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测定浙江地区狂犬病病毒分离株(鼬獾和犬)全基因组序列,从分子水平对病毒进行遗传变异特征分析,了解狂犬病病毒在浙江的流行和变异情况以及目前浙江流行株的遗传学背景,以丰富中国狂犬病病毒街毒流行株的全基因组信息。脑内接种1~2日乳鼠分离狂犬病病毒,RT-PCR反应测定浙江地区狂犬病病毒分离株全基因组核苷酸序列,并进行编码蛋白和序列相似性比较及种系发生分析。测序获得狂犬病病毒浙江淳安鼬獾分离株F02、F04和松阳犬分离株D01、D02全基因组核苷酸序列信息:基因组全长11 923和11 925 nts,前导序列Leader长58nts,5个ORF为:NP(1 353 nts);PP(894 nts);MP(609 nts);GP(1 575 nts);LP(6 386 nts),N-P-M-G间隔序列长2、5、5 nts;G-L基因间的伪基因Ψ长423 nts;Trailer尾长70 nts。核酸BLAST及多重序列比对分析显示浙江地区4个狂犬病病毒分离株的全基因组序列的组成和结构符合弹状病毒科狂犬病病毒属的特征;中国毒株之间特别是浙江同种动物狂犬病病毒之间各个基因区域核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性最高,浙江病毒全基因组序列编码蛋白氨基酸序列相似性高于核苷酸序列相似性,说明蛋白质编码基因的核苷酸变异大多属于同义突变;浙江病毒负链RNA基因组5个基因编码氨基酸的长度没有变异,5个编码蛋白仅表现较少的序列变化;浙江病毒与本研究选择的代表性引用街毒株或者来自街毒的减毒株的变异位点和变异类型相似,多重序列相似性的比较和种系发生分析显示所分离的狂犬病病毒浙江街毒株均属于基因1型,具有较独特的中国地域性特点,故本研究中的浙江地区分离株极有可能是自然界中固有的街毒株。  相似文献   

中国6株狂犬病病毒街毒株全基因组测序与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究中对分离于中国的6株狂犬病病毒街毒株进行了全基因组测序,对基因组的5个结构基因(N、P、M、G和L)的核苷酸和推断的氨基酸序列以及非编码区序列进行了分析与比较,并与来自GenBank的40株毒株从全基因组水平进行了分子进化分析。所测6株中国狂犬病病毒街毒株的全基因组核苷酸序列长度介于11 907 nt(CQ92)和11 924 nt(SH06和gg4)之间,基因组结构相同,用全基因组和不同的结构基因构建的进化树拓扑结构相似,基因组3′和5′末端高度保守而且末端11个核苷酸互补配对,5个结构基因的保守性依次是NLMGP,核苷酸同源性的最小值依次分别是81.9%、81.7%、80.7%、78.3%和76.7%。  相似文献   

以狂犬病街毒株为攻击病毒建立检测狂犬病单克隆抗体中和活性的方法。小鼠脑内接种分离扩增狂犬病阳性标本24株;分离到的街毒株在N2A细胞进行培养及病毒滴度测定,选择能够适应N2A细胞生长且滴度较高的街毒株建立病毒库;建立方法后对TRN006单克隆抗体进行3次检测,评价其重复性。24份狂犬病阳性标本均分离成功;只有15株病毒能够适应N2A细胞,并在细胞上形成荧光灶;最终选取10株滴度较高病毒建立病毒库,该病毒库覆盖了中国9个不同省份及四个中国毒株群;用其中三种病毒对狂犬病单克隆抗体进行中和活性检测3次,T检验发现其具有良好的重复性。  相似文献   

本研究对1931~2009年间分离于中国20个省区的167株狂犬病病毒的N基因序列进行进化分析,以探讨中国狂犬病病毒株的基因分型和分组情况、时间和空间的动态进化。结果显示:从中国分离的毒株都属于基因1型狂犬病病毒,可以分为2个进化分支共计8个组,分支Ⅰ包括1~4组,分支Ⅱ包括5~8组;选择压力分析表明中国狂犬病病毒处于较强的净化选择约束下,狂犬病病毒N基因中的核苷酸突变主要是同义突变;运用贝叶斯中的马尔科夫链的蒙特卡洛方法估计中国狂犬病病毒N基因核苷酸的平均碱基替代率为4×10-4替代/位点/年,共同祖先出现的时间不超过2000年前;迁移分析表明中国狂犬病病毒株存在跨地域传播。  相似文献   

中国狂犬病疫苗生产株CTN-1全基因序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次对我国现行狂犬病疫苗生产用毒株CTN-1进行全长基因组序列测定和分析,为CTN-1疫苗在我国实际应用中的优势提供理论基础。利用RT-PCR方法分段扩增CTN-1全基因组序列,随后将PCR产物克隆到T载体、测序、拼接,用MegAlign软件比较CTN-1全基因组序列与国内外狂犬病疫苗株和街毒株全基因组序列的同源性;再以糖蛋白(G)基因为模板,用ClustalX和MEGA4软件进行系统进化分析。测序结果表明CTN-1全基因组序列的长度为11925nt(GenBank登录号FJ959397),序列分析表明CTN-1为基因Ⅰ型;CTN-1株全基因组序列与国内外狂犬病疫苗株和街毒株全基因组之间的同源性是81.5%~93.4%;与美国蝙蝠分离株SHBRV18的同源性最低,仅为81.5%;与新近从中国国内分离的野毒株HN10株的同源性最高,达93.4%。系统进化分析结果表明,CTN-1与国内不同地区大多数分离的狂犬病街毒株聚类于同一组内;而我国另一疫苗株aG株与国外疫苗株如Flury、PM、PV、ERA、RC-HL和个别中国街毒株分在另一组内。G基因氨基酸对比也显示CTN-1株与国内大多数街毒株的同源性高于其他疫苗株,结果说明CTN-1株较其他疫苗株病毒更适合制备用于预防中国狂犬病的灭活疫苗。  相似文献   

Yu C  Li SJ  Wang DM  Tang Q  Tao XY  Li H  Zhuang Y  Zhou JZ  Wang Y  Tian KC  Tang GP 《病毒学报》2011,27(6):549-556
分析贵州省25株狂犬病病毒的核蛋白基因(N基因)序列,探讨贵州省狂犬病流行特征与狂犬病病毒变异情况。以RT-nested PCR检测来自贵州省2005年至2010年不同地区的病人脑组织、病人唾液以及犬脑组织标本狂犬病病毒RNA,经测序与拼接后得到25条N基因全长序列,采用生物信息学软件对N基因序列进行分析。25株狂犬病病毒核蛋白在核苷酸及氨基酸水平上彼此的同源性分别为89.3%~100%和98.%~100%;与国内其他省已发表基因1型狂犬病病毒核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为88%~99.1%和88%~99.7%,与已知的基因1型狂犬病病毒比较,25株病毒核蛋白氨基酸序列发生了若干位点的取代。进化树分析显示,同一地区内与相邻地区,以及同一时间段与相邻时间段内狂犬病病毒N基因进化亲缘关系相近。25株贵州省狂犬病病毒流行毒株均属基因1型,其核蛋白在基因的核苷酸及推导的氨基酸水平上均有变异,且这些变异具有地域和时间分布特性。  相似文献   

根据GenBank上发表的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)N基因核酸序列,设计一对CDVN基因特异性引物,采用RT-PCR扩增狐源CDV泰安分离株(CDV-FOX-TA)的N基因,将PCR产物克隆入pMD18-T载体,进行测序分析.结果表明,CDV-FOX-TA N基因含有1个ORF,全长1572 bp,共编码523个氨基酸.CDV-FOX-TAN基因与CDV疫苗株Onderstepoort、Convac的N基因的同源性分别为96.0%和95.9%,与CDV野毒株N基因的同源性在98.4%~98.9%之间.CDV-FOX-TA N蛋白含有Tyr-Pro-Ala-Leu-Gly-Leu-His-Glu-Phe九肽序列,是T细胞表位,可致敏靶细胞,在CDVN蛋白中高度保守.对CDV N基因进行系统发生分析,结果发现CDV-FOX-TA与CDV强毒株的亲缘关系较为密切.  相似文献   

为了解2012-2020年福建省麻疹野毒株病毒核蛋白N基因及H基因的变化,探讨其流行规律,本研究收集2012年-2020年福建省各地市级麻疹风疹网络实验室检测麻疹病毒核酸阳性的麻疹疑似病例咽拭子标本开展病毒分离,应用RT-PCR方法扩增MV的N基因羧基末端450个核苷酸片段并进行序列测定,通过与WHO推荐24个麻疹病毒基因型参考株、中国S(Shanghai,上海)191疫苗株、H1a中国代表株(China93-2)进行对比分析,从2012-2020年共收到1217例麻疹核酸检测阳性的疑似麻疹病例的病原学标本中,共分离出83株麻疹病毒野毒株,其中76株为H1a亚型,5株B3基因型,2株D8基因型。H1a亚型可分为2个独立谱系Lineage1~2,MV H1a基因型毒株间核苷酸及氨基酸同源性为99.82%~99.98%和99.91%~100%。2018年及2019年福建省首次分离到B3基因型麻疹病毒及D8基因型麻疹病毒为输入性基因型,B3基因型毒株高度同源,D8基因型毒株同源性100%。H1a基因型为福建省本土野毒株优势基因亚型,不同地区不同年代存在同一野毒株持续循环,同一地区同一年份也具...  相似文献   

目的了解2006年上海哨点医院婴幼儿疑似病毒性腹泻散发病例中诺如病毒基因型别和基因特征。方法应用反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增标本中诺如病毒核酸,测序后使用DNAstar基因分析软件与Genbank中的参考株进行核酸序列分析。结果13份测序结果均属于诺如病毒GⅡ遗传组,以GⅡ.4基因型为主。其中2份核酸序列与2006年德国汉堡毒株序列同源性相近,分别为86.2%和88.2%;2份核酸序列与2006年荷兰乌得勒支毒株序列同源性相近,均为83.9%;其余9份核酸序列与2004年中国广西、2004年和2005年日本东京毒株序列同源性相近,为87.3%~97.5%。结论2006年上海哨点医院婴幼儿疑似病毒性腹泻标本中存在诺如病毒GⅡ.4基因型散发病例,不同病毒株之间差异较大。  相似文献   

根据GenBank上发表的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)N基因核酸序列, 设计一对CDV N基因特异性引物, 采用RT-PCR扩增狐源CDV泰安分离株(CDV-FOX-TA)的N基因, 将PCR产物克隆入pMD18-T载体, 进行测序分析。结果表明, CDV-FOX-TA N基因含有1个ORF, 全长1572 bp, 共编码523个氨基酸。CDV-FOX-TA N基因与CDV疫苗株Onderstepoort、Convac的N基因的同源性分别为96.0%和95.9%, 与CDV野毒株N基因的同源性在98.4%~98.9%之间。CDV-FOX-TA N蛋白含有Tyr -Pro-Ala-Leu-Gly-Leu-His-Glu-Phe九肽序列, 是T细胞表位, 可致敏靶细胞, 在CDV N蛋白中高度保守。对CDV N基因进行系统发生分析, 结果发现CDV-FOX-TA与CDV强毒株的亲缘关系较为密切。  相似文献   

A group of 25 rabies viruses (RABVs),recovered from 24 dogs and one human case,were collected from various areas in China between 2004 and 2006.Genetic and phylogenetic analyses of the G-L intergenic region were carried out in 25 street RABV isolates and CTN vaccine strains of 7 generations.The study was based on the comparison of a 519 bp nucleotide sequence,encompassing the G-L intergenic region.The nucleotide sequence homologies of Chinese street strains were from 95.5% to 100%.The phylogenetic analysis showed that all Chinese isolates clearly supported the placement of all Chinese viruses in Lyssavirus genotype 1 and they were distributed according to their geographical origins.All of the Chinese strains were closely related but they could still be divided into two groups:group of street strains and group of CTN strains.This study presents details about the molecular epidemiology of rabies viruses based on the sequences of the G-L Intergenic region.  相似文献   

贾茜  徐葛林  赵伟  吴杰  郑新雄 《病毒学报》2006,22(4):256-261
用不同的动物模型研究了具有专利的重组人抗狂犬病病毒单克隆抗体SO57、SOJB对不同狂犬病病毒株的中和作用,100IU/kg的SO57能100%保护被中国街毒株SBD攻击的中国仓鼠;首次用小鼠模型模拟人体被狂犬病病毒攻击后的治疗情况,在小鼠被CVS及中国街毒代表株攻击后,SO57与HRIG具有相近的对小鼠的暴露后保护作用;同时结果显示HRIG对SBD株攻击的保护率不能到达100%,仅使用疫苗是不能对感染病毒的小鼠百分之百的保护;SOJB与SO57 1:1联合使用未显示比SO57单独使用更好的保护效果。SO57极有可能在中国代替HRIG用于狂犬病病毒暴露后治疗。  相似文献   



Rabies continues to be a major public health problem in the Philippines, where 200–300 human cases were reported annually between 2001 and 2011. Understanding the phylogeography of rabies viruses is important for establishing a more effective and feasible control strategy.


We performed a molecular analysis of rabies viruses in the Philippines using rabied animal brain samples. The samples were collected from 11 of 17 regions, which covered three island groups (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao). Partial nucleoprotein (N) gene sequencing was performed on 57 samples and complete glycoprotein (G) gene sequencing was performed on 235 samples collected between 2004 and 2010.


The Philippine strains of rabies viruses were included in a distinct phylogenetic cluster, previously named Asian 2b, which appeared to have diverged from the Chinese strain named Asian 2a. The Philippine strains were further divided into three major clades, which were found exclusively in different island groups: clades L, V, and M in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, respectively. Clade L was subdivided into nine subclades (L1–L9) and clade V was subdivided into two subclades (V1 and V2). With a few exceptions, most strains in each subclade were distributed in specific geographic areas. There were also four strains that were divided into two genogroups but were not classified into any of the three major clades, and all four strains were found in the island group of Luzon.


We detected three major clades and two distinct genogroups of rabies viruses in the Philippines. Our data suggest that viruses of each clade and subclade evolved independently in each area without frequent introduction into other areas. An important implication of these data is that geographically targeted dog vaccination using the island group approach may effectively control rabies in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Saliva and blood were collected from two patients who had not received post exposure prophylaxis in the cities of Wenzhou and Xinning respectively. Both patients were confirmed as positive for rabies by detection of rabies virus specific nucleoprotein antibodies in the sera by Western Blot. However, rabies virus specific RNA was only identified in the saliva collected from the patient in Wenzhou. Furthermore, the isolate Zhejiang Wz0 (H) was obtained by inoculating one-day-old suckling mice. Both nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes from the isolate were amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolate belonged to classic rabies virus, and shared a higher homology with the street viruses from dogs in the main endemic areas in China and the street virus from dogs in Indonesia than with other known strains. Further comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences between the isolate and the vaccine strains used in China showed that the virus had a higher level of homology with the vaccine strain CTN than with the other vaccine strains (3aG, PV, PM and ERA). In particular, amino acid residues substitutions located in antigenic site III in the G protein, which could react with the neutralizing antibodies, were observed. These results suggested that the virus belonged to the classic rabies virus, and both N and G genes diverged from the current vaccine strains used in China at either the nucleotide or the amino acid level. Foundation items: The project was supported by the Grants (2003BA712A08-02 and 2004BA718B03) from the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

Molecular epidemiology of terrestrial rabies in the former Soviet Union   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fifty-five rabies virus isolates originating from different regions of the former Soviet Union (FSU) were compared with isolates originating from Eurasia, Africa, and North America according to complete or partial nucleoprotein (N) gene sequences. The FSU isolates formed five distinct groups. Group A represented viruses originating from the Arctic, which were similar to viruses from Alaska and Canada. Group B consisted of "Arctic-like" viruses, originating from the south of East Siberia and the Far East. Group C consisted of viruses circulating in the steppe and forest-steppe territories from the European part of Russia to Tuva and in Kazakhstan. These three phylogenetic groups were clearly different from the European cluster. Viruses of group D circulate near the western border of Russia. Their phylogenetic position is intermediate between group C and the European cluster. Group E consisted of viruses originating from the northwestern part of Russia and comprised a "northeastern Europe" group described earlier from the Baltic region. According to surveillance data, a specific host can be defined clearly only for group A (arctic fox; Alopex lagopus) and for the Far Eastern part of the group B distribution area (raccoon dog; Nyctereutes procyonoides). For other territories and rabies virus variants, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the main virus reservoir. However, the steppe fox (Vulpes corsac), wolf (Canis lupus), and raccoon dog are also involved in virus circulation, depending on host population density. These molecular data, joined with surveillance information, demonstrate that the current fox rabies epizootic in the territory of the FSU developed independently of central and western Europe. No evidence of positive selection was found in the N genes of the isolates. In the glycoprotein gene, evidence of positive selection was strongly suggested in codons 156, 160, and 183. At these sites, no link between amino acid substitutions and phylogenetic placement or specific host species was detected.  相似文献   

The aims of these studies were: genetic characteristic of street rabies virus strains isolated from different animal species in Poland and determination of phylogenetic relationships to reference laboratory strains of the street rabies viruses belonging to genotype 1 and 5. The variability of rabies isolates and their phylogenetic relationship were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of the virus genome fragment. The Polish strains of genotype 1 belong to four phylogenetic groups (NE, CE, NEE, EE) corresponding to four variants: fox-racoon dog (F-RD); European fox 1 (F1); European fox 2 (F2) and European fox 3 (F3). On the Polish territories there are no rabies strains representing the variant dog-wolf and typical for arctic fox variant. The similarity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of street rabies strains belonging to genotype 1 and laboratory strain CVS is very high. It is about 91% similarity at nucleotide level and 95% at amino acid level. Rabies strain CVS is similar to genotype 5 bat strains (EBL 1) only in about 69% and 74% at nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. The genetic divergence of rabies strains circulating in Poland raised the need of permanent epidemiological and virological surveillance. The genotype and variant of isolated strains should be determined (using PCR and RLFP methods).  相似文献   

Molecular epidemiology of rabies in Thailand.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the purpose of making clear the dynamics of rabies viruses that are prevalent among dogs in Asia, especially Thailand, nucleoprotein (N) genes of isolates derived from Thailand were partially sequenced, and a phylogenetic analysis was performed on the basis of the sequencing data. Firstly, all 27 isolates from Thailand belonged to one group that was distantly related to an isolate from China and was separated into at least six lineages. On the other hand, the isolate from Japan was related to viruses from the Arctic. Secondly, in order to analyze the diversity of the N gene more conveniently, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed on the N gene of 27 isolates from Thailand. The RFLP analysis could distinguish the lineages of each isolate, and the lineages of additional 34 isolates were deduced by this method. On examination of the geographical distribution of the six lineages, based on the results of phylogenetic and RFLP analyses, it was clear that infection cycles of the rabies virus in Thailand have tended to be maintained endemically.  相似文献   

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