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Passe Crassane梨果实采后需经过 6 0~ 80d的低温处理才能正常后熟。为了明确低温促进果实成熟的机理 ,对果实进行了低温和低温结合 1 MCP(1 甲基环丙烯 ,乙烯作用抑制剂 )和丙烯 (乙烯类似物 )处理。研究发现 :果实经低温处理后 ,乙烯合成前体———ACC含量大幅度升高 ,而未经低温处理的果实 ,无论贮藏在空气中或用丙烯 1 0 0 0μl/L处理 ,果实中ACC、M ACC含量均保持较低水平。但冷藏前用 1 MCP处理可抑制冷藏果实或冷藏后升温的果实ACC含量的增高。这说明果实的后熟过程与低温和依赖乙烯的ACC合成酶的活性和基因的表达密切相关。未经冷藏的果实于 2 0℃下用丙烯处理 ,果实不能自发合成乙烯 ,但当果实经过冷藏后再用丙烯处理 ,则果实对丙烯的反应能力随冷藏时间延长而增强。为了进一步了解低温诱导的乙烯反应过程。我们对乙烯受体基因进行了研究。定量PCR分析结果表明 ,与拟南芥ETR1同源的基因的表达不受低温的调节。但冷藏后升温 ,或在升温后用丙烯处理时 ,mRNA含量降低。这些结果说明 ,低温可能是通过影响乙烯信号转导途径下游的其它因子而调节依赖乙烯的ETR1基因和ACC合成酶基因的表达 ,从而影响果实的成熟过程  相似文献   

通过表达ACC脱氨酶基因控制番茄果实的成熟   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
乙烯在跃变型果实的成熟过程中起着触发呼吸跃变和促进果实成熟的作用。细菌来源的1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)脱氨酶能降解乙烯的直接前体ACC,从而抑制植物体内乙烯的合成。我们用PCR方法从假单孢杆菌中克隆到ACC脱氨酶基因并通过农杆菌介导的方法将其转入番茄(Lycopersicun esculentum)中。再生植株经Southern blot检测证明,ACC脱氨酶基因已整合到番茄基因组中并稳定表达。转基因番茄果实成熟期的推迟时间与体内乙烯的抑制程度有相关性。转基因番茄植株乙烯的合成降低80%左右,果实在离体条件下可保鲜75d左右。研究ACC脱氢酶基因在植物体内的作用可阐明高等植物体内乙烯的作用机理并为培育耐贮藏果蔬品种打下基础。  相似文献   

以"湖景蜜露"水蜜桃(Prunus persica L.)为试材,检测了果实从未成熟到成熟发育过程中乙烯生成、呼吸速率及挥发性香气性物质的变化;同时对果实大小、果皮色泽、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸进行了测定;对与果实乙烯产生密切相关的1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)含量、ACC合成酶活性、ACC氧化酶活性也进行了测定.结果表明,随果实成熟度的增加,果实大小、果皮L*值、可溶性固形物含量增加,而果实硬度、果皮h°值、可滴定酸含量减少.在未成熟的果实中,C6的醛类(反式-2-己烯醛)和醇类(顺式-3-己烯醇)是主要的成分;乙烯生成量很低;呼吸速率较高.到跃变阶段C6~C12的内酯类物质明显增加,尤其是γ和δ-内酯类成为果实主要的香气挥发性物质.推测果实乙烯、呼吸作用等基本的生理变化可能调节着内酯类物质的生成.在乙烯跃变上升时果肉中ACC氧化酶的活性下降,ACC含量和ACC合成酶活力的变化与乙烯生成量变化的趋势一致.根据以上结果可以认为桃果实主要的香气挥发性物质的形成与乙烯、呼吸跃变的开始密切相关.香气物质形成速率动态变化可能是桃果实发育过程中成熟度的另一个生理学指标.  相似文献   

许多采摘后发生的果实病害都是由潜伏的真菌在果实成熟时引发的。那么,真菌怎么知道该何时发起攻击呢?一项新的研究表明,是刺激果实成熟的乙烯使真菌产生附着胞,刺透果实表皮。美国Ohio州立大学的Moshe A.Flaishmen和Pappachan E.Kolattukudy监测了多种成熟果实对附着在显微镜玻片上的真菌刺盘孢孢子的影响。他们发现番茄、颚梨和香蕉促使附着胞产生,但柑桔不然。柑桔是无呼吸峰果实,即在成熟过程中不产生乙烯。另外,带有反义ACC合酶基因的转基因番茄(不产生乙烯)也不刺激  相似文献   

以不同成熟时期黄花梨果实为材料 ,研究果实采后成熟衰老进程中丙二烯氧合酶 (AOS)与几个成熟衰老相关因子的关系 ,探讨AOS的生理功能。结果表明 :2 0℃下不同成熟时期果实成熟衰老进程中的AOS活性变化均为峰形曲线 ,活性峰值出现在采后 10~ 12d ,先于乙烯跃变峰 2~ 4d ;果实成熟衰老各种相关因子的变化峰值出现的先后顺序依次是 :脂氧合酶(LOX)、自由基 (O- ·2 )、AOS、ACC (1 氨基环丙烷 1 羧酸 )合成酶、ACC、ACC氧化酶 ,最后为乙烯跃变峰的出现。 1℃下贮藏果实的AOS活性、乙烯合成和其他成熟衰老相关酶活性均受到强烈抑制 ,ACC和O- ·2 含量也较低 ,果实衰老进程被显著延缓。推测AOS是乙烯合成的上游调控因子之一。  相似文献   

作为植物有性繁殖器官--花的花瓣通常生命周期短,其中有一个敏感的、严格控制的细胞程序化死亡过程.为了揭示细胞程序化死亡过程中发生的反应或者其组成成分,解释玫瑰花发育过程中的细胞程序化死亡过程的机理,测定了在整个花发育过程中玫瑰花瓣的乙烯释放速率、ACC合酶基因的转录产物(mRNA)、ACC合酶活性以及ACC含量.结果显示在花发育过程前期(阶段1、2)检测不到乙烯产生,在花瓣完全绽开时花瓣中乙烯开始产生.在花发育后期(阶段4、5)花的衰老与乙烯释放速率的升高同时发生.在花发育前期没有ACC合酶基因的转录产物积累,该基因在花瓣完全绽开时开始表达,在花发育后期逐渐增强.ACC合酶活性与ACC含量的变化趋势与乙烯的一致.在玫瑰花发育后期乙烯诱导和调控花瓣的细胞程序化死亡.ACC合酶基因、ACC合酶以及ACC都是玫瑰花瓣程序化死亡过程中的重要调控因子.  相似文献   

园艺作物成熟和衰老的分子生物学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对园艺作物乙烯和果实成熟、乙烯生物合成途径中二个关键酶ACC合成酶和ACC氧化酶的分子特性,基因克隆和表达及转基因研究等方面问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

乙烯生物合成基因工程在果蔬保鲜中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水果和蔬菜的成熟、衰老与乙烯密切相关。乙烯生物合成过程受到多种因素的综合调控。通过基因工程调节乙烯生物合成相关酶的含量或活性以阻断或减少果蔬中乙烯的产生,从而延缓果蔬成熟或衰老,是果蔬保鲜最重要的策略之一。多种果蔬ACC合成酶、ACC氧化酶与微生物ACC脱氨酶、SAM水解酶的基因已被克隆;采用基因工程调控这些酶基因在果蔬中的表达,可能延长果蔬的贮藏保鲜时间。乙烯生物合成基因工程在果蔬保鲜中具有良好的应用前景,少数耐贮藏转基因果蔬已经实现商品化生产。  相似文献   

从番茄品种强力米寿的总DNA中克隆番茄果实特异启动子2A11,以番茄成熟果实的RNA为模板,进行RT-PCR扩增,克隆番茄全长的ACC氧化酶基因和ACC合成酶基因片段。完成两个基因的克隆和测序后,将888bp的番茄ACC氧化酶基因和943bp的ACC合成酶基因片段串联,构成全长1837bp的融合基因。将该融合基因以反义的方向插入植物双元载体pYPX145中番茄果实表达特异启动子下游,获得ACC氧化酶基因和ACC合成酶基因融合的植物双元载体pOSACC。该载体外源基因表达单元的两端含两个烟草SAR序列,利于转基因的稳定遗传。以番茄栽培品种合作903子叶和下胚轴为外植体,利用根癌农杆菌进行基因转化,通过200mg/L卡那霉素选择和GUS检测,获得了105株番茄GUS阳性植株,转基因番茄果实在当代表现明显耐贮特点。经过4代的耐贮和果实农艺性状的综合选择,获得了两个表现良好的株系DR-1和DR-2,两株系果实乙烯释放量显著下降,是未转基因材料的9.5%,番茄的贮存期在50天以上。  相似文献   

随着草莓果实采后成熟衰老,ABA和乙烯生成迅速增长,乙烯累积与果实的变质腐烂程度呈正相关。ABA处理能增高纤维素酶活性和呼吸,而GA有抑制作用。ABA能促进乙烯、ACC生成,对MACC则无影响。GA_3抑制乙烯、ACC生成,促进MACC积累。CO_2对草莓有良好保鲜效果,并有效地抑制ABA和乙烯生成,低温下效果更为显著。  相似文献   

Mume (Japanese apricot: Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) is a climacteric fruit that produces large amounts of ethylene as it ripens. Ripening is accompanied by marked increases in the activities of two ethylene-biosynthetic enzymes, namely, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase and ACC oxidase. To study the molecular aspects of ripening of mume, we isolated cDNA clones for proteins that we considered likely to be involved in the biosynthesis and perception of ethylene during ripening, namely, ACC synthase, ACC oxidase and the ethylene receptor. Northern blotting analysis revealed the markedly increased expression of ACC synthase prior to that of ACC oxidase and the increase in ethylene production during ripening. Overall, the levels of the mRNAs for the genes corresponded closely to the levels of activity of the ethylene-biosynthetic enzymes. Exposure of mature green mume fruit to ethylene for 12 h induced strong expression of ACC synthase, as well as of ACC oxidase. Wounding of the pericarp of mume fruit induced the expression of ACC synthase but not of ACC oxidase. The rate of ethylene production increased only slightly after wounding. These results suggest that expression of the genes for ACC synthase and ACC oxidase must be activated sequentially for maximum production of ethylene during ripening of mume fruit and that several mechanisms regulate the expression of ethylene-biosynthetic genes during ripening.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the role of ethylene in the formation of lateral and adventitious roots in tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) using mutants isolated for altered ethylene signaling and fruit ripening. Mutations that block ethylene responses and delay ripening – Nr ( Never ripe ), gr ( green ripe ), nor ( non ripening ), and rin ( ripening inhibitor ) – have enhanced lateral root formation. In contrast, the epi ( epinastic ) mutant, which has elevated ethylene and constitutive ethylene signaling in some tissues, or treatment with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC), reduces lateral root formation. Treatment with ACC inhibits the initiation and elongation of lateral roots, except in the Nr genotype. Root basipetal and acropetal indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport increase with ACC treatments or in the epi mutant, while in the Nr mutant there is less auxin transport than in the wild type and transport is insensitive to ACC. In contrast, the process of adventitious root formation shows the opposite response to ethylene, with ACC treatment and the epi mutation increasing adventitious root formation and the Nr mutation reducing the number of adventitious roots. In hypocotyls, ACC treatment negatively regulated IAA transport while the Nr mutant showed increased IAA transport in hypocotyls. Ethylene significantly reduces free IAA content in roots, but only subtly changes free IAA content in tomato hypocotyls. These results indicate a negative role for ethylene in lateral root formation and a positive role in adventitious root formation with modulation of auxin transport as a central point of ethylene–auxin crosstalk.  相似文献   

Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis in Avocado Fruit during Ripening   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Preclimacteric avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruits produced very little ethylene and had only a trace amount of l-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and a very low activity of ACC synthase. In contrast, a significant amount of l-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC) was detected during the preclimacteric stage. In harvested fruits, both ACC synthase activity and the level of ACC increased markedly during the climacteric rise reaching a peak shortly before the climacteric peak. The level of MACC also increased at the climacteric stage. Cycloheximide and cordycepin inhibited the synthesis of ACC synthase in discs excised from preclimacteric fruits. A low but measurable ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) activity was detected during the preclimacteric stage. During ripening, EFE activity increased only at the beginning of the climacteric rise. ACC synthase and EFE activities and the ACC level declined rapidly after the climacteric peak. Application of ACC to attached or detached fruits resulted in increased ethylene production and ripening of the fruits. Exogenous ethylene stimulated EFE activity in intact fruits prior to the increase in ethylene production. The data suggest that conversion of S-adenosylmethionine to ACC is the major factor limiting ethylene production during the preclimacteric stage. ACC synthase is first synthesized during ripening and this leads to the production of ethylene which in turn induces an additional increase in ACC synthase activity. Only when ethylene reaches a certain level does it induce increased EFE activity.  相似文献   

Ethylene regulation of fruit ripening: Molecular aspects   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Progress in ethylene regulating fruit ripening concerning itsperception and signal transduction and expression of ACC synthaseand ACC oxidase genes is reviewed. ACC synthase and ACC oxidasehave been characterized and their genes cloned from various fruittissues. Both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase are encoded bymultigene families, and their activities are associated withfruit ripening. In climacteric fruit, the transition toautocatalytic ethylene production appears to be due to a seriesof events in which ACC sythase and ACC oxidase genes have beenexpressed developmentally. Differential expression of ACCsynthase and ACC oxidase gene family members is probably involvedin such a transition that ultimately controls the onset of fruitripening.In comparison to ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, less is knownabout ethylene perception and signal transduction because of thedifficulties in isolating and purifying ethylene receptors orethylene-binding proteins using biochemical methods. However, theidentification of the Nr tomato ripening mutant as anethylene receptor, the applications of new potent anti-ethylenecompounds and the generation of transgenic fruits with reducedethylene production have provided evidence that ethylenereceptors regulate a defined set of genes which are expressedduring fruit ripening. The properties and functions of ethylenereceptors, such as ETR1, are being elucidated.Application of molecular genetics, in combination withbiochemical approaches, will enable us to better understand theindividual steps leading from ethylene perception and signaltransduction and expression of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genefamily member to the physiological responses.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the phytohormone ethylene is believed to be essential for many plant developmental processes. The control of ripening in climacteric fruits and vegetables is among the best characterized of these processes. One approach to reduce ethylene synthesis in plants is metabolism of its immediate precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Soil bacteria containing an enzyme, ACC deaminase, were identified by their ability to grow on ACC as a sole nitrogen source. The gene encoding ACC deaminase was cloned and introduced into tomato plants. Reduction in ethylene synthesis in transgenic plants did not cause any apparent vegetative phenotypic abnormalities. However, fruits from these plants exhibited significant delays in ripening, and the mature fruits remained firm for at least 6 weeks longer than the nontransgenic control fruit. These results indicated that ACC deaminase is useful for examining the role of ethylene in many developmental and stress-related processes in plants as well as for extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables whose ripening is mediated by ethylene.  相似文献   

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