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本文分析测定了云参中的氨基酸和微量元素。结果表明。云参中含15种氨基酸,其中包括人体必须又只能由外界供给的7种氨基酸。同时,云参中还富含铁、硒、锌、锰等对人体具有重要营养、生理及临床意义的微量元素16种。  相似文献   

从荞麦生化遗传以及器官衰老机理的研究目的出发,以苦荞叶片为材料,制备出活力较高的铜锌趋氧化物歧化酶。对其理化性质分析表明:该酶在259nm处有一特征吸收峰,分子量约为31kD,含有308个氨基酸残基,同工酶电泳结果显示三条活性带。  相似文献   

苦荞叶片超氧化物歧化酶的纯化及性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从荞麦生化遗传以及器官衰老机理的研究目的出发,以苦荞叶片为材料,制备出活力较高的铜锌超氧化物歧化酶,对其理化性质分析表明:该酶在259nm处有一特征吸收峰,分子量约为31kD,含有308个氨基酸残基,同工酶电泳结果显示三条活性带。  相似文献   

锌离子对氨基酰化酶构象及其稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天然氨基酰化酶和脱谷氨基酰化酶无论在二级结构(用CD和FTIR监测)还是三级结构上(以荧光发射光谱监测)都有明显的差异,表明了脱锌后酶的有序度降低;当比较天然和脱锌氨基酸化酶对去圬剂的稳定性时,结果表明脱锌后酶的构象的稳定性明显降低.因此可以认为锌离子对维持酶分子活性部位的特定构象以及构象的稳定性具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

氨基酸沉淀剂在蛋白质化学组成的研究及氨基酸的分离和制备方面,发挥过重要的作用。直到本世纪五十年代,它仍然是分离和制备氨基酸的最常使用的基本方法。1951年Moor 和 Stein 用离子交换树脂系统,分离出蛋白质水解产物的报导发表之后,氨基酸沉淀剂法在许多场合逐渐被离子交换法所代替。但是,用离子交换剂分离和制备氨基酸时,技术要求高,进行大规模的生产时亦比较困难,不能满足迅速增长的大量氨基酸生产发展的需要。七十年代以来,国外文献又陆续报导了不少具有强选择性和沉淀效能很高的、新的氨基  相似文献   

金属酶通过其极性氨基酸残基侧链所形成的共价键去锚定金属离子,目前鲜有报道替换金属绑定位点本身是否影响原有酶催化性能.以来源于Thermoanaerobacter brockii的锌离子依赖型醇脱氢酶TbSADH为研究对象,对其绑定锌离子的3个氨基酸残基位点Cys37、His59及Asp150进行序列保守性分析并构建突变...  相似文献   

部分营养素与免疫   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
机体的营养状况与免疫机能有重要关系,脂肪酸、蛋白质和氨基酸酸、维生素以及锌、硒等微量元素在适当剂量时峄体液免疫和细胞免疫有促进影响,但过量或不足却起抑制作用。  相似文献   

《猪毛制备氨基酸》是武汉大学生物系编写的一本氨基酸生产技术资料专集。约20万字。第一篇为《氨基酸的制备》。共分六章,分别介绍了胱氨酸、精氨酸、谷氨酸、亮氨酸、半胱氨酸盐酸盐和N-乙酰半胱氨酸等7种氨基酸的制备方法和检验方法。第二篇为《氨基酸的化学、分类及应用》,  相似文献   

利用RT-PCR从玉米自交系178幼苗组织中分离到1个锌转运蛋白基因,命名为ZmZIP4(GenBank Num-ber:HM048832)。该基因开放阅读框(ORF)为1 161 bp,编码1条386个氨基酸残基的多肽,分子量为38.66 kD,等电点为7.5,有7个跨膜结构域。氨基酸序列比对和进化树分析发现,ZmZIP4与水稻OsZIP4的同源性最高。亚细胞定位试验结果显示,ZmZIP4位于细胞膜上。由低锌胁迫诱导试验结果推测,ZmZIP4可能作为一个锌转运蛋白在玉米低锌胁迫中起作用。  相似文献   

《猪毛制备氨基酸》是武汉大学生物系编写的一本氨基酸生产技术资料专集。约20万字。第一篇为《氨基酸的制备》。共分六章,分别介绍了胱氨酸、精氨酸、谷氨酸、亮氨酸、半胱氨酸盐酸盐和N-乙酰半胱氨酸等7种氨基酸的制备方法和检验方法。第二篇为《氨基酸的化学、分类及应用》,  相似文献   

为探讨氨基酸螯合钙的增加骨密度作用,实验设低、中、高三个剂量组,另设一个低钙对照组和一个碳酸钙对照组,以200、400、1200mg/kg·bw(相当于人体推荐剂量5、10、30倍)剂量的氨基酸螯合钙给大鼠灌胃13wk,饮用去离子水和摄食低钙饲料,测定大鼠身长、股骨重量、股骨钙含量及骨密度钙表观吸收率等相关指标.结果实...  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the sigma 3 protein of reovirus harbors a zinc-binding domain in its amino-terminal portion. A putative zinc finger in the CCHH form is located in this domain and was considered to be a good candidate for the zinc-binding motif. We performed site-directed mutagenesis to substitute amino acids in this region and demonstrated that many of these mutants, although expressed in COS cells, were unstable compared with the wild-type protein. Further analysis revealed that zinc-binding capability, as measured by retention on a zinc chelate affinity adsorbent, correlates with stability. These studies also allowed us to identify a CCHC box as the most probable zinc-binding motif.  相似文献   

U. Kazmaier 《Amino acids》1996,11(3-4):283-299
Summary Deprotonation ofN-protected amino acid allylic esters with LDA at –78°C and subsequent addition of a metal salt presumably results in the formation of a chelated metal enolate which undergoes Claisen rearrangement upon warming up to room temperature, giving rise to unsaturated amino acid. Many different metal salts can be used for chelation, but in general the best results are obtained with zinc chloride. Due to the fixed enolate geometry, as a result of chelate formation, and a strong preference for thechair like transition state, the rearrangement proceeds with a high degree of diastereoselectivity. This methodology can be applied to acyclic as well as to cyclic substrates, and even to peptides, and allows for the synthesis of amino acids containing quaternary carbon centers.  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare the bioavailability of two organic zinc compounds, a zinc glycinate complex and a zinc amino acid chelate with that of zinc sulphate in growing pigs fed a basal diet composed mainly of wheat, barley and soybean meal. The experiment included 96 pigs with an average body weight of 8 kg, allotted to ten groups of nine to ten pigs each. The first group received the basal diet, containing 42 mg of native zinc per kg, without zinc supplementation over a period of five weeks. The other nine groups received the basal diet supplemented with 15, 30 or 50 mg of zinc/kg as zinc sulphate, zinc glycinate or the zinc amino acid chelate. Pigs fed the unsupplemented diet had a lower growth performance (body weight gain, feed conversion ratio) than the other nine groups. Supplementation of 15 mg zinc/kg diet (irrespective of zinc form) was sufficient to yield optimum growth performance. Plasma zinc concentration and activity of alkaline phosphatase were rising with increasing zinc supplementation levels up toa maximum reached at a supplementary level of 30 or 50 mg/kg diet for activity of alkaline phosphatase and plasma zinc concentration, respectively. The response of those parameters to zinc supplementation did, however, not differ between thethree zinc compounds considered. The apparent digestibility of zinc from the diet was also not different for the three zinc compounds. In conclusion, these findings show that the bioavailability of the two organic zinc compounds did not differ from that of zinc sulphate in growing pigs fed a diet with wheat, barley and soybean meal as major components.  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare the bioavailability of two organic zinc compounds, a zinc glycinate complex and a zinc amino acid chelate with that of zinc sulphate in growing pigs fed a basal diet composed mainly of wheat, barley and soybean meal. The experiment included 96 pigs with an average body weight of 8 kg, allotted to ten groups of nine to ten pigs each. The first group received the basal diet, containing 42 mg of native zinc per kg, without zinc supplementation over a period of five weeks. The other nine groups received the basal diet supplemented with 15, 30 or 50 mg of zinc/kg as zinc sulphate, zinc glycinate or the zinc amino acid chelate. Pigs fed the unsupplemented diet had a lower growth performance (body weight gain, feed conversion ratio) than the other nine groups. Supplementation of 15 mg zinc/kg diet (irrespective of zinc form) was sufficient to yield optimum growth performance. Plasma zinc concentration and activity of alkaline phosphatase were rising with increasing zinc supplementation levels up to a maximum reached at a supplementary level of 30 or 50 mg/kg diet for activity of alkaline phosphatase and plasma zinc concentration, respectively. The response of those parameters to zinc supplementation did, however, not differ between the three zinc compounds considered. The apparent digestibility of zinc from the diet was also not different for the three zinc compounds. In conclusion, these findings show that the bioavailability of the two organic zinc compounds did not differ from that of zinc sulphate in growing pigs fed a diet with wheat, barley and soybean meal as major components.  相似文献   

A fluorescent chelate probe (chlorotetracycline) and radioactive 45Ca were used to study the effects of amino acids on the calcium bound to external synaptosomal membranes isolated from guineapig brain. Acidic amino acids released some of the membrane-bound calcium. On the basis of 45Ca studies, the order of mobilization potency-DL-homocysteic acid and l -cysteic acid > l -aspartic acid, l -glutamic acid, d -glutamic acid > N-methyl-dl -glutamic acid and dl -cyteic acid-is in general agreement with that found by fluorescent chelate method with the exception of N-methyl-dl -aspartic acid and N-methyl-dl -glutamic acid, which are at least as potent as dl -homocysteic acid. This order of potency is observed only with a fraction enriched in external synaptosomal membranes, but not with microsomes, myelin and mitochondria. Neutral and basic amino acids, including glutamine. glycine and γ-aminobutyric acid are ineffective. These results suggest that acidic amino acids have a specific ability to mobilize membranebound calcium; this is consistent with the proposed role of some of these compounds as excitatory transmitters in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary Heterotrophic microorganisms are able to solubilize metals via excreted metabolites-most often di- or tricarboxylic acids but also amino acids. With amino acids Cu, Zn, Au, Ni, U, Hg and Sb have been solubilized from metal oxides, metal sulfides or elementary metals. In this work it was investigated if excreted amino acids play a role in the leaching of zinc from a zinc oxide containing industrial filter dust. Two bacteria-Pseudomonas putida andCorynebacterium glutamicum-and a fungus-Penicillium simplicissimum were used.P. putida andP. Simplicissimum have already been used to solubilize zinc oxide, whereasC. glutamicum was used because of its known ability to excrete amino acids. Amino acids in culture fluids were analyzed via derivatization with phenyl isothiocyanate, separation on a RP-18 column and UV-detection. All three microorganisms solubilized zinc from the filter dust and excreted much more citric acid than amino acids. Thus citric acid rather than amino acids was regarded to be the leaching agent. Of the two bacteriaP. putida was more resistant towards the heavy metalcontaining filter dust.  相似文献   

Binding of zinc and cadmium to human serum albumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The interaction of zinc and cadmium ion with human serum albumin (HSA) is evaluated and compared by potentiometric titration method and computer simulation of complex equilibria. 2. Zinc binds to histidine and free amino groups, cadmium in addition to basic functional groups of the protein. 3. Whereas zinc binds stronger in 1:1 complexes, chelate binding favours cadmium ions. 4. Within biological pH-conditions, high amounts Zn(II) and even more of Cd(II) will be bound to HSA.  相似文献   

Reaction of elemental copper and zinc powder mixtures with glycine (NH2.CH2COOH; HA) or aspartic acid (NH2CHCOOHCH2COOH; H2B) (in 1:1:2 ratio, respectively) in the presence of excess hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at 50 degrees C, results in the formation of a new mixed metal peroxy carbonate compound corresponding to formula [Cu(Zn)2(O2(2-) (CO3)2(H2O)4], while the same reaction with elemental copper powder alone yields merely peroxy amino acid compounds having the formula [Cu(O2(2-)) (HA)2(H2O)] and [Cu(O2(2-)) (H2B) (H2O)2] for glycine and aspartic acid, respectively. These compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, ESR, and electronic and IR spectra. It is interesting to note that both amino acids are converted to carbonate in the presence of zinc alone. A method analogous to that described above, for the reaction of elemental copper, zinc powder mixtures with succinic acid [(CH2COOH)2] or acetic acid (CH3COOH) in excess H2O2, on the other hand, gave a product essentially comprising copper succinate or acetate, respectively. These observations suggest an interesting and perhaps important phenomenon by which only the simple amino acids such as glycine and aspartic acid are converted to carbonates while their corresponding carboxylic acids form only their respective salts.  相似文献   

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