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缺铁胁迫对梨叶片中GA信号转导相关基因的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同程度缺铁的‘砀山酥梨’组培苗为实验材料,应用ELISA法测定叶片中内源GA含量,并依据NCBI上GA氧化酶GA2ox同源基因的保守序列,采用RACE技术克隆其基因全长,从梨基因组数据库中比对获得GA受体GID1的4个等位基因和DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因,通过实时RT-PCR分析GA2ox基因和GID1的4个等位基因和DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因的相对表达量,以探讨缺铁对梨叶片GA含量及其信号转导相关基因表达的影响。结果表明:(1)梨叶片中GA含量随着其缺铁程度的加重而增加。(2)克隆出梨叶片中GA2ox基因,其cDNA全长为1 014bp(GenBank登录号为KJ008976)。(3)GA2ox基因的表达量并未随梨缺铁程度增加而上升;GA受体GID1的4个等位基因相对表达量均随梨缺铁程度的加重而增加,其相对表达量与GA含量呈正相关关系;在DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因中,仅DELLA1相对表达量随着梨缺铁程度的加重而逐渐增加,说明DELLA1对缺铁胁迫最敏感。推测梨缺铁诱导了GA合成,但并没有促进活性GA向无活性GA转化。  相似文献   

在《缺铁水稻根转录本微点阵分析》(见《生物信息学》2 0 0 4年第 3期 )一文中 ,介绍了缺铁诱导 5天的水稻根中四组上、下调控基因的转录本 ,他们是质膜蛋白和转运体相关的转录本 ,细胞骨架相关的 ,膜泡运输相关的 ,和物质能量代谢相关的转录本[1] 。本文对其余的上、下调基因的转录本作一介绍。在缺铁诱导的基因中还包括调控因子有关的 ,细胞周期与调控有关的 ,通讯与信息有关的和未被分类功能基因的转录本。本研究采用的水稻微点阵芯片是利用水稻的EST序列 ,既表达序列标签。EST可用于基因结构、表达和功能的分析 ;也可用于基因组研究 …  相似文献   

利用mRNA差异显示技术(DDRT-PCR),从非亲和性稻瘟菌生理小种131侵染的水稻品种爱知旭(Oryza sati-va L. cv.Aichi-asahi)叶片中分离了8个诱导差异表达的cDNA片段.对这8个差示片段进行了回收、重扩增和克隆,以其中一个长度为321碱基并与甘露糖结合水稻凝集素和水稻盐诱导蛋白基因高度同源的差示片段为探针,筛选水稻非亲和性cDNA文库,获得12个阳性克隆.序列测定和数据库查询表明该基因的cDNA与水稻凝集素基因的cDNA及盐诱导蛋白基因的cDNA核苷酸同源性高达96%,推定的氨基酸序列与甘露糖结合水稻凝集素的氨基酸序列一致,与水稻盐诱导蛋白仅相差2个氨基酸.Southern杂交显示该基因在水稻基因组中有两个同源拷贝数,Northern杂交表明非亲和性稻瘟菌侵染可强烈诱导该基因表达.因此推测该基因参与了水稻对稻瘟菌侵染的防御反应.  相似文献   

三价铁螯合物还原酶在香橙和枳中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用耐缺铁的香橙 (CitrusjunosSieb .exTanaka)和极不耐缺铁的枳 (Poncirustrifoliata (L .)Raf.) ,在铁胁迫条件下对根的三价铁螯合物还原酶活性变化和酶基因的表达情况进行了研究。离体根的酶活性测定表明 ,在铁胁迫 4周时 ,香橙根的酶活性增强约 2 0倍 ,枳仅增强约 3倍。用拟南芥的三价铁螯合物还原酶基因作探针进行组织印迹的Northern杂交检测香橙和枳三价铁螯合物还原酶的mRNA ,在铁胁迫 2周时 ,香橙吸收根、幼茎和新叶中均检测到强烈的表达信号 ,而枳相同器官的表达信号则极其微弱。实验结果表明 ,三价铁螯合物还原酶活性在缺铁胁迫下被诱导强烈增加是香橙耐缺铁的重要原因 ,该酶活性的调控发生在转录水平上 ,而且该酶基因在诱导条件下在根、茎和叶中均有表达。  相似文献   

利用改进的差异显示PCR(DDRT—PCR)技术从水稻细胞中分离与缺铁胁迫相关的新基因。在分离到的8个差异片段中,通过Northern杂交验证,其中5个为阳性。在这5个阳性片段中有3个是受缺铁胁迫抑制,有2个受缺铁胁迫诱导表达。对这些阳性片段的序列分析表明有3个(IDR2,IDR3,IDR8)为新基因。其中IDR2,IDR8是2个未知基因,IDR3通过GenBank搜索可以找到一些与它同源的已知基因片段。  相似文献   

用耐缺铁的香橙(Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)和极不耐缺铁的枳(Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.),在铁胁迫条件下对根的三价铁螯合物还原酶活性变化和酶基因的表达情况进行了研究.离体根的酶活性测定表明,在铁胁迫4周时,香橙根的酶活性增强约20倍,枳仅增强约3倍.用拟南芥的三价铁螯合物还原酶基因作探针进行组织印迹的Northern杂交检测香橙和枳三价铁螯合物还原酶的mRNA,在铁胁迫2周时,香橙吸收根、幼茎和新叶中均检测到强烈的表达信号,而枳相同器官的表达信号则极其微弱.实验结果表明,三价铁螯合物还原酶活性在缺铁胁迫下被诱导强烈增加是香橙耐缺铁的重要原因,该酶活性的调控发生在转录水平上,而且该酶基因在诱导条件下在根、茎和叶中均有表达.  相似文献   

稻瘟菌侵染诱导水稻凝集素基因的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用mRNA差异显示技术(DDRT-PCR),从非亲和性稻瘟菌生理小种131侵染的水稻品种爱知旭(Oryza sati-vaL.cv.Aichi-asahi)叶片中分离了8个诱导差异表达的cDNA片段,对这8个差示片段进行了回收,重扩增和克隆,以其中一个长度为321碱基并与甘露糖结合水稻凝集素和水稻盐诱导蛋白基因高度同源的差示片段为探针。筛选水稻非亲和性cDNA文库,获得12个阳性克隆。序列测定和数据库查询表明该基因的cDNA与水稻凝集素基因的cDNA及盐诱导蛋白基因的cDNA核苷酸同源笥高达96%。推定的氨基酸序列与甘露糖结合水稻凝集素的氨基酸序列一致。与水稻盐诱导蛋白仅相差2个氨基酸。Southern杂交显示该基因在水稻基因组中有两个同源拷贝数。Northern杂交表明非亲和性稻瘟菌侵染可强烈诱导该基因表达。因此推则该基因参与了水稻对稻瘟菌侵染的防御反应。  相似文献   

以‘徐稻4号’为材料,构建OsCaMs的瞬时表达载体,利用生物信息学和RT-PCR方法设计OsCaMs定量引物5个,鉴定参与ABA诱导的OsCaMs基因并分析其生理功能,为进一步揭示ABA信号转导核心组分的研究奠定基础。结果显示:(1)水稻OsCaMs的5个家族基因的CDS等长,均为450bp,ABA(100μmol·L~(-1))处理能够明显诱导OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2的表达。(2)利用瞬时表达载体将表达荧光蛋白的OsCaM1-1-YFP和OsCaM1-2-YFP通过PEG方法转化到原生质体中,激光共聚焦分析显示,这2个基因均定位于细胞核、细胞质和细胞膜中;并构建了OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2的干扰载体dsOsCaM1-1和dsOsCaM1-2。(3)经ABA诱导的水稻原生质体抗氧化保护酶APX和SOD活性分别显著提高35%和31%;原生质体瞬时表达和瞬时沉默体系分析表明,OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2均能够影响抗氧化保护酶APX和SOD的活性,其中原生质体中瞬时过表达这2个基因对APX和SOD活性上调达到1.15~1.45倍,瞬时干扰这2个基因对APX和SOD活性下调达到25%~30%。(4)外源H_2O_2(10mmol·L~(-1))预处理水稻幼苗可诱导OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2基因表达量上调,并且OsCaM1-2能够诱导水稻原生质体中H_2O_2的积累。(5)原生质体瞬时表达分析发现,在水稻原生质体中瞬时表达OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2可分别诱导OsrbohB和OsrbohE的表达;而且在水稻原生质体中瞬时表达OsrbohB和OsrbohE可分别诱导OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2的表达,表明OsCaMs与Osrbohs之间存在正反馈调节机制。研究表明,OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2为水稻参与ABA信号转导中具有调控抗氧化保护作用的同源基因;OsCaM1-1和OsCaM1-2不仅受ABA诱导,也受H_2O_2诱导,而且ABA是通过H_2O_2进行调控。  相似文献   

用抑制性消减杂交方法(SSH)构建了短间隔连续部分肝切除(SISPH)再生肝的消减cDNA文库, 从中筛选出了551个与肝再生相关的基因, 把这些基因制成cDNA 微阵列(cDNA芯片), 分析它们在0 h正常肝及 4, 36, 72, 96 h再生肝中的动态变化发现, 185个基因至少在肝再生的一个时间点表达变化达2倍以上; 185个基因中的86个属未报道的基因, 99个为已报道的基因, 但在此之前尚不知道它们与肝再生有关; 185个基因中的103个在肝再生中表现上调表达, 82个表现下调表达. 用GeneMath软件和GeneSpring方法对这些基因在肝再生中的表达轮廓进行聚类分析表明, 基因的表达模式可分为8组, 即早期诱导、中期诱导、晚期诱导、持续诱导、早期抑制、中期抑制、晚期抑制和持续抑制. 与一次性部分肝切除(PH)相比, 41个基因在SISPH中特异性表达, 其他基因在两个模型中的表达趋势相同, 但在各时间点的表达丰度有差异. 综合分析可见, 抑制性消减杂交技术与基因芯片技术相结合是研究再生肝差异表达基因的有效方法; 肝再生中上调表达的基因多于下调表达的基因; 早期诱导的基因多于晚期诱导的基因; 诱导表达幅度大的基因少于诱导表达幅度小的基因.  相似文献   

采用Affymetrix水稻表达谱芯片,分析高盐和低温胁迫下水稻叶细胞内ROS清除系统的相关基因表达状况,探讨在响应非生物胁迫过程中水稻植株体内抗氧化防卫体系的积极作用。结果表明:(1)水稻叶细胞内ROS清除系统涉及187个基因和/或EST,由抗氧化的非酶类物质如抗坏血酸、谷胱甘肽、生育酚等和抗氧化酶如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)等组成。(2)在低温逆境下,籼稻(i-93-11)叶细胞表达上调基因(2倍以上,下同)有5个,下调(0.5倍以下,下同)基因有2个;粳稻(j-NJ-1)叶细胞表达上调基因5个,下调基因6个。(3)在高盐胁迫下,籼稻(i-93-11)叶细胞表达上调基因有31个、下调基因13个;粳稻(j-NJ-1)叶细胞表达上调基因27个,下调基因25个。(4)高盐和低温胁迫下水稻叶细胞ROS清除系统相关基因的表达在籼粳稻间存在较大差异,并根据水稻基因表达谱芯片数据构建了水稻响应高盐和低温胁迫ROS清除网络图。  相似文献   

In-vitro-cultured subclover root can develop Fe-deficiency stress response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Fe-deficiency stress response is induced in most plants under Fe-deficient conditions, but whether the shoot and/or the root control development of the stress response is not known. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether in-vitro-cultured subclover roots can develop Fe-deficiency stress response and to examine this approach as a possible screening technique for Fe-deficiency resistance. One-cm long root tips of subclover seedlings were cultured in modified White's medium without (-Fe) or with (+Fe) 100 μM Fe3+EDTA. Root Fe3+ reduction and H+ release were evaluated. On the first day after transfer to the -Fe medium, the Fe-deficiency-resistant cultivar Koala (Trifolium brachycalycinum Katzn. and Morley) started to release H+, resulting in a decrease in pH of the culture medium, while the susceptible cultivar Karridale (T. subterraneum L.) did not release H+ until the second day. The H+-release rate of the -Fe Koala was approximately twice as high as that of the -Fe Karridale for the first 4 days of -Fe treatment. Both Koala and Karridale reached their highest H+-release rates on the fourth day after -Fe treatment initiation. The +Fe Koala released H+ after several days of culture, but the H+ release of the -Fe Koala was severalfold greater than that of the +Fe Koala. The implicit correlation between H+ release and Fe-deficiency resistance was substantiated by using a series of subclover cultivars with a range of susceptibilities to Fe deficiency. The pH of the -Fe culture media of the series of cultivars was positively correlated to their Fe-chlorosis scores reported in previous research. The results of the present study indicate that root itself has the full ability to develop Fe-deficiency stress response and the response is dependent on the root Fe status. The results also suggest that root culture could be used as a simple and efficient alternative technique for screening germplasm for Fe-deficiency resistance.  相似文献   

Why are young rice plants highly susceptible to iron deficiency?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The reason why young rice plant is highly susceptible to Fe-deficiency was clarified as follows: Among Gramineae plants rice secreted a very low amount of deoxy-MA as a phytosiderophore even under Fe-deficiency, and the secretion by rice ceased within 10 days under Fe-deficiency although barley secreted MAs during a period of more than one month. When iron depletion continued, the rice root tips become chimeric and epidermal cells became necrotic. The mitochondrial membrane systems in the cortex cells were also severely damaged. Iron starvation occurred even in the mitochondria, and energy charge in the root decreased. This reduced energy charge has firstly diminished the secretion activity of deoxy-MA from the roots, secondly reduced the activity of the transporter which absorb deoxy-MA-FeIII chelate and finally reduced the synthesis of deoxy-MA from metionine. Consequently, the depletion of FeII in the shoot was induced and severe chlorosis rapidly developed in the young rice plant under Fe-deficiency.Abbreviations DCCD dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - MA mugineic acid - MAs mugineic acid-family phytosiderophores, it contains deoxy-MA, MA, epihydroxy-MA, hydroxy-MA, avenic acid and distichonic acid  相似文献   

To unravel gene expression patterns during rice inflorescence development, particularly at early stages of panicle and floral organ specification, we have characterized random cloned cDNAs from developmental-stage-specific libraries. cDNA libraries were constructed from rice panicles at the stage of branching and flower primordia specification or from panicles undergoing floral organogenesis. Partial sequence analysis and expression patterns of some of these random cDNA clones from these two rice panicle libraries are presented. Sequence comparisons with known DNA sequences in databases reveal that approximately sixtyeight per cent of these expressed rice genes show varying degrees of similarity to genes in other species with assigned functions. In contrast, thirtytwo per cent represent uncharacterized genes. cDNAs reported here code for potential rice homologues of housekeeping molecules, regulators of gene expression, and signal transduction molecules. They comprise both single-copy and multicopy genes, and genes expressed differentially, both spatially and temporally, during rice plant development. New rice cDNAs requiring specific mention are those with similarity toCOP1, a regulator of photomorphogenesis inArabidopsis; sequence-specific DNA binding plant proteins like AP2-domain-containing factors; genes that specify positional information in shoot meristems like leucine-rich-repeat-containing receptor kinases; regulators of chromatin structure like Polycomb domain protein; and also proteins induced by abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Rice plants are highly susceptible to Fe-deficiency. Under nutrient deprivation, plant cells undergo extensive metabolic changes for their continued survival. To provide further insight into the pathways induced during Fe-deficiency, rice seedlings were grown for 3, 6 and 9 days in the presence or absence of Fe. Using RDA (Representational Difference Analysis), sequences of 32 induced genes in rice shoots under Fe-deficiency were identified. About 30% of the sequences found have been previously reported as responsive to other abiotic and even biotic stresses. However, this is the first report that indicates their relation to Fe deprivation. Differential expression of selected genes was confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The identification of classical senescence-related sequences, such as lipase EC 3.1.1.-, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme EC, beta-Glucosidase EC and cysteine synthase EC, besides the higher accumulation of total soluble sugars prior to the decrease of total chlorophyll content in Fe-deficient leaves, indicate that sugar accumulation may be one of the factors leading to premature leaf senescence induced by Fe-deficiency.  相似文献   

Fe is an essential mineral element that plants need for their growth. When there is low soil availability of Fe, plants show severe deficiency symptoms. Under Fe-deficiency conditions, plants alter a number of processes to acquire Fe from soil. Genes involved in these mechanisms have been identified from different model plants, including Arabidopsis and rice. Fe transport within plants is also tightly regulated. In this study, we used H9405, a cultivar of rice with high Fe accumulation in seeds, and Yangdao 6, a cultivar with low seed Fe accumulation, to study their responses under different Fe conditions. Our results showed that genes involved in acquisition of Fe from soil in these two cultivars were both up-regulated in roots under Fe-deficiency conditions, and the elevation of the expression was much higher in Yangdao 6 than in H9405. However, remobilization-related genes in shoot vasculature were expressed in an opposite way between the two cultivars. In H9405, the expression of these genes was up-regulated; but in Yangdao 6, their expression was reduced. Our results showed that the differential expression of root-uptake and shoot-remobilization genes in the two cultivars is correlated to the Fe content in roots, shoots, and seeds. Strategies to biofortify rice cultivars with different characteristics were also discussed based on our discovery.  相似文献   

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