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张和兽的齿列和前肢形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张和盖是目前唯一保存完整完整骨架的对齿兽类。其齿列特征表明它属于兽科,该科为原始兽学中主要繁衍于北方大陆中生代后期一个咀嚼方式以上下臼齿对咬为主的单系类群。张和兽骨骼形态显示其前肢姿势处于外展趴卧与内收直立之间,兼有树上和地面活动的能力,是原始兽类中趋于以地面活动为主的成员。附录列举了哺乳类的主要齿列和骨骼性状序理信分布矩阵。  相似文献   

本文报道了产自江西省赣州市上白垩统赣县河口组的一件多瘤齿兽类标本, 这是江西省报道的首例中生代哺乳动物化石。此标本头骨后部横向扩展, 额骨较小, 后端尖并构成眼眶的内侧边缘, M1具三列齿尖, 系统发育分析支持其归入纹齿兽超科。与河南晚白垩世的中原豫俊兽形态较为相似, 但是两者间也存在一些明显的区别, 因此建立一个豫俊兽属新种——虔州豫俊兽(Yubaatar qianzhouensis sp. nov.), 鉴定特征为: m1齿尖式为7︰6; M2齿尖式为1︰3︰3; m1颊侧后部存在一道小脊; 虔州豫俊兽m2和m1的长度比例小于中原豫俊兽; 冠状突呈楔状, 末端尖。虔州豫俊兽的发现不仅扩展了晚白垩世多瘤齿兽类在东亚地区的地理分布和物种多样性, 并且也扩展了中生代哺乳动物的地理分布。  相似文献   

辽宁早白垩世义县组一新的三尖齿兽类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
描述了戈壁锥齿兽科 (Gobiconodontidae)一个新的属种———陆家屯弥曼齿兽 (Meeman nodonlujiatunensisgen .etsp .nov.)。标本产于辽宁西部朝阳市上园镇陆家屯下白垩统义县组一段的凝灰质砂岩层中 ,为一具完整齿列的左下颌骨。新属与戈壁锥齿兽 (Gobiconodon)共有以下区别于其他三尖齿兽类的特征 :2颗下门齿 ,i1增大 ,后部门齿、犬齿和前部前臼齿尖锥形 ,前臼齿具有高的中央尖和小的附尖 ,i~p1向前平伏。因此 ,新属被归入戈壁锥齿兽科。弥曼齿兽与戈壁锥齿兽及其相近属的区别在于 :下门齿和下犬齿更加平伏 ,i1在比例上更大 ,而i2则更小 ;最后一枚下前臼齿与第一枚下臼齿之间没有齿隙 ;前臼齿退化 ;下臼齿长度大于高度 ,主尖向后倾斜 ,与b尖和c尖相比 ,a尖较低 ,m1显著小于m2~ 4。新属下臼齿没有齿带 ,与爬兽 (Repenomamus)相似 ,而与戈壁锥齿兽不同。基于与爬兽齿列的对比 ,讨论了戈壁锥齿兽类的齿式 ,认为其应具有两颗门齿 ,而不是以前认为的 1颗门齿 ,从而将戈壁锥齿兽类下齿列齿式修订为 :2·1·2~ 3·5。  相似文献   

描述了产自美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本被暂归入杰斐逊北方阔齿兽Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是3个齿尖。根据牙齿大小、直接替换情况,推测阔齿型齿从后部萌发,从前部脱落。这个类群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能是两代裂齿型犬后齿。  相似文献   

真三尖齿兽类是了解亚洲白垩纪哺乳动物群演化和转变的重要成员之一。到目前为止沙海组和阜新组(下白垩统上部)已经发现了两种戈壁尖齿兽科以及两种三尖齿兽科的真三尖齿兽类。描述了这些地层产出的真三尖齿兽类的其他材料,包括一新属新种——常氏阜新尖齿兽(Fuxinoconodon changi gen. et sp. nov.)和一枚左下臼齿(鉴定为?Gobiconodontidae gen. et sp. indet.)。这种新的真三尖齿兽类被归入戈壁尖齿兽科(Gobiconodontidae),其特征为:第一下门齿大、门齿和前臼齿的数目变少、臼齿b尖和c尖较大而独立,以及臼齿具有分别属于Gobiconodon第一代或第二代臼齿上独有特征的组合。新材料与同一地区相同层位已经报道的4种真三尖齿兽类表明,虽然科级和属级的多样性似乎已经减少,但亚洲早白垩世晚期仍存在比较多样的真三尖齿兽类。  相似文献   

张和兽(Zhangheotherium)的齿列和前肢形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张和兽(Zhangheotherium)是目前唯一保存完整骨架的对齿兽类。其西列特征表明它属于兽科(Spalacotheriidae),该科为原始兽类中主要繁衍于北方大陆中生代后期一个咀嚼方式以上下日齿对咬为主的单系类群。张和兽骨骼形态显示其前肢姿势处于外展趴卧(sprawling)与内收直立(parasagittal)之间,兼有树上和地面活动的能力,是原始兽类中趋于以地面活动为主的成员。附录列举了哺乳类的主要齿列和骨骼性状序列及分布矩阵。  相似文献   

记山东泗水真恐角兽属一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文所记述的冠齿兽类化石采集于山东泅水盆地站新世地层中。其个体巨大,前日齿原尖呈孤立锥形并紧靠前尖,原尖和前尘近等高;臼齿脊形化程度高,中附尖近孤立锥形,原尖和后尖更靠近舌面。据此特征将它归入真恐角兽属,并建立一新种──泗水真恐角兽(Eudinmocerassishuiensissp.vov.)。本文将该种与冠齿兽科其它相近属种进行了比较,初步探讨了该科动物演化的可能趋势,并对黄庄动物群时代及与地层有关的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

记述了在山东省五图盆地下始新统发现的一种“伪齿兽集目”化石 :千禧福兽 (Olbither iummillenariusumgen.etsp .nov.)。千禧福兽其颊齿形态基本上与原始奇蹄类相似 ,同时也具有伪齿兽类的一些特征 ,如m1~ 2下次尖没有与下内尖直接连接的下次脊。千禧福兽的M3次尖具前、后棱 ,这一点似与原始的蹄兔Seggeurius相似。因此 ,新种在目一级的归类有困难 ,暂置于McKenna ( 1 975 )创立的“伪齿兽集目”(“MirorderPhenacodonta”)。千禧福兽的发现进一步证明了奇蹄类可能起源于亚洲和北非类似伪齿兽类 (phenacodontids)的古有蹄类 ,福兽仅是类似伪齿兽类的古新世古有蹄类向奇蹄类进化过程中的一叉支的代表。  相似文献   

广东南雄古新世一新的裂齿类   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
记述了广东南雄盆地早~中古新世上湖组上部发现的裂齿目一新属新种──杨氏华南兽(Huananius youngi gen. et sp. nov.)。新属在上、下前日齿不臼齿化,上臼齿无次尖,下臼齿三角座和跟座均呈V形等方面显得原始。但在颊齿单面高冠,上臼齿原尖前、后脊分别与前、后附尖相连,小尖发育,具初始的次尖架,下臼齿略呈双曲拱柱状,具下后附尖等方面显示了向典型的裂齿类方向发展。  相似文献   

产自陕西府谷晚中新世喇嘛沟组红色砂质泥岩中的爪兽化石,其颌骨及牙齿保存得相当完好,为研究有关牙齿的细微结构及分类提供了宝贵材料。其颌骨及牙齿都很粗壮厚实。上齿列颊侧弯曲;臼齿菱形或斜方形;原尖粗大,孤立;原小尖发育,靠近前尖,甚至与前尖相接呈短的前脊;无原脊;前、中附尖粗大;前、后齿带皆发育很好。下犬牙较粗大;下颊齿呈一条直线排列;下前臼齿退缩不太大;下后附尖发育较好,磨用后,常与下后尖连成并联蒂状。除第四前臼齿臼齿化外,其他前臼齿皆未臼齿化。府谷爪兽归入奈王爪兽属(Nestoritherium),但与已发表过的种都有明显差异,特建一新种:府谷奈王爪兽(Nestoritherium fuguense sp.nov.)。当时动物之大量死亡,可能主要是突发的自然灾害如沙尘暴所引起,死后未经长距离搬运。  相似文献   

Itatodon tatarinovi Lopatin et Averianov, 2005 is represented by two lower molars and a lower molar fragment from the upper part of the Itat Formation (Bathonian Stage) of the Berezovskii quarry (southern Krasnoyarsk Region). Based on the presence of a pseudotalonid, bordered by the crests a-b, b-e, e-g, and a-g, Itatodon is assigned to the endemic Asian family Tegotheriidae. In this genus, the crest a-b is reduced and the thick lingual cingulid is better developed than that of other docodonts. Phylogenetic analysis of Docodonta shows paraphyly of Morganucodonta relative to docodonts and independent development of the pseudotalonid in the Tegotheriidae and the clade comprising Krusatodon, Castorocauda, Cyrtlatherium, and Dsungarodon.  相似文献   

New specimens of the tegotheriid docodont Sibirotherium rossicum Maschenko et al., 2003, including a maxillary fragment with two posterior teeth, an isolated upper molar, and mandibular fragments with teeth from the Early Cretaceous Shestakovo locality are described. The dental formula of Sibirotherium is I1 + ?C1P6M6?. The upper molars of Sibirotherium, with two main labial and three lingual cusps, are convergently similar to the molars of tribosphenic mammals. In the dentary, the symphysis is short and Meckel’s groove is reduced. Sibirotherium is similar in the structure of lower teeth to Tegotherium from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia; it is the latest known representative of Docodonta.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among major clades of butterflies and skippers have long been controversial, with no general consensus even today. Such lack of resolution is a substantial impediment to using the otherwise well studied butterflies as a model group in biology. Here we report the results of a combined analysis of DNA sequences from three genes and a morphological data matrix for 57 taxa (3258 characters, 1290 parsimony informative) representing all major lineages from the three putative butterfly super-families (Hedyloidea, Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea), plus out-groups representing other ditrysian Lepidoptera families. Recently, the utility of morphological data as a source of phylogenetic evidence has been debated. We present the first well supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the butterflies and skippers based on a total-evidence analysis of both traditional morphological characters and new molecular characters from three gene regions (COI, EF-1alpha and wingless). All four data partitions show substantial hidden support for the deeper nodes, which emerges only in a combined analysis in which the addition of morphological data plays a crucial role. With the exception of Nymphalidae, the traditionally recognized families are found to be strongly supported monophyletic clades with the following relationships: (Hesperiidae+(Papilionidae+(Pieridae+(Nymphalidae+(Lycaenidae+Riodinidae))))). Nymphalidae is recovered as a monophyletic clade but this clade does not have strong support. Lycaenidae and Riodinidae are sister groups with strong support and we suggest that the latter be given family rank. The position of Pieridae as the sister taxon to nymphalids, lycaenids and riodinids is supported by morphology and the EF-1alpha data but conflicted by the COI and wingless data. Hedylidae are more likely to be related to butterflies and skippers than geometrid moths and appear to be the sister group to Papilionoidea+Hesperioidea.  相似文献   

An almost complete skeleton with partial cranial material (ZMNH-M8739) is recovered from the Early or Middle Jurassic of southwest China. ZMNH-M8739 is identified as a juvenile individual of basal sauropodomorph dinosaur, Yunnanosaurus robustus Young, 1951. The revised diagnoses are as follows: absence of anteroposterior expansion on the medial end of astragalus and dorsoventrally compressed medium shaft of the metatarsal IV. Unfused neural arch and finely grooved long bone surface texture indicate that this individual is in the immature growth stage. ZMNH-M8739 possesses the tooth–tooth wear facet on its mesial maxillary and dentary teeth. However, the distal maxillary teeth have coarse serrations. Such a characteristic dentition could represent a unique feeding mechanism of this animal. Finally, ZMNH-M8739 constitutes a monophyletic group with Y. robustus (holotype), and Y. huangi is nesting this clade in the phylogenetic tree of the present analysis. Comparison of juvenile and adult specimen reveals distinctive growth changes of Y. robustus. This clade is positioned in an unnamed clade at a sister taxon of Sauropoda. Finally, some members of the so-called prosauropod dinosaurs constitute a monophyletic group in the present result.  相似文献   

Probainognathian cynodonts are conspicuous elements of the Assemblage Zones of the Triassic Santa Maria Supersequence in southern Brazil. Within this group, the derived clade Prozostrodontia, in which the crown group Mammalia is included, is taxonomic diverse in the Hyperodapedon and Riograndia AZs. We describe here the second known specimen (CAPPA/UFSM 0123) of Prozostrodon brasiliensis, until now only represented by its holotype. CAPPA/UFSM 0123 includes a right dentary with dentition. As in the holotype of P. brasiliensis, it has four lower incisors, pc4 with conspicuous cusp a, and small cusps b, c, and d, pc5-pc6 of ‘triconodont’ type with cusps a > c > b > d, with continuous lingual cingulum bearing up to six small discrete cusps, length of the lower tooth row more than half the length of the dentary, and relatively deep horizontal ramus of the dentary. The new specimen is about 25% smaller than the holotype and there is not a diastema between the canine and postcanine teeth, indicating its juvenile condition. Based on both known specimens of P. brasiliensis, a discussion on tooth replacement is presented, showing that the adult individual has more postcanine tooth morphotypes than the juvenile one.  相似文献   

We add to the knowledge of the dentition and lower jaw of the primitive marsupial or near marsupial, Kokopellia juddi, based on newly collected materials from the medial Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) of central Utah. The dental formula, i4 c1 p3 m4, is primitive for (or with respect to) Marsupialia, as are a number of features of the dentary and dentition: presence of a labial mandibular foramen, ?an inflected angle, ?and a trace of the meckelian groove; lack of “staggering” of the lower incisor series; lack of “twinning” between entoconid and hypoconulid on lower molars; incompletely lingual position of lower molar paraconid; upper molar protocone relatively small and mesiodistally narrow; and conules placed about halfway between the protocone and the paracone–metacone. Other than the stylocone, cusps are lacking from the stylar shelf; we argue that this represents the primitive marsupial condition based on the economy of character change and the stratigraphic record of marsupials in the Cretaceous of North America. Recent discoveries of early marsupials, eutherians, and therians of metatherian–eutherian grade provide data indicating that some derived features of the dentary and dentition (e.g., loss of coronoid, meckelian groove, and labial mandibular foramen; acquisition of strong, “winged” conules, double rank postvallum/prevallid shearing, and stylar cusp D) probably arose independently, in some cases more than once, among the major groups of tribosphenic mammals. In turn, this suggests that a common ancestor for marsupials and placentals was more primitive than has generally been appreciated.  相似文献   

Iguanodon galvensis is the second valid species in the European and Barremian large-ornithopod genus Iguanodon. In the present work, the I. galvensis holotype and referred material from the lower Barremian of Spain are described and discussed in detail. As a result, emended diagnoses of Iguanodon, I. galvensis and I. bernissartensis are proposed; I. galvensis can now be identified by three autapomorphies in the dentary, ischium and femur as well as a unique combination of characters. Moreover, I. galvensis is compared with other European Early Cretaceous large styracosternans. Finally, a new phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed that resolves Iguanodon (I. bernissartensis, I. galvensis) with the Valanginian Barilium dawsoni into a monophyletic clade (Iguanodontoidea).  相似文献   

The tooth arrangement of hyperodapedontine rhynchosaurs shows clear patterns of morphological derivation, which can be summarized as three main apomorphic trends: the increase in the number of tooth rows lateral to the main maxillary groove, the loss of dental structures (medial groove and lingual teeth) medial to the main maxillary groove, and the loss of dental structures (medial crest and lingual teeth) medial to the main dentary crest. The analysis of these trends from a heterochronic viewpoint reveals that acceleration was the most probable process involved in the increase in number of the lateral maxillary tooth rows, while the loss of the medial structures of the maxilla and dentary seem to be related respectively to neoteny and post-displacement. Both peramorphic and paedomorphic processes are, therefore, thought to have directed the main modifications seen in the tooth arrangement of the hyperodapedontine rhynchosaurs. Heterochrony plays an important role in the evolution of the Late Triassic rhynchosaurs, which are differentiated mainly on the basis of their dental morphology.  相似文献   

The previously unknown enamel microstructure of a variety of Mesozoic and Paleogene mammals ranging from monotremes and docodonts to therians is described and characterized here. The novel information is used to explore the structural diversity of enamel in early mammals and to explore the impact of the new information for systematics. It is presently unclear whether enamel prisms arose several times during mammalian evolution or arose only once with several reversals to prismless structure. At least two undisputed reversions or simplifications are known—in the monotreme clade from Obdurodon to Ornithorhynchus (via Monotrematum?), and (perhaps more than once) within the clade from archaeocete to a variety of odontocete whales. Similarly, both prismatic and nonprismatic enamel is present among docodonts. Seven discrete characters showing enough morphological diversity to be of potential importance in phylogenetic reconstructions may be identified as a more appropriate summary of enamel microstructural diversity among mammaliaforms than the single character “prismatic enamel-present/absent” employed in recent matrices. Inclusion of five of these characters in the matrix of Luo et al. (2002) modifies the original topology by collapsing several nodes involving triconodonts and other nontribosphenic taxa. There is considerable support for prismatic enamel as a synapomorphy of trithelodonts plus Mammaliamorpha, and multituberculates appear to have small or “normal” sized prisms as the ancestral condition, with some (as yet) enigmatic changes to nonprismatic structure in some basal members of the group and the appearance of “gigantoprismatic” structure as an autapomorphic state of less inclusive clades. Other potential qualitative characters and the need for attaining appropriate methods to incorporate quantitative features may be important for future analyses.  相似文献   

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