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尖音库蚊复合组杂交子一代4龄幼虫形态性状的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国尖音库蚊复合组(Culex pipiens complex)中的尖音库蚊Cx. Pipiens pipiens、淡色库蚊Cx. Pipiens pallens和致倦库蚊Cx. Pipiens quinquefasciatus之间杂交的F1代幼虫形态进行了方差和典型变量分析,结果发现杂交组F1代4龄幼虫在呼吸管指数、1-S第1对毛和第2对毛的分枝数3个性状上与亲本有明显的差异,而且介于两亲本之间。  相似文献   

本文对我国尖音库蚊复合组(Culex pipiens complex)进行了研究,其中包括从新疆采集尖音库蚊。建立实验室株,进行杂交、不同地理株形态学数值分析、杂种F_1代形态学的数值分析,表皮碳氢化合物、体内脂肪酸和单糖气相色谱分析以及卵蛋白质的电泳分析等。在我国首次发现了骚扰库蚊。根据研究结果,我国异域分布的尖音库蚊复合组实际上包含着同一个种的4个亚种,即指名亚种(Culex pipiens pipiens),淡色库蚊亚种(Culex pipiens pallens)、致倦库蚊亚种(Culex pipiens quinquenfasciatus)和骚扰库蚊亚种(Culex pipiens molestus)。致倦库蚊不应作为独立的蚊种,淡色库坟也不应作为所谓“中间型”。在亲缘关系上根据形态学特征聚类分析等结果表明,尖音库蚊与致倦库蚊的距离较远。  相似文献   

刘俊娥  乔传令 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):290-296
通过生物测定、蛋白质电泳和单个蚊虫基因组Southern杂交三种方法对三个不同地区的尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫Culex pipiens complex的抗性水平、抗性相关基因在处群中的分布及抗性分子特征进行了研究。采自山东高密、北京和云南昆明的尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫4龄幼虫对敌敌畏的抗性水平也很高(约30倍),三个种群对仲丁威的抗性与北京第三系没有明显的区别。淀粉电泳的结果表明:高密和北京种群中存在过量产生的非特异性酯酶Estβ1^1,昆明种群中存在过量产生的非特异性酯酶Estα2和Estβ2,单个蚊虫基因组Southern杂交的结果表明:酯酶Estβ1^1、Estα2和Estβ2的结构基因发生了不同程度的扩增导致酯酶的过量产生。  相似文献   

我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫的杂交及其与Wolbachia感染的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了了解我国尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫间杂交卵的不孵化现象和明确该现象与共生微生物Wolbachia感染的关系,对该复合组实验室种群4个亚种进行了笼内杂交和抗生素处理后的杂交。试验表明: 在复合组蚊虫中骚扰库蚊Culex pipiens molestus与淡色库蚊Cx. Pipiens pallens、致倦库蚊Cx. Ipiens quinquefasciatus与尖音库蚊Cx. Pipiens pipiens之间存在有单向胞质不融合现象,骚扰库蚊的雄虫与尖音库蚊、致倦库蚊和淡色库蚊的雌虫杂交卵的孵化率分别为0.06%、0.46%和0.19%;该胞质不融合现象可以通过抗生素处理而消除,处理后骚扰库蚊雄虫与其余3个亚种雌虫F3杂交卵的孵化率均有提高,分别为89.49%(t=3.90×10-28t0.01=2.704)、23.39%(t=9.15×10-7t0.01=2.660和22.27%(t=5.08×10-4t0.01=2.750),并可因抗生素处理而产生新的不融合类型。  相似文献   

2006年7月至2008年4月,对上海崇明岛明珠湖摇蚊群落的结构特征进行了季节调查研究.共调查到11种摇蚊,隶属3亚科10属,优势种为红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊.聚类分析表明,优势种具有明显的季节性,春夏季优势种为微小摇蚊、秋季为中国长足摇蚊、冬季为红裸须摇蚊.摇蚊群落物种多样性(H′)季节间差异显著,春、秋、冬季较高,夏季最低;物种多样性与均匀度(J)和物种丰富度(S)均显著相关,但主要受均匀度的影响.摇蚊幼虫年平均密度冬季最高、秋季最低,生物量冬季最高,其他3季均处在较低水平上.红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊种群动态季节变化显著,而中国长足摇蚊的变化不明显.采用Shannon多样性指数和Hilsenhoff生物指数对明珠湖的水质进行了评价,表明该湖的水质等级为中污染-污染,已达富营养化水平.  相似文献   

为了研究微生物防治对水厂摇蚊污染的控制效果,测定了一种苏云金杆菌以色列亚种(Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis,Bti)制剂对摇蚊的LC50,并利用其对某水厂沉淀池孳生的摇蚊进行了现场控制试验。结果表明,Bti粉剂对摇蚊的LC50为0.318mg/L,使沉淀池中摇蚊幼虫在24h得到了有效控制,成虫在36h后得以完全控制。该制剂对摇蚊的控制时效达10周,且控制成本是采用液氯费用的1/3,采用微生物手段能使供水系统的摇蚊污染得到高效、经济的治理。  相似文献   

何佳春  李志宇  杨洪  胡阳 《昆虫知识》2013,(6):1760-1766
本文介绍了一种较为简便和节省人工的稻田摇蚊田间取样方法:笼罩法,并将笼罩法得到的稻田摇蚊群落结构和发生动态和吸虫器法得到的结果进行了比较。研究结果表明:在水稻的4个生育期中,笼罩法和吸虫器法均采集到了中华摇蚊Chironomus sinicus Kiknadze,Wang,Istomina&Gunderina;台湾长跗摇蚊Tanytarsus formosanus Kieffer;云集多足摇蚊Polypedilum nubifer Skuse和刺铗长足摇蚊Tanypus puncitpennis Meigen,而吸虫器法还采集到微小沼摇蚊Limnophyes minimus Meigen。其中中华摇蚊和台湾长跗摇蚊为优势类群,笼罩法取样得到的两种优势种种群密度均高于吸虫器法的,例如在拔节期时笼罩法取样得到台湾长跗摇蚊的种群密度是吸虫器法的22倍。通过取样变异系数的比较发现,两种方法精确性都并不理想,在今后的试验中可以通过增加取样的样点量或取样面积来提高精确度。相比较而言吸虫器法操作复杂,而且较为耗时,在实际操作中往往受到一定条件的限制,而笼罩法则具有操作简便、准确度高等优点,试验安排可以进行高频率取样,能够更准确地反映田间摇蚊的种群动态。因此,笼罩法为以后研究与摇蚊生活习性相似的稻田节肢动物类群(如蚊科昆虫)提供了一种新的取样方案。  相似文献   

中国尖音库蚊复合组杂交的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对分布在我国的尖音库蚊复合组的尖音库蚊,致倦库蚊和淡色库蚊进行杂交研究,结果表明致倦库蚊与尖音库蚊及淡色库蚊以及两者尖交可以产生能育的F1代,它们之间没有传统意义上的生殖隔离,致倦库蚊应为尖音库蚊是的一个亚种,而不是如国外有些学者认为的独立种,另外,杂种F2代成活率很低,这有可能是尖音库蚊(广义)种下分化在遗传学上的反映。  相似文献   

【目的】通过对在重金属污染的天津市渤海湾淡水区域鉴定出的摇蚊耐污种红裸须摇蚊Propsilocerus akamusi进行肠道细菌群落多样性和潜在功能研究,了解生境的变化对摇蚊幼虫肠道细菌群落的影响。【方法】将在受重金属污染的天津市渤海湾淡水区域鉴定到的红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫用实验室蒸馏水饲养7 d作为实验室培养组,并提取实验室培养组和野外采集组的红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道细菌基因组DNA,对16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,将测序结果进行数据质控、序列对比和过滤,分析肠道细菌群落物种组成变化并预测肠道细菌潜在功能。【结果】基于红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道细菌16S rRNA测序结果共注释到11个门、13个纲、33个目、54个科、71个属、90个种以及105个可操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs)。实验室培养组红裸须摇蚊4龄幼虫肠道内细菌群落多样性和丰度较野外采集组下降,两组优势菌门相似,均包含厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota)及脱硫弧菌门(Desulfobact...  相似文献   

不同地区尖音库蚊复合组抗药性的分子特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
刘俊娥  乔传令 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):290-296
通过生物测定、蛋白质电泳和单个蚊虫基因组Southern杂交三种方法对三个不同地区的尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫Culexpipienscomplex的抗性水平、抗性相关基因在种群中的分布及抗性分子特征进行了研究。采自山东高密、北京和云南昆明的尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫 4龄幼虫对敌敌畏、对硫磷 (有机磷类 )和仲丁威 (氨基甲酸酯类 )的抗性水平的测定结果表明 :与北京敏感系相比 ,高密种群对敌敌畏、对硫磷的抗性水平很高 ,北京种群对敌敌畏的抗性水平也很高 (约 30倍 ) ,三个种群对仲丁威的抗性与北京敏感系没有明显的区别。淀粉电泳的结果表明 :高密和北京种群中存在过量产生的非特异性酯酶Estβ11,昆明种群中存在过量产生的非特异性酯酶Estα2和Estβ2 ,单个蚊虫基因组Southern杂交的结果表明 :酯酶Estβ11、Estα2和Estβ2的结构基因发生了不同程度的扩增导致酯酶的过量产生  相似文献   

不同地区库蚊复组群体的同工酶遗传多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张柯  叶镇清  乔传令 《遗传》2004,26(2):172-176
采用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳的方法,对分布于我国5省的8个库蚊复组(Culex pipiens complex)野生群体的遗传多样性进行研究,分析了4个酶系统7个基因座(ME、MDH-1、MDH-2、MDH-3、GPD、EST-2、EST-3)的酶谱资料。结果显示:(1)群体内存在不同程度的遗传变异(He为0.098~0.41);(2)较低的基因流水平(Nm=0.64)使遗传漂变起主要作用,造成群体之间的遗传分化(Gst=0.303),而总群体的遗传多样性相对富集于群体之内(Hs/Dst=2)。(3)库蚊群体的遗传结构属于距离隔离模式。(4)群体间的遗传一致性(或遗传距离)反映出群体间的遗传分化程度,也表明与地理位置存在对应关系。Abstract: Eight field populations of Culex pipiens complex collected from five provinces (Guangdong, Henan, Shandong, Beijing and Yunnan) in 2001 were used to study genetic diversity by starch gel electrophoresis. Data from seven loci (ME、MDH-1、MDH-2、MDH-3、GPD、EST-2、EST-3) of four isozymes were analyzed by software Biosys2.0 and FSTAT(Version 2.9.3). The results were as follows: (1) The values of He (from 0.098 to 0.41) indicated genetic variabilities of different degree in populations.(2)The low level of gene flow (Nm=0.64) could not prevent genetic drift to cause the gene differentiation between populations. The genetic diversity between populations attributed to the genetic diversity of total populations is small (Gst =0.303), and the great part is accumulated within populations (Hs/Dst=2). (3) The genetic structure of Culex pipiens complex population was the isolation-by-distance model. (4) The genetic identity (or genetic distance) revealed the scale of genetic differentiation between populations which related to the collection sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Acetamiprid is a novel neonicotinoid insecticide invented by Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. To explore the possibility of acetamiprid as larvicide of mosquitoes, lethal and sublethal effects of acetamiprid on the larvae of Culex pipiens pallens were studied by immersion method in the laboratory. The results indicated that the larvae of Culex pipiens pallens were sensitive to acetamiprid. The mortality of larvae peaked at 72 h after treatment. The 1 st instar larvae was the most susceptible to acetamiprid, and the 4th instar larvae was the most tolerant to acetamiprid, the LC, values were 0. 020 mg/L and 0. 296 mg/L at 72 h after treatment, respectively. Sublethal concentrations of acetamiprid could delay the development of larvae and decrease the weight of pupa. We suggested that acetarniprid is a safe and effective substitute for the using larvicides of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

啶虫脒是日本曹达公司新开发的一种氯代烟碱类杀虫剂,为了探讨其用于蚊虫幼虫控制的可能性,我们在室内用浸渍法测定了啶虫脒对淡色库蚊幼虫的致死和亚致死影响,结果表明,淡色库蚊幼虫对啶虫脒较敏感,幼虫的死亡高峰出现在处理后第3天,幼虫的四个龄期中,一龄最敏感,四龄耐药力最强,二在处理后72h时的LC50值分别为0.020mg/L/升和0.296mg/L。幼虫在亚致死浓度的啶虫脒溶液作用下,发育期延长,蛹重下降。说明啶虫脒可用于蚊虫幼虫的控制。  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a group of maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect and induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in a wide range of arthropods. In contrast to other species, the mosquito Culex pipiens displays an extremely high number of CI types suggesting differential infection by multiple Wolbachia strains. Attempts so far failed to detect Wolbachia polymorphism that might explain this high level of CI diversity found in C. pipiens populations. Here, we establish that Wolbachia infection is near to or at fixation in worldwide populations of the C. pipiens complex. Wolbachia polymorphism was addressed by sequence analysis of the Tr1 gene, a unique transposable element of the IS5 family, which allowed the identification of five C. pipiens Wolbachia strains, differing either by nucleotide substitution, presence or absence pattern, or insertion site. Sequence analysis also showed that recombination, transposition and superinfection occurred at very low frequencies. Analysis of the geographical distributions of each Wolbachia strain among C. pipiens populations indicated a strong worldwide differentiation independent from mosquito subspecies type, except in the UK. The availability of this polymorphic marker now opens the way to investigate evolution of Wolbachia populations and CI dynamics, in particular in regions where multiple crossing types coexist among C. pipiens populations.  相似文献   

被动迁移在抗性进化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确迁移和基因交流在杀虫剂抗性基因进化中的作用,我们从四个不同的地区采集有机磷抗性的库蚊野生种群,利用淀粉电泳鉴定了各种群中存在的已知过量产生酯酶的分布频率,并通过5个假定的中性位点的电泳多态性分析了种群间的遗传多样性。结果表明种群间的基因交流是存在的,遗传分化与地理位置存在一定关系,而抗性等位基因A2一B2的分布却与种群间的遗传分化不一致。对这种差异的解释是:被动迁移(铁路运输等)加速了抗性基因的交流,而当抗性基因以自然迁飞的方式向周围地区扩散时,却是一个相对缓慢的过程。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated resistance to the organophosphates chlorpyrifos in Tunisian populations of Culex pipiens pipiens. Three field populations were collected from Northern and central Tunisia between 2003 and 2005 and used for the bioassays tests. Our results registered moderate and high levels of resistance to chlorpyrifos which ranged from 33.8 to 111. The chlorpyrifos resistant populations were highly resistant to propoxur indicated an insensitive acetylcholinesterase 1 (AChE 1). The highest frequency of AChE 1 resistant phenotypes (64%) was recorded in the most resistant population (sample # 1). Bioassays conducted in the presence of synergists showed that not esterases were involved as the resistance mechanism to chlorpyrifos. However, CYP450 was partly involved in the resistance of the most resistant sample (# 1). Starch electrophoresis showed that three esterases were present in studied samples: A2‐B2, A4‐B4 and B12. Results are discussed in relation to the selection pressure caused by insecticide treatments.  相似文献   

An analysis of cytoplasmic crossing type variation in Australian populations of Culex quinquefasciatus, a member of the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes, revealed high levels of variability causing partial incompatibility between natural populations. Segregating crossing types were commonly found together within sampled sites. No correlation was evident between similarity of crossing type and environmental parameters of the sites, nor distance between sites. The nature of the observed variation did not support the hypothesis of paternally expressed nuclear 'restorer' genes. Such high levels of crossing type variation would be likely to impede attempts to control populations of the Culex pipiens complex using cytoplasmic incompatibility.  相似文献   

The impact of tannins on larval Nematocera was investigated by an extensive survey of the relative toxicity of tannic acid in Diptera larvae representative of mosquito communities from alpine hydrosystems (Culicidae, Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, and Simuliidae) together with a nonindigenous vector competent Culicidae species. Bioassays indicate that exposure to tannic acid at concentrations from 0.25 to 4 mM is deleterious for Culex pipiens, Simulium variegatum, and Chironomus annularius, but not for Aedes, Anopheles, Culiseta, and Chaoborus species. Histopathological observations reveal that, among the target organs of tannic acid, mainly the midgut epithelium is affected by treatment. However, the extent of degeneration varies according to the taxon, the duration of the treatment, and the concentrations assayed. The vulnerability of epithelial cells differs among cell types, clear cells of the anterior midgut showing symptoms of intoxication before dark cells of the posterior midgut. The toxic effects of tannic acid are discussed, particularly in comparison to those of insecticidal bacteria, in order to evaluate the potential for use of tannins in the regulation of larval populations of dipteran pests.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Predators may affect prey populations by direct consumption, and by inducing defensive reactions of prey to the predation risk. Food scarcity frequently has effects on the inducible defences of prey, but no consistent pattern of food–predation risk interaction is known.
2. In this study the combined effect of food shortage and predation-risk perception in larvae of the mosquito Culex pipiens was investigated. Water exposed to the aquatic predator bug Notonecta glauca was used as a source of predation intimidation. Mosquito larvae were reared in three different media containing either no predator cues or the cues of N. glauca that had been fed on either C. pipiens larvae or on Daphnia magna . Food was provided in favourable or limited amount for these set-ups.
3. The results showed that chemical cues from the predators fed with prey's conspecifics caused a decreased survival, delayed pre-imaginal development, and reduction in body size of emerged mosquitoes, whereas chemical cues from predators fed with D. magna caused only delayed development. Food scarcity significantly exacerbates the negative effect of the predator cues on pre-imaginal development of C. pipiens . Effects of the cues on larval development and body size of imagoes are significantly stronger for females than for males.
4. The present study suggests that when food is limited, predators can affect population dynamics of prey not only by direct predation, but also by inducing lethal and sublethal effects due to perception of risk imposed by chemical cues. To understand the effects of predators on mosquito population dynamics, environmental parameters such as food deficiency should be considered.  相似文献   

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