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食用菌因其富含多种氨基酸及微量元素等物质,具有较高的营养价值和药用价值,越来越受到人们的关注和喜爱。我国作为最重要的食用菌生产国,食用菌生产规模不断扩大,产量也在逐年提高。为了更好地发展食用菌产业,迫切需要在传统的食用菌产业链,如优良品种选育及栽培生产中融入新技术。生物信息学作为一门研究分析生物生命结构的技术门类,通过运用数学、计算机科学等工具揭示了数据所蕴含的生物学意义,极大地促进了生命科学研究的发展,也为食用菌更深入的研究与应用提供了技术保障。本文从食用菌育种及种质资源调查、病虫害防治、基因组学、食用菌安全等几方面阐述了生物信息学在食用菌领域的具体应用,对生物信息学在食用菌及农业领域的发展进行了展望,以期为促进食用菌研究和生产发展提供参考。  相似文献   

文中通过对中药渣资源、处理和食用菌栽培的现状介绍,分析中药渣栽培食用菌的优势及产业现状。并以平菇为对象,简要阐述中药渣栽培食用菌技术路线,同时针对中药渣栽培食用菌产业中存在的问题进行反思,探讨解决问题的策略和方法。为进一步研究中药渣在食用菌生产上的应用提供依据,同时为中药渣合理处理提供方法。  相似文献   

为查明沈阳市场食用菌残留有害物质的污染状况,采集了沈阳部分超市销售的食用菌产品,测定农药残余量。依据WHO食品添加剂相关标准来评估食用菌对当地人群的重金属暴露风险。所检食用菌样品中均未检出农药DDT、六六六、敌敌畏、多菌灵和百菌清的残留;重金属含量符合绿色食品食用菌的要求。表明沈阳市场大型超市和食用菌生产基地的食用菌总体是安全的。  相似文献   

药品质量与人们的生命健康安全息息相关,如果药品生产过程中产品质量不符合相关规定,药品在销售出去后,就很有可能威胁到人们的生命健康安全。因此,加强药品生产过程中产品的质量管理是十分重要的。文章重点分析了药品生产过程中产品质量要求,介绍了药品生产产品的检验方法,从而为同类研究提供参考。  相似文献   

真空冷冻干燥技术在食用菌加工中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简析了食用菌冻干制品产业发展形势,概述了真空冷冻干燥技术原理及产品特点,阐述了应用真空冷冻干燥技术加工食用菌制品所需的主要设备、生产工艺流程及操作要点。探讨真空冷冻干燥过程中,各项工艺参数对食用菌干燥特性的影响。介绍食用菌冷冻干燥技术的优越性、技术壁垒及发展前景,旨在为采用真空冷冻干燥技术对食用菌进行干燥加工提供参考。  相似文献   

食用菌表型组技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食用菌已成为我国农业的第五大种植业,在“精准扶贫”战役中发挥了重要作用。然而,经过40年的快速发展,食用菌行业依然面临着众多问题亟待解决,尤其是在工厂化栽培生产中我们还严重依赖国外选育的菌种。随着基因测序和表型组等新技术的蓬勃发展,“数据驱动”的生物学研究取得了一系列突破性进展。这些新技术也为解决食用菌行业面临的问题带来了机遇。其中表型组研究通过光学设备和传感器将肉眼观察和手工测量的数据数字化,与基因组、代谢组等数据构成食用菌组学大数据,为食用菌分类、种质资源评价、育种、基因功能和栽培等研究提供了新思路。本文重点描述了食用菌表型性状,介绍了表型组技术在食用菌研究中的应用,同时回顾了植物表型组技术的进展和应用领域,并讨论了食用菌表型组研究的关键技术和面临的挑战。期望通过对食用菌基因组、表型组、代谢组等多组学技术的整合研究和大数据的积累,推动“数据驱动”的食用菌遗传育种和栽培生产。  相似文献   

食用菌病毒的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李雪飞  宋冰  李玉 《微生物学报》2019,59(10):1841-1854
病毒是引起食用菌发生病害的重要病原之一,由于其具有潜隐性、不易辨认的特点,因而难以被人们所察觉,一旦发病就难以控制。在食用菌研究领域中,食用菌病毒使食用菌产量严重下降,引起的病害越来越受人们的重视,逐步成为该领域的研究热点。因此,本文主要针对食用菌病毒的结构与分类、危害、传播方式、检测方法以及食用菌病毒的脱毒技术等方面进行了综述,并对其存在的问题和前景进行了展望。这为食用菌病毒的检测、脱毒和无毒菌种的生产提供了理论依据,并为食用菌病毒的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

“第十届全国食用菌学术研讨会”由中国菌物学会主办、中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所等单位承办,将于2014年3月在北京召开。大会主旨是食用菌产业持续健康发展。大会将从食用菌基础科学、公益技术、专业技术等不同层面开展食用菌科学技术交流。同时应广大食用菌从业者的要求,针对食用菌产业生产中出现的技术问题,开展技术培训。  相似文献   

食用菌栽培中霉菌污染的药物防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着食用菌栽培业的发展和普及,霉菌污染已成为生产中的一大敌害。为了安全用药,保证栽培成活率,提高经济效益,我们试验了九种药剂对食用菌和常见霉菌菌丝体生长的影响,试图从中筛选出适于各种菇类栽培的防霉药剂,为生产上科学用药,防止不应有的损失提供科学依据。  相似文献   

食用菌深层发酵的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
发酵工程是现代生物工程技术之一,目前,它在食用菌生产中已得到深入研究和广泛应用。通过回顾食用菌液体深层发酵的研究历史,概述了有关食用菌的液体发酵研究状况,并展望了该技术在我国食用菌生产中的应用前景。  相似文献   

In the French debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs), actors present divergent definitions of food quality located between poles of technoscience and techne. Although scientists often define food quality in terms of technoscience, assessing food safety, small farmers often appeal to technes of production, positing GMOs as a rupture with artisanal culture. Whereas small farmers (from the union the Confédération Paysanne [CP]) deploy notions of "techne" to promote their anti-GMO campaign, they often define quality in an ambiguous way, vacillating between ideas of agricultural method (technique) or production scale. Despite this ambiguity, the CP successfully designates GMOs as la malbouffe , or "bad" food, establishing themselves as protectors of artisanal technés such as Roquefort. Finally, unlike many cultures that cast GMOs as "unnatural," the CP tends to frame GMOs as "uncultural." In the French debate, the CP posits culture against a "culturelessness" associated with technoscience and industry-driven foods such as GMOs and McDonald's.  相似文献   

This paper provides for an overview on the practical consequences of the EC guideline (III/8115/89): Validation of Virus Removal and Inactivation. This guideline can only be used as a blueprint in combination with other specific guidelines, especially those concerned with EC recommendations during production and quality control for various biotech products.A potential risk associated with the production and use of biological products is viral contamination. This contamination may be present in the source material, eg. human blood, human or animal tissues, cell banks, or introduced in the manufacturing process through the use of animal sera (eg. foetal calf serum or trypsin) in cell culture supernatant.The objectives of validation are to establish — ideally both qualitatively as well as quantitatively — the overall level of virus clearance. Evidence of viral clearance must be obtained in all stages of purification and adequate viral removal and/or inactivation must be proven. The method used when validating viral removal and /or inactivation is by challenging the system through the deliberate addition (spiking) of significant amounts of virus into the crude material to be purified and to different fractions obtained during the various purification stages. Removal or inactivation of the virus during the subsequent stages of purification and /or inactivation is thereafter determined.Such a quality system is by no means a simple one: it is estimated that in some production lines around 600 Standard Operating Procedures are necessary to guarantee the quality and the safety of the desired biotechnological product. Small companies will probably not be able to perform all procedures needed for obtaining the desired quality of the product. Then, external laboratories may take over a part of the Part II development requirements, which may not be representative for the total of internal Quality Assurance. New developments in the production and quality control of biotechnological products may require that companies should introduce novel, sophisticated methods such as: polymerase chain reaction (PCR), as yet not recommended by the CPMP in detail.Abbreviations III/8115/89 EC  相似文献   

The food industry is under pressure to improve food safety, implement efficient risk management, and control quality “from farm to fork.” During processing of raw materials into packaged consumable products, food may be influenced by biological and chemical pollution and other various environmental factors. Risk assessment of a food production process was studied in this work. The novelty of this work lies in analyzing the development laws of food safety risk in serial and parallel modes, and developing a heuristic algorithm of polynomial time to minimize safety risks in food production with a constant budget. This algorithm was validated by a numerical example of peanut milk production. The primary procedures in peanut milk production were found and the advice on investment allocation was given to improve production.  相似文献   

谷氨酸提取产业现状与无废化发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷氨酸提取的工艺路线及其技术对味精生产成本、质量和环境等因素的影响最为重要:现有“等电离交”工艺技术收率高,但存在辅料消耗大、废水多等缺陷;“浓缩等电转晶工艺”辅料消耗低、廒水少且质量好,但存在谷氨酸收率低的缺点;“喷浆造粒工艺”消除了高浓废水的污染,但又造成严重的废气污染,环境问题随着味精制造规模的扩大而呈加重趋势“谷氨酸提取无废低耗工艺”在清洁生产思想指导下,吸收现有技术的优点,整体谋求经济、环境和质量的集成,通过开发关键技术,形成成本低、质量好、无污染且易于工程放大的谷氨酸提取新型工艺路线。  相似文献   

In this study, a combination of a Lactobacillus sakei strain and a Staphylococcus equorum strain was used as autochthonous starter for an experimental production of Basilicata fermented sausages. The influence of starter addition on the safety and quality parameters and microbiological and chemical-physical properties of the products was investigated. Microbial counts of safety indicators were lower in the samples with the addition of starter culture, and, at the end of ripening, Enterobacteriaceae and Gram negative bacteria were detected only in samples made without the starter addition. The addition of starter led to a final product with better microbiological and chemical-physical features, and a positive effect on flavor and aroma compounds formation by a good proteolytic and lipolytic activities. The use of autochthonous starter cultures allows to obtain products with the organoleptic characteristics expected and steady in time and to standardize the production process, improving the safety and quality, but preserving the essential character of the product.  相似文献   



One-third of all medication errors causing harm to hospitalized patients occur in the medication preparation and administration phase, which is predominantly a nursing activity. To monitor, evaluate and improve the quality and safety of this process, evidence-based quality indicators can be used.


The aim of study was to identify evidence-based quality indicators (structure, process and outcome) for safe in-hospital medication preparation and administration.


MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL were searched for relevant studies published up to January 2015. Additionally, nine databases were searched to identify relevant grey literature. Two reviewers independently selected studies if (1) the method for quality indicator development combined a literature search with expert panel opinion, (2) the study contained quality indicators on medication safety, and (3) any of the quality indicators were applicable to hospital medication preparation and administration. A multidisciplinary team appraised the studies independently using the AIRE instrument, which contains four domains and 20 items. Quality indicators applicable to in-hospital medication preparation and administration were extracted using a structured form.


The search identified 1683 studies, of which 64 were reviewed in detail and five met the inclusion criteria. Overall, according to the AIRE domains, all studies were clear on purpose; most of them applied stakeholder involvement and used evidence reasonably; usage of the indicator in practice was scarcely described. A total of 21 quality indicators were identified: 5 structure indicators (e.g. safety management and high alert medication), 11 process indicators (e.g. verification and protocols) and 5 outcome indicators (e.g. harm and death). These quality indicators partially cover the 7 rights.


Despite the relatively small number of included studies, the identified quality indicators can serve as an excellent starting point for further development of nursing specific quality indicators for medication safety. Especially on the right patient, right route, right time and right documentation there is room future development of quality indicators.  相似文献   

An essential feature of the production of all microbial control agents is an effective quality control system. Well-defined product specifications with accompanying quality control procedures help to maximize product performance, ensure product safety, standardize manufacturing costs and reduce the risks of supply failure, thus building user confidence. A production system that does not have a quality control system is one whose output is uncontrolled and a lack of thorough quality feedback can result in batches of product with variable concentrations of active agent. This results in products with variable performance leading to control failures by users and serious loss of user confidence. Strict quality control procedures are not only essential for product consistency, but also for safety. Where quality control is inadequate, microbial contamination of the final product is inevitable. In most of such cases this will merely lead to a loss of efficacy due to dilution of the active ingredient by competing microorganisms, but also the potential of producing human pathogens must be ruled out. Recognition of contaminants and quantification of the degree of contamination are therefore important in determining any possible risk to human health. Many low technology production systems in use around the world have minimal or no quality control procedures. This is unacceptable and can damage the reputation of microbial control in addition to possibly posing health risks to those that produce or are exposed to the product. Two case studies from developing countries, are used to illustrate how the lack of quality control procedures can lead to the production of low viability, highly contaminated products with low or negligible concentrations of the active ingredient. However, it is also demonstrated that low technology production systems in developing countries can produce high quality products, provided appropriate quality control procedures are firmly implemented. It must be recognized that quality control procedures can be more complex and technologically demanding than the production procedures themselves, but it is largely on the effectiveness of these control procedures that the long-term acceptability of fungal and viral products depends. This paper details the quality control procedures considered necessary in the mass production of fungi and viruses for use as biocontrol agents, and attempts to suggest reasonable standards that can be achieved by all producers.  相似文献   

Organic products are derived from the organic production system, following organic agricultural cultivation standards, and processing schedules must be identified by an independent certificate authority. The main characteristic of the organic agricultural production system is that all artificial synthetic materials such as pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives, and gene engineering products are not allowed to use. However, there is much debate on organic production quality and health safety issues in academic circles. Some people believe that there is a “Three Cannot” problem with organic production, that is, organic products “cannot be distinguished, cannot be tasted and cannot be measured” compared to common ones. To objectively reflect the differences in nutritional quality and food safety between organic and conventional products, we combined extensive literatures with our research data and have reported some advances in the sensory quality, nutritional value, and safety of the two types of products. The results showed that organic products tasted better; the percentage of leanness was higher, and the products tasted much tender. The dry matter content of most organic crops was about 7–20% higher than that of conventional foods, and enriched vitamin C, anthocyanins, isoflavones, carotenoids, and other phenolic compounds and more elements such as P, Fe, and Mg and trace elements such as Zn, Cu, and Cr were verified in organic crops. Organic animal products contain more beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids; the nitrate content in organic fruits and vegetables was 20–50% of that in normal fruits. No pesticide residues and less heavy metals were found in the organic products. Our investigation showed that there were obvious differences in quality and safety between the products that originated from organic agriculture systems and conventional alternatives. This conclusion can provide an important theoretical basis for the healthy development of the organic industry.  相似文献   

The detoxification of tetanus toxin by formaldehyde is a crucial step in the production of tetanus toxoid. The inactivation results in chemically modified proteins and it determines largely the ultimate efficacy and safety of the vaccine. Currently, the quality of tetanus toxoid lots is evaluated in potency and safety tests performed in animals. As a possible alternative, this article describes a panel of in vitro methods, which provides detailed information about the quality of tetanus toxoid. Ten experimental lots of tetanus toxoid were prepared using increasing concentrations of formaldehyde and glycine to obtain tetanus toxoids having differences in antigenicity, immunogenicity, residual toxicity and protein structure. The structural properties of each individual toxoid were determined using immunochemical and physicochemical methods, including biosensor analysis, ELISA, circular dichroism, TNBS assay, differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence and SDS-PAGE. The quality of a tetanus toxoid lot can be assessed by these set of analytical techniques. Based on antigenicity, immunogenicity and residual toxicity data, criteria are formulated that tetanus toxoids lot have to meet in order to have a high quality. The in vitro methods are a valuable selection of techniques for monitoring consistency of production of tetanus toxoid, especially for the detoxification process of tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

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