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外来入侵植物小子虉草(Phalaris minor Retz.)是世界公认的冬季农田恶性杂草,掌握农作物对其替代控制作用具有重要的研究价值。前期研究表明,油菜是替代控制小子虉草的优良农作物,然而,目前尚不清楚油菜类型与品种对其控制能力的影响。为此选取与小子虉草同域发生的不同类型(白菜型油菜、芥菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜)油菜品种各3种,通过田间小区实验和室内化感作用测定,对比研究其对小子虉草的生长、繁殖、表型以及化感作用的影响。田间实验显示:竞争方式(种内或种间竞争)和油菜类型对小子虉草的地上生物量、种子数、株高、分枝数、叶面积和比叶面积存在极显著(P=0.0001)影响;而油菜品种对小子虉草的地上生物量(P=0.6064)、种子数(P=0.3577)、株高(P=0.4279)、分枝数(P=0.6357)、叶面积(P=0.8839)和比叶面积(P=0.3424)均无显著影响。3种类型油菜对小子虉草生长、繁殖以及表型的影响存在明显差异,其中芥菜型油菜对小子虉草的上述指标的影响最强,而白菜型油菜的影响最弱。室内生物测定显示,油菜对小子虉草具有化感抑制作用,当供试油菜叶片水提液浓度为0.1 g/mL时,小子虉草种子的萌发和幼苗的株高、根长、生物量均被显著抑制;研究也表明不同类型油菜对小子虉草的化感作用显著不同,同等条件下,芥菜型油菜对小子虉草的化感抑制作用最强。综上所述,油菜类型对外来入侵小子虉草的控制作用存在显著差异,其中芥菜型油菜对植物小子虉草的替代控制作用明显优于白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜,而其强的化感抑草特性或许是其强控草能力的原因之一。另外,本研究也为进一步利用油菜替代控制入侵植物小子虉草提供了参考。  相似文献   

温度和水分及盐分胁迫对银沙槐种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用控制实验研究了温度、湿度、干旱和盐分胁迫等生态因子对银沙槐种子萌发的影响,以探索银沙槐种子对各种生态因子的适应性。结果显示:(1)银沙槐种子在20℃、25℃恒温和15℃/25℃、20℃/30℃、10℃/20℃变温环境中的发芽率较高且无显著差异,其在20℃恒温、15℃/25℃、20℃/30℃变温条件下的发芽指数较高,但差异不显著。(2)土壤含水量在1%~5%之间,各水分处理间种子发芽率差异显著(P<0.05),而在5%~25%间种子发芽率变化不显著。(3)盐胁迫和水分胁迫对银沙槐种子的萌发均有明显的抑制作用,可显著降低种子萌发率(P<0.05);种子发芽指数和活力指数均随渗透势和NaCl浓度增大而显著减小(P<0.05);恢复萌发率随渗透势和NaCl浓度的增加而显著增加(P<0.05)。研究发现,银沙槐种子萌发最适温度为20℃恒温和15℃/25℃变温,最适土壤含水量为10%~25%;种子萌发对盐分和干旱胁迫表现出不同程度的耐受性,萌发过程中主导抑制因素为渗透胁迫,离子毒害作用甚微;银沙槐种子休眠机制和萌发特征表现出它对生境的良好适应性。  相似文献   

芦苇浸提液对虉草种子萌发及幼苗生长生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究不同浓度芦苇浸提液(对照:0;处理1:150g/L;处理2:300g/L)对虉草萌发及幼苗生长影响,揭示了芦苇对虉草化感效应。结果表明:随着芦苇浸提液浓度升高,虉草发芽率、发芽指数、株高、根长以及叶绿素含量显著或极显著下降,各指标相应化感效应指数则显著或极显著上升;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量则随芦苇浸提液浓度升高呈不同的升降趋势。所有这些结果显示,随着浸提液浓度升高,芦苇对虉草的化感胁迫效应越来越明显。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对二色补血草种子萌发的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以二色补血草(Limonium bicolor)种子为试验材料,用不同浓度的NaCl、Na2SO4及二者质量比为1:1的混合盐在其种子萌发过程中进行胁迫,调查盐胁迫对种子萌发的影响,并测定萌发过程中种子蛋白质含量、淀粉酶活力及还原糖和总糖含量的变化.结果表明:盐胁迫使二色补血草种子的发芽势、发芽指数和发芽率明显降低,而且随着盐浓度的增鲻加,抑制作用增强;3种盐对种子萌发的抑制作用强度依次为NaCl>混合盐>Na2SO4;二色补血草种子耐盐适宜范围为Na2SO4 1.2%、混合盐0.8%、NaCl 0.5%,耐盐半致死浓度为Na2SO4 2.1%、混合盐1.4%、NaCl 1.1%,耐盐极限浓度为Na2SO4 3.5%、混合盐2.4%、NaCl 2.0%.盐处理后不萌发的种子转入蒸馏水后重新萌发的试验结果表明,盐分胁迫主要是通过渗透效应,抑制种子中蛋白质和总糖的分解,进而延缓或抑制了种子的萌发.  相似文献   

研究了浑善达克沙地 4~ 10月份土壤含水量变动情况和冰草种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长对土壤含水量的响应。结果表明 ,4月下旬至 5月上中旬的土壤含水量对冰草种子萌发、出苗和定居极为关键。控制条件下 ,冰草种子萌发和出苗的最适土壤含水量范围是 12 %~ 2 0 % ,幼苗生长的最适土壤含水量是 12 %。当土壤含水量低于 3% ,冰草种子不能萌发 ,土壤含水量低于 6 %时 ,幼苗不能出土并定居。当土壤含水量达到 16 %时 ,冰草幼苗生物量有所下降。在 6 %~ 8%的土壤含水量条件下 ,植株将更多的生物量投资于根的生长  相似文献   

水深梯度是影响河湖水陆交错带植物生长发育和分布的关键生态因子。该研究以虉草幼苗为材料,利用双套盆法,设淹水梯度0、10、20、30、40、50 cm和全淹水以及对照(常规浇水)8个处理组,通过测定虉草的株高、叶片数、SPAD值、MDA含量、SOD、POD及CAT活性、可溶性蛋白含量指标,研究不同淹水深度下虉草的形态与生理特征变化。结果表明:经过36 d淹水胁迫后,(1)随淹水深度增加,虉草的生长速度变慢,叶片数减少,叶绿素相对含量降低。(2)随淹水时间的延长,各淹水组MDA含量不断上升;淹水0~30 cm深度,虉草SOD、POD不断上升,但CAT先升后降;淹水40~60 cm深度,虉草SOD、CAT不断上升,但POD先降后升。(3)可溶性蛋白含量虽随试验时间的延长不断上升,但淹水逆境不是控制虉草可溶性蛋白含量的关键因素。淹水胁迫会对虉草生长造成伤害,主要表现为生长速度减缓、膜脂过氧化程度加剧、抗氧化酶保护系统受到破坏、植株逐渐死亡。该研究结果为虉草资源的合理利用与开发提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

通过在人工培养箱内模拟环境条件,探讨了不同光照和变温对飞机草种子萌发的影响。结果表明:在有光照状况下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃~40℃/35℃条件下均能萌发,飞机草种子萌发的最适变温为30℃/25℃,萌发率达47.5%;而黑暗条件下,飞机草种子在15℃/10℃时不能萌发;在20℃/15℃~35℃/30℃范围内,温度越高,飞机草种子萌发高峰的出现时间越早;在15℃/10℃~30℃/25℃范围内,飞机草种子的萌发率随温度的升高而升高,超过30℃/25℃后,萌发率下降,而适当的光照有利于飞机草种子的萌发。飞机草成为入侵种并迅速扩散与其种子萌发对光照和温度的适应性密切相关。  相似文献   

根茎萌发与幼苗期的虉草水分生态幅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国志昌  曹昀  陈冰祥  吴海英  郑祥 《广西植物》2016,36(8):1000-1007
为揭示虉草根茎萌发和幼苗期的水分生态幅,该研究通过盆栽控制试验,设置8个水分梯度:(2±0.5)%、(10±0.5)%、(15±0.5)%、(20±0.5)%、(25±0.5)%、(30±0.5)%、(40±0.5)%(水分饱和)和淹水(2 cm),通过萌发率、各形态指标和生理指标对虉草水分生态幅进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)土壤水分含量过低和过高都会降低虉草根茎萌发率。(2)随土壤水分含量的增加,虉草幼苗株高和地上生物量都呈现先上升后下降的趋势,两者并呈指数函数关系y =0.2038e0.0486x(R2=0.803)。(3)虉草通过调整自身结构特点,降低个体大小、减少叶片数量和叶面积来适应胁迫环境,土壤水分含量为10%~30%时虉草含水率能保持相对稳定的水平。虉草的光和色素( Chl a、Chl b、Car)和相对叶绿素( SPAD)含量均随土壤水分含量的增加呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,Chl a/b则相反,呈先下降后上升趋势。(4) Chl/Car各组之间差异不显著。综合上述研究,利用高斯模型分析得出虉草的水分生态幅为7.48%~52.20%,最适水分生态幅为18.99%~40.60%。  相似文献   

松嫩平原退化草地羊草种子萌发对环境因子的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了温度(恒温和变温)、水分(含水量2.5%-40.0%)和干旱胁迫、土壤类型(盐碱土和非盐碱土)和盐碱胁迫(NaCl和Na2CO3)等环境因子对羊草(Leymus chinensis)种子萌发的影响。恒温下未经打破休眠处理的羊草种子发芽率不足2%, 变温下羊草种子发芽率可达85.3%, 表明温度是影响羊草种子萌发的关键因素之一。羊草种子萌发的适宜土壤含水量为2.5%-15.0%, 随着含水量继续增加, 发芽率呈下降趋势。松嫩平原盐碱化土壤对羊草种子萌发具有显著的抑制作用, 羊草种子在重度盐碱土(pH 10.24)中发芽率仅为6.0%, 而在非盐碱土中发芽率可达61.3%。羊草种子在萌发阶段的耐盐碱能力差, 随着NaCl和Na2CO3浓度增加, 发芽率呈显著下降趋势, 且Na2CO3的抑制作用更强。松嫩平原盐碱环境下羊草种子萌发受到抑制是该地区羊草草地退化的原因之一。  相似文献   

采用野外调查和室内实验相结合的方法,对距瓣尾囊草(Urophysa rockii)种子散布途径、散布方式和种子萌发特性进行初步研究.结果表明:距瓣尾囊草种子千粒重为0.6684±0.0038 g,以果实和种子为扩散单元进行扩散,具有自体扩散和水媒扩散两种方式.温度对距瓣尾囊草种子萌发有显著影响,20℃为最适萌发温度,发芽率达67.78%.低温(4℃)层积可有效提高种子发芽率和发芽势,随层积天数增加,发芽率和发芽势增加,但层积30 d和40 d发芽率和发芽势无显著性差异.光照和黑暗对种子萌发的影响差异不显著,光照不是其种子萌发的必需条件.实验证明,与用湿砂做发芽基质相比,用滤纸做发芽基质,其发芽率和发芽势均比前者高,因此滤纸是距瓣尾囊草种子萌发实验中更为适宜的发芽基质.  相似文献   

考证了《河南植物志》中记录的梯牧草PhleumpratenseL.;同时报道了河南艹鬲鸟草属二外来种:小艹鬲鸟草PhalarisminorRetz.和奇异艹鬲鸟草P.paradoxaL.  相似文献   

Kaur  Harleen  Inderjit  Bhowmik  Prasanta C. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):161-168
Littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) is a major weed in wheat fields, and has developed resistance to the commonly used herbicide isoproturon. This study explores the potential use of isoxaflutole, a pre-emergence herbicide, to control littleseed canarygrass. Greenhouse studies were carried out to determine the phytotoxicity of isoxaflutole in relation to shoot height, fresh shoot biomass and leaf chlorophyll concentration of wheat and littleseed canarygrass. Electron microscopy was used to examine any damage to leaf chloroplast at ultrastructural level. Results indicate that isoxaflutole (0.5 mg/L) significantly reduced the shoot height of littleseed canarygrass (39.6%), but no significant reduction in the shoot height of wheat was observed (9.6%) when compared to control. None of the concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg/L) of isoxaflutole altered soil chemistry in relation to pH, organic matter, macro or micro inorganic ions. While untreated littleseed canarygrass leaves had elongated chloroplast, starch grains and small number of plastoglobuli; treated littleseed canarygrass leaves had swollen chloroplast, large number of plastoglobuli, and a lack of starch grains. We conclude that isoxaflutole can be an effective herbicide for controlling littleseed canarygrass.  相似文献   

Effects of 2, 4 -D on seedling growth and chromosomal abnormalities were studied in Triticum aestivum and Phalaris minor. Seeds were soaked at different concentrations of 2,4 -D (0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0% ) for 4, 8, 12 and 16 hours. 2,4-D suppressed the germination more severely in P. minor than in T. aestivum. Shoot and root length was retarded with the increase of concentration and time of treatment in both species. Generally radical was more negatively affected than coleoptile and emergence of radical was not observed at 1.0% concentration at 8, 12, and 16 hours of treatment in T. aestivum while in P. minor there was a total lack of radical emergence at 1.0% concentration for all durations of treatment. Stiff and curled roots and undifferentiated callus like scutellar tissues were observed in T. aestivum, while in P. minor the coleoptile obtained was lean, pale green in colour and was lying flat on filter paper. Mitotic index decreased, while chromosomal abnormalities, bridges and laggards were increased with the increase of concentration and soaking time however, laggards were not observed in T. aestivum. Clumping and chain formation of chromosomes at metaphase was also noticed in P. minor.  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), prechilling, temperature, salt stress and osmotic potential on seed germination and sowing depth on seedling emergence and burial depth on seed viability of hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.), were studied in a series of laboratory, glasshouse and outdoor experiments. The optimal temperature for hoary cress seed germination was 20°C, both in light/dark and darkness regimes. Seed germination of hoary cress at 400 ppm concentration of GA3 in a light/dark regime was maximal. Potassium nitrate concentrations increased the percentage of germination in comparison with the control treatment. Increasing the duration of dry prechilling to 30 and 45 days promoted the seed germination of hoary cress. Germination of hoary cress markedly decreased as salt and drought stress increased. Seed germination of hoary cress occurred at a range of pH from 3 to 11. Seedling emergence significantly decreased as planting depth increased. Total seed viability decreased with increasing burial depth. The maximum increase in mortality occurred in seeds that were buried at 5‐cm depth.  相似文献   

Sediment deposition is a common phenomenon in the estuary area. Pot control experiments were conducted to evaluate the interaction effects of sediment burial depth and salt stress on the seed germination and early seedling growth of Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall., an pioneer species of tidal wetland near the Yellow River Delta. The results showed that the percentage of seedling emergence, seedling emergence rate, seedling height, branch number, shoot biomass and root biomass were all significantly affected by salt stress and sediment burial depth. While the interaction of salt and burial depth significantly influenced the branch number, leaf biomass, shoot biomass and total plant biomass. Only 5 cm burial depth without salt stress should 6.25 ± 3.61% seedlings emergence. With the increasing of sediment burial depth and salt stress, percentage of seedling emergence, seedling emergence rate and plant height decreased significantly. However, under the salt treatment of 0 and 1%, the branch number increased dramatically with the increasing of sediment burial depth from 0 to 3 cm. The ratio of leaf to total biomass increased with increasing of burial depth, on the contrary, the ratio of root to total biomass decreased. 0–1 cm sediment burial depth was proved the suitable depths for seed germination of S. salsa in the coastal wetland of the Yellow River Delta. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of how to improve the seedling establishment of S. salsa under the dynamic changes of sediment deposition and salinity in the coastal wetland of the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance has the potential to impose fitness costs in plants. In Mexico, Phalaris minor Retz. has evolved resistance to acetyl‐coa carboxylase (ACCase) inhibiting herbicides. However, it is unknown whether these changes may involve other ecological costs for resistant individuals under non‐selective conditions. The aim of this study was to determine whether the evolution of resistance has reduced the ability of P. minor to compete for resources at the seedling stage. De Wit's replacement series experiments (susceptible:resistant 100:0, 50:50, 0:100) were performed under two initial conditions. In the first experiment, we examined the effect of differences in germination time between resistant and susceptible genotypes on canopy cover. In the second experiment, germination was synchronized, and all the replacement series began at the same time. Delayed germination of resistant accessions reduced their ability to compete for canopy space, competition intensity index, and relative productivity in relation to susceptible accessions. When germination was synchronized, the resistant accessions had the same canopy cover and productivity as susceptible accessions. The delayed germination may cause displacement of resistant individuals in the absence of the selective factor (herbicide).  相似文献   

Phalaris minorRetz. is a major exotic annual weed in the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop. Unharvested rice (Oryza sativa L.) straw, unburned and burned, is often incorporated in the field prior to cultivating wheat. Isoxaflutole (Balance), a pre-emergent systemic soil applied herbicide, has potential to control P. minor. Glasshouse experiments were conducted to determine the phytotoxicity of isoxaflutole defined by reductions in relation to shoot length of P. minor when grown in unamended soil or soil amended with unburned or burned rice straw. A 120 g soil was amended with 0, 1, 2 and 4 g of unburned or burned rice straw, and placed in 150 mL styrofoam pots. Appropriate amount of isoxaflutole (75% active ingredient, ai) was added to pots to get final concentration of 0, 7.5, 30, 60 and 120 μg ai/pot. Unamended soil and soil amended with unburned or burned rice straw were analyzed for pH and organic matter; two important determinants of isoxaflutole activity. Results indicate a significant reduction in shoot length of P. minor when grown in soil treated with isoxaflutole at 30, 60 or 120 μg ai/pot. Inhibition in the shoot length of P. minor was observed when soil amended with unburned straw was treated with isoxaflutole at 7.5 and 30 μg ai/pot compared with unamended soil treated with similar amounts of isoxaflutole. No significant change in isoxaflutole toxicity was observed when soil amended with unburned straw was treated with isoxaflutole at 60 and 120 lg ai/pot compared with unamended soil treated with similar amounts of isoxaflutole. Isoxaflutole phytotoxicity to P. minor shoot length was eliminated when soil amended with burned straw was treated with isoxaflutole at 7.5 and 30 μg ai/pot. P. minor shoot length was greater when soil amended with burned straw was treated with isoxaflutole at 60 and 120 μg ai/pot relative to herbicide-treated unamended soils. We conclude that incorporation of burned rice straw greatly reduces the phytotoxicity of isoxaflutole toP. minor.  相似文献   

以小麦品种‘德抗961'为材料,用NO供体硝普钠(SNP)浸种研究外源NO对盐胁迫下小麦种子萌发的影响.结果表明:0.06 mmol/L的SNP浸种24 h后对盐胁迫下小麦种子发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数和吸胀速率的下调都有显著缓解作用;SNP浸种对盐胁迫下α-淀粉酶的活性无明显影响,但能显著提高盐胁迫下β-淀粉酶的活性;进一步研究表明,SNP浸种预处理对盐胁迫下的α-淀粉酶同工酶变浅的条带有所恢复(尤其是条带3),同时使盐胁迫下变浅的β-淀粉酶同工酶的条带有明显的恢复(尤其是d、e、f、g).并且SNP能显著降低盐胁迫下小麦地上部分和根中的Na^+含量,提高其K+含量,从而使K^+/Na^+显著提高.以上结果表明:SNP浸种预处理提高盐胁迫下小麦种子的萌发,主要是通过提高β-淀粉酶的活性来实现的.  相似文献   

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