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五种荒漠植物幼苗出土及生长对沙埋深度的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李秋艳  赵文智 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1802-1808
研究了红砂、泡泡刺、花棒、白刺和沙拐枣5种荒漠优势植物的幼苗出土和生长对沙埋的响应,判断了幼苗的生长特征能否预测植物的定植能力。进行了0、1、2、3、5cm和8cm等6个沙埋深度处理,每个处理5个重复。结果表明:每种植物的出苗率都随着沙埋深度的增加而降低,而且遵循着指数方程关系。红砂种子的最佳沙埋深度应为0-1cm,3cm已是出苗和存活的最大沙埋深度;泡泡刺、花棒和白刺种子的最佳深埋深度为0—3cm;沙拐枣在0—8cm各个深度都有出苗现象,且出苗率没有显著差异,但8cm深度的出苗率只有4%,最佳沙埋深度约为5cm。幼苗的生长高度受沙埋深度的影响显著,在同一时间,幼苗的最大生长高度并不在0cm表层,但红砂幼苗除外。泡泡刺、花棒和白刺在0—3cm的沙埋深度的幼苗生长高度大于5-8cm沙埋深度的生长高度,但沙拐枣幼苗在5cm深度的生长高度最大。5种荒漠植物幼苗的生物量受沙埋深度的影响不显著。在同一沙埋深度下,红砂的绝对高度生长率明显低于其余4种植物,沙拐枣的绝对高度生长率高于其余4种植物幼苗;5种植物的相对高度生长率对沙埋深度的响应并不敏感。绝对高度生长率与相对高度生长率并不能预示幼苗存活成功率。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠灌木根际中、微量元素含量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了阿拉善干旱荒漠区霸王、白刺、红砂、沙冬青、沙木蓼、梭梭和驼绒藜7种旱生灌木根际与非根际土壤Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu的含量特征.结果表明:(1)除梭梭根际pH值高于非根际之外,其余6种灌木根际土壤均表现出不同程度的酸化作用.(2)7种灌木根际全钙和交换性钙的含量均低于非根际.除沙木蓼和驼绒藜外,其余5种灌木根际全镁含量均高于非根际,白刺的富集率最高,为43.04%;除沙木蓼外,其余灌木根际交换性镁的含量均有所富集,梭梭的富集率最高,为26.52%.(3)7种灌木根际全铁、全锰、全锌含量总体上小于非根际,但是根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌含量均大于非根际,表现出明显的富集效应,沙木蓼根际有效铁、有效锰、有效锌的富集率最高,分别为:29.76%、20.92%、86.99%.(4)沙木蓼根际全铜和有效铜含量略高于非根际.梭梭根际全铜含量低于非根际,但梭梭根际有效铜含量却有富集的趋势.其余五种灌木根际全铜和有效铜含量均低于非根际.(5)根际及非根际土壤各养分性状之间,存在复杂的相关性.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠典型灌木群落结构及数量特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
灌木群落是乌兰布和沙漠生态系统中最重要的组成部分,根据野外样地的调查资料,从各群落物种组成、生活型谱、盖度特征、物种多样性、群落相似性等方面对乌兰布和沙漠中典型灌木群落结构和数量特征进行分析,为该区生物多样性保护与植物资源持续利用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)梭梭、白刺、沙冬青、沙蒿、油蒿、盐爪爪是乌兰布和沙漠中主要灌木群落类型;各典型灌木植被群落中仅出现12科47属共计58种植物,各群落间物种组成差异较大,但均以藜科、菊科、禾本科、蒺藜科、豆科等干旱荒漠区的表征科数量居多;(2)沙漠中分布范围最广的梭梭群落、白刺群落、沙冬青群落和油蒿群落其生活型谱均以一年生植物所占比例最大,与研究区干旱的气候特征相吻合;(3)各群落中灌木层植物所占群落盖度的比重均超过了50%,其贡献率大于草本植物;(4)分布于生境条件较好的群落类型其物种多样性相对较高,从整体看各典型灌木群落的H′多样性指数的变化范围在0.98~3.42之间,而D多样性指数的变化范围在0.415 5~0.879 5之间,其物种多样性指数较低,物种组成比较简单;(5)各典型植物群落的相似性系数在0.068 2~0.604 7之间,均未达到极相似水平,其中白刺群落、梭梭群落以及沙冬青群落之间呈轻度相似水平,而其他各群落之间相似性系数均低于0.25,表明各群落间生境差异较大。  相似文献   

干旱荒漠区旱生灌木根际土壤磷变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以阿拉善干旱荒漠草地的7种旱生灌木白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)、霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)、红砂(Reaumuriasoongorica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)、沙木蓼(Atraphaxis bractata)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和驼绒藜(Ceratoides lateens)根际和非根际土壤为试验对象,对其根际与非根际土壤全磷、有效磷及不同磷的化学形态特征进行了分析研究。结果表明,7种灌木根际土壤有效磷含量高于非根际土壤;沙木蓼根际全磷含量、DHCl-Pi、HHCl-Pi含量高于非根际土壤,其余6种灌木根际全磷含量、DHCl-Pi、HHCl-Pi含量低于非根际土壤。另外,除梭梭外,其他6种灌木根际土壤H2O-P含量均低于非根际土壤;驼绒藜根际NaHCO3-Pi、DHCl-Pi和HHCl-Pi均显著低于非根际土壤。除沙冬青外,其余6种灌木根际NaOH-Po均低于非根际土壤,7种灌木根际HHCl-Po含量均低于非根际土壤。对根际、非根际土壤全磷,有效磷含量和pH进行相关分析,根际、非根际土壤有效磷和全磷含量相关性不显著,而根际、非根际土壤有效磷和pH相关性显著。  相似文献   

阜康荒漠植被灌木与半灌木种群生态位的研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 通过测算三维生态因子梯度上阜康荒漠植被灌木与半灌木种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠,结果表明;阜康荒漠植被灌木、半灌木按生态位宽度可分成4类,类群Ⅰ包括红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)和梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron);类群Ⅱ包括白刺(Nitraria sibirica)、盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)、囊果碱蓬(Suaeda physophora)、里海盐爪爪(K.caspicum);类群Ⅲ包括多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、长穗柽柳(T.elongata)、短穗柽柳(T.laxa)和无叶假木贼(Anabasis aphylla);类群Ⅳ包括黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)、粗枝猪毛菜(Salsola subcrassa)和盐节木(Halocnemum strobilaceum)。根据生态位重叠矩阵,红砂和梭梭间生态位重叠较大;盐爪爪、囊果碱蓬、里海盐爪爪、多枝柽柳、长穗柽柳间重叠较大;白刺、短穗柽柳、无叶假木贼、黑果枸杞、粗枝猪毛菜和盐节木与其它种的重叠值均较小。  相似文献   

为探究不同灌木叶片C、N、P化学计量特征季节变化规律,揭示荒漠植物对环境的适应策略,以民勤荒漠区4种主要灌木梭梭、沙拐枣、唐古特白刺、柠条锦鸡儿为研究对象,分析不同荒漠植物在生长季内叶片的C、N、P含量及其计量比变化特征。结果表明:(1)沙拐枣、柠条锦鸡儿叶片C含量显著高于唐古特白刺、梭梭(P<0.05),且唐古特白刺显著高于梭梭,沙拐枣与柠条锦鸡儿差异不显著;唐古特白刺叶片N含量显著高于其他3种植物叶片;唐古特白刺叶片P含量最高,并显著高于柠条锦鸡儿,但两者均与梭梭和沙拐枣差异不显著。(2)4种荒漠植物叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比各指标在生长季节内的变异系数表现为:P(28.34%)>C∶P(24.70%)>N∶P(19.07%)>N(17.49%)>C∶N(16.89%)>C(2.91%)。(3)C含量与N、P含量呈不显著正相关关系;除沙拐枣,其他叶片N含量与P含量呈显著正相关关系,4种荒漠植物叶片N∶P值的变化主要由P含量变化决定。(4)植物叶片C、N、C∶N、C∶P和N∶P含量的变异主要受植物种类影响,植物叶片P含量的变异主要受生长季节影响。研究发现,民勤荒漠4种灌木植物叶片C、N、P含量及C∶N、C∶P和N∶P在生长季内因物种而不同,它们在生长季内变异系数在植物种之间也存在差异。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿与油蒿群落的物种组成与数量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙蒿与油蒿群落均是我国最典型的沙地植被类型,在沙漠地区发挥了重要的生态防护作用,掌握其分布、组成及其数量特征对沙漠化防治具有一定的指导作用。调查研究表明,沙蒿与油蒿群落是乌兰布和沙漠典型的沙地植被类型,其中沙蒿群落多分布于沙漠中东部、南部和东北部,而油蒿群落仅分布于沙漠东部、东北部和东南部;其群落类型可划分为沙蒿群落、油蒿群落、沙蒿+油蒿群落、沙蒿+沙竹群落、沙蒿+花棒+沙拐枣群落、油蒿+白刺群落、沙蒿伴生群落和油蒿伴生群落;群落的物种组成比较简单,其中沙蒿群落共有9科21属22种,油蒿群落共有10科35属37种。草本植物是沙蒿与油蒿群落的主体,所占总物种数的比例均超过70%;Simpson、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数高,反映了沙蒿与油蒿群落具有较高的物种多样性。与沙蒿群落相比,油蒿群落物种丰富度、单位面积个体数、盖度、Simpson和Shannon物种多样性指数均明显大于沙蒿群落,而群落相似性显著低于沙蒿,说明乌兰布和沙漠油蒿群落较沙蒿群落具有更丰富的物种组成、多样性和群落结构,更具保护和人工促进潜力。研究结果可为乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿、油蒿群落的保护及人工促进提供理论基础,对区域沙漠治理物种选择具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

沙蒿与油蒿灌丛的防风阻沙作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蒿与油蒿广泛分布于我国沙漠地区,是沙地植被的重要建群种和优势种。在腾格里沙漠南缘半流动沙地,实测了两种典型固沙植物沙蒿与油蒿的防风阻沙作用,从灌丛空间构型对比分析了其防风阻沙机制。结果表明,沙蒿与油蒿灌丛均具有明显的降低风速作用,但油蒿灌丛较沙蒿灌丛具有更显著的防风作用,而且对灌丛后不同位置、近地面不同高度层风速的降低程度明显不同。在灌丛后6倍株高范围内,沙蒿灌丛对50cm高度风速降低程度显著大于20cm,而油蒿灌丛对近地面20cm高度层风速降低程度显著大于50cm。在相同风速下,油蒿灌丛后20cm高度平均风速是沙蒿灌丛的1/2,而50cm高度平均风速与沙蒿灌丛相近。同时,沙蒿灌丛阻沙作用弱,而油蒿灌丛具有明显的阻沙作用,单株积沙体积达到45.2±16.1dm3,积沙重量达到72.1±25.7kg,油蒿灌丛积沙量大小与灌丛结构间存在显著的正相关。研究表明,紧密型结构的油蒿灌丛是较松散型结构沙蒿灌丛更为理想的防风固沙植物,其灌丛分枝数多、分枝角度小、生物量大且多分布在近地面层是具有显著防风阻沙作用的根本原因,该结论可为干旱区防风固沙植被建设物种选择提供依据。  相似文献   

以广泛分布于新疆荒漠地区的建群种植物——梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)为研究对象,通过对23个样地101份梭梭同化枝样品δ~(13)C值的测定,分析了梭梭稳定碳同位素组成的变化特征及其与环境因子(海拔、日照时数、潜在蒸散量、年平均降水量和年平均温度)的关系,并讨论了不同生境下梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值的变化特征。研究结果显示:(1)梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C平均值为-14.15‰,其在95%置信区间的变化范围为-13.14‰—-15.38‰,表明梭梭是C_4光合途径的植物。(2)梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值与年平均降水量和年平均温度呈显著负相关关系,而与日照时数、潜在蒸散量和海拔呈显著正相关关系。我们推测梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值对各环境因子响应趋势的不同,可能是由气孔限制因素造成的,它是梭梭适应干旱荒漠环境的一种策略。(3)在不同生境下,梭梭同化枝的碳同位素组成存在显著差异。当梭梭群落中的主要伴生种为白刺、红砂时,其δ~(13)C值最高,当主要伴生种为沙拐枣和假木贼时,其δ~(13)C值最低。在灰漠土与灰棕漠土样地中的梭梭δ~(13)C值高于棕钙土、风沙土、石质土样地;盆地中梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值低于平原、山地、丘陵地形条件下的样地。以上结果表明:梭梭水分利用效率在不同环境梯度和生境中,存在着显著不同,表现出显著的适应策略差异。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江高寒河谷流动沙地适生植物种筛选和恢复效果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈渭寿  李海东  林乃峰  张涛  袁磊  孙明  孙俊  纪迪 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5609-5618
通过4a的人工模拟飞播试验研究(2008—2011年),观测了北方优良沙生植物种和西藏乡土沙生植物种在雅鲁藏布江中游高寒河谷流动沙地上的出苗、保存、生长和繁殖情况,筛选和确定了西藏高寒流动沙地人工模拟飞播的适生植物种。结果表明:籽蒿、花棒、沙拐枣、杨柴和砂生槐在高寒河谷流动沙地的适应性较好。籽蒿在播后第2年便有花序和种子出现,花棒和沙拐枣在第3年开花结实,籽蒿、花棒和沙拐枣均能完成生活史。籽蒿的再繁殖能力较弱,花棒和沙拐枣的再繁殖能力较强。不同类型沙丘的形态特征对人工模拟飞播效果影响较大,最适宜型(第Ⅰ类)流动沙地的人工模拟飞播效果最好,植被盖度达35%;较适宜型(第Ⅱ类)流动沙地的效果较好,植被盖度达30%;不适宜型(第Ⅲ类)流动沙地的效果最差,植被盖度尚不足10%;基本适宜型(第Ⅳ类)流动沙地的效果较差,但采用沿等高线人工脚踩回头撒播法,植被盖度可达20%。不同沙丘部位的人工模拟飞播效果差异明显。  相似文献   

Previous studies have tested the “vernal dam” hypothesis of spring ephemeral herbs in hardwood forests. The desert annual is a component of the desert ecosystem that takes advantage of water resources and temperature conditions during the rainy season to rapidly complete its life cycle within several months. To understand the role desert annual/ephemeral plants play in nutrient flow, we studied vegetation cover, nitrogen content and litter production of annual plants and litter decomposition rate in plant communities dominated by four shrubs (Haloxlon ammodendron, Hedysarum scoparium, Calligonum mongolicum, and Nitraria tangutorum) and two dominant annuals (Agriophyllum squarrosum and Halogeton arachnoideus Moq) in Minqin, northwestern China. Results indicate that over half of the total vegetation cover was provided by annuals. Annuals also took up a large amount of nitrogen (0.46–3.78 g N m−2) along the oasis–desert ecotone. Litter production and nutrient content were higher in areas dominated by annual plants than in areas dominated by shrubs. Furthermore, the litter decomposition rate of the annuals was higher than that of the shrubs, except for the shrub H. ammodendron, although almost all of the litter’s carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) remained after 6 months of decomposition. Without the annuals, more nutrients and rainwater might be lost through leaching or dust transfer caused by the wind erosion. In addition, green twigs of the annuals are the food for some animals, we found some green twigs and litter from annuals left in front of gerbil and rabbit burrows, sometimes even blocking these burrows. Thus, desert summer annuals, like nutrient reservoirs and providers, take up nutrients during the rainy season, providing some animals and microbes with food, and finally release these nutrients after death. Bao-Ming Chen and Gen-Xuan Wang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Haloxylon ammodendron, Calligonum mongolicum, Elaeagnus angustifolia, and Populus hosiensis had different adaptations to limited water availability, high temperature, and high irradiance. C. mongolicum used water more efficiently than did the other species. Because of low transpiration rate (E) and low water potential, H. ammodendron had low water loss suitable for desert conditions. Water use efficiency (WUE) was high in E. angustifolia, but high E and larger leaf area made this species more suitable for mesic habitats; consequently, this species is important in tree shelterbelts. P. hosiensis had low WUE, E, and photosynthesis rates, and therefore, does not prosper in arid areas without irrigation. High irradiances caused photoinhibition of the four plants. The decrease of photochemical efficiency was a possible non-stomata factor for the midday depression of C. mongolicum. However, the species exhibited different protective mechanisms against high irradiance under drought stress. H. ammodendron and C. mongolicum possessed a more effective antioxidant defence system than E. angustifolia. These three species showed different means of coping with oxidative stress. Hence an enzymatic balance is maintained in these plants under adverse stress conditions, and the concerted action of both enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactive oxygen species scavenging mechanisms is vital to survive adverse conditions.  相似文献   

Xiao  Chun-Wang  Zhou  Guang-Sheng  Ceulemans  R. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(4):565-569
We compared the effect of elevated temperature on morphological development, biomass accumulation and allocation, and gas exchange of three dominant plants (Caragana intermedia Kuanget H.C. Fu, Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz., and Artemisia ordosica Krasch.) growing in Chinese Maowusu sandland. Plants were grown in two temperature chambers (25/20, 28/23 °C, day/night) during 60 d. Tree height, number of leaves, and leaf area were increased in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, while in A. ordosica temperature only affected tree height. Elevated temperature increased biomass and reduced the root : shoot ratio in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, but not in A. ordosica seedlings. The net photosynthetic rate (P N) and transpiration rate (E) were increased at days 40 and 60 in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, while in A. ordosica seedlings no significant effects on E were observed, and P N was increased only at day 60. Water use efficiency (WUE) was reduced at days 40 and 60 in H. mongolicum seedlings, and at day 60 in C. intermedia seedlings. No temperature effect on WUE was observed in A. ordosica seedlings. These different responses indicate that climate change could alter plant communities in Maowusu sandland.  相似文献   

Abstract Woody plants have been increasing in many woodland and savanna ecosystems owing to land use changes in recent decades. We examined the effects of encroachment by the indigenous shrub Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae) on herb‐rich Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlands in southern Australia. Species richness and compositional patterns were examined under the canopy of L. scoparium and in surrounding open areas to determine the species most susceptible to structural changes. Richness was significantly lower in areas of moderate to high L. scoparium cover (>15%), suggesting that a threshold shrub cover caused major change in this ecosystem. Shrubs were associated with a significant reduction in above‐ground biomass of the ground‐layer flora and a significant shift in community composition. The few species that were positively associated with high L. scoparium cover were also common in the woodland flora; no new species were recorded under the shrub canopy. Important environmental changes associated with L. scoparium cover were decreased light availability and increased litter cover, which were likely a consequence of encroachment. Leptospermum scoparium cover was also associated with greater surface soil moisture, which may be a consequence of increased shading under the shrub canopy or indicate favourable soil conditions for L. scoparium establishment. Reductions in species richness and abundance of the germinable seed bank were found in soil samples taken from under L. scoparium. With ongoing recruitment of L. scoparium and consequent increases in shrub cover, ground‐layer diversity in these species‐rich woodlands should continue to decline over time.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the effects of a shrub (Haloxylon ammodendron) on spatial patterns of soil moisture in different seasons? How does productivity of understorey annuals respond to these effects? Are such effects always positive for annuals under shrubs? Location: South Gurbantunggut Desert, northwest China. Methods: Using geostatistics, we explored seasonal patterns of topsoil moisture in a 12 × 9‐m plot over the growing season. To determine spatial patterns of understorey annuals in response to H. ammodendron presence, biomass of annuals was recorded in four 0.2 × 5.0‐m transects from the centre of a shrub to the space between shrubs (interspace). We also investigated vertical distribution of root biomass for annuals and soil moisture dynamics across soil profiles in shrub‐canopied areas and interspaces. Results: Topsoil moisture changed from autocorrelation in the wet spring to random structure in the dry season, while soil moisture below 20 cm was higher in shrub‐canopied areas. Across all microhabitats, soil moisture in upper soil layers was higher than in deeper soil layers during the spring wet season, but lower during summer drought. Topsoil was close to air‐dry during the dry season and developed a ‘dry sand layer’ that reduced evaporative loss of soil water from deeper layers recharged by snowmelt in spring. Aboveground biomass of understorey annuals was lowest adjacent to shrub stems and peaked at the shrub margin, forming a ‘ring’ of high herbaceous productivity surrounding individual shrubs. To acclimate to drier conditions, annuals in interspaces invested more root biomass in deeper soil with a root/shoot ratio (R/S) twice that in canopied areas. Conclusions: Positive and negative effects of shrubs on understorey plants in arid ecosystems are commonly related to nature of the environmental stress and tested species. Our results suggest there is also microhabitat‐dependence in the Gurbantunggut Desert. Soil water under H. ammodendron is seasonally enriched in topsoil and deeper layers. Understorey annuals respond to the effect of shrubs on soil water availability with lower R/S and less root biomass in deeper soil layers and develop a ‘ring’ of high productivity at the shrub patch margin where positive and negative effects of shrubs are balanced.  相似文献   

The stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that the importance or intensity of competition and facilitation will change inversely along abiotic stress gradients. It was originally postulated that increasing environmental stress can induce a monotonic increase in facilitation. However, more recent models predicted that the relationship between severity and interaction exhibits a hump‐shaped pattern, in which positive interactions prevail under moderate stress but decline at the extreme ends of stress gradients. In the present study, we conducted a field experiment along a temporal rainfall gradient for five consecutive years, in order to investigate interactions in a shrub‐herbaceous plant community at the southern edge of the Badain Jaran Desert, and, more specifically, investigated the effects of Calligonum mongolicum, a dominant shrub species, on both abiotic environmental variables and the performance of sub‐canopy plant species. We found that shrubs can improve sub‐canopy water regimes, soil properties, plant biomass, density, cover, and richness and, more importantly, that the positive effect of shrubs on sub‐canopy soil moisture during the summer diminishes as rainfall decreases, a pattern that partly explains the collapse of the positive interaction between shrubs and their understory plants. These results provide empirical evidence that the positive effect of shrubs on understory plant communities in extreme arid environments may decline and become neutral with increasing drought stress.  相似文献   

沙漠化是河西走廊荒漠绿洲过渡带土地退化的主要原因,科学合理的治沙措施能够有效控制风沙侵害,有助于植被-土壤系统的重建与恢复。多年来,治沙措施的研究主要集中在不同时间梯度下某种给定措施对植物群落及土壤的影响方面,对于同一时间段内不同类型措施产生的生态惠益尚缺乏足够认识。鉴于此,以流动沙地丘间地为对照,选取围栏封育+麦草沙障(Ge+Ws)、麦草沙障+人工梭梭(Ws+H)和尼龙沙障+人工梭梭(Nn+H)3种不同的治沙措施区为研究对象,通过群落学调查与土壤因子测定,研究了不同治沙措施影响下植物群落数量特征和土壤因子的变化规律与相互关系,并对各措施的生态效益进行了评价。结果表明:(1)植被方面,3种治沙措施影响下草本层和灌木层群落数量特征均呈增加趋势,其中Ge+Ws草本层恢复效果较佳,Ws+H和Nn+H灌木层恢复程度更明显;土壤方面,伴随植物群落的恢复,3种治沙措施均能大幅改善土壤全碳、全氮、有机质等主要养分,但同时对土壤水分带来负面效应,Ge+Ws、Ws+H及Nn+H的表层土壤含水量依次减少了37.99%、 31.37%和35.94%。(2)结构方程模型显示,治沙措施通过直接影响灌木和草本群落...  相似文献   

为了综合评价枝条覆盖对不同立地(平地、丘顶、丘间低地)平茬花棒(Hedysarum scoparium)生长特征和浅层土壤水分的影响,以吉兰泰荒漠-绿洲过渡区平茬花棒为研究对象,于2017年4—10月对覆盖与无覆盖平茬花棒物候期、土壤容积含水量、土壤储水量和生长指标等相关指标进行测定。实验结果表明:(1)枝条覆盖有利于平茬花棒提前萌芽,较无覆盖提前5 d以上。(2)枝条覆盖使不同立地平茬花棒生长初期和生长末期0—100 cm土层平均土壤容积含水量增加20.12%以上,且土壤含水量变异系数随土层深度增加变化减缓;土壤储水量在生长初期和生长末期枝条覆盖较无覆盖增加27%以上。(3)枝条覆盖使平茬花棒株高、新生枝数、基径、冠幅较无覆盖增加10.91%以上,同时其生物量鲜重和干重较无覆盖分别增加4.45%—24.17%和3.78%—18.93%。尤其丘间低地平茬花棒生物量增加效果更加明显(P0.05)。但枝条覆盖不能改变平茬花棒生物量分配格局;(4)枝条覆盖和平茬对花棒生长均具有积极作用,枝条覆盖对丘间低地平茬花棒生长促进作用最好。  相似文献   

The rain-fed sand-binding vegetation which stabilizes the migrating desert dunes in the Shapotou area at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert was initiated in 1956. The shrubs initially employed were predominantly Caragana korshinskii, Hedysarum scoparium, and Artemisia ordosica, and a desert shrub ecosystem with a dwarf shrub and microbiotic soil crust cover on the stabilized sand dunes has since developed. Since 1956 the success of this effort has not only ensured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune area but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco-environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport infrastructure in the arid desert region of China. Some of the effects of recovery from desertification and ecological restoration on soil properties are shown by the increase in the distribution of fine soil particles, organic matter, and nutrients. The physical surface structure of the stabilized sand dunes, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust, have also led to the gradual formation of microbiotic soil crusts. Sand dune stabilization is associated with: (1) decreased soil particle size, (2) increased total N, (3) increased thickness of microbiotic crusts, (4) increased thickness of subsoil, and (5) an increase in volumetric soil moisture in the near-surface environment. After 17 years of dune stabilization, both the number of shrubs and community biomass decreased. The number of microbes, plant species and vegetation cover, all attained a maximum after the dunes had stabilized for 40 years. There is a significant positive correlation between the fractal dimension of soil particle size distribution (PSD) and the clay content of the shallow soil profile in the desert shrub ecosystem; the longer the period of dune stabilization, the greater the soil clay content in the shallow soil profiles (0–3 cm), and the greater the fractal dimension of soil PSD. This reflects the fact that during the revegetation processes, the soil structure is better developed, especially in the upper profile. Hence, the migrating sand dune becomes more stabilized. Therefore, the fractal model can be used to describe the texture and fertility of the soil, and, along with the degree of stability of the previously migrating sand dunes, can be used as an integrated quantitative index to evaluate the revegetation practice in the sand dune areas and their stabilization.  相似文献   

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