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中国异翅目化石研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1928年秉志命名了早白垩世山东莱阳盆地莱阳组的我国第1种异翅目化石昆虫(莱阳中蝽Mesolygaeus laiyangensis)以来,近30篇关于中国异翅目化石昆虫分类论著被发表,共记述我国异翅目化石昆虫22科85种.由于中国该类群化石没有被系统采集与研究,其中一些分类阶元的可靠性存在一定的问题.显然,目前对中国该类群化石昆虫的了解相当有限;大量的工作,甚至是最基础的分类研究亟待开展.  相似文献   

回顾了世界革翅目昆虫化石研究进展,整理了已发表的化石物种名录、地层分布及地质年代,探讨了不同地质时期革翅目昆虫化石的主要分类单元以及分布特点。简要介绍了有关革翅目昆虫的分类系统。提出了革翅目昆虫化石目前研究中存在的问题,及对将来研究方向的一些建议。  相似文献   

陈庆霄  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2016,(10):1133-1142
【目的】长翅目(Mecoptera)是全变态类昆虫中唯一在幼虫期具有复眼而无侧单眼的类群,是研究昆虫复眼与侧单眼之间演化关系的理想材料。本研究旨在阐明长翅目幼虫复眼的结构特征,为探讨长翅目幼虫复眼与其他全变态类幼虫侧单眼之间的进化关系提供依据。【方法】本研究运用光学显微镜、扫描和透射电子显微镜技术观察了蝎蛉科(Panorpidae)大双角蝎蛉Dicerapanorpa magna(Chou)幼虫复眼的超微结构,并依据其结构特征对长翅目幼虫复眼在全变态类幼虫侧单眼演化中的意义进行了探讨。【结果】结果表明,大双角蝎蛉幼虫复眼属于并列像眼,由50多个小眼组成。小眼由1个角膜、1个晶体、8个视网膜细胞、2个初级色素细胞和数个次级色素细胞等组成。视网膜细胞分为4个远端细胞和4个近端细胞。远端视网膜细胞的视小杆向上延伸包裹着晶体的基部,使视杆末端呈漏斗状。【结论】分层的视网膜细胞和漏斗状的视杆很可能是长翅目幼虫复眼的共有祖征。这两个特征不存在于长翅目成虫复眼中,但存在于许多渐变态类昆虫中。由此推测,长翅目幼虫复眼可能与渐变态类昆虫的复眼存在同源关系。我们认为,长翅目幼虫独有的复眼很可能是全变态类昆虫的祖征,其他全变态类幼虫的侧单眼可能是由复眼演化来的。  相似文献   

衣鱼(Zygentoma)是常见的图书馆和居家害虫,也具有一定的药用价值。作为现生昆虫类群中与有翅昆虫亲缘关系最近的无翅、不变态昆虫,衣鱼对于探讨昆虫的早期演化、翅和变态发育的发生等谜题至关重要。目前全球已知衣鱼6科160属640余种,其中衣鱼科Lepismatidae和土衣鱼科Nicoletiidae世界广布。中国衣鱼研究十分匮乏,仅记录3科12种。另外,衣鱼目的单系性和内部各阶元的系统发育关系存在许多争议,古衣鱼科的系统发生地位悬而未决。该文整理了全球衣鱼系统分类学研究,概述了衣鱼的形态特征、分类体系、化石种类、DNA条形码数据和系统发生等方面的研究进展,提出开展中国衣鱼多样性调查和系统分类研究的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

襀翅目昆虫广泛分布在多种类型的水域中,对水中的化学物质较为敏感,是一类重要的水质监测指标生物。本文回顾了我国襀翅目分类的研究历史,其中Klapálek、Navás、Banks及胡经甫对我国早期的襀翅目分类研究做出了重要贡献。同时总结了我国襀翅目物种多样性的研究现状,即我国已记录襀翅目10科、66属、657种(包括台湾分布的31种、香港分布的4种),约占世界已记录种类的17.8%;我国学者定名的种类占全国记录种类的74.7%,其中1949年建国后的70年间定名的种类占67.4%。此外,还对我国襀翅目昆虫的地理分布及系统发育研究进行了总结分析,其中我国学者共测序襀翅目昆虫全线粒体基因组60种,占已测序种类的90.9%,为襀翅目的分子系统发育研究积累了重要分子数据;同时利用这些数据对襀翅目的分子系统发育进行研究,取得了较好的研究结果。最后,文章分析了我国襀翅目系统分类研究存在的主要问题,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘星月  李文亮  杨定 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):626-631
脉翅总目是全变态类昆虫中起源较早的古老类群之一,有关该类群的分类及系统发育研究对阐明全变态类昆虫的起源演化具有重要意义。文章就脉翅总目的系统地位、目级阶元、科级阶元和属种级阶元的系统发育几个方面的研究进行综述,着重介绍近年来国内外取得的研究成果,其中包括基于形态和分子数据所得的最新系统发育假设。最后,对脉翅总目系统发育研究中尚未解决的主要问题进行归纳。  相似文献   

线蛉科是脉翅目中的一个灭绝科,仅发现于中国中侏罗统和蒙古晚侏罗统地层中.线蛉科昆虫脉序独特,为其分类地位的确定以及整个脉翅目翅脉演化的研究提供了重要的线索;此外,线蛉科昆虫前后翅上均具有条带状的斑纹,初步推测这种斑纹在其生存繁衍过程中发挥了积极作用,也可能是导致其灭绝的最直接因素之一.目前线蛉科已发表3属9种,本文对其进行了简要的回顾,并编制了线蛉科化石种检索表,对当时的古环境特征进行了简单推测,初步探讨了翅斑在其生存和灭绝中的作用.  相似文献   

赵静  王永杰  刘志琦 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1141-1148
溪蛉是脉翅目中比较稀少的一个类群,可以作为天敌资源和研究昆虫演化的"活化石"材料,但历史上溪蛉科在脉翅目中的系统地位一直是个颇具争议难以解决的问题。本文综述了溪蛉科国内外分类研究简史,探讨了溪蛉科的地理分布,以及溪蛉科生物学、化石等其他方面的研究进展。最后提出了溪蛉科分类研究中亟须解决的几个问题并呼吁应该加强对其应用价值的研究。  相似文献   

襀翅目化石的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾中国及世界襀翅目化石研究进展,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,共19科、85属、225种;襀翅目化石世界分布,但主要集中在前苏联地区,中国仅14种.不同地质年代发现的襀翅目种类、数量和特征不同.本文并简要介绍稚虫食性、系统学、古地理和古生态等方面的研究成果,并初步分析了研究中存在的一些问题和今后需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

本文综述了脉翅目细蛉科化石与现生昆虫的分类学与系统发育学研究历史及进展。介绍了细蛉科成虫和幼虫的形态特征与生物学特性;分别回顾了现生与化石细蛉科昆虫的研究历史;分述了各地质历史时期细蛉科昆虫的属种及生物地理学分布;并介绍了近年细蛉科包括化石与现生属种的系统发育学研究进展,从细蛉科在脉翅目中的系统位置及细蛉科内亚科、属间的系统发育关系展开了讨论;并附世界化石与现生细蛉科昆虫的属种名录。  相似文献   

1923年A.W.Grabau通过对山东省莱阳盆地莱阳组早白垩世昆虫化石的研究,命名了我国第1种鞘翅目化石昆虫(Proteroscarabaeus yeni).此后,中国昆虫化石分类学者先后发表了40余篇关于我国中生代鞘翅目化石昆虫的分类论著,共描述鉴定了182种,涉及35科,137属.这些化石分布于12个省,其中三叠纪11个种,侏罗纪68个种,白垩纪103个种.本文通过图表列举出我国已发现的中生代鞘翅目化石昆虫名录以及它们的分布和年代,总结了国内中生代甲虫化石当前的研究状况,并初步分析了研究中存在的一些问题.另外本文还介绍了国外学者对于中国古昆虫学者所建立的4个新科提出的不同意见.  相似文献   

The branching patterns of phyletic lines are reconstructed by means of synapomorphic characters. Conflicting reconstructions of phylogenetic relationships result whenever symplesiomorphies or nonhomologous similarities are interpreted as synapomorphies. Two phylogenetic trees of the Mecoptera (Insecta) are taken as an example. Former reconstructions of the relationships among the mecopteran families based on wing-venation do not reflect the true genealogy, whereas the reconstruction based on the examination of the genital apparatus probably does reflect it. Not only are the genital structures highly complex but more important is the economical improvement in function of some of these structures. This may indicate the direction of evolutionary changes. The probability of false interpretation of characters in palaeontology is supposed to be higher when compared with research in neontology.  相似文献   

中国蜚蠊目昆虫化石研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
蜚蠊目昆虫最早出现于中石炭世维斯发早期,是历史渊源最长的昆虫之一.Grabau在20世纪初首次开始对我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石进行研究.到目前为止,中国古昆虫学者先后共发表36篇关于我国蜚蠊目昆虫化石的分类著作,描述鉴定了10科51属169种蜚蠊化石.本文通过列表统计中国已发表定名的蜚蠊化石,分析并探讨了中国蜚蠊化石的特征、存在的问题、研究现状及前景.  相似文献   

Spencer G. Lucas 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):5-38
Tetrapod footprints have a fossil record in rocks of Devonian-Neogene age. Three principal factors limit their use in biostratigraphy and biochronology (palichnostratigraphy): invalid ichnotaxa based on extramorphological variants, slow apparent evolutionary turnover rates and facies restrictions. The ichnotaxonomy of tetrapod footprints has generally been oversplit, largely due to a failure to appreciate extramorphological variation. Thus, many tetrapod footprint ichnogenera and most ichnospecies are useless phantom taxa that confound biostratigraphic correlation and biochronological subdivision. Tracks rarely allow identification of a genus or species known from the body fossil record. Indeed, almost all tetrapod footprint ichnogenera are equivalent to a family or a higher taxon (order, superorder, etc.) based on body fossils. This means that ichnogenera necessarily have much longer temporal ranges and therefore slower apparent evolutionary turnover rates than do body fossil genera. Because of this, footprints cannot provide as refined a subdivision of geological time as do body fossils. The tetrapod footprint record is much more facies controlled than the tetrapod body fossil record. The relatively narrow facies window for track preservation, and the fact that tracks are almost never transported, redeposited or reworked, limits the facies that can be correlated with any track-based biostratigraphy.

A Devonian-Neogene global biochronology based on tetrapod footprints generally resolves geologic time about 20 to 50 percent as well as does the tetrapod body fossil record. The following globally recognizable time intervals can be based on the track record: (1) Late Devonian; (2) Mississippian; (3) Early-Middle Pennsylvanian; (4) Late Pennsylvanian; (5) Early Permian; (6) Late Permian; (7) Early-Middle Triassic; (8) late Middle Triassic; (9) Late Triassic; (10) Early Jurassic; (11) Middle-Late Jurassic; (12) Early Cretaceous; (13) Late Cretaceous; (14) Paleogene; (15) Neogene. Tetrapod footprints are most valuable in establishing biostratigraphic datum points, and this is their primary value to understanding the stratigraphic (temporal) dimension of tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   

近200年来,全世界共报道半翅目蜡蝉次目化石昆虫28科、216属、400余种.本文回顾了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的研究历史,统计了中国已报道的该类群化石种类名录,总结了蜡蝉次目化石昆虫的地质历史、地理分布和年代、以及属种组成特征,提出了该类群化石昆虫研究中有待解决的问题以及未来的研究前景.  相似文献   

We report on a significant fossil collection of five isopod crustaceans that belong to five families from three suborders. These fossils were discovered in Le Mans (western part of Paris Basin, France) during the second half of the nineteenth century by the French paleontologist Edouard Guéranger. The historical quarry has been studied a few years before by the French paleontologist Alcide d’Orbigny and used as part of his Cenomanian stratotype (Leach, 1814). The collection consists of two species in the Cymothooidea Dana, 1852 (Cirolanidae Dana, 1852; Lantoceramiidae fam. nov.), two Valvifera G. O. Sars, 1883 (Chaetiliidae Dana, 1853; Idoteidae Samouelle, 1819) and one Asellota Latreille, 1802 (Stenetriidae Hansen, 1905), which were previously unknown from Upper Cretaceous strata as old as the Cenomanian age (roughly 93–99 ma). Although phylogenetic dating based on extant taxa has assigned Permian to Triassic age of origin for the Asellota, the Stenetriidae Hansen, 1905 specimen is the first fossil record for this family. Another asellotan, Fornicaris calligarisi Wilson and Selden, 2016, is known from the Triassic (Norian) dating from approximately 210–215 ma. The valviferans were unknown from Mesozoic strata, previously being found in the Oligocene of Romania and the Fur Formation, Upper Paleocene/Lowermost Eocene of Denmark (Polz, 2007). This diverse assemblage of fossils with taxa assignable to extant families and one new family provides evidence for the presence of a substantially modern isopod fauna as early as the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

David Penney 《Palaeontology》2002,45(4):709-724
The oldest described fossils of the extant spider families Segestriidae, Oonopidae, Oecobiidae, Dictynidae and Linyphiidae, previously known from the Tertiary, are presented from Upper Cretaceous amber of New Jersey. The third and oldest known specimen of the fossil spider family Lagonomegopidae is also described and provides further palaeontological evidence of a common Laurasian fauna. The extant genera Segestria and Oecobius are taken back a further 52 and 69–74 myr respectively in the fossil record. These fossils predict the presence of the Caponiidae, Tetrablemmidae, Orsolobidae, Dysderidae, Hersiliidae, Eresidae, Pimoidae, Scytodoidea s.l. , cyatholipoids, theridioids and symphytognathoids in the Cretaceous. They also extend the known geological range of extant spider families through and beyond the end–Cretaceous extinction. This event, which affected numerous marine and some terrestrial organisms, probably had little effect on the Araneae.  相似文献   

We present a phylogenetic dating of asterids, based on a 111-taxon tree representing all major groups and orders and 83 of the 102 families of asterids, with an underlying data set comprising six chloroplast DNA markers totaling 9914 positions. Phylogenetic dating was done with semiparametric rate smoothing by penalized likelihood. Confidence intervals were calculated by bootstrapping. Six reference fossils were used for calibration. To explore the effects of various sources of error, we repeated the analyses with alternative dating methods (nonparametric rate smoothing and the Langley-Fitch clock-based method), alternative tree topologies, reduced taxon sampling (22 of the 111 taxa deleted), partitioning the data into three genes and three noncoding regions, and calibrating with single reference fossils. The analyses with alternative topologies, reduced taxon sampling, and coding versus noncoding sequences all yielded small or in some cases no deviations. The choice of method influenced the age estimates of a few nodes considerably. Calibration with reference fossils is a critical issue, and use of single reference fossils yielded different results depending on the fossil. The bootstrap confidence intervals were generally small. Our results show that asterids and their major subgroups euasterids, campanulids, and lamiids diversified during the Early Cretaceous. Cornales, Ericales, and Aquifoliales also have crown node ages from the Early Cretaceous. Dipsacales and Solanales are from the Mid-Cretaceous, the other orders of core campanulids and core lamiids from the Late Cretaceous. The considerable diversity exhibited by asterids almost from their first appearance in the fossil record also supports an origin and first phase of diversification in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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