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报道了在云南西南部发现的凤仙花属一新种——滇红凤仙花(Impatiens quintadecimacopii G.W.Hu&Q.F.Wang)和一新记录种——伸展凤仙花(I.porrecta Wall.ex Hook.f.&Thomson)。这两个种在形态上很相似,但在花色、侧萼片形状、旗瓣形状和蒴果颜色上明显有别。根据形态特征,这两个种应属于凤仙花亚属(I. subg.Impatiens)单花组(I. sect.Uniflora)。结合核糖体DNA内转录间隔区序列(ITS)与叶绿体atpB-rbcL间隔区序列开展系统发育分析,结果进一步确认了这两个种关系紧密,以及它们在单花组内的系统位置。  相似文献   

中国水生植物新记录属——钻叶荠属(十字花科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国十字花科一新记录属¾钻叶荠属Subularia L. 及一新记录种¾钻叶荠S. aquatica L.。  相似文献   

陕西省百合科一新记录属——独尾草属   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王勇  杨培君 《西北植物学报》2007,27(10):2116-2117
报道了陕西省百合科一新记录属——独尾草属(Eremurus M.Bieb.),及一新记录种——独尾草(Eremurus chinensis Fedtsch.).  相似文献   

报道了陕西省兰科一新记录属——套叶兰属(Hippeophyllum Schltr.)及一新记录种——套叶兰(Hippeophyllum sinicwn S. C. Chen et K. Y. Lang)。  相似文献   

描述了采自云南省东南部楼梯草属一新种——柳叶楼梯草(Elatostema neriifolia)和据其为模式建立的一新系——柳叶楼梯草系(ser. Neriifolia),并讨论了这些新类群和相近类群在形态上的区别,并对柳叶楼梯草的保护等级进行了评估。  相似文献   

报道福建省莎草科一新记录属——剑叶莎属(Machaerina Vahl),一新记录种——圆叶剑叶莎[Machaerina rubiginosa (Sol. ex G. Forst.) T. Koyama],凭证标本存放于福建农林大学林学院树木标本室(FJFC)。  相似文献   

魏玉莲  戴玉成 《菌物学报》2004,23(3):437-438
报道了中国担子菌一新记录属Rectipilus,并对一新记录种R. fasciculatus进行了描述。  相似文献   

中国菊科植物一新归化属--黄菊属   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
报道了在河北和天津发现的菊科一新记录属和一新记录种,即黄菊属Flaveria Juss.及二齿黄菊F. bidentis (L.) Kuntze,并提供墨线图.黄菊属与万寿菊属Tagetes L.和天人菊属Gaillardia Fouger.近缘,它们的共同特征是花序托无托片;不同点在于黄菊属叶对生或交互对生,常基部连合,头状花序在枝顶聚集成平顶形的伞房状或近球形的复合花序,花黄色,舌状花1(-2),冠毛缺.  相似文献   

报道了陕西省萝藦科一新记录属——吊灯花属(Ceropegia Linn.)及一新记录种——宝兴吊灯花(Ceropegia paoshingensis Tsiang et P.T.Li)。  相似文献   

报道了广西罂粟科一新记录属——黄药属(Ichtyoselmis LidénFukuhara)及一新记录种黄药[Ichtyoselmis macrantha(Oliver)Lidén]。  相似文献   

Chamaelirium shimentaiense (Melanthiaceae), a new species from Shimentai Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China is described. This species is similar to C. shiwandashanense and C. viridiflorum in having actinomorphic flowers with six tepals and unilocular anthers, but is easily distinguished from them by its strongly undulate leaf blades with crispulate margins and inconspicuous venation, purplish tepals with a slightly broadened and obtuse apex, and purple-tinged filaments. The infrageneric assignment of this species is discussed and a color plate is provided.  相似文献   

Most Helonieae have only slight septal indentations between the three carpels: in Xerophyllum deep septal clefts extend centripetally and completely enclosed, narrow septal pockets occur in Metanarthecium . Other unique generic features are found: tepallary-staminal nectarial glands in Heloniopsis , zygomorphy in Chionographis , and dioecism in Chamaelirium . The carpels are biovulate in Chionographis; there are two to several ovules per carpel in Xerophyllum; 8–12 ovules occur in the carpel of Chamaelirium; and numerous bitegmic ovules are borne in many longitudinal rows on enlarged placentae in Helonias, Heloniopsis, Metanarthecium , and Ypsilandra . Except for Metanarthecium , this last-named group of genera displays a near ring composed of 'accessory' placental bundles and a compound septal bundle (with normally oriented xylem and phloem) in cross-section at the inner edge of each septum. Ventral bundles occur in the other four genera.  相似文献   

Much of the contemporary study of adaptation in natural populations involves the regression of some component of fitness, usually survivorship or viability, on one or more characters of interest. It is difficult to apply this approach to measures of paternal reproduction, however, because paternity is typically estimated indirectly from genetic markers, rather than being measured directly from progeny counts. Here, we present maximum likelihood methods for modelling relative male reproductive success as a log-linear function of one or more potentially predictive features, as well as providing a framework for the assessment of pairwise (male:female) effects, as they affect male reproductive performance. We also provide nonparametric statistical tests for alternative models. Using this formulation, we examine the impact of inflorescence morphology on male reproductive success in Chamaelirium luteum L., and we also assess the importance of intermate distances between males and particular females. While male reproductive success and male inflorescence morphology are both quite variable, reproductive morphology does not appear to predict male reproductive success in this study. Intermate distance is an extremely effective predictor of pairwise success, however; but averaged over females, there is almost no net effect for different males.  相似文献   

文章报道了核子木[Perrottetia racemosa(Oliv.) Loes.]在陕西省石泉县的分布,为陕西省种子植物区系增加一新记录科——十齿花科(Dipentodontaceae)及一新记录属——核子木属(Perrottetia Kunth)。文中介绍了该科属的背景,提供了该种野外照片及植株局部照片,并对其生境特点进行了简要分析。凭证标本保存于山东省林草种质资源中心植物标本馆(SDFGR)和陕西省西安植物园植物标本室(XBGH)。  相似文献   

中国跳蚜亚科分类学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国跳蚜亚科Saltusaphida(Homoptera,Aphididae)已知5属,依跳蚜属Iziphya Nevsky新纪录,聂跳蚜属Nevskyella Ossiannilsson,跳蚜属Saltusaphis Theobald新纪录,亚跳蚜属Subsaltusaphis Quednau,蓟马蚜属Thripsaphis Gillete;11种或亚种,蟾依跳蚜Iziphya bufo Walker新纪录,蘑茹聂跳蚜Nevskyella fungifera (Ossiannilsson)新纪录,拟蘑菇聂跳蚜N.similifungifera Qiao and Zhang,华聂跳蚜,N,sinensis (Zhang,Zhang and Zhong),瘤聂跳蚜N,tuberculata Zhang and Zhang,灯心草跳蚜Saltusaphis scirpus Theobald新纪录,饰亚跳蚜Subsaltusaphis ornata(Theobald),新纪录,灯心草跳蚜Saltusaphis scirpus Theobald新纪录,饰亚跳蚜Subsaltusaphis ornata(Theobald)新纪录,泊蓟马蚜Thripsaphis ballii(Gillette),居薹蓟马蚜Th.caricicola(Mordvilko),雾灵山蓟马蚜Th.cyperi wulingshanensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhong and Tian,河北蓟马蚜Th.ossiannissoni hebeiensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhong,and Tian,河北蓟马蚜Th.ossian nilssoni hebeiensis Zhang,Zhang,Zhongand Tian,提供了分属,分种或亚种检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元具有文献引证,寄主植物,地理分布和检视标本的记录,每个新纪录种有简要的形态记述和特征图,所有研究标本存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

研究认为中国侧棘斑蚜属Tuberculatus Mordvilko,1894蚜虫有7个亚属,刺棘斑蚜亚属Acanthocallis Matsumura 1917,东方棘斑蚜亚属Orientuberculoides Hille Ris Lambers,1974,针棘斑蚜亚属Acanthotuberculatus Quednau,1999,阿棘斑蚜亚属Arakawana Matsumura ,1917,日本棘斑蚜亚属Nippocallis Matsumura,1917,中日棘斑蚜亚属Nippotuberculatus Quednan,1999和肖棘斑蚜亚属Tuberculoides van der Goot,1915。给出分亚属检索素,并记述5个中国新纪录亚属和一个新纪录种环肖棘斑蚜Tuberculatus(Tuhberculoides)annulatus(Hartig 1841),研究标本存放在中国科学院动物所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

报道了山东植物2个新记录属:荚果蕨属(Matteuccia Todaro)及其新记录种荚果蕨(Matteuccia struthiopteris(Linnaeus)Todaro),觿茅属(Dimeria Robert Brown)及其新记录种觿茅(Dimeria ornithopoda Trinius)。凭证标本均存放于山东中医药大学药学院标本室(SDCM)。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物1新记录种, 即黄花毛兰(Eria foetida Aver.),并提供了详细的形态描述和照片。  相似文献   

P. E. Smouse  T. R. Meagher 《Genetics》1994,136(1):313-322
Genealogical analysis is a powerful tool for analysis of reproductive performance in both natural and captive populations, but assignment of paternity has always been a stumbling block for this sort of work. Statistical methods for determining paternity have undergone several phases of development, ranging from straightforward genetic exclusion to assignment of paternity based on genetic likelihood criteria. In the present study, we present a genetic likelihood-based iterative procedure for fractional allocation of paternity within a progeny pool and apply this method to a population of Chamaelirium luteum, a dioecious member of the Liliaceae. Results from this analysis clearly demonstrate that different males make unequal contributions to the overall progeny pool, with many males contributing essentially nothing to the next generation. Furthermore, the distribution of paternal success among males shows a highly significant departure from (Poisson) randomness. The results from the present analysis were compared with earlier results obtained from the same data set, using likelihood-based categorical paternity assignments. The general biological pattern revealed by the two analyses is the same, but the estimates of reproductive success are only modestly (though significantly) correlated. The iterative procedure makes more complete use of the data and generates a more sharply resolved distribution of male reproductive success.  相似文献   

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