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刘学琴  白明  贺达汉  王新谱 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4217-4224
步甲(Carabid beetle)是草原生态系统重要的昆虫类群之一,对草原生态系统环境监测及维护生物多样性起着重要的作用。基于步甲属(雕步甲和长叶步甲)在宁夏草原131个有效调查记录和19个环境因子,利用最大熵模型(Maximum Entropy Model,简称MaxEnt)预测步甲属潜在空间地理分布,运用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC曲线)检测预测模型精度,刀切法(Jackknife)筛选影响步甲属潜在地理分布的主要生态因子。结果表明:(1) MaxEnt模型预测结果 ROC曲线AUC值分别为0.981、0.914,模型预测结果的可信度较高;(2) 19个环境因子中,对步甲属的潜在空间分布预测贡献率较高的环境因子为最冷月份最低气温、年均降水量、最干季均温、年平均气温;(3)雕步甲主要分布在温性荒漠草原及温性草甸草原的北部,长叶步甲主要分布在温性草甸草原。以上研究为步甲调查和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

伯乐树潜在地理分布时空格局模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.)为研究对象,基于现有的151个伯乐树居群分布点及12个气候变量,运用MaxEnt模型和GIS技术,模拟末次盛冰期、全新世中期、当前、未来(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0和RCP 8.5)气候情景下的伯乐树潜在地理分布格局;采用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)下的面积(AUC值),评价模拟的精度;综合分析测试增益、气候变量贡献率及置换重要值,探讨制约伯乐树地理分布的主导气候变量;基于分布面积比(N a)、生境变化程度(N e),比较伯乐树在不同气候情景下的地理分布动态。ROC曲线结果显示,7种不同气候情景下的训练集与测试集AUC值均大于0.99,表明模型模拟精度极高。测试增益、气候变量贡献率及置换重要值显示,昼夜温差月均值、等温性和最干季度降水量是伯乐树潜在地理分布的限制因子。不同气候情景下伯乐树地理分布动态暗示,金佛山、大瑶山可能是伯乐树冰期多个微型避难所;末次盛冰期以来,伯乐树地理分布经历了扩张过程;未来不同气候情景下,其地理分布范围可能会发生不同程度(25%~47%)的收缩,其中RCP 8.5情境下,伯乐树居群生境破碎化最为严重。开展伯乐树资源调查、收集和遗传管理的国际合作,在气候适宜地区建立迁地保育林,是有效防止伯乐树遗传资源丢失的重要措施。  相似文献   

石山苣苔属(Petrocodon Hance)是著名的观赏花卉之一,但气候动荡和人类活动的强烈干扰,使其绝大部分被评估为极危(CR),至少也是易危(VU)以上。为重建末次间冰期以来石山苣苔属潜在适生区的时空变化,探讨适生区对环境变化的响应关系,为石山苣苔属的起源、地理分化研究和中国特有种质资源保护、园林开发利用提供理论指导,该研究结合120个分布记录和17个环境变量,应用优化的MaxEnt模型和地理信息技术(ArcGIS)对石山苣苔属在中国及中南半岛的适生区及其分布格局进行模拟,并基于逐步多元线性回归分析、冗余分析和蒙特卡洛检验评估影响石山苣苔属当前地理分布的主导变量。结果表明:(1)优化的MaxEnt模型的预测精度高,AUC值大于0.96;石山苣苔属当前适生区从中国西南部连续分布至越南北部,零散分布于中国中部和南部、块状分布于缅甸北部,其中以中国云贵高原南部为最佳适生区。(2)制约石山苣苔属当前地理分布的主导环境变量为最干月降雨量(bio14)、最热季度平均降雨量(bio18)、最湿季降雨量(bio16)、温度变化方差(bio4)、最冷月最低温度(bio6)、海拔(alt)。(3)在...  相似文献   

白杄(Picea meyeri)1989年被评为内蒙古自治区Ⅱ级保护珍稀濒危植物。该研究基于白杄在中国地区的50条有效分布点记录和12个环境因子变量,利用MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS软件分析全新世中期、现代、2050年和2070年四个时期白杄在中国的潜在地理分布,通过环境因子的贡献率和刀切法检验确定限制现代潜在地理分布的主导因子,并利用响应曲线确定环境因子变量的适宜区间,以明确不同时期白杄潜在地理分布区域和面积,为白杄的引种以及保护管理提供依据。结果显示:(1)MaxEnt模型预测受试者工作曲线面积(AUC)为0.979,说明该模型预测的潜在分布精度准确,预测结果的可信度高。(2)影响白杄潜在分布的主要气候因子及其适宜生长范围为:海拔(1200~2300 m)、昼夜温差与年温差比值(25%~28%)、最湿月降雨量(90~145 mm)和年平均温度(0~5℃)。(3)现代白杄在中国的潜在地理分布总面积为103.56万km2,主要位于内蒙古中西部地区(九峰山、正蓝旗、多伦县)、山西省大部分地区(大石洞、五台山)以及河北省部分地区(雾灵山、塞罕坝)。(4)从全新世中期到现代气候条件下,白杄在内蒙古北部高纬度地区的潜在分布区面积减少,生存适宜度降低,内蒙古中部大部分最适生区丧失;2070年RCP2.6排放情景下,白杄在山西省、河北省等低纬度地区的适生区也基本丧失,与现代分布区相比,白杄在未来气候条件下的适生区缩小,并且向内蒙古东北方向迁移。研究表明,从全新世中期到2070年,白杄的潜在分布区面积逐渐缩小,且有向高纬度、高海拔地区迁移的趋势,其最适生区范围也向内蒙古东北地区移动。  相似文献   

应用Max Ent模型、Arc GIS 10.0和DIVA-GIS 7.5软件,基于96个地理分布记录,预测了细叶小羽藓在末次盛冰期、当代和2070年的潜在分布区。Max Ent模型模拟当代潜在分布区准确度极高,受试者工作特征曲线下的面积(AUC值)达0.94。当代细叶小羽藓的最适分布区在四川盆地和长江中下游平原。相较于当代的分布,末次盛冰期时该物种的适生区局限在35°N以南,而未来(2070年)的分布范围呈现西进北扩的趋势。Jackknife检验表明,影响细叶小羽藓分布的最主要环境因子(阈值)是年均温(-0.97~22.86℃)、年均降水量(445~2238 mm)和最干月降水量(1~93 mm)。  相似文献   

张华  赵浩翔  王浩 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6552-6563
胡杨(Populus euphratica)是全世界干旱和半干旱区急需优先保护的林木基因资源,预测未来气候变化情景下胡杨在中国的潜在地理分布将为胡杨种群资源的保护和管理提供科学依据,并为绿洲恢复过程中胡杨的合理种植和配置提供有价值的理论指导。本研究基于胡杨在中国地区的92条有效分布记录和10个环境因子变量,利用Maxent模型和ArcGIS软件预测了未来气候变化情景下胡杨在中国的潜在地理分布,综合环境因子变量贡献率及置换重要值、刀切法检验评估制约现代胡杨潜在地理分布的重要因子,采用响应曲线确定环境因子变量的适宜区间,定量确定胡杨未来受威胁的潜在地理分布区域和面积。结果表明:(1)Maxent模型的预测准确度极高,受试者工作曲线面积(AUC值)达0.932,现代胡杨潜在地理分布的总适生区面积为289.94×104km2,主要位于内蒙古中西部地区(额济纳旗和阿拉善地区)、新疆大部分地区、甘肃北部和西北部地区、青海中西部地区和宁夏北部地区;(2)影响胡杨的潜在地理分布的主要环境因子变量为气温因子变量(年均温和最冷月最低温)和降水因子变量(最湿月降水量和最干季降水量),最湿月降水量是影响胡杨潜在地理分布的关键因素;(3)在未来4种气候变化情景下,胡杨不同等级潜在地理分布区的面积较现代潜在地理分布区面积均有不同程度的缩小,且整体上看胡杨的潜在地理分布区有向高海拔区域迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

李垚  张兴旺  方炎明 《植物生态学报》2016,40(11):1164-1178
小叶栎(Quercus chenii)是华东植物区系的代表树种, 具有很高的生态、经济价值。为重建冰期以来小叶栎地理分布格局的变迁历史、了解环境因子对潜在地理分布的制约机制, 为小叶栎种质资源保护和管理提供科学依据, 该研究基于55条分布记录和8个环境变量, 利用MaxEnt模型模拟小叶栎在末次盛冰期、全新世中期、现代和2070年(温室气体排放情景为典型浓度目标8.5)的潜在分布区, 利用多元环境相似度面和最不相似变量分析探讨气候变迁过程中环境异常区域和引起潜在地理分布改变的关键因素, 综合应用贡献率及置换重要值比较、Jackknife检验评估制约现代地理分布的主要因子, 采用响应曲线确定环境变量的适宜区间。研究结果表明: MaxEnt模型的预测准确度极高, 受试者工作特征曲线下的面积(AUC值)达0.9869 ± 0.0045; 现代高度适宜区在安徽南部、浙江西部、江西东北部和湖北东部; 影响小叶栎地理分布的主要气候因子为气温和降水量, 气温更重要; 最干季平均气温可能是制约小叶栎向北分布的关键因素; 末次盛冰期时, 小叶栎高度适宜区位于东海大陆架内; 全新世中期适宜分布区轮廓已与现代近似; 2070年适宜分布区向北移, 高度适宜区面积增大, 与末次盛冰期、全新世中期和现代相比, 这一时期的气候异常程度最高。气温季节变化和降水季节变化可能是引起地理分布变迁的重要气候因素。  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt模型的珙桐在中国潜在适生区预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珙桐为我国特有珍稀树种,预测珙桐潜在适生区可为珙桐物种保护与研究提供重要参考。基于387条中国境内样本分布数据和27个环境因子,利用MaxEnt模型与地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS),对珙桐在中国的潜在适生区进行预测,并通过受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线对模型精度进行验证。结果表明:ROC曲线下面积(AUC)平均值为0.951,模型预测结果准确性较高,适合珙桐的潜在适生区预测;珙桐潜在适生区主要位于四川、云南、贵州、湖南、湖北、重庆、陕西和西藏等地区,高适生区呈不规则环状分布,西起横断山区,北达秦岭-武当山-荆山一线,东抵张家界-雪峰山一带,南至贵阳,在西藏东南部的雅鲁藏布江河谷和安徽西部的大别山地区也有分布;气温年较差、年降水量、最冷月最低温、昼夜温差、降水量变异系数等5个环境因子对珙桐潜在适生区预测影响最大,其他环境因子,如地形、土壤、水文等影响较小。  相似文献   

张彦静  斯琴  胡洁  陈菁  王晨彬  谢锐  马方舟 《生态学报》2023,(21):8852-8864
外来入侵植物裸冠菊(Gymnocoronis spilanthoides)具有较强的入侵适应性能快速繁殖扩散,会对本土物种的生长繁殖及本地生态安全、景观格局等产生不良影响。基于265个有效分布点和7个环境变量,调整优化预测模型的调控倍频和特征组合参数,应用MaxEnt、ArcGIS、R软件预测当前和未来(2050s, 2070s)不同气候情景(SSP126, SSP245,SSP370, SSP585)下裸冠菊在中国的潜在地理分布,定量分析其适生区的空间变化及质心移动轨迹,最后采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)和测试遗漏率评估模型的精确性。未来气候模式选择中国国家气候中心开发的CMIP6中BCC-CSM2-MR。结果表明:(1)模型预测结果极准确,各组模型的AUC值均高于0.97;(2)最干季降水量(bio17)、最冷季度平均温(bio11)、温度季节性变化(bio4)和最暖季度平均降雨量(bio18)是影响裸冠菊地理分布的主导气候因子;(3)当前气候条件下,裸冠菊的总适生区面积达到191.18×104km2,约占国土总面积的1...  相似文献   

为揭示楠木(Phoebe zhennan)在贵州省潜在分布特征及其对环境因子的响应模式,该研究基于楠木在贵州省的地理分布点,运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)与地理信息系统(ArcGIS)方法,结合气候、土壤及地形等30个环境因子,预测楠木在贵州省的潜在适生区,并分析了影响楠木生长的主要环境因子。结果表明:(1) MaxEnt模型AUC平均值为0.843,对贵州省楠木地理分布预测结果良好;楠木潜在适生区呈现以贵州省东北为重点区,从北到南、由东向西适生等级依次降低的趋势,高适生区主要在黔东北铜仁市、黔北遵义市中东部。(2)楠木在贵州省的潜在分布面积为80 013.47 km2,占全省总面积的45.4%,其中高适生区面积占全省总面积的17.4%。(3)等温性(Bio3)、最暖季度降水量(Bio18)、最湿月降水量(Bio13)、最干月降水量(Bio14)、最冷月最低温(Bio6)和温度季节性变动系数(Bio4)等是影响楠木在贵州省潜在分布的重要环境因子。该研究结果为贵州省楠木资源保护区划、种苗扩繁、造林推广与开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Forest succession following fire in a forest mosaic of northwestern Quebec has been studied in order to: (1) describe the successional pathways using communities of different ages and (2) evaluate convergence of successional pathways and possible effect of fire suppression on the establishment of steady-state communities. As a first step, ordination and classification techniques were used in order to remove changes in forest composition which are related to abiotic conditions. Then, ordinations based on tree diameter distributions were used to study shifts in species composition in relation to time since the last fire.Even under similar abiotic conditions, successional pathways are numerous. However, regardless of forest composition after fire, most stands show convergence toward dominance of Thuja occidentalis and Picea mariana on xeric sites and dominance of Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis on more mesic sites. Stable communities of >300 yr occur on xeric sites while on mesic sites directional succession still occurs after 224 yr. Nearly all species involved in succession are present in the first 50 yr following fire. Only Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis increase significantly in frequency during succession. Following initial establishment, successional processes can generally be explained by species longevity and shade tolerance. Early successional species may be abundant in the canopy for more than 200 yr while the rapid decrease of Picea glauca, a late successional species could be related to spruce budworm outbreaks. Considering the short fire rotation observed (about 150 yr), a steady-state forest is unlikely to occur under natural conditions, though it may be possible if fire is controlled.  相似文献   

The treatment and disposal of pig-waste in Hong Kong has received much attention in recent years but, following any of the presently used treatment processes, solids remain to be further stabilized. Vermicomposting is a waste stabilization technique which converts waste into potentially recyclable materials such as worm protein and worm casts. The earthworm, Pheretima asiatica, can stabilize most of the solids arising from the treatment of pig-waste, including raw pig manure, suggesting that vermicomposting has a high potential as a unit process in the management of pig-waste in Hong Kong.S.H. Wong is with the Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong; and D.A. Griffiths is with the Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Macroalgal commercialization in the Orient   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tseng  C. K  Fei  X. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,151(1):167-172

The mesopelagic fish community of the northern Scotia Sea was investigated during the austral autumn using multi-frequency acoustics, opening and closing nets and pelagic trawls fished from the surface to 1,000 m. The Family Myctophidae (15 species in 5 genera) dominated the ichthyofauna, with larval notothenids caught over the South Georgia shelf and bathylagids and stomiids abundant in deeper hauls. The biomass of myctophids was estimated to be 2.93 g wet weight 1,000 m−3, with Electrona carlsbergi, E. antarctica, Protomyctophum bolini, P. choriodon, Gymnoscopelus braueri, G. fraseri, G. nicholsi and Krefftichthys anderssoni, being the most abundant species. Analysis of community structure indicated a high level of depth stratification within the myctophids, with evidence of diurnal vertical migration in some, but not all, species. Length-frequencies of G. braueri, G. nicholsi, E. antarctica and K. anderssoni were multimodal, suggesting that all life stages may be present in the northern Scotia Sea. In contrast, P. choriodon, P. bolini, G. fraseri and E. carlsbergi had unimodal distributions despite having multi-year lifecycles, indicating that they probably migrate into the region from warmer areas to the north.  相似文献   

Pleurotus florida produced high amounts of laccase (4.60 U/ml) in malt extract broth after 12 days' growth under stationary conditions. The production of laccase was semi-constitutive. Hyperlaccase mutants ofP. florida were obtained through mutagenesis of mycelial protoplasts usingN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (50 g/ml) for 2 min. Three hyperlaccase mutants were selected showing growth and enzyme production responses similar to the parent.  相似文献   

Cytotaxonomical investigations on 11 species from the Western Himalayas show that 8 are diploid and the remaining tetraploid. The numbers for three species are new.P. prescottianum (2x) andP. thomsoni (4x), andP. stimulans (2x) andP. acanthophyllum (4x) are closely related but distinct species pairs.  相似文献   

New and old problems in the taxonomy of the Gelidiales (Rhodophyta)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Santelices  Bernabé 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):125-135
The order Gelidiales includes over 140 agar-producing taxa. Many species are taxonomically confused; the boundaries of one family and all but four genera recently have been contested, and the controversy over ordinal status has lasted for over 25 years. This study reviews recent developments in the taxonomy of the group and suggests future areas for studies. The order cannot be defined by a few exclusive characters, as intended in the past, but it shows a unique combination of characters. Additional studies on Gelidiella and Acanthopeltis seem advisable to clarify family limits. The segregation of Onikusa and Pterocladiastrum is doubtful. Only three of six characters discriminate Gelidium from Pterocladia. None allows complete generic segregation and all need variability studies. Analysis of nomenclatural types in the light of morphological variation would permit an understanding of species limits in Gelidium and Pterocladia. Similar studies are needed in Gelidiella and Ptilophora.  相似文献   

Variation in chloroplastrbcL sequences was studied in representative species of four different lineages: the tribeRubieae (Rubiaceae), and the generaDrosera (Droseraceae),Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae) andIlex (Aquifoliaceae). Each lineage has its particular non-overlapping set ofrbcL polymorphic sites, indicating that common unconstrainedrbcL sites are not shared. Large differences in the rate and pattern of nucleotide substitution are observed among the four lineages. The genusIlex has the lowest rate of substitution, the lowest transition/transversion ratio, the lowest synonymous/replacement ratio and the lowest number of substitutions at the third codon position. An apparent relationship of these measures to the age of the lineages is observed. The A + T content and codon use among the four lineages are very similar and, apparently, cannot account for the observed differences in patterns of nucleotide substitution. However, the A + T content of the two bases immediately flanking the polymorphic sites is higher inIlex than in the other lineages. This could be correlated with the transversion/transition bias observed inIlex. The particularly low synonymous/replacement ratio found inIlex could also be explained by the small population sizes of species in this genus.  相似文献   

The role of polyphosphate in 2-deoxy-D-glucose transport was studied in yeast cells, pulse-labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, by comparing the concentrations and specific activities of polyphosphate, orthophosphate and 2-dGlc-phosphate. When 2-dGlc transport was measured under aerobic conditions, it appeared that polyphosphate replenished the orthophosphate pool, indicating that polyphosphate has, at least mainly, an indirect role in sugar phosphorylation. Also in cells with a reduced respiratory capacity, due to a treatment with antimycin A, no direct role for polyphosphate in 2-dGlc transport could be detected. Under these conditions, only a very limited breakdown of polyphosphate occurred, probably because of the small decrease in the orthophosphate concentration.Abbreviations 2-dGlc 2-deoxy-D-glucose - Pi orthophosphate - Pn polyphosphate - SP sugar phosphate  相似文献   

Carotenoids are widely distributed natural pigments which are in an increasing demand by the market, due to their applications in the human food, animal feed, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. Although more than 600 carotenoids have been identified in nature, only a few are industrially important (β-carotene, astaxanthin, lutein or lycopene). To date chemical processes manufacture most of the carotenoid production, but the interest for carotenoids of biological origin is growing since there is an increased public concern over the safety of artificial food colorants. Although much interest and effort has been devoted to the use of biological sources for industrially important carotenoids, only the production of biological β-carotene and astaxanthin has been reported. Among fungi, several Mucorales strains, particularlyBlakeslea trispora, have been used to develop fermentation process for the production of β-carotene on almost competitive cost-price levels. Similarly, the basidiomycetous yeastXanthophyllomyces dendrorhous (the perfect state ofPhaffia rhodozyma), has been proposed as a promising source of astaxanthin. This paper focuses on recent findings on the fungal pathways for carotenoid production, especially the structure and function of the genes involved in the biosynthesis of carotenoids in the Mucorales. An outlook of the possibilities of an increased industrial production of carotenoids, based on metabolic engineering of fungi for carotenoid content and composition, is also discussed.  相似文献   

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