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研究了不同龄期大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita幼虫(蛴螬)的活动规律及其对6种农作物幼苗根部的取食趋性。大黑蛴螬的活动规律结果表明:各龄期大黑蛴螬均易趋向于幼苗根部寻找食物。采用双因素方差分析法研究取食时间和幼苗种类对大黑蛴螬取食趋性的影响。结果显示:除二龄外,一、三龄大黑蛴螬3 d后和6 d后在幼苗根部的虫量没有显著性差异;而在不同幼苗根部,各龄期大黑蛴螬的虫量均存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

大别山山地次生林鸟类群落集团结构的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2007年12月—2008年12月,在大别山鹞落坪,对落叶阔叶次生林鸟类的集团结构的季节变化特征进行了研究。采用连续取样法采集鸟类取食行为数据,用聚类分析法对繁殖和非繁殖季节鸟类群落进行集团划分,通过无倾向对应分析(DCA)对32种森林鸟类的两个季节资源利用特点进行了研究。结果表明,鸟类群落在非繁殖季节可以分为地面、灌丛、树干(枝)、冠层等4个取食集团,而在繁殖季节还出现空中取食集团;候鸟影响鹞落坪次生林鸟类群落取食集团的结构,产生新的取食集团。DCA的第一轴主要代表鸟类取食高度信息,第二轴主要代表鸟类取食位置信息,第三轴代表鸟类取食方式和取食基质信息;用DCA前两轴对32种鸟类排序表明,有6种鸟主要在第一轴发生变化,有4种鸟主要在第二轴发生变化。  相似文献   

新疆柽柳林地昆虫群落取食功能团结构及物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孟玲  李保平 《生态学杂志》2006,25(2):189-193
用网捕和手捕法对不同季节新疆北部大小不同的阜康和呼图壁柽柳林地昆虫和螨进行了采集调查,采到标本52 066头,隶属11个目、50科、近100种.根据营养级和取食方式归类出捕食者、寄生者、剥食者、吸食者、食花和种籽者、造瘿者和游历者等取食功能团.连续分布的阜康林地的总物种数多于孤立斑块的呼图壁林地,其中53种为两林地共有种.两林地各取食功能团物种数在群落中的比例基本相同,剥食、吸食和捕食性昆虫等取食功能团各约占群落总物种数的1/5以上.吸食和造瘿昆虫(螨)等个体数量在各时期均高于其他取食功能团,其次是剥食性的昆虫.在任一季节占昆虫群落总个体数量25%以上的物种有柽柳瘤瘿螨、柽柳白盾蚧、毛尾柽瘿蚊等,占5%~10%的物种有斯氏伞锥象、埃及柽麦蛾和柽柳条叶甲等.阜康林地昆虫群落的均匀度(J)和多样性(H')等指数在季节前期和中期均高于呼图壁林地,但在后期则低于呼图壁林地,其优势度指数均低于呼图壁林地.  相似文献   

电子取食监测仪在植物抗虫性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要综述了电子取食监测仪在植物对同翅目昆虫抗虫性研究中的应用情况.利用电子取食监测仪可监测同翅目昆虫(蚜虫、飞虱、叶蝉、蓟马、粉虱等)在不同抗、感虫品种上的取食行为,并根据取食行为参数如刺探频率、唾液分泌时间、韧皮部取食时间等在不同抗、感品种上的差异来区别品种的抗、感虫特性和确定抗虫因子存在的部位.  相似文献   

江红  蔡永立  李恺  王红  王亮 《生态学杂志》2005,24(9):989-993
在浙江天童常绿阔叶林中随机选择10株石栎(Lithocarpus glaber)大树,每株选择冠层向阳枝条2枝,取其所有成熟叶片(2332片)对昆虫取食状类型和取食强度进行了分析。结果表明,石栎叶片昆虫取食状类型多样,计有15种,但出现频度有很大不同;顶食状和缘食状的频度分别在30%以上;切叶状、连续小孔状和大孔状的频度在10%~30%:小孔状、阴面食状、叶中脉、泡状的频度在6.4%~1.5%;其余6种类型的频度〈1%。对叶片的危害程度取决于取食面积和频度,顶食状等3种类型频度高、取食面积大,对叶片的危害重;而阴面食状等11种类型取食面积较小,频度低,对叶片的危害较小;连续小孔状尽管取食频度高,但取食面积小,对叶片的危害也小。连续小孔状和切叶状之间存在显著正相关,但连续小孔食状与阴面食状之间,切叶状、连续小孔食状与小孔食状之间则存显著负相关,其它取食状之间均没有显著相关性,反映出不同昆虫类型的取食生态位关系。石栎叶片昆虫取食率为13.6%,介于温带森林和热带森林之间;但石栎叶片的昆虫取食频率64%,小于辽东栎,可能是由于防御机制上的差异所至;此外,石栎叶片昆虫取食强度还受到植株本身因素和小生境等因素的影响。  相似文献   

辽东栎叶片昆虫取食形状多样性及其变化模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
取食辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)叶片的植食性昆虫有丰富的多样性和重要的生态功能,昆虫取食叶片留下的形状变化多,易观察,可以作为昆虫物种多样性监测的手段之一。研究北京西部东灵山地区辽东栎叶片被植食性昆虫取食状况,发现昆虫对辽东栎叶片的危害非常普遍,叶片被食频率约为90%,被食面积约5%,取食状可分为9类,其中以缘食和孔食为主,共记录20余种植性昆虫,其中蛾类幼虫和甲虫是主要取食种类,植食性昆虫集中出现在叶片发育的早期阶段(5-6月份),7月份后,大多数幼虫发育成熟,取食叶片的面积减少。各取食状所涉及昆虫种类的组成不同,面积呈不同的季节变化模式,其中缘食状和孔食状之间有显著的正相关关系;辽东栎叶片在展叶初的叶面积最低,在7月底均达到最大值,然后呈下降趋势,单位面积重量也在展叶初最低,在6月底接近最大值,不同坡向的辽东栎林和叶片面积,单位面积重量及叶片被食面积均有显著差异,偏阳坡(东南坡) 高于偏阴坡(西北坡)。以上结果表明,辽东栎叶片维持了昆虫物种多样性,昆虫的生长发育与辽东栎的物候规律相互协调,昆虫种类的取食呈季节和空间变化。  相似文献   

2009年11月至2011年2月,在江苏省南京市观察到黑尾蜡嘴雀冬季取食12种树木的果实及种子。该鸟通常咬破果皮或种皮,取食种子的胚和胚乳等营养物质,为种子捕食者。由于其他一些食果鸟类也同期取食有关树木的果实,并传播其种子,黑尾蜡嘴雀的取食对这些树木的种子传播的影响是有限的。在初冬季节,黑尾蜡嘴雀常在树冠层取食果实,而在深冬季节,则主要在地表取食落果。黑尾蜡嘴雀能够咬碎枫杨等坚果的坚硬果皮,可为一起在地表觅食的麻雀取食种子碎屑物提供便利条件。黑尾蜡嘴雀与麻雀之间的偏利取食关系属于首次报道。文中对于城市环境管理中合理利用树木落果,为黑尾蜡嘴雀等鸟类提供越冬食物等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是一种多食性昆虫,为明确该害虫对不同寄主的选择性和适生性,本文比较了草地贪夜蛾对玉米Zea mays、豇豆Vigna unguiculata和四季豆Phaseolus vulgaris等3种寄主的取食及产卵偏好性,并分析了取食不同寄主对其生长发育及繁殖的影响。结果表明:草地贪夜蛾低龄幼虫(初孵幼虫和2龄)对玉米叶和豇豆叶表现出取食偏好性,而高龄幼虫(3龄和5龄)对3种寄主不同组织的取食选择性无明显差异;草地贪夜蛾取食3种寄主植物均可以完成世代发育,但取食豇豆叶和四季豆叶的幼虫历期、蛹历期显著变短,化蛹率、羽化率显著降低;取食豇豆叶对其蛹重、成虫寿命无显著影响,但取食四季豆叶的蛹重显著变轻、雄成虫寿命显著变短;种群生命表参数显示,草地贪夜蛾在3种寄主上的繁殖力表现为玉米叶(1 138.29)>豇豆叶(1 179.00)>四季豆叶(585.50),处理间差异显著;取食2种非嗜好寄主的种群内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)均显著降低,平均世代历期(T)显著延长,取食豇豆叶的雌雄性比显著降低;草地贪夜蛾对寄主玉米具有明显的产卵偏好性,选择豇豆和四季豆的产卵量仅占植物着卵量的4.19%和18.23%,显著低于玉米着卵量。结果表明草地贪夜蛾偏好选择玉米进行取食和产卵,但在豇豆和四季豆寄主植物上可以实现种群繁衍,当其种群密度大时存在转移为害豇豆和四季豆的潜在风险。  相似文献   

王斌  陈凌  张天澍  蔡永立  李恺 《昆虫知识》2012,49(3):742-746
本文对思茅新木蛾Neospastis simaona Wang幼虫的取食行为、取食偏好性以及明暗条件对其取食量的影响进行了观察研究,为该昆虫的防治提供了理论依据。研究结果表明:思茅新木蛾幼虫随着龄期的增加,取食次数增多,取食总时间增加,但一次取食时间无明显变化;思茅新木蛾幼虫对木荷(Schima superba)有强烈嗜食性,4龄幼虫喜食木荷幼叶,5、6龄幼虫对木荷幼叶、成熟叶无明显偏好性;明暗条件对思茅新木蛾4至6龄幼虫的取食量没有显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

本文对思茅新木蛾Neospastis simaona Wang幼虫的取食行为、取食偏好性以及明暗条件对其取食量的影响进行了观察研究,为该昆虫的防治提供了理论依据.研究结果表明:思茅新木蛾幼虫随着龄期的增加,取食次数增多,取食总时间增加,但一次取食时间无明显变化;思茅新木蛾幼虫对木荷(Schima superba)有强烈嗜食性,4龄幼虫喜食木荷幼叶,5、6龄幼虫对木荷幼叶、成熟叶无明显偏好性;明暗条件对思茅新木蛾4至6龄幼虫的取食量没有显著影响(P>0.05).  相似文献   

S. M. PERCIVAL  P. R. EVANS 《Ibis》1997,139(1):121-128
Brent Geese Branta bernicla wintering at Lindisfarne, northeastern England, fed almost exclusively on intertidal habitats. Their main food supply was two species of Eelgrass Zostera noltii and Zostera angustifolia. Although abundant when the birds arrived in September, this Zostera was rapidly depleted during the period October-December. Brent Goose food intake rate declined with the decreasing food supply, and the birds responded by extending the time that they spent feeding. When it was no longer possible to extend the time spent feeding (i.e. they were feeding for all of the time that the food supply was available to them), they moved away from the site. The geese fed extensively at night in order to achieve their daily feeding requirements, especially later in the season. Conversion of daily food intake to energetic intake suggested that there may have been an energetic trigger acting: the geese left the site when they were unable to satisfy their basic energy demand. No evidence was found for direct interference competition between Brent Geese and the other grazer in the system, Wigeon Anas penelope: the two species showed no spatial segregation in their feeding areas at the scale investigated nor any temporal avoidance of each other.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was carried out on the feeding ecology of patas monkeys in the rainy season in Cameroon. Their daily activity rhythm revealed two active peaks. The proportion of time spent on feeding with respect to waking time was 30%. Patas monkeys largely depended on the flowers and buds of herbaceous plants and the larvae of insects for their diet as they ranged widely. Patas monkeys spent more time in feeding and travelled for a longer distance per day than the sympatric primate species, the tantalus monkey. It is considered that these findings reflected the large amount of food requirement due to the large body size, as well as the low density and high degree of dispersal of their food.  相似文献   


The food resources of rooks were measured and related to changes in the birds' feeding behaviour during 1968-1970. In all, 381 birds were individually marked with wing tags and colour-coded leg bands and released; their activities were recorded for set periods. Rooks preferred to eat invertebrates and walnuts, but also took seed of cereals, pulses, and stock feeds. They spent at least 40% of their feeding time (75-80% in spring) eating invertebrates, 30-60% finding or hiding walnuts and sometimes acorns in autumn and winter, and 45% eating seed during hot, dry weather in summer. Up to 6% of feeding time was spent eating newly sown or ripening seed. Throughout winter rooks frequently searched for hidden nuts, which they ate or moved to new positions. The proportion of time they spent feeding and the kind of food taken varied seasonally and, in summer and winter, hourly; there were only slight differences between morning, mid-day, and afternoon periods. Rooks spent 65% of the time feeding in autumn, but only 25-30% in spring. Conversely, they spent longer at nest sites from late autumn, peaking at 60% in spring, then less time at nests as they spent longer searching for food. The size of flocks altered with the food being eaten and therefore with season and time of day. Small flocks were widespread where favoured food was plentiful in autumn, winter, and spring, but flocks were larger where food was unevenly abundant in summer and sometimes in winter. During early autumn each bird usually ate and stored walnuts in a selected area of 1-2 km3, returning there later in the season to recover stored nuts. The areas formed only part of the total range used by the study population, and were usually shared with other birds. Tests in aviaries showed that rooks preferred earthworms and walnuts to acorns, maize, and wheat (in that order), and field tests confirmed that rooks preferred walnuts to maize. The numbers of each food item required to sustain a rook for a daylight hour were estimated. Summer is the most difficult season for rooks to find food.  相似文献   

Weis  Judith S.  Weis  Peddrick 《Hydrobiologia》2004,523(1-3):47-58
We studied the behaviors of four species of sympatric fiddler crabs on Kaledupa Island, Indonesia. Species differences in activity level, grooming, burrowing and feeding were related to their habitat and food. Uca chlorophthalmus, living in muddy mangrove areas, were inactive and spent most of the time feeding in place. Females fed 50% faster than males and spent more time feeding. U. vocans was the dominant species at the beach in silty sand and was very active. Its feeding rate was about twice that of the former species, females fed more rapidly than males, and many crabs of both sexes fed in droves at the water’s edge during ebb tides. During ebb tides, they spent most of their time feeding, while at flood tide they engaged in a greater variety of activities, including burrow maintenance. They frequently walked while feeding and interacted aggressively. U. tetragonon lived in a pebbly band along one edge of the beach, by a quay. Their feeding rate was comparable in both sexes and slower than that of U. vocans; they fed largely on filamentous algae growing on the quay, which provides better food, and fed faster during flood tide than ebb tide. They spent more time in waving and other sex-related activities, and were seldom aggressive, except during the week of the full moon. Burrowing activities included placing excavated mud balls some distance away from their burrows and re-arranging them. U. dussumieri inhabited the other end of the beach in muddier substrate. They did not have sex differences in feeding rates and their rate of scooping food into their mouths was slow, but feeding claws made multiple pinches of the substrate, thus accumulating more material in each clawful of food.  相似文献   

邦亮东黑冠长臂猿日食性与活动节律的季节性变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日食性变化和活动节律是动物行为的重要方面,通过对日食性变化与活动节律的研究,可以了解食物、温度和光照时间等环境因素的变化对动物行为的影响,以及动物在行为上的应对策略。2009 年1 -12 月,在广西靖西县邦亮东部黑冠长臂猿自治区级自然保护区内,采用瞬时扫描取样法对2 群东黑冠长臂猿觅食行为和活动节律进行了研究。结果显示,东黑冠长臂猿的活动和食性在旱季和雨季都具有明显的节律。鸣叫只发生在12:00之前,但旱季的鸣叫时间偏晚。在日节律上,东黑冠长臂猿在离开过夜树后和进入过夜树前各有一个取食高峰,07:00 喜欢取食果实和无花果,16:00 也选择更多的果实,但无花果较少,13:00 - 15:00 取食更多的叶和芽。在10:00 - 12:00,其用于休息和社会活动的时间增加。在雨季,东黑冠长臂猿以果实和无花果为主要食物,并且花大量时间觅食无脊椎动物;但在旱季,其食物以叶和芽为主。与之相适应,东黑冠长臂猿在旱季通过减少移动增加休息来节约能量开支和应对低温,同时它们增加取食的时间以获得等价的能量和营养。雨季时社会行为的比例明显高于旱季,而且其高峰出现在08:00 - 10:00,但旱季社会行为主要出现在11:00 - 14:00。在雨季东黑冠长臂猿没有出现休息高峰,相反在旱季10:00 左右出现一个明显的休息高峰。上述行为节律体现了东黑冠长臂猿对环境季节性变化的良好适应,使其能够在寒冷并且退化的喀斯特森林中生存繁衍。  相似文献   

Grazing catfish,fishing birds,and attached algae in a Panamanian stream   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Synopsis In streams where algivorous fishes abound, striking variation of attached algae often develops along depth gradients, with bands of high standing crops in shallow water (<20 cm) and sparse standing crops on deeper substrates. Experimental results from a stream in central Panama support the hypothesis that vertical variation in algal standing crops arises when grazing fishes avoid predators in shallow water by forgoing food resources that accumulate there. When 38 rocks bearing algae in a stream in central Panama were transferred from shallow (<20 cm) to deeper (>20 cm) water, algae were rapidly consumed by grazing catfish. Catfish were removed from three stream pools and left in place in three control pools. Ten days after catfish removal, algal standing crops in deep and shallow areas of removal pools were similar, while algal standing crops were higher in shallow than in deep areas of control pools. Catfish were exposed to fishing birds in open-topped enclosures. In one of three series of these pens, most catfish in shallow pens (10 and 20 cm) disappeared after 14 days, while catfish in deeper pens (30 and 50 cm) did not. Other groups of catfish which were caged 8 days showed differences in behavior depending on whether they had been fed or starved. After their release into their home pool, starved catfish spent more time feeding than did fed catfish. Despite their apparently increased hunger levels, starved catfish did not venture into shallow water to obtain algae. These results support the view that predator induced avoidance by grazers of certain areas can produce spatial pattern in the flora of flowing water communities.  相似文献   

Activity patterns and time budgets are 2 important aspects of animal behavior that researchers use to investigate ecological influences on individual behavior. We collected data on activity patterns and time budgets in 1 group of François’ langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi) from August 2003 to July 2004 in the Nonggang Nature Reserve, Guangxi Province, China, via instantaneous scan sampling method with 15-min intervals. The diurnal activity pattern of François’ langurs showed morning and afternoon feeding peaks, with a midday resting peak. Seasonal change was apparent in the activity pattern: 2 significant feeding peaks occurred in the dry season and only 1 significant feeding peak in the rainy season. The group spent an average of 51.5% of the daytime resting. Feeding and moving accounted on average for 23.1% and 17.3% of the activity budget, respectively. Subjects spent little time on social activities, averaging 2% for grooming and 5.5% for playing. Their time budgets showed significant seasonal variation: they spent a greater proportion of time on feeding and less time on resting and grooming in the dry season than in the rainy season. They also differed among different sex-age classes: immatures spent more time playing, whereas adults devoted more time to resting, feeding, and grooming. Correlations between time budgets and food items or food availability clearly indicated that François’ langurs might adopt an energy-maximizing strategy when preferred foods were scarce in the dry season.  相似文献   

Field observations suggest that the diet of the Malagasy gray mouse lemur consists not only of non-stationary animal prey (invertebrates or small vertebrates), but also of stationary food resources such as gum or homopteran larvae secretions (HLS). We studied the foraging behavior of five mouse lemurs radiotelemetrically, each during six consecutive nights in the dry season, to explore to which extent they use these food resources and whether there is evidence for their relocation. We found that animals used all three different food categories. Mouse lemurs fed on gums and spent 68.5% (range 20.1-99.7%) of their feeding time eating this item. They were observed eating HLS in 8.4% (range 0-71.5%) of the feeding time and consuming small animals in 8.4% (range 0.3-26%) of their feeding time. The animals relocated stationary feeding sites significantly more frequently than non-stationary ones. They revisited the relocated stationary food sites about five times over the six nights. Furthermore, departure directions when leaving the sleeping site at dusk were not randomly distributed but showed a preferred orientation. Altogether, we provided first evidence for the relocation of stationary food resources in nature and thereby for the potential significance of spatial memory during foraging in a strepsirhine primate.  相似文献   

The diet and activity of a population of Alouatta pigra were compared before and immediately after a major hurricane to begin to explore how the monkeys cope with severe habitat destruction. Focal animal data were collected from January to April (dry season) for two seasons before (368 h) and one season after the storm (149 h) on a population of black howlers in Monkey River, Belize. During the first dry season after the storm, the monkeys changed their diet in direct accordance with the availability of food. The absence of fruit and flower production and the increase in new leaf availability forced the monkeys to adopt a completely folivorous diet. The activity budget of the monkeys also changed, and they spent more time inactive, which may be linked to the change in the distribution and type of food available. They also spent less time in social interactions, which may be due to the lower number of juveniles in the population or to the formation of new groups between unfamiliar individuals following the hurricane. The ability to live for long periods of time on leaves alone has allowed the remaining population to survive in the short term.  相似文献   

N. B. DAVIES  A. LUNDBERG 《Ibis》1985,127(1):100-110
In two years, we provided some female Dunnocks with extra food from January through to July. In one year fed females bred ten days earlier than controls and in another year they bred 22 days earlier, but in neither year did they lay larger clutches. Matched comparisons of the same females on the same territories, who had food in one year but not in the other, showed the same effects. Within both feeder and control females, the earliest breeders were those which had spent more time perching in late winter. Perching time may be a good measure of the time an individual has available above that needed for self maintenance. Therefore females who spent more time perching may have been those first able to cross the threshold of extra time needed for the start of breeding activities.  相似文献   

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