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植物种群的空间格局是植物与环境协同适应的结果,体现了植物种群的生活史对策。采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡选择未退化(Ⅰ)、轻度退化(Ⅱ)、中度退化(Ⅲ)和重度退化(Ⅳ)4种高寒草地,研究了甘肃棘豆(Oxytropis kansuensis)种群小尺度格局的空间异质性。结果表明:随着天然草地退化程度的加剧,甘肃棘豆种群高度、盖度、地上生物量和密度增大,小株丛(一级)比例逐渐减小,大株丛(二、三级)比例逐渐增大;甘肃棘豆的分布格局表现出与尺度关联的变化趋势,在未退化(梯度Ⅰ)和轻度退化(梯度Ⅱ)草地,甘肃棘豆种群在较小尺度上表现为聚集分布,较大尺度上表现为随机分布;在中度(梯度Ⅲ)和重度(梯度Ⅳ)退化草地,种群空间分布格局则表现出相异的格局特征。随着草地退化程度加剧,甘肃棘豆种群的聚集分布格局由小尺度转向较大尺度,体现了植物种群的扩散和更新策略。  相似文献   

赵成章  任珩  盛亚萍  高福元  石福习 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6388-6395
种群空间格局是种群自身特性、种间相互关系及环境条件综合作用的结果。采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡选择未退化、轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化等4种高寒草地,分析了阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)种群斑块特征、株丛结构和点格局特征。结果表明:阿尔泰针茅在衰退过程中种群密度和种群领地面积减小,空斑面积增大,领地密度先增大后减小,小株丛(株丛径0.1-1.0 cm)比例增加,大株丛(株丛径2.1-7.0 cm)比例减小;不同草地梯度中阿尔泰针茅种群的空间格局存在明显差异:未退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-64 cm尺度上为均匀分布,64-100 cm尺度上为随机分布;中度退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-70 cm尺度上为随机分布,而在70-100 cm尺度上为聚集分布;轻度退化和重度退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-100 cm尺度上均为随机分布。在放牧干扰和种间竞争作用下,阿尔泰针茅种群斑块从中心开始破碎,并逐渐向四周辐散,引起小尺度上种群斑块间分布格局出现"随机分布-聚集分布-随机分布"转变,促使原有斑块被分割为多个直径较小的"岛"状小斑块并进一步分化,最终种群斑块完全破碎、草毡层逐步消失,从而造成阿尔泰针茅种群的衰退。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔对小嵩草草甸的破坏及其防治   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
刘伟  王溪  周立  周华坤 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):214-219
1997~2000 年在青海省果洛州达日县, 通过测定不同程度退化草地、人工草地和除杂草地中高原鼠兔种群数量的变化以及对草地的破坏程度, 分析了草地植物群落变化对高原鼠兔种群数量的影响。结果表明: 随草地退化程度的加重, 高原鼠兔种群数量相应升高, 重度退化草地中高原鼠兔种群数量降低, 是由食物资源不足引起。不同程度退化草地之间高原鼠兔种群数量差异极显著( t未退化与轻度= 25.369 7 , t未退化与中度= 25.55 ,t未退化与重度= 36.406 0 , t轻度与中度= 23.279 4 , t轻度与重度= 14.343 9 , t中度与重度= 20.178 5 , df = 3 , p < 0.001) 。高原鼠兔对草地的破坏面积与平均单坑面积呈显著的相关关系( F = 220146 , df = 3 , P < 0.001) 。在草地达到重度退化以前, 高原鼠兔的种群密度升高, 对草地的危害则加重。草地植物群落空间结构的变化直接影响高原鼠兔的种群数量, 当植物群落高度增加时, 其种群数量开始减少, 反之则增加。  相似文献   

基于地统计学的退化草地狼毒种群土壤种子库空间异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤种子库作为植被天然更新的物质基础,其空间异质性对于认识种群繁殖更新机制具有重要意义。利用野外调查和地统计学方法,设置4个草地退化梯度,研究了祁连山北坡狼毒种群土壤种子库空间异质性及其与地上植被的关系。结果表明:4个退化梯度草地土壤种子库的半变异函数模型均为非线性模型,表现为聚集分布;随着天然草地退化程度加剧,狼毒种群土壤种子库的密度与变程不断增大、基台值与结构比呈"U"型变化趋势,其中76.88%~93.75%的空间异质性是由空间自相关引起;在未退化和重度退化草地地上植被密度与土壤种子库密度呈正相关,在轻度和中度退化草地中地上植被密度与土壤种子库密度之间未呈现相关性。在草地退化演替过程中,土壤种子库空间分布主要受地上植被等结构性因素影响,而放牧等干扰因素也在一定程度上降低了空间自相关性。  相似文献   

为探明荒漠草原土壤有机碳(SOC)和微生物生物量碳(MBC)含量特征,分别在内蒙古达茂旗、四子王旗和苏尼特右旗设置样地,依次代表轻度、中度和重度退化草地,分析了不同样地表层土壤(0~20 cm)SOC和MBC含量变化及季节动态.结果表明:退化草地SOC和MBC含量均随草地退化程度增加而减小;除2006年夏季外,轻度、中度退化荒漠草地的土壤可培养微生物总数都高于重度退化荒漠草地;MBC含量和土壤可培养微生物总数均在夏秋季较高,春冬季较低.相关分析结果显示,SOC含量与MBC含量之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明两者均可作为评价荒漠草原草地退化的敏感指标.  相似文献   

赵成章  任珩 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6080-6087
采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡选择4种退化高寒草地群落,分析了阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)与狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种群的大小结构、斑块特征和种间关联关系。结果表明:随天然草地退化过程延续,阿尔泰针茅由大株丛结构演变为小株丛结构,种群密度和领地面积减小、空斑面积增大、领地密度先增大后减小,狼毒种群的株丛结构和斑块特征发生了相反的变化趋势;不同退化草地阿尔泰针茅和狼毒种群的空间关联呈现负关联、正关联和不关联规律;在未退化草地和轻度退化草地、中度退化草地,阿尔泰针茅与狼毒的关联性分别由0-14 cm、0-51 cm尺度上的负相关和0-85 cm尺度上的不相关,转变为14-100 cm、51-100 cm尺度上的不相关和86-100 cm尺度上的正相关。物种个体大小结构变化,以及狼毒种群的斑块吞并、合并和阿尔泰针茅种群的斑块破碎、被分割过程,既是物种关联性发生尺度转换的先决条件,又是引起草地群落中物种地位与作用改变的关键因素。  相似文献   

植物叶大小和数量的权衡关系反映了植物对环境的高度适应性及其在复杂生境下的自我调控能力。采用标准化主轴估计(standardized major axis estimation,SMA)方法,在祁连山北坡选择未退化(Ⅰ)、轻度退化(Ⅱ)、中度退化(Ⅲ)和重度退化(Ⅳ)4种高寒草地,研究了星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)叶大小-数量的关系。结果表明:随着天然草地退化程度的加剧,草地群落的高度、盖度和土壤含水量逐渐下降,星毛委陵菜种群的高度逐渐下降、盖度逐渐上升,星毛委陵菜叶大小呈逐渐减小的趋势,而叶数量增加;各退化草地星毛委陵菜叶大小与叶数量均呈显著负相关(P0.05),星毛委陵菜分配给叶大小与叶数量的资源间存在着"此消彼长"的关系;不同退化草地间的比较显示,未退化和重度退化草地星毛委陵菜叶大小与叶数量呈显著异速生长关系(P0.05),轻度和中度退化草地二者呈近似等速生长关系。高寒退化草地星毛委陵菜植株合理权衡叶大小-数量的资源配置模式,体现了植物茎叶构型的表型可塑性机制。  相似文献   

不同退化红砂荒漠草地的水分分配格局   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了内蒙古阿拉善盟不同过牧退化红砂草地的土壤 植物 大气系统的水分分配格局、不同退化草地和主要植物种的水分利用效率 .2 0 0 1年降雨量 12 4 .3mm ,其中试验期 119.4mm .1m深土壤水分结果表明 ,10~ 4 0cm土层受蒸散影响最大 ;由于主要共存种红砂和无芒隐子草根系分布和蒸腾强度不同等 ,含水量在 10~ 2 0cm土层以中度退化区显著低于其它样区 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而 2 0~ 4 0cm土层以轻度退化区较低 .样地年均蒸发量为 30 .6mm ,红砂种群的年均蒸腾量为 11.9mm .随着草地退化加剧 ,裸地的蒸发量和退化指示种匍根骆驼蓬种群的蒸腾量增加 ,而红砂种群的蒸腾量降低 .与较轻度退化区比 ,中度和重度退化区的水分利用率分别下降了 14 .6 %和 4 6 .1% ,红砂水分利用率分别下降了 37.8%和 73.8% .  相似文献   

高原鼠兔 (Ochotona curzoniae) 作为青藏高原高寒草地生态系统中的关键物种,其种群数量随着过度放牧导致的草地退化而暴发式增长。阐明此过程中高原鼠兔天然免疫能力及肝脏和肾脏器官指数的变化,对深入揭示青藏高原草地退化引起的高原鼠兔种群暴发机理具有重要意义。本研究在青海海北高寒草地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站地区,调查了轻度、中度、重度退化草地中高原鼠兔洞口数量,并测定了成体高原鼠兔血清总IgG含量、肠道寄生物感染状况及肝脏和肾脏指数。结果发现:随着草地退化,高原鼠兔洞口数量和血清总IgG水平显著增加;绦虫和线虫的感染率和感染强度以及肝脏和肾脏指数均显著降低。雄性对绦虫的感染率和肝脏指数显著低于雌性;雌性在重度退化草地中对绦虫和线虫的感染率及感染强度显著低于轻度退化草地。以上结果表明,过度放牧介导的草地退化增强了高原鼠兔的天然免疫功能,缓解了毒素对肝脏和肾脏的损伤,进而可能促进其种群暴发式增长。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原的草地退化等级数量分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用样方取样方法实地调查内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原的植物群落特征,利用植被和土壤数据,应用系统聚类分析方法对其草地退化等级进行定量划分.结果表明:(1)植被指标聚类可将草地划分为3个等级,即轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化草地,而利用土壤指标聚类则划分为2个等级,其中轻度退化和中度退化草地的土壤状况相似合为一个等级,重度退化草地为另一个等级;(2)随着放牧梯度的变化,植被和土壤都发生了变化,中度退化草地植被变化大,而土壤变化不大;(3)内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为同一草地利用单元,所划分的草地退化等级系列是由放牧引起的.  相似文献   

放牧和围封条件下克氏针茅草原土壤种子库的比较   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
应用幼苗萌发法对比研究了我国北方农牧交错区克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原在放牧和围封条件下土壤种子库的差异。围封样地的土壤种子库中记录有16个物种,其中禾草类6种,非禾草类10种;若以生活型划分,则全部为多年生植物;若以单子叶或双子叶植物划分,则单子叶植物9种,双子叶植物7种。放牧样地的土壤种子库中记录有13个物种,其中禾草类4种,非禾草类9种;多年生植物12种,一二年生植物1种;单子叶植物5种,双子叶植物8种。放牧样地土壤种子库的密度为(3 664±1 087)粒·m-2,围封样地土壤种子库的密度是(5 139±1 848)粒·m-2,差异显著。采用Sorensen指数计算土壤种子库与地上植被的物种相似性,围封样地和放牧样地分别是0.711 1和0.611 1。两个地点的全部种子中, 81.0%属于冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、克氏针茅、星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和砂韭(Allium bidentatum)5种优势植物,16.2% 属于二裂委陵菜(P. bifurca)、菊叶委陵菜(P. tanacetifolia)、猪毛蒿(A. scoparia)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)5种常见植物,而其余9种植物的种子数只占2.8%。此外,通常作为优良牧草的豆科植物的种子数仅占0.6%。上述结果表明,在放牧条件下由于土壤种子库中一些重要物种的缺失或数量很少以及极不均匀的分布,可能会降低退化克氏针茅草原的自然恢复速度。我们建议采取补播这些重要物种并结合其它恢复措施来加快退化克氏针茅草原的恢复进程。  相似文献   

Abstract. The dynamics of the seed production and seed bank of two dominant perennial species of calcareous fens were investigated in response to different mowing frequency, fallow or pasture. The production of fertile shoots responded strongly to management practices. On sites where mowing alternated with fallow, autumn mowing led to an increase of fertile shoot density in Schoenus ferrugineus and a decrease in Molinia caerulea in the subsequent season. Repeated annual mowing after long-term fallow raised the density in Schoenus and inhibited initiation of flowering shoots in Molinia. Seed set and viability were influenced mainly by climatic or other factors. Variation of seed production between sites and in consecutive years at the same site could thus be large. The relationship between total seed production and seed bank was weak, but it improved when germination rates were included in the calculation. As the seed bank was generally smaller than the viable seed production, low survival and a high turnover of seeds in the upper soil layers is assumed for both species. Implications for recruitment strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Seed availability is a major factor limiting the recruitment of rain forest to cleared land, but little is known about the composition of the soil seed bank under different reforestation pathways. We quantified changes in the viable soil seed bank following rain forest clearing and pasture establishment and subsequent reforestation in subtropical eastern Australia. Major reforestation pathways in the region include planting of a diverse suite of native trees for ecological restoration purposes, autogenic regrowth dominated by the non‐native tree Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) and management of this regrowth to accelerate the development of a native tree community. These pathways differ considerably in cost: restoration plantings are expensive, autogenic regrowth is free, whilst managing regrowth generally costs much less than restoration plantings. We surveyed five sites within each of three reforestation pathways as well as reference sites in remnant rain forest and pasture. The composition of the seed bank was determined by germinating plants from soil samples collected from each site. Germinants were classified into several functional groups according to life form, origin, dispersal mode and successional stage. The majority of functional groups varied significantly in abundance or richness between rain forest and pasture sites. Most of the functional groups that varied between rain forest and pasture were restored to values similar to rain forest by at least one of the three reforestation pathways examined. The species richness of native woody plants in the soil seed bank was slightly higher in restoration plantings than in autogenic or managed regrowth; nevertheless, the species richness and abundance of native woody plants and vines were higher in the seed bank of autogenic regrowth than pasture, and both attributes were enhanced by the management of regrowth sites. The results of this study show that autogenic regrowth can make an important contribution to rain forest restoration at a landscape scale. The optimal reforestation approach or mix of approaches will depend on the desired rate of recovery and the resources available for restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between intensity and timing of cattle grazing on changes in the size and composition of the soil seed bank were investigated in a 3‐yr study in a Mediterranean grassland in northeastern Israel. Treatments included manipulations of stocking rates and of grazing regimes, in a factorial design. The retrieved soil seed bank community was rich in species, with 133 species accounting for 80% of the 166 species recorded at the site. Within the seed bank, 89% of the species were annuals. Seed bank dynamics was analysed in terms of plant functional groups and germination strategies. In terms of total seed bank density and including all functional groups, 42% of the seeds present in the soil did not germinate under watering conditions. The dormancy level differed greatly among functional groups. The seed bank of annual legumes, crucifers, annual thistles and annual forbs had a large fraction of non‐germinated seeds and characterized areas grazed early in the growing season under high and very high grazing intensity. These functional groups were considered to have a higher potential for persistent seed banks production. In contrast, short and tall annual grasses and tall perennial grasses, that were dominant in ungrazed or moderately grazed paddocks, generally had seed banks with a very small fraction of non‐germinated seeds. Seed bank densities varied widely between grazing treatments and years. Under continuous grazing, heavy grazing pressure reduced seed bank densities of grasses and crucifers in comparison to moderate grazing. The greatest reduction on the seed bank densities resulted from heavy grazing concentrated during the seed‐set stages.  相似文献   

Gaps in grassland created by animals are often sites for species regeneration. The persistent seed banks of ant-hills and surrounding soils in a calcareous grassland in southern Britain were compared and analysed in terms of seed mass and longevity. The relative abundance of species on ant-hills compared to the pasture was highly correlated with seed abundance in ant-hill soil. The abundance of plant species on ant-hills compared to the pasture was significantly negatively correlated with seed mass, and positively correlated with seed longevity. These results suggest that germination from the seed bank in ant-hill soils, as well as limited seed dispersal and vegetative invasion, contributes to the distinctive ant-hill vegetation. The same may apply to other gaps created by animals in grasslands.  相似文献   

Species composition, number of emerging seedlings, species diversity and functional group of the soil seed banks, and the influence of grazing on the similarity between the soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation, were studied in 2008 and 2009 in a semi‐arid savanna of Ethiopia. We tested whether the availability of persistent seeds in the soil could drive the transition from a degraded system under heavy grazing to healthy vegetation with ample perennial grasses. A total of 77 species emerged from the soil seed bank samples: 21 annual grasses, 12 perennial grasses, 4 herbaceous legumes, 39 forbs, and 1 woody species. Perennial grass species dominated the lightly grazed sites, whereas the heavily grazed sites were dominated by annual forbs. Heavy grazing reduced the number of seeds that can germinate in the seed bank. Species richness in the seed bank was, however, not affected by grazing. With increasing soil depth, the seed density and its species richness declined. There was a higher similarity in species composition between the soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation at the lightly grazed sites compared with the heavily grazed sites. The mean similarity between the seed banks and aboveground vegetation was relatively low, indicating the effect of heavy grazing. Moreover, seeds of perennial grasses were less abundant in the soil seed banks under heavy grazing. We concluded that restoration of grass and woody species from the soil seed banks in the heavily grazed areas could not be successful in semi‐arid savannas of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Questions: The relationship between fire, aridity and seed banks is poorly understood in plant community ecology. We tested whether there was a close correspondence between the seed bank and standing vegetation composition with time‐since‐fire in a desert. We also examined whether longer‐lived species showed seed limitation relative to more ephemeral species, as this could influence grass‐woody ratios in a major biome. Location: Dune hummock grasslands/shrublands of central Australia. Methods: The effects of time‐since‐fire on floristic and functional group composition were examined by comparing plots unburned since 1984 against plots that had been burned in 2002. Three methods were used to quantify seed abundances: a germination trial using heat and smoke application, a flotation method, and a sieving method. Results: Seed bank densities were very low (<3000 m?2). Species similarity between the seed bank and standing vegetation was high at sites recently burned (0.86) and low in sites long‐since burned (0.52). The relative abundance of ephemeral species in the seed bank peaked in recently burned plots, but the relative abundance of seeds of woody species did not match the pattern of abundance in the standing vegetation. Remarkably, the dominant perennial grasses and woody species were either absent from the seed bank or present at extremely low abundances. Discussion: Differences in the relative abundance of ephemeral species between standing vegetation and seed bank relate to the post‐fire succession process. The small soil pool of seed from woody species may be explained by allocation to belowground carbohydrate storage over seed production. Field observations suggest, however, that production of strongly dormant seed can be prolific and that high levels of seed predation make this system strongly seed‐limited. The discovery of this seed bank syndrome indicates that shifts in grass‐woody ratios can be driven by the juxtaposition of unpredictable seed rain and fire events in these desert dunes. However, estimates of grass‐woody ratios due to changing fire regimes will be difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Grassland seed banks are traditionally considered a source of new species in degraded communities. However, many recent studies have shown that the potential of the seed bank to restore many communities is rather limited. Two principal reasons for these limitations, loss of species from the seed bank or inability of the species to create any seed bank, are, however, usually not distinguished. This study aims to assess the role of seed bank composition and heterogeneity in the restoration of species-rich plant communities. It was carried out in mountain grasslands in the eastern part of the Krkono?e Mountains, Czech Republic. The composition of vegetation and seed bank were recorded and their relationship was assessedin 1.5m × 1.5 m plots placed in non-degraded and degraded parts of seven grasslands. Vegetation at currently managed sites is not degraded; degraded parts were without management (dominated byHolcus mollis, Bistorta major orRumex alpinus). The degree of heterogeneity of seed bank and vegetation was tested as the relationship between subplot similarity, distance, and degradation stage. Degradation had significant effects on composition of both aboveground vegetation and seed bank and increased heterogeneity both in the vegetation and in the seed bank. Species absent from the vegetation of degraded plots were also absent from the seed bank of both degraded and non-degraded plots, indicating that the absence of species from the seed bank is not due to their loss during the degradation process but rather due to the low number of seeds in the seed bank already in the non-degraded communities. Furthermore, the seed bank of the degraded communities largely results from the present vegetation of these communities. This supports the limited role of the seed bank in these communities. Restoration of these sites is thus impossible unless management will include methods with which seeds will arrive at the degraded sites.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Do different management types (i.e. hay meadow, silage meadow, meadow‐pasture, pasture) have different impact on the size and composition of the seed bank of mesic grassland (Arrhenatheretalia)? 2. How strong is the effect of management on the seed bank in relation to above‐ground vegetation, edaphic factors and land‐use history? 3. Are there differences in C‐S‐R plant strategy types and seed longevity under different management regimes? Location: Lahn‐Dill Highlands in central‐western Germany. Methods: Above‐ground vegetation and the soil seed bank of 63 plots (at 21 sites) in mesic grasslands were studied. Differences between management types in quantitative seed bank traits and functional characteristics were tested by ANOVA. The impact of management, above‐ground vegetation, site conditions and land‐use history on seed bank composition were analysed by partial CCA. Results: Management had no significant impact on species richness and density of the seed bank but significantly influenced their floristic composition and functional characteristics. CCA revealed that even after adjustment for soil chemical parameters and above‐ground vegetation management still had significant impact on seed bank composition. ANOVA revealed that silage meadows contained higher proportions of R‐strategy compared to hay meadows. In contrast, in hay meadows and meadow‐pastures proportions of S‐strategy were higher than in silage meadows. Conclusions: The type of grassland management has little impact on quantitative seed bank traits. Management types with a high degree of disturbance lead to an increase of species following a ruderal strategy in the seed bank. Irrespective of management type only a limited proportion of characteristic grassland species is likely to re‐establish from the seed bank after disappearance from above‐ground vegetation.  相似文献   

Even though Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (marula) is a well-studied, keystone tree species with high ecological, commercial and cultural value, significant gaps in our understanding of its reproductive biology exist, particularly the factors limiting fruit and seed production, seed fate and the persistence of the seed bank. Therefore, a detailed quantitative assessment of these factors was conducted at five sites in the low altitude savannas of South Africa. Sites varied with respect to fire regime, large mammals, geology and rainfall. Most sites showed male-biased secondary sex ratios and the minimum fruiting stem diameter ranged between 7.1 and 15.7 cm across sites. Sites with higher levels of disturbance (fire and large browsers) had trees producing fruit at larger minimum stem diameters than sites with lower levels of disturbance. Fruit production was highly variable between individuals, within and between sites, and from year to year. Variability in fruit production across years at one site was greater than the variability across sites in one year, indicating that drivers such as weather, insect herbivory, fire and predator numbers, which vary annually, play a greater role than more constant drivers such as mammalian herbivory, soil types or long-term rainfall. No significant relationship was found between environmental variables (rainfall and temperature) and annual fruit production, indicating a trade-off between vegetative growth and reproduction between years. Since marula fruits are large and heavy, the species relies primarily on mammalian dispersal agents such as the African elephant, which have also been shown to increase the germination rate. However, rodents also appear to play a significant role in seed dispersal. Seed predation rates tend to be highest in areas of low disturbance (no fire and no large browsers). While marula has a small persistent seed bank, recruitment appears to be reliant on the current season's fruit crop. This study provides a detailed quantitative assessment of important reproductive and seed fate vital rates for future population modelling.  相似文献   

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