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丛枝菌根真菌对百喜草的生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽法研究了丛枝菌根(AM)真菌摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)对水分胁迫条件下百喜草(Paspalum notatum)生长、渗透调节及抗氧化酶的影响。结果表明:接种AM真菌显著提高了百喜草的株高、地上部与根部鲜重、地上部P、K、Mn及根部P、Ca、Mn含量,明显降低了地上部Zn及根部Fe、B、Cu水平;随着干旱程度的加深,接种株的地上部相对含水量及叶绿素含量相对稳定且均显著高于未接种株,接种株地上部相对电导率、MDA含量均显著低于未接种株,接种株的地上部POD活性与脯氨酸含量均显著增加且均显著高于未接种株,AM侵染对SOD活性的影响较小。可见,接种AM真菌Glomus mosseae提高了植株体内保护酶活性(如POD)及渗透调节能力(如脯氨酸、P、K、Ca等渗透调节物含量的增加),从而显著增强了百喜草的抗旱性。  相似文献   

不同水肥条件下AM真菌对丹参幼苗生长和营养成分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺学礼  马丽  孟静静  王平 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5721-5728
利用盆栽接种试验,探讨不同水肥条件下AM真菌摩西球囊霉Glomus mosseae对丹参幼苗生长和微量元素的影响,为丹参水肥合理施用提供理论依据。结果表明,不同水肥条件下,接种AM真菌显著提高了根系侵染率和生物量。40%相对含水量、不同施P水平,接种株丹参酮含量升高,总黄酮、丹参素及地下部总酚酸含量降低,植株Zn及地上部Ca、K、Mn、Fe含量升高,而对植株Mg、Cu和地下部Ca、K、Mn、Fe无显著影响;接种效应随施P量不同而变化。70%相对含水量、不同施P水平,接种株药用成分含量显著升高,植株Ca、Mn和地上部K、Cu及地下部Fe和Zn含量升高,而对植株Mg、地下部K、Cu和地上部Fe和Zn含量无显著影响。不同水分和同一施P水平,接种株丹参酮含量升高,地上部Ca、K和地下部Zn含量升高,接种效应因土壤含水量不同而变化,其中以70%含水量时效果最好。说明AM真菌能促进宿主植物根系对水分和矿质元素的吸收与利用,提高水分和P肥利用率,降低水分和P胁迫对丹参的伤害程度,其中以70%相对含水量,施P量为0.16 gP/kg土时AM真菌对丹参的接种效果最佳。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下AM真菌对沙打旺生长和抗旱性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭辉娟  贺学礼 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5933-5940
利用盆栽试验研究了水分胁迫条件下接种AM真菌对优良牧草和固沙植物沙打旺(Astragalus adsurgens Pall.)生长和抗旱性的影响。在土壤相对含水量为70%、50%和30%条件下,分别接种摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)和沙打旺根际土著菌,不接种处理作为对照。结果表明,水分胁迫显著降低了沙打旺植株(无论接种AM真菌与否)的株高、分枝数、地上部干重和地下部干重,并显著提高了土著AM真菌的侵染率,对摩西球囊霉的侵染率无显著影响。接种AM真菌可以促进沙打旺生长和提高植株抗旱性,但促进效应因土壤含水量和菌种不同而存在差异。不同水分条件下,接种AM真菌显著提高了植株菌根侵染率、根系活力、地下部全N含量和叶片CAT活性。土壤相对含水量为30%和50%时,接种株地上部全N、叶片叶绿素、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量和POD活性显著高于未接种株;接种AM真菌显著降低了叶片MDA含量;接种土著AM真菌的植株株高、分枝数、地上部和地下部干重显著高于未接种株。土壤相对含水量为30%时,接种AM真菌显著增加了地上部全P含量和叶片相对含水量;接种摩西球囊霉的植株株高、分枝数、地上部和地下部干重显著高于未接种株。水分胁迫40d,接种AM真菌显著提高了叶片可溶性糖含量。水分胁迫80d,接种株叶片SOD活性显著增加。菌根依赖性随水分胁迫程度增加而提高。沙打旺根际土著菌接种效果优于摩西球囊霉。水分胁迫和AM真菌的交互作用对分枝数、菌根侵染率、叶片SOD、CAT和POD活性、叶绿素、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白、地上部全N和全P、地下部全N和根系活力有极显著影响,对叶片丙二醛和地下部全P有显著影响。AM真菌促进根系对土壤水分和矿质营养的吸收,改善植物生理代谢活动,从而提高沙打旺抗旱性,促进其生长。试验结果为筛选优良抗旱菌种,充分利用AM真菌资源促进荒漠植物生长和植被恢复提供了依据。  相似文献   

肖家欣  杨慧  张绍铃 《生态学报》2012,32(7):2127-2134
盆栽实验研究了不同施Zn水平(0、300 mg/kg和600 mg/kg)下,接种丛枝菌根真菌Glomus intraradices对枳苗生长、Zn、Cu、P、K、Ca、Mg分布的影响,并采用非损伤微测技术测定分析了菌根化与非菌根化枳根净Ca2+、H+、NO3-离子流动态。结果表明:(1)在不同施Zn水平下,接种菌根真菌显著提高了枳苗地上部及根部鲜重;随着施Zn水平的提高,菌根侵染率呈降低趋势,枳苗地上部与根部Zn含量呈增加趋势,且接种株根部Zn含量显著高于未接种株。(2)接种株未施Zn处理的地上部Cu、P、K、Mg和根部Cu含量、施600 mg/kg Zn处理的根部Cu及施300 mg/kg Zn处理的根部P含量均显著高于对照,而菌根真菌侵染对枳苗Ca含量并无显著性影响。(3)接种株未施Zn处理的根部距根尖端0 μm和600 μm处净Ca2+流出速率、600 μm处净H+流入速率、2400 μm处净NO3-流入速率均显著高于未接种株。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下丛枝菌根AM真菌对民勤绢蒿生长与抗旱性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
贺学礼  高露  赵丽莉 《生态学报》2011,31(4):1029-1037
采用盆栽试验,研究了水分胁迫下接种丛枝菌根AM真菌对民勤绢蒿(Seriphidium minchünense)生长和抗旱性的影响。结果表明,不同水分条件下,接种AM真菌提高了民勤绢蒿菌根侵染率和生物量,增加了地上部和地下部全P含量,重度胁迫下接种株地上部总黄酮含量显著升高,而对分枝数和地上部、地下部全N含量无显著影响。水分胁迫提高了民勤绢蒿菌根依赖性和全N、全P菌根贡献率。不同生长时期接种AM真菌均能提高植株叶片相对含水量、可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量;前期接种株叶片可溶性糖含量显著低于未接种株,而中后期可溶性糖含量显著高于未接种株;整个生长时期接种株比未接种株叶片维持较低的脯氨酸含量;不同生长时期接种株叶片全N和全P含量显著升高,重度胁迫下接种株叶片总黄酮含量显著升高。AM真菌促进宿主植物生长和增强抗旱性可能是AM真菌直接促进宿主植物根系对土壤水分和矿质元素吸收和间接改善植株体内生理代谢活动的缘故。  相似文献   

本研究采用温室盆栽试验,利用丛枝菌根(AM)真菌摩西管柄囊霉Funneliformis mosseae进行接种试验,研究了在Cd胁迫下(0、5、15和30mg/kg)接种AM真菌对高羊茅Festuca elata ‘Crossfire II’的生物量、防御酶活性、磷和镉(Cd)含量的影响。结果表明,随着Cd浓度的增加,高羊茅的菌根侵染率和菌根相对依赖性有所增加。接种AM真菌改善了磷从植株根系向地上部的转运,有助于植株在地上部积累更多的磷。此外,AM真菌和Cd胁迫对高羊茅植株抗氧化酶活性都有显著影响,在镉胁迫下,与未接种植株相比,接种AM真菌显著提高了植株的过氧化氢酶活性,而显著降低了植株的丙二醛含量。与未接种植株相比,接种摩西管柄囊霉显著提高了寄主植物对Cd的富集能力,有利于重金属在根部的积累,同时降低了地上部的Cd含量。本研究表明,高羊茅-丛枝菌根共生体在Cd污染土壤的修复中具有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌种间差异对柚苗营养生长及矿质含量的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
在温室盆栽条件下研究了3种AM真菌Gigaspora margarita、Glomus mosseae和Glomus versiforme对长寿沙田柚(Citrus grandis cv. Changshou Shatian You)无菌苗营养生长及矿质含量的影响.结果表明,接种AM真菌的植株均有效地被感染;与对照相比,接种AM真菌能显著促进植株地上和地下部分生长,尤其促进了须根的生长,接种Glomus mosseae处理的主根长度比对照增加了22.7%,侧根数量增加了35.7%,须根数量和总长分别增加了160.8%和103.2%;接种AM真菌显著地提高了叶片的N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Zn、Cu和Mn含量,与对照相比,3种真菌处理的P含量分别增加了46.8%、88.7%和32.3%.3种AM真菌处理中,以接种Glomus mosseae处理营养生长最好,菌根依赖性最大,矿质元素N、P、K、Ca、Zn和Cu的含量最高,其效应顺序为Glomus mosseae>Gigaspora margarita>Glomus versiforme,可见,3种AM真菌对长寿沙田柚生长均有正效应,以Glomus mosseae最为显著,为长寿沙田柚适宜的优良菌种(株).  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对柑橘嫁接苗枳/红肉脐橙抗旱性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验,研究了自然水分胁迫和胁迫解除复水条件下接种AM真菌摩西球囊霉对柑橘嫁接苗枳/红肉脐橙生长和保护系统能力的影响.结果表明,接种AM真菌的柑橘嫁接苗的株高、穗粗、叶面积和新梢生长量显著或极显著地高于未接种植株.在胁迫解除复水第4天,接种AM真菌的根系可溶性蛋白质含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著或极显著高于未接种植株.在自然水分胁迫和胁迫解除复水过程中,接种AM真菌较未接种处理降低叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量,提高可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量,增强SOD、过氧化物酶(POD)、CAT活性,从而增强柑橘嫁接苗的渗透调节和保护防御能力,提高柑橘嫁接苗的抗旱能力.水分和菌根显著交互影响叶片SOD活性.AM真菌提高寄主植物的抗旱性机制可能与寄主植物的保护系统能力的改变有关.  相似文献   

贺超  陈伟燕  贺学礼  姜桥  赵丽莉 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2798-2806
利用盆栽接种试验,探讨不同水肥条件下AM真菌双网无梗囊霉Acaulospora bireticulata对黄芩生长、养分含量和次生代谢产物的影响,为黄芩水肥合理施用提供理论依据。结果表明,不同水肥条件下,AM真菌能与黄芩根系形成良好共生关系,接种AM真菌能显著提高黄芩根系菌根侵染率和生物量,水分和施肥处理对菌根侵染率和黄芩生长具有显著交互作用。不同水肥条件下,接种AM真菌提高了植株保护酶活性和叶片渗透调节物质含量,降低了脯氨酸和丙二醛含量;显著增加了黄芩苷和N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe和Zn含量,降低了Mn和Cu含量。N和P含量随施肥量增加而提高,其余矿质元素在施肥量N 0.383 g、P 0.564 g、K 0.251 g时含量最高,说明AM真菌能够促进宿主植物根系对水分和矿质元素的吸收和利用,提高水分和肥料利用率,具有明显的节水节肥作用,其中50%相对含水量,施肥量N 0.383 g、P 0.564 g、K 0.251 g时,接种AM真菌的促生效应最佳。  相似文献   

采用盆栽法研究了不同施氮水平下接种丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌Glomus mosseae对茶树生长、矿质元素吸收及茶叶品质的影响。结果表明,适量的施氮利于AM真菌的侵染和菌根发育,当施氮过量时则会抑制菌根发育。在不同施氮水平下接种AM真菌均提高了茶树地上部、地下部和总干物质量,其中又以接种AM真菌同时施氮量为0.53g kg-1的茶树总干物质量最大,为对照的1.63倍。不同矿质元素受AM真菌和氮肥的影响不一致,在一定施氮水平下接种AM真菌可提高茶树叶片中N、P、K、Ca、Zn和Fe含量,降低Mn和Cu含量;显著增加根中N、P、K、Mg和Zn含量,降低Mn含量,施高浓度的氮(1.06 g kg-1)显著降低了根系Ca和Fe含量。不同施氮水平下AM真菌处理可增加茶叶中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量,提高了茶叶中茶多酚、咖啡碱、氨基酸和水浸出物含量,降低酚氨比,显著改善茶叶品质。本实验条件下,茶树施氮量为0.53 g kg-1时,接种AM真菌改善茶叶品质的效果最佳。  相似文献   

The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus mosseae, on growth, osmotic adjustment and antioxidant enzymes of bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) were studied in potted plants under water stress conditions. AM colonization significantly enhanced the plant height, root and shoot fresh weight, Phosphorus (P), potasium (K), manganese (Mn) contents in shoots, P, calcium (Ca), Mn contents in roots, whereas obviously decreased zinc (Zn) content in shoots, iron (Fe), boron (B), copper (Cu) contents in roots. During water stress, the relative water and chlorophyll contents were relatively stable and signifciantly higher in AM than in non-AM plants, AM inoculation notabley decreased the shoot relative conductivity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, markedly increased shoot peroxidase (POD) activity and proline content, while AM infection did not affect the dismutase (SOD) activity of shoots. Our results suggested that AM colonization improved the protective enzyme activity (such as POD) and osmotic adjustment originating from proline P, K, Ca, resulting in the enhancement of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The influence of Glomus etunicatum colonization on plant growth and drought tolerance of 3-month-old Pistacia vera seedlings in potted culture was studied in two different water treatments. The arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) inoculation and plant growth (including plant shoot and root weight, leaf area, and total chlorophyll) were higher for well-watered than for water-stressed plants. The growth of AM-treated seedlings was higher than non-AM-treatment regardless of water status. P, K, Zn and Cu contents in AM-treated shoots were greater than those in non-AM shoots under well-watered conditions and drought stress. N and Ca content were higher under drought stress, while AM symbiosis did not affect the Mg content. The contents of soluble sugars, proteins, flavonoid and proline were higher in mycorrhizal than non-mycorrhizal-treated plants under the whole water regime. AM colonization increased the activities of peroxidase enzyme in treatments, but did not affect the catalase activity in shoots and roots under well-watered conditions and drought stress. We conclude that AM colonization improved the drought tolerance of P. vera seedlings by increasing the accumulation of osmotic adjustment compounds, nutritional and antioxidant enzyme activity. It appears that AM formation enhanced the drought tolerance of pistachio plants, which increased host biomass and plant growth.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were set up to determine the species-specific uptake of cesium (Cs) by mycorrhizal (AM) and non-mycorrhizal (non-AM) plants. Using stable Cs and K application, side-effects of mineral fertilization (K) on AM development and uptake of Cs and the other cations Na, Ca and Mg were investigated. AM colonization by the fungus Glomus mosseae led to a significant decrease in shoot Cs content of Agrostis tenuis from the first (4 weeks) to the third harvest (8 weeks). With regard to the root system, statistically significant differences were observed from the first (4 weeks) to the second harvest (6 weeks). Supply of additional K produced a significant decrease in Cs uptake by both AM and non-AM plants over a 10-week period. In the case of AM plant shoots, K fertilization did not very effectively reduce Cs uptake by A. tenuis. Cs contents of fertilized AM roots were similar to non-AM controls. Potassium application resulted in an increase in K content and a slight reduction in Na and Mg contents of shoots and roots. Without K fertilization, the Na content of non-AM controls was significantly enhanced over AM shoots. Shoot and root Ca contents were generally higher without than with K addition. Negative side-effects of K fertilization as a countermeasure to Cs uptake were not observed in relation to AM development. The intensity of colonization by G. mosseae was not significantly depressed by K treatment. AM development in plants appeared to decrease Cs uptake, at least at moderate nutrient levels. It is possible that Cs is sequestered by AM extraradical fungal hyphae and consequently not transferred to the plant to the extent found in non-AM roots. Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus versiforme on plant growth, osmotic adjustment and photosynthesis of tangerine (Citrus tangerine) were studied in potted culture under well-watered and water stress conditions. Seven-day-old seedlings of tangerine were transferred to pots containing Glomus versiforme or non-AMF. After 97 days, half of the seedlings were subject to water stress and the rest were well-watered for 80 days. AM colonization significantly stimulated plant growth and biomass regardless of water status. The soluble sugar of leaves and roots, the soluble starch of leaves, the total non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) of leaves and roots, and the Mg(2+) of leaves were higher in AM seedlings than those in corresponding non-AM seedlings. The levels of K(+) and Ca(2+) in leaves and roots were higher in AM seedlings than those in non-AM seedlings, but differences were only significant under water stress conditions. Moreover, AM colonization increased the distributed proportions of soluble sugar and NSC to roots. However, the proline was lower in AM seedlings compared with that in non-AM seedlings. AM seedlings had higher leaf water potential (Psi), transpiration rates (E), photosynthetic rates (Pn), stomatal conductance (g(s)), relative water content (RWC), and lower leaf temperature (Lt) than corresponding non-AM seedlings. This research also suggested that AM colonization improved the osmotic adjustment originating not from proline but from NSC, K(+), Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), resulting in the enhancement of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus etunicatum, on characteristics of growth, membrane lipid peroxidation, osmotic adjustment, and activity of antioxidant enzymes in leaves and roots of maize (Zea mays L.) plants was studied in pot culture under temperature stress. The maize plants were placed in a sand and soil mixture under normal temperature for 6 weeks and then exposed to five different temperature treatments (5oC, 15oC, 25oC, 35oC, and 40oC) for 1 week. AM symbiosis decreased membrane relative permeability and malondialdehyde content in leaves and roots. The contents of soluble sugar content and proline in roots were higher, but leaf proline content was lower in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants. AM colonization increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase in leaves and roots. The results indicate that the AM fungus is capable of alleviating the damage caused by temperature stress on maize plants by reducing membrane lipid peroxidation and membrane permeability and increasing the accumulation of osmotic adjustment compounds and antioxidant enzyme activity. Consequently, arbuscular mycorrhiza formation highly enhanced the extreme temperature tolerance of maize plant, which increased host biomass and promoted plant growth.  相似文献   

以抗旱性不同的小麦品种为材料,在小麦的水分临界期开花期进行缓慢脱水处理,分别在脱水的不同阶段取样测定叶片及根系的渗透调节能力及渗透调节物质。结果表明:随着土壤含水量的降低,叶片与根系的饱和渗透势同步下降,表现出叶片与根系对水分胁迫反应的一到场生,但根系的渗透调节能力低于叶片。根系与叶片的渗透调节物质,一方面在物质总含量方面,表现出与渗透调节能力的一致性,另一方面各种物质的相对含量又有一定差异,叶片中可溶性糖与K+含量及增加量都高于根系,而根系中的游离氨基酸与Ca^2 的相对增加量则大于叶片。  相似文献   

以抗旱性不同的小麦品种为材料,在小麦的水分临界期开花期进行缓慢脱水处理,分别在脱水的不同阶段取样测定叶片及根系的渗透调节能力及渗透调节物质。结果表明:随着土壤含水量的降低,叶片与根系的饱和渗透势同步下降,表现出叶片与根系对水分胁迫反应的一致性,但根系的渗透调节能力低于叶片。根系与叶片的渗透调节物质,一方面在物质总含量方面,表现出与渗透调节能力的一致性,另一方面各种物质的相对含量又有一定差异,叶片中可溶性糖与K+的含量及增加量都高于根系,而根系中的游离氨基酸与Ca2+的相对增加量则大于叶片。  相似文献   

 利用两种不同土壤研究了水分胁迫和接种AM真菌(摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)和油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)根际土著AM真菌)对毛乌素沙地重要演替物种油蒿生长和抗旱性的影响。结果表明, 两种土壤中水分胁迫没有显著影响油蒿的植株形态和含水量, 但严重抑制了菌根侵染率。水分胁迫促使油蒿提高叶片保水能力, 抑制N、P在地上部的分配。在胁迫前期SOD活性较高, 而POD活性在后期较高。同一水分条件下接种AM真菌显著提高了AM真菌侵染率, 土壤中孢子数显著增多, 提高了植株分枝数并促进侧根发育, 显著提高根冠比和植株保水能力, 加强了根系对全磷、全氮的吸收。接种AM真菌的植株可溶性糖和丙二醛含量较低, 可溶性蛋白含量无显著变化, SOD和POD活性提高, 油蒿抗旱性加强。水分胁迫下在不同土壤中接种不同AM真菌对油蒿的促进效应差异较大, 接种土著AM真菌的效果优于摩西球囊霉单一接种。干旱导致菌根侵染率下降是宿主植物吸水能力下降的原因之一, 在植物生长前期接种AM真菌可以增强植物抵抗生长中后期环境干旱的能力。  相似文献   

The influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus mosseae, on characteristics of growth, photosynthetic pigments, osmotic adjustment, membrane lipid peroxidation and activity of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Zhongzha105) plants was studied in pot culture under low temperature stress. The tomato plants were placed in a sand and soil mixture at 25°C for 6 weeks, and then subjected to 8°C for 1 week. AM symbiosis decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves. The contents of photosynthetic pigments, sugars and soluble protein in leaves were higher, but leaf proline content was lower in mycorrhizal than non-mycorrhizal plants. AM colonization increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in leaves. The results indicate that the AM fungus is capable of alleviating the damage caused by low temperature stress on tomato plants by reducing membrane lipid peroxidation and increasing the photosynthetic pigments, accumulation of osmotic adjustment compounds, and antioxidant enzyme activity. Consequently, arbuscular mycorrhiza formation highly enhanced the cold tolerance of tomato plant, which increased host biomass and promoted plant growth.  相似文献   

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