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基于细胞色素b的鸫亚科部分鸟类的系统进化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用分子系统学方法对鸫亚科(Turdinae)16属35种鸟类的线粒体细胞色素b基因进行系统发生分析。所测序列经对位排列后共983bp,包含变异位点399个,简约信息位点349个。以太平鸟(Bombycillagarrulus)和雪松太平鸟(Bombycillacedrorum)为外群,采用邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法分别构建鸫亚科的系统发生树。研究结果表明:构建的系统树将所研究鸫亚科鸟类分为2个支系。第1个支系包括鸫属(Turdus)、地鸫属(Zoothera)和宽嘴鸫属(Cochoa);第2个支系包括歌鸲属(Luscinia)、鸲属(Tarsiger)、鹊鸲属(Copsychus)、薮鸲属(Cercotrichas)、红尾鸲属(Phoenicurus)、水鸲属(Rhyacornis)、燕尾属(Enivurus)、啸鸫属(Myiophoneus)、石属(Saxicola)、属(Oenanthe)、溪鸲属(Chaimarrornis)、矶鸫属(Monticola)和欧亚鸲属(Erithacus)。其中地鸫属并非单系类群;红尾鸲属为并系发生,水鸲属和溪鸲属归并到这一支系;石属与矶鸫属互为姐妹群,再与属聚合构成另一支系;然后上述两个支系构成姐妹群;歌鸲属和鸲属聚成姐妹群。对于鹊鸲属、薮鸲属、啸鸫属、欧亚鸲属、宽嘴鸫属和燕尾属,本研究结果并没有完全解决它们在大分支内与其它属间的亲缘关系  相似文献   

北京小龙门自然保护区四种苔藓鸟巢的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年8月20~22日在北京小龙门自然保护区,分别对宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)、黄眉姬鹪(Ficedula narcissina)、白腹蓝鸫(Cyanoptila cyanomelana)和北红尾鸲(Phoenicurusauroreus)4种鸟的鸟巢的结构和巢材进行了观察,发现他们均用藓类植物作为巢材。经过鉴定,这些藓类植物共7种,分属于4科,其中最多是小牛舌藓(Anomodon minor)。该文还对巢材中藓类植物的分布、生物学特性和鸟类取材的行为等进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

野生动物资源的本底调查是自然保护区科研监测的基本任务之一。2014年1月—2018年9月,采用红外相机调查四川勿角自然保护区内的兽类和鸟类多样性,共布设39个不同相机监测位点(26个公里网格),累计3 039个相机捕获日,共获得照片2 162张,视频774段,独立有效记录723条,共鉴定出兽类4目11科19种和鸟类3目8科21种,其中,国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物4种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物11种,被世界自然保护联盟红色名录列为易危(VU)6种和近危(NT)2种。相对丰富度指数最高的前7种野生动物依次为血雉Ithaginis cruentus(8.93)、毛冠鹿Elaphodus cephalophus(5.13)、红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii(4.11)、隐纹花松鼠Tamiops swinhoei(1.50)、橙翅噪鹛Trochalopteron elliotii(1.42)、中华鬣羚Capricornis milneedwardsii(0.87)、花面狸Paguma larvata(0.87)。调查中记录到的黄腹鼬Mustela kathiah、小麂Muntiacus reevesi 2种兽类和灰树鹊Dendrocitta formosae、斑背噪鹛Garrulax lunulatus、金色林鸲Tarsiger chrysaeus、栗腹歌鸲Larvivora brunnea、虎斑地鸫Zoothera aurea、宝兴歌鸫Turdus mupinensis、灰头鸫Turdus rubrocanus 7种鸟类为保护区新记录。本研究获得的兽类和鸟类数据将是保护区生物多样性本底数据的有效补充,通过红外相机持续监测获得的资料有利于保护区的长期监测和保护管理。  相似文献   

<正>蓝额地鸲Cinclidium frontale为雀形目鸫科地鸲属鸟类(郑光美,2011),曾记为鹟科鸫亚科长脚鸲属蓝额长脚地鸲Callene frontale(张俊范,郑作新,1963)。国外见于印度、尼泊尔、不丹、老挝、越南(郑作新等,1995)。在国内的分布,马敬能等(2000)表明四川亚种Cinclidium f.orientale记录于四川石棉大渡河、云南南部,指名亚种C.f.frontale可能见于西藏东南部;郑光美  相似文献   

宝兴歌鸫和北红尾鸲巢中藓类植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5月~9月在北京小龙门自然保护区,对宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)、北红尾鸲(Phoenisurus auroreus)两种鸟的巢材进行了观察分析。该两种鸟均以藓类植物为其主要巢材,巢材中共有藓类植物5科约10余种,其中均以牛舌藓属(Anomodon)和绢藓属(Entodon)的植物所占比例最大。以干重计,宝兴歌鸫的巢材平均为65.94g,藓类植物平均重20.16g,占巢材总重的30.57%;北红尾鸲的巢材干重平均30.87g,藓类植物重8.58g,占巢材总重的27.79%。同时对小龙门自然保护区和两种鸟巢周围藓类植物的分布、藓类植物的特点和用做巢材的意义,以及两种鸟对藓类植物的选择等问题也进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

测定了粉蝶科的粉蝶亚科和黄粉蝶亚科14属共24种线粒体COⅠ和Cyt b基因部分序列,并从GenBank中下载了2种粉蝶的同源序列,以眼蝶科的2个物种为外类群,运用NJ法、贝叶斯法分别重建了分子系统树,探讨了它们的系统发生关系。基因序列分析结果表明,经比对和处理后的序列总长度为1111bp,其中变异位点478个,简约位点382个,碱基T、C、A、G平均含量为39.9%、16.9%、30.9%、12.3%,A+T含量和C+G含量分别为70.8%和29.2%。分子系统树显示:黄粉蝶亚科不是单系群,但其中迁粉蝶属和豆粉蝶属在不同的分析方法中均聚合在一起。粉蝶亚科形成一个独立的支系,其中,襟粉蝶族为并系群;粉蝶族的粉蝶属、飞龙粉蝶属和云粉蝶属具有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

新疆鸟类环志与回收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马鸣  Pau J.LEADER  Geoff J.CAREY  Barry WILLIAMS 《动物学研究》2002,23(2):105-105,106,112,135
2001年8月与14-26日在新疆阿勒泰,吐鲁番的8个环志地点进行了秋际鸟类环志工作。环志鸟类233只,约33种,多以莺亚科(Sylviinae)和鸫亚科(Turdinae)的种类为主。其中的新疆歌鸲(Luscinia sp.)等17种鸟类均属于中国首次环志种类,占环志种数的53%。  相似文献   

基于线粒体12S rRNA和16S rRNA基因序列联合分析,采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法分别构建了中国蚤蝇科14属的系统发育树.结果表明:联合分析序列总长度为819 bp,其中可变位点277个,简约信息位点200个;A+T平均含量为77.7%,具A、T偏倚性.系统发育分析显:中国蚤蝇科为单系发生,分为蚤蝇亚科和裂蚤蝇亚科两个单系群.蚤蝇亚科内脉蚤蝇属、锥蚤蝇属和刺蚤蝇属亲缘关系较近,栅蚤蝇属与栓蚤蝇属亲缘关系较近;裂蚤蝇亚科中虼蚤蝇属与裂蚤蝇属互为姐妹群,寡蚤蝇属与伐蚤蝇属互为姐妹群.  相似文献   

以线粒体细胞色素氧化酶I(COI)基因作分子标记,对线蛱蝶亚科蝴蝶进行序列测定.序列分析的结果表明.经比对和处理后的序列总长度是645bp,其中有199个变异位点,147个简约信息位点;所编码的氨基酸序列中有18个变异位点,7个信息位点.A+T平均含量为69.6%,G+C平均含量为30.4%,碱基组成出现AT偏斜.以蛱蝶亚科及秀蛱蝶亚科物种为外类群,用NJ、MP及贝叶斯法重建了该亚科的系统发生树,探讨了它们主要类群间的系统发生关系.分子系统树显示,线蛱蝶亚科由以下3大支系:环蛱蝶族+翠蛱蝶族、线蛱蝶族、丽蛱蝶族构成;其中,环蛱蝶族为单系群(NJ树也支持线蛱蝶族的单系性);翠蛱蝶族与环蛱蝶族亲缘关系较近:丽蛱蝶族可能是该亚科较早分化出的一支.  相似文献   

本研究基于中国地区双翅目寄蝇科寄蝇亚科5族10属17种昆虫的28S r RNA基因序列,分别利用PAUP4.0b和MEGA5.05软件的邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最小进化法(ME),选取追寄蝇亚科的黄足突额寄蝇Biomeigenia flava和麻蝇科的红尾拉麻蝇Ravinia striata为外群,重建寄蝇亚科部分种类的系统发育树。结果表明:测得的696 bp寄蝇亚科核苷酸片段,包括127个变异位点和52个简约信息位点;不同方法得到的系统发育树的拓扑结构基本一致。本研究结果部分解决了基于形态学定义的该亚科内族间、属间的系统发育关系:(1)支持寄蝇亚科、寄蝇族分别为一个单系群;(2)支持形态分类的将诺寄蝇属Nowickia Wachtl并入寄蝇属Tachina Meigen并作为后者的一个亚属的结论;(3)同时支持将短须寄蝇族Linnaemyini并入埃内寄蝇族Ernestiini。  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the "true thrushes" (Aves: Turdinae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The true thrushes (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae, subfamily Turdinae) are a speciose and widespread avian lineage presumed to be of Old World origin. Phylogenetic relationships within this assemblage were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data that included the cytochrome b and ND2 genes. Our ingroup sampling included 54 species representing 17 of 20 putative turdine genera. Phylogenetic trees derived via maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood were largely congruent. Most of the Turdine taxa sampled can be placed into one of six well supported clades. Our data indicate a polyphyletic Zoothera which can be divided into at least two (Afro-Asian and Austral-Asian) main clades. The genus Turdus, as presently recognized, is paraphyletic but forms a well supported clade with the addition of three mostly monotypic genera (Platycichla, Nesocichla, and Cichlherminia). We identify an exclusively New World clade that includes a monophyletic Catharus, Hylocichla, Cichlopsis, Entomodestes, Ridgwayia, and Ixoreus. Members of the morphologically and behaviorally distinct genera Sialia, Myadestes, and Neocossyphus unexpectedly form a basal clade. Using multiple outgroup choices, we show that this group is distantly related, but unequivocally the sister group to the remaining Turdines sampled. The Turdinae appear to be a relatively old songbird lineage, originating in the mid to late Miocene. If the Turdinae are indeed Old World in origin, our data indicate a minimum of three separate invasions of the New World.  相似文献   

The avian genus Turdus is one of the most speciose and widespread of passerine genera. We investigated phylogenetic relationships within this genus using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the ND3, ND2 and cytochrome b genes. Our sampling of Turdus included 60 of the 65 extant species currently recognized, as well as all four species from three genera previously shown to fall inside Turdus (Platycichla, Nesocichla, and Cichlherminia). Phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony algorithms were congruent. Most of the Turdus taxa sampled fall into one of four clades: an African clade, a Central American-Caribbean clade, a largely South American clade, and a Eurasian clade. Still other taxa are placed either at the base of Turdus, or as links between clades. In no instance is any continent reciprocally monophyletic for the species distributed on it. A general lack of nodal support near the base of the phylogeny seems related to a rapid intercontinental establishment of the major clades within Turdus very early in the history of the genus. The monotypic genus Psophocichla is distantly related to, but clearly the sister of, Turdus rather than a constituent member of it.  相似文献   

Using characters from mitochondrial DNA to construct maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood trees, we performed a phylogenetic analysis on representative species of 14 genera: 12 that belong to the treefrog family Rhacophoridae and two, Amolops and Rana, that are not rhacophorids. Our results support a phylogenetic hypothesis that depicts a monophyletic family Rhacophoridae. In this family, the Malagasy genera Aglyptodactylus, Boophis, Mantella, and Mantidactylus form a well-supported sister clade to all other rhacophorid genera, and Mantella is the sister taxon to Mantidactylus. Within the Asian/African genera, the genus Buergeria forms a well-supported clade of four species. The genera, except for Chirixalus, are generally monophyletic. An exception to this is that Polypedates dennysii clusters with species of Rhacophorus, suggesting that the taxonomy of the rhacophorids should be revised to reflect this relationship. Chirixalus is not monophyletic. Unexpectedly, there is strong support for Chirixalus doriae from Southeast Asia forming a clade with species of the African genus Chiromantis, suggesting that Chiromantis dispersed to Africa from Asia. Also, there is strong support for the sister taxon relationship of Chirixalus eiffingeri and Chirixalus idiootocus apart from other congeners.  相似文献   

基于线粒体Cyt b基因的线蛱蝶亚科的系统发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于线粒体Cytb基因部分序列,以波蛱蝶为外群,采用邻接法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法分别构建了中国线蛱蝶亚科10属25种蝶类的系统发育树,探讨了各主要类群间的系统发育关系。其结果表明,所有线蛱蝶亚科聚为两大枝:第一枝包括环蛱蝶属、菲蛱蝶属、蟠蛱蝶属和缕蛱蝶属,其中缕蛱蝶属与环蛱蝶族亲缘关系较近;第二枝包括丽蛱蝶属、穆蛱蝶属、线蛱蝶属、带蛱蝶属、律蛱蝶属和翠蛱蝶属,其中线蛱蝶属为非单系群,翠蛱蝶属和律蛱蝶属则为单系发生,并构成姐妹群。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the nuclear c-mos gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND2 genes were used to assess the monophyly of Sibley and Monroe's [Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990] Muscicapoidea superfamily. The relationships and monophyly of major lineages within the superfamily, as well as genera membership in major lineages was also assessed. Analyses suggest that Bombycillidae is not a part of Muscicapoidea, and there is strongly supported evidence to suggest that Turdinae is not part of the Muscicapidae, but is instead sister to a Sturnidae+Cinclidae clade. This clade is in turn sister to Muscicapidae (Muscicapini+Saxicolini). Of the 49 Turdinae and Muscicapidae genera that we included in our analyses, 10 (20%) are shown to be misclassified to subfamily or tribe. Our results place one current Saxicolini genus in Turdinae, two Saxicolini genera in Muscicapini, and five Turdinae and two Muscicapini genera in Saxicolini; these relationships are supported with 100% Bayesian support. Our analyses suggest that c-mos was only marginally useful in resolving these "deep" phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Liew EC  Aptroot A  Hyde KD 《Mycologia》2002,94(5):803-813
The monophyletic status of the genus Massarina was evaluated on the basis of phylogenetic analysis of the partial small subunit gene (SSU), internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 & 2), and 5.8S gene sequences of the ribosomal DNA. Species of Massarina used in the study clustered into two distinct clades with high bootstrap support in trees generated from maximum parsimony, weighted parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining analyses. The hypothesis that Massarina species belong to a phylogenetically monophyletic group is rejected. Species with narrowly fusiform ascospores form a monophyletic clade with Lophiostoma, a genus highly similar in morphology. The five species currently accepted in Massarina with such spore morphology are here transferred into the genus Lophiostoma. Massarina species with broadly fusiform to ellipsoidal ascospores are retained as Massarina s. str., lectotypified by M. eburnea. Massarina walkeri is presently excluded from both Massarina and Lophiostoma. The transfer of M. papulosa to a new genus Oletheriostrigula is verified.  相似文献   

The Lejeuneaceae are the largest family of the liverworts (Hepaticae), with almost a thousand species in 91 currently accepted genera. We analysed phylogenetic relationships of 69 genera, representing all major subfamilies and tribes recognized in the family, by using 49 informative morphological characters (31 gametophytic, 18 sporophytic), one chemical character, and applying equal and successive weighting of characters and parsimony analysis. In all trees recovered, the Lejeuneaceae were monophyletic with Nipponolejeunea (subfam. Nipponolejeuneoideae) forming the basalmost lineage. The remaining genera clustered in two major groups, the monophyletic Lejeuneoideae (52 genera) and the paraphyletic Ptychanthoideae (16 genera). Within each, several multigeneric lineages corresponding in part to previously described taxa were recovered: the Acrolejeuneinae and Ptychanthinae clades in the Ptychanthoideae, and the Brachiolejeuneinae, Lejeuneeae and Tuyamaella–Cololejeunea clades in the Lejeuneoideae. Bryopteris , a genus sometimes treated as a separate family, was nested in the Ptychanthinae clade. The Tuyamaella–Cololejeunea lineage corresponded with three previously recognized subfamilies (Cololejeuneoideae, Myriocoleoideae and Tuyamaelloideae) and contained genera with neotenic features, in two subclades. These features seemed to have originated by multiple heterochronic events: single origins were detected for 'protonemal neoteny' and 'primary neoteny', whereas 'secondary neoteny' probably evolved twice. Relationships within the large Lejeuneeae clade (43 genera) remained largely unresolved, although several putative lineages were detected in majority rule trees. Additional characters such as DNA sequences may provide better phylogenetic resolution in this group.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 391–410.  相似文献   

测定了分布于中国的锯眼蝶亚科4族10属共20个种的线粒体ND1和COI基因的部分序列,结合从GenBank中获得的4个国外种类的同源序列,以凤蝶科的迪洛尔娟凤蝶(Allancatria deyrolle)、丝带凤蝶(Sericinus montela),以及娟蝶科的西猛娟蝶(Parnassius simonius)为外类群,通过邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,分析了该亚科内主要类群的系统发生关系。分析结果表明:帻眼蝶族和锯眼蝶族具有较近的亲缘关系;黛眼蝶族不是单系群,该族中的黛眼蝶属、荫眼蝶属与眉眼蝶族具有较近的亲缘关系,带眼蝶属、藏眼蝶属、毛眼蝶属和帕眼蝶属聚合为一个独立的支系,其中带眼蝶属和藏眼蝶属在所有的分析方法中均以100%的置信度(BP=100%,PP=1.00)相聚合,建议将它们合并为一属。  相似文献   

研究测定了锯眼蝶亚科4族、10属共20个国产代表种的线粒体ND1和COI基因的部分序列,结合从GenBank中获得的4个国外产种类的同源序列,以凤蝶科的迪洛尔娟凤蝶、丝带凤蝶,以及娟蝶科的西猛娟蝶为外类群,通过邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,分析了该亚科及其主要类群的系统发生关系。分析结果表明:帻眼蝶族和锯眼蝶族具有较近的亲缘关系;黛眼蝶族不是单系群,该族中的黛眼蝶属、荫眼蝶属与眉眼蝶族具有较近的亲缘关系,带眼蝶属、藏眼蝶属、毛眼蝶属和帕眼蝶属聚合为一个独立的支系,其中带眼蝶属和藏眼蝶属在所有的分析方法中均以100%的置信度(BP=100%, PP=1.00)相聚合,笔者倾向于将它们合并为一属。  相似文献   

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