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东灵山林区不同森林植被水源涵养功能评价   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
莫菲  李叙勇  贺淑霞  王晓学 《生态学报》2011,31(17):5009-5016
森林植被发挥着涵养水源的作用,主要表现在以下几个方面:对降水的截留与再分配;调节河川径流,调节林内小气候,减小林内地表蒸发,改善土壤结构,减少地表侵蚀等. 通过对几种林分各层拦蓄降水和保土功能指标定性评价的基础上,用综合评定法对不同林分水源涵养和保土功能进行综合评价,选择出综合功能最好的林分,以期为北京山区的生态环境建设、植被恢复与保护提供一定的依据。在测定东灵山4种森林植被林冠层、枯枝落叶层和土壤层蓄水和土壤保持功能指标的基础上,采用综合评定法对4种森林植被水源涵养和土壤保持功能进行了评价。结果表明:各植被类型的林冠层截留各不相同,在雨季(6-9 月份) 辽东栎林的截留率最大,华北落叶松的最小;枯落物最大持水深以辽东栎林的最大,油松的最小;土壤水文特性各异,0-80 cm 土层平均容重以落叶阔叶林的最小,华北落叶松的最大;稳渗速率以落叶阔叶林的最大,油松的最小,初渗速率以辽东栎林的最大,油松的最小。不同林分水源涵养和土壤保持综合能力由大到小顺序为落叶阔叶混交林、辽东栎林、华北落叶松林、油松林。常绿阔叶灌丛水源涵养和土壤保持综合能力评价值(0.1039) 比其它植被类型少3个数量级,说明其水源涵养和土壤保持功能明显优于其它植被类型。由此可见,树种组成丰富、林下灌草盖度高、枯落物储量多的落叶阔叶混交林水源涵养和土壤保持能力最强,优于单一的阔叶林,而油松林最差。  相似文献   

辽宁东部的主要植被类型及其分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
辽宁东部位于铁岭一营口一线以东地区。北部为山地,属于长白植物区系区。南部为辽东半岛丘陵,属于华北植物区系区,并具有一些耐寒性的亚热带植物。红松(Pinus koraiensis)、沙松(Abies holophylla)—阔叶混交林和油松 (Pinus tabulaeformis)、赤松(P.densiflora)、落叶阔叶林是辽宁东部的地带性植被。但是,目前次生的蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)林和各类灌丛分布很广。以开原一南杂木一青城子一青椅山线为界把辽东分为两个植被地带:1)北部为温带针叶阔叶混交林地带;2)南部为暖温带落叶阔叶林地带。在暖温带落叶阔叶林地带内,熊岳一青椅山线的东南部为亦松栎林亚地带,西北部为油松栎林亚地带。  相似文献   

东灵山油松林和辽东栎林下土壤资源和光资源的空间特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
刘建  何维明  房志玲 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2954-2960
油松林和辽东栎林是中国暖温带具有代表性的森林植被林型。为揭示油松林和辽东栎林下土壤资源和光资源的空间特征,在东灵山相应植被下各设置一条100 m样线,利用HH 2高精度土壤水分仪(美国生产)沿样线每隔1 m测定土壤水分含量,并分析相应点土壤有机质含量;利用H em iV iew林冠分析系统每隔10 m测定森林的叶面积指数、林冠覆盖度、林冠均匀性、光资源状况;采用半方差方法分析土壤水分和有机质的空间异质性。(1)油松林与辽东栎林的叶面积指数、林冠覆盖度、辐射因子和林下光资源没有显著差异,但油松林林冠均匀性显著小于辽东栎林。(2)辽东栎林的间接辐射因子与林下总辐射呈显著正相关(R2=0.466,p=0.030),而油松林的间接辐射因子与总辐射无显著相关(R2=0.203,p=0.191)。(3)光资源的数量及其组成在油松林和辽东栎林下的变化非常相似,但光资源的组成与林冠特征的关系在两种森林间存在差异。(4)油松林下土壤水分和土壤有机质含量低于辽东栎林,但异质性恰好相反;油松林下这两种因子不具有显著的空间自相关性,而辽东栎林下具有显著的空间自相关性。(5)自然条件下,10 m尺度的林下辐射强弱与土壤水分之间并不存在显著负相关。  相似文献   

谢寿安  吕淑杰  袁锋  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2961-2967
为探讨不同森林植物群落中植物类群与小蠹类群的结构特征以及小蠹类群随海拔高度而发生的变化,于2001~2003年夏季,采用取样调查法,依据海拔高度将秦岭火地塘生态定位站植物群落划分为山麓农田和侧柏群落(群落Ⅰ)、油松-华山松-锐齿栎群落(群落Ⅱ)、油松-华山松-栓皮栎群落(群落Ⅲ)、油松-华山松-辽东栎群落(群落Ⅳ),亚高山云杉林群落(群落Ⅴ),亚高山冷杉林群落(群落Ⅵ)6种类型的植物群落中,分乔木层、灌木层、草本层3个层次,分别计算出高等森林植物群落和针叶树小蠹类群的Shannon-W iener多样性指数、B erger-Parker生态优势度和P ie lou均匀度指数。结果表明,在山麓灌丛群落至针阔混交林群落之间,森林植物物种多样性指数、群落均匀度指数和物种丰富度呈递增趋势;在针阔混交林群落与亚高山云杉林群落、亚高山冷杉林群落之间,物种多样性指数、群落均匀度指数和物种丰富度呈下降趋势。从总体看,阔叶林中森林植被的多样性程度高于亚高山云杉林和冷杉林。群落优势度指数的变化规律则与之相反。不同森林群落类型中针叶树小蠹类群的多样性、均匀度和优势度研究结果表明,针叶树小蠹物种多样性指数和均匀度由高到低的排列顺序依次为:油松-华山松-栓皮栎群落、油松-华山松-锐齿栎群落、油松-华山松-辽东栎群落、亚高山云杉林群落、亚高山冷杉林群落、山麓农田侧柏群落;针叶树小蠹群落优势度的变化趋势与之相反。6种类型的植物群落中,共获得针叶树小蠹21种。讨论了小蠹这一昆虫类群对森林植物群落的指示意义、海拔高度对森林植物和小蠹组成及分布的主要影响、研究森林生态系统各部分组成及相互关系的必要性以及进一步深入研究森林群落物种多样性需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

北京东灵山主要森林植被中苔藓植物的物种多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙宇  邵小明  刘欣超  姜炎彬 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1725-1731
通过对北京东灵山地区32个样地植被及苔藓植物的调查,对主要森林植被中苔藓植物物种多样性进行分析。结果表明:东灵山主要森林植被中共有苔藓植物16科33属79种,优势科为青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和绢藓科(Entodontaceae)等。密叶绢藓(Entodoncompressus)、小牛舌藓(Anomodon minor)等为优势种。地面生苔藓植物物种丰富度以落叶阔叶混交林中最大,白桦林中最小,苔藓植物群落相似性以辽东栎林与落叶阔叶林之间最高,以山杨林与油松林之间最低。树附生苔藓植物物种丰富度以落叶阔叶混交林中最大,油松林中最小;苔藓植物群落相似性以油松林和山杨林之间最高,华北落叶松林与白桦林之间最低。地面生和树附生苔藓植物多样性与林型、树种及其所形成的林内微环境相关。  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区落叶松林不同恢复阶段地表甲虫的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在四川卧龙国家自然保护区,以落叶松种植林邻近的天然落叶阔叶林(100年生,5块样地)为对照,分别选择刚种植(5年生)、幼年期(15年生)和成熟期(45年生)的3种落叶松林各4块样地,每个样地4个重复,研究森林不同恢复阶段地表甲虫的多样性。通过巴氏罐诱法取样,采集甲虫标本共7444号。步甲科、隐翅虫科和拟步甲科分别占总数的40·2%、38·3%和6·4%,共同构成本研究地区的优势类群。甲虫的科丰富度、多样性和均匀度在3种落叶松林内显著高于天然林,且在3种落叶松林中,刚种植的最高,幼年期的最低;个体数量正相反,天然林显著高于落叶松林,而且3种落叶松林内,幼年期最高,刚种植的最低。主坐标分析排序和聚类分析表明,不同树龄的落叶松林和天然阔叶林间的地表甲虫群落组成存在显著差异,成熟期落叶松林与幼年期落叶松林和天然阔叶林有较高的相似性。甲虫个体数量的季节变化在3种落叶松林内相似性很高,与天然阔叶林差异显著,而科丰富度、多样性和均匀度的季节变化在3种落叶松林以及天然阔叶林间相似性都很低。多元回归分析表明,林冠层、草本层及枯落物的高(厚)度和覆盖率是决定科丰富度、个体数量、多样性和均匀度的决定因素。以上结果表明,在科级水平上,地表甲虫群落组成在不同树龄的落叶松林以及天然落叶阔叶林内存在显著差异,虽然成熟期的落叶松林已经具有了部分天然阔叶林的甲虫群落特点,但仍无法完全恢复到天然林的群落水平。因此,在鼓励森林恢复的同时,保留大面积的天然落叶阔叶林免受破坏和干扰仍然是保护地表甲虫群落的必要措施。  相似文献   

近年来北京地区的森林随极端干旱加剧表现出脆弱性特征,为了解气候变化下不同树种的干旱耐受性,选择北京东灵山森林内3个乔木树种(华北落叶松、油松和辽东栎),利用树木年轮生态学方法分析了径向生长与气候的关系,以及对极端干旱事件的抵抗力和弹性。结果表明: 华北落叶松和油松与5—6月气温呈显著负相关,辽东栎与5月气温呈显著负相关;华北落叶松与6月降水量、5—6月和8—9月相对湿度呈显著正相关,油松与6—8月降水量和相对湿度呈显著正相关,辽东栎与2月和5月降水量、5月相对湿度呈显著正相关;所有树种均与当年5—7月标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)呈显著正相关。华北落叶松是干旱耐受性最弱的树种,径向生长在所选极端干旱事件中(1994年、2001—2002年和2007年)下降幅度最大(46.6%~69.6%),抵抗力(0.534、0.304、0.530)和弹性(0.686、0.570、0.753)显著低于辽东栎和油松,辽东栎在2007年抵抗力显著高于油松,弹性无显著差异。生长季持续的高温或降水减少引起的极端干旱是树木径向生长下降的主要原因,树种间各异的生理生态策略是干旱耐受性差异的可能原因。研究结果可为未来造林树种选择和森林管护措施制定提供新依据,以在气候压力持续增加背景下维持森林生态系统功能和服务。  相似文献   

通过对山西灵空山小蛇沟集水区的林下草本层植物群落进行调查和多元分析——TWINSPAN分类、典范对应分析(CCA)与生境、生物因素变量分离, 探讨林分水平上草本层物种分布与环境因子之间的关系。结果如下: 1) TWINSPAN将26个调查样方划分为6种群落类型: 以辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)为主的辽东栎-油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林型、辽东栎杂木林型、辽东栎林型、华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)林型、油松林和阔叶油松林型、油松-辽东栎均匀混交林型, 体现了该地区地带性植被类型为暖温带森林的特点。2)群落类型的划分与CCA的结果相吻合, 主要反映了CCA排序第一、二轴的环境梯度, CCA排序轴第一轴突出反映了林分类型与土壤养分梯度, 第二排序轴与坡度、坡位显著相关。Monte Carlo检验结果表明, 林分类型、土壤养分和坡度是影响小蛇沟集水区内林下草本物种分异的最主要的环境因子。3)生境因子与生物因子解释了物种格局变化的42.9%, 其中生境因子占31.8%, 生物因子占7.9%, 生境因子与生物因子交互作用解释部分占3.2%。良好的环境解释反映了调查取样和环境因子选取的合理性。对于50%以上未能被解释的变异部分, 可能归咎于未被选取的因子如干扰或者随机过程。4)在海拔梯度较小的山区, 坡向等小地形因子能较好地指示局部生境的小气候条件, 对林下植物的分布有较好的解释力。  相似文献   

暖温带落叶阔叶林在维护区域生态系统功能和平衡中起着重要的作用, 研究其在氮添加下的生长和生理生态响应, 有助于深入理解暖温带落叶阔叶林在全球氮沉降背景下的生长和变化规律。该研究通过在北京东灵山落叶阔叶林的模拟氮沉降控制实验, 以优势种辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)和伴生种五角枫(Acer pictum subsp. mono)为研究对象, 设置对照和氮添加2种处理, 每种处理4个重复, 对照样地不做处理; 氮添加样地施加尿素(CO(NH2)2), 总的氮添加量为100 kg·hm -2·a -1, 测定氮添加对其生长和光合生理生态特征的影响。结果显示: 氮添加显著提高了两个树种的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、叶绿素含量, 同时扩大了叶片光系统II反应中心电子传递体库, 增加了基于光合电子流驱动的初级受体醌(QA)被还原的周转次数。氮添加也增加了两个树种当年生枝条的长度和生物量, 同时在一定程度上提高了辽东栎种子的质量。辽东栎光合作用氮利用效率、枝条生物量对氮添加的响应程度明显超过五角枫。在未来氮沉降加剧的情景下, 东灵山暖温带落叶阔叶林优势种辽东栎的优势地位会进一步加强。  相似文献   

北京东灵山优势种群树木死亡对空间格局与生境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马芳  王顺忠  冯金朝  桑卫国 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7669-7678
森林群落动态及其与环境因子关系研究一直是生态学的重要研究内容之一,树木死亡是森林群落动态的重要环节,环境因子是树木死亡的重要影响因素,因此,开展对树木死亡及其与环境相关性研究对分析森林群落动态至关重要。以东灵山暖温带落叶阔叶次生林20 hm~2动态监测样地为研究对象,对样地优势种群树木死亡前后(死亡前:活立木;死亡后,枯立木、倒木)种群数量特征、空间分布及生境相关性的变化关系进行研究,运用点格局、物种-生境相关性分析等方法对数据进行分析。结果:(1)树木死亡前,多度排序为辽东栎黑桦山杨华北落叶松;树木死亡后,多度排序为山杨黑桦辽东栎华北落叶松;树木死亡前后,随取样尺度增大,分布模式均由聚集向随机过渡。(2)种群与生境关联性分析表明:山杨、黑桦、华北落叶松活立木随机分布,辽东栎聚集于缓坡;山杨、辽东栎枯立木缓坡分布较多,黑桦随机,华北落叶松集中于山脊;山杨、黑桦倒木陡坡较多,辽东栎集中于山脊。(3)不同种群死亡前后的空间格局有明显的尺度依赖性,同时与物种自身生物学特性、密度制约、生境过滤的过程相关。  相似文献   

Quantifying the mechanistic links between carbon fluxes and forest canopy attributes will advance understanding of leaf-to-ecosystem scaling and its potential application to assessing terrestrial ecosystem metabolism. Important advances have been made, but prior studies that related carbon fluxes to multiple canopy traits are scarce. Herein, presenting data for 128 cold temperate and boreal forests across a regional gradient of 600 km and 5.4°C (from 2.4°C to 7.8°C) in mean annual temperature, I show that stand-scale productivity is a function of the capacity to harvest light (represented by leaf area index, LAI), and to biochemically fix carbon (represented by canopy nitrogen concentration, %N). In combination, LAI and canopy %N explain greater than 75 per cent of variation in above-ground net primary productivity among forests, expressed per year or per day of growing season. After accounting for growing season length and climate effects, less than 10 per cent of the variance remained unexplained. These results mirror similar relations of leaf-scale and canopy-scale (eddy covariance) maximum photosynthetic rates to LAI and %N. Collectively, these findings indicate that canopy structure and chemistry translate from instantaneous physiology to annual carbon fluxes. Given the increasing capacity to remotely sense canopy LAI, %N and phenology, these results support the idea that physiologically based scaling relations can be useful tools for global modelling.  相似文献   

Earth observing systems are now routinely used to infer leaf area index (LAI) given its significance in spatial aggregation of land surface fluxes. Whether LAI is an appropriate scaling parameter for daytime growing season energy budget, surface conductance (Gs), water‐ and light‐use efficiency and surface–atmosphere coupling of European boreal coniferous forests was explored using eddy‐covariance (EC) energy and CO2 fluxes. The observed scaling relations were then explained using a biophysical multilayer soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer model as well as by a bulk Gs representation. The LAI variations significantly alter radiation regime, within‐canopy microclimate, sink/source distributions of CO2, H2O and heat, and forest floor fluxes. The contribution of forest floor to ecosystem‐scale energy exchange is shown to decrease asymptotically with increased LAI, as expected. Compared with other energy budget components, dry‐canopy evapotranspiration (ET) was reasonably ‘conservative’ over the studied LAI range 0.5–7.0 m2 m?2. Both ET and Gs experienced a minimum in the LAI range 1–2 m2 m?2 caused by opposing nonproportional response of stomatally controlled transpiration and ‘free’ forest floor evaporation to changes in canopy density. The young forests had strongest coupling with the atmosphere while stomatal control of energy partitioning was strongest in relatively sparse (LAI ~2 m2 m?2) pine stands growing on mineral soils. The data analysis and model results suggest that LAI may be an effective scaling parameter for net radiation and its partitioning but only in sparse stands (LAI <3 m2 m?2). This finding emphasizes the significance of stand‐replacing disturbances on the controls of surface energy exchange. In denser forests, any LAI dependency varies with physiological traits such as light‐saturated water‐use efficiency. The results suggest that incorporating species traits and site conditions are necessary when LAI is used in upscaling energy exchanges of boreal coniferous forests.  相似文献   

We compared plant area index (PAI) and canopy openness for different successional stages in three tropical dry forest sites: Chamela, Mexico; Santa Rosa, Costa Rica; and Palo Verde, Costa Rica, in the wet and dry seasons. We also compared leaf area index (LAI) for the Costa Rican sites during the wet and dry seasons. In addition, we examined differences in canopy structure to ascertain the most influential factors on PAI/LAI. Subsequently, we explored relationships between spectral vegetation indices derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery and PAI/LAI to create maps of PAI/LAI for the wet season for the three sites. Specific forest structure characteristics with the greatest influence on PAI/LAI varied among the sites and were linked to climatic differences. The differences in PAI/LAI and canopy openness among the sites were explained by both the past land‐use history and forest management practices. For all sites, the best‐fit regression model between the spectral vegetation indices and PAI/LAI was a Lorentzian Cumulative Function. Overall, this study aimed to further research linkages between PAI/LAI and remotely sensed data while exploring unique challenges posed by this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf area index (LAI) is a key parameter controlling plant productivity and biogeochemical fluxes between vegetation and the atmosphere. Tropical forests are thought to have comparably high LAIs; however, precise data are scarce and environmental controls of leaf area in tropical forests are not understood. We studied LAI and stand leaf biomass by optical and leaf mass-related approaches in five tropical montane forests along an elevational transect (1,050–3,060 m a.s.l.) in South Ecuador, and conducted a meta-analysis of LAI and leaf biomass data from tropical montane forests around the globe. Study aims were (1) to assess the applicability of indirect and direct approaches of LAI determination in tropical montane forests, (2) to analyze elevation effects on leaf area, leaf mass, SLA, and leaf lifespan, and (3) to assess the possible consequences of leaf area change with elevation for montane forest productivity. Indirect optical methods of LAI determination appeared to be less reliable in the complex canopies than direct leaf mass-related approaches based on litter trapping and a thorough analysis of leaf lifespan. LAI decreased by 40–60% between 1,000 and 3,000 m in the Ecuador transect and also in the pan-tropical data set. This decrease indicates that canopy carbon gain, that is, carbon source strength, decreases with elevation in tropical montane forests. Average SLA decreased from 88 to 61 cm2 g−1 whereas leaf lifespan increased from 16 to 25 mo between 1,050 and 3,060 m in the Ecuador transect. In contrast, stand leaf biomass was much less influenced by elevation. We conclude that elevation has a large influence not only on the leaf traits of trees but also on the LAI of tropical montane forests with soil N (nitrogen) supply presumably being the main controlling factor.  相似文献   

 叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)是定量描述冠层结构的最有效指标之一。鉴于森林冠层三维结构的高度复杂性和异质性, 迄今仍没有形成统一标准的LAI测量方法。该文利用LAI-2000冠层分析仪、CI-110冠层分析仪和半球摄影法(digital hemispherical photograph, DHP), 对北京东灵山地区以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)为主的落叶阔叶林、华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii)林和油松(Pinus tabuliformis)林的有效叶面积指数(effective leaf area index, LAIe)进行了动态监测, 探寻其季节变化规律。为准确地估算温带山地主要森林类型的LAI, 对光学仪器测量值进行了去除木质成分、聚集效应等校正, 与基于凋落物收集法的相应实测值进行了比较分析。结果表明: 3种典型森林在生长季期间叶片生长均呈现单峰型; 3种光学仪器测量方法的同期LAIe数值大小顺序为: LAI-2000冠层分析仪>DHP>CI-110冠层分析仪。光学仪器的直接测量值LAIe包含了木质成分的贡献, 钝化了季节动态的变化幅度, 这对有明显季节交替的落叶林尤为突出。经校正, LAI-2000冠层分析仪和DHP的测量值与实测值都表现出显著的相关性, 其中LAI-2000冠层分析仪最适于采用基于空隙大小的校正方法, 而基于空隙度和空隙大小的综合算法则是校正DHP的最佳选择。结合经济成本和野外实际操作等因素考虑, DHP具有更大的推广优势, 特别适用于温带山地落叶林。  相似文献   

Liu Z  Jin G  Qi Y 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32155
Leaf area index (LAI) is an important variable in the study of forest ecosystem processes, but very few studies are designed to monitor LAI and the seasonal variability in a mixed forest using non-destructive sampling. In this study, first, true LAI from May 1(st) and November 15(th) was estimated by making several calibrations to LAI as measured from the WinSCANOPY 2006 Plant Canopy Analyzer. These calibrations include a foliage element (shoot, that is considered to be a collection of needles) clumping index measured directly from the optical instrument, TRAC (Tracing Radiation and Architecture of Canopies); a needle-to-shoot area ratio obtained from shoot samples; and a woody-to-total area ratio. Second, by periodically combining true LAI (May 1(st)) with the seasonality of LAI for deciduous and coniferous species throughout the leaf-expansion season (from May to August), we estimated LAI of each investigation period in the leaf-expansion season. Third, by combining true LAI (November 15(th)) with litter trap data (both deciduous and coniferous species), we estimated LAI of each investigation period during the leaf-fall season (from September to mid-November). Finally, LAI for the entire canopy then was derived from the initial leaf expansion to the leaf fall. The results showed that LAI reached its peak with a value of 6.53 m(2) m(-2) (a corresponding value of 3.83 m(2) m(-2) from optical instrument) in early August, and the mean LAI was 4.97 m(2) m(-2) from May to November using the proposed method. The optical instrument method underestimated LAI by an average of 41.64% (SD = 6.54) throughout the whole study period compared to that estimated by the proposed method. The result of the present work implied that our method would be suitable for measuring LAI, for detecting the seasonality of LAI in a mixed forest, and for measuring LAI seasonality for each species.  相似文献   

Drone-based remote sensing is a promising new technology that combines the benefits of ground-based and satellite-derived forest monitoring by collecting fine-scale data over relatively large areas in a cost-effective manner. Here, we explore the potential of the GatorEye drone-lidar system to monitor tropical forest succession by canopy structural attributes including canopy height, spatial heterogeneity, gap fraction, leaf area density (LAD) vertical distribution, canopy Shannon index (an index of LAD), leaf area index (LAI), and understory LAI. We focus on these variables’ relationship to aboveground biomass (AGB) stocks and species diversity. In the Caribbean lowlands of northeastern Costa Rica, we analyze nine tropical forests stands (seven second-growth and two old-growth). Stands were relatively homogenous in terms of canopy height and spatial heterogeneity, but not in their gap fraction. Neither species density nor tree community Shannon diversity index was significantly correlated with the canopy Shannon index. Canopy height, LAI, and AGB did not show a clear pattern as a function of forest age. However, gap fraction and spatial heterogeneity increased with forest age, whereas understory LAI decreased with forest age. Canopy height was strongly correlated with AGB. The heterogeneous mosaic created by successional forest patches across human-managed tropical landscapes can now be better characterized. Drone-lidar systems offer the opportunity to improve assessment of forest recovery and develop general mechanistic carbon sequestration models that can be rapidly deployed to specific sites, an essential step for monitoring progress within the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.  相似文献   

分析鼎湖山3种植被类型生态系统水文的长期连续观测资料,采用时空互代的方法,得到如下一些结果:1)鼎湖山自然保护区东沟集水区产水量达到降水量的66.5%,日径流量高峰的出现相对降水的发生滞后1d左右。2)地下水位平均稳定在2.22m,最低为2.84m,最高为1.14m。1999、2000、2001、2002和2003年地下水位平均值分别为2.38,2.27,2.08,2.13和2.11m。鼎湖山东沟集水区每日地下水位与前16d每一天的降水量相关。3)随着时间推移3种不同的植物群落中土壤含水量都有减少的趋势。季风林(p<0.01)和混交林(p<0.05)的土壤含水量减少趋势具有统计上的显著性,松林除外。4)鼎湖山3个处于不同演替阶段的植物群落其穿透水量与大气降水皆呈线性相关,它们的R2值随演替的进展而减小。穿透水占大气降水的比例也随演替进展而减少,松林、混交林和季风林分别为83.4%、68.3%和59.9%。松林、混交林和季风林的树干茎流占大气降水的比例分别为1.9%、6.5%和8.3%。树干茎流和胸径的关系受控于整个群落整体的影响而不仅仅是某个单一物种,并且群落的郁闭程度和结构是影响降水在林内再次分配的关键因素。季风林2月大气降水28.7mm林冠截流率为83.3%,而在大气降水为297.8mm的6月林冠截留率仅为18.9%,并且随着植物群落的演替,从松林、混交林到季风林的过程中林冠截留逐渐增大。  相似文献   

南方人工林叶面积指数的摄影测量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马泽清    刘琪璟    曾慧卿  李轩然    陈永瑞  林耀明  张时煌  杨风亭  汪宏清 《生态学报》2008,28(5):1971-1971~1980
利用CI-110冠层分析仪、鱼眼镜头数码照片分析,结合胸径-叶片半表面积模型对千烟洲不同森林类型(20年生)的叶面积指数进行了测定,并对3种方法进行了比较.共调查74块样地.研究对象主要为湿地松(Pinus elliottii)林、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)林.针对上述3种林型,CI-110观测值分别为1.355(0.38~2.85)、1.265(0.62~2.55)和2.140(0.76~3.31);鱼眼镜头测定值依次为1.339(0.71~1.79)、1.491(1.11~1.92)和1.984(1.26~2.59).利用胸径-叶片半表面积模型测定的叶面积指数(范围)依次为4.53(2.24~6.34)、3.88(1.19~6.28)和6.63(3.5~8.37).间接仪器法测定的值明显小于实测值,但具有一定的相关性.胸径-叶片半表面积模型测定叶面积指数最为可靠,而鱼眼镜头测定法比冠层分析仪测定精度高.  相似文献   

帽儿山地区森林冠层叶面积指数的地面观测与遥感反演   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Zhu GL  Ju WM  Jm C  Fan WY  Zhou YL  Li XF  Li MZ 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):2117-2124
叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)是陆地生态系统最重要的结构参数之一,遥感和基于冠层孔隙率模型的光学仪器观测是快速获取LAI的有效方法,但由于植被叶片的聚集效应,这些方法通常只能获取有效叶面积指数(effective LAI,LAIe).本文以东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场为研究区,利用LAI2000观测森林冠层LAIe,并结合TRAC观测的叶片聚集度系数估算了森林冠层LAI,并通过分析基于Landsat5-TM数据计算的不同植被指数与LAIe之间的关系,建立了该区森林LAI遥感估算模型.结果表明:研究区阔叶林的LAI和LAIe基本相当,而针叶林的LAI比LAIe大27%;减化比值植被指数(reduced simple ratio,RSR)与该区LAIe的相关性最好(R2=0.763,n=23),最适合该区LAI的遥感提取.当海拔<400 m时,LAI随海拔高度的上升而快速增大;当海拔在400~750 m时,LAI随海拔高度的上升缓慢增大;当海拔>750 m时,LAI呈下降趋势.研究区森林冠层LAI与森林地上生物量存在显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   

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