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样线法在鸟类数量调查中的运用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
样线法是野生动物种群数量调查的常用方法之一。本文简要介绍其发展历史、基本原理和主要类型,并对4种常用的种群密度计算方法,即条带最大记数法、Gates截线法、Fourier截线法以及距离取样法进行比较和总结,认为在鸟类野外数量调查中应记录鸟类个体到样线的垂直距离,并使用距离取样法来计算鸟类的种群密度,以便得到更为准确的结果。  相似文献   

鸟击事件主要发生在机场范围内,对机场周边生境的鸟类组成进行调查,是制定鸟击防范对策的重要前提。国内多数机场已经开展了相关的鸟类组成调查,但是选用的调查方法却存在较大差异。以样线法和网捕法两种常用的调查方法对沈阳桃仙国际机场周边的迁徙期鸟类进行了研究,旨在比较两种调查方法在机场鸟类群落组成调查中的效果及调查的鸟类群落组成差异。结果表明:两种方法均适合机场鸟类调研,共记录到鸟类97种,网捕法记录的鸟类种数(83种vs.57种)高于样线法,网捕法单独记录的鸟类种数(40种vs.14种)也高于样线法。尽管两种方法每期(半个月)调查的物种数和目的数量无明显差别,但随调查强度(如调查次数)增加,网捕法累计记录到的鸟类种类明显高于样线法,且较晚达到渐近线。另外,两种方法调查记录的鸟类群落组成也具有显著的差别,如网捕法记录到较多鹌鹑和鸮形目等夜间迁徙或活动鸟类,而样线法可记录到鹭科和雁鸭类水鸟等。这说明两种调研方法在鸟类调查中有较好的互补性。因此,本研究认为机场鸟情调研时应该根据鸟情特点,选择合适的鸟类调研方法,综合采用多种调研方法可更有利于获得科学的鸟情信息。  相似文献   

为了探讨红外相机技术、网捕法、固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法对森林鸟类多样性调查的有效性和实用性, 我们于2011-2016年, 用这几种方法调查了广东南岭国家级自然保护区和车八岭国家级自然保护区的鸟类多样性。在南岭, 固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录鸟类222种, 网捕鸟类43种, 红外相机拍到鸟类47种; 其中1种鸟仅网捕到, 6种鸟仅被红外相机拍到, 164种鸟仅被固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录到。在车八岭, 固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录鸟类109种, 网捕鸟类42种, 红外相机拍到鸟类27种, 其中9种鸟仅网捕到, 3种鸟仅被红外相机拍到, 97种鸟仅被固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法记录到。随着鸟类的体重、体长、翅长和跗蹠增加, 网捕到的鸟类个体数量减少, 鸟类身体大小与网捕到的鸟类数量呈显著负相关; 而红外相机拍到的鸟类数量随鸟类的身体大小增大而增加, 并且呈显著的正相关。本文的结果显示, 网捕法和红外相机技术针对不同类群的鸟类调查效力不同, 但都是固定距离样线法和固定半径样点法的有效补充。建议今后开展森林鸟类多样性调查与监测时, 尽量采用多种研究方法相结合, 以求达到最优的效果。  相似文献   

样点法在森林鸟类调查中的运用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴飞  杨晓君 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2240-2244
样点法由于具有易于实施、更易做到随机化或系统化以及适合于复杂及斑块化生境等优点,已成为目前使用最为广泛的森林鸟类调查方法。本文在介绍样点法的假设条件、类型和影响鸟类调查准确性因素的基础上,重点介绍了样点法在调查森林鸟类需要考虑的样本大小、样点布设、调查时间、每点的停留时间和调查周期等。同时也分析了样点法的不足,并提出样点法与网捕法结合是提高调查结果准确性的有效途径。  相似文献   

鸟类种群密度调查和估算方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑炜  葛晨  李忠秋  黄成 《四川动物》2012,31(1):84-88
为探讨不同调查方法对鸟类种群密度估计的差异,于2010年12月15~20日,对云南省昆明市嵩明县嘉丽泽地区常见的四种鸟(白脊鹡鸰Motacilla alba、黑喉石駑(嶋)Saxicola torquata、白鹭Egretta garzetta、苍鹭Ardea cinerea)进行调查研究.之后分别采用无距离样线法、固定距离样线法以及可变距离样线法(Distance软件)分析,得出其相对丰富度、种群密度等相关信息.对比三种样线法在鸟类数量估计方面的优劣,认为无距离样线法不能真实地反映鸟类数量的多少,固定距离样线法结合样带计数法往往低估鸟类种群密度,呵变距离样线法结合Distance软件分析是相对更为先进和精准的种群密度估算方法.对如何进一步利用Distance软件的分析结果也进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部地区繁殖鸟类多样性调查   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
2011年5~6月,采用样线法和固定半径样点法对内蒙古中部地区荒漠草原、典型草原及湿地3种生境中的鸟类进行了调查,共记录到繁殖鸟63种,隶属于11目25科,其中留鸟12种,夏候鸟51种。在动物地理区系成分上,古北界鸟类54种(占85.71%);东洋界鸟类9种(占14.29%)。调查结果表明,3种生境的鸟类群落结构在多样性指数上以湿地为最高,其次为荒漠草原,典型草原最低;均匀度指数最高的为荒漠草原,其次为湿地,典型草原最低。  相似文献   

种群数量是物种的重要生态学基础资料,合适的密度调查方法是数量估算的基础。2016年4-5月,采用广泛应用于鸡形目Galliformes鸟类种群密度调查的样线法和样点法,调查了四川黑竹沟国家级自然保护区3种鸡形目鸟类(白腹锦鸡Chrysolophus amherstiae、红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii和血雉Ithaginis cruentus)的种群密度。样线法和样点法估算的雄体密度分别是:白腹锦鸡1.20只/km^2和(6.31±0.98)只/km^2,红腹角雉5.41只/km^2和(0.39±0.17)只/km^2,血雉3.01只/km^2和(5.97±2.70)只/km^2。除红腹角雉外,样点法估算的白腹锦鸡、血雉种群密度均大于样线法。建议针对不同鸡形目鸟类采用不同的调查方法,并尽量扩大样本数量,从而提高调查结果的准确性。  相似文献   

北京雾灵山自然保护区冬季鸟类物种多样性调查   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
采用固定调查样线法连续两年对北京雾灵山自然保护区冬季鸟类组成进行了调查,共记录鸟类7目14科44种,其中29种属于留鸟,5种为冬候鸟,7种旅鸟,3种夏候鸟;优势种以留鸟为主,表现出冬季鸟类群落的特点。古北界和东洋界的种类分别为75%和14%,在分布型上划分为7种类型。出现种类最多的生态环境是村落,鸟类种数为31种,其植被类型是低山砾石、农田林果带。调查种类中有国家一级保护鸟类1种,二级保护鸟类6种,北京市重点保护鸟类6种。通过与邻近地区相关调查比较,表明本区冬季鸟类具有较高的丰富性,并提出了有效保护鸟类多样性的对策。  相似文献   

为探讨不同生境鸟类多样性和植物多样性之间的关系,2007年8月和2008年8月,采用样方法和固定距离样线法对白银库伦五蕊柳湿地和浑善达克沙地的鸟类与植物进行了调查,通过Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、鸟类密度指数等对各数据进行分析,结果表明:两种生境鸟类群落的相似性极低;植物多样性的改变影响鸟类群落的多样性;鸟类多样性的变化反映植物多样性的变化.  相似文献   

内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区冬季鸟类多样性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固定样线法于2006~2009年对内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区冬季鸟类组成进行了调查.共记录鸟类6目18科51种,其中有37种留鸟,9种冬候鸟,5种旅鸟,鸟类的居留型发生变化.所记录鸟类中有国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类1种,Ⅱ级保护鸟类13种,国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济及科学研究价值的鸟类29种.群落多样性指数值最高...  相似文献   

Studies comparing different bird censusing methods are useful for assessing relative biases, synthesizing data across studies, and designing bird population monitoring programmes. A field study was carried out in mid-elevation tropical rainforest in the Western Ghats to compare bird density estimates from line transect, point count and territory spot-mapping methods. Interspecific comparisons were made using data for 13 common resident bird species, including two endemics. Variable-width line transect density estimates were highly correlated with, but slightly (17%) higher than, those produced by territory spot-mapping. Although densities from variable-width point counts and spot-mapping were highly positively correlated, the estimates were 95% higher on average in the former. Higher density estimates relative to spot-mapping were produced mainly for the most abundant species, probably due to their mobility and the inclusion of additional individuals that enter the count area during the count period. Fixed-width strip transects and point counts produced density estimates that were highly correlated with, but significantly lower than, variable-width estimates. Wherever possible, territory spot-mapping and line transects are recommended for density estimates; the former may yield additional information on spatial distribution of birds. Fixed-width transects or point counts, being easier to apply, may be used for large-scale monitoring programmes. Interspecific variation in flocking systems and the poor visibility in dense rainforest vegetation indicate the need for care in collection of data on flock size and its variation, which is necessary for estimating the density of individuals. The variation across methods suggests the need for further research using multiple methods across years and marked individuals to verify territoriality and accuracy.  相似文献   

STUART J. MARSDEN 《Ibis》1999,141(3):327-390
The suitability of point count distance methods for estimating densities of tropical parrots and hornbills was assessed during surveys in Indonesia. The methods will perform well, so long as the following are considered. (1) Enough bird records must be accumulated to model species' detection curves precisely. For some species, around 2000 point counts may be needed and, in very rare species, the method may not be appropriate. Pooling data across habitats, species or years may increase precision in cases of small sample size. (2) Point counts are likely to be less biased than line transects because bird detection rates close to the recorder may be higher and there may be less chance of double-counting birds. Distances greater than 400 m between census points are unnecessary. (3) Count periods lasting ten minutes may be needed to ensure that most birds close to the recorder are detected. Controlled flushing of concealed birds after the main count period may also be appropriate. (4) The best time of day for census is the period when bird detectability is high but bird mobility low. For many large avian frugivores, this corresponds to the period between one hour after dawn and 10.30 h. (5) Records of flying birds must be excluded from density calculations. In the species studied, between 2% and 20% should be added to density estimates to compensate for the exclusion of flying birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Point counts are the most frequently used technique for sampling bird populations and communities, but have well‐known limitations such as inter‐ and intraobserver errors and limited availability of expert field observers. The use of acoustic recordings to survey birds offers solutions to these limitations. We designed a Soundscape Recording System (SRS) that combines a four‐channel, discrete microphone system with a quadraphonic playback system for surveying bird communities. We compared the effectiveness of SRS and point counts for estimating species abundance, richness, and composition of riparian breeding birds in California by comparing data collected simultaneously using both methods. We used the temporal‐removal method to estimate individual bird detection probabilities and species abundances using the program MARK. Akaike's Information Criterion provided strong evidence that detection probabilities differed between the two survey methods and among the 10 most common species. The probability of detecting birds was higher when listening to SRS recordings in the laboratory than during the field survey. Additionally, SRS data demonstrated a better fit to the temporal‐removal model assumptions and yielded more reliable estimates of detection probability and abundance than point‐count data. Our results demonstrate how the perceptual constraints of observers can affect temporal detection patterns during point counts and thus influence abundance estimates derived from time‐of‐detection approaches. We used a closed‐population capture–recapture approach to calculate jackknife estimates of species richness and average species detection probabilities for SRS and point counts using the program CAPTURE. SRS and point counts had similar species richness and detection probabilities. However, the methods differed in the composition of species detected based on Jaccard's similarity index. Most individuals (83%) detected during point counts vocalized at least once during the survey period and were available for detection using a purely acoustic technique, such as SRS. SRS provides an effective method for surveying bird communities, particularly when most species are detected by sound. SRS can eliminate or minimize observer biases, produce permanent records of surveys, and resolve problems associated with the limited availability of expert field observers.  相似文献   

武汉市上涉湖鸟类资源调查及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用实地踏查、定点观察的调查方法,并广泛收集历史资料,初步确定上涉湖湿地自然保护区有鸟类111种,其中“三有鸟类”86种;省级保护鸟类36种;国家重点保护鸟类11种;被列入国际贸易公约鸟类15种;被列入中国濒危动物红皮书的鸟类6种;被列入“中日候鸟协定”鸟类47种;被列入“中澳候鸟协定”鸟类14种。  相似文献   

Most birds sleep while roosting at night. Although a widespread behavior, few investigators have studied the nocturnal roosting behavior of birds. Studies conducted to date have either focused on species that roost communally or used radio‐telemetry to locate sleeping individuals of a few focal species. Portable thermal cameras capable of detecting infrared (IR) heat signals may provide a more efficient and less invasive means of detecting nocturnal‐roosting endotherms such as birds. Our objective was to assess the efficacy of using thermal cameras to detect roosting birds in a woodland bird community in southeastern Australia. To better understand the limitations of using thermography to detect roosting birds, paired bird surveys were conducted along 44 transects from May to September 2016 using both traditional survey techniques during the day and surveys with a thermal camera at night. We detected 195 birds representing 21 species at nocturnal roosts using IR thermography, with the detection rate of birds during nocturnal surveys approximately one‐third (29.1%) that during diurnal surveys. Detection rates during nocturnal surveys declined more steeply with distance from observers than for diurnal surveys. Detection rates were significantly higher during diurnal surveys for 14 species of woodland birds, but did not differ between diurnal and nocturnal surveys for eight other species. Roost height, roost visibility, bird mass, and cluster size (i.e., two or more birds in physical contact) did not differ between species categorized as having high or low detectability during nocturnal surveys. Variability among species in nocturnal‐detectability could not be attributed to roost‐site visibility, roost height, or bird size. Positive detection biases associated with diurnal behavior, such as movement and vocalizations, and limitations of current IR technology, e.g., low resolution, likely contributed to overall lower detection rates during nocturnal surveys. However, our results suggest that infrared thermography can be an effective and useful technique for detecting roosting birds and studying roosting behavior, as well as for population monitoring under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Comparative surveys of bird species richness and abundance showed that a total of 69 bird species was recorded on 1 km transects (n = 996) through shrubland, with a total estimated density of birds of 32.7 ± 32.8 (S.D.) birds/km2, of which resident birds made up 24.4 ± 21.0 birds/km2, nomads made up 1.9 ± 11.7 birds/km2 and local nomads made up 6.3 ± 20.1 birds/km2. There was no correlation in general between total bird numbers or total bird biomass and rain, but numbers and biomass of nomads showed the strongest correlations with rainfall two months previously. A total of 86 species was recorded on 276 surveys along a 1 km stretch of drainage line woodland. Species richness varied from an average of about nine species to 24 species each month, and only showed a marked change during the 'dry' period of 1990 to early 1991. Density of birds in this woodland was 59.2 ± 20.8 birds/km. Biomass of birds was relatively constant throughout the study period, with marked increases in certain months when large species were present.  相似文献   

Enrique Murgui 《Bird Study》2017,64(4):455-463
Capsule: Bird surveys carried out during a railway journey capture a significant proportion of the species and individuals recorded through line transects (LT).

Aims: To explore the suitability of railways as a bird census tool in a scenario where bird data massively recorded by passengers of the railway network could be collected through appropriate web portals and cell phone technologies.

Methods: Railway and walked transects were conducted along the 40?km rail line connecting the towns of Valencia and Buñol, Spain. From June 2012 to May 2016, I carried out a weekly survey of birds from the railway line looking through the train window. Additionally, to assess the efficacy of train surveys, a railway section 11?km long was surveyed monthly on foot from December 2014 to November 2015.

Results: Train surveys were unsuitable to detect many woodland birds but were relatively efficient in detecting raptors, open-field and aquatic bird species. About 75% of non-woodland species were detected from the train, and there was a positive correlation between counts obtained through train and LT; mean detection rate per species was between 50% and 80% depending on the season. Overall, larger and numerically more important species were better quantified. Further, detection rates of several medium-large species were greater than one, indicating a superior efficiency of train over LT. Only for nine species were data sufficient to calculate population trends, which in several cases were similar to those obtained through monitoring programmes operating at coarser spatial scales.

Conclusions: The relatively high performance of the method and the fact that broad geographical areas could be easily surveyed (even on a daily basis) by many people in a relatively short time make railway-based bird surveys a candidate to be used in citizen science programmes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although acoustic recordings have recently gained popularity as an alternative to point counts for surveying birds, little is known about the relative performance of the two methods for detecting tropical bird species across multiple vegetation types. During June and July 2008, we collected species detection/nondetection data to compare the performance of a quadraphonic acoustic recording system and point counts for estimating species richness and composition and detection probabilities of 15 rare, moderately common, and common tropical bird species across six structurally distinct vegetation types (coastal dune scrub, mangrove, low‐stature deciduous thorn forest, early and late successional medium‐stature semievergreen forest, and grazed pastures) in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. We selected five rare species endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula and 10 moderately common and common species that also occur in other tropical regions. Species richness and composition did not differ between survey methods in any of the vegetation types. At the population level, however, we found support for an effect of method on detection probability for most species. For 13 species, regardless of their abundance, acoustic recordings yielded detection probabilities as high as or higher than those for point counts across all vegetation types. The remaining two species were better detected by point counts in pastures and coastal scrub, where greater visibility likely improved sightings of these species. However, these species were detected as well as or better by acoustic recordings in forests and mangroves where detections were primarily auditory. In tropical regions where experienced field observers may not be available and funding for field surveys may be limited, acoustic recordings offer a practical solution for determining species richness and composition and the occupancy patterns of most species. However, for some species, a combination of methods will provide the most reliable data. Regardless of the method selected, analyses that account for variation in detection probability among vegetation types will be necessary because most species in our study demonstrated vegetation‐dependent detection probabilities.  相似文献   

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