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一、形态描述雄蚊: 头部 头顶有淡黄窄弯鳞与直立叉状鳞掺杂在一起;叉状鳞大部为黑色并且在枕部形成丛,丛外有少数淡色叉状鳞;复眼边缘后有密集的淡黄色窄弯鳞形成一窄缘饰。头部两侧各有一群淡色宽鳞。触角球节内侧有一群淡色宽鳞;鞭节有一般雄性特征。触须比喙稍长或等长;末2节宽大,末节最宽而末端圆;各节暗褐色,关节色淡,末节端末有淡色鳞;第3节末半与第4节全部的腹面有褐色长毛丛,但关节上的长毛为淡色;末节腹面有较短的毛。  相似文献   

王兴相 《昆虫学报》1984,(2):217-220
1981年5—10月我们在广东省海南岛万宁县三更罗公社调查了蚊类,共发现13属58种,其中一库蚊经鉴定为一新种,根据产地命名为三更罗库蚊Culex(lophoceraomyia)sangengluoensis新种,模式标本保存于第三军医大学寄生虫学教研室。现描述如下: 雄蚊 小型蚊种,黄褐色,翅长2.2—2.4毫米。 头部 头顶和枕部被黑色宽鳞,杂有少数淡色窄弯鳞及竖立叉状鳞;颊部被淡色宽鳞,并与枕、顶部黑色宽鳞区成弧形交界,故头顶黑色区呈亚圆形,喙黑褐色,约和腹部等长;喙基部下方有一横行竖立毛,10根。触须比喙长,约长出整个末节;基节外侧有一黑色  相似文献   

1979年7月至1980年3月,作者在云南云龙县的功果采集到蚊类标本一批,发现伊蚊属纷蚊亚属(Finlaya)一新种,特记述如下。 功果伊蚊Aedes (Finlaya) gonguoensis,新种 雌蚊 中型黑色蚊虫,翅长3.5—4.2毫米。 头部 头顶前部平覆深褐宽鳞,中央区和后部具白弯鳞;头顶后部和后头有黑色窄竖鳞,并杂有少数白竖鳞;有眶白鳞线;头侧大部平覆白色宽鳞,仅前部有一褐鳞区。触角梗节内侧有淡色鳞。唇基光裸;喙约为前股的1.1倍长,一致暗黑色;触须约为喙  相似文献   

肖成恩 《昆虫学报》1977,(4):451-454
本新种发现于新疆阿克苏地区的荒漠地带,今将其成虫、幼虫记述于后。 雄蚊 淡黄色(强烈日光下呈乳白色)中型蚊种,翅长平均5毫米。 头部:头顶中部有白色窄曲鳞形成的白鳞区;该区之前有一束向前倒伏的细长白鳞束;眼后缘密布暗色叉状鳞;喙均被白鳞覆盖,有时基部混有少数暗鳞,唇瓣暗色;喙长约达触须第Ⅳ节末端,并明显地较各腿股节长。触须淡色,全长被有白鳞,有时混有少数几枚暗鳞,第Ⅲ节末端及第Ⅳ节,Ⅴ节有长毛丛。触角淡黄色,较喙稍短,其长约达触须第Ⅳ节的1/2处,转节无鳞。  相似文献   

1983年、1987年,先后在海拔3000米以上的色达草原清水坑、松潘黄龙寺林下清水坑中采到伊蚊属、骚扰蚊亚属一新种,记述如下:色达伊蚊Aedes(Ochlerotatus)sedaensis sp.nov.(图见封二)雌蚊:翅长4.5—5.0mm,棕黑色中型蚊虫。头顶及头顶两侧全覆淡黄色窄鳞,后头竖鳞淡黄色,颊部平覆淡黄色宽鳞。触角梗节内侧和鞭分节1背侧有淡黄色鳞片分布。触须短大约为喙长的1/5—1/6,表面暗色,基段1/2和末端背面有淡色宽鳞。喙全部暗色。前胸前背片和后背片均具淡黄色窄鳞,后者下部有时有少数淡黄色宽鳞。中胸盾片完全由淡黄色窄弯鳞覆盖,中部有不甚明显的两…  相似文献   

作者最近对过去一未定种成蚊标本作了复查,经鉴定乃系骚扰蚊亚属(Ochlerotatus)中的一新种。现描述如下:长刀伊蚊Aedes(Ochlerotatus)longifilamentus Su et Zhang,新种(图1-3) 雌蚊 中型蚊种。翅长4.5~4.8毫米。无特殊鳞饰。 头 头顶和后头具白或黄白色窄鳞,竖鳞浅黄,但侧、后位者暗黑色。颊部平覆黄  相似文献   

1972年,我们在宁夏回族自治区的银川采获一种新的赛蚊。由于新种赛蚊的第九背叶特大,因崦取名为大叶赛蚊Culista(Culiseta)megaloba新种。 大叶赛蚊Culiseta(Culiseta)megaloba新种形态特征 雌蚊 大型深褐色蚊虫,翅长6.3—7.0(平均6.5)毫米。 头部:头顶和后头覆盖淡色窄鳞,后头并有黑色竖鳞;沿复眼后缘有淡色鳞环,头侧为平铺的淡色宽鳞。触角蒂节(梗节)褐色,内面有淡色鳞,轮毛黑色。触须约为喙的1/8长,暗色,有时第三节基部和末端有少数淡色鳞。喙暗色,比前足股节赂长。 胸部:前胸前背片是淡色窄鳞和褐色宗毛,杂有少数淡色舌形鳞;前胸后背片具淡色窄鳞。中胸盾片的体壁黑色,具淡色或淡金黄色细鳞形成的不很明显的纵条,包括央、  相似文献   

孟庆华 《昆虫学报》1958,(4):351-354
雄蚊 头顶的绝大部有很多稀疏、长窄而弯、在显微镜下为黄白色的鳞和稀疏、直立叉状、棕黑色的鳞;有少数直立叉状淡色的鳞。头部两侧复眼之后备有一群灰白色宽而平铺的鳞。喙暗棕;伪关节稍微色淡但未形成清楚的淡色环;喙的尖端超过触须第4节的中央。触须棕黑;第3节的末段外侧和末两节的内外两侧有棕色的长毛丛;第2—3节关接处色淡;第3节外侧腹面有一灰白纵走条未延伸到基部和差一点未到末端;第4节腹面有  相似文献   

我国伊蚊—新亚属及—新种(双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1985年6月,在进行滇西类业区系调查中采获一批伊蚊,经鉴定,发现1新亚属,现将该亚属及1新种描述如下。华蚊亚属Sinoaedes,新亚属 亚属特征:雌蚊 中型,暗黑色,具银白鳞饰。触须暗色。喙暗色。前胸前背片平覆宽白鳞。中胸盾片平覆褐色窄鳞;小盾片三叶状,具宽鳞;后背片光裸。有气门后鬃;有1根中胸下后鬃。翅鳞暗色。各足除股节腹面具白色区外,一致暗色。腹节暗色。第  相似文献   

杵蚊一新种记述——双翅目:蚊科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚正达  姬淑红 《昆虫学报》1989,32(4):482-484
新种杵蚊属杵蚊亚属,是我国首次记载的本亚属新种。 宽刺杵蚊Tripteroides(Rripteroides)latispinus新种(图1) 雌蚊 中型棕色蚊虫。头顶的大部、后头和头的两侧具平覆深褐色宽鳞,后部近头窍有少数黑色竖叉鳞;眼缘具银白鳞饰。唇基、触角,触须和喙暗色。触角梗节棕黄色,鞭节1内侧具少数淡色宽鳞。触须为喙的1/9长。喙长约为前足股节的1.2倍。前胸前背片平覆银白宽鳞;后背片棕黄色,上部具散生的平覆褐色宽鳞,下部光裸;侧板无鳞。中胸盾片一致平覆密致的棕色窄鳞;小盾片平覆褐色宽鳞;后背片光裸,暗褐色;侧背片光裸。气门鬃3—4根;前侧片上部黑色,气门下区有一个小白鳞簇;气门亚区、腹侧板上部和后下部、后侧片大部以及各足基节平覆银白宽鳞。翊:翅鳞暗色。足:暗色,各足股节前面都  相似文献   

A new species of Arenopontia (Neoleptastacus) is described on the basis of a single female collected from one sandy beach in Montenegro, Adriatic Sea. With the addition of the new species, the subgenus Neoleptastacus now includes 18 species throughout the world. At the end of this paper there is a key for their determination. Received: 20 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 21 September 1999  相似文献   

Arctodiaptomus (Rhabdodiaptomus) michaeli n.sp. is described from the material collected in Alapathar Lake and Marsar Lake of Kashmir, India.  相似文献   

Pararalichus gen.n. (Pterolichidae, Pterolichinae) is described; two species groups, from species of Brotogeris Vigors and Touit Gray, respectively, include two named and ten new species. From Brotogeris : the type species Pararalichus dilatatus (Favette & Trouessart) stat.n., comb.n. [= Protolichus ( Mesolichus ) hemiphyllus dilatatus ] from Brotogeris jugularis (Müller), Brazil, Guatemala, Panama; P. chrysopteri sp.n. from B. chrysopterus (L.). Guyana, Surinam; P. cyanopterae sp.n. from B. cyanoptera (Pelzeln), Bolivia, Peru; P. pyrrhopteri sp.n. from B. Pyrrhopterus (Latham), Ecuador, Peru; P. sanctithomae sp.n. from B. sanctithomae (Müller), Bolivia, Peru; P. tiricae sp.n. from B. tirica (Gmelin), Brazil; P. versicolori sp.n. from B. versicolorus (Müller), Brazil, Peru. From Touit: P. hemiphyllus (Mégnin & Trouessart) comb.n. [ =Pterolichus (P.) hemiphyllus ] from Touit batavica (Boddaert), Surinam, Trinidad; P. dilectissimae sp.n. thrn T. dilectissima (Sclater & Salvin), Colmbia, Costa Rica; P. huetii sp.n. from T. huetii (Temminck), Brazil, Guyana, Peru; P. parpuratae sp.n. from T. purpurata (Gmelin), Brazil, Guyana, Surinam; P. surdae sp.n. from T. surda (Kuhl), Brazil. All hosts are Central and South American parrots. Mesolichus Trouessart, 1899 is recognized as a monotypical genus.  相似文献   

A new unicellular species of the genusChrysosphaerella (Chrysophyceae) was found in fresh-water ponds in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S.A. It is described asC. solitaria. The genus is divided into two subgenera:Chrysosphaerella, comprising the colonial species, andPseudochrysosphaerella, the unicellular ones.  相似文献   

Nine specimens of Apus affinis (J.E. Gray) were studied at Franceville, Haut-Ogooué Province, Republic of Gabon, for the presence of helminth parasites. Two cestode species of the family Dilepididae were recorded. Pseudangularia gonzalezi n. sp. is distinguished from the most similar species P. europaea Georgiev & Murai, 1993 by having elliptical cirrus-sac, longer vagina, longer rostellar sheath and greater diameter of suckers. An identification key to the species of the genus Pseudangularia Burt, 1938 is proposed. The present study is the first record of the genus Pseudangularia in the Afrotropical Region. Our study confirms that, in dilepidids with vaginal sclerites from swifts, breaking off the cirrus after copulation is a frequent phenomenon. The genus Gibsonilepis n. g. is erected as monotypic for Vitta swifti Singh, 1952 (originally described from the same host species in India) and Gibsonilepis swifti n. comb. is proposed. Gibsonilepis n. g. is distinguished from Vitta Burt, 1938 by its highly elongate rostellum, rostellar sheath much bigger than rostellum, relatively small rostellar hooks possessing strongly developed guard, disc-shaped suckers with weak peripheral musculature and flat or convex central part, long and well-expressed neck, highly lobed two-winged ovary (lobes rounded) and presence of a band consisting of rows of spine-like microtriches along posterior margin of each proglottis. This is the first record of G. swifti in the Afrotropical Region. The separation of G. swifti from the genus Vitta (parasites of swallows) suggests that, contrary to previous opinions, no dilepidid genera are shared by Apodidae (swifts) and Hirundinidae (swallows).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei den Vertretern einiger Diplopoden-Familien ist der Mitteldarm von einer zelligen Hüllschicht umgeben. Die Perikaryen stehen dicht bei dicht, basale Ausläufer durchziehen die Fasern der Muskularis und verzweigen sich sekundär beim Eintritt in die sehr dicke Basallamina des Mitteldarmepithels. Die terminalen Endigungen jeder Zelle dringen in ein extrazelluläres basales Labyrinth je einer ausdifferenzierten Mitteldarmzelle ein und verflechten so die Hüllschicht mit dem Darmepithel. Darüberhinaus scheint es Fusome zwischen den Endaufzweigungen und der Mitteldarmzelle und damit die Möglichkeit eines intrazellulären Stofftransports zwischen beiden Zellen zu geben.Die Hüllschicht ist kein Epithel, denn Zellkontakte zwischen benachbarten Zellen fehlen ebenso wie eine gemeinsame Basallamina. jede Zelle ist von ihrer eigenen, dünnen Basallamina umgeben. Sie wird außerdem bei normal ernährten Individuen durch einen großen Vorrat an Glykogen und zahlreiche Zytosomen charakterisiert. Viele Mitochondrien sind dadurch vor allem in die Zellperipherie oder in die basalen Ausläufer gedrängt. In deren Nähe findet man auch überwiegend glattes endoplasmatisches Retikulum, und auch freie Ribosomen sind nicht selten. Der Zellkern vermittelt den Eindruck hoher Stoffwechselaktivität; ein Nukleolus ist immer vorhanden. Mikrotubuli sind im Zellkortex parallel zur Oberfläche orientiert, vor allem aber in den basalen Ausläufern in Längsrichtung. Obwohl kein Fett gespeichert wird, kann man die Zellen mit dem Chloragog-Gewebe der Anneliden oder mit den Leberzellen der Vertebraten vergleichen. Sie scheinen von den Mitteldarmzellen Nährstoffe zu übernehmen, diese zu verarbeiten, die Produkte freizusetzen oder zu speichern und dabei wertlose stickstoffhaltige Moleküle in den Zytosomen abzulagern. Der gebräuchliche Terminus Leberzellen ist daher angebracht.Tiere, die 14 Tage ohne Nahrung gehalten wurden, zeigen eine erhebliche Schrumpfung der Leberzellen. Deren Plasmalemm ist nur an einigen Stellen mit der Basallamina verbunden, überall sonst ist der extrazelluläre Raum zwischen Zellmembran und Basallamina stark erweitert. Das Glykogen ist größtenteils abgebaut. Der elektronenoptische Kontrast der verschiedenen Zellelemente ist äußerst schwach. Die Mikrotubuli sind völlig verschwunden. Nur die Zytosomen heben sich weiterhin deutlich ab. Aber auch sie scheinen umgewandelt und zu wenigen Ansammlungen zusammengeflossen zu sein. Dies deutet auf Mobilisierung des gespeicherten Glykogens hin, kann aber auch beginnende Degeneration der Leberzellen signalisieren.
Fine structure of the liver cells ofOxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch, 1847) (Diplopoda, Paradoxosomatidae)
Summary In some families of Diplopods the midgut is surrounded by an enveloping cell layer. Basal runners of their pericarya get through the longitudinal and transversal muscle fibres and ramify secundarily before entering the very thick basement membrane of the midgut epithelium. The terminal branches of each cell enter into a basal labyrinth of only one differentiated midgut cell interlacing intensively with the epithelium in this way. Moreover it seems that there are open junctions (fursomes) between terminal branches and the midgut cell and therefore an intracellular transport of materials.The enveloping layer is no epithelium. THere are no typical contacts between neighbouring cells; each enveloping cell is surrounded by its own thin basement membrane, a common basement membrane does not exist. Enveloping cells of normally nourished individuals are characterized by a large storage of glycogene in the cytoplasm. Besides this there are many distinct cytosomes which point at a significant activity in metabolism. Many mitochondria, which mostly pushed off towards the cell periphery or lie in the primarily ramifications indicate the same. Close by there is also prevailing smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Free ribosomes are not rare. The nucleus gives the impression of activity in metabolism too; a nucleolus does exist. Microtubules arranged parallely to the cell surface in the cortex, but especially in the basal ramifications in longitudinal direction can be seen. Though lipoids are not being stored, one might compare these cells with the chloragog tissue in annelids or with the liver cells in vertebrates. They seem to accept food from the midgut cells, to digest and release, respectively store it temporarily, depositing at that valueless nitrogene containing molecules into the cytosomes. The usual term liver cell therefore is wellchosen.Animals after 14 days without food signify a large shrinkage of the liver cells. Plasmalemma is fixed only at certain points to the basement membrane; the extracellular space between them is widened extremely. Glycogene mostly is removed. The electron microscopically visible contrast of the cell elements is very faint. Microtubules have disappeared. Cytosomes, however, contrast distinctly. But they, too, seem to be transformed and joined into a few accumulations. This points to mobilization of the stored glycogene, but in the same manner also to symptomes of degeneration brought into action.

Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. W.E. Ankel zu seinem 80. Geburtstag am 7.8.1977 gewidmet  相似文献   

A proboscidean skull from Cheparawa, (Muruyur Formation, Kenya), differs markedly from those of Eurasian Choerolophodon (C. pentelici, C. dhokpathanensis). It is morphologically and metrically close to the holotype of Choerolophodon kisumuensis (MacInnes) a partial skull from Maboko, much of which has been reconstructed in plaster of Paris. The more complete remains of this species now available indicate that it should be placed in a genus separate from Choerolophodon. The new genus Afrochoerodon is erected for it. Choerolophodon ngorora from Ngorora and Fort Ternan (Kenya), Choerolophodon zaltaniensis from Gebel Zelten (Libya) and Choerolophodon chioticus from Chios, Greece, should be transferred to the genus Afrochoerodon. Late Miocene specimens from Nakali, Kenya are probably referrable to the genus Choerolophodon. Fossils from Burji-Soyama (Ethiopia) hitherto assigned to Choerolophodon sp. are excluded from the subfamily Choerolophodontinae.  相似文献   

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