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The relative effect of acclimation temperature on temperature tolerance was estimated from a geometrical partitioning of the temperature tolerance polygon of a fish species into three distinct zones relative to four key tolerance temperatures. This approach yields a middle tolerance zone which is independent of acclimation temperature bounded by upper and lower acclimation dependent zones. Acclimation dependent and independent temperature tolerance zones can be quantified by either areal or linear methods. Both methods were applied to quantify the effect of acclimation temperature in 21 species of temperate fishes for which temperature tolerance polygons were available. Temperature tolerance polygon areas of these 21 species ranged from 468 to 1380°C2 and are linearly related (r 2=0.93, p<0.001) to ultimate incipient upper lethal temperatures. Although areal and linear partitioning methods yielded similar acclimation independent and dependent tolerances, estimates from the areal method incorporates additional information concerning the shape of the temperature tolerance polygon, in particular lower and upper lethal temperature plateaus. Mean combined acclimation dependent and independent tolerance areas of these 21 species were not different, indicating that acclimation effectively doubles the temperature tolerance polygon. Mean lower acclimation dependent area was nearly three times greater than mean upper acclimation dependent area, suggesting that acclimation plays a larger role in tolerance of low rather than high temperatures. Among these 21 species, temperature tolerance of brook charr and sheepshead minnow were the least and most affected by acclimation temperature, respectively.  相似文献   

The negative effects of climate alteration on coral reef fishes receive ever increasing attention; however, implications of rising sea temperatures on fishes inhabiting marine nursery environments are poorly understood. We used critical thermal methodology to quantify critical thermal maxima (CTmaxima) of juvenile squaretail mullet (Liza vaigiensis) and juvenile crescent terapon (Terapon jarbua) captured from shallow seagrass nursery areas around Hoga Island, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. We tested the hypothesis that these distantly related fishes, when acclimated to cycling temperatures, would display higher CTmaxima than groups acclimated at constant temperatures. Groups of mullet acclimated to a constant temperature of 37 °C and temperature cycles of 35 to 39 °C or 37 to 41 °C displayed statistically similar mean CTmaxima of 44.7, 44.4 and 44.8 °C, respectively. Likewise, terapon acclimated at temperature cycles of 37 to 40 °C did not display a higher CTmaxima than fish acclimated at a constant temperature of 37 °C, with both acclimation groups' mean CTmaxima equal to 43.8 °C. Acclimation to higher cycling temperatures did not result in significant upper temperature tolerance acquisition for either species; however, mullet values were significantly higher than those seen in terapon (P < 0.0001). These data suggest that mullet and terapon will not suffer direct thermal effects should shallow nursery temperature increases be marginally higher than 1-2 °C above ~ 27 °C, and they provide evidence that the upper thermal tolerance of fishes inhabiting shallow seagrass and mangrove areas can approach the biokinetic limits for vertebrate life. Tropical marine fishes inhabiting fringing nursery environments may have the upper thermal tolerance necessary to endure substantial increases in sea temperatures.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which phylogenetic constraints and adaptive evolutionary forces help define the physiological sensitivity of species is critical for anticipating climate‐related impacts in aquatic environments. Yet, whether upper thermal tolerance and plasticity are shaped by common evolutionary and environmental mechanisms remains to be tested. Based on a systematic literature review, we investigated this question in 82 freshwater fish species (27 families) representing 829 experiments for which data existed on upper thermal limits and it was possible to estimate plasticity using upper thermal tolerance reaction norms. Our findings indicated that there are strong phylogenetic signals in both thermal tolerances and acclimation capacity, although it is weaker in the latter. We found that upper thermal tolerances are correlated with the temperatures experienced by species across their range, likely because of spatially autocorrelated processes in which closely related species share similar selection pressures and limited dispersal from ancestral environments. No association with species thermal habitat was found for acclimation capacity. Instead, species with the lowest physiological plasticity also displayed the highest thermal tolerances, reflecting to some extent an evolutionary trade‐off between these two traits. Although our study demonstrates that macroecological climatic niche features measured from species distributions are likely to provide a good approximation of freshwater fish sensitivity to climate change, disentangling the mechanisms underlying both acute and chronic heat tolerances may help to refine predictions regarding climate change‐related range shifts and extinctions.  相似文献   

Southern South America has a rather low fish species diversity. Gymnocharacinus bergi, the southernmost characid fish of the world, is the only member of Characoidei in the Argentine Patagonia. The isolation of this species in an endorheic stream has been linked to the thermal conditions of its habitat, the head-waters of the Valcheta Stream, which is the only site where this species occurs. We provide information on the distribution and thermal habitat of this species and other fishes in the Valcheta Stream. The responses of G. bergi to high and low temperatures were assessed in the laboratory under different temperatures and heating and cooling rates. Our results suggest that G. bergi is unable to extend its distribution to the colder waters nearby, as well as to waters with greater temperature fluctuations. We discuss the implications of our experimental data, the habitat of G. bergi, and the known responses of a few other paranensean fishes to temperature, within the framework of the thermal ecology of freshwater fishes.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Heat hardening in a transitory increase in heat tolerance following a sublethal exposure to lethal high temperatures.

2. 2.|Within 1–2 h of an initial exposure to the critical thermal maximum (CTM), the CTM of two species of amphibians and two species of fish had increased significantly above the initial level and then decreased to the initial level within 24 h.

3. 3.|Experiments with exposure to sub-CTM temperatures and multiple exposures to the CTM indicated that hardening requires exposure to the CTM and may be the maximum CTM attainable by the animal.

4. 4.|Diel and seasonal variation had significant effects on hardening ability.

5. 5.|Field evidence suggests that heat hardening is adaptive in that it provides an acute means of adjustment to extreme fluctuations in diurnal temperatures.

Author Keywords: Acclimation; critical thermal maxima; diel variation; fish; heat hardening; salamanders; seasonal variation; thermal tolerance; Notropis lutrenis; Pimephales promelas; Rana berlanieri; Notophalmus viridescens  相似文献   

The threatened status of redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus, in Michigan inhibits study and management of remnant populations of the species. We present a phenotypic approach to evaluate the use of redside dace from New York as behavioral and physiological models for Michigan populations. We evaluated behavioral similarity by comparing patterns of microhabitat use and physiological similarity by comparing resting routine metabolic rates measured in the field. Variation between sites in available microhabitat made direct comparisons difficult; however, redside dace in Michigan and New York showed a common preference for mid-water positions in the deepest parts of pools under overhanging structure. Field measurements at 10°C showed that Michigan fish had higher metabolic rates than rates predicted for New York fish at the same temperature, though biological significance of this difference is questionable. In laboratory experiments, we measured metabolic rate and upper thermal tolerance in relation to acclimation temperatures of 6–20°C using redside dace collected from four streams in New York. Redside dace showed a significant increase in metabolic rate as acclimation temperature increased (Q10=2.3). Critical thermal maxima (CTM) of New York redside dace also increased with acclimation temperature. Obstacles related to the transferability of habitat use data and variation in physiology due to uncontrolled and unmeasured environmental factors in the field lead us to urge caution when extrapolating behavioral and physiological characteristics between widely-separated populations of a species. Despite these obstacles, we described useful patterns of microhabitat use and provided estimates of physiological tolerances that will assist resource managers in the recovery of Michigan redside dace.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements were collected in the laboratory to evaluate the maximum thermal limit and thermal plasticity of Neotropical juvenile fish with different life habitats (demersal and pelagic) from surf zone in response to a “heat‐wave experiment”. Trials were conducted using two temperature acclimations (Ta), including the current average temperature of Southeastern Brazil (Ta: 14 days at 25°C) and the “heat‐wave experiment” (Ta: 14 days at 30°C), simulating a heat‐wave event that occurs when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5°C. Typical species of the surf zone were used: the demersal White sea catfish (Genidens barbus) and Gulf kingcroaker (Menticirrhus littoralis), and the pelagic fishes Great pompano (Trachinotus goodei) and Long‐fin mullet (Mugil brevirostris). The thermal range and plasticity values for the both life‐habitats species were verified through current and heat‐wave acclimation. The thermal tolerance at high temperatures (CTmax) of these species differed between Ta, habitat and species. Fish showed a species‐specific response to temperature increase, regardless of their habitat even under similar abiotic conditions. However, at the heat‐wave simulation, the demersal fish presented a greater thermal plasticity in relation to the pelagic fish. Despite the higher thermal tolerance when exposed to heat‐wave simulation, all fish species displayed a lower thermal edge safety that is markedly close to their maximum thermal limits.  相似文献   

The geographic ranges of closely related species can vary dramatically, yet we do not fully grasp the mechanisms underlying such variation. The niche breadth hypothesis posits that species that have evolved broad environmental tolerances can achieve larger geographic ranges than species with narrow environmental tolerances. In turn, plasticity and genetic variation in ecologically important traits and adaptation to environmentally variable areas can facilitate the evolution of broad environmental tolerance. We used five pairs of western North American monkeyflowers to experimentally test these ideas by quantifying performance across eight temperature regimes. In four species pairs, species with broader thermal tolerances had larger geographic ranges, supporting the niche breadth hypothesis. As predicted, species with broader thermal tolerances also had more within‐population genetic variation in thermal reaction norms and experienced greater thermal variation across their geographic ranges than species with narrow thermal tolerances. Species with narrow thermal tolerance may be particularly vulnerable to changing climatic conditions due to lack of plasticity and insufficient genetic variation to respond to novel selection pressures. Conversely, species experiencing high variation in temperature across their ranges may be buffered against extinction due to climatic changes because they have evolved tolerance to a broad range of temperatures.  相似文献   

Recent models predict contrasting impacts of climate change on tropical and temperate species, but these models ignore how environmental stress and organismal tolerance change during the life cycle. For example, geographical ranges and extinction risks have been inferred from thermal constraints on activity during the adult stage. Yet, most animals pass through a sessile embryonic stage before reaching adulthood, making them more susceptible to warming climates than current models would suggest. By projecting microclimates at high spatio-temporal resolution and measuring thermal tolerances of embryos, we developed a life cycle model of population dynamics for North American lizards. Our analyses show that previous models dramatically underestimate the demographic impacts of climate change. A predicted loss of fitness in 2% of the USA by 2100 became 35% when considering embryonic performance in response to hourly fluctuations in soil temperature. Most lethal events would have been overlooked if we had ignored thermal stress during embryonic development or had averaged temperatures over time. Therefore, accurate forecasts require detailed knowledge of environmental conditions and thermal tolerances throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   

Synopsis An effect of ploidy on thermal tolerance in juvenile trout was assessed in a series of tests comparing time to chronic lethal maximum (CLMax). Diploid and triploid fish were produced from a common spawn for three different groups each of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. One or two CLMax tests were performed per group, on between 15 and 50 individuals per ploidy within groups. The tests involved exposure of fish to a progressive 2°C day−1 water temperature increase and recording of the time at which each individual fish reached loss of equilibrium (LE). The time to LE data were rank transformed and analyzed as a randomized complete block design. Although relative performance varied among trials, the analysis indicated overall differences due to ploidy were small and nonsignificant among both brook trout and rainbow trout. Size proved to be significantly correlated with time to LE in the brook trout trials, but not in the rainbow trout trials. Two of the six groups included a large proportion of fish which had received a heat shock following fertilization, but were not successfully triploidized. In both cases, thermal tolerance of the heat-shocked diploids was similar to that of the non-heat shocked control diploids, indicating no persistent effect of the heat shock on thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

Thermal acclimation is hypothesized to offer a selective advantage in seasonal habitats and may underlie disparities in geographic range size among closely‐related species with similar ecologies. Understanding this relationship is also critical for identifying species that are more sensitive to warming climates. Here, we study North American plethodontid salamanders to investigate whether acclimation ability is associated with species’ latitudinal extents and the thermal range of the environments they inhabit. We quantified variation in thermal physiology by measuring standard metabolic rate (SMR) at different test and acclimation temperatures for 16 species of salamanders with varying latitudinal extents. A phylogenetically‐controlled Markov chain Monte Carlo generalized linear mixed model (MCMCglmm) was then employed to determine whether there are differences in SMR between wide‐ and narrow‐ranging species at different acclimation temperatures. In addition, we tested for a relationship between the acclimation ability of species and the environmental temperature ranges they inhabit. Further, we investigated if there is a trade‐off between critical thermal maximum (CTMax) and thermal acclimation ability. MCMCglmm results show a significant difference in acclimation ability between wide and narrow‐ranging temperate salamanders. Salamanders with wide latitudinal distributions maintain or slightly increase SMR when subjected to higher test and acclimation temperatures, whereas several narrow‐ranging species show significant metabolic depression. We also found significant, positive relationships between acclimation ability and environmental thermal range, and between acclimation ability and CTMax. Wide‐ranging salamander species exhibit a greater capacity for thermal acclimation than narrow‐ranging species, suggesting that selection for acclimation ability may have been a key factor enabling geographic expansion into areas with greater thermal variability. Further, given that narrow‐ranging salamanders are found to have both poor acclimation ability and lower tolerance to warm temperatures, they are likely to be more susceptible to environmental warming associated with anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   


1. 1.|In the freshwater fish Chalcalburnus chalcoides, an increase in the body (standard) size caused decreases in the upper LT-50 from 36.6° to 36.0°C and lower LT-50 from 6.3° to 5.3°C

2. 2.|The fish acclimated to constant temperatures between 10°C and 30°C showed reasonable heat acclimation and also reasonable cold acclimation. Thus, an increase in the acclimation temperature from 10°C to 30°C caused increases in the upper LT-50 from 34° to 36.2°C and the lower LT-50 from 1.25 to 6.5°C.

3. 3|The mean survival time — temperature curves of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at various constant temperatures showed decreased in the survival tim ewith increasing lethal temperatures. Furthermore, an increase in the acclimation temperature causes a shift in the survival duration-temperature curve to the right, i.e., the fish become more heat resistant. Thus, the mean survival duration of 10°, 20° and 30°C acclimated fish at 35°C were 7.5, 79.6 and 530 minutes, respectively.

4. 4.|The effect of the thermal experience to changing lethal temperatures depends on the first lethal temperature to which the fish were exposed as well as the sequence of temperature changes. In the experiments in which the first lethal temperatures were between 32° and 34°C and the temperature was varied in an ascending order, their thermal resistance was increased and the fish required 114 to 174% of the expected lethal doses to die while in the experiments in which the starting temperature were between 38° and 40°C and the temperature varied in descending order, the fish become more sensitive to the upper lethal temperature and they died after receiving only 62 to 81% of the expected lethal doses. Thus, with a gradual increase in the lethal temperature, the fish show additional acclimation in the zone of resistance which in turn causes an increase in the thermal resistance. This may have ecological significance in nature.

Author Keywords: acclimation; lethal temperatures; temperature change; survival  相似文献   

The adaptive radiation of the Antarctic notothenioid ancestral benthic fish stock within the chronic freezing waters of the Southern Ocean gave rise to five highly cold adapted families. Their stenothermy, first observed from several high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, has been of increasing recent interest given the threat of rising polar water temperatures from global climate change. In this study we determined the heat tolerance in a geographically diverse group of 11 Antarctic species as their critical thermal maximum (CTMax). When acclimatized to their natural freezing water temperatures, environmental CTMaxs ranged from 11.95 to 16.17 °C, well below those of fishes endemic to warmer waters. There was a significant regional split, with higher CTMaxs in species from the more northerly and thermally variable Seasonal Pack-ice Zone. When eight of the Antarctic species were warm acclimated to 4 °C all showed a significant increase over their environmental CTMaxs, with several showing plasticity comparable in magnitude to some far more eurythermal fishes. When the accrual of heat tolerance during acclimation was followed in three high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, it was found to develop slowly in two of them, which was correlated with their low metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Aim Within clades, most taxa are rare, whilst few are common, a general pattern for which the causes remain poorly understood. Here we investigate the relationship between thermal performance (tolerance and acclimation ability) and the size of a species’ geographical range for an assemblage of four ecologically similar European diving beetles (the Agabus brunneus group) to examine whether thermal physiology relates to latitudinal range extent, and whether Brown’s hypothesis and the environmental variability hypothesis apply to these taxa. Location Europe. Methods In order to determine the species tolerances to either low or high temperatures we measured the lethal thermal limits of adults, previously acclimated at one of two temperatures, by means of thermal ramping experiments (± 1°C min?1). These measures of upper and lower thermal tolerances (UTT and LTT respectively) were then used to estimate each species’ thermal tolerance range, as total thermal tolerance polygons and marginal UTT and LTT thermal polygons. Results Overall, widespread species have higher UTTs and lower LTTs than restricted ones. Mean upper lethal limits of the Agabus brunneus group (43 to 46°C), are similar to those of insects living at similar latitudes, whilst mean lower lethal limits (?6 to ?9°C) are relatively high, suggesting that this group is not particularly cold‐hardy compared with other mid‐temperate‐latitude insects. Widespread species possess the largest thermal tolerance ranges and have a relatively symmetrical tolerance to both high and low temperatures, when compared with range‐restricted relatives. Over the temperature range employed, adults did not acclimate to either high or low temperatures, contrasting with many insect groups, and suggesting that physiological plasticity has a limited role in shaping distribution. Main conclusions Absolute thermal niche appears to be a good predictor of latitudinal range, supporting both Brown’s hypothesis and the environmental variability hypothesis. Restricted‐range species may be more susceptible to the direct effect of climate change than widespread species, notwithstanding the possibility that even ‘thermally‐hardy’, widespread species may be influenced by the indirect effects of climate change such as reduction in habitat availability in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

Little is known about the thermal tolerances of fish that occupy tropical intertidal habitats or how their distribution, physiological condition, and survival are influenced by water temperature. We used a combination of laboratory and field approaches to study the thermal biology of bonefish, Albula vulpes, a fish species that relies on nearshore intertidal habitats throughout the Caribbean. The critical thermal maximum (CTMax) for bonefish was determined to be 36.4±0.5 and 37.9±0.5 °C for fish acclimated to 27.3±1.3 and 30.2±1.4 °C, respectively, and these tolerances are below maximal temperatures recorded in the tropical tidal habitats where bonefish frequently reside (i.e., up to 40.6 °C). In addition, daily temperatures can fluctuate up to 11.4 °C over a 24-h period emphasizing the dramatic range of temperatures that could be experienced by bonefish on a diel basis. Use of an acoustic telemetry array to monitor bonefish movements coupled with hourly temperature data collected within tidal creeks revealed a significant positive relationship between the amount of time bonefish spent in the upper portions of the creeks with the increasing maximal water temperature. This behavior is likely in response to feeding requirements necessary to fuel elevated metabolic demands when water temperatures generally warm, and also to avoid predators. For fish held in the laboratory, reaching CTMax temperatures elicited a secondary stress response that included an increase in blood lactate, glucose, and potassium levels. A field study that involved exposing fish to a standardized handling stressor at temperatures approaching their CTMax generated severe physiological disturbances relative to fish exposed to the same stressor at cooler temperatures. In addition, evaluation of the short-term survival of bonefish after surgical implantation of telemetry tags revealed that there was a positive relationship between water temperature at time of tagging and mortality. Collectively, the data from these laboratory and field studies suggest that bonefish occupy habitats that approach their laboratory-determined CTMax and can apparently do so without significant sub-lethal physiological consequences or mortality, except when exposed to additional stressors.  相似文献   

为了研究不同驯化温度对尖头鰂(Rhynchocypris oxycephalus)热耐受特征的影响, 本研究设置4组水温(14℃、19℃、24℃和29℃), 对尖头鰂驯化两周, 采用临界温度法观察尖头鰂的耐受温度。结果显示: 尖头鰂的热耐受性受到温度驯化的影响, 表现为高温驯化可以升高最大临界温度(CTmax), 4个驯化组的平均CTmax分别为32.29℃、33.23℃、33.40℃和35.71℃; 低温驯化可以降低最小临界温度(CTmin), 平均CTmin分别为0.00、0.10℃、2.10℃和5.27℃; 在适中的温度(19℃)驯化条件下具有最高的温度耐受范围(33.13℃)。在高温条件下的温度驯化具有较高的驯化反应率, 最大值出现在24—29℃内(0.46); 低温驯化反应率最大值出现在29—24℃内, 为0.63。尖头鰂在本研究的驯化区间(14—29℃)内的热耐受区域面积为478.98℃2, 与温水性鱼类的温度耐受性相当, 说明尖头鰂具有较强的温度适应能力。  相似文献   

Pattern and process in the geographical ranges of freshwater fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
North American freshwater fishes were studied to determine whether they displayed the same relationships between log (geographical range size) and log (body size) and the same pattern of range shape as found among North American birds and mammals. The forces that produce these patterns were also investigated. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) relationship was analysed for 121 North American freshwater fish species. Thirty‐two imperilled species were compared with 89 non‐imperilled species to determine if the overall relationship could result from differential extinction. Range geometries were analysed, within and among habitat guilds, to determine if general patterns could be detected. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) pattern among freshwater fish species was triangular and qualitatively similar to that found for North American birds and mammals. The results suggest that below a minimum geographical range, the likelihood of extinction increases dramatically for freshwater fishes and that this minimum range size increases with body size. The pattern of fish species’ range shapes differs from that found for other North American vertebrate taxa because, on average, fish possess much smaller ranges than terrestrial species and most fish species’ geographical ranges extend further on a north–south axis than on an east–west axis. The log (geographical range size) : log (body size) pattern reveals that fish species’ geographical ranges are more constrained than those of terrestrial species. The triangular relationship may be caused by differential extinction of species with large bodies and small geographical ranges as well as higher speciation rates of small‐bodied fish. The restricted geographical ranges of freshwater fishes gives them much in common with terrestrial species on oceanic islands. Range shape patterns within habitat guilds reflect guild‐specific historical and current ecological forces. The overall pattern of range shapes emerges from the combination of ecologically different subunits.  相似文献   

Species may circumvent the impacts of climate warming if the habitats they use reduce ambient temperature. In this study, we identified which frog species from a tropical montane rain forest in the Philippines may be vulnerable to climate warming. To do so, we selected five anuran species that utilize four breeding habitats and identified the sensitivity and exposure of tadpoles and direct‐developer eggs to heat by measuring their critical thermal maximums (CTmax) and the habitat‐specific temperatures they experience. Our study species included two direct‐developer frogs—one species that lays its eggs on exposed leaves, and another that lays its eggs in ferns—and three species that produce aquatic free‐swimming tadpoles—two stream breeders, and one phytotelm (tree hole) breeder. We compared thermal tolerances derived from microclimates of breeding habitats with tolerances derived from macroclimate (i.e., non‐buffered air temperature taken from the rain forest canopy). We also examined whether differences in CTmax existed across life‐history stages (egg, metamorph/young‐of‐year, and adult) for the two direct‐developer frog species. Habitats buffered ambient temperature and expanded thermal tolerances of all frog species. We found that direct‐developers, however, are more vulnerable to increased temperatures than aquatic breeders—indicated by their high sensitivity to temperature, and exposure to high temperatures. Direct‐developer eggs were more sensitive to warming than both metamorph and adult life‐history stages. Thermally buffered microhabitats may represent the only protection against current and impending climate warming. Our data highlight the importance of considering sensitivity and exposure in unison when deciphering warming vulnerability of frogs.  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater ecosystems are experiencing shifts in the natural range and variation of water temperatures due to anthropogenic activity, and these shifts can negatively affect survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic species. Among the groups most affected are freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae. Knowledge of sublethal and lethal effects on mussels from changes in water temperature are largely unknown, especially for species from arid and semi-arid regions such as the south-western U.S.A. This limits the ability to assess, forecast, and adaptively manage this threat for those species and to understand how temperature influences population performance and community structure.
  2. To determine the effects of elevated water temperature on mussels from the south-western U.S.A., we evaluated the upper thermal tolerances of adults of three species (Amblema plicata, Cyclonaias necki, and Fusconaia mitchelli) from the Guadalupe River. Mussels were acclimated to 27°C and then tested across a range of experimental temperatures (30–39°C) in standard acute (96-hr) and chronic (10-day) laboratory tests. The acute and chronic thresholds identified in thermal tolerance testing were then related to in situ water temperature and flows using a uniform continuous above-threshold analysis, which evaluates the duration and frequency of continuous events above a specified temperature threshold.
  3. Median lethal temperature in 96-hr tests averaged 36.4°C and ranged from 33.7 to 37.5°C, while the chronic 10-day tests averaged 35.9°C and ranged from 32.4 to 37.5°C. Thermal tolerances of F. mitchelli were significantly lower than both A. plicata and C. necki, and the uniform continuous above-threshold analysis showed that temperature affecting 5% of the population thresholds were exceeded for F. mitchelli in the Guadalupe River at both acute (96-hr) and chronic (10-day) values (30.5 and 28.4°C, respectively).
  4. Findings from this study indicate that freshwater mussels from the arid and semi-arid regions of the south-west U.S.A. are already at risk from rising environmental temperatures and altered hydrology. However, by incorporating laboratory thermal tolerance estimates with in situ temperature and discharge data, we provide a range of hydrologic thresholds to inform environmental flow recommendations and potentially mitigate thermal stress occurring during periods of low flow. In addition, this method can be readily adapted to other arid regions to guide flow recommendations or assess whether flow standards are sufficient to protect freshwater mussel populations during severe droughts and low flow periods.

Thermal acclimation capacity, the degree to which organisms can alter their optimal performance temperature and critical thermal limits with changing temperatures, reflects their ability to respond to temperature variability and thus might be important for coping with global climate change. Here, we combine simulation modelling with analysis of published data on thermal acclimation and breadth (range of temperatures over which organisms perform well) to develop a framework for predicting thermal plasticity across taxa, latitudes, body sizes, traits, habitats and methodological factors. Our synthesis includes > 2000 measures of acclimation capacities from > 500 species of ectotherms spanning fungi, invertebrates, and vertebrates from freshwater, marine and terrestrial habitats. We find that body size, latitude, and methodological factors often interact to shape acclimation responses and that acclimation rate scales negatively with body size, contributing to a general negative association between body size and thermal breadth across species. Additionally, we reveal that acclimation capacity increases with body size, increases with latitude (to mid‐latitudinal zones) and seasonality for smaller but not larger organisms, decreases with thermal safety margin (upper lethal temperature minus maximum environmental temperatures), and is regularly underestimated because of experimental artefacts. We then demonstrate that our framework can predict the contribution of acclimation plasticity to the IUCN threat status of amphibians globally, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity is already buffering some species from climate change.  相似文献   

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