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繁殖期鸟类的巢址选择受到很多因素的影响。许多雀形目鸟类选择在树上营巢,但开阔的沿海地区通常缺乏成片的自然林地,人工种植的廊道状海堤林则成为多种雀形目鸟类的营巢地。2018年4-8月在江苏省大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区境内的海堤林中,对繁殖鸟类巢的分布及两种优势繁殖鸟类---黑尾蜡嘴雀(Eophona migratoria)和黑卷尾(Dicrurus macrocercus)的巢址选择进行了研究,分析了两种鸟类的生态位重叠情况。结果表明:海堤林生境中共发现10种繁殖鸟的127个巢,鸟巢多数位于5 m以上的空间;影响黑尾蜡嘴雀巢址选择的主要因素是巢树和灌木等,巢位置、乔木和安全等因素是次要因素(前5主分量累计贡献率为71.9%);影响黑卷尾巢址选择的主要是巢树因素和灌木因素,巢向、乔木因子是次要因素(前5主分量累计贡献率78.0%);在巢址生态位分化上:两种鸟类的巢向(Utest,Z=-3.013,P<0.01)、巢高(Utest,Z=-6.718,P<0.01)、巢位置(Utest,Z=-5.402,P<0.01)、隐蔽性(Utest,Z=-4.081,P<0.01)选择上存在极显著的差异,两者在这些因子存在生态位分化;两种鸟类在12个巢址因子选择上的生态位重叠值都较大(最小值为0.500,最大值为0.998),存在激烈的种间竞争;在滨海地区,海堤林是依赖树木筑巢繁殖鸟类的重要栖息地,需要加强保护与管理。  相似文献   

繁殖期鸟类的巢址选择受到很多因素的影响。许多雀形目鸟类选择在树上营巢,但开阔的沿海地区通常缺乏成片的自然林地,人工种植的廊道状海堤林则成为多种雀形目鸟类的营巢地。2018年4—8月在江苏省大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区境内的海堤林中,对繁殖鸟类巢的分布及两种优势繁殖鸟类———黑尾蜡嘴雀(Eophona migratoria)和黑卷尾(Dicrurus macrocercus)的巢址选择进行了研究,分析了两种鸟类的生态位重叠情况。结果表明:海堤林生境中共发现10种繁殖鸟的127个巢,鸟巢多数位于5 m以上的空间;影响黑尾蜡嘴雀巢址选择的主要因素是巢树和灌木等,巢位置、乔木和安全等因素是次要因素(前5主分量累计贡献率为71.9%);影响黑卷尾巢址选择的主要是巢树因素和灌木因素,巢向、乔木因子是次要因素(前5主分量累计贡献率78.0%);在巢址生态位分化上:两种鸟类的巢向(U_(test),Z=-3.013,P0.01)、巢高(U_(test),Z=-6.718,P0.01)、巢位置(U_(test),Z=-5.402,P0.01)、隐蔽性(U_(test),Z=-4.081,P0.01)选择上存在极显著的差异,两者在这些因子存在生态位分化;两种鸟类在12个巢址因子选择上的生态位重叠值都较大(最小值为0.500,最大值为0.998),存在激烈的种间竞争;在滨海地区,海堤林是依赖树木筑巢繁殖鸟类的重要栖息地,需要加强保护与管理。  相似文献   

芜湖市及附近地区三种鹭鸟巢址特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,对芜湖市及附近地区4个营巢地的3种主要营巢鹭鸟--白鹭(Egretta garzetta)、夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)和池鹭(Ardeola bacchus)的巢址特征进行了抽样调查,选取了11个巢址变量,即营巢树种、巢高、巢树高、巢上方郁闭度、巢周围1m半径内植被郁闭度、巢树胸径、巢离树干距离、巢下最大支撑枝直径、巢离巢区边缘的距离、坡位、巢位海拔,运用单因素方差分析和主成分分析方法研究3种鹭乌的巢址特征.结果表明,巢位因子、巢树因子、保护因子、坡位因子等4个主成分描述了3种鹭鸟的巢址特征,其贡献率分别为25.51%、24.42%、13.19%和12.32%.影响鹭鸟巢址选择的最主要因素是微栖息地适合度和巢捕食压力.  相似文献   

2013年和2014年5—7月,在新疆阜康地区,对家麻雀(Passer domesticus)巢址的空间分布格局和种群繁殖密度进行了调查,对影响其巢址空间分布的生态因子进行了分析。结果表明:家麻雀在研究区内为优势鸟种,平均种群繁殖密度为299.8±163.6只·km~(-2);其中,在白杨(Populus tomentosa)防护林中的种群繁殖密度最高,达491.9±87.8只·km~(-2);家麻雀在研究地区巢址的空间分布距离指数I=4.77,为集聚分布格局;农田、防护林带以及荒漠伯劳(Lanius isabellinus)的巢址分布对家麻雀巢址的空间分布格局和巢址利用具有重要影响;影响家麻雀巢址分布格局的主要生态因子是食物资源利用和种间巢址竞争。  相似文献   

2019年4至6月,采用定点观察法和样方法研究甘肃盐池湾国家级自然保护区斑头雁(Anser indicus)巢址选择。研究期间共发现斑头雁巢332个,斑头雁在繁殖期有3种营巢生境,即浅水沼泽、湖心小岛以及山崖,其巢址类型有草垛巢、地面巢和山崖裸岩巢3种。浅水沼泽、湖心小岛以及山崖3种营巢生境中窝卵数分别为(4.7±2.7)枚(n=204)、(4.2±1.9)枚(n=108)及(3.1±0.6)枚(n=20),孵化成功率分别为48.65%(n=199)、45.27%(n=148)及24.00%(n=25),繁殖成功率分别为66.67%(n=42)、74.28%(n=35)及36.36%(n=11)。主成分分析显示,影响浅水沼泽生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为水源因素、隐蔽因素、干扰因素和食物因素;影响湖心小岛生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为隐蔽因素、食物因素、干扰因素;影响山崖生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为地形因素、食物及水源因素、干扰因素。本研究表明,斑头雁在不同营巢生境中,巢址选择的最主要环境因素并不相同,主要依赖生境特征及周围环境因素特征。  相似文献   

2010~2011年4~7月,在四川省瓦屋山自然保护区对金色林鸲(Tarsiger chrysaeus)的繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。共发现26巢,金色林鸲2010年和2011年的繁殖成功率分别为43.8%和44.4%,孵化率分别为52.5%和60.0%;育雏成功率分别为85.7%和100.0%。主成分分析表明,影响金色林鸲巢址选择的主要因子包括巢位因素、苔藓盖度因素和乔木郁闭度因素。步道两侧的土坎为金色林鸲巢址选择提供了适宜条件。在瓦屋山,人类活动是影响金色林鸲繁殖、巢址选择、巢的分布和数量的重要因素,并存在两面性;人行步道的修建为金色林鸲提供了更多适宜的巢址,而游客的频繁活动限制了金色林鸲的繁殖活动。  相似文献   

巢址选择对保证鸟类生存和繁殖成功、降低被捕食率和种间竞争至关重要。2016—2017年,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园选取3个研究区域对同域分布的斑文鸟Lonchura punctulata和白腰文鸟Lonchura striata进行调查。在记录的15个巢址特征因子中,14个数值型因子用于拟合Logistic回归模型,找出影响文鸟巢址选择的关键因子;使用独立样本t检验和Mann-Whitney U检验比较2种文鸟在巢址特征因子选择上的差异性;置换检验(Permutation test)用于检验2种文鸟对营巢树种选择偏好的差异性。研究发现,2种文鸟的巢址分布模式在3个研究区域中的差异很大。异种鸟巢间最小间距、营巢树胸径、营巢树与水源最近距离以及巢位高度都是影响巢址选择的关键因子。与白腰文鸟相比,斑文鸟通常选择在胸径更小、位置更高、距离异种鸟巢更远、距离水源更近的地方营巢。斑文鸟多选择枝条紧密的树,而白腰文鸟多选择枝干带刺的树营巢,这可能是二者不同的对抗捕食者的防御策略。  相似文献   

动物的生理昼夜节律是对环境昼夜变化的一种重要适应。为探讨白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)体温、体重及能量代谢的昼夜节律变化,采用数字式温度计、电子天平及封闭式流体压力呼吸仪,测定了白头鹎的日体温、日体重和昼夜基础代谢率(BMR)。结果发现:白头鹎日体温及日体重变化存在显著差异,其中夜间体温明显低于白昼,并在4:00时体温呈现最低值;而白头鹎夜间体重显著低于白昼,在4:00时达到最小值,在18:00时达到最大值。另外,白头鹎的BMR也表现出了明显的昼夜差异,夜间BMR显著低于白昼。表明白头鹎体温、体重及能量代谢存在显著的昼夜节律变化,并调节达到自身生理能量平衡,从而适应昼夜环境变化。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉的巢址选择   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
1991 ̄1993年,在浙江省乌岩岭自然保护区对黄腹角雉的巢址选择进行了研究。野外工作共发现黄腹角雉巢15个,其中80%位于人工柳杉林中,营果树以柳杉为主,占73.3%。主成分分析表明,影响黄腹角雉巢址选择的主要因素有4种,依次为:营巢树因素(包括营巢树的高度、胸径、巢位高度和巢上方的植被盖度)、地形因素(包括坡向和坡度)、海拔因素和位置因素。  相似文献   

鸟巢是鸟类繁育后代的场所,巢址选择对鸟类的生存和繁衍意义重大.许多鸡形目Galliformes鸟类被列入IUCN濒危物种红色名录,了解其巢址选择的特征及影响因素有助于采取针对性保护措施.本文从影响鸡形目鸟类巢址选择的植被、地理和温度3个因素综述了其巢址选择特点,指出未来的研究方向应包括探明巢址选择的机制、从不同时空尺度...  相似文献   

The nest of the Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (endemic to Australia) consists of a lower domed nest where the young are cared for and an upper cup-shaped structure, referred to as the false nest. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain the primary function of the false nest, but their predictions remain largely untested. Here, we test predictions of the nest mimicry hypothesis (with artificial nests) whereby the empty false nest acts as a decoy, deflecting visual nest predators and/or brood parasites away from the true nest below, thereby increasing nesting success. Clear detection of the false nest by adversaries is an intrinsic aspect of nest mimicry; thus we also test whether conspicuous nests (natural) are favoured by natural selection. Specifically, (1) we compare predation level at artificial domed nests with and without a false nest; and (2) we analyse associations between nest site concealment and nesting outcome in natural nests in a wild population. Supporting the nest mimicry hypothesis, predation level was significantly lower for artificial domed nests with false nests, and for natural nests with lower levels of concealment.  相似文献   

MASAOKI TAKAGI 《Ibis》2012,154(3):621-625
Appropriate nest‐site selection is one of the most important ways to minimize loss of reproductive investment due to predation. We determined the environmental characteristics associated with nest predation during the incubation and nestling periods of arboreal nesting Bull‐headed Shrikes on the oceanic Minami‐Daito Island where the predator community has low species diversity and includes only three introduced mammals: Ship Rat Rattus rattus, Japanese Weasel Mustela itatsi and Feral Cat Felis catus. Egg predation declined with increasing grassland cover around nests, whereas nestling predation declined with increasing nest concealment and nest height. Our results suggest that effective nest‐site characteristics for avoiding nest predation differ during the incubation and nestling periods and are dependent on the predator species and their search strategies, at least in habitats with low predator species diversity.  相似文献   

Identifying factors influencing nest survival among sympatric species is important for understanding and managing sources of variation in population dynamics of individual species. Three species of loons nest sympatrically in northern Alaska and differ in body size, life history characteristics, and population trends. We tested the effects of competition, nest site selection, and water level variations on nest survival of Pacific Gavia pacifica, yellow‐billed G. adamsii, and red‐throated loons G. stellata on the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska. Although overall nest survival rates did not differ between species, the factors influencing nest survival varied. Nest site selection influenced nest survival for Pacific and yellow‐billed loons, with both species having high nest survival when nesting on islands and peninsulas, likely due to a reduction in access by terrestrial predators. However, on mainland shorelines, Pacific loons had lower nest survival than yellow‐billed loons, and used a higher proportion of vegetation mats for nest sites suggesting that their smaller body size makes them less adept at nest defense. Nest site selection did not influence nest survival of red‐throated loons corresponding to our result of no nest site preferences by this species. Initiation date had a strong influence on nest survival for Pacific and yellow‐billed loons with nests laid earlier having higher survival. Pacific and yellow‐billed loon nests were susceptible to flooding due to precipitation, which contrasted with red‐throated loons that nest on smaller lakes with lower water level variations. Competition did not affect nest survival for any of the species likely due to most territorial encounters occurring prior to incubation. The only influence we found on red‐throated loon nest survival was differences among years. Our results indicate that loons chose nest sites based on predation risk and that factors influencing breeding success of closely related species may differ under similar breeding conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest concealment by vegetation is considered an important factor affecting predation rates for many passerines and, therefore, is frequently measured in studies examining nest predation. However, the time when concealment measurements are made may affect the results of such studies, particularly in highly seasonal ecosystems where characteristics of the vegetation later in the breeding period may differ considerably from those at the time of nest-site selection. We used artificial nests baited with quail ( Coturnix sp.) eggs in a highly seasonal tropical dry forest in Jalisco, western Mexico, to test the effects of seasonal change in concealment on nest predation. We placed 40 open-cup, artificial nests in shrubs at the end of the dry season and again at the beginning of the rainy season in 2007, and monitored the fate of the nests and the degree of concealment by vegetation during both periods. Nest concealment was significantly greater during the wet season than during the dry season. The percentage of nests predated was marginally higher during the dry (100%) than the wet (72.5%) season, and daily nest survival was lower during the dry than the wet season. Our results suggest that, in highly seasonal environments such as tropical dry forests, delayed measurement of nest concealment after nest completion rather than during nesting may constitute a significant source of error.  相似文献   

巢址选择作为鸟类繁殖的重要环节,是动物生态学关注的热点问题。为探究中等体型湿地鸟类普通鸬鹚的巢址选择偏好及主要影响因子,2019年4—10月运用秩和检验、主成分分析等方法对黑龙江龙凤保护区内普通鸬鹚巢特征、巢址特征、巢址选择进行了分析。结果表明:(1)普通鸬鹚偏好选择巢树乔木相对较矮(P<0.05)、周围灌木相对较矮(P<0.01)、植被盖度较低(P<0.01)、人为干扰距离较远(P<0.01)、距水面距离较远(P<0.05)的区域筑巢;(2)影响普通鸬鹚巢址选择的因子为隐蔽因子(20.634%)、巢稳定因子和干扰因子(27.614%)、植被因子(13.901%)、水因子(5.782%)和巢忠诚度(5.069%)。进一步分析表明:(1)普通鸬鹚倾向选择粗细适中的巢材,巢材来源于优势植被,巢深随纬度增高而增大;(2)巢区植被特征符合普通鸬鹚对能量支配的权衡,巢区粪便对该特征有强化作用。基于上述结果,建议龙凤保护区在巢区内加种高大乔木。  相似文献   

Christa Beckmann  Kathy Martin 《Ibis》2016,158(2):335-342
Nest structures are essential for successful reproduction in most bird species. Nest construction costs time and energy, and most bird species typically build one nest per breeding attempt. Some species, however, build more than one nest, and the reason for this behaviour is often unclear. In the Grey Fantail Rhipidura albiscapa, nest abandonment before egg‐laying is very common. Fantails will build up to seven nests within a breeding season, and pairs abandon up to 71% of their nests before egg‐laying. We describe multiple nest‐building behaviour in the Grey Fantail and test four hypotheses explaining nest abandonment in this species: cryptic depredation, destruction of nests during storm events, and two anti‐predatory responses (construction of decoy nests to confuse predators, and increasing concealment to ‘hide’ nests more effectively). We found support for only one hypothesis – that abandonment is related to nest concealment. Abandoned nests were significantly less concealed than nests that received eggs. Most abandoned nests were not completely built and none received eggs, thus ruling out cryptic predation. Nests were not more likely to be abandoned following storm events. The decoy nest hypothesis was refuted as abandoned nests were constructed at any point during the breeding season and some nests were dismantled and the material used to build the subsequent nest. Thus, Grey Fantails are flexible about nest‐site locations during the nest‐building phase and readily abandon nest locations if they are found to have deficient security.  相似文献   

北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)是一种分布广泛的小型雀形目鸟类,主要分布于南亚东北部,东南亚北部、东亚及俄罗斯等地区,我国东北、华北、华中至西南等地也均有分布,是重要的食虫益鸟。为探究北红尾鸲巢址选择的影响因素,找到影响北红尾鸲繁殖成功率的主要巢址因子,于2017年4—7月,在辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区开展系统研究。共发现北红尾鸲自然巢44个,其中29巢繁殖成功,15巢繁殖失败。北红尾鸲主要筑巢于石墙缝、空心砖墙缝及废旧电表箱中。巢址参数的主成分分析结果表明:巢口因子(27.738%)、巢位因子(14.195%)、光照因子(12.145%)、人为干扰因子(10.440%)、安全因子(9.266%)和隐蔽因子(7.187%)是影响北红尾鸲巢址选择的重要因子。采用二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析繁殖成功巢与失败巢参数发现,成功巢的巢口最大高度显著小于失败巢(P=0.047),且其距顶的距离更近(P=0.043)。多元线性回归分析表明,巢上方盖度对繁殖成功率有极显著影响(t=2.883,P=0.009)。总的来说,北红尾鸲虽偏爱筑巢于人为干扰较大的村庄房屋附近,但较小的巢口能有效避免巢捕食者的捕食,更近的距顶距离和更大的巢上方盖度能有效降低巢上方的可视程度和降水等不利因素的影响,从而提高繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

Ground-nesting species are vulnerable to a wide range of predators and often experience very high levels of nest predation. Strategies to reduce nest vulnerability can include concealing nests in vegetation and/or nesting in locations in which nests and eggs are camouflaged and less easy for predators to locate. These strategies could have important implications for the distribution of ground-nesting species and the success rates of nests in areas with differing vegetation structure. However, the factors influencing the success of nest concealment and camouflage strategies in ground-nesting species are complex. Here we explore the effects of local vegetation structure and extent of nest concealment on nest predation rates in a range of ground-nesting, sympatric wader species with differing nest concealment strategies (open-nest species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus; concealed-nest species: Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, Redshank Tringa totanus and Snipe Gallinago gallinago) in south Iceland, in landscapes that comprise substantial variability in vegetation structure at a range of scales. We monitored 469 nests of these six wader species in 2015 and 2016 and ~40% of these nests were predated. Nest predation rates were similar for open-nest and concealed-nest species and did not vary with vegetation structure in the surrounding landscape, but nest-concealing species were ~10% more likely to have nests predated when they were poorly concealed, and the frequency of poorly concealed nests was higher in colder conditions at the start of the breeding season. For concealed-nest species, the reduced capacity to hide nests in colder conditions is likely to reflect low rates of vegetation growth in such conditions. The ongoing trend for warmer springs at subarctic latitudes could result in more rapid vegetation growth, with consequent increases in the success rates of early nests of concealed-nest species. Temperature-related effects on nest concealment from predators could thus be an important mechanism through which climate change affecting vegetation could have population-level impacts on breeding birds at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

1. Nest predation limits avian fitness, so birds should favour nest sites that minimize predation risk. Nevertheless, preferred nest microhabitat features are often uncorrelated with apparent variation in predation rates. 2. This lack of congruence between theory-based expectation and empirical data may arise when birds already occupy 'adaptive peaks'. If birds nest exclusively in low-predation microhabitats, microhabitat and nest predation may no longer be correlated even though predation ultimately shaped microhabitat selection. 3. This 'adaptive peak hypothesis' was tested for a population of Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) focusing on two nest microhabitat features: concealment and height. Experimental nests measured relative predation risk both within and outside the microhabitat range typically occupied by natural nests to examine whether nest site choices made by birds restricted our ability to detect microhabitat effects on predation. 4. Within the natural range (30-80% concealment, >75 cm height), microhabitat-predation relationships were weak and inconsistent, and similar for experimental and natural nests. Over an extended range, however, experimental predation rates were elevated in exposed sites (<30% concealed), indicating a concealment-related 'adaptive plateau'. 5. Clay egg bite data revealed a concealment effect on avian predators, and the abundance of one avian predator group correlated with nest concealment among years, suggesting these predators may cue birds to modulate nest concealment choices. 6. This study demonstrates how avian responses to predation pressure can obscure the adaptive significance of nest site selection, so predation influences may be more important than apparent from published data.  相似文献   

We used field observations and experiments to show that sexual selection in two populations of sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus (Pisces, Gobiidae), was affected by differences in resource availability. Male sand gobies rely on empty mussel shells for nest building and spawning. The two populations differed considerably in nest-site abundance and sexual-selection regimes. In one population nest sites were scarce, leading to stronger male-male competition over nests, a higher nest site colonization rate and reduced potential for female choice compared with the other population that had a surplus of nests. In the high-competition population, males were larger than females, perhaps as a response to selection, whereas the other population was not sexually size dimorphic. The results from the field were confirmed in a pool experiment that demonstrated the effect of nest abundance on nest occupancy and male reproductive success. Larger males were more successful in obtaining nest sites in both high and low nest availability treatments. Larger males were also favored by females as mating partners, but only in the treatment with surplus nest sites. Nest shortage was associated with an increased potential for intrasexual selection (measured as the coefficient of variation), whereas the potential for intersexual selection was increased when nests were common. In conclusion, nest-site abundance can influence the relative contribution of intrasexual competition and mate choice in a population. Hence, resource availability can contribute to within-species variation in mating patterns.  相似文献   

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