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不同水层下水稻对无芒稗的干扰控制作用研究表明,水稻化感作用品种吓一跳、谷梅2号和中156对无芒稗的株高抑制作用比无化感作用品种秀水63和春江11呈显著性差异.随盆栽水稻密度增加,水稻对无芒稗的干扰控制作用加大.在每盆4株栽植密度下,水稻化感作用品种鸡早籼、谷梅2号显著抑制无芒稗植株株高;在每盆32株密度时,水稻化感作用品种吓一跳、PI312777、TN1等对受控无芒稗的干扰控制与无化感作用品种春江11相比,呈显著性水平.  相似文献   

化感作用水稻对无芒稗及相关田间杂草的抑制作用评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对从500份水稻种质资源中用差时播种共培法的改进方法初步筛选出10份水稻化感抑稗材料进行了田间化感抑草评价研究.结果表明,在直播条件下,化感材料谷梅2号、吓一跳、鸡早籼、赣早籼和商糯1号等对无芒稗的抑制作用显著优于水稻无化感作用材料秀水63和春江11.化感材料Milyang54对田间总量杂草的抑制作用最强.在移栽条件下,化感材料谷梅2号、青困2号、吓一跳和鸡早籼对无芒稗的抑制作用与无化感作用材料秀水63和春江11差异及显著性水平.水稻材料间部分农艺性状差异及显著性水平,化感材料吓一跳和鸡早籼的株高较高,分蘖力较强,但顶三叶叶面积较小.  相似文献   

化感水稻不同组织水浸提液对稗草的化感作用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
本研究利用HG1和HG2两个化感水稻品种和稗草为材料,研究了化感水稻品种的叶、叶鞘、根组织的水浸提液对稗草幼苗的化感作用。结果表明:HG1不论是对稗草幼苗的株高还是对稗草幼苗的根都有极强的化感作用,而HG2只对稗草的根有极强的化感作用。在不同组织之间,叶和叶鞘的水浸提液对稗草的抑制作用显著大于根的水浸提液和对照。两个化感水稻对稗草幼苗根的抑制更强于对苗高的抑制。随着稗草密度的增加,稗草受抑程度减少,这可能与单株吸收化感物质的量减少有关。  相似文献   

水稻化感材料控制稗草的基因定位研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
徐正浩  何勇  崔绍荣  赵明  张旭  李迪 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2258-2260
利用中156/谷梅2号建立的重组自交系(RILs)所构建的包括168个DNA标记,全长为1447.9cM。基本覆盖水稻基因组12条染色体的连锁图,用差时播种共培法的改进方法对134个该群体的株系及其亲本对无芒稗进行了化感作用评价,用无芒稗的植株干重作为表型定位水稻化感控制稗草的基因,用QTL Mapper 1.01b软件进行区间作图,检测到1个与化感作用有关的主效应QTL。该QTL位于第7条染色体上,解释了32.30%的表型变化;检测到6对上位QTL,解释了47.83%的无芒稗干重抑制的变化,主效应和上位效应QTL共解释了80.13%的表型变化。  相似文献   

红汁乳菇醇提物对水稻、稗草的化感影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莫美华  马红梅  肖启福  张鑫浩 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2951-2954
研究了红汁乳菇子实体乙醇抽提物对水稻、稗草的化感影响。用不同浓度的红汁乳菇子实体乙醇抽提物处理水稻和稗草种子 ,测量处理后不同时间的水稻和稗草幼苗的根长和苗高 ,按照 Willamson,G.B.的方法计算化感作用效应 (RI)。结果表明 :红汁乳菇乙醇抽提物对稗草幼苗的生长有显著的抑制作用 ,能够导致稗草叶片发黄 ,缩短稗草的根和苗 ,甚至延迟部分种子的萌发。其中 8.5 mg/ ml的乙醇抽提物处理稗草种子后 3d、8d,对根长的化感作用效应分别为 - 0 .98、- 0 .5 8;对苗高的化感作用效应分别为 - 0 .5 0、- 0 .5 1。 6 .5 m g/ ml和 10 .5 mg/ ml处理组的结果与 8.5 mg/ ml处理组的结果在 p=0 .0 5水平上差异不显著。对水稻幼苗的生长表现出一定的调节作用 ,在较低浓度下 (≤ 4 .5 0 mg/ m l)对水稻幼苗有一定促进作用 ,如 4 .5 0 m g/ ml处理水稻种子后 3d、8d,对苗高的化感作用效应分别为 0 .2 5、0 .10 ;在较高浓度下 (如≥ 6 .5 0 mg/ ml)对水稻根长和苗高均为抑制作用 ,6 .5 0 mg/ ml时抑制作用最强 ,处理水稻种子后 3d、8d对幼苗的根长的化感作用效应分别为 - 0 .93、- 0 .4 8;对苗高的化感作用效应分别为 - 0 .5 0、- 0 .2 2 ,在 p=0 .0 5水平上与其它处理组差异显著  相似文献   

利用相同遗传背景不同株形水稻浙辐802等基因系为材料,研究了IG1、IG4、IG25和IG26与无芒稗的竞争和化感作用潜力,探索了二者之间的相互关系.结果表明,IG1和IG4的植株高度和分蘖角度显著大于IG25和IG26,但它们的根系活力却显著小于IG25和IG26.IG1和IG4对无芒稗生物量干重抑制率分别达到15%和17%,显著高于IG26的64%,表明水稻与无芒稗竞争力与水稻植株高度和分蘖角度成正比,而与水稻根系活力成反比.IG1叶片水浸提液对无芒稗根长抑制率为77.6%,显著高于非化感对照品种秀水63,而植株形态相近的IG4的化感作用却未达到显著水平,显示在相同遗传背景下水稻化感作用强弱与水稻株型无相关性.  相似文献   

入侵植物会通过化感作用等手段抑制本地种的生存繁衍,但本土植物尤其是地被层的藓类植物对入侵植物有何影响尚不清楚。本文以本土羽枝青藓和瘤柄匐灯藓为供体材料,以恶性入侵杂草稗草和野胡萝卜为受试材料,从藓丛结构特征和化感作用角度探究藓类植物对入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明: 2种入侵植物种子落入藓丛后其发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均受到显著抑制,抑制效果为藓丛上部>藓丛下部>无藓丛。稗草种子落入藓丛下部会显著影响其根长和根芽比。施加藓类浸提液均显著降低2种入侵植物的发芽率、发芽势及发芽指数,但呈现不同的浓度效应。施加浸提液在一定程度上增加了稗草幼苗芽长、根长和根芽比,但对野胡萝卜无明显的规律性影响。藓类植物对2种入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感综合效应均表现为抑制作用,其中,野胡萝卜的敏感性大于稗草,且高浓度下更加明显。可见,藓类植物对入侵植物种子萌发和幼苗生长具有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

胜红蓟地上部化感作用物的分离与鉴定   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
韦琦  曾强 《植物生态学报》1997,21(4):360-366
 胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)是华南地区的重要杂草,具有显著的化感作用。本文利用色谱和波谱技术对胜红蓟地上部化感活性成分进行分离和化学结构鉴定,得到两个化感作用物质:胜红蓟素(6,7—二甲氧基—2,2—二甲基色烯)和5,22—二烯—3β—豆甾醇。对这两个作用物的化感作用研究表明:胜红蓟素对受体幼苗生长有抑制作用,500×10-6处理对稗草生长达到完全抑制,对萝卜的抑制率也高达90%。浓度降到25×10-6对稗草和萝卜幼苗生长仍具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

针对已报道属于羟基肟酸(丁布)、酚酸和酞酸酯类的稗草潜在的化感物质,本文以水稻、稗草和莴苣为试验材料,对2,4-二叔丁基酚、对羟基扁桃酸2种酚酸以及3种酞酸酯类物质的化感活性进行了研究.采用高效液相色谱法( HPLC)研究了上述5种物质以及丁布在稗草组织、根区土壤和种子萌发液的含量.结果表明:在100μg·ml-1作用浓度下,对羟基扁桃酸对莴苣、水稻以及稗草的种子萌发和幼苗生长的综合抑制活性最弱,2,4-二叔丁基酚化感抑制活性相对最强.酞酸二甲酯、酞酸二异辛酯和2,4-二叔丁基酚这3种物质对稗草的抑制活性大干水稻.通过HPLC只在稗草苗期叶、根和种子萌发液中检测出对羟基扁桃酸,其含量分别为9.72 μg·g-1、7.29 μg·g-1和0.24 μg·ml-1,而其他生长期组织以及根区土壤中均未检出.所有样品均未检测出2,4-二叔丁基酚、丁布和3种酞酸酯类物质.对羟基扁桃酸的浓度-效应试验显示,接近实测浓度(20 μg·g-1)时其对3种受试植物没有显著的化感抑制效应.本研究表明,对羟基扁桃酸不是稗草中主要的化感物质;通过HPLC-标准物质比对方法可以准确分析上述6种化合物,并证实了稗草不含有2,4-二叔丁基酚、丁布和酞酸酯类物质.  相似文献   

小蓬草精油化感作用研究结果表明不同浓度小蓬草精油对青菜、白菜、小麦、稗草和鹅观草的种子最终发芽率、种子发芽指数、幼苗根长、幼苗根系活力、幼苗叶绿素含量、幼苗叶绿素a含量和幼苗叶绿素b含量的化感效应敏感指数均为负值,小蓬草精油对五种植物具有抑制作用,且精油浓度越高抑制作用越强.小蓬草精油主要通过抑制青菜、白菜、小麦、稗草和鹅观草的种子发芽速率、幼苗根系活力和叶绿素含量来抑制受体植物生长.不同浓度小蓬草精油对五种植物种子最终发芽率、种子发芽指数和幼苗根长的影响中,鹅观草对小蓬草精油最为敏感,小蓬草精油对鹅观草种子萌发的半抑制浓度(IC50)为0.42 g L-1.  相似文献   

He HB  Wang HB  Fang CX  Lin ZH  Yu ZM  Lin WX 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37201
Plant-plant interference is the combined effect of allelopathy, resource competition, and many other factors. Separating allelopathy from resource competition is almost impossible in natural systems but it is important to evaluate the relative contribution of each of the two mechanisms on plant interference. Research on allelopathy in natural and cultivated plant communities has been hindered in the absence of a reliable method that can separate allelopathic effect from resource competition. In this paper, the interactions between allelopathic rice accession PI312777, non-allelopathic rice accession Lemont and barnyardgrass were explored respectively by using a target (rice)-neighbor (barnyardgrass) mixed-culture in hydroponic system. The relative competitive intensity (RCI), the relative neighbor effect (RNE) and the competitive ratio (CR) were used to quantify the intensity of competition between each of the two different potentially allelopathic rice accessions and barnyardgrass. Use of hydroponic culture system enabled us to exclude any uncontrolled factors that might operate in the soil and we were able to separate allelopathy from resource competition between each rice accession and barnyardgrass. The RCI and RNE values showed that the plant-plant interaction was positive (facilitation) for PI312777 but that was negative (competition) for Lemont and barnyardgrass in rice/barnyardgrass mixed-cultures. The CR values showed that one PI312777 plant was more competitive than 2 barnyardgrass plants. The allelopathic effects of PI312777 were much more intense than the resource competition in rice/barnyardgrass mixed cultures. The reverse was true for Lemont. These results demonstrate that the allelopathic effect of PI312777 was predominant in rice/barnyardgrass mixed-cultures. The most significant result of our study is the discovery of an experimental design, target-neighbor mixed-culture in combination with competition indices, can successfully separate allelopathic effects from competition.  相似文献   

To explore the molecular mechanism of allelopathic rice in response to low nitrogen (N) supply or accompanying weed stress, allelopathic rice PI 312777 and its counterpart Lemont were grown under low N supply or co-cultured with barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.] in hydroponics. The suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique was employed to isolate the up-regulated genes in the treated rice accession. The results indicated that the expression of the genes associated with N utilization was significantly up-regulated in allelopathic rice PI 312777, and the higher efficiency of N uptake and its utilization were also detected in PI 312777 than that in Lemont when the two rice accessions were exposed to low N supply. This result suggested that the allelopathic rice had higher ability to adapt to low N stress than its non-allelopathic counterpart. However, a different response was observed when the allelopathic rice was exposed to accompanying weed (barnyardgrass) co-cultured in full Hoagland solution (normal N supply). It showed that the expression of the genes associated with allelochemical synthesis and its detoxification were all up-regulated in the allelopathic rice when co-cultured with the target weed under normal N supply. The results suggested that the allelopathic rice should be a better competitor in the rice-weed co-culture system, which could be attributed to increasing de novo biosynthesis and detoxification of allelochemicals in rice, consequently resulting in enhanced allelopathic effect on the target and preventing the autotoxicity in this process. These findings suggested that the accompanying weed, barnyardgrass is not only the stressful factor, but also one of the triggers in activating allelopathy in rice. This implies that the allelopathic rice is sensible of the existing target in chemical communication.  相似文献   

Bei Sun  Chui-Hua Kong  Peng Wang  Rui Qu 《Plant Ecology》2012,213(12):1917-1926
The production of secondary metabolites and biomass of plants may be altered by coexistence and competition. Rice has coexisted with barnyardgrass in paddy systems for centuries and represents a model system for understanding plant–plant interactions. Despite increasing knowledge of allelochemicals produced and released by rice involved in coexistence of these two species, relatively little is known about the role and production of beneficial chemicals of rice in response to competing barnyardgrass. The purpose of this study was to quantify the growth-stimulating allantoin (5-ureidohydantoin) and its effect on barnyardgrass growth in a rice–barnyardgrass system. In this system, rice produced and released allantoin but barnyardgrass did not. The production of allantoin by rice responded to competition from barnyardgrass, and its concentration varied among rice cultivars tested. At 1:1 barnyardgrass and rice mixture proportion, allantoin concentration in allelopathic cultivars was obviously lowered by competing barnyardgrass, while no significant variation of allantoin concentration was observed in non-allelopathic cultivars. Barnyardgrass biomass was reduced in mixed-culture with rice cultivars, in particular, allelopathic cultivars. There was a positive relationship between allantoin concentration in rice cultivars and barnyardgrass biomass. Furthermore, allantoin stimulated the growth of barnyardgrass once released from rice or added to soil. The results suggest that rice plants of allelopathic cultivars appear to be able to detect the presence of competing barnyardgrass and respond by decreasing production of growth-stimulating allantoin, regulating the growth of barnyardgrass. In this manner, given rice cultivars may alleviate the competition of barnyardgrass and provide greater benefit to their own growth.  相似文献   

为了探讨外源水杨酸(SA)调控水稻化感抑草效应的可行性,研究了不同浓度的外源SA对强化感水稻PI312777抑草效应的影响及其生理生化特性,并运用实时定量RT-PCR(FQ-PCR)技术检测SA介导的关键酶苯丙氨酸解氨酶基因(ZB8)的相对表达量.结果表明:外源SA能够诱导水稻化感抑草效应增强,而且这种诱导效应与SA的浓度和处理时间相关.叶面喷施SA后,PI312777对稗草的抑制率显著提高,其根系活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性增强,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性降低;而伴生杂草稗草的相应生理指标的变化趋势则相反.PI312777植株中的苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性增强,总酚含量升高.0.2 mmol·L-1的SA诱导水稻化感抑草效应最显著,该浓度下目的基因ZB8的相对表达丰度随处理时间先上调后下调,在24 h达到表达高峰.  相似文献   

水稻化感生物测试方法的比较及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
选用8个化感作用潜力各异的水稻品种(系):PI312777、Lemont、Moroberekan、IAC25、IACA7、IAC120、Batatais、Iguape Cateto为供试材料,以田间伴生稗草为受体材料,比较分析了目前较为通用的3种生物测试方法:琼脂迟播共培法(RSA)、石英砂迟播共培法(RSS)和根系分泌物培养法(SRE)对水稻化感潜力的测试效果.结果表明,RSA法应用于测试水稻化感作用潜力的效果最好,RSS法和SRE法的测试结果虽较为一致,但两者都存在不足.据此,运用RSA法对57个水稻材料进行了化感抗草种质资源的初步筛选,从中获得5个强化感作用潜力的水稻材料:Iguape Cateto、PI312777、Azucena、Taichung Native 1和IAC25.  相似文献   

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