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Northern tamarisk beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) were released in the Upper Colorado River Basin in the United States in 2004–2007 to defoliate introduced tamarisk shrubs (Tamarix spp.) in the region's riparian zones. The primary purpose was to control the invasive shrub and reduce evapotranspiration (ET) by tamarisk in an attempt to increase stream flows. We evaluated beetle–tamarisk interactions with MODIS and Landsat imagery on 13 river systems, with vegetation indices used as indicators of the extent of defoliation and ET. Beetles are widespread and exhibit a pattern of colonize–defoliate–emigrate, so that riparian zones contain a mosaic of completely defoliated, partially defoliated, and refoliated tamarisk stands. Based on satellite data and ET algorithms, mean ET before beetle release (2000–2006) was 416 mm/year compared to postrelease (2007–2015) ET of 355 mm/year (p < 0.05) for a net reduction of 61 mm/year. This is lower than initial literature projections that ET would be reduced by 300–460 mm/year. Reasons for the lower‐than‐expected ET reductions are because baseline ET rates are lower than initially projected, and percentage ET reduction is low because tamarisk stands tend to regrow new leaves after defoliation and other plants help maintain canopy cover. Overall reductions in tamarisk green foliage during the study are 21%. However, ET in the Upper Basin has shown a steady decline since 2007 and equilibrium has not yet been reached. Defoliation is now proceeding from the Upper Basin into the Lower Basin at a rate of 40 km/year, much faster than initially projected.  相似文献   

1. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a major source of water depletion from riverine systems in arid and semiarid climates. Water budgets have produced estimates of total depletions from riparian vegetation ET for a 320‐km reach of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, U.S.A., that have ranged from 20 to 50% of total depletions from the river. 2. Tower‐based micrometeorological measurements of riparian zone ET throughout the growing season using three‐dimensional eddy covariance provided high quality estimates of ET at the stand scale. 3. A dense stand of salt cedar (111–122 cm year–1) and a mature cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizenia Eckenwelder) stand with an extensive understory of salt cedar (Tamaria ramosissima Ledeb) and Russian olive (Eleagnus angustifolia L.) (123 cm year–1) had the highest rates of annual ET. A mature cottonwood stand with a closed canopy had intermediate rates of ET (98 cm year–1). A less dense salt cedar stand had the lowest rates of ET (74–76 cm year–1). 4. Summer leaf area index (LAI) measurements within the four stands were positively correlated with daily ET rates. LAI measurements throughout the growing season coupled to riparian vegetation classification is a promising method for improving riverine corridor estimates of total annual riparian zone ET along a reach of river. 5. Combining recent estimates of the extent of riparian vegetation along the 320 km length of the Middle Rio Grande, from Landsat 7 imagery with annual growing season measurements of ET at the four riparian stands yields a first‐order riverine corridor estimate of total riparian zone ET of 150–250 × 106 m3 year–1. This is approximately 20–33% of total estimated depletions along this reach of river.  相似文献   

Altered stream-flow regimes and invasive plant species: the Tamarix case   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim  To test the hypothesis that anthropogenic alteration of stream-flow regimes is a key driver of compositional shifts from native to introduced riparian plant species.
Location  The arid south-western United States; 24 river reaches in the Gila and Lower Colorado drainage basins of Arizona.
Methods  We compared the abundance of three dominant woody riparian taxa (native Populus fremontii and Salix gooddingii , and introduced Tamarix ) between river reaches that varied in stream-flow permanence (perennial vs. intermittent), presence or absence of an upstream flow-regulating dam, and presence or absence of municipal effluent as a stream water source.
Results  Populus and Salix were the dominant pioneer trees along the reaches with perennial flow and a natural flood regime. In contrast, Tamarix had high abundance (patch area and basal area) along reaches with intermittent stream flows (caused by natural and cultural factors), as well as those with dam-regulated flows.
Main conclusions  Stream-flow regimes are strong determinants of riparian vegetation structure, and hydrological alterations can drive dominance shifts to introduced species that have an adaptive suite of traits. Deep alluvial groundwater on intermittent rivers favours the deep-rooted, stress-adapted Tamarix over the shallower-rooted and more competitive Populus and Salix . On flow-regulated rivers, shifts in flood timing favour the reproductively opportunistic Tamarix over Populus and Salix , both of which have narrow germination windows . The prevailing hydrological conditions thus favour a new dominant pioneer species in the riparian corridors of the American Southwest. These results reaffirm the importance of reinstating stream-flow regimes (inclusive of groundwater flows) for re-establishing the native pioneer trees as the dominant forest type.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游柽柳ABA累积对地下水位和土壤盐分的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄丽  陈亚宁  李卫红  吕新 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4247-4251
近年来发现在逆境下(干旱、低温、高温、盐渍等)的植物体内大量积累ABA,从而引导人们去研究ABA与植物抗逆性之间的关系。在塔里木河下游地区影响植被正常生长发育的各种胁迫因子中,地下水位和土壤盐分是导致"绿色走廊"衰败的主要因素。柽柳是塔里木河下游荒漠植被的主体,对于改善生态环境、遏制沙漠化、保护生物多样性等诸多方面具有重要作用。因此,研究柽柳和地下水位以及土壤盐分的关系,对于维护塔里木河流域天然植被赖以生存的环境,保护柽柳这一重要的生物资源,维持生态平衡的良性循环具有重要意义。运用国际通用软件SAS6.12对塔里木河下游柽柳ABA和地下水位以及土壤盐分进行相关分析表明,柽柳ABA含量与地下水位呈极显著正相关,相关系数R=0.80305(显著性程度P=0.0003);与土壤盐分呈显著负相关,相关系数R=-0.59036(显著性程度P=0.0205)。由各断面柽柳ABA含量变化与地下水位和土壤盐分关系分析结果可以初步推断:3.12m的地下水位和0.96g/L的土壤盐分已经威胁到柽柳的正常生长发育,地下水位超过5.59m、土壤盐分大于1.61g/L则会对柽柳造成严重胁迫。在恢复和保育塔里木河流域天然植被的过程中,应该把对植被造成胁迫的外界条件的成因和植被自身的抗旱、抗盐等抗逆特性结合起来进行考虑:根据耐旱耐盐植被的合理生态水(盐)位,在主河道两岸维持一定范围的地下水位,使乔木、灌木、草本植被能良好地生长,发挥多种生态功能,这样既可以避免水资源的浪费又能充分发挥生态输水的功效,有利于从根本上解决"绿色走廊"的问题。  相似文献   

目前胡杨更新困难,种群处于退化阶段,而与其生态位高度重叠的多枝柽柳却在扩张。为探讨多枝柽柳对胡杨生长的影响,本研究设置了3个水平的水分、盐分梯度,对胡杨进行了单种和混种的盆栽控制实验,通过测定胡杨幼苗的生长和存活状况,分析不同水、盐梯度下多枝柽柳如何影响胡杨生长。结果表明:(1)多枝柽柳伴生降低当年生胡杨幼苗的存活率,随着水分条件改善,胡杨存活率提高,而盐分对存活率没有显著的影响。(2)水分、盐分和伴生模式几个因子对胡杨的生长特征的影响存在显著的交互作用(P<0.05)。各水盐条件下,多枝柽柳会不同程度降低胡杨幼苗的株高、主根长和地上地下生物量,而根冠比增大。混种条件下,胡杨幼苗对水盐的响应更为敏感。(3)相对竞争强度对水盐环境有明显的响应(P<0.05),随水分条件改善,地上、地下相对竞争强度降低。多枝柽柳对胡杨的生长产生不良影响的机制是通过快速消耗土壤的水分,从而导致胡杨幼苗水分亏缺。土壤水分条件是胡杨和多枝柽柳幼苗共存的关键因素,在水分供给不足的情况下,对水分偏好的差异导致胡杨无法通过实生苗进行有效的更新从而加剧胡杨种群的衰退,而多枝柽柳更为耐旱的特性使其逐步占据河岸的生境。我们的研究结果强调了两个树种对环境因子的适应性差异决定了河岸带植被发育过程中植物-土壤的相互作用导致胡杨在演替过程中表现出的衰退现象。  相似文献   

Early succession aspen and late succession conifer forests have different architecture and physiology affecting hydrologic transfer processes. An evaluation of water pools and fluxes was used to determine differences in the hydrologic dynamics between stands of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and associated stands of mixed conifer consisting of white fir (Abies concolor), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii). In 2005 and 2006, measurements of snow water accumulation, snow ablation (melt), soil water content, snowpack sublimation, and evapotranspiration (ET) were measured in adjacent aspen and conifer stands. Peak snow water equivalent (SWE) averaged 34–44% higher in aspen in 2005 (average snow fall) and 2006 (above average snow fall), respectively, whereas snow ablation rates were greater in aspen stands (21 mm day−1) compared to conifer stands (11 mm day−1). When changes in soil water content (due to over-winter snowmelt) were combined with peak snow accumulation in 2006, aspen had greater potential (42–83%) water yield for runoff and groundwater recharge. Snowpack sublimation during the ablation period was not significantly different between meadow, aspen, and conifer sites and comprised less than 5% of the winter precipitation. Extended conifer transpiration in spring and fall did not contribute to large differences in water yield (<28 mm y−1). Summertime ET rates were higher in aspen plots (3.6 mm day−1) than in conifer plots (2.7 mm day−1), and differences in net ET largely reflected soil column porosity. This study shows that the largest differences in annual water yield between aspen and conifer stands result from differences in SWE and net summertime ET. Although SWE and accumulation of water in soil was greater in aspen, it was partly offset by greater net annual ET losses in aspen.  相似文献   

Effects of fire on water and salinity relations of riparian woody taxa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Water and salinity relations were evaluated in recovering burned individuals of the dominant woody taxa from low-elevation riparian plant communities of the southwestern U.S. Soil elemental analyses indicated that concentrations of most nutrients increased following fire, contributing to a potential nutrient abundance but also elevated alluvium salinity. Boron, to which naturalized Tamarix ramosissima is tolerant, was also elevated in soils following fire. Lower moisture in the upper 30 cm of burned site soil profiles was attributed to shifts in evapotranspiration following fire. Higher leaf stomatal conductance occurred in all taxa on burned sites. This is apparently due to higher photosynthetic photon flux density at the midcanopy level and may be partially mitigated by reduced unit growth in resprouting burned individuals. Predawn water potentials varied little among sites, as was expected for plants exhibiting largely phreatophytic water uptake. Midday water potentials in recovering Salix gooddingii growing in the Colorado River floodplain reached levels which are considered stressful. Decreased hydraulic efficiency was also indicated for this species by examining transpiration-water potential regressions. Recovering, burned Tamarix and Tessaria sericea had enriched leaf tissue 13C relative to unburned controls. Higher water use efficiency following fire in these taxa may be attributed to halophytic adaptations, and to elevated foliar nitrogen in Tessaria. Consequently, mechanisms are proposed which would facilitate increased community dominance of Tamarix and Tessaria in association with fire. The theory that whole ecosystem processes are altered by invading species may thus be extended to include those processes related to disturbance.  相似文献   

The invasive tree, Tamarix sp., was introduced to the United States in the 1800s to stabilize stream banks. The riparian ecosystem adjacent to the middle Rio Grande River in central New Mexico consists of mature cottonwood (Populus fremontii) gallery forests with a dense Tamarix understory. We hypothesized that Populus would compensate for reduced competition by increasing its water consumption in restored riparian plots following selective Tamarix removal, resulting in similar transpiration (T) among stands. The northern study site included a Populus stand invaded by Tamarix (INVN) and a restored Populus‐only stand (RESN), as did a southern site (INVS and RESS) approximately 80 miles south. At each site, 20 × 20–m plots were established where up to 16 stems were monitored throughout the 2004 growing season using thermal dissipation sapflow sensors. Populus sapflux rates were greater in restored stands, suggesting those trees compensated for understory removal by using more water. Sapflow was scaled to estimate stand‐level T based on a quantitative assessment of sapwood basal area (Asw) by species. Although exotic species represented 85 and 91% of the total stems in the invaded stands, it amounted to only 3% (INVS) and 4% (INVN) of the total Asw, contributing proportionately less to T compared to Populus. Our results indicate that removing Tamarix from the Populus understory in this riparian forest had a minimal impact on stand water balance. Riparian restoration of the type discussed herein should focus primarily on enhancing riparian health rather than generating water.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s large river systems have been greatly altered in the past century due to river regulation, agriculture, and invasion of introduced Tamarix spp. (saltcedar, tamarisk). These riverine ecosystems are known to provide important habitat for avian communities, but information on responses of birds to differing levels of Tamarix is not known. Past research on birds along the Colorado River has shown that avian abundance in general is greater in native than in non‐native habitat. In this article, we address habitat restoration on the lower Colorado River by comparing abundance and diversity of avian communities at a matrix of different amounts of native and non‐native habitats at National Wildlife Refuges in Arizona. Two major patterns emerged from this study: (1) Not all bird species responded to Tamarix in a similar fashion, and for many bird species, abundance was highest at intermediate Tamarix levels (40–60%), suggesting a response threshold. (2) In Tamarix‐dominated habitats, the greatest increase in bird abundance occurred when small amounts of native vegetation were present as a component of that habitat. In fact, Tamarix was the best vegetation predictor of avian abundance when compared to vegetation density and canopy cover. Our results suggest that to positively benefit avian abundance and diversity, one cost‐effective way to rehabilitate larger monoculture Tamarix stands would be to add relatively low levels of native vegetation (~20–40%) within homogenous Tamarix habitat. In addition, this could be much more cost effective and feasible than attempting to replace all Tamarix with native vegetation.  相似文献   

Riparian zones often provide more food or nesting resources than surrounding ecosystems and thus support more species or a greater abundance of birds. However, the extent to which the positive effects of riparian zones extend into adjoining habitats has rarely been investigated. We examined bird species richness and abundance in aspen (Populus tremuloides) woodlands of the upper East River Valley in Colorado, a region with extensive stands of aspen located upslope from riparian zones dominated by willows (Salix spp.). Our objective was to determine how species richness and abundance in aspen stands located closer to riparian zones compared to that of aspen stands farther away. To control for elevation effects, we conducted point counts for birds and examined the effects of riparian proximity on avian species richness and abundance in three elevation belts (low, 2840–2875 m; middle, 2940–2960 m; and high, 3040–3060 m). We determined riparian proximity by measuring distances from each census site to the nearest body of water and to the nearest patch of willow. Proximity to major willow patches (≥6500 m2) had a stronger influence on species richness and abundance than did proximity to water or smaller patches of willows. Total species richness and abundance significantly increased with proximity to major willow patches at low elevation sites only. This relationship was driven by a greater prevalence of riparian‐nesting species at lower elevation sites, where aspens were generally closer to riparian zones. The positive effects of willows diminished with abrupt changes in elevation. Our results highlight the importance of protecting willows around riparian zones in valley bottoms where habitat destruction caused by human land use is most prominent.  相似文献   

Invasion by the non‐native tree Tamarix has led to implementation of restoration projects aimed at maintaining the ecological integrity of many riparian communities in the southwestern United States. These restoration efforts may include Tamarix removal, manipulation of hydrologic regimes, and active revegetation of native species. The goal of this study was to determine which site characteristics are correlated with restoration success, defined in terms of reductions of undesirable species such as Tamarix and establishment of desirable, native species. To accomplish this, vegetative and environmental data were collected at 28 sites in the southwestern United States where active revegetation was completed after Tamarix removal. These data were incorporated into regression tree models with predictor variables that included number of years since removal (1–18 years) and multiple management, climate, soils, and hydrological variables to determine success of Tamarix control, revegetation success, and general plant community responses. Our results suggest that there are easily measurable site characteristics that are associated with greater native cover and richness, planting success, and Tamarix control. Close proximity to perennial water, sufficient precipitation, recent flooding, and good drainage as well as coarser soil texture, and lower soil pH all favored native species. Overall, those site characteristics associated with native species success were the same as those related to lower Tamarix cover. These quantitative models are intended to assist researchers and land managers to design more effective riparian restoration efforts in this critical arid lands ecosystem.  相似文献   

蒸发条件下潜水埋深对土壤-柽柳水盐分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵西梅  夏江宝  陈为峰  陈印平 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6074-6080
盐水矿化度下模拟设置4个潜水埋深(0.9、1.2、1.5、1.8 m),分析不同土层的土壤相对含水量(RWC)、含盐量(S_C)和土壤溶液绝对浓度(C_S)等水盐参数,及柽柳叶片和新生枝条的含水量及Na~+含量,探讨盐水矿化度下土壤-柽柳水盐参数对潜水埋深的响应规律。结果表明:各土层RWC与潜水埋深呈负相关,0.9 m潜水埋深下各土层的RWC均最高,且各土层RWC随土层深度的增加呈先降低后增加的趋势,其它潜水埋深下各土层RWC均逐渐增加,1.2 m是地下水所能上升且保持柽柳柱体土壤表层湿润的最高高度。各土层S_C和C_S与潜水埋深呈抛物线型,均表现为先增加后降低,潜水埋深1.2 m时,各土层S_C均最高。随土层深度的增加,各潜水埋深下S_C先降低后增加,而C_S呈现减少趋势;潜水埋深越高,土层间C_S变化幅度越激烈。潜水埋深对柽柳叶片和新生枝条的含水量无显著影响(P0.05),而随潜水埋深的增加,柽柳叶片Na~+含量逐渐增加,新生枝条Na~+含量则先增加后降低。从整个柽柳土柱看,随潜水埋深的增加,整个土壤剖面的RWC均值逐渐降低,而S_C和C_S均值先增加后降低,潜水埋深1.2 m是盐分变化的分界点,建议栽植柽柳的潜水埋深大于1.2 m。  相似文献   

于塔里木河中游地区选取30个样地,并采集相应地区30眼地下水位监测井的数据。根据监测井的地下水位检测数据,将地下水位按不同埋藏深度划分为0~2 m、2~4 m、4~6 m、6~8 m、8~10 m、>10 m共6个梯度,对不同地下水埋深下的样地群落盖度、物种多样性进行分析,以探讨主要植物分布频率与地下水埋深的关系,明确塔里木河中游地区荒漠河岸林植被的合理生态水位,为塔里木河中游地区乃至全流域的生态系统恢复提供依据。结果显示:(1)塔里木河中游地区共出现植物15种,其优势种植物为胡杨。(2)随着地下水位的降低,植被的盖度逐渐减小;当地下水位介于2~4 m时,植被的盖度平均为39.14%,当地下水埋深介于6~8 m时,植被的覆盖度小于20%;当地下水位低于10 m时,植被的平均覆盖度仅为7.65%。(3)随着地下水位的降低,研究区内的各类物种多样性指数均呈先增加后降低的趋势,一般在地下水埋深2~4 m时物种的多样性最高,其次为4~6 m和0~2 m;当地下水位在6 m以下时,物种的多样性锐减,地下水位低于10 m时,物种仅存柽柳和胡杨,多样性降至很小。(4) 塔里木河中游地区植物所要求的地下水平均深度为:胡杨4.58 m、柽柳3.53 m、芦苇2.34 m、骆驼刺4.10 m、花花柴3.18 m、黑刺2.98 m,只有芦苇适宜较浅的地下水埋深(≤2.5 m),其余的均宜在3~4 m左右。研究表明,在塔里木河中游地区,最适宜植物生长的地下水位为2~4 m,能够保证植物正常生长的合理地下水埋深区间为2~6 m。因此,要使塔里木河中游地区的植被得到恢复并确保其正常生长,区域内的地下水位应确保在6 m以上。  相似文献   

Johnson DW 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):43-52
The flow regimes of arid zone rivers are often highly variable, and shallow groundwater in the alluvial aquifers can be very saline, thus constraining the availability and quality of the major water sources available to riparian trees—soil water, shallow groundwater and stream water. We have identified water sources and strategies used by riparian trees in more highly saline and arid conditions than previously studied for riparian trees of arid zone rivers. Our research focused on the riparian species Eucalyptus coolabah, one of the major riparian trees of ephemeral arid zone rivers in Australia. The water sources available to this riparian tree were examined using δ18O isotope data from xylem, soil water, groundwater and surface water. Additionally, soil chloride and matric potential data were used to infer zones of water availability for root uptake. Despite the saline conditions, the trees used a mixture of soil water and groundwater sources, but they did not use surface water directly. The study identified three strategies used to cope with typically high groundwater and soil water salinities. Firstly, the trees preferentially grow in zones of most frequent flushing by infiltrating streamflow, such as the bank-tops of channels. Secondly, the trees limit water use by having low transpiration rates. Thirdly, the trees are able to extract water at very low osmotic potentials, with water uptake continuing at chloride concentrations of at least 20,000–30,000 mg L−1.  相似文献   

River systems around the world are subject to various perturbations, including the colonization and spread of non‐native species in riparian zones. Riparian resource managers are commonly engaged in efforts to control problematic non‐native species and restore native habitats. In western North America, small Eurasian trees or shrubs in the genus Tamarix occupy hundreds of thousands of hectares of riparian lands, and are the targets of substantial and costly control efforts and associated restoration activities. Still, significant information gaps exist regarding approaches used in control and restoration efforts and their effects on riparian ecosystems. In this special section of papers, eight articles address various aspects of control and restoration associated with Tamarix spp. These include articles focused on planning restoration and revegetation; a synthetic analysis of past restoration efforts; and several specific research endeavors examining plant responses, water use, and various wildlife responses (including birds, butterflies, and lizards). These articles represent important additions to the Tamarix spp. literature and contain many lessons and insights that should be transferable to other analogous situations in river systems globally.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲植被空间分布特征及其环境解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安乐生  周葆华  赵全升  王磊 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6809-6817
为了解黄河三角洲地区植被空间分布与环境因子之间的关系,通过局地植被样方调查、区域遥感影像提取归一化植被指数(NDVI)及地形高度、地下水位埋深、表层土壤Cl~-含量等环境数据采集,综合样地植被与环境数据进行了除趋势对应分析(DCA)和除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA),并对区域NDVI与主要环境变量进行了单因子相关性分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果显示:DCA排序可将黄河三角洲植被分为翅碱蓬、柽柳-翅碱蓬、芦苇-柽柳、芦苇4个主要群落类型(群丛),DCCA与DCA排序图总体相似,但DCCA更清晰地表明其第一轴主要代表的是潜水Cl~-浓度等关键水盐因子,且随着水土环境系统盐分含量的减小,群落由翅碱蓬逐渐向芦苇演变。区域典型植被群落和NDVI分布格局与变化趋势受地下水位埋深和潜水Cl~-浓度2个环境因素影响较大(NDVI与2个环境变量间建立的二元回归方程R~2=0.57),而土壤Cl~-含量的植被效应实际上受地下水位埋深和潜水Cl~-浓度的影响。在区域地下水普遍浅埋条件下,地下水成为影响植被生长与分布的生态环境最敏感要素,而地下水位埋深和潜水Cl~-浓度是这一要素中的2个关键因子,尤其是后者梯度变化对天然植被分布格局起重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

The long-term capacity of riparian zones in regulating groundwater nitrate fluxes is not well understood. This study analyses patterns of nitrate removal for the period 1994–2012 at two sites in a river floodplain that have received high groundwater nitrate loading from a large upland aquifer for over 32 years. During the study, mean NO3 ?–N concentrations entering the riparian zone varied between 20–30 and 30–42 mg/L at the upstream and downstream sites respectively, but did not show any clear inter-annual trend. A permeable sand layer in the riparian zone is underlain by a regional aquitard at a depth of 5–6 m and 4 m at the upstream site and downstream site respectively. Denitrification resulted in a decline in nitrate concentrations as lateral groundwater flow in the sand layer interacted with buried peat and channel bar deposits that range up to 3 m in depth at both riparian sites. This interaction was greater at the downstream site where the organic deposits extend down to <1 m from the aquitard in some locations. At the upstream site nitrate removal efficiency in the sand layer, at depths of 3–4 m ~20 m from the river bank, declined from 68 % in 1996–1998 to 42 % in 2009–2012. A smaller decline from 92 to 82 % occurred in the sand layer 10 m from the river bank during the study. In contrast, no clear pattern of change was evident at the downstream site where a nitrate removal efficiency of 98–100 % occurred at the river bank in most years between 1994 and 2012. These data suggest that the long-term nitrate removal performance of some riparian zones may decline if carbon availability for denitrification becomes limited as a result of variations in the quantity, quality and location of subsurface organic deposits that interact with deeper groundwater flowpaths.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, the condition of many riparian ecosystems has declined due to numerous factors, including encroachment of non‐native species. In the western United States, millions of dollars are spent annually to control invasions of Tamarix spp., introduced small trees or shrubs from Eurasia that have colonized bottomland ecosystems along many rivers. Resource managers seek to control Tamarix in attempts to meet various objectives, such as increasing water yield and improving wildlife habitat. Often, riparian restoration is an implicit goal, but there has been little emphasis on a process or principles to effectively plan restoration activities, and many Tamarix removal projects are unsuccessful at restoring native vegetation. We propose and summarize the key steps in a planning process aimed at developing effective restoration projects in Tamarix‐dominated areas. We discuss in greater detail the biotic and abiotic factors central to the evaluation of potential restoration sites and summarize information about plant communities likely to replace Tamarix under various conditions. Although many projects begin with implementation, which includes the actual removal of Tamarix, we stress the importance of pre‐project planning that includes: (1) clearly identifying project goals; (2) developing realistic project objectives based on a detailed evaluation of site conditions; (3) prioritizing and selecting Tamarix control sites with the best chance of ecological recovery; and (4) developing a detailed tactical plan before Tamarix is removed. After removal, monitoring and maintenance as part of an adaptive management approach are crucial for evaluating project success and determining the most effective methods for restoring these challenging sites.  相似文献   

The Lower Colorado River Multi‐species Conservation Program (MSCP) is charged with restoring habitat for 26 species such as the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) impacted by water development projects on the river. As of 2015, the MSCP had spent $200 million to create 1,200 ha of habitat at nine sites, but the benefits to these insectivorous birds and other target species have not been quantified. Many MSCP projects emphasized riparian plantings of willow (Salix exigua, Salix gooddingii) and cottonwood (Populus fremontii) on high terraces disconnected from the river. We documented prey availability for insectivores in constructed habitats as an indicator of restoration effectiveness. Using sticky traps as a proxy to estimate aerial insect flux, we found the number of aquatic insects, proportion of aquatic insects, total number of insects, and number of insect orders were all significantly lower in MSCP plantation sites than at the river's edge. Riparian restoration sites over 100 m from the river had only 4% of the aquatic insects, 20% of the total insects, and only half as many insect orders as sites adjacent to the river. Thus, food availability and overall habitat quality for insectivores are likely low in restoration sites that are distant from the river.  相似文献   

River flooding is important for the ecological functioning of river floodplains. It is implicitly assumed that in many river floodplains during floods, river water is spreading all over the floodplain. We hypothesize that during flood events a spatial distribution of water types exists, which is correlated to different water sources (river water, atmospheric water and groundwater) and to the spatial distribution of vegetation types. The objective of this paper is to assess a new methodology to determine the extent of flooding and the spatial distribution of different water sources during the flood, using GPS, multispectral remote sensing and hydrochemical analyses. This methodology is applied to the Biebrza River Lower Basin, which has little human impact. Remote sensing resulted in a map distinguishing inundated areas from dry areas, which showed 85% agreement with GPS field measurements. Principal Component Analyses and Cluster Analyses on the measured water chemistry identified different water sources during the flood (river water, groundwater, rainwater) and showed the effects of human impact on water quality. River flood water dominated the entire inundation zone in the northern Lower Basin, which is narrower and steeper than the southern Lower Basin where groundwater and rainwater were significant contributors to the major part of the inundated area. Vegetation in the river flood zone is distinctly different from the rest of the floodplain. Due to mixing of ground- and rainwater, correlation analyses between vegetation and water type were not possible outside the river flood zone. The new methodology is effective in distinguishing inundated areas from dry regions and in separating river flood water from other water sources during a flood.  相似文献   

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