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目的:分析背阔肌肌皮瓣在肩背部软组织肉瘤扩大切除术后缺损修复中的方便性及优越性。方法:选取临床确诊肩背部软组织肉瘤患者8例,行肩背部病灶扩大切除术后,依据背阔肌肌皮瓣解剖学特点,选择合适的背阔肌肌皮瓣转移修复肩背部缺损。结果:皮瓣全部存活,随访6月至28月,肩背部外形满意,日常活动无明显影响。结论:应用背阔肌肌皮瓣修复肩背部软组织肉瘤扩大术后缺损是一种行之有效的方法。该方法简单易行,临床效果明显。  相似文献   

目的:分析背阔肌肌皮瓣在肩背部软组织肉瘤扩大切除术后缺损修复中的方便性及优越性。方法:选取临床确诊肩背部软组织肉瘤患者8例,行肩背部病灶扩大切除术后,依据背阔肌肌皮瓣解剖学特点,选择合适的背阔肌肌皮瓣转移修复肩背部缺损。结果:皮瓣全部存活,随访6月至28月,肩背部外形满意,日常活动无明显影响。结论:应用背阔肌肌皮瓣修复肩背部软组织肉瘤扩大术后缺损是一种行之有效的方法。该方法简单易行,临床效果明显。  相似文献   

石小荣  黄亚芬  蒋玲 《蛇志》2016,(4):512-513
目的分析游离背阔肌坏死的原因,探讨预防措施并总结处理原则。方法回顾性分析游离背阔肌手术患者的临床资料。结果术后血供不足,扩管药物使用不当以及基础代谢加快是导致皮瓣缺血坏死的主要原因;严密的病情观察和正确的处理是预防皮瓣发生坏死的有效措施。结论保证足够的血容量,合理使用扩血管药物的浓度和量,及时去除坏死组织,避免感染是预防游离背阔肌皮瓣坏死的关键。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究紫杉醇脂质体在乳腺癌保乳术后对背阔肌肌瓣修复的应用价值。方法:选取本院2015年1月~2018年10月收治的65例行保乳术治疗的乳腺癌患者作为研究对象,采用随机数表法将患者分为观察组33例和对照组32例,术后均行背阔肌肌瓣修复手术,对照组予以单纯的表柔比星+环磷酰胺+多西他赛进行术后化疗,观察组予以表柔比星+环磷酰胺+紫杉醇脂质体进行术后化疗。结果:观察组患者达到完全缓解(CR) 14例,部分缓解(PR) 13例,稳定(SD) 5例,进展(PD) 1例,客观缓解率(ORR)为81.82%;对照组患者达到CR 11例,PR 8例,SD 11例,PD 2例,ORR为59.38%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察患者的乳房修复美学评价优良率90.91%较对照组的71.88%升高(P<0.05);观察组满意度为90.91%,对照组满意度为78.13%,两组比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。两组患者术后并发症发生情况比较无明显差异(P>0.05)。两组化疗相关的腹泻和呕吐等不良反应发生率比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:乳腺癌保乳术后应用紫杉醇脂质体对背阔肌肌瓣修复的疗效较好,安全性较理想。  相似文献   

目的:观察保留乳房手术治疗早期乳腺癌的临床治疗效果及其安全性。方法:回顾性分析我院2008 年5 月—2010 年5 月间 收治的92 例行保乳手术的早期乳腺癌患者的临床资料,观察实施保乳手术并综合后的治疗疗效和患者生活质量变化。结果:全 部患者均顺利接受手术,近期乳房外形保持较好,美容效果好,手术并发症少。术后随访20~44 个月,1 例局部复发,1 例肝转移, 无死亡病例。结论:保乳手术治疗早期乳腺癌的美容效果好,并发症少,疗效显著;术前严格掌握手术适应症,术后规范的综合治 疗,是取得良好效果的基础。  相似文献   

目的:观察保留乳房手术治疗早期乳腺癌的临床治疗效果及其安全性。方法:回顾性分析我院2008年5月-2010年5月间收治的92例行保乳手术的早期乳腺癌患者的,临床资料,观察实施保乳手术并综合后的治疗疗效和患者生活质量变化。结果:全部患者均顺利接受手术,近期乳房外形保持较好,美容效果好,手术并发症少。术后随访20-44个月,1例局部复发,1例肝转移,无死亡病例。结论:保乳手术治疗早期乳腺癌的美容效果好,并发症少,疗效显著;术前严格掌握手术适应症,术后规范的综合治疗,是取得良好效果的基础。  相似文献   

杨何平  张洪武  王君  杨书雄 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4950-4952
目的:对比研究改良胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣与传统胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣在舌癌连续整块切除术后缺损修复中的的治疗效果。方法:选取2007年08月-2012年01月行舌癌连续整块切除术患者97例,其中49例采用改良胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣,48例采用传统胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣,分别命名为A组和B组,比较两组患者治疗效果和并发症发生情况。结果:A组治疗效果甲级、乙级、丙级分别为65.3%、28.6%、6.1%,B组治疗效果甲级、乙级、丙级分别为41.7%、33.3%、25.0%,A组治疗效果优于B组;A组术后并发症少于B组。结论:与传统胸大肌肌皮瓣相比,改良胸大肌岛状肌皮瓣治疗效果好,并发症少,能更好地实现舌癌连续整块切除术后缺损修复。  相似文献   

乳房作为女性身体的一个重要器官,不仅具有孕育生命的作用,更是女性形体美最显著的标志。然而由于各种原因导致女性乳房的形态千差万别,这不仅严重影响了女性的形体美,而且会对女性带来各种轻重程度不等的身体不适,更严重者甚至会对女性的心理健康造成极大的影响。这就需要整形外科医生通过乳房整形手术重新塑造女性乳房的形态美。由于术后易发生皮瓣及乳头乳晕血供障碍、乳头乳晕区域支配神经的损伤以及乳房形态不佳,使得巨乳缩小整形术具有手术难度大,手术风险高,术后患者满意度较差的特点,成为乳房整形手术中的一大难点。究其原因,我们对于女性乳房的血供和神经支配,尤其是乳房内血管神经的具体走行和分支仍然未能了解得十分清晰。因此,开展乳房血供及神经支配的应用解剖研究,对于改良目前的乳房整形手术特别是巨乳缩小整形术术式,以降低手术相关并发症的发生率,具有及其重要的临床指导意义。本文主要从乳房的血供和神经支配两个方面,对乳房的应用解剖进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的观察脾虚型肠易激综合征模型WHBE兔活体舌象和舌组织病理形态学的变化。方法采用湿热应激复合番泻叶致脾虚型肠易激综合征兔模型,观察造模及自然恢复后WHBE兔和日本大耳白兔活体舌象和舌组织病理形态学的变化。结果与正常对照组比较,脾虚型肠易激综合征模型兔舌色淡红,舌质嫩;背隆起前后固有层乳头密度明显降低(P〈0.01),基底层核分裂相频数减少(P〈0.01),舌下角质层和上皮层厚度均明显增厚(P〈0.01),且角质层/上皮层比值明显增加(P〈0.01),且WHBE兔菌状乳头密度显著降低(P〈0.05);自然恢复10d后,自然恢复组实验兔背隆起前后固有层乳头密度仍显著低于正常对照组(P〈0.01),舌下角质层厚度明显大于正常对照组(P〈0.05),且WHBE兔的上皮层厚度显著高于正常对照组(P〈O.05),日本大耳白兔角质层,上皮层比值显著高于正常对照组(P〈0.05)。结论脾虚型肠易激综合征可能与机体营养、代谢相关。  相似文献   

辛延  刘美娇  姜华  赵伟娟  封蕊 《生物磁学》2014,(9):1747-1750,1785
目的:在自我效能理论指导下对白血病晚期患者改进护理措施,改善其生活质量。方法:采用目的性抽样,对2010年1月至2012年5月间异常的患者,通过gses表格内容,supph测评内容评估,在临床医生和心理医生的指导下改善传统护理方法,对每个患者出现的不适症状分别对待,使患者意识到需要接受挑战而坚持到底的毅力,使患者相信自身对疾病的可控感。结果:根据护理评价结果建立新措施体系,结果显示抑郁得分显著高于国内常模,自我效能总分与抑郁总分无明显线性相关;作出决策维度与躯体性障碍存在负相关性(r=-0.319,P〈0.05:);积极态度分别与抑郁总分(r=0.345,P〈0.05)、躯体性障碍(r=0.322,P〈0.05)存在正相关性。自我效能可改善白血病晚期患者生活质量,测评结果显示及专业医生的积极评价说明其具有可信度。结论:异常变化的micro RNA可能对高糖诱导的腹膜间皮细胞EMT具有重要调控作用。  相似文献   

Does transecting the tendinous insertion of the latissimus dorsi on the humerus improve aesthetic results and avoid the displeasing bulge in the armpit that sometimes occurs when the latissimus dorsi is used for breast reconstruction? In a prospective study, 60 patients who were having breast cancer surgery and simultaneous breast reconstruction using the latissimus dorsi flap were randomized for cutting (n = 29) or leaving intact (n = 31) the tendinous muscle insertion on the humerus. The cosmetic outcome was evaluated by patients and surgeons 6 to 12 months postoperatively. Patients reported good cosmetic results in 29 of 31 cases with the humeral insertion left intact and in 26 of 29 cases when the tendon was cut (p = 0.59), as compared with 21 of 31 cases versus 25 of 29 cases (p = 0.091), according to the surgeon's evaluation. A lateral bulge was more frequently observed by the surgeons in the group with intact insertion (10 of 31 patients), as compared with the group with a transected humeral insertion (2 of 29 patients). Discomfort caused by this bulge was reported by 19 of 31 patients with intact insertion, but only 3 of 29 patients with the tendon cut (p < 0.0001). The additional transection of the tendon was not associated with any complications. The additional transection of the tendinous humeral insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle improves aesthetic results and avoids a displeasing bulge in the axilla when the latissimus dorsi flap is used for breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

Breast conservation has been associated with poor cosmetic outcome when used to treat breast cancer in patients who have undergone prior augmentation mammaplasty. Radiation therapy of the augmented breast can increase breast fibrosis and capsular contraction. Skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction are examined as an alternative treatment.Six patients with prior breast augmentation were treated for breast cancer by skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. One patient underwent a contralateral prophylactic skin-sparing mastectomy. Silicone gel implants had been placed in the submuscular location in five patients and in the subglandular position in one patient a mean of 10.2 years (range, 6 to 20 years) before breast cancer diagnosis. The mean patient age was 41.3 years (range, 33 to 56 years). Four independent judges reviewed postoperative photographs to grade the aesthetic results in comparison with the opposite native or reconstructed breast.The American Joint Committee on Cancer staging was stage 0 in one patient, stage I for four patients, and stage II for one patient. Five of the six patients presented with a palpable breast mass. Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction was performed in four patients (bilaterally in one) and a transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap was used in two patients. Three patients were treated by skin-sparing mastectomy with preservation of the breast implant (two patients with latissimus flaps, and one patient with a TRAM flap). The tumor location necessitated the removal of implants in two patients (one patient with a latissimus flap and one with a TRAM. A saline implant was placed under the latissimus flap after gel implant removal. The patient who underwent bilateral skin-sparing mastectomies desired explantation and placement of saline implants. No remedial surgery was performed on the opposite breast to achieve symmetry. Complications occurred in two patients at the latissimus dorsi donor site (seroma in one patient, and seroma and infection in one). Five patients underwent complete nipple reconstructions. The mean duration of follow-up was 33.6 months (range, 15.5 to 70.3 months), and there were no recurrences of breast cancer. The aesthetic results were judged to be good to excellent in all cases.Skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction can be used in patients with prior breast augmentation, with good to excellent cosmetic results. Depending on the tumor and implant location, the implant may be preserved without compromising local control.  相似文献   

Autologous breast reconstruction with the extended latissimus dorsi flap   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chang DW  Youssef A  Cha S  Reece GP 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,110(3):751-9; discussion 760-1
The extended latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap can provide autogenous tissue replacement of breast volume without an implant. Nevertheless, experience with the extended latissimus dorsi flap for breast reconstruction is relatively limited. In this study, the authors evaluated their experience with the extended latissimus dorsi flap for breast reconstruction to better understand its indications, limitations, complications, and clinical outcomes. All patients who underwent breast reconstruction with extended latissimus dorsi flaps at the authors' institution between January of 1990 and December of 2000 were reviewed. During the study period, 75 extended latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstructions were performed in 67 patients. Bilateral breast reconstructions were performed in eight patients, and 59 patients underwent unilateral breast reconstruction. There were 45 immediate and 30 delayed reconstructions. Mean patient age was 51.5 years. Mean body mass index was 31.8 kg/m2. Flap complications developed in 21 of 75 flaps (28.0 percent), and donor-site complications developed in 29 of 75 donor sites (38.7 percent). Mastectomy skin flap necrosis (17.3 percent) and donor-site seroma (25.3 percent) were found to be the most common complications. There were no flap losses. Patients aged 65 years or older had higher odds of developing flap complications compared with those 45 years or younger (p = 0.03). Patients with size D reconstructed breasts had significantly higher odds of flap complications compared with those with size A or B reconstructed breasts (p = 0.05). Obesity (body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2) was associated with a 2.15-fold increase in the odds of developing donor-site complications compared with patients with a body mass index less than 30 kg/m2 (p = 0.01). No other studied factors had a significant relationship with flap or donor-site complications. In most patients, the extended latissimus dorsi flap alone, without an implant, can provide good to excellent autologous reconstruction of small to medium sized breasts. In selected patients, larger breasts may be reconstructed with the extended latissimus dorsi flap alone. This flap's main disadvantage is donor-site morbidity with prolonged drainage and risk of seroma. Patients who are obese are at higher risk of developing these donor-site complications. In conclusion, the extended latissimus dorsi flap is a reliable method for total autologous breast reconstruction in most patients and should be considered more often as a primary choice for breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

Assessment of long-term nipple projection: a comparison of three techniques   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nipple-areola reconstruction represents the final stage of breast reconstruction, whereby a reconstructed breast mound is transformed into a breast facsimile that more closely resembles the original breast. Although numerous nipple reconstruction techniques are available, all have been plagued by eventual loss of long-term projection. In this report, the authors present a comparative assessment of nipple and areola projection after reconstruction using either a bell flap, a modified star flap, or a skate flap and full-thickness skin graft for areola reconstruction. The specific technique for nipple-areola reconstruction following breast reconstruction was selected on the basis of the projection of the contralateral nipple and whether or not the opposite areola showed projection. Patients with 5 mm or less of opposite nipple projection were treated with either the bell flap or the modified star flap. In patients where the areola complex exhibited significant projection, a bell flap was chosen over the modified star flap. In those patients with greater than 5-mm nipple projection, reconstruction with a skate flap and full-thickness skin graft was performed. Maintenance of nipple projection in each of these groups was then carefully assessed over a 1-year period of follow-up using caliper measurements of nipple and areola projection obtained at 3-month intervals. The best long-term nipple projection was obtained and maintained by the skate and star techniques. The major decrease in projection of the reconstructed nipple occurred during the first 3 months. After 6 months, the projection was stable. The loss of both nipple and areola projection when using the bell flap was so remarkable that the authors would discourage the use of this procedure in virtually all patients.  相似文献   

As conservative surgery and radiation therapy have become accepted treatments for early-stage breast cancer, increasing attention has focused on the cosmetic results of this technique. When partial mastectomy--a term which encompasses a diversity of excisional techniques--is followed by radiation therapy, breast defects characterized by parenchymal loss, nipple-areola complex distortion, and cutaneous abnormalities can occur. From 1981 to 1990, eight patients sought reconstructive correction of a radiated partial mastectomy deformity. Patients were from 42 to 70 years of age (mean 49 years). All had breast cancer, except for one patient with diffuse and chronic breast abscesses. Six patients were reconstructed with latissimus dorsi flaps and two with rectus flaps. No patient underwent reconstruction sooner than 1 year after completion of radiation therapy; for the entire group, a mean of 2.6 years elapsed from completion of radiation therapy to flap reconstruction of the breast. Mammograms were obtained on all the breast cancer patients before and after the myocutaneous flap procedure. Follow-up extended from 1 to 9 years after reconstruction (mean 3.6 years) and included both physical examination and serial mammographic evaluations. Myocutaneous flap reconstruction with either latissimus or rectus flaps achieved an aesthetic improvement of the partial mastectomy deformity in all eight patients. Complications consisted only of seroma formation in two patients following latissimus flap reconstruction. Mammographic evaluation revealed fibrofatty degeneration of the soft tissues of both types of flaps, a change that occurs as early as 6 months after operation and appears as a radiolucent area. The feasibility of mammography as a screening adjunct for recurrent cancer in this group of patients is demonstrated. Advantages of this technique of autogenous tissue reconstruction are improvement of contour deformities associated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy, preservation of normal, sensate breast skin, enhancement of symmetry with the contralateral breast, and avoidance of a prosthesis.  相似文献   

The indications for autologous reconstruction are increasing. The standard procedure is the transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap; however, this flap has contraindications and drawbacks. The latissimus dorsi muscle flap is simple and reliable. Hokin et al. demonstrated in 1983 that this flap can be extended and used for breast reconstruction without an implant. Since then, it has been widely studied in this setting and is known to provide good aesthetic results. Dorsal sequelae, conversely, were not appraised. The aim of this study was to assess objective and subjective dorsal sequelae after the harvest of an extended flap. Forty-three consecutive patients who had had breast reconstruction with an autologous latissimus dorsi flap were assessed by a surgeon and a physiotherapist for muscular strength and shoulder mobility. Patient opinion was studied through a questionnaire. Mean delay between the operation and the evaluation was 19 months. Early complications, mainly dorsal seromas, were frequent after the harvest of an extended flap (72 percent). There was no late morbidity and, especially, no flap loss or partial necrosis. As for functional results, 37 percent of the patients had complete adjustment and 70 to 87 percent demonstrated no change in shoulder strength. Sixty percent of the patients experienced no limitation in everyday life, and 90 percent said they would undergo this procedure again. The authors show that dorsal sequelae after an extended latissimus dorsi flap are minimal and that this technique compares favorably with the transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap.  相似文献   

Nipple-areola reconstruction: satisfaction and clinical determinants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Jabor MA  Shayani P  Collins DR  Karas T  Cohen BE 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,110(2):457-63; discussion 464-5
After performing a chart review, the authors identified 120 patients who underwent breast cancer-related reconstruction. All charts were evaluated with regard to breast mound reconstruction type, nipple-areola reconstruction type, the interval between breast mound and nipple-areola reconstruction, the number of procedures needed to achieve nipple-areola reconstruction, patient history of radiation therapy, and complications. A questionnaire was then developed and mailed to all of the patients who underwent both breast mound and nipple/areola reconstruction (n = 105) to evaluate their level of satisfaction. Of the 43 patients who returned the questionnaire, 41 completed all portions correctly. The questionnaire evaluated patient satisfaction with breast mound reconstruction; patient satisfaction with nipple-areola reconstruction; what the patient disliked most about the nipple-areola reconstruction; and whether or not the patient would choose to have breast reconstruction again. Several parameters were then tested statistically against the reported patient satisfaction.A review of all patients who underwent breast reconstruction revealed that their breast mound reconstructions were done using either a TRAM flap (59 percent), a latissimus dorsi flap and an implant (19 percent), an expander followed by an implant (9 percent), an implant only (4 percent), or other means (9 percent). The nipple-areola was reconstructed in these patients with either a star flap (36 percent), nipple sharing (10 percent), a keyhole flap (9 percent), a skate flap (9 percent), an S-flap (8 percent), a full-thickness skin graft (6 percent), or by another means (22 percent). The number of procedures needed to achieve nipple-areola reconstruction was either one (in 66 percent of the patients), two (in 32 percent of the patients), or three or more (2 percent of the patients). Eleven percent of the patients experienced the complication of nipple necrosis.Satisfaction with breast mound reconstruction was reported by 81 percent of patients to be excellent/good, by 14 percent of patients to be fair, and by 5 percent of patients to be poor. Reported satisfaction with nipple-areola reconstruction was excellent/good for 64 percent of patients, fair for 22 percent of patients, and poor for 14 percent of patients. The factors patients disliked most about their nipple-areola reconstruction were, in descending order, lack of projection, color match, shape, size, texture, and position. Statistical analysis of the data revealed inferior patient satisfaction when there was a longer interval between breast mound and nipple areola reconstruction (p = 0.003). No significant difference was observed in nipple/areola reconstruction satisfaction ratings when compared with breast mound reconstruction type (p = 0.46), nipple-areola reconstruction type (p = 0.98), and history of radiation therapy (p = 0.23). There was also no significant difference when breast mound reconstruction was compared with technique (p = 0.51) and history of radiation therapy (p = 0.079). Overall, there was a greater satisfaction with breast mound reconstruction than with nipple-areola reconstruction (p = 0.0001).  相似文献   

Sensory reconstruction has recently been stressed in breast reconstruction. However, there are no reports concerning the reconstruction of a sensitive areola. The bilateral reconstruction of a sensitive areola using a neurocutaneous flap based on the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve is reported. The flap was harvested from the distal third of the forearm as an island flap and tunneled to reach the apex of the new breast, which was previously reconstructed using a 135-cc, gel-filled, silicone prosthesis covered by a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap. Six months later, fine sensibility in the reconstructed areola was demonstrated. The patient could perceive light touch, pain, and 14 mm two-point discrimination. At 2 months after surgery, 50 percent of cutaneous faulty stimulus location was observed. However, at 4 and 6 months after surgery, faulty location disappeared. Six months after harvesting the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, the sensory deficit was minimal; it included a hypoesthesic zone of 4 to 7 cm and an anesthesic zone of 2.5 to 5 cm on the middle third of the forearm. Fifteen months after the procedure, no hypoesthesic zone was observed; only a 2 to 3 cm anesthesic zone on the proximal medial side of the forearm existed. This sensory deficit passed unnoticed by the patient. The technique developed here is a refinement in breast reconstruction, and we think it should be used in selected patients.  相似文献   

Yano K  Hosokawa K  Takagi S  Nakai K  Kubo T 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,109(6):1897-902; discussion 1903
The authors performed immediate breast reconstruction on four patients using a sensate latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap accompanied by neurorrhaphy during the past 6 years. In the neurorrhaphy, the lateral cutaneous branch of the dorsal primary divisions of the seventh thoracic nerve, which controls the sensation of the myocutaneous flap, was anastomosed to the lateral cutaneous branch of the fourth intercostal nerve, which controls the sensation of the breast. The subjects consisted of four patients whose postoperative follow-up period was 14 to 29 months, with an average of 19.3 months. The control subjects consisted of 10 cases with a latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap whose sensory nerve had not been reconstructed (postoperative follow-up period, 15 to 49 months; average, 26.9 months). The sensory examination included tests of touch, pain, and temperature. The innervated musculocutaneous flap sensation showed gradual recovery at about 6 months after surgery and reached the value of the normal side after about 1 year. In the control subjects, the recovery was gradual after more than 1 year and reached the value of the normal side in only some of the control subjects. On the basis of these findings, the authors consider the present technique to be useful for the recovery of sensation in immediate breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

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