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目前普遍认为干细胞在心肌损伤修复中的旁分泌作用是其发挥疗效的重要途径之一。外泌体是旁分泌的重要介质,是由细胞分泌的具有磷脂双分子层结构的囊性小泡,可以转运蛋白质、脂质和核酸分子到受体细胞,介导生理和病理条件下细胞间通讯。多种干细胞,包括胚胎干细胞、诱导多能干细胞、心脏祖细胞、间充质干细胞和心肌球细胞等来源的外泌体对受损心脏的保护作用已被广泛证实,其在心肌损伤修复中的治疗效果备受关注。本综述总结了目前关于不同干细胞来源的外泌体在心肌损伤修复研究中的最新进展,包括治疗潜力和作用机制。  相似文献   

外泌体是细胞外膜质纳米囊泡,将蛋白质、核酸(DNA和RNA)转运到靶细胞中,介导局部和系统的细胞间通信,从而改变受体细胞的行为。这些小泡在许多生物功能中发挥重要作用,如脂肪合成、免疫调节、神经再生和肿瘤调节等。脂肪间充质干细胞目前被认为是细胞治疗和再生医学领域中一种功能丰富的工具,可产生和分泌多种外泌体,继承细胞的多种功能。本文主要介绍来自脂肪间充质干细胞的外泌体特点,描述其在不同生物学过程中的作用,总结最新研究成果,为脂肪间充质干细胞来源外泌体的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

骨关节炎(OA)是最常见的慢性退行性骨关节疾病,目前对骨关节炎的治疗还没有特效疗法。间充质干细胞(MSC)对软骨修复有较好的疗效,间充质干细胞来源外泌体可能在这一治疗过程中发挥重要作用。外泌体是细胞间的通讯载体,能在细胞间传递生物活性脂质、核酸以及蛋白质等生物活性分子对骨关节炎产生一定影响。本文就探讨间充质干细胞来源的外泌体治疗骨关节炎过程中的作用机制与可行性做出综述。  相似文献   

已知间充质干细胞参与肿瘤微环境的形成并与肿瘤细胞相互作用。然而,间充质干细胞对肿瘤细胞生长的潜在功能性影响目前仍存在争议。本研究从人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞外泌体的角度,研究骨髓间充质干细胞对人骨肉瘤和人胃癌细胞生长的分子机制。在补充10%胎牛血清和1%青霉素-链霉素的完全DMEM/F12培养基中分离培养人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞,收获含有外泌体的细胞上清液并离心。在添加/不添加Hedgehog通路的小分子抑制剂GANT-61的情况下,分别用人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞的外泌体处理骨肉瘤(MG63)和胃癌细胞(SGC7901)。通过Transwell侵袭测定、划痕迁移测定和CCK-8测试来测量细胞活力。结果表明:人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞分泌的外泌体通过激活Hedgehog信号通路促进MG63和SGC7901细胞生长。Hedgehog信号通路的抑制剂GANT-61显著抑制了外泌体对肿瘤生长的促进作用。本研究为Hedgehog信号通路在人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞分泌的外泌体中诱导肿瘤进展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

血管新生(angiogenesis)是机体内一个复杂的生理学和病理学过程,是治疗缺血性疾病的重要措施。大量实验研究已表明间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells, MSCs)等干细胞移植可促进心肌梗死后血管新生,近期研究证实这一作用可能主要通过分泌外泌体形式介导。外泌体(exosome)通过传递与血管新生相关微RNA(microRNA, mi RNA)或蛋白质等生物活性物质,调控靶器官中与血管新生相关通路的基因表达,提高内皮细胞在缺血缺氧环境下的存活、迁移、成管能力,促进心肌梗死区域血管新生。通过基因修饰手段增强外泌体介导的心脏修复作用,以及将外泌体与生物活性肽结合形成工程外泌体来靶向缺血心肌治疗,是目前外泌体在心血管领域的热点研究方向。本文结合近年外泌体研究的相关文献,就MSCs来源外泌体促进心肌梗死血管新生的具体机制及现状研究作一综述。  相似文献   

杨超  刘师伟 《生命的化学》2023,(10):1609-1614
间充质干细胞外泌体(mesenchymal stem cell exocrines,MSC-EXOs)由间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)释放,具有旁分泌作用的囊泡。MSC-EXOs可以通过传递细胞因子来介导细胞间通讯从而调节受体细胞的细胞行为。目前,已有许多研究发现,MSC-EXOs可以通过传递细胞因子介入骨代谢相关信号通路来调节骨代谢。本文对间充质干细胞外泌体调节骨代谢的主要信号通路内容及作用的研究进展进行综述总结,并讨论了外泌体中重要细胞因子的作用,旨在找寻MSCEXOs治疗骨代谢相关疾病新的治疗靶点。  相似文献   

目的探讨脐带间充质干细胞的外泌体的获取与鉴定方法。方法通过组织块贴壁法从胎儿脐带分离和培养脐带间充质干细胞并通过RiboTMExosome Isolation Kit收集外泌体,采用电镜和流式细胞仪鉴定外泌体。结果第二代脐带间充质干细胞表面CD45、CD34和HLA-DR呈阴性表达,CD29、CD44和CD105呈阳性表达;在透射电镜下观察到脐带间充质干细胞外泌体呈圆形或椭圆形,大小不均匀,直径30~100 nm,有完整的膜结构,内含低密度物质;流式细胞检测外泌体CD9、CD63、CD81和CD83呈阳性表达。结论在培养脐带间充质干细胞的培养基中可以收集到外泌体,可以通过电镜和流式细胞仪对脐带间充质干细胞的外泌体进行鉴定。  相似文献   

骨关节炎是一种涉及所有关节成分(包括关节软骨、软骨下骨、滑膜、韧带、关节囊和关节周围肌肉)的关节退行性疾病,会导致严重的残疾,其中最常见的是膝骨关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)。外泌体是一种由不同细胞分泌的直径为40~100 nm的胞外囊泡,可以传递DNA、微小RNA、mRNA、蛋白质等多种物质,并通过多种方式进行细胞间的信息传递和功能调节。间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)可以从骨髓、脂肪、滑膜及外周血等组织分离,是一类具有多向分化潜能的祖细胞,以干细胞为基础的疗法可以修复软骨损伤,对抗KOA的发展,间充质干细胞能够分泌多种营养因子来调节受损的微环境,其中间充质干细胞来源的外泌体被认为在KOA炎症反应及软骨细胞代谢中发挥着重要的作用,其能够调节膝骨关节微环境中B细胞、T细胞、滑膜细胞、软骨细胞代谢及其细胞外基质的分解与合成平衡,维持软骨稳态。近期有多项研究表明,不同组织来源的间充质干细胞外泌体对骨关节炎均有明确的治疗作用,本文就MSCs来源的外泌体治疗KOA的具体机制进行综述,以期对干细胞治疗KOA提供理论依据。  相似文献   

吴昱  步世忠 《生命的化学》2020,40(4):490-496
外泌体是一类由各种细胞分泌的直径40~100 nm的胞外囊泡,由细胞内复杂的产生机制生成后分泌到胞外,由于其内含蛋白质、脂质和核酸,所以在细胞间的通讯上发挥着巨大作用。近年来,各种细胞来源的外泌体与疾病治疗的相关性研究有了许多进展,特别是间充质干细胞外泌体,拥有强大的免疫调节能力和组织修复能力,因此其在糖尿病并发症的治疗上拥有巨大的潜力。本文将对外泌体的来源、间充质干细胞和外泌体的生物学特性、组织修复特性及其在糖尿病肾病、糖尿病中枢神经病变、糖尿病血管病变及糖尿病皮肤病变中的治疗潜力作一综述。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究间充质干细胞外泌体对脑内小胶质细胞极化和炎症因子释放的影响及其机制。方法:收集体外培养的间充质干细胞上清,超高速冷冻离心获取外泌体。采用纳米颗粒系统和透射电子显微镜分别检测外泌体粒径大小、形态结构和功能完整性。通过免疫荧光、ELISA和细胞流式等方式检测LPS刺激下,外泌体对BV2细胞的表型极化和炎症因子释放的影响。采用Western Blot法检测间充质干细胞外泌体对BV2细胞JAK1/STAT3通路活化的影响。结果:(1)间充质干细胞分泌的外泌体粒径大小主要介于40-100 nm,透射电镜显示外泌体形态呈典型膜性"杯盘"状结构;(2)流式结果表明,相比于对照组,LPS组能显著激活M1型小胶质细胞表面标志物CD11b和M2型小胶质细胞表面标志物CD206的表达,而经外泌体处理,CD11b的表达显著被抑制,CD206显著升高。同时ELISA结果证实,相比于LPS组,外泌体组分泌的促炎症因子(IL-1β、IL-6)和NO水平显著降低(P<0.05),抗炎因子(IL-10)显著升高 (P<0.05);(3)间充质干细胞外泌体显著提高了BV2细胞JAK1/STAT3通路的磷酸化水平。结论:间充质干细胞外泌体通过激活JAK1/STAT3通路有效促进脑内小胶质细胞M1型向M2型极化。  相似文献   

干细胞疗法为缺血性心血管病的组织再生带来希望,然而体内移植后干细胞的不良转归严重制约了其治疗效果.研究表明,血管内皮细胞生长因子(vascular endotllelial growth factor,VEGF)或可对干细胞产生保护作用;同时,分子影像可作为干细胞研究的有力手段,实现体内外干细胞生物学过程的可视化与实时...  相似文献   

The efficiency of regenerative medicine can be ameliorated by improving the biological performances of stem cells before their transplantation. Several ex-vivo protocols of non-damaging cell hypoxia have been demonstrated to significantly increase survival, proliferation and post-engraftment differentiation potential of stem cells. The best results for priming cultured stem cells against a following, otherwise lethal, ischemic stress have been obtained with brief intermittent episodes of hypoxia, or anoxia, and reoxygenation in accordance with the extraordinary protection afforded by the conventional maneuver of ischemic preconditioning in severely ischemic organs. These protocols of hypoxic preconditioning can be rather easily reproduced in a laboratory; however, more suitable pharmacological interventions inducing stem cell responses similar to those activated in hypoxia are considered among the most promising solutions for future applications in cell therapy. Here we want to offer an up-to-date review of the molecular mechanisms translating hypoxia into beneficial events for regenerative medicine. To this aim the involvement of epigenetic modifications, microRNAs, and oxidative stress, mainly activated by hypoxia inducible factors, will be discussed. Stem cell adaptation to their natural hypoxic microenvironments (niche) in healthy and neoplastic tissues will be also considered.  相似文献   

Neurological disorders, such as stroke, are triggered by a loss of neurons and glial cells. Ischemic stroke remains a substantial problem for industrialized countries. Over the previous few decades our understanding about the pathophysiology of stroke has enhanced, nevertheless, more awareness is required to advance the field of stroke recovery. Existing therapies are incapable to adequately relief the disease outcome and are not appropriate to all patients. Meanwhile, the majority of patients continue to show neurological deficits even subsequent effective thrombolysis, recuperative therapies are immediately required that stimulate brain remodeling and repair once stroke damage has happened. Cell therapy is emergent as a hopeful new modality for increasing neurological recovery in ischemic stroke. Numerous types of stem cells from various sources have been identified and their possibility and efficiency for the treatment of stroke have been investigated. Stem cell therapy in patients with stroke using adult stem cells have been first practiced in clinical trials since 15 years ago. Even though stem cells have revealed a hopeful role in ischemic stroke in investigational studies besides early clinical pilot studies, cellular therapy in human is still at a primary stage. In this review, we summarize the types of stem cells, various delivery routes, and clinical application of stem cell-based therapy for stroke treatment.  相似文献   

Heart failure is a global epidemic that drastically cuts short longevity and compromises quality of life. Approximately 6 million Americans ≥20 years of age carry a diagnosis of heart failure. Worldwide, about 40 million adults are affected. The treatment of HF depends on the etiology. If left untreated it rapidly progresses and compromises quality of life. One of the newer technologies still in its infancy is stem cell therapy for heart failure. This review attempts to highlight the clinical studies done in ischemic cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy and restrictive cardiomyopathy. A combined approach of simultaneous revascularization and stem cell therapy appears to produce maximum benefit in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy with stem cells also holds promise but needs more definition with regards to timing, route of cell delivery and type of cell used to achieve reproducible results. The variability noted in response to stem cell therapy in patients could also be secondary to their co-morbidities. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and diabetes in particular impair stem cell and angiogenic cell mobilization. This opens up a whole new area of investigation into exploring the biochemical microenvironment which could influence the efficacy of stem cell therapy. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Stem Cells and Their Applications to Human Diseases edited by Hemachandra Reddy.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stem cells have been shown to differentiate into various phenotypes including cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle. Bone marrow stem cells are mobilized and home in to areas of injured myocardium where they are involved in tissue repair. In addition, bone marrow secretes multiple growth factors, which are essential for angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. In some patients, these processes are not enough to avert clinical symptoms of ischemic disease. Therefore, in vivo administration of an adequate number of stem cells would be a significant therapeutic advance. Unfractionated bone marrow derived mononuclear stem cells, which contain both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells may be more appropriate for cell therapy. Studies in animal models suggest that implantation of different types of stem cells improve angiogenesis and arteriogenesis, tissue perfusion as well as left ventricular function. Several unanswered questions remain. For example, the optimal delivery approach, dosage and timing of the administration of cell therapy as well as durability of improvements need to be studied. Early clinical studies have demonstrated safety and feasibility of various cell therapies in ischemic disease. Randomized, double blind and placebo-controlled clinical trials need to be completed to determine the effectiveness of stem cell.  相似文献   

Cell therapy has the potential to improve healing of ischemic heart, repopulate injured myocardium and restore cardiac function. The tremendous hope and potential of stem cell therapy is well understood, yet recent trials involving cell therapy for cardiovascular diseases have yielded mixed results with inconsistent data thereby readdressing controversies and unresolved questions regarding stem cell efficacy for ischemic cardiac disease treatment. These controversies are believed to arise by the lack of uniformity of the clinical trial methodologies, uncertainty regarding the underlying reparative mechanisms of stem cells, questions concerning the most appropriate cell population to use, the proper delivery method and timing in relation to the moment of infarction, as well as the poor stem cell survival and engraftment especially in a diseased microenvironment which is collectively acknowledged as a major hindrance to any form of cell therapy. Indeed, the microenvironment of the failing heart exhibits pathological hypoxic, oxidative and inflammatory stressors impairing the survival of transplanted cells. Therefore, in order to observe any significant therapeutic benefit there is a need to increase resilience of stem cells to death in the transplant microenvironment while preserving or better yet improving their reparative functionality. Although stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes has been observed in some instance, the prevailing reparative benefits are afforded through paracrine mechanisms that promote angiogenesis, cell survival, transdifferentiate host cells and modulate immune responses. Therefore, to maximize their reparative functionality, ex vivo manipulation of stem cells through physical, genetic and pharmacological means have shown promise to enable cells to thrive in the postischemic transplant microenvironment. In the present work, we will overview the current status of stem cell therapy for ischemic heart disease, discuss the most recurring cell populations employed, the mechanisms by which stem cells deliver a therapeutic benefit andstrategies that have been used to optimize and increase survival and functionality of stem cells including ex vivo preconditioning with drugs and a novel "pharmacooptimizer" as well as genetic modifications.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are one population of adult stem cells that can self renew and differentiate into multiple lineages. Because of advantages in method and quantity of acquisition, ADSCs are gaining attention as an alternative source of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. In this study, we performed microRNA profiling of undifferentiated and of neurally-differentiated ADSCs to identify the responsible microRNAs in neurogenesis using this type of stem cell. MicroRNAs from four different donors were analysed by microarray. Compared to the undifferentiation control, we identified 39–101 microRNAs with more than two-fold higher expression and 3–9 microRNAs with two-fold lower expression. The identified microRNAs were further analysed in terms of gene ontology (GO) in relation with neurogenesis, based on their target mRNAs predicted by computational analysis. This study revealed the specific microRNAs involved in neurogenesis via microRNA microarray, and may provide the basic information for genetic induction of adult stem cell differentiation using microRNAs.  相似文献   

The relationship between cell growth (cell mass increase over time) and cell division is poorly understood in animal stem cells. Recent studies in several Drosophila stem cell types have provided the tools to interrogate this relationship. In several cases (brat, mei-P26, pros, bam, lethal giant larvae, polo), mutations have been defined that trigger tumorous overproliferation of progenitor cells and reveal how unrestricted self-renewing capacity is controlled. Moreover, microRNAs have been discovered as essential regulators of stem cell division rate and identity, suggesting that stem cell self-renewal depends on protein translational control. Biosynthetic capacity has also been found to be limiting for stem cell division rates. Finally, asymmetric cell division can impose dominant differentiation signals in a stem cell's daughter, and this can inhibit the stem cell-specific proliferation signature and lock in cell cycle exit.  相似文献   

Although stem cell-mediated treatment of ischemic diseases offers significant therapeutic promise, the limitation in the therapeutic efficacy of transplanted stem cells in vivo because of poor engraftment remains a challenge. Several strategies aimed at improving survival and engraftment of stem cells in the ischemic myocardium have been developed, such as cell transplantation in combination with growth factor delivery, genetic modification of stem cells, and/or cell therapy using scaffolds. To improve therapeutic efficacy, we investigated the effects of genistein on the engraftment of transplanted ECFCs in an acute myocardial ischemia model. Results: We found that genistein treatment enhanced ECFCs'' migration and proliferation, which was accompanied by increases in the expression of ILK, α-parvin, F-actin, and phospholylation of ERK 1/2 signaling. Transplantation of genistein-stimulates ECFCs (GS-ECFCs) into myocardial ischemic sites in vivo induced cellular proliferation and secretion of angiogenic cytokines at the ischemic sites and thereby enhanced neovascularization and decreased myocardial fibrosis as well as improved cardiac function, as shown by echocardiography. Taken together, these data suggest that pretreatment of ECFCs with genistein prior to transplantation can improve the regenerative potential in ischemic tissues, providing a novel strategy in adult stem cell therapy for ischemic diseases.  相似文献   

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