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在江苏省溧阳市别桥镇后周,有位养蛇奇人——谈成,他通过十多年的实践摸索,依靠科技攻关,研发了蛇饲料、喂蛇机器及幼蛇开口料、青年蛇发育料、成年蛇保膘料等,为不同生长阶段的蛇提供了充足的食料,  相似文献   

闪鳞蛇(Xenopeltis unicolor),由于该蛇在爬行时,其鳞片在日光下闪耀出多种色彩的光泽而得名,为闪鳞蛇科闪鳞蛇属闪鳞蛇,系无毒蛇。  相似文献   

2022年9月和2023年4月在浙江省温州市鹿城区仰义水库分别采集到1条脊蛇属(Achalinus)物种幼体尸体标本(标本编号分别为2022AZJLCN1和2023AZJLCN2)。形态上它们分别与黄家岭脊蛇(A. huangjietangi)和云开脊蛇(A. yunkaiensis)接近。基于线粒体COI基因片段的最大似然树结果,两蛇样本序列分别与这两种脊蛇聚为一个支系;2023AZJLCN2标本与云开脊蛇的遗传距离为0.10,低于中国境内分布脊蛇属物种间的遗传距离(0.12~0.16);2022AZJLCN1标本与黄家岭脊蛇的遗传距离为0.09,在黄家岭脊蛇种内遗传距离(0.04~0.12)范围内。综上,鉴定2023AZJLCN2标本为云开脊蛇,2022AZJLCN1标本为黄家岭脊蛇。此前记录云开脊蛇分布于我国广东和广西,本次在浙江温州市鹿城区的发现为浙江蛇类新分布记录种;黄家岭脊蛇分布于安徽和浙江,此次在在温州市鹿城区的发现是温州市首次新分布记录。这两种脊蛇的新分布记录提示它们有更广的分布范围。  相似文献   

王锦蛇的人工养殖方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱惠平 《蛇志》2001,13(4):79-80
王锦蛇是一种比较适合人工养殖的无毒蛇。王锦蛇体大、耐寒、适应性强、生长快、饲养周期短、易孵化 ,很多蛇场或养蛇户多以王锦蛇作为蛇类的养殖品种 ;王锦蛇特别适合在我国北方各省区养殖。作者以北方地区为例 ,浅述王锦蛇的养殖方法。1 王锦蛇的生长习性  王锦蛇又名菜花蛇、大王蛇、臭薰领等 ,无毒 ,常栖息在山地、平原及丘陵地带 ,活动于河边、水塘边、库区及其它近水域的地方。王锦蛇动作敏捷、性情凶猛、爬行速度快且会攀树 ,属广食性蛇 ,常以蛙类、鸟类、鼠类及各种鸟蛋为食。食物缺乏时 ,它甚至吞食自己的幼蛇和同类。2 王锦蛇…  相似文献   

滑鼠蛇的人工孵化及幼蛇的饲养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈祖发 《蛇志》2005,17(1):20-22
滑鼠蛇又称水南蛇、水律蛇,无毒。滑鼠蛇在食用和药用上都有较高的价值,因此,滑鼠蛇的人工养殖业具有良好的发展前景。为促进滑鼠蛇养殖业发展,谨就本人对滑鼠蛇的人工孵化与幼蛇的饲养方面的体会作简单介绍如下。  相似文献   

世界上有各种各样的蛇类,也有各种各样有关蛇的传说和趣闻。长寿蛇——西萨摩亚有一种绿茸线蛇,每活一年其尾巴就长一个环圈。这种蛇有的已有1600多个环圈,故当地人称它为长寿蛇飞蛇——印尼有一种眼镜蛇,能飞离地面40米高,飞行距约100米.唱蛇——乌干达有一种蛇,在夜深人静时会发出叽叽的叫声,相当动听,当地人称它为唱蛇。哭蛇——尼罗河两岸有一种“哭蛇”,在产蛋前发出呜呜的哭声,似乎预感到下蛋后的死亡.蛇城——意大利酋洛市是闻名于世的蛇城,城里家家户户都养蛇.每逢一年一度的蛇节,市  相似文献   

李操  温涛  郭鹏 《动物学杂志》2009,44(2):135-137
2008年7月,在四川省攀枝花市盐边县野外考察期间采集到一条游蛇科幼蛇.经鉴定,该蛇为方花丽斑蛇(Mactdophis bellus),为四川省蛇类新纪录.  相似文献   

《中国动物志》与文献记载竹叶青蛇属分类存在矛盾,故本研究探讨了产自海南岛的竹叶青蛇的分类地位。为了研究其分类地位,理清国内外分类系统的矛盾。通过原竹叶青蛇属37个物种91个个体的ND_4基因进行测序,计算遗传距离;以瘤鼻蛇为外群,建立分子发育树。结果显示:所有物种在分子树上明显分为7支;产自海南岛的竹叶青蛇属于两个物种,即白唇竹叶青蛇和福建竹叶青蛇。由此得结论为国际上将原竹叶青蛇属细分为8个属的观点比较合理;支持"福建竹叶青蛇海南亚种"的分类地位。本研究丰富了海南基于分子生物学竹叶青蛇分类研究,完善竹叶青蛇生物信息学理论体系提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为了掌握蛇在养殖状态下的血液学参数,对人工孵化繁育的棕黑锦蛇Elaphe schrenckii、赤峰锦蛇E.anomala和王锦蛇E.carinata进行了比较研究。观测的参数包括血细胞形态和大小、红细胞计数、白细胞计数和白细胞分类计数,以及血栓细胞计数。结果表明:3种蛇血细胞的形态、大小和数量各有不同,种间差异有统计学意义;其中王锦蛇的红细胞表面积和体积最大,数量最多;白细胞中淋巴细胞所占比例均为最高;除王锦蛇为嗜酸性粒细胞数量仅次于淋巴细胞外,其余2种蛇嗜中性粒细胞的数量在白细胞总数中所占比例仅次于淋巴细胞。特别的是王锦蛇的嗜酸性颗粒细胞和血栓细胞均高于其他2种锦蛇的2倍以上,而嗜中性颗粒细胞却只有其他2种锦蛇的一半。  相似文献   

在江苏省溧阳市别桥镇后周,有位养蛇奇人———谈成,他通过十多年的实践摸索,依靠科技攻关,研发了蛇饲料、喂蛇机器,以及幼蛇开口料、青年蛇发育料、成年蛇保膘料等,为不同生长阶段的蛇提供了充足的食料,成为国内采用机械化自繁自育室内生态养蛇的第一人,并成立了谈成特  相似文献   

北京市蛇类新纪录——中介蝮   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2011年6月,在北京市门头沟区小龙门林场进行教学实习时,采集到2号蛇类标本,经鉴定为中介蝮(Gloydius intermedius),为北京市蛇类新纪录。  相似文献   

The new species Zagrammosoma dulanense Cao & Zhu, sp. n., from Qinghai Province, China, is described and illustrated. All type specimens were reared from the pupae of Micrurapteryx sophorivora Kuznetzov & Tristan (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a leafmining moth attacking the plant Thermopsis lanceolata R. Br. (Fabaceae). A key to the three known Asian species of Zagrammosoma is provided. All specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection, the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

To determine the polymorphism of mutT genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis of Beijing genotype, we developed a duplex real-time PCR assay based on hybridization probes for the Roche LightCycler instrument. The assay rapidly detects mutations at codons 48 and 58 of genes mutT4 and at mutT2, respectively.  相似文献   

A new species, Amphibulus melanarius Zong, Sun & Sheng, sp.n., belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), collected from Beijing, China, is reported. A key to the species of the genus Amphibulus Kriechbaumer, 1893 known in the Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Regions is provided.  相似文献   

The aphid genus Nigritergaphis gen. n. is described, and N. crassisetosa sp. n. on Isodon eriocalyx (Dunn) Kudô (Lamiaceae) from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated. The new species curls and distorts the leaves of this important traditional Chinese medicinal plant, and is evidently specific to this host. Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

Haowen Tong 《Geobios》2007,40(2):219
The materials of Aeretesmelanopterus from the Tianyuan Cave, a Late Pleistocene site with human fossils recovered recently near Zhoukoudian, are the richest of this species ever reported in North China. Aeretesmelanopterus is an endemic species of China, its relationship with Petaurista and Trogopterus is still controversal. Studies based on the dental characters show that Aeretesmelanopterus resembles Petaurista more closely than Trogopterus. The earliest fossil record of Aeretesmelanopterus was found in South China in Middle Pleistocene deposits. The earliest records in the Beijing area are from Upper Cave and Tianyuan Cave at Zhoukoudian are of late-Late Pleistocene age, around 30 kyrs BP. The geographical distributions of this species are very limited. In evolution, Aeretesmelanopterus experienced both the increase and the decrease in tooth size; but its crown height of cheek teeth was continuously increasing.  相似文献   

Xiu-Qin Chen 《Geobios》2004,37(5):575
The Early Devonian brachiopod genus Borealirhynchia was established by Su, 1976. Phylum Brachiopoda (Cambrian to Devonian). In: Paleontological Atlas of North China, Inner Mongolia Volume 1. Geological Publishing House Beijing, pp. 155-227 (in Chinese). It has not been previously described in detail, nor have transverse serial sections of the internal features of Borealirhynchia delerensis, the type species, been published. In this paper Borealirhynchia, along with a few species previously assigned to it, is analysed and discussed. Detailed transverse serial sections of the internal features of B.? lata Su, 1976, are provided, based on well-preserved specimens collected from the Lower Devonian strata of Dong Ujimqin Qi, northeastern Inner Mongolia. Borealirhynchia? gigantea Su, 1976 and Latonotoechia multicosta Su, 1976 are considered to be synonyms of B.? lata Su with the same external and internal characters present in all three species. Some Lower Devonian strata, in which Borealirhynchia was found and reported, from Dong Ujimqin Qi, northeastern Inner Mongolia, are fully described.  相似文献   

A new species of Mollitrichosiphum Suenaga, Mollitrichosiphum tumorisiphum Qiao & Jiang, sp. n., from Fagus longipetiolata in Taiwan island is described. Siphunculi of Mollitrichosiphum tumorisiphum in alatae are distinctly swollen on the distal part, unlike those of the other known species in the genus. Updated keys to apterous and alate viviparous females of all known Chinese species of Mollitrichosiphum are provided. The specimens studied are deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and the Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

2011年6~8月,在北京市野生动物救护中心露天笼舍内,采用瞬时扫描法对笼养条件下的4只大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)行为时间分配和活动节律进行了研究,利用单因素方差分析来说明不同性别大斑啄木鸟间行为时间分配差异以及研究对象在日间不同时间段行为节律差异.结果显示,笼养条件下大斑啄木鸟的各种行为活动具有一定的时间分配特点和日行为节律.大斑啄木鸟的行为主要表现为休息和飞行走动,占全部行为的36.24%和26.96%,其次为觅食行为,占17.69%.除觅食、理羽和其他行为外,雌雄间行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05).大斑啄木鸟昼间活动的高峰期出现在上午,中午有午休现象,日间行为节律明显.飞行走动、休息、理羽、跳跃行为的发生频次在雌雄间无显著差异(P>0.05),而雄性觅食的发生频次显著地大于雌性的(P<0.05).  相似文献   

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