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八角属植物分类   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
林祁 《植物研究》2001,21(2):161-174
根据对18个国家和地区121个标本馆收藏的万余份八角属植物标本研究,结合在国内8个省区野外调查、采集、引种和对生长发育与物侯的观察,本文对世界性八角属植物做了分类学修订。根据花蕾和花被片形态特征的变异,将八角属分为2组:八角组-含9种1亚种,其花蕾卵球形,花被片长圆形、椭圆形、披针形至狭舌状,扁平;八角茴香组-含25种2亚种1变种,其花蕾球形,花被片宽卵形至圆形,下凹。将凹脉组作为八角组的新异名,圆被亚属作为八角茴香组的新异名;指定了红茴香和柬埔寨八角的后选模式。本文还分析了八角属植物的分类学性状,作出有分类检索表,提供有各种植物的地理分布资料,列举出查阅的主要标本,并对各分类单元均作了分类学注释。  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,观察了八角科(Illiciaceae)八角属(Illicium Linn.)2组11种20个材料、五味子科(Schisandraceae)南五味子属(Kadsura Ksempf.ex Juss.)2亚属2组8种15个材料和五味子属(Schisandra Michx.)2亚属4组6种17个材料的花被片表皮形态特征。首次报道了八角目2个科(八角科和五味子科)3个属(八角属、南五味子属和五味子属)植物花被片表皮细胞的形状、分泌细胞的形状及分布、气孔器的形状及分布、花被片表面的纹饰。通过与八角目2个科3个属植物的叶表皮形态比较,发现花被片表皮气孔器外拱盖均为单层,与叶表皮气孔器外拱盖层数(常绿种类为双层和落叶种类为单层)之间没有相关性,还在五味子科中发现2个新的性状(气孔对和环列型气孔)。通过对两性花、雌花和雄花花被片表皮观察,发现花被片表皮形态与花的性别之间没有相关性。通过对八角属、南五味子属和五味子属花被片表皮比较,发现五味子属与南五味子属相比,其花被片表皮表现出更多的衍生性状;南五味子属与八角属相比,前者花被片表皮具有更多的衍生性状;而南五味子属花被片表皮形态与五味子属的相似性程度较大,支持五味子科包含南五味子属和五味子属、八角科包含八角属的观点。  相似文献   

邬志荣  林祁 《植物研究》2008,28(2):155-167
在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,观察了八角科(Illiciaceae)八角属(Illicium Linn.)2组11种20个材料、五味子科(Schisandraceae)南五味子属(Kadsura Ksempf. ex Juss.)2亚属2组8种15个材料和五味子属(Schisandra Michx.)2亚属4组6种17个材料的花被片表皮形态特征。首次报道了八角目2个科(八角科和五味子科)3个属(八角属、南五味子属和五味子属)植物花被片表皮细胞的形状、分泌细胞的形状及分布、气孔器的形状及分布、花被片表面的纹饰。通过与八角目2个科3个属植物的叶表皮形态比较,发现花被片表皮气孔器外拱盖均为单层,与叶表皮气孔器外拱盖层数(常绿种类为双层和落叶种类为单层)之间没有相关性,还在五味子科中发现2个新的性状(气孔对和环列型气孔)。通过对两性花、雌花和雄花花被片表皮观察,发现花被片表皮形态与花的性别之间没有相关性。通过对八角属、南五味子属和五味子属花被片表皮比较,发现五味子属与南五味子属相比,其花被片表皮表现出更多的衍生性状;南五味子属与八角属相比,前者花被片表皮具有更多的衍生性状;而南五味子属花被片表皮形态与五味子属的相似性程度较大,支持五味子科包含南五味子属和五味子属、八角科包含八角属的观点。  相似文献   

八角属植物的分类学订正   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
林祁 《植物分类学报》2000,38(2):167-181
根据对18个国家和地区120个标本馆收藏的万余份八角属植物标本的研究,提出3个新组合,对13个种、6个亚种、3个变种和2个变型作了归并,确认全世界现有八角属植物34种3亚种和1变种。  相似文献   

亚洲番荔枝科植物新资料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秉滔   《广西植物》1993,13(4):311-315
本文根据国内外模式标本和文献资料,将亚洲番荔枝科植物进行了整理和研究,对6属26种及变种或亚种作了订正,其中有2个新名称,3个新组合,9个新异名,2个分布新记录。现整理成文,给予报道。  相似文献   

中国羽藓科植物自19世纪起即有报道,但迄今才进行首次全面校订,现知中国有17属和71种 (包括1亚种)。本文主要就其中7个属:薄羽藓属、牛舌藓属、小羽藓属、麻羽藓属、毛羽藓属、沼羽藓属及锦丝藓属中的一些种属名称作修订和新增补。文内涉及1新种、3新异名(含1属的新异名和2个种的新异名)和1新中文名。  相似文献   

中国黄杨属植物数量分类的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用系统聚类分析方法对中国黄杨属植物20种、3亚种和2变种进行了分类学研究,研究结果表明:营养器官的32个特征性状、繁殖器官的35个特征性状和总的67个特征性状的系统聚类结果与该属植物形态分类结果相吻合,从而为该属植物新分类群的建立,种、亚种和变种的鉴定以及某些划分不合理的种群纠正提供了一种新的科学依据和手段。  相似文献   

新疆棘豆属棘豆组的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大量标本和文献的研究,并结合野外居群的观察分析,澄清了《中国植物志》棘豆组中存在的分类学问题,对新疆棘豆属棘豆组植物的分类进行修订,确认产于新疆的棘豆属棘豆组植物8种、1变型,并重新编制了新疆棘豆属棘豆组的分种检索表,以及各种的分类学处理及地理分布.研究结果表明:少花棘豆归并在宽瓣棘豆中,其中少花棘豆为新异名;冰河棘豆应改为球花棘豆;冰川棘豆的学名更正为Oxytropis proboscidea;将黑萼棘豆并入长茎棘豆组中.此外,棘豆组增加了3个类群:等瓣棘豆、伊朗棘豆和奇台棘豆,其中等瓣棘豆和伊朗棘豆为新疆新记录种,白花球花棘豆为新变型.  相似文献   

根据Jos.Giraldi 1890至1896年在中国陕西省采集的青藓属标本13份,1896至1898年Carolo Mueller发表了青藓属的13个新种。笔者向佛罗伦萨大学植物标本馆借阅了上述类群的标本,其中主模式标本9份,等模式标本3份和由C.Mueller鉴定的标本1份。经过对这些标本逐一鉴定并进行形态性状的测量,本文订正了部分学名,提出了3个新异名,1个新组合。  相似文献   

林祁 《广西植物》2009,29(2):151-155
根据对八角属Illicium Linn.腊叶标本的研究和野外观察,发现柬埔寨八角I.cambodianum Hance在中国的新记录,将柳叶八角I.salicifolium S.Y.Liang作为小花八角I.micranthum Dunn的新异名,将中缅八角I.burmanicum Wilson和大花八角I.macranthum A.C.Smith作为野八角I.simonsii Maxim.的新异名。  相似文献   

八角属(八角科)三种植物之小记   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
李超  林祁  赵建成 《植物研究》2005,25(3):265-267
根据对腊叶标本的研究,将少药八角Illicium oligandrum Merrill & Chun、I. parvifolium Merrill subsp. oligandrum(Merrill & Chun)Q. Lin作为小叶八角I. parvifolium Merrill的新异名,将苏门答腊八角I. sumatranum A. C. Smith作为里德利八角I. ridleyanum A. C. Smith的新异名,发现厚皮香八角I. ternstroemioides A. C. Smith在越南的新记录。  相似文献   

林祁  陈三茂 《植物研究》1995,15(2):195-198
作者查阅了全国42个标本馆所收藏的403号假地枫皮Illicium jiadifengpi B.N.Chang标本, 确认该种植物为中国特有, 分布于安徽、浙江、江西、福建、湖北、湖南、广东和广西。将百山祖八角I.jiadifengpi B.N.Changvar.baishanense B.N.Chang et S.H.Ou归并到假地枫皮;将闽皖八角I.minwanense B.N.Changet S.D.Zheng作为假地枫皮的一个变型--紫花八角I.jiadifengpi B.N.Changf.minwanense(B.N.ChangetS.D.Zhang)Q.Lin, 将武夷八角I.wuyishanum Q.Lin归并到紫花八角中。  相似文献   

Taxonomic notes of the genus Illicium Linn. are presented based mainly on herbarium studies involving more than 10 thousand speciemens from 120 herbaria worldwide, Three new combinations are made, viz, I. fargesii Finet & Gagnep. Subsp. szechuanensis (Cheng) Q. Lin, I. parvifolium Merr. Subsp. oligandrum (Merr. & Chun)Q. Lin and I. micranhum Dunn subsp. tsangii (A. C. Smith)Q. Lin, and thirteen species, six subspecies, three varieties and two forms are reduced to synonyms. Thirty-four species, three subspecies and one variety are recognized inthis genus.  相似文献   

梾木属四照花亚属的系统和总览   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
向秋云 《植物研究》1987,7(2):33-52
不同作者对四照花亚属的性状估价不同,因而对其下分类群的分类很不一致。本文据其不同的过冬习性和芽结构与地理分布相关联,建立了两个组、两个系的新系统。并根据"形态地理"学的方法,认为"种"是一组居群,与另一种在形态上需有间断区别,"亚种"是种的组成成分,有一定分布区(若是同域则占居不同生境),形态上有区别,但在分布区交接处有中间类型存在,"变种"是种内限于较狭分布区域成分散分布的变异类形;将该亚属由原来19个种处理成4个种,12个亚种及3个变种。  相似文献   

Continuous differentiation of tepals was successively induced from regenerated flower buds in Hyacinthus orientalis L. cv. White Pearl by controlling the exogenous hormones and explant ages. In 250 days of subculture, each flower bud differentiated an average of more than 70 tepals, with a maximum of over 140 tepals. Studies on the morphogenesis and characteristics of growth and development of the flower buds indicate that the first whorled organ of the flower bud was perianth which consisted of perianth tube and tepals grown at the top of the perianth tube, which is the same as the flower bud of the wild type in H. orentalis. The second and third whorls of the flower bud, which should be stamen and pistil in the wild type, but remained as the tepals in the regenerated flower bud. Growth of the regenerated flower bud was faster in the first several months of culture, then slowed down gradually with time. After 150 days in culture the flower bud growth and organ differentiation became very slow. Other than the tepal differentiation the regenerated flower buds also differentiated at random positions some small flower buds that also differentiated the tepals only. Histological observation revealed that the origin of the regenerated flower buds was jointly participated by some cells in the epidermal and subepidermal layers at the inner surface of the perianth explant, and the inner small flower buds were originated from the meristem which was formed by the transformation of the parenchyma at the base of the very young tepal. The authors also compared and discussed the similarities and differences of the phenotypes between the regenerated flower bud in Hyacinthus and agamous flower in Arabidopsis, from which, they have hypothesized on the role of the hormones in the promotion and termination of the gene expressions by an order of development in plant.  相似文献   

Based on examination of specimens and field observations of Elatostema J. R. Forster & G. Forster (Urticaceae) from China and its adjacent area, one new species, E. vietnamense Q. Lin & L. D. Duan from Bach Ma Natl. Park, Thua Thien‐Hue Province, Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Pellionia ambigua Wedd. from Khasi Hills, Churra, Assam (=Meghalaya), India and P. rhizomatosa Gagnep. from Annam, Vietnam are transferred as Elatostema ambiguum (Wedd.) Q. Lin and E. rhizomatosum (Gagnep.) Q. Lin, respectively. Elatostema glochidioides W. T. Wang from Guangxi and Guizhou and Provinces, China is regarded as a new synonym of E. ramosissimum Rein.  相似文献   

单性木兰属(木兰科)植物的分类学订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对单性木兰属Kmeria(Pierre)Dandy植物标本的研究和野外调查,补充描述了该属的一些形态特征,纠正了前人对该属描述中的一些错误,阐述了保留单性木兰属的理由,列出了分种检索表,将焕镛木属Woon-youngiaLaw和单性木兰组MagnoliaLinn.sect.Kmeria(Pierre)Figlar&Noot.作为单性木兰属的新异名,将焕镛木Woonyoungiaseptentrionalis(Dandy)Law和广西木兰MagnoliakwangsiensisFiglar&Noot.作为单性木兰KmeriaseptentrionalisDandy的新异名。  相似文献   

五味子属(五味子科)分类系统的初步修订   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
林祁  杨志荣 《植物研究》2007,27(1):6-15
通过对前人提出的五味子属(五味子科)分类系统的点评,根据五味子属植物的33个形态性状及其性状分析,经过分支分析,提出一个新的五味子属分类系统:将五味子属分为五味子亚属和团蕊五味子亚属;将五味子亚属分为多蕊五味子组、少蕊五味子组、中华五味子组和五味子组。编排了分亚属、组和种的检索表,对每个种上分类等级均列出其模式、异名和代表种。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The role of flower specialization in plant speciation and evolution remains controversial. In this study the evolution of flower traits restricting access to pollinators was analysed in the bifid toadflaxes (Linaria sect. Versicolores), a monophyletic group of ∼30 species and subspecies with highly specialized corollas.


A time-calibrated phylogeny based on both nuclear and plastid DNA sequences was obtained using a coalescent-based method, and flower morphology was characterized by means of morphometric analyses. Directional trends in flower shape evolution and trait-dependent diversification rates were jointly analysed using recently developed methods, and morphological shifts were reconstructed along the phylogeny. Pollinator surveys were conducted for a representative sample of species.

Key Results

A restrictive character state (narrow corolla tube) was reconstructed in the most recent common ancestor of Linaria sect. Versicolores. After its early loss in the most species-rich clade, this character state has been convergently reacquired in multiple lineages of this clade in recent times, yet it seems to have exerted a negative influence on diversification rates. Comparative analyses and pollinator surveys suggest that the narrow- and broad-tubed flowers are evolutionary optima representing divergent strategies of pollen placement on nectar-feeding insects.


The results confirm that different forms of floral specialization can lead to dissimilar evolutionary success in terms of diversification. It is additionally suggested that opposing individual-level and species-level selection pressures may have driven the evolution of pollinator-restrictive traits in bifid toadflaxes.  相似文献   

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