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小地老虎变态期间马氏管超微结构与酯酶活性的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈长琨  朱荣生 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):284-288
本实验用光镜和电镜观察了小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rottemberg幼虫在变态期间马氏管超微结构的变化及成虫马氏管的重组过程,同时还研究了变态期马氏管酯酶的活性.结果表明:(1)变态期间马氏管外形完整,除至预蛹期隐肾复合体解体外,其余无明显变化.(2)变态期间管壁细胞变化显著.幼虫6龄末期马氏管细胞结构开始变化,主要特点为:细胞质电子密度高,充满了核糖体颗粒,微绒毛萎缩,线粒体从萎缩的微绒毛中退出进入细胞质,基膜内褶破坏.进入预蛹期幼虫马氏管细胞解体:基膜内褶、顶端微绒毛、线粒体及细胞质内的其它细胞器消失,并形成自体吞噬泡,细胞质内仅存细胞核及各种类型的液泡.但是在变态期间因底膜始终存在,故马氏管外形不变;至蛹后期,成虫马氏管细胞在原位重组,基膜内褶由浅变深,微绒毛由短变长,线粒体内嵴从无到有.(3)变态过程中羧酸酯酶和酸性磷酸酯酶的活性变化趋势基本相同,以六龄幼虫最强,预蛹期次之,蛹期最低.  相似文献   

小地老虎马氏管细微结构的特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈长琨  朱荣生 《昆虫学报》1991,34(4):417-420
本文通过光镜和电镜观察,研究了小地老虎grois ypsilon Rottemberg六龄幼虫和成虫马氏管及管壁细胞的形态特点和排泄方式.幼虫马氏管中不同细胞的分泌方式和亚细胞结构有很多差异,端段和中段的马氏管细胞基内褶发达,并发现在隐肾内的端段细胞中,有一类含有大量的线粒体.在幼虫中,胞吐排泄占有重要地位,并观察到有微绒毛顶部胞吐、微绒毛间胞吐和顶膜胞吐三类.成虫马氏管细胞主要有二种类型,即大型的基本细胞和小型的底细胞,前者为主,后者数量较少.基本细胞中存在复杂的液胞系,排泄以排放液胞为主.  相似文献   

徐天瑞  刘晨光 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):283-287
白蜡虫Ericerus Pela的马氏管由两条黄色膨泡串状的端管和一条公共管构成,通过公共管与消化道相连。端管和公共管细胞结构相似,都具有非胶原质的基膜,高度发达的基褶, 长而致密的微绒毛,微绒毛无线粒体插入,细胞质中线粒体少,且随机分布。细胞质的绝大部分为两种矿质-尿酸颗粒结晶所占据,一种为不规则结晶,另一种为轮纹状结晶。白蜡虫马氏管可能发生了合胞化,其排泄方式可能是一种以滞留排泄为主,离子梯度排泄方式为辅的特有的排泄方式。  相似文献   

【目的】果蝇是完全变态昆虫,蛹期经历了幼虫组织解离和成虫组织重塑的过程。本研究旨在利用细胞谱系追踪方法 G-TRACE(Gal4 technique for real-time and clonal expression)这一新的遗传学技术,检测果蝇幼虫后肠肠细胞在蛹期发育过程中是否发生细胞迁移。【方法】采用黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster engrailed-Gal4(en-Gal4)品系和G-TRACE品系杂交,并引入tub-gal80ts控制Gal4的开启时间,分别在果蝇幼虫期和蛹期进行细胞谱系追踪。幼虫期追踪:亲代产卵后将卵置于30℃培养,3龄中期转入18℃培养,成虫羽化1 d内进行检测。蛹期追踪:亲代产卵后将卵置于18℃培养,在蛹期不同发育阶段转入30℃培养,待虫体羽化后检测成虫肠道。【结果】当在果蝇幼虫期启动细胞谱系追踪,在蛹期停止追踪,发现中肠靠近中后肠边界处以及马氏管存在绿色肠细胞。而当在果蝇幼虫期关闭细胞谱系追踪,在蛹期开始追踪,则发现虫体中肠各部位及马氏管分布着绿色肠细胞。en基因在果蝇蛹期肠道中表达。【结论】结果表明,在果蝇蛹形成过程中,后肠的部分肠细胞迁移至中肠和马氏管,参与中肠和马氏管的重塑。本研究对于探索昆虫在变态发育过程中成虫器官的重塑机制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

苏芸金杆菌感染粘虫后中肠组织学病变的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
王程  沙槎云 《昆虫学报》1991,34(1):50-53
本文描述了Bacillus thuringiensis HD-1纯晶体感染粘虫Mythimna separata 5龄初幼虫后,其中肠肠壁细胞的超微结构变化.电镜观察表明:首先线粒体,发生病变,随后,细胞顶部肿胀、胞质电子密度下降,顶部胞质之下的各种细胞器均受损伤.随着病变加重,柱状细胞基膜内褶及杯状细胞质突起,这两个富含线粒体的区域发生病变最为明显.最终,肠壁细胞解体从基膜脱落.  相似文献   

东方粉蝶幼虫有6条马氏管,每条管可以简易地分为四个部分:直肠导,迴肠纲,黄色段和白色段,所有这四个部分首要细胞的顶面都折叠形成微绒毛(特别是迴肠纲,其顶面进一步折叠形成微道),线粒体几乎延伸到微绒毛顶端。在基部,大量基膜折叠形成细胞内管道,向细胞顶部延伸。在细胞质中,有许多线粒体,糙面内质纲和空泡。每一个细胞的细胞核中有一些散的染色质物质,并且外形呈不规则形。在黄色段首要细胞中,有大量证明是由矿物质沉积形成的电子密集颗粒,及猜疑为微孢子原虫的细胞质囊球。上述每段可能具有的功能会在这报告中讨论。  相似文献   

小地老虎变态期脂肪体变化及保幼激素类似物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)从四龄幼虫开始经预蛹和蛹的变态期及羽化为成虫后的脂肪体出现的超微结构变化,蛋白质含量的变动,以及蛋白质颗粒的形成和消失过程,进行了系统观察和组织化学分析。结果表明:(1)在幼虫期的后期,脂肪体扩大成宽带状,细胞体积增大的同时出现双核和多核。进入预蛹期,细胞内开始出现嗜碱性“蛋白质颗粒”,血细胞吞噬部分脂肪体细胞。蛹龄一天时,脂肪体转变成块状,细胞内充满大型蛋白质颗粒。在蛹龄5—10天内,“幼虫脂肪体”逐步崩解,围膜及细胞膜消失。至蛹龄12天时转变为预成虫,脂肪体细胞重新出现,并以气管分支为中心聚合成花朵状圆球体,再组成串状“成虫脂肪体”,仍充满蛋白质颗粒。幼虫期发达的粗面内质网和线粒体,至预蛹期则衰变成几种类型的蛋白质颗粒。(2)六龄幼虫在1—5日龄期间,每克脂肪体的蛋白质含量稳定在7.1—8.4毫克之间,随后逐步升高,至预蛹期达16.3毫克的峰值。蛹初期,雄蛹和雌蛹的含量分别增高到预蛹期的1.63和2.4倍。但在蛹龄2—8天内迅速下降到六龄幼虫期的水平。至蛹龄9—13天时间(包括预成虫),含量又突然猛增,雌蛹尤为显著。蛹期脂肪体细胞充满着的几种蛋白质颗粒,在羽化为成虫后的24小时内全部消失。在六龄幼虫期用保幼激素类似物ZR-515(20微克)作体壁处理,可使幼虫期延长4天,并使九日龄幼虫的脂肪体仍保持幼虫型状态。  相似文献   

利翠英 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):138-141
本研究叙述蓖麻蚕Philosamia cythia ricini四龄及五龄幼虫前胸腺蜕皮激素分泌活动各不同时期所显示的腺细胞超微结构变化.从幼虫蜕皮后至进入眠期之间的腺细胞结构可分为三个时期,(1)不活动期:细胞核呈圆形,核内密布染色质及核仁,细胞质内有结构完整的线粒体、粗面及滑面内质网、核糖体和高尔基氏体;细胞外围的细胞间区内有许多小囊泡及多泡囊.(2)活动期:细胞结构变化为细胞核膜出现内陷、外突,形成波浪形的核周膜;线粒体变形,出现内嵴稀疏的空心线粒体.(3)激素释放期:细胞核变形,形成若干长短不一向外伸出的指状突,有些伸达细胞边缘;其余细胞器退化,其后仅余残缺的高尔基氏体,稀疏的核糖体,线粒体的内崤逐渐消失,成为空腔扩大的及空腔内藏“膜轮”的线粒体,和一些溶解体及大形“膜轮”.  相似文献   

大突肩瓢虫5ynonycha grandis(Thunberg)在云南开远1年发生4代,以成虫在蔗茎老叶鞘内越冬.日均温26.6~27.8℃下,卵期3~4天,幼虫期9~12天,预蛹期1天,蛹期4~5天,成虫产卵前期20~25天,1个世代历期37~46天;日均温24.5~25.5℃下,卵期5~9天,幼虫期14~21天,预蛹期1~2天,蛹期5~8天,成虫产卵前期25~30天,1个世代历期45~55天.(第4代)(越冬代)各虫态历期延长,全代历期长达250余天.成虫、幼虫均捕食甘蔗绵蚜.大突肩瓢虫田间种群动态:6月初开始在蔗田出现,8~10月种群数量明显增长,11月间形成高峰,12月开始越冬.  相似文献   

蓖麻蚕个体发育中蜕皮甾类滴度的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定了蓖麻蚕(Philosamia cynthia rieini)从卵期到成虫个体发育整个过程的蜕皮甾类(MH)水平.卵期在6天时有一个MH峰.一龄到四龄各龄均有一个MH峰,出现在停食前一天,导致幼虫蜕皮.五龄期有两个MF峰.第一个小峰出现在第三天,使进食的幼虫向预蛹转化;第二个高峰在上簇两天后,导致蛹表皮的形成.与其它鳞翅目昆虫一样,蛹期只有一个MH峰,发生在蛹期的前半段.成虫期血淋巴内MH含量很低.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in Malpighian tubule cell structure.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J S Ryerse 《Tissue & cell》1979,11(3):533-551
Structural changes which occur in the Malpighian tubule yellow region primary cells during larval-pupal-adult development of the skipper butterfly Calpodes ethlius are described. The developmental changes in cell structure are correlated with functional changes in fluid transport (Ryerse, 1978a) in a way which supports osmotic gradient models of fluid secretion. Larval tubules are specialized for fluid secretion with deep basal infolds and elongate mitochondria-containing apical microvilli which provide channels in which osmotic gradients could be set up. The Malpighian tubule cells are extensively remodelled at pupation when fluid transport is switched off, but they persist intact through metamorphosis. At this time, the basement membrane doubles in thickness, the mitochondria are retracted from the microvilli and are isolated for degradation in autophagic vacuoles, and both apical and basal plasma membranes are internalized via coated vesicles for degradation in multivesicular bodies, which results in the shortening of the microville and the disappearance of the basal infolds. Mitochondria are re-inserted into the microvilli, and the basal infolds re-form in pharate adult stage Malpighian tubules when fluid secretion resumes. Adult tubules are similar in general structure to larval tubules and contain mitochondria in the microvilli and basal infolds. However, they differ from larval tubules in that they are capable of very rapid fluid transport, have a reduced tubule diameter and tubule wall thickness, a much thicker basement membrane and peripherally associated tracheoles. Mineral concretions of calcium phosphate accumulate in larval tubules, persist through metamorphosis and decline in number in adults, suggesting they serve some anabolic role.  相似文献   

The honeybee Apis mellifera has ecological and economic importance; however, it experiences a population decline, perhaps due to exposure to toxic compounds, which are excreted by Malpighian tubules. During metamorphosis of A. mellifera, the Malpighian tubules degenerate and are formed de novo. The objective of this work was to verify the cellular events of the Malpighian tubule renewal in the metamorphosis, which are the gradual steps of cell remodeling, determining different cell types and their roles in the excretory activity in A. mellifera. Immunofluorescence and ultrastructural analyses showed that the cells of the larval Malpighian tubules degenerate by apoptosis and autophagy, and the new Malpighian tubules are formed by cell proliferation. The ultrastructure of the cells in the Malpighian tubules suggest that cellular remodeling only occurs from dark-brown-eyed pupae, indicating the onset of excretion activity in pupal Malpighian tubules. In adult forager workers, two cell types occur in the Malpighian tubules, one with ultrastructural features (abundance of mitochondria, vacuoles, microvilli, and narrow basal labyrinth) for primary urine production and another cell type with dilated basal labyrinth, long microvilli, and absence of spherocrystals, which suggest a role in primary urine re-absorpotion. This study suggests that during the metamorphosis, Malpighian tubules are non-functional until the light-brown-eyed pupae, indicating that A. mellifera may be more vulnerable to toxic compounds at early pupal stages. In addition, cell ultrastructure suggests that the Malpighian tubules may be functional from dark-brown-eyed pupae and acquire greater complexity in the forager worker bee.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules of Calliphora are described, emphasizing the possible role of surface specializations in solute-linked water transport. The tubules are composed of two cell types, primary and stellate, intermingling along the tubule length. The primary cells have long narrow basal infoldings and a microvillate luminal border, both intimately associated with mitochondria. The stellate cells have shorter and wider basal infoldings and their apical microvilli do not contain mitochondria. Application of the standing gradient hypothesis to this sytem provides a model for urine formation in which the local gradients for osmotic water flow occur within the long narrow channels of the basal infolds and microvilli of the primary cells. Stellate cells may modify the initial secretion by reabsorbing sodium.  相似文献   

Drosophila metamorphosis is characterized by the histolysis of larval structures by programmed cell death, which paves the way for the establishment of adult-specific structures under the influence of the steroid hormone ecdysone. Malpighian tubules function as an excretory system and are one of the larval structures that are not destroyed during metamorphosis and are carried over to adulthood. The pupal Malpighian tubules evade destruction in spite of expressing apoptotic proteins, Reaper, Hid, Grim, Dronc and Drice. Here we show that in the Malpighian tubules expression of apoptotic proteins commences right from embryonic development and continues throughout the larval stages. Overexpression of these proteins in the Malpighian tubules causes larval lethality resulting in malformed tubules. The number and regular organization of principal and stellate cells of Malpighian tubules is disturbed, in turn disrupting the physiological functioning of the tubules as well. Strikingly, the localization of beta-tubulin, F-actin and Disclarge (Dlg) is also disrupted. These results suggest that the apoptotic proteins could be having non-apoptotic function in the development of Malpighian tubules.  相似文献   

M S Jarial 《Tissue & cell》1988,20(3):355-380
The larval Malpighian tubules of Chironomus tentans were studied using light and electron microscopy. The tubules are composed of two cell types: primary and stellate cells. Both cell types lack muscles, tracheoles, and laminate crystals in the cytoplasm and mitochondria in the microvilli. The primary cells exhibit long, wide basal membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria. They have a number of canaliculi and long, closely packed microvilli. The stellate cells possess shorter interconnecting basal infoldings and shorter, well-spaced microvilli. Both cell types are linked by septate and gap junctions. They have cytoplasmic processes and pedicels which enclose narrow slits between them and that are apposed to a basal lamella. In the 'fed' larva, the cells are stuffed with glycogen which is depleted in the 'starved' larva. Both cell types are involved in the vesicular transport of biliverdin. The presence of coated vesicles, tubular elements and various forms of lysosomes in the primary cells suggests they transport and break down functional hemoglobin. Structural modification of basal infoldings, canaliculi and microvilli is strongly correlated with increased secretory activity of the Malpighian tubules in 'fed' versus 'starved' larva.  相似文献   

R.S. Sohal 《Tissue & cell》1974,6(4):719-728
The epithelium of the Malpighian tubules in the housefly is comprised of four distinct cellular types. Type I cells are characterized by the presence of intimate associations between infoldings of basal plasma membrane and mitochondria. On the luminal surface, cytoplasm is extended into microvilli which contain mitochondria. Membrane-bound vacuoles in the cytoplasm seem to progressively accumulate granular material. Type II cells have dilated canaliculi. Microvilli lack mitochondria. The Type III cell has not been reported previously in Malpighian tubules. It has very well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum which contains intracisternal bundles of tubules. Cytoplasm contains numerous electron dense bodies. Type IV cells occur in the common duct region of the Malpighian tubules. Mitochondria do not extend into the microvilli.  相似文献   

Abstract Gross anatomy, ultrastructure, innervation and ultrastructural alterations of the prothoracic gland (PTG) of cotton bollworm, Helicover pa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are illustrated for the last larval and early pupal stages as observed by light and electron microscopy. The T-shaped, paired (PTGs) consist each of 76–116 cells which are classified morphologically as large and small gland cells. In addition, another kind of small (about 6μ in diameter) gland cell was found in the PTGs of last instar larvae. The PTGs are innervated by the branches of 3 nerves! and tracheae and tracheoles are abundantly distributed to these glands. PTGs disappeared completely by the third day after ecdysis to the pupal stage (at temperature 28 C with a photoperiod L15:D9). An intercellular channel system (ICS) is formed by numerous, deep invaginations of the plasma membrane of gland cells. This ICS gradually increases in depth and width and reaches maximum development around the time of the major ecdysteroid secretion peak during the last larval instar. Numerous multivesicular sacs (MVS) with their remnants and an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum were observed within ICS and cytoplasm, respectively, on the fourth day of the last larval instar. At that time the matrix of mitochondria became much more electron lucent. Freeze-fracture replicas of the glandular epithelium were made from last instar (4th day larvae. Dynamics of structure are related to data from others concerning secretory states of the prothoracic glands of this species.  相似文献   

The potential for ecdysone metabolism was determined for various larval tissues of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Homogenates of fat body, midguts, and Malpighian tubules, taken on different days during the second half of the fifth instar, were incubated with [(3)H]ecdysone, and the products were analyzed by reversed-phase and normal-phase HPLC. All tissues showed conversion to 20-hydroxyecdysone, and midguts also produced 3-epiecdysone. Ecdysone 20-monooxygenase (E20MO) activity in the fat body increased from a low level on day 5 to a peak on day 11, coinciding with the peak in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer on the penultimate day of the instar. Midguts and Malpighian tubules showed E20MO activity only during the last 3 or 4days of the instar, with the highest activity also occurring on the penultimate day. For the midguts, the appearance of the E20MO coincided with the transition from larval to pupal tissue. No activity was detected in larval midguts. 3-Epiecdysone formation, however, was mainly found in larval midguts, with only marginal activity detectable in pupal midguts.  相似文献   

In this study effects of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) on Malpighian tubule cells of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) larvae was investigated by electron microscopy. 3 mg/l Btk was given with food. After Btk administration, the Malpighian tubule cells were investigated and compared with a control group. 3 and 6 hrs after Btk administration swelling in Malpighian tubule cells was observed. Swelling of mitochondria and separation of their cristae was seen after 12 hrs. After 24 hrs dissolution of the basal cytoplasm, swelling and vacuolization of all mitochondria, partial dissolution of the nucleoplasm, and swelling and separation ofmicrovilli was documented. A membrane-body in the nucleus was seen after 48 hrs. The nucleoplasm was completely dissolved after 72 hrs and after 96 hrs large vacuoles appeared in the cytoplasm and shortening of microvilli was observed.  相似文献   

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