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反射性呼吸暂停中延髓各类呼吸性神经元的放电变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在向家兔颈动脉窦区注入拘椽酸钠引起呼吸暂停期间,和在持续性肺充气引起延长的呼气相中,延髓大多数吸气神经元和膈神经停止放电;而大多数呼气性神经元呈连续性放电,放电频率持续地高于或接近于平静呼气时呼气神经元的高峰放电频率,并伴随肋间内肌电活动增强,直至呼气性神经元放电频率衰减或停止放电时,膈神经才恢复放电。这提示呼气性神经元的持续兴奋状态可能与呼气性呼吸暂停的维持或呼气相的延长有关。在延髓闩前部可以记录到少数放电频率渐增型的跨时相呼气-吸气神经元,在呼吸暂停期间,它们呈低频连续放电,逐渐增大放电频率,在其放电频率急剧增高时,膈神经恢复放电。这提示该类神经元可能与吸气的发动有关。本文尚就呼吸节律的发生机制做了讨论。  相似文献   

实验在33例清醒、肌肉麻痹和切断双侧迷走神经的家兔上进行,观察了刺激丘脑不同核团(VIL,VL,VPM 和 MI)和胼胝体纤维以激活皮层时膈神经的放电效应。当在吸气相(膈神经放电时)给予上述核团及胼胝体纤维电脉冲刺激,可使膈神经放电短暂抑制,随后的呼气相缩短、吸气相提前出现。如果在呼气相刺激上述核团,也能使该呼气时相缩短,随后的吸气时相提前出现。当在皮层接受 VL 投射的局部区域给予回苏灵后,再刺激 VL,皮层诱发电位增大,除使原先的膈神经放电效应更为明显外,还可在呼气相刺激时引起膈神经即刻的短暂放电。以上实验结果提示,当用回苏灵使皮层活动加强后,刺激丘脑 VL 引起的膈神经放电效应明显增强。损毁红核或切断皮层下行传导束但保留皮层脊髓束后,刺激丘脑引起的膈神经放电效应均不受影响,表明传入冲动激活皮层后引起的膈神经放电效应可能主要经皮层脊髓束下传,而皮层红核脊髓束不起重要作用。  相似文献   

黄武新  刘传缋 《生理学报》1985,37(2):191-198
在乌拉坦氯醛糖混合麻醉猫上,平静呼吸时膈神经和肋间外神经α纤维单纤维放电时程、冲动数、冲动频率及休止期经统计处理无明显差别。切断双侧迷走神经后呼吸深慢,两种神经的冲动频率升高、放电时程延长及冲动数增多。窒息时两种神经电活动先增强,然后同时停止活动。索曼0.2—3μg 椎动脉或10—20μg/kg 静脉注射后,主要抑制膈神经放电的占85%和87%,无主要抑制肋间外神经的反应。椎动脉注射吗啡0.5—5mg,主要抑制肋间外神经放电的反应则占58%,无抑制膈神经放电的反应。从膈神经元所在的颈髓局部浸润索曼不能停止膈神经节律吸气放电。以上结果表明,主要支配膈神经的延髓呼吸神经元背侧组(DRG)和主要支配肋间外神经的腹侧组(VRG)在平静呼吸时活动无明显差异。而索曼和吗啡可使这两个细胞核团表现不同的反应。  相似文献   

在30例清醒,肌肉麻痹、切断迷走神经的家兔,观察到刺激对侧皮层感觉运动区时,胁间神经的放电效应包括两种成分。在呼气相电刺激,肋间外神经的第一效应表现为短暂的放电,肋间内神经表现为呼气放电的抑制;在吸气相电刺激,肋间外神经的第一效应表现为吸气放电的抑制,肋间内神经表现为短暂的放电。肋间外神经的第二效应表现为吸气放电的提前出现,吸气时程和呼气时程的缩短;肋间内神经的第二效应表现为吸气时程的缩短和呼气时程的延长,呼气放电的幅度明显增加。上述结果说明,皮层直接控制脊髓的通路既能兴奋也能抑制肋间吸气或呼气运动神经元的活动,且吸气与呼气运动神经元之间表现交互抑制。静注士的宁引起肋间神经梭形放电的发生过程和放电频率,与膈神经上表现相同;但恢复过程不同,膈神经上吸气放电恢复早,肋间神经上呼吸性放电恢复迟。此外,肋间神经的呼吸性放电不具有高频振荡现象。  相似文献   

俞小军  屠逸君  萧俊 《生理学报》1988,40(4):365-373
家兔40只,乌拉坦静脉麻醉,三碘季铵酚制动,人工通气,切断双侧颈迷走神经干,引导左侧膈神经干和右侧膈神经单纤维的传出电活动。在保持动物正常PaCO_2和PaO_2的条件下,所观察的144个膈神经单位,按其电活动与呼吸周期的关系,可分为三类:第一类(U_Ⅰ,占44%),仅在吸气相放电;第二类(U_Ⅱ,41%),放电自吸气相持续到呼气相前期;第三类(U_Ⅲ,15%),在整个呼吸周期中连续放电。逐步加大给动物的人工通气量,在PaCO_2逐渐降低的过程中,96%的U_Ⅰ和58%的U_Ⅱ的放电频率逐渐降低,但始终保持时相性放电的特性,直至放电停止,对具有这些特性的单位称为时相性单位。其余4%的U_Ⅰ和42%的U_Ⅱ,在低PaCO_2下逐渐转为紧张性放电,将这些单位和全部U_Ⅲ称为紧张性单位。我们以前报道的家兔膈神经干的呼气相电活动,是紧张性单位活动的表现。在放电特性方面,本文报告的家兔膈神经元群中的时相性单位和紧张性单位,与Hilaire和St.John报告的猫膈神经元群中的晚募集单位和早募集单位,有类似之处,但不尽相同。  相似文献   

在麻醉猫,经推动脉注入梭曼、VX,沙林及乙酰甲胆碱引起呼吸中枢严重抑制的剂量分别为0.5—1、3、15、2001μg/头;但在无麻醉、箭毒麻痹、人工呼吸并用药物保护循环的清醒猫,VX用量要增加十多倍,沙林用量增加2~8倍,棱曼用量不变。在严重抑制剂量的给药早期,梭曼使34.8%动物较早地出现膈神经单纤维放电加强,其每次吸气放电的冲动频率由20~30Hz增至50~80Hz,冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至40~60个/每次放电,兴奋持续短、迅速转入抑制且不易自动恢复;VX和乙酰甲胆碱使100%动物出现显著的放电加强,其冲动频率由20~30Hz增至70~130Hz、冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至60~80个/第次放电,兴奋持续时间较长、转入抑制慢但自动恢复较快;沙林使76.9%动物出现放电加强,其他表现类似VX。三种胆碱酯酶抑制剂和乙酰甲胆碱共使33/52根单纤维放电发生时相变化。结果表明:梭曼对呼吸中枢作用最强、沙林次之、VX最弱且更似乙酰甲胆碱。  相似文献   

实验在40只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的成年家兔上进行,观察电刺激Btzinger复合体(Bt.C)对呼吸节律的影响.结果表明: (1)吸气相早期短串电刺激Bt.C导致膈神经放电被短暂抑制,被抑制的程度与刺激强度呈正相关.当刺激落位在吸气相中、晚期时,可导致吸气提前终止("吸气切断"),之后跟随一缩短的呼气相.导致"吸气切断"的阈强度与刺激落位呈负相关.(2)呼气相短串电刺激Bt.C,可诱导膈神经短暂放电,呼气相晚期诱导出现放电之后往往跟随一正常的吸气放电,结果导致该呼气相缩短.该效应亦具有刺激强度、刺激落位依赖性.结果提示: Bt.C参与吸气向呼气以及呼气向吸气的时相转换.  相似文献   

实验在40只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的成年家兔上进行,观察电刺激B¨otzinger复合体(B¨otC)对呼吸节律的影响。结果表明:(1)吸气相早期短串电刺激B¨otC导致膈神经放电被短暂抑制,被抑制的程度与刺激强度呈正相关。当刺激落位在吸气相中、晚期时,可导致吸气提前终止(“吸气切断”),之后跟随一缩短的呼气相。导致“吸气切断”的阈强度与刺激落位呈负相关。(2)呼气相短串电刺激B¨otC,可诱导膈神经短暂放电,呼气相晚期诱导出现放电之后往往跟随一正常的吸气放电,结果导致该呼气相缩短。该效应亦具有刺激强度、刺激落位依赖性。结果提示:B¨otC参与吸气向呼气以及呼气向吸气的时相转换。  相似文献   

在52只麻醉兔和4只清醒兔上均观察到,自然呼吸时膈神经于呼气相有紧张性放电。同时引导膈肌肌电表明这种活动与膈肌紧张性的维持有关。这种电活动在切断引导电极外周段的膈神经后仍然存在。通气量不足、动脉血 PCO_2增加或 PO_2减少使其减少或消失;吸入纯氧或过度通气引起相反效应。切断窦神经或延髓腹外侧面化学敏感区局部贴敷浸有普鲁卡因的滤纸片,使膈神经呼气相放电增强;颈动脉窦区注入30—75μg NaCN 或将 pH=6的酸性人工脑脊液滤纸片贴于延髓化学敏感区,使膈神经呼气相放电减弱。本工作提示正常血气浓度及其变化经相同的外周和中枢化学感受机制同时发动两种调节过程:1.通过调节吸气肌位相性活动而调节肺通气量;2.通过调节吸气肌呼气相紧张性活动而调节肺机能余气量。  相似文献   

切断大鼠舌咽神经(包括窦神经)可导致通气反应减弱。刺激舌咽神经可引起膈神经放电抑制,呼气相刺激则诱发成束放电。吸气相刺激舌咽神经咽支引起膈神经放电加强,呼气相出现兴奋反应。但是,舌咽神经舌支能否影响呼吸和血压,咽支对血压有无影响尚不清  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of lung inflations on the high-frequency synchrony (70-122 Hz) observed in the inspiratory activity of respiratory motor nerves of decerebrate cats, I applied a step increase in lung inflation pressure at fixed delays into the inspiratory phase and computed power spectra of phrenic neurograms before and during inflation. In 25 decerebrate paralyzed cats the frequency of the high spectral peak was 92.3 +/- 11.1 Hz before and 105.3 +/- 12.1 Hz during the step in inflation pressure, shifting upward by 13.0 +/- 6.0 Hz. For 8 of the 25 cats, the recurrent laryngeal and phrenic neurograms were recorded simultaneously. The high spectral peak was present during inspiration in the recurrent laryngeal power spectra and coherent with the high peak in the phrenic power spectra. In response to lung inflation, the high peak disappeared from the power spectra of the recurrent laryngeal nerve as the inspiratory activity was inhibited; a shift upward in frequency was not detectable. Comparing inspiratory times (TI, based on the phrenic neurograms) for breaths with no lung inflations to those for breaths with lung inflations, I found that lung inflations early in inspiration caused a decrease in TI, lung inflations at intermediates times had no effect on TI, and lung inflations late in inspiration caused an increase in TI. Despite lung inflation decreasing, not affecting, or increasing inspiratory duration and amplitude of the phrenic neurogram, lung inflation always caused a shift upward in the high-frequency peak of the phrenic power density. The fact that lung inflation, a powerful respiratory stimulus, affected the frequency of the high peak in a consistent manner suggests that the high-frequency synchrony is an important and robust feature of the central respiratory pattern generator.  相似文献   

In supracollicular decerebrate paralyzed adult rats, neural respiration was monitored by bilateral phrenic recordings. In the study of respiratory cycle timing, the effects of vagal afferent input (lung inflation) on respiratory phase durations resembled those seen in decerebrate cats. 1) Withholding lung inflation during neural inspiration (I) produced lengthening of I phase duration by 46% (mean, n = 11). 2) Maintaining lung inflation during neural expiration (E) produced lengthening of E phase duration by 112% (mean, n = 4). In the study of fast rhythms in inspiratory discharges, phrenic nerve autospectra and bilateral (left-right) phrenic coherences in 16 rats revealed two types of fast rhythm: 1) high-frequency oscillation (HFO), which had significant coherence peaks (n = 9, range 106-160 Hz, mean 132 Hz); and 2) medium-frequency oscillation (MFO), which had autospectral peaks but no distinct coherence peaks (n = 11, range 46-96 Hz, mean 66 Hz). These rhythms resembled MFOs and HFOs in the decerebrate cat, but the modal frequency range was about twice as large. In addition, these frequency values differed markedly from the 20-40 Hz of the rhythms found in earlier studies in neonatal in vitro preparations; the difference may be due to developmental immaturity.  相似文献   

Differing activities of medullary respiratory neurons in eupnea and gasping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose was to compare further eupneic ventilatory activity with that of gasping. Decerebrate, paralyzed, and ventilated cats were used; the vagi were sectioned within the thorax caudal to the laryngeal branches. Activities of the phrenic nerve and medullary respiratory neurons were recorded. Antidromic invasion was used to define bulbospinal, laryngeal, or not antidromically activated units. The ventilatory pattern was reversibly altered to gasping by exposure to 1% carbon monoxide in air. In eupnea, activities of inspiratory neurons commenced at various times during inspiration, and for most the discharge frequency gradually increased. In gasping, the peak discharge frequency of inspiratory neurons was unaltered. However, all commenced activities at the start of the phrenic burst and reached peak discharge almost immediately. The discharge frequencies of all groups of expiratory neurons fell in gasping, with many neurons ceasing activity entirely. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that brain stem mechanisms controlling eupnea and gasping differ fundamentally.  相似文献   

Phrenic afferents and their role in inspiratory control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In anesthetized cats, with vagi cut and the spinal cord severed at the C8 level, phrenic motor and/or sensory discharge was recorded. Small afferent phrenic fibers were identified through their activation by lactic acid, hyperosmotic NaCl solution, or phenyl diguanide. They exhibited a spontaneous but irregular low-frequency discharge. Block of their conduction by procaine had no effect on eupneic motor phrenic activity. Large afferent phrenic fibers showed a spontaneous rhythmic discharge, and cold block (6 degrees C) of these fibers significantly prolonged the phrenic discharge time (Tphr) and total breath duration (TT) during eupnea. The stimulation of all afferent phrenic fibers lowered the impulse frequency of phrenic motoneurons (f impulses) and shortened both Tphr and TT. When the stimulation was performed during cold block all of the effects on phrenic output persisted, but changes in timing were less pronounced. Under procaine block, only the effects of phrenic nerve stimulation on Tphr persisted. These results suggest that both large and small afferent phrenic fibers control the inspiratory activity with a prominent role of small fibers on phrenic motoneuron impulse frequency.  相似文献   

Central inspiratory influence on abdominal expiratory nerve activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose was to determine whether the intensity of abdominal expiratory nerve discharge is conditioned by the intensity of the preceding inspiratory phrenic discharge, independent of mechanical and chemical afferent influences. In decerebrate, paralyzed, vagotomized cats with bilateral pneumothoraxes, we recorded phrenic and abdominal (cranial iliohypogastric nerve, L1) nerve activities at hyperoxic normocapnia. We reduced the duration and intensity (i.e., integrated peak height) of phrenic nerve discharge for single cycles by stimulating the cut central end of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) during the central inspiratory phase (75 microA, 20-50 Hz, 0.2-ms pulse). Premature termination of inspiration consistently reduced expiratory duration (TE) and abdominal expiratory nerve activity (area of integrated neurogram), but the average reduction in TE was much less than the reduction in abdominal nerve activity (14 vs. 51%). Stimulation of the cut central end of the vagus nerve yielded similar results, as did spontaneous premature terminations of inspiration, which we observed in one cat. SLN stimulation during hyperoxic hypercapnia resulted in more variable responses, and higher stimulation frequencies were usually required to abort inspiration. SLN (or vagal) stimulation during expiration consistently increased abdominal expiratory nerve activity. We speculate that this facilitatory response is gated during inspiration, thereby allowing the inspiratory conditioning effect on the subsequent expiration to be expressed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inspiratory rhythm in airway smooth muscle tone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In anesthetized paralyzed open-chested cats ventilated with low tidal volumes at high frequency, we recorded phrenic nerve activity, transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and either the tension in an upper tracheal segment or the impulse activity in a pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve. The TPP and upper tracheal segment tension fluctuated with respiration, with peak pressure and tension paralleling phrenic nerve activity. Increased end-tidal CO2 or stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors with sodium cyanide increased both TPP and tracheal segment tension during the increased activity of the phrenic nerve. Lowering end-tidal CO2 or hyperinflating the lungs to achieve neural apnea (lack of phrenic activity) caused a decrease in TPP and tracheal segment tension and abolished the inspiratory fluctuations. During neural apnea produced by lowering end-tidal CO2, lung inflation caused no further decrease in tracheal segment tension and TPP. Likewise, stimulation of the cervical sympathetics, which caused a reduction in TPP and tracheal segment tension during normal breathing, caused no further reduction in these parameters when the stimulation occurred during neural apnea. During neural apnea the tracheal segment tension and TPP were the same as those following the transection of the vagi or the administration of atropine (0.5 mg/kg). Numerous fibers in the pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve fired in synchrony with the phrenic nerve. Only these fibers had activity which paralleled changes in TPP and tracheal tension. We propose that the major excitatory input to airway smooth muscle arises from cholinergic nerves that fire during inspiration, which have preganglionic cell bodies in the ventral respiratory group in the region of the nucleus ambiguus and are driven by the same pattern generators that drive the phrenic and inspiratory intercostal motoneurons.  相似文献   

蜚蠊单个棘—钟形感器冲动发放的特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文分析了蜚镰后胸足单个棘一钟形感器对机械位移刺激的反应模式以及冲动发放的特性.结果证明该感器是一种适应较慢的相位性触觉感受器,对触刺激有相当稳定的反应.  相似文献   

家兔面神经后核内侧区在呼吸节律起源中的作用   总被引:36,自引:8,他引:28  
从腹侧面暴露家兔延髓,脑内微量注射1%普鲁卡因阻滞面神经后核内侧区(mNRF),全部动物(n=20)一次注射(0.3—1.0μl)后即能可逆地消除呼吸节律。区域对照显示此区非常局限,范围约1.0×1.0×1.0mm。组织学检查表明为面神经后核内侧区。本文分析了 mNRF的呼吸相关神经元(RRNs)的放电形式。在 mNRF 有较多的呼气(E)神经元和呼气-吸气跨时相(E-IPS)神经元。在阻滞 mNRF 引起呼吸停止期间,观察到低位延髓背侧呼吸群(DRG)和腹侧呼吸群(VRG)尾端区 RRNs 放电的节律性消失,表现连续放电或停止放电。电刺激DRG,VRG 尾端区,只能诱发短串的膈神经放电,而不能产生节律性发放。说明这些区域的RRNs 无自动节律性活动的能力。结果表明,面神经后核内侧区与呼吸节律发生有关,它可能是呼吸节律发生器的一个重要的所在部位。  相似文献   

Spectral analyses were performed on phrenic neurogram recordings from 18 cats to identify high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) inherent in the signals at different phases of inspiratory activity. Gating the analysis for the entire inspiratory phase resulted in dual spectral HFOs (27 and 83 Hz), both of which persisted when the analysis was repeated on the later phase of phrenic inspiratory activity alone (29 and 82 Hz). A third pass at the same data, gating for just the early phase of phrenic discharge, however, resulted in single spectral HFOs at the higher frequency only (86 Hz). Because both early and late recruited phrenic motoneurons carry both higher and lower spectral frequencies, these results demonstrate that the lower frequency HFO is distinctly delayed in onset compared with the higher frequency HFO, the latter of which is believed to have a brain stem origin. This delayed onset may be important in identifying the source of the lower frequency HFO, which appears to be specific to various respiratory efferent systems.  相似文献   

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