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系统研究了中国根蚜属Geoica Hart的蚜虫。中国分布有5种(亚种),其中有二新种:拟钝毛根蚜G. parasetu losa Zhang et Qiao和尸根蚜G. necis Zhang et Qiao, 一新亚种:袋根蚜乌鲁木齐亚种G. urticularia urumqiensis Qiao et Zhang。该文提供了详细的形态特征记述,寄主植物和地理分布资料,中国分布种类的分种检索表和24幅形态特征图。所有标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachysangusta、乌芽竹P.atrovaginata、角竹P.fimbriligula、美竹P.mannii、早园竹P.propinqua、芽竹P.robustiramea、水胖竹P.rubi-cunda、衢县红壳竹P.rutila、天目早竹P.tianmuensis 9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得的可靠花枝标本对台湾桂竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

韩红香  薛大勇 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):651-655
雅尺蛾属 Apocolotois 1936年由Wehrli定名,属古北界分布,世界共记录3种:斑雅尺蛾A. arnoldiaria, 二白点雅尺蛾A. smirnovi, 短瓣雅尺蛾A. almatensis。本文记述了所有种类,其中A. almatensis 为中国新记录种;修订了国内部分研究,双珠雅尺蛾Chariaspilates shuangzhu Yang被确定为二白点雅尺蛾A. smirnovi的新异名;重新归纳了属的特征并编制了分种检索表;附所有种类的成虫及外生殖器图。所见标本均为雄性,猜测雌蛾可能无翅。对该属及所含物种的动物地理特征进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

中国斑粉蝶属分类研究(鳞翅目:粉蝶科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏忠民  武春生 《昆虫学报》2005,48(1):107-118
系统地整理了中国斑粉蝶属DeliasHübner,1819的全部种类,共11种31亚种,包括3个中国 新记录亚种:倍林斑粉蝶指名亚种D. berinda berinda Moore、洒青斑粉蝶不丹亚种D.Sanaca bhutya Talbot和侧条斑粉蝶帕瓦亚种D. lativitta parva Talbot。提出将D.Lativitta tai Yoshino作为侧条斑粉蝶云南亚种D. lativitta yunnana Talbot的同物 异名,D. patrua guiyangensis Zhou et Zhang作为Delias berinda adelma Mitis的同物异名。阐述了各亚种的主要识别特征及其地理分布,分析了区系成分,并提供了分 种检索表及全部种类的雄外生殖器和大部分种类的雌性外生殖器特征图。附有3新记录亚种和国 内未见标本记载的2种的成虫彩色照片  相似文献   

报道了采自河南的角姬蜂属Cosmoconus Foerster 二新种:西峡角姬蜂 C. xixiaensis Sheng, sp.nov. 和斑角姬蜂C. maculiventris Sheng, sp. nov.,并指出了与近似种的主要区别特征。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):507-515
对中国实蝇科的羽角实蝇属Gastrozona Bezzi 进行了全面概述和厘订,本属在我国现知共有8种, 其中包括一个新种:汉氏羽角实蝇G. hancochi sp. Nov.;一个中国新记录种:微连羽角实蝇G. soror (Schiner)。附脉羽角实蝇G. appendiculata Zia 以前曾被误作是笋黄羽角实蝇G. fasciventris(Macquart)的同物异名,现提出恢复其种的地位。 除描述新种外,还提供中国羽角实蝇属已知种类的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其特征图。  相似文献   

记述了华枝(虫骨)属Sinophasma Gnther一新种越北华枝(虫骨)Sinophasma vietnamense新种.描述了新种的外部形态特征,并与近似种比较区别,附主要特征图.  相似文献   

根据2000~2004年间海南省实蝇监测和野外调查的部分研究结果,确认海南寡鬃实蝇亚科Dacinae现知下列14种:桔小实蝇 Bactrocera (Bactrocera) dorsalis (Hendel), 辣椒果实蝇 B. (B.) latifrons (Hendel), 锈红果实蝇B. (B.) rubigina (Wang et Zhao), 五指山果实蝇 B. (B.) wuzhishana Lin et Yang, sp. nov., 何氏华实蝇B. (Sinodacus) hochii (Zia), 短条果实蝇 B. (Zeugodacus) abbreviata (Hardy), 普通果实蝇 B. (Z.) caudata (Fabricius), 两带果实蝇B. (Z.) cilifera (Hendel), 瓜实蝇 B. (Z.) cucurbitae (Coquillett), 黑颜果实蝇 B. (Z.) diaphora (Hendel), 宽带果实蝇 B. (Z.) scutellata (Hendel), 南亚果实蝇 B. (Z.) tau (Walker), 海口棍腹实蝇 Dacus (Callantra) haikouensis Wang et Chen, 海南寡鬃实蝇 Dacus (Dacus) hainanus Wang et Zhao。五指山果实蝇 B. (B.) wuzhishana Lin et Yang, sp. nov. 区别于果实蝇属内其他种的鉴别特征如下:1)颜具2个黑色大斑点;2)中胸盾片的缝后黄色侧条短而窄,后端约与缝后翅上鬃处于同一水平;3)翅前缘带较窄,末端稍加宽;4)足的股节除中股节基部的1/2和后股节基部的3/5呈黄色外,余全黑色;腹部完全黑色。除附新种特征图外,还提供海南寡鬃实蝇亚科的种类修订名录和分种检索表。  相似文献   

张彦周  徐志宏 《昆虫学报》2009,52(4):420-423
对中国拟细角跳小蜂属Leptomastidea 分类研究进行了回顾, 并记述了分布于中国的拟细角跳小蜂属6 种, 其中草居拟细角跳小蜂L. herbicola, 红胸拟细角跳小蜂L. rubra 和谢氏拟细角跳小蜂L. shafeei为中国新记录种。文中提供了分种检索表、形态特征图。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

在检查所有模式标本的基础上系统研究了世界圆织蛾属Eonympha Meyrick共6种,其中记述2个新种: 梵净圆织蛾Eonympha fanjingshana sp. Nov. 和突圆织蛾Eonympha basiprojecta sp. Nov.; 报道了1新组合 Eonympha hesperanthes (Meyrick);提供了新种和新组合种的成虫和外生殖器特征图;给出了该属世界已知种的分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species, Sinophasma largum sp. nov., is described from China (Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Guangxi Provinces). The type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

本文记述了华枝属一新种──广华技(SinophasmalargumChenetChen),新种分布于四川、贵州、湖南、湖北和广西。模式标本存放于中国科学院动物研究所,北京。本种和垂臀华枝S.brevipenneGunther很相似,但本种雄虫的第9背板隆起,呈四方体,两侧缘向外侧扩展,下生殖板具有两个用状突。且不对称等可与之区别。  相似文献   

The epidermal structure of the five species of ferns, Arthromeriswallichiana (Spr.) Ching., Drymoglossum piloselloides (Prest.),Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Smith, Lepisorus nudus (Hook.)Ching. and Pyrrosia nuda (Gies.) Ching., has been investigated.Fifteen types of stomatal structures have been identified ofwhich copolo-desmocytic and coperi-desmocytic are new types.Four more possible stomatal structures: ccpolo-peri-, codesmo-polo-,codesmo-peri- and duplodesmocytic, are suggested. Localizationof starch, insoluble polysaccharides, protein and lipids hasbeen examined histochemically in the guard cells, subsidiarycells and epidermal cells. In Drynaria starch plastids and plastidscontaining both starch and protein are present in guard cells.Starch plastids are present in the subsidiary cells of all speciesexcept in Arthromeris, whereas, they are present in epidermalcells of only Drymoglossum and Lepisorus. Granular or amorphousinsoluble polysaccharides (other than starch) are present inguard cells of all the species, in the subsidiary cells of Arthromeris,Drynaria and Pyrrosia, and in the epidermal cells of Pyrrosia.Except in Pyrrosia lipids are present in the guard cells. Subsidiarycells of Drynaria and the epidermal cells of Arthromeris andDrynaria show lipid bodies. The presence of plasmodesmata andectodesmata is demonstrated in the epidermal cells of Drymoglossum.  相似文献   

Nolet  Bart A. 《Behavioral ecology》2002,13(4):571-574
Previous research has found that efficiency, or, more precisely,the foraging gain ratio (FGR), is a valid currency in foragingtheory when (1) there is a limit to the energy that can beassimilated by the forager and (2) a forager is trying to meetan energy requirement. The FGR is b/ (ccr), whereb is the rate of metabolizable energy intake, and c and crare the rates of energy expenditure while foraging and resting,respectively. Here I show that, when energy expenditure hasa cost besides energy, animals should also choose the optionwith the highest FGR when they are aiming at a given positivedaily gain. The next question is which gain they should aimfor? Researchers have shown that observed intake levels ofgrowing ruminants are close to the levels predicted by maximizationof the efficiency of oxygen utilization. This currency can be approximated by (BC + Cr) / C, where B is the daily metabolizable energy intake, and C and Cr are the total andbasal daily energy expenditures, respectively. By simulatinggrowth at different intake levels, I found that mass-specificoxygen consumption rate is indeed minimal at the observed intakelevels. This is the first study in which these efficiency measures(FGR and the efficiency of oxygen utilization) are combined.  相似文献   

彩万志  王运兵 《昆虫学报》1998,41(-1):163-179
文中对国产的7种菱猎蝽作了比较详细的再描述与图示;短刺菱猎蝽Isyndus bre vispinus Breddin、毛翅菱猎蝽I .Lativentris Distant、毛足菱猎蝽I.Pilosipes Reuter被视为 有效种或独立种;I.Sinicus Hsiao et Ren 和I.Yunnananus Ren分别被认为是毛足菱猎蝽 I.Pilosipes Reuter和毛翅菱猎蝽I.Lativentris Distant的同物异名;短刺菱猎蝽为中国新纪录;所有种的阳茎构造均为首次报道;此外,还编制了该属中国已知种类分种检索表。  相似文献   

This is essentially a preliminary report on the revision ofsubgenus Lissachatina of the African land snail family Achatinidae.It extends the conchological revisionary work of J.C. Bequaert(1950) along the complementary line of comparative anatomicalstudies of the reproductive tracts. This is directed towardthe goal of a better understanding of phylo-geny in this family.Species emphasized are Achatina albopicta E.A. Smith,1878; A.allisa Reeve, 1849; A. fulica Bowdich, 1822; A. loveridgei Clench& Archer, 1930; A. zanzibarica Bourguignat, 1879, and thenew species A. eleanorae. Relegated tosynonymy are A. albicansPfeiffer, 1851; A. delorioli Bonnet, 1864; and A. iredalei Preston,1910. Tangible anatomical characters separate subgenera Lissachatinaand Achatina. A. capelloi Furtado, 1886; A. craveni E.A. Smith,1881; and A. connollyi Preston, 1912 are transferred from Lissachatinato Achatina s.s. Other transfers are in progress. (Received 26 September 1994; accepted 25 November 1994)  相似文献   

对中国草螟亚科3个近缘属:带草螟属 Metaeuchromius Bleszynski、丽草螟属Euchromius Guenée和双带草螟属 Miyakea Marumo进行了研究。该3属在中国已记录12个种,包括带草螟属Metaeuchromius两新种:黄色带草螟 M. fulvusalis sp. Nov.,模式产地广西,与褐带草螟 M. circe Bleszynski近缘;灰色带草螟 M. grisalis sp. Nov.,模式产地浙江,与云南带草螟 M. yuennanensis (Caradja)近缘。对新种给出了描述、外生殖器特征图和与近缘种的比较。并提供了带草螟属中国已知种检索表。  相似文献   

漠甲亚科八种幼虫记述(鞘翊目:拟步甲科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于有志  任国栋 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):347-354
漠甲亚科Pimcliinae是一类广布于古北区的耐旱沙漠昆虫,幼虫在沙土内发育,危害 植物嫩芽和根部,经济意义较大。本文记述了采自宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古和新疆的8个种,即多毛扁漠甲、谢氏宽漠甲、泥脊漠甲[1]、洛氏脊漠甲[1]、光滑胖漠甲[1]、蒙古漠王、谢氏宽漠王和大宽漠王的幼虫,并给出它们的检索表。幼虫标本保存于宁夏农学院。  相似文献   

The enormous metabolic plasticity of plants allows detoxificationof many harmful compounds that are generated during biosyntheticprocesses or are present as biotic or abiotic toxins in theirenvironment. Derivatives of toxic compounds such as glutathioneconjugates are moved into the central vacuole via ATP-bindingcassette (ABC)-type transporters of the multidrug resistance-associatedprotein (MRP) subfamily. The Arabidopsis genome contains 15AtMRP isogenes, four of which (AtMRP1, 2, 11 and 12) clustertogether in one of two major phylogenetic clades. We isolatedT-DNA knockout alleles in all four highly homologous AtMRP genesof this clade and subjected them to physiological analysis toassess the function of each AtMRP of this group. None of thesingle atmrp mutants displayed visible phenotypes under controlconditions. In spite of the fact that AtMRP1 and AtMRP2 hadbeen described as efficient ATP-dependent organic anion transportersin heterologous expression experiments, the contribution ofthree of the AtMRP genes (1, 11 and 12) to detoxification ismarginal. Only knockouts in AtMRP2 exhibited a reduced sensitivitytowards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, but not towards other herbicides.AtMRP2 but not AtMRP1, 11 and 12 is involved in chlorophylldegradation since ethylene-treated rosettes of atmrp2 showedreduced senescence, and AtMRP2 expression is induced duringsenescence. This suggests that AtMRP2 is involved in vacuolartransport of chlorophyll catabolites. Vacuolar uptake studiesdemonstrated that transport of typical MRP substrates was reducedin atmrp2. We conclude that within clade I, only AtMRP2 contributessignificantly to overall organic anion pump activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Extensive series of Amphidromus Albers, 1850 were collectedfrom low-altitude areas (30–500 m above sea level)in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia between1993 and 2004. Data on shell colour, genital and spermatophoremorphology, and radular structure are presented. Five speciesof Amphidromus (Amphidromus) are reviewed, of which four occurin Thailand. Intraspecific variation between populations ofAmphidromus (Amphidromus) atricallosus (Gould, 1843) is considered;three subspecies are accepted and a new subspecies described.Subspecies of A. (A.) inversus (Müller, 1774) and A. (A.)schomburgki (Pfeiffer, 1861) are reconsidered, and a new subspeciesof the latter is described. A dichotomous key to the speciesand subspecies of Amphidromus (Amphidromus) in Thailand is provided. (Received 7 May 2004; accepted 31 March 2005)  相似文献   

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