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甘肃民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮食性的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵伟  宋森  邵明勤  刘迺发 《动物学报》2007,53(6):953-958
分析民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)食团405块,共鉴定猎物562只。以个体计,民勤小鸮主要取食昆虫,占64.23%;其次为小型哺乳类,占32.38%;也取食少量爬行类(1.96%)和雀形目鸟类(1.42%)。生物量贡献则以小型哺乳类为主,占93.34%。猎物种类组成存在显著的季节变异:取食小型哺乳类的频率存在显著季节差异,冬季最高94.59%,夏季最低17.75%,食物生物量贡献四季均在90%以上,季节变异不显著;昆虫成分出现在除冬季外的其他季节,且取食频率均在65%以上,季节差异显著;爬行类仅出现于夏季食谱中,仅秋季没有发现鸟类成分。分析秋、冬、春三季哺乳类猎物胫骨的量度发现,小鸮取食哺乳类的胫骨长度平均为16.22mm±4.72mm(n=112),主要取食Ⅰ(10.01mm-15.00mm)和Ⅱ(15.01mm-20.00mm)等级的猎物(分别58.04%和25.00%)。取食猎物的胫骨长度组成存在季节差异,平均长度以春季最大。民勤地区小鸮一年的食物生态位宽度为2.32,季节间存在变异,以冬季最高为2.99,夏季最低为1.64。一年的食物多样性为1.96,季节间存在变异,冬季最高为2.00。食物种类以夏季最多,秋季最少。  相似文献   

豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)作为北京地区的顶级食肉动物,对于维持食物网结构和生态系统稳定性起到重要的生态作用。对于捕食动物食物构成研究,较为简便的方法是粪样内容物检视法,而粪样残余物DNA鉴定技术具有更为准确细致的优势,但也存在不足,探索不同方法的优势互补,将有助于提高技术应用成效。本研究利用DNA宏条形码技术与粪样内容物分析法,对采集自北京市4个自然保护区的71份豹猫粪样进行食物构成分析,比较两种分析方法的特点,了解豹猫的食物资源利用状况。结果显示,DNA宏条形码技术共鉴别出36种猎物,来自10目22科,4个保护区的豹猫食性具有显著差异,百花山、松山、云蒙山保护区的豹猫食物种类的出现比率均以小型哺乳类为主,其中对鼠类的捕食比例最高,对鸟类的捕食次之,而分布于云峰山保护区的豹猫对鸟类捕食比例最高,对鼠类的捕食次之。粪样内容物分析法鉴别出9类猎物,其中包括昆虫和植物两种DNA宏条形码技术未检出的食物,4个保护区的豹猫食物均以鼠类和鸟类为主,且最多检测出鼠类数量为3只、鸟类2只,次要食物则为植物和昆虫。两种方法均显示北社鼠(Niviventer confucia...  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区越冬期长耳鸮的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2011年间,利用食团分析法对乌鲁木齐市越冬长耳鸮(Asio otus)的食性进行分析。3年累计收集长耳鸮食团683份,辨认出1 132只猎物。分析结果表明,长耳鸮在冬季共捕食小型哺乳类6种,鸟类2种。小家鼠(Mus musculus)是最常见的食物,占总捕食量的53.45%。小型哺乳类是长耳鸮的主要食物,它在食物组成中出现的总频率为88.16%,以生物量计,小型哺乳类占食物构成的95.13%。长耳鸮的食物组成年度间差异显著,与当地猎物资源多样性和可获得性密切相关,表明长耳鸮可能采用机会主义者的捕食策略。  相似文献   

2012—2013年间,利用食团分析法对阿尔金山国家级自然保护区纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua的食性进行分析。共分析343个纵纹腹小鸮食团,鉴定出353个猎物。以个体计,当地纵纹腹小鸮主要取食小型哺乳动物,占95.18%,其次为鸟类,占3.97%,也取食少量昆虫(0.85%)。生物量贡献则以小型哺乳动物为主,占99.35%。纵纹腹小鸮在夏季和冬季就可鉴定的取食动物种类比例组成而言,差异具有高度统计学意义(χ2=52.27,df=4,P0.01)。冬、夏两季纵纹腹小鸮取食哺乳动物的平均胫骨长度差异具有高度统计学意义(P0.01)。全年来看,纵纹腹小鸮取食哺乳动物的胫骨长度平均为19.45 mm±5.84 mm(n=194),主要取食Ⅱ级(10.01 mm~20.00 mm)和Ⅲ级(20.01 mm~30.00 mm)的猎物(分别为46.39%和48.45%)。保护区纵纹腹小鸮的食物生态位宽度以夏季最高(2.583),冬季最低(0.949)。研究结果表明纵纹腹小鸮是机会主义捕食者,根据生境中食物的可获得性改变食性。  相似文献   

湖北后河自然保护区果子狸食物组成初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年4~10月在湖北后河自然保护区,采集果子狸(Paguma larvata)粪便,应用频次法进行分析,再结合胃内容物分析,同时根据采食痕迹,对该物种春、夏和秋季的食物组成进行了研究。结果表明,果子狸食物组分以水果类植物(37·5%)、节肢动物(25·2%)为主,其次为非水果类植物(9·9%)和小型哺乳动物(7·1%)等。果子狸食物组成在不同的季节间有一定差异。春季,果子狸食物组成中以节肢动物(35·6%)为主,其次是非水果类植物(26·7%)和小型哺乳动物(15·6%),另外还有少量的软体动物(4·4%)和水果类植物(8·9%);夏季,果子狸食物组成转为以水果类植物(39·8%)和节肢动物(29·2%)为主,此外还有少量非水果类植物(2·7%)和小型哺乳动物(5·3%),以及少量鸟类(0·9%);秋季,果子狸食物组分中含有大量的水果类植物(63·9%),其他食物类别比例很小,包括鸟类(1·0%)、小型哺乳动物(0·6%)和爬行动物(0·4%)等。食物多样性指数显示,随着季节变化,果子狸食物多样性逐渐下降,小型哺乳动物和非水果类植物在其食性组成中逐渐下降,而水果类植物则转为最主要食物。  相似文献   

后河国家级自然保护区蛾类昆虫的季节多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后河国家级自然保护区位于湖北省与湖南省交界处,属于武陵山脉,与湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区相邻。该保护区自然环境优越,为昆虫繁衍提供了良好条件。为了研究后河国家级自然保护区蛾类昆虫的季节动态变化,在春、夏、秋三季,选取茅坪、湾潭和独岭为样地,采用灯光诱集方法,对后河国家自然保护区的蛾类昆虫群落多样性及季节变化进行了调查。采用α-多样性测度方法,分析了物种丰富度(S)、多样性指数(科、属及种级)(H)、均匀度指数(J)和优势度指数(D)。结果表明:后河国家自然保护区的蛾类昆虫分属21科173属227种,其中夜蛾科的丰富度最高达到62。随后是,尺蛾科和螟蛾科昆虫,它们的物种丰富度指数分别为为58和25。从各科个体数来看,尺蛾科昆虫最多有423头,灯蛾科排第二,有351头,第三的是夜蛾科昆虫有336头。蛾类昆虫的物种丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数及优势度指数随季节变化而变化。蛾类昆虫的物种丰富度指数以夏季最高,达到117;然后依次是秋季和春季。科级、属级和种级多样性指数也以夏季最高,分别为2.22、4.05和4.29。均匀度指数和优势度指数以春季最高,分为2.40和0.12。研究得出后河国家级自然保护区的生态环境好。  相似文献   

纵纹腹小鹗Athemenoctua本照片为幼鸟),体长约23cm,小型猫头鹰,头扁圆且无耳羽簇,白色眉纹长且较宽,虹膜黄色。上体褐色具白色点状斑,肩部有2道浅色横斑,下体灰白色具褐色纵纹。在我国长江以北大部分地区都有分布,为留鸟。在村庄附近、电线杆上、丘陵荒坡、坟地及多岩石的林地都能见到。白天偶尔可见其活动.主要在夜间活动觅食,捕食鼠类,也吃小鸟和大型昆虫。  相似文献   

濒危植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)为我国特有的蒺藜科单种属落叶小灌木.对四合木林地昆虫群落进行了调查,共得昆虫标本11363号,263种.隶属于67个科(或总科)11个目.同翅目的个体数量和优势度指数最高;膜翅目的物种丰富度和多样性指数最大;双翅目的均匀度最大.数量优势类群(>10%)为木虱和叶蝉类,常见类群(1%~10%)是象甲、小蜂、粒脉蜡蝉、拟步甲、蚂蚁、蝽科、皮蝽、盲蝽、斑翅蝗科昆虫.营养结构中植食性类群在种类和数量上占绝对优势,其中的吸食类昆虫优势度最大;天敌昆虫以寄生性类群为主,多样性最高;捕食性和中性昆虫的种类和数量相对较少,但捕食者的均匀度最高.灌木层与草本层相比,灌木层昆虫群落的物种丰富度和个体数量明显占优;优势种的优势度大.而草本层昆虫群落的多样性和均匀度高.2层整体的相似性低.膜翅目的共有种最多.  相似文献   

大兴安岭紫貂食物组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大兴安岭地区, 从1995 年12 月至1996 年11 月在颈环遥测的4 只紫貂活动的范围内共收集紫貂粪样295个, 采用频率法和剩余物相对干重法进行分析, 得出紫貂全年食物组成及比例: 哺乳类(出现率72.09 % , 剩余物干重百分比84.06 %) , 植物浆果及种子(14.51 % , 11.09 %) , 鸟类(7.69 % , 4.24 %) 和昆虫(5.71 % , 0.96 %) 。其中红背 和棕背 构成紫貂食物的主要部分, 其次为松籽、越桔果和花尾榛鸡。紫貂食物组成季节性变化明显, 夏季食物种类丰富, 且比例较均衡; 冬季食物多样性低。文中还对两种粪样分析方法所得结果进行了比较,证明这两种方法在对主要食物种( 出现次数≥5) 的分析评述上是一致的, 无显著差异。  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦对仓鸮食性的季节变化进行了研究。通过分析连续3年在6个地区搜集的2 360个仓鸮回吐食物团,发现其食物主要是小型哺乳动物(95.6 %)。其中,家(Suncus murinus)有最高的比例,达65.6%(冬季最多78%,夏季最少27%)。就生物量而言,小型哺乳动物占仓鸮食物总生物量的99% 。  相似文献   

The extent to which black‐backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) selectively consume domestic sheep (Ovis aries) compared to wild prey is unknown. Using faecal analysis and prey surveys, we determined the seasonal diet and prey selection of jackals on a small‐livestock farm in South Africa. Sheep comprised 25–48% of the biomass consumed by jackals across seasons, and consumption peaked during the lambing seasons, indicating sheep often were the main food resource for jackals. Another main food resource was wild ungulates <50 kg, primarily springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) and steenbok (Raphicerus campestris), which comprised 8–47% of the biomass consumed. Other important food items were mammals 1–3 kg (4–16%), which included hares (Lepus spp.) and springhares (Pedetes capensis), and small rodents (10–14%). Compared to the biomass available, jackals selectively consumed mammals 1–3 kg over sheep across all seasons, whereas wild ungulates <50 kg were selectively consumed over sheep in most seasons. Our results showed that jackals selectively consumed different food items throughout the year and that wild prey were consistently selected over sheep.  相似文献   

We examined the feeding habits of black‐backed jackals at Mokolodi Nature Reserve, Botswana, by analysing 237 scats collected between November 1995 and February 1997. Jackal dietary habits reflected the availability of a wide variety of food items and the differential vulnerability of prey. Potential animal and plant food available to jackals varies throughout the year because of its seasonal character. Seasonality of prey occurrence in scats was pronounced for small mammals, miscellaneous fruits and invertebrates. Across all seasons, mammals were the most common food resource (32.4%, n = 168), followed by anthropogenic items (14.8%), fruits (12.9%), invertebrates (10.8%), birds (8.5%), unidentified items (3.5%) and reptiles (1.4%). The presence of domestic mammals and poultry remains in scats reveals their importance in the diet of jackals and the tendency of jackals to frequent human settlements in search of food. Some ecological implications of jackal dietary habits are also explored.  相似文献   

The seasonal diet and prey selection of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) was studied in two different insular habitats: shrub environments of the Canary Islands in coastal and high mountain zones. We measured, in each season, food availability and prey size in order to determine prey size selection of shrikes along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, we compared the diet patterns observed with those documented on the continent, to determine if Southern Grey Shrikes in the islands’ high mountain zone (which has a continental climate) showed seasonal diet variation similar to those in northern continental areas. We analysed a total of 1,139 shrike pellets collected in 1 year and identified 10,179 prey items. Numerically arthropods (91%), and in terms of biomass lizards (70%) were the main prey consumed by the shrikes. The proportions of the main prey items differed significantly between seasons and habitats. Diet in the coastal areas was less variable than in the high mountain zone. The greater seasonal climatic variation in the high mountain zone was associated with diet patterns similar to those found in some northern continental areas, such as the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Finally, shrikes selected the largest prey in the high mountain habitat. This suggests that foraging behaviour in this species is related to climatic conditions, as the biggest and most profitable prey were consumed in the most harsh habitats.  相似文献   

We tested the widely accepted hypothesis that spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) are non-selective in their diet. The prey preference of spotted hyaena was studied in the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP), South Africa. Diet (frequency of occurrence of prey items in the diet) was quantified through the analysis of 55 scats, and compared with available prey. A combination of large- and medium-sized mammals (buffalo (Syncerus caffer), red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) and common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia) were the most preferred prey items. The most abundant species, warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), were ignored and avoided, respectively. These results show that the assumption that hyaena prey on the most abundant available prey species may be overly simplistic. Predation patterns, such as the ones observed in AENP, may have important ramifications for less common species that are selected by hyaena in small enclosed reserves.  相似文献   

The diet of non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated at Stranger Point, King George Island, by scat analysis from February to April 1996. Overall, krill and fish were the most frequent prey, occurring in an average of 97% and 69% of samples (n=128), followed by cephalopods (12%). Myctophids constituted almost 90% of the fish predated, with Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus nicholsi being the most abundant and frequent species consumed. All fish taxa identified were krill-feeding species suggesting that seals foraged primarily on krill and opportunistically on fish species associated with krill swarms. A seasonal change observed in the relative proportions of the different fish prey taxa indicates that fur seals spent more time foraging over the shelf in summer and off the shelf in autumn. During the study period, commercial fishing in the area was not based upon any of the fish identified in this study.  相似文献   

The diet of non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated at Stranger Point, King George Island, through the analysis of scats during three consecutive summer seasons (1996, 1997, 1998). Overall, fish and krill were the most frequent prey occurring, respectively, in an average of 82.9% and 78.8% of samples (n = 131), followed by penguins (22.8%) and cephalopods (17.8%). Myctophids constituted almost 90% of the fish predated, with Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus nicholsi being the most abundant and frequent species consumed. All fish taxa identified were krill feeding species suggesting that seals foraged mainly on a krill and a fish community associated with krill aggregations. However, a seasonal change was observed in the relative proportions of the different prey taxa, with a progressive decrease with time in the occurrence of krill and a concomitant increase of fish, penguins and squid. Possible influence of the strong 1997/98 ENSO event is discussed.  相似文献   

Carnivores in Mediterranean ecosystems respond to the inherent heterogeneity of these systems by tracking the spatial and temporal availability of food resources. This feeding strategy, however, has been associated primarily with generalist carnivores and little is known for specialist species such as the European polecat. We collected polecat scat to determine the diet of this species, how it matches the seasonal availability of food resources, and how it is affected by population spatial structure and anthropogenic disturbance. Polecats were present in only 34% of the surveyed area and were clumped into three main population nuclei. Despite the spatial segregation of the populations, they had no significant differences in food items consumed. Polecats mostly fed on mammals (percentage of occurrence (P.O.)=43%) and arthropods (P.O.=49%). Biomass intake was also mostly from mammals (percentage of biomass (P.B.)=96%), followed by birds (P.B.=3%), with arthropods contributing less than 1%. Lagomorphs were the most consumed prey (P.O.=25% and P.B.=87%), which is consistent with the marked spatial overlap between scat with high content in lagomorphs and the areas with high wild rabbit availability. These results indicate that polecats are specialists in the consumption of wild rabbits, spatially track the availability of this prey, and may be affected by the decrease in abundance of the prey populations. Future conservation of polecats in Mediterranean regions of southern Portugal may be achieved through the restoration of hunted and diseased wild rabbit populations.  相似文献   

The study of the contents of 318 Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae pellets, collected from three islands off the western coast of Algeria, allowed us to identify 134 prey items. These are divided into 55 families, 21 orders and five classes. These represent 92 insect species, 39 birds, one mammal, one gastropod and one fish. In terms of abundance, insects constituted the main part of the diet (80.7%), followed by birds (18.5%), mammals (0.7%), and fish and gastropods (0.1% each). Among the insects, the Hymenoptera were the most numerous (45.2%), with ants being the most frequent family. In the class of birds, passeriforms were most frequently found (12.3%). The dominant family in the bird class was the Apodidae with a frequency of 5%. In terms of biomass, birds dominated with 98.1% of the total biomass, followed by insects with 1.2%. The diet of these Eleonora Falcons of Algeria was thus diverse, but varied with breeding status. The study of the dietary variation of the Eleonora Falcon during the breeding period shows that insects were most frequently encountered during the three breeding stages, whereas birds were highly consumed during the fledging stage, with frequencies of 43.9%.  相似文献   

Although understanding of food habits of wolves in human-modified landscapes is critical to inform conservation and conflict management, no such studies have ever been conducted in the southern Apennines, Italy, where wolves long coexisted with humans. By means of scat analysis (n?=?1743) and log-linear modelling, we investigated diet composition in five wolf packs in the relatively simple prey system of the Pollino National Park (PNP), southern Italy (1999?2003). Overall, although wild boar was the most frequently consumed prey (mean frequency ± SD, 63.1?±?23%), both wild boar and cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (45.3?±?24 and 48.1?±?21%, respectively). We revealed, however, a zonal (i.e. area, pack) followed by annual and seasonal effects on the wolf diet. Cattle consumption by wolf packs in the northern portion of PNP (Pollino subrange) was highest, especially during summer when cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (68.3?±?20%). Instead, wild boar consumption was highest in the Orsomarso packs (biomass, 62.1?±?13%), with increasing trends throughout the study period but no relevant seasonal variation. Wild boar piglets and cattle calves were the most frequently consumed age classes, revealing their availability year-round and higher profitability compared to other prey. Cattle consumption by wolves reflected prevailing husbandry techniques (free-ranging herds with unattended births) and determined a permanent state of conflict, often spurring retaliatory killing of wolves. Compatible cattle husbandry practices, along with the restoration of multi-prey communities, are needed to reduce wolf-livestock conflicts and possibly enhance the ecological role of wolves in human-altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

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