文献   

中国马铃薯晚疫病菌AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AFLP分子标记检测了我国部分马铃薯主要产区马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性及不同地区菌株间的亲缘关系。在200对引物组合中,利用6个菌株筛选出12对多态性好、带型清晰的引物组合。利用这12对引物组合对1997-2002年间采自我国黑龙江、河北、四川和云南4省的50株菌株进行了PCR扩增,共扩增出922条谱带,其中多态性标记530条,占57.5%。利用NTSYSpc软件中UPGMA算法构建了我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的亲缘关系树状图,聚类分析结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性与病原菌的地理来源有一定的相关性,而与交配型、生理小种和对甲霜灵的抗性无明显的相关性。用POPGENE软件计算了各群体间的遗传多样性参数,结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性程度不高,不同地区种群间分化不明显。  相似文献   

Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of 48 Phytophthora infestans isolates , collected in five provinces in Northern China between 1997 and 2003, were determined and compared with reference isolates. Characterisation included mating type, virulence, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype and DNA fingerprinting patterns based on simple sequence repeats (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). All isolates had the A1 mating type, mtDNA haplotype IIa and an identical SSR genotype (designated as SG-01-01) that differed from SSR genotypes found in the reference isolates, including those representing the 'old' US-1 lineage that dominated the P. infestans population worldwide prior to 1980. In contrast, the virulence spectra were highly variable and virulence to all resistance genes present in the standard differential set ( R1 to R11 ) was found. AFLP analysis revealed some diversity; eight different AFLP genotypes were found that could be grouped into two major clusters. This study shows that there is very little genotypic diversity in the P. infestans population in Northern China. The occurrence of many different races within this rather uniform population is discussed in the framework of recent insights into the molecular determinants of avirulence in potato– P. infestans 'gene-for-gene' interactions.  相似文献   

Benjin  Li  Qinghe  Chen  Xin  Lv  Chengzhong  Lan  Jian  Zhao  Rongzhou  Qiu  Qiyong  Weng 《Journal of Phytopathology》2009,157(9):558-567
A total of 288 (202 from potato and 86 from tomato) isolates of Phytophthora infestans were collected from 1998 to 2007 in China. The isolates were characterized based on mating type, in vitro metalaxyl sensitivity, virulence on potato differentials, allozymes of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase ( Gpi ), peptidase ( Pep ), and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype and examined by DNA-based simple sequence repeat (SSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting. The majority (283 of 288) of the isolates were of the A1 mating type, the other three were the A2 mating type and two were the A1A2 mating type. Resistance to metalaxyl was frequently observed, with 248 (86.1%) resistant, 21 (7.3%) intermediate and 19 (6.6%) sensitive isolates identified. Virulence was assessed for 125 isolates on a set of 11 potato differentials and 61 races were detected. Most isolates were virulent on the differential genotype with gene R3, and all known virulence genes were found, with race being the most common. This pattern did not appear to be associated with geographic origin, sample type, mating type or metalaxyl sensitivity. The dominant banding patterns for Gpi were 100/100/111 (176 isolates) and 100/100 (109 isolates), but genotypes 86/100 and 100/111 were also identified. All isolates tested were homozygous (100/100) at the Pep locus. The majority (205 of 288) of isolates tested was of mtDNA haplotype IIb, 76 were haplotype IIa and seven were the rare Ib haplotype. The genetic diversity of 60 representative isolates from China was assayed by two types of molecular markers, RAPD and SSR. A high level of polymorphism was found. The results demonstrated the diverse phenotypic and genotypic structure of the current populations of P. infestans in China.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans, is the most important disease of potato in Morocco. Use of partially resistant cultivars should be an essential component of a sustainable management strategy of potato late blight, provided the durability of this form of resistance. It is therefore important to determine the nature of P. infestans Moroccan populations. Mating types were determined for 91 strains of P. infestans collected in the northern (Larache-northern plain), north western (Kénitra) and north eastern (Méknès, Middle Atlas) potato cropping areas of Morocco in 1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2003-2004. They showed a clear regional structure of these populations, with the presence of both mating types (A1 and A2). Of all isolates collected since 1999, A2 mating type constituted 56% (54 isolates), following by A1 mating type (40.7%, 31 isolates) and A1-A2 (self-fertile) mating type (3.30%, 3 isolates). Populations from Méknès and Kénitra consisted mainly of A2 mating type, whereas populations from Larache predominantly included A1 mating type. Physiological race study revealed the presence of 19 races of P. infestans in the first collection of 25 isolates tested between 1999 and 2001. All known virulence genes were detected in western and northern Moroccan isolates, except virulence for resistance genes R2, R5, and R6 which were absent. All isolates were able to overcome two or more R genes except one isolate (5-1) corresponding to race 1.  相似文献   

Using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker analyses, the genetic structure of selected South African wheat stem rust races was compared with Ug99. SSR analysis divided the population into two distinct groups with 24.5% similarity between them. A local race, UVPgt55 (North American race notation TTKSF), grouped with Ug99 (TTKSK) with a 100% similarity. When AFLP data were included, the same groups were found, but with an increased similarity of 66.7%. Although the SSR data were unable to distinguish between all individual isolates, the AFLP data alone and in combination with the SSR data discriminated between the isolates. The grouping of individual isolates resembled the pathogenicity profile of the different races. On the basis of its similarity with Ug99, it was concluded that UVPgt55 was most probably an exotic introduction into South Africa, whereas the other races specialized locally through mutational adaptation.  相似文献   

Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the most important disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum). The pathogen is highly adaptable and to get an overview of the genetic variation in the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden we have analyzed 200 isolates from different fields using nine simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Forty-nine alleles were detected among the nine SSR loci and isolates from all four Nordic countries shared the most common alleles across the loci. In total 169 multilocus genotypes (based on seven loci) were identified among 191 isolates. The genotypic diversities, quantified by a normalized Shannon's diversity index (H(s)), were 0.95 for the four Nordic countries. The low F(ST) value of 0.04 indicates that the majority of variation is found within the four Nordic countries. The large number of genotypes and the frequency distribution of mating types (60% A1) support the hypothesis that sexual reproduction is contributing notably to the genetic variation of P. infestans in the Nordic countries.  相似文献   

H. S. Judelson 《Genetics》1996,144(3):1005-1013
Mating type in the oomyceteous fungus, Phytophthora infestans, is determined by a single locus. In a previous study of a few isolates, the locus segregated in a manner genetically consistent with its linkage to a system of balanced lethal loci. To determine the prevalence of this phenomenon within P. infestans, genetic analyses were performed using isolates representative of the diversity within the species that had been selected by DNA fingerprinting using probes linked to mating type. Non-Mendelian segregation of the mating type locus was observed in crosses performed with each isolate. An unusual group of isolates was identified in which the mating type determinants had been rearranged within the genome; these strains also produced an aberrantly large number of self-fertile progeny. Curiously, in all isolates, markers linked to the mating type locus appeared prone to duplication, transposition, deletion, or other rearrangement. This was not observed for loci unlinked to mating type. Data from the crosses and analyses of marker variation were used to erect models to explain the bases of mating type determination and of the unusual segregation of the chromosomal region containing the mating type locus.  相似文献   

Co-existence of both mating types A1 and A2 within the EU1 lineage of Phytophthora ramorum has only been observed in Belgium, which begs the question whether sexual reproduction is occurring. A collection of 411 Belgian P. ramorum isolates was established during a 7-year survey. Our main objectives were genetic characterization of this population to test for sexual reproduction, determination of population structure, evolution and spread, and evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of control measures. Novel, polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed after screening 149 candidate loci. Eighty isolates of P. ramorum, broadly representing the Belgian population, were analyzed using four previously described and three newly identified polymorphic microsatellite loci as well as amplified fragment length polymorphisms. SSR analysis was most informative and was used to screen the entire Belgian population. Thirty multilocus genotypes were identified, but 68% of the isolates belonged to the main genotype EU1MG1. Although accumulated mutation events were detected, the overall level of genetic diversity within the Belgian isolates of P. ramorum appears to be limited, indicating a relatively recent clonal expansion. Based on our SSR analysis there is no evidence of sexual recombination in the Belgian population of P. ramorum . Metalaxyl use decreased the genetic diversity of P. ramorum until 2005, when the majority of the isolates had become resistant. Most genotypes were site-specific and despite systematic removal of symptomatic and neighbouring plants, some genotypes were detected over a period of several years at a single site, sometimes discontinuously, indicating (latent) survival of the pathogen at those sites.  相似文献   

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