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鉴定了170份小麦近缘物种材料苗期对北京地区流行的小麦白粉菌小种的抗性表现,包括引自美国和欧洲的斯卑尔脱小麦81份,密穗小麦27份,中国的西藏半野生小麦4份,和引自CIMMYT的人工合成六倍体小麦58份。结果表明,3份斯卑尔脱小麦表现抗病,它们是瑞士品种Hubel和Lueg以及德国的原始品种69Z6.245(编写PI348085)。人工合成六倍体小麦中有19份材料表现高抗至免疫。密穗小麦材料中有2份(即美国材料DN-2263和Coda)表现抗病。4份西藏半小麦苗期都不抗小麦白粉病。  相似文献   

斯卑尔脱小麦(Triticum spelta L.)是具有原始染色体组的带皮栽培种,其形态特征明显,是丰富小麦遗传变异、增强抗性等的重要基因资源.斯卑尔脱小麦与普通小麦间具有较大遗传差异,与普通小麦杂交具有很强的杂种优势.斯卑尔脱小麦氨基酸和微量元素含量较普通小麦含量高,且营养成分也更丰富.向普通小麦导入斯卑尔脱小麦的有益基因是改良普通小麦抗性和品质的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

鉴定了170份小麦近缘物种材料苗期对北京地区流行的小麦白粉菌小种的抗性表现,包括引自美国和欧洲的斯卑尔脱小麦81份,密穗小麦27份,中国的西藏半野生小麦4份,和引自 CIMMYT 的人工合成六倍体小麦58份。结果表明,3份斯卑尔脱小麦表现抗病,它们是瑞士品种 Hubel 和 Lueg 以及德国的原始品种69Z6.245(编号 PI348085)。人工合成六倍体小麦中有19份材料表现高抗至免疫。密穗小麦材料中有2份(即美国材料 DN-2263和 Coda)表现抗病。4份西藏半野生小麦苗期都不抗小麦白粉病。  相似文献   

黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)的ISSR位点遗传多样性分析   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:22  
选用11个ISSR引物,对黄淮麦区96个小麦推广品种(系)进行遗传多样性分析。共检测到96个多态性位点,每个引物多态性位点数平均为8.7个,变幅为3~23个;ISSR引物的多态性信息含量PIC变幅为0.601~0.941,平均0.791,表明ISSR具有较强的品种间区分能力,是研究小麦种质资源遗传多样性的有效分子标记技术之一。96个品种(系)间,Nei’s遗传相似系数变化范围为0.53~0.91,平均为0.60,品种间遗传相似性变幅较大,表明黄淮麦区不同小麦品种(系)间存在着不同程度的遗传多样性差异。根据品种间遗传相似系数聚类,96份材料被聚成8大类群,共14个亚类,类群与系谱和原产地无关。  相似文献   

用95个引物,在拟斯卑尔脱山羊草15份材料中扩增出416条带,其中无多态性的带为83条,占总数的20%,有多态性的带为333条,占总数的80%。可以看出,拟斯卑尔脱山羊草种内遗传多样性十分丰富。RAPD分析表明,供试的15份材料可以分成4个类群,每个类群内的材料之间差异较明显,而4个类群间差异不是太大,因此拟斯卑尔脱山羊草是由类群内不太一致、类群间差异不十分明显的4个类群构成。类群内差异明显,支持遗传多样性丰富,说明拟斯卑尔脱山羊草是一个古老物种的观点;而类群间差异又不太大,表示该物种在长期进化中,没有分化成新的类型,说明该物种较稳定。本研究结果从分子水平上支持拟斯卑尔脱山羊草是一个比较古老且比较稳定的物种的论断。  相似文献   

利用SRAP和ISSR分子标记,研究了14份耐盐茄子种质资源的遗传多样性,结果表明,2种标记均能揭示材料间较高的遗传多样性,其中ISSR标记多态性略高于SRAP标记。在SRAP分析中,每对引物组合可扩增出8-15条DNA片段,平均为12.12条:26对SRAP引物组合共扩增出315条DNA片段,其中263条具有多态性,多态性比率为83.49%;材料间遗传相似系数变化范围为0.212~0.923,平均值为0.755。在ISSR分析中,每个引物可获得5~16条DNA片段,平均为10.87条;15个ISSR引物共扩增出163条DNA片段,其中141条具有多态性,多态性比率为86.50%;材料间遗传相似系数变幅为0.333-0.957,平均值为0.736。聚类分析表明,2种标记都能将供试材料完全区分开来,聚类结果具有一定的相似性,但也存在明显差异。Mantel相关分析表明,SRAP分析与ISSR分析的相关性达到极显著性水平(r=0.904,P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

云南普通野生稻遗传多样性和亲缘关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)是稻属的重要组成部分,具有许多优良性状,是水稻遗传改良的天然基因库。本研究通过对形态学性状的观测,及ISSR和RAPDUPGMA聚类分析,将云南普通野生稻划分为4个类型,即元江类型、景洪紫杆直立型、景洪绿杆直立型和景洪匍匐型。在供试材料中筛选到具有多态性的ISSR和RAPD引物各11个,ISSR引物扩增出多态带113条,多态性条带比率(PPB)为82.26%,RAPD引物共扩增出多态性条带76条,PPB值为76.77%,两种分子标记的分析结果呈极显著正相关(r=0.951)。此外UPGMA聚类结果表明,云南普通野生稻不同类型与其它地区普通野生稻之间的遗传亲缘关系差异明显。  相似文献   

西藏小麦耐盐性鉴定及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在3种不同盐胁迫浓度下对161份来源于西藏的小麦材料进行了苗期耐盐性鉴定,其中有147份西藏半野生小麦及14份密穗小麦。以普通小麦耐盐品种荼淀红麦和盐敏感品种P194341为对照。在147份西藏半野生小麦中有14份表现为耐盐,占9.5%。14份密穗小麦中没有发现耐盐材料。在这161份材料中还发现了3份对盐胁迫浓度梯度不敏感的品种。结果表明,我国特有的西藏半野生小麦中蕴藏有丰富的耐盐种质,它们可供小麦耐盐育种用做亲本。  相似文献   

利用ISSR标记构建了40份大叶种茶树资源的指纹图谱,用3种独立的方法(特殊的标记、特异的谱带类型、不同引物提供的谱带类型组合)可以有效地鉴别大叶种茶树种质资源,证明ISSR标记是鉴定茶树资源的有效方法。15条ISSR引物共扩增出275条谱带,其中274条具有多态性,占99.6%。40份材料间平均遗传相似系数、Nei's基因多态性(gene diversity)和Shannon's信息指数分别为0.4180、0.3797、0.5586。材料间的遗传多样性较高,说明材料间的遗传距离较远,亲缘关系较远。遗传基础较宽。ISSR聚类分析表明,40份种质资源被聚为3个类群,其中Ⅲ类群又聚为3个亚群。亲缘关系树状图在分子水平上清楚地显示了云南大叶种茶树资源间的亲缘关系,为今后茶树育种和杂交亲本的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

以29份普通小麦、野生二粒小麦及野生二粒小麦与节节麦杂交的双二倍体为材料,选取A、B染色体组特异的SSR引物,通过微卫星多态性检测方法探讨上述两物种之间A、B染色体组的遗传进化关系。经NTSYS系统软件UPGMA聚类分析表明,在遗传相似系数为0.18时可以将普通小麦与野生二粒小麦大致分为两大类群,说明野生二粒小麦的A、B染色体组在进化过程中其遗传物质发生了较大变化,但同时野生二粒小麦的D25与D13与普通小麦分为一组,尤其是D13与新疆的红冬麦遗传距离较近,也证明了其两物种间有一定的同源性,并对这些遗传物质分化发生的机制及SSR引物的保守性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用SSR标记分析云南、西藏和新疆小麦的遗传多样性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用185对SSR引物对52份中国西部特有小麦的遗传多样性进行了研究分析。在31份云南小麦材料中,共检测到488个等位变异,每一个SSR引物可检测到1至9个等位变异,平均为2.64个;平均PIC值为0.2764。在15份西藏小麦材料中,共检测到472个等位变异,每个引物可扩增出1到8个等位变异,平均为2.55个;平均PIC值为0.3082。在6份新疆小麦材料中,共检测到308个等位变异,每一个SSR引物可检测1到5个等位变异,平均为1.66个;平均PIC值为0.1944。185对SSR引物在云南、西藏和新疆小麦的21条染色体、7个部分同源群和3个染色体组上检测到的等位位点的多态性存在明显差异。云南、西藏和新疆小麦均以3B染色体较高,而1D染色体最低;在7个部分同源群中,均以第三部分同源群最高,第六部分同源群最低;在A、B和D染色体组上,均以B染色体组最高,D染色体组最低,A染色体组居中。利用185对SSR引物计算了云南、西藏和新疆小麦群体内及其群体间的遗传距离(GD)和平均遗传距离,结果显示,西藏小麦和云南小麦群体内的平均遗传距离要高于新疆小麦,而云南小麦和西藏小麦间的平均遗传距离低于两者与新疆小麦的平均遗传距离。聚类分析结果也表明,云南小麦和西藏小麦的亲缘关系较近,但两者与新疆小麦的亲缘关系相对较远。  相似文献   

宁夏国外小麦种质资源考察、引进和利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外小麦种质资源引进在宁夏小麦引种中发挥着重要的作用。碧玉麦、阿勃、墨卡(卡杰姆F-71)、WC-20(宁春37)、9186(宁冬6号)等国外小麦品种在宁夏生产上直接利用。宁夏春小麦的品质杂交选育始于1953年,利用国外小麦种质资源先后培育出斗地1号、宁春4号等50余个春麦品种。1990年宁夏国外冬麦种质资源的引进带动了宁夏引黄灌区冬麦北移和耕作改制的研究,也引发了宁夏冬麦品种杂交选育的研究。宁夏引黄灌区冬小麦品种的杂交选育的工作始于1991年,经过15年的努力,杂交选育出第一批冬麦品种宁冬10号、宁冬11号,2010年在冬麦生产上取代了明丰5088,不仅实现了宁夏引黄灌区冬小麦品种第3次更新、实现了小麦品种的5次更新,而且使宁夏小麦生产水平跃上新台阶,有力地促进宁夏引黄灌区耕作制度改善和种植业结构的调整。  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of extracts from different tissues of hexaploid wheat cv Chinese Spring provided a method of distinguishing and identifying the four known, and one newly discovered, sets of genes encoding peroxidase isozyme production.Per-1, carried on the short arms of homoeologous group 1 chromosomes, shows a high degree of conservation and is active in coleoptile tissue.Per-2, carried on the short arms of group 2 chromosomes, shows some polymorphism and is most active in root tissue.Per-3, on the long arms of group 3 chromosomes, is highly variable and most active in embryo tissue.Per-4, carried on chromosome arms7AS,4AL, and7DS, is quite variable and most active in endosperm tissue. (The chromosome nomenclature used in this paper is that agreed to by the 7th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, where the previous designations of4A and4B were reversed.) Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based maps of the group 7 chromosomes were used to locatePer-A4 to a distal region of7AS. In addition, a further set of genes was identified as being active in root tissue. In wheat a single locus,Per-D5, was found on chromosome arm2DS.  相似文献   

A lysimeter study was conducted on Cajeme wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to investigate the impact of salinity on protein and free amino acid content of the grain. Cross correlations were obtained between 16 different soil-plant-water based parameters and the concentration and total accumulation of amino acids. The results indicated that after 3 years of irrigation, the majority of protein bound and free amino acids increased in concentration in the grain. However, both free tryptophan and free proline revealed decreasing concentrations with increasing salinity. Free tryptophan showed a synergism between total accumulation, yield and concentration. Free proline concentrations decreased in association with increasing protein concentrations. Cross correlations of the 16 soil-plant-water based parameters with free and protein bound amino acids revealed significant correlations for free aspartic acid and glycine with total accumulation but not with concentrations. Only methionine plus cystine was lower than suggested FAO levels for essential amino acids and was lower in the third year than in the first year.  相似文献   

Summary A study to obtain information on early segregating generations of an intervarietal cross WG 357 X Tobari 66 in spring wheat on the genetics of days to heading, plant height, ear length and spikelets per spike was conducted. WG 357 has amber, hard and lustrous grains and is a well adapted high yielding variety of North India whereas Tobari 66 is red grained introduction from CIMMYT.The parental F1, F2, B1, B2, biparentals, F3 (parents of biparentals), F3 bulk and F4 bulk generations were studied in order to provide analysis of generations means (Mather 1949; Hayman 1958) and variance component analysis (Kearsay 1965; Perkins and Jinks 1970).There were highly significant differences among the generations for all the characters studied. There were significant differences among the F3 lines as well as among the biparental progenies. Only in case of ear length was the contrast between the two also significant. The mean value of most of the generations arising from the cross fell between the parental range.The three-parameter model failed to account for the variation in generation means in the case of days to heading. This character was concluded to be influenced by linkage and higher order interactions. For the other characters the three parameter model was adequate. For all characters, additive gene effects were most important as compared to dominance gene effects.The analysis of gene action as provided by the generation variance indicated that additive variance was much more pronounced as compared to dominance variance. The heritability was high for days to heading (71 per cent for narrow sense and 80 per cent in broad sense) and plant height (62 and 93 per cent in narrow and broad sense respectively.The implications of the results in breeding programmes have been discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing crop yields through plant breeding is time consuming and laborious, with the generation of novel combinations of alleles being limited by chromosomal linkage blocks and linkage-drag. Meiotic recombination is essential to create novel genetic variation via the reshuffling of parental alleles. The exchange of genetic information between homologous chromosomes occurs at crossover (CO) sites but CO frequency is often low and unevenly distributed. This bias creates the problem of linkage-drag in recombination ‘cold’ regions, where undesirable variation remains linked to useful traits. In plants, programmed meiosis-specific DNA double-strand breaks, catalysed by the SPO11 complex, initiate the recombination pathway, although only ~5% result in the formation of COs. To study the role of SPO11-1 in wheat meiosis, and as a prelude to manipulation, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate edits in all three SPO11-1 homoeologues of hexaploid wheat. Characterization of progeny lines shows plants deficient in all six SPO11-1 copies fail to undergo chromosome synapsis, lack COs and are sterile. In contrast, lines carrying a single copy of any one of the three wild-type homoeologues are phenotypically indistinguishable from unedited plants both in terms of vegetative growth and fertility. However, cytogenetic analysis of the edited plants suggests that homoeologues differ in their ability to generate COs and in the dynamics of synapsis. In addition, we show that the transformation of wheat mutants carrying six edited copies of SPO11-1 with the TaSPO11-1B gene, restores synapsis, CO formation, and fertility and hence opens a route to modifying recombination in this agronomically important crop.  相似文献   

麦田土壤解无机磷细菌的分离、筛选及其解磷效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过选择性解磷细菌培养基从麦田土壤中分离、纯化解无机磷细菌,并用钼蓝比色法定量研究磷细菌的解磷效果。结果表明通过选择性平板分离,发现麦田土壤中有15个菌株有解无机磷的作用,根据菌株直径和其解磷圈的大小,确定解磷能力较强的菌株9个;经过进一步分离纯化,选出单一无杂菌的菌株7个。解磷菌株经摇瓶培养后,比色测定培养液中磷的含量,通过比较发现其中5个菌株的解磷效果要显著优于其它两个菌株(P=0.05)。  相似文献   

A procedure for isolation and purification of aspartate aminotransferase from wheat grain includes chromatography on DEAE cellulose, acidification-alkalization, precipitation with protamine sulfate, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, and chromatography on hydroxyapatite. The yield of protein was 27% with 95% purity. Crystals of the enzyme (0.05 x 0.025 x 0.015 mm3) were obtained from ammonium sulfate solution.  相似文献   

Wheat straw, pre-treated with either alkali or steam, or both together, was used 46% more efficiently byTrichoderma reesei than untreated straw. Carboxymethyl cellulase and filter paper cellulase were higher by 52% and 74%, respectively, in the treated substrate compared with the untreated one.  相似文献   

A single vitellin was identified in the eggs of the wheat bug, Eurygaster integriceps, and purified by a two-step procedure including ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. Its nondenatured molecular mass is estimated to be 385 kDa. Under reducing conditions—SDS-PAGE—the wheat bug vitellin gives five polypeptides at 110 kDa, 80 kDa, 69 kDa, 53 kDa, and 38 kDa. Its amino acid composition is characterized by high content of aspartic acid/asparagine and glutamic acid/glutamine and low content of methionine and histidine. The lipid moiety (5.65% by weight) includes diacylglycerols, cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin. Carbohydrate content amounts to 4.54% by weight. A part of the wheat bug vitellin is dimerized during the course of deposition into the yolk granules. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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