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基于12S rRNA基因的鹳形目系统发生关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用分子系统学的方法探讨鹳形目5个科之间的系统发生关系.文中测出鹳形目鸟类7种mtDNA 12SrRNA基因全序列,并结合来自Genbank的鹳形目另外7个物种及原鸡的同源区序列,经Clustal W软件对位排列后共1 009位点,包含405个变异位点,其中多态性位点381个,260个简约信息位点.基于上述序列数据,以原鸡为外群,使用距离邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法及贝叶斯法分别重建了鹳形目5科14种的系统发生树.重建的系统发生树显示,内群中的14个种聚合为4支:鹮科构成第一支,聚在系统树的基部;锤头鹳科与鲸头鹳科聚为一支;鹭科和鹳科各自聚成一支.在比较不同建树方法的结果并进行合意树分析后认为:在鹳形目的系统发生中,鹮科可能是最早分化出的一支;锤头鹳科与鲸头鹳科之间的亲缘关系最近,它们祖先与鹭科、鹳科之间的分歧在时间上可能非常接近.鹳形目5个科之间的系统关系可以表示为:(鹮科,(鹭科,鹳科,(锤头鹳科,鲸头鹳科))).  相似文献   

笼养条件下朱鹮雏鸟的饲养管理和生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年,通过对人工繁殖的103只朱(Nipponia nippon)雏鸟的饲喂和护理,系统测量了1~35日龄雏鸟的体重、体长、翅长、嘴峰、跗、中爪、尾长生长发育情况,并与野外朱雏鸟的生长发育作了对比分析。结果表明,人工条件下的朱雏鸟生长发育良好,在不同日龄期,基本达到甚至超过野外朱雏鸟生长发育指标的水平。35日龄雏鸟出飞,比野外雏鸟出飞提前了一周。  相似文献   

2007年3~9月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)的育雏行为和雏鸟生长进行了研究。通过取食行为观察、育雏食物分析和雏鸟身体量度的测量来研究黄腹山鹪莺亲鸟繁殖投资和雏鸟的生长规律。研究期间,利用隐蔽帐观察窗进行行为观察,观察距离在5 m以内;在雏鸟身体上用无味彩笔标号以区别雏鸟个体:10日龄前,标记于雏鸟背部,10~12日龄,标记在雏鸟跗跖处;对部分数据进行双变量相关分析,利用Logistic曲线拟合雏鸟形态增长,并比较每个回归方程斜率间的差异。结果显示:1)黄腹山鹪莺育雏由雌雄共同承担,育雏期(11.9±0.4)d(n=7巢)。幼雏出壳后亲鸟早晚暖雏,第7天起亲鸟白天不再暖雏;2)随雏鸟的生长,喂食次数和食物种类逐渐增加,雏鸟日龄与喂食次数极显著相关(r=0.995,P0.01);3)育雏期雏鸟食物皆为动物性食物,以蜘蛛目物种所占比例最大(40.95%),其他包括幼虫及直翅目、鳞翅目、鞘翅目、蜻蜓目等节肢动物;4)Logistic曲线方程中,体重的生长率常数k值最大,与其他k值之间存在显著性差异(P0.05);5)黄腹山鹪莺体重、体长、尾长、翼长、嘴峰、嘴裂、第三根初级飞羽(简称为P3)、跗跖及爪各参数间的相关系数均为0.9以上(P0.01),参数之间在一定程度上可相互代替;6)黄腹山鹪莺雏鸟的发育遵循最重要的功能优先发育的原则,符合能量分配假说。黄腹山鹪莺喂食次数、雏鸟生长速率(k值)相对较高,可能与当地丰富的食物资源有关,也可能是对巢址环境多变的适应。  相似文献   

吉林省白城地区干草原栗斑腹鹀的繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗斑腹鹀在吉林省为留鸟,一年可繁殖两次,其雏鸟为典型的晚成鸟.4月末开始有求偶追逐和争雌行为,5月中旬产卵.雌雄鸟筑巢时间分别是43min/d和36min/d(筑巢第4天).平均窝卵数为5.09±0.58枚/巢(n=31),孵卵前、中、后期雌鸟孵卵占白天活动时间的35%、74.5%和67.6%, 孵化期为12d,孵化率为36.3%, 2、8日龄喂雏分别为4.5次/h和9.0次/h.雏鸟的体重及外部器官的发育除嘴峰外,生长曲线均符合Logistic方程,而嘴峰长的生长近似直线,栗斑腹FDA1雏鸟生长发育体重的生长模型为W=14.95/1+(e-0.552(t-3.63)),雏鸟11日龄后出飞,繁殖成活率为27.7%.  相似文献   

两种雀形目鸟类的窝雏数处理实验:检验Lack假说   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于1997—1999年在位于青海省北部的中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站进行。选择地面筑巢的小云雀(Alauda gulgula)和灌丛筑巢的黄嘴朱顶雀(Acanthis flavirostris)为代表进行窝雏数处理实验。根据Lack假说的预报检验(1)常见窝卵数是否是最大生产力窝卵数;(2)窝雏数处理对雏鸟质量和亲鸟投入是否产生影响;(3)两种鸟的响应方式是否相同。其结果如下:①小云雀和黄嘴朱顶雀的常见窝卵数分别是3和5枚。年间变化不明显,用幼鸟出飞率作为生产力,两种鸟的扩增窝幼鸟出飞率下降,常见窝卵数(分布频率最高)等同于最大生产力窝卵数;②小云雀的幼鸟的生长参数不随窝雏数的改变而变化.而黄嘴朱顶雀有明显变化.说明窝雏数处理对后者幼鸟质量有明显影响。③用递食率作为亲鸟投资指标,小云雀亲鸟的递食率随窝雏数的增加而增加,但雏期不变;而黄嘴朱顶雀递食率不变,但雏期延长。④扩增窝雏数后,两种亲鸟表现出不同的响应方式,小云雀表现为提高单位时间递食次数,而黄嘴朱顶雀延长育幼时间。这两种方式不是通过影响雏鸟质量就是通过影响亲鸟存活率来降低子代和亲代的适合度。结果支持了自然选择将窝卵数调节到亲鸟能喂活最大数量子代的限度。即常见窝卵数就是最大生产力窝卵数的Lack假说。  相似文献   

1994年4月至2007年11月,在湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区内,通过定点监测与环志标记等方法,对短嘴金丝燕(Aerodramus brevirostris innominata)的繁殖生物学进行了研究.结果表明,短嘴金丝燕在本地区为夏候鸟,每年4月初迁来,11月初迁走,居留期约210天.所研究的神景洞洞穴内居住了大约2,000只个体,种群性比为1∶1,不同年份种群数量基本稳定.环志标记结果发现,短嘴金丝燕出生1年后即可达到性成熟;其婚配形式为典型的单配制.短嘴金丝燕在黑暗洞穴内营巢,巢材主要为唾液和苔藓,筑巢期长达60天左右,且有利用旧巢的习性.产卵集中在6月,大部分每巢产卵2枚,少数产1枚.第1枚卵产出后开始孵卵,由雌雄鸟共同承担,但以雌鸟为主.孵卵温度为37.3±1.0℃;孵卵期为27.9±3.4天;繁殖成功率为71.4%.雏鸟晚成性,育雏主要由雄鸟承担;雏鸟食物成分与亲鸟基本相同,全为昆虫,育雏期27天左右;雏鸟离巢后首先在洞穴内练习飞行,3-4天后出洞活动.刚离巢时雏鸟体重甚至超过成鸟,离巢后体重有减轻现象.目前,威胁我国短嘴金丝燕生存的主要因素是其分布区的旅游开发和非法采集燕窝对其繁殖活动的干扰.因此,我们建议有关部门停止对短嘴金丝燕栖息的洞穴及其周边活动区域的旅游开发,并禁止非法采集燕窝.  相似文献   

<正>2017年4月13日,在四川省攀枝花市米易县第一小学(102°06'E,26°53'N,1 090 m)发现1只夜鹰Caprimulgus sp.雏鸟,对其取样和拍照,经救助喂养1周后于发现地放飞。该鸟体型较小,体羽柔软,上体为灰褐色具黄色斑点,翅上覆羽有黑色横斑,胸腹部为黄褐色,虹膜呈深褐色,嘴红褐色且嘴裂宽阔,嘴须甚长(图1)。初步鉴定该鸟属于夜鹰科Caprimulgidae,但鉴于该个体为雏鸟,仅凭形态特征难以准确辨识其种类,因此通过分子生物学方法对其进行种类鉴定。  相似文献   

栗斑腹在吉林省为留鸟 ,一年可繁殖两次 ,其雏鸟为典型的晚成鸟。 4月末开始有求偶追逐和争雌行为 ,5月中旬产卵。雌雄鸟筑巢时间分别是 43 min/d和 3 6min/d(筑巢第 4天 )。平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 (n=3 1 ) ,孵卵前、中、后期雌鸟孵卵占白天活动时间的 3 5 %、74.5 %和 67.6% ,孵化期为 1 2 d,孵化率为 3 6.3 % ,2、8日龄喂雏分别为 4.5次 /h和 9.0次 /h。雏鸟的体重及外部器官的发育除嘴峰外 ,生长曲线均符合 Logistic方程 ,而嘴峰长的生长近似直线 ,栗斑腹雏鸟生长发育体重的生长模型为 :W =1 4.95 /1 +(e- 0 .552 ( t- 3.6 3) ) ,雏鸟 1 1日龄后出飞 ,繁殖成活率为 2 7.7%。  相似文献   

广西防城发现黄嘴白鹭的繁殖种群   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20 0 2年 3~ 8月 ,在广西防城万鹤山首次发现国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物黄嘴白鹭的繁殖种群 ,约 4巢 ,8只成鸟 1 4只雏鸟。黄嘴白鹭于该年 3月底 4月初迁来筑巢繁殖。巢材多为常绿、落叶阔叶树枯枝和松枝。窝卵数 4枚 ,卵为淡蓝青色。雌雄鸟轮流交替孵卵 ,孵化期 2 4 5 0± 1 5 0 ( 2 3~ 2 6)d ,孵化率1 0 0 %。育雏期 41± 2 ( 3 9~ 43 )d ,窝雏数 3 5 0± 0 2 9( 3~ 4)只 ,雏鸟成活率 87 5 0 %。食性主要为鱼( 77 84% )、虾 ( 1 6 76% )和青蛙 ( 5 40 % )。  相似文献   

2012年5~7月,应用e-Science信息技术和标记法,对陕西神木县红碱淖(N 38°13′~ 39°27′,E 109°42′~110°54′)遗鸥(Larus relictus)的育雏行为和雏鸟生长发育进行了研究.结果表明,雏鸟由双亲共同承担喂食.育雏前期,亲鸟采取直接喂食、食物呕吐于巢边和在巢中间断性喂食这3种喂食模式;亲鸟昼间平均喂食(0.706±0.036)次/h,夜间平均喂食(0.469±0.024)次/h,双亲在喂食频次上无显著差异(F=32.54,P>0.05).育雏后期,主要采取双亲直接喂食和亲鸟把食物呕吐于地面上,由雏鸟自己取食的喂食模式;亲鸟昼间平均喂食(0.416±0.021)次/h,夜间平均喂食(0.331±0.018)次/h,亲鸟喂食次数与雏鸟的日龄存在相关性(r =0.074,P<0.05).随着雏鸟日龄的增长,暖雏次数趋于减少,而在炎热晴天、降雨和大风等天气状况下,暖雏时间和护雏行为都增强.雏鸟20日龄后未再观察到暖雏行为.雏鸟体长及外部器官的形态学参数适合用Gompertz曲线方程拟合.同时,与其近缘种黑嘴鸥(L.saundersi)的育雏行为和雏鸟生长进行了比较.  相似文献   

Giardia sp. was found in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) in The Netherlands for the first time. The Giardia sp. trophozoites that were found in the feces of a 6-wk-old white stork, were examined by light microscopy. The parasites closely resembled Giardia ardeae that had been isolated by others from several species of wading birds belonging to the order Ciconiiformes, sharing a deeply notched adhesive disk, a single caudal flagellum, and a single round median body. Serologically, the parasites did not react with anti-Giardia intestinalis monoclonal antibodies. Although no signs of intestinal disease were observed in the stork chick, the presence of parasites in all stages of development and the huge number of parasites show that the stork chick was experiencing an active infection with G. ardeae type parasites.  相似文献   

The white stork Ciconia ciconia nest, with its impressive size of over 1.5 m in height, a diameter of over 1.5 m and weight exceeding a ton, belongs the largest and heaviest structures built by birds all over the world. This permanent construction which is made of long sticks laid in layers and the thick lining consisting of hay, straw, manure, rubbish and rags, could last for decades. During that time, it can be an attractive shelter and breeding site for many organisms, including small birds, mammals and arthropods. However, due to some methodological constraints, the role of such nests for the diversity of saproxylic insects has not been well recognized so far. Here we report the first observation of occurrence of larvae of obligate saproxylic marbled rose-chafer, Protaetia lugubris (Cetoniinae) inside the white stork nest. We further discuss that the interior of a long-term stork nest may be an alternative to interiors of tree hollows in which typically most chafer’s larvae develop. Thus, white stork nest could provide supplementary habitat for saproxylic beetles of conservation interests.  相似文献   

Investigating the ecology of long lived birds is particularly challenging owing to the time scales involved. Here an analysis is presented of a long term study of the survival and population dynamics of the marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), a wide ranging scavenging bird from Sub-Saharan Africa. Using resightings data of tagged nestlings and free flying birds we show that the stork population can be divided into three general life stages with unique survival probabilities and fecundities. Fecundity of the storks is inversely related to rainfall during their breeding season. Corroborative evidence for a metapopulation structure is discussed highlighting the impact of the Swaziland birds on the ecology of the species in the broader region. The importance of tag loss or illegibility over time is highlighted. Clearly, any attempt at conserving a species will require a detailed understanding of its population structure, of the sort examined here.  相似文献   

The structure of the tongue in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is observed macroscopically and under light and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations of the tongue reveal a rare terminal reduction of the size of the tongue and microstructures of the lingual mucosa among the investigations of birds published so far. The short, triangular tongue with a pointed tip is approximately 2.5 cm long in the adult and is situated in the caudal part of the oral cavity close to the laryngeal prominence. On the dorsal surface of the tongue, no typical mucosa microstructures like lingual papillae, median groove or lingual prominence are observed. The main structure of the tongue is composed of rostral part of hyoid apparatus, that is, entoglossal cartilage connects with basihyoid. Very thin mucosa is composed of fibrous connective tissue covered with orthokeratinized epithelium. No lingual glands and muscles are observed in the lamina propria of mucosa. Even though the triangular shape of the tongue in the white stork is typical for birds, the inner structure of the reduced organ is composed only of flat cartilagineous entoglossum of hyoid apparatus. During feeding behaviour of the white stork, the food transportation in oral cavity called cranio‐inertial transport is undoubtedly affected by structural reduction of the tongue.  相似文献   

The African Odyssey project focuses on studying the migration of the black stork Ciconia nigra breeding at a migratory divide. In 1995–2001, a total of 18 black storks breeding in the Czech Republic were equipped with satellite (PTT) and VHF transmitters. Of them, 11 birds were tracked during at least one migration season and three birds were tracked repeatedly. The birds migrated either across western or eastern Europe to spend the winter in tropical west or east Africa, respectively. One of the juveniles made an intermediate route through Italy where it was shot during the first autumn migration. The mean distance of autumn migration was 6,227 km. The eastern route was significantly longer than the western one (7,000 km and 5,667 km respectively). Important stopover sites were discovered in Africa and Israel. Wintering areas were found from Mauritania and Sierra Leone in the west to Ethiopia and Central African Republic in the east and south. One of the storks migrating by the eastern migration route surprisingly reached western Africa. Birds that arrived early in the wintering areas stayed longer than those arriving later. On the average, birds migrating via the western route spent 37 d on migration compared to 80 d for birds migrating via the eastern route. The mean migration speed in the autumn was 126 km/d and the fastest stork flew 488 km/d when crossing the Sahara. The repeatedly tracked storks showed high winter site fidelity.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Blood and tissue smears from 156 yellow-billed magpies showed infection with hematozoa in 154 (99%). Leucocytozoon berestneffi was found in 149 (96%), Haemoproteus picae in 40 (26%), Plasmodium relictum , in 32 (21%), Trypanosoma sp. in 3 (2%), and microfilariae in 42 (27%). Fifty-two birds were infected with two genera of parasites, 27 with 3, and 4 with 4. Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium and microfilariae showed a higher incidence in tissue than in blood smears.  相似文献   

The Shoebill stork, an enigma phylogenetically, was found to contain as its dominant biliary bile acid 16alpha-hydroxychenodeoxycholic acid, a heretofore undescribed bile acid. The bile acid occurred as its taurine N-acyl amidate; structure was established by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). A search for this novel bile acid in other Ciconiiformes showed that it constituted >92% of biliary bile acids in five of nine herons in the Ardidae, but was absent in all other families (Ciconiidae, Threskiornithidae, Scopidae, Phoenicopteridae). The presence of this biochemical trait in the Shoebill stork and certain herons suggests that these birds are closely related.  相似文献   

Lõhmus  Asko  Runnel  Kadri  Palo  Anneli  Leis  Mare  Nellis  Renno  Rannap  Riinu  Remm  Liina  Rosenvald  Raul  Lõhmus  Piret 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2021,30(12):3647-3664

Protecting habitats for charismatic vertebrates can provide an ‘umbrella’ for less conspicuous organisms, especially when these are threatened by the same processes. However, such a conservation scheme is vulnerable to the extirpation of the focal species. We studied wider biodiversity values in long protected black stork (Ciconia nigra) nest sites, which were abandoned by the bird and thus legally subject to de-listing. In 20 abandoned nest sites in Estonia, we (i) mapped breeding birds within 600 m from the stork nest, and (ii) carried out time-limited surveys of lichens, polypore fungi, vascular plants and bryophytes in 2-ha plots. The breeding bird assemblages (64 species recorded) included 19 red-listed species, and showed no clear aggregation to the immediate surroundings of the stork nest. We recorded 740 plant and fungal species, of which 134 (18%) were of conservation concern (nationally protected, red-listed or extremely rare). Across the 2-ha plots, the numbers of the species of conservation concern varied more than three-fold (maximum 42 species), being affected notably by dead wood accumulation over time and presence of nemoral broad-leaved trees. The results demonstrate that many abandoned nest sites of the black stork have broader biodiversity significance, both due to the bird’s habitat requirements and the natural development during the protection. Expanding the umbrella function to sites abandoned by a focal species, but intact from anthropogenic degradation, can thus be a cost-effective conservation approach due to its low additional administrative burden. In most jurisdictions, the assessment procedure for such situations should be formalized, however.


河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区鸟类资源调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年9月~2007年8月,对河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区鸟类进行野外调查,结合文献共统计鸟类16目53科247种.留鸟69种,候鸟176种,迷鸟2种 .国家一级重点保护鸟类9种,如黑鹳、大鸨等.国家二级保护鸟类37种.列入IUCN受威胁物种15种.其中极危等级1种,为白鹤.濒危等级3种,为东方白鹳、鸿雁、丹顶鹤.易危等级11种.列入中国物种红色名录受威胁物种15种.濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ共39种.  相似文献   

Enik? Anna Tamás 《Biologia》2011,66(5):912-915
To understand population dynamics, the determination of survival rates is very important. For the black stork Ciconia nigra no survival rate determination has been published to date. This might be due to the fact that ringing activity and recovery numbers in general are still relatively low for the species. The international black stork colour ringing programme is taking place with the participation of 25 countries including Hungary. Altogether more than 7,000 black storks have been colour ringed worldwide, of which 1,069 individuals were marked in Hungary. This article’s objective is the determination of the survival rates for the black stork, as well as to estimate the longevity of the species based on live encounters of ringed individuals. The conclusions are that longevity can be estimated based on the data, and is in agreement with previous knowledge; and that the survival rate of the species, with our present knowledge, shows a significant difference between first year (0.1696, 0.1297–0.219) and older birds (0.838, 0.773–0.887).  相似文献   

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