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目的 采用电阻抗成像(electrical impedance tomography,EIT)方法研究神经肌肉电刺激(neuromuscular electrical stimulation,NMES)下小腿肌肉的电学特性,旨在将EIT作为一种长期监测方法,从而可视化NMES训练对人类小腿肌肉的训练效果。方法 16名实验对象被随机分配到对照组(control group,CG,n=8)和最佳电压强度的NMES训练组(optimal voltage intensity training group,OG,n=8)。对照组保持正常生活方式并不进行NMES和其他的肌肉训练;NMES训练组中使用商业NMES设备对实验对象右小腿进行23 min的NMES训练,每周3次,为期5周。应用EIT测量在每周一训练开始前的电导率分布。并且采用生物电阻抗分析(bioelectrical impedance analysis,BIA)方法测量右腿细胞外含水量与身体总含水量的比率(ECW/TBW) βrl,及身体总含水量(TBW)τ。为了量化NMES在肌肉训练过程中的作用,使用配对样本t检验分析EIT重建图像的...  相似文献   

卵泡内环境对猪卵泡卵体外成熟和发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究卵泡内环境对猪卵母细胞体外成熟、受精及受精卵体外发育的影响。主要结果如下:直径≥5mm、4-4.9mm、3-3.9mm和2-2.9mm的卵泡卵母细胞体外成熟率分别为90.5%、89.7%、85.4%和67.4%,体外受精后,卵母细胞的发育能力随卵泡直径的增大而增强,直径≥5mm和4-4.9mm卵泡卵的2-细胞、3-4-细胞发育率显著高于直径2-2.9mm的卵泡卵(P<0.05或0.01)。体外成熟培养36h、42h和48h,直径2-2.9mm卵泡卵的体外成熟率,体外受精后的卵裂率差异不显著(P>0.05)。在体外成熟培养液中添加5%或15%的不同直径卵泡的卵泡液,各组间卵母细胞的体外成熟率,受精卵的体外发育率均无显著差异,结果表明:卵泡大小对猪卵母细胞体外成熟、受精及受精卵体外发育有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的:研究猪卵泡内环境对卵母细胞体外成熟,受精及受精卵体外发育的影响。结果:直径≥5mm,4-4.9mm,3-3.9mm,2-2.9mm的卵泡内卵母细胞体外成熟率分别为90.5%,89.7%,85.4%和67.4%。体外受精后,受精卵的发育能力随卵泡直径的增大而增强,来自直径≥5mm和4-4.9mm卵泡的受精卵发育到2-细胞,3-4细胞的比率显高于来自直径2-2.9mm的卵泡受精卵(P<0.05或0.01),体外成熟培养36,42,48小时,直径2-2.9mm卵泡卵的体外成熟率,体外受精后的卵裂率差异不显(P>0.05)。在体外成熟培养液中添加5%或15%的不同直径卵泡的卵泡液,各组间卵母细胞的体外成熟率,受精卵的体外发育率均无显差异。结论:卵泡大小对猪卵母细胞体外成熟,受精及受精卵体外发育有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的 运动训练已被证明能够改善许多慢性肌肉功能疾病,被用于治疗衰老型肌萎缩。本文采用电阻抗成像(electrical impedance tomography,EIT)研究人类小腿肌肉对运动训练生理响应的电学特性,旨在使用EIT方法可视化运动训练对人类小腿响应肌肉隔室内肌肉纤维体积增加的效果。方法 实验对象被要求在连续5个实验日进行左、右腿单侧提踵训练,应用EIT检测每日运动训练前和运动训练后小腿肌肉的电导率分布。为了定量分析运动训练对响应肌肉隔室的作用,使用配对样本t检验分析EIT重建图像的空间平均电导率<σ>。结果 运动训练后,由小腿腓肠肌组成的M1肌肉隔室空间平均电导率<σ>M1显著增加。此外,连续5个实验日的EIT测量结果显示,运动训练前的空间平均电导率<σpre>M1呈上升趋势。所有实验对象在实验日1早晨进行实验前的腿部瘦体重与<σ>M1呈线性关系,即<σ>M1随腿部瘦体重增加而增加;运...  相似文献   

目的 对肺通气过程进行床旁实时连续图像监控,是机械通气患者和临床医生的迫切需求。肺部电阻抗成像(EIT)可反映呼吸引起的胸腔电特性变化分布,在肺通气监测方面具有天然的优势。本文目的在于建立基于径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)的肺部加权频差电阻抗成像(wfd-EIT)方法,实现对肺通气的高空间分辨率成像。方法 利用肺部wfd-EIT成像方法实时描绘胸腔电导率分布状况,再通过RBFNN将目标区域可视化并精准识别其边界信息。首先通过数值分析模拟,在各个激励频率利用COMSOL与MATLAB软件建立2 028个仿真样本,分为训练样本集和测试样本集,验证所提出成像方法的可行性和有效性。其次,为了验证仿真结果,建立肺部物理模型,选用具有低电导特性的生物组织模拟肺部通气区域,对其进行成像实验,并采用图像相关系数(ICC)和肺区域比(LRR)定量数据衡量成像方法的准确性。结果 wfd-EIT方法可以在任意时刻进行图像重建,并能够准确反映出目标区域的电特性分布;利用基于RBFNN的算法能够增强目标区域的成像精度,ICC可达0.94以上,更好地凸显其边界轮廓信息。结论 通过wfd-EIT成像方法,利用多频阻抗谱同步测量实现目标区域的快速可视化,并结合RBFNN网络逼近任意非线性函数的优点,实现对目标区域电特性变化的精准识别,为下一步进行临床肺通气的EIT图像监测奠定了理论和技术基础。  相似文献   

活体动物microRNA(miRNA)检测技术对阐明miRNA的生物学功能非常重要.但是,目前缺乏一种方便灵敏的实时反映活体动物miRNA活性及其变化的体外监测手段.通过在分泌型荧光素酶Gluc(Gaussia princeps luciferase)mRNA的3′非翻译区插入相应miRNA的靶序列构建一系列miRNA传感器.将miRNA传感器体外转染培养细胞和通过水动力注射方法转染小鼠肝脏,通过检测细胞培养上清和外周血液中的Gluc来反映细胞内和活体动物肝脏的miRNA活性.结果显示,CMV启动子驱动的miRNA传感器可以长期监测体外培养细胞中的miRNA和短期监测小鼠肝脏的miRNA,但由于启动子在肝脏的沉默不能用于长期监测肝脏miRNA;CAG启动子驱动的传感器则成功地实现了对肝脏内源性miR-122,miR-142和miR-34a以及对肝脏过表达的miR-34a的长期实时监测.利用以Gluc为报告基因的miRNA传感器,通过检测外周血Gluc可以方便地在体外长期连续监测小鼠肝脏的miRNA.  相似文献   

电阻抗断层成像技术分为:静态EIT(以电阻抗分布的绝对值为成像目标)和动态EIT(以电阻抗分布的相对值为成像目标),它是近年来国内外生物医学工程研究的比较热门的一种成像技术。因为与已有的X射线成像、计算机断层扫描成像(CT)、核磁共振成像(MRI)及超声成像相比,这种新的成像技术不仅具有解剖学的特征信息,还有功能性成像的性质。又因为它的无创、简单、便宜、容易应用等特点,在临床有着很好的应用前景。本文通过数学、物理以及应用上的论述并结合了最新的国内外科研动态。介绍了电阻抗断层成像技术的数学计算(包括算法和算法分析),物理基础(激励方式,激励频率,驱动模式),揭示了电阻抗断层成像技术的基本原理,并展示了此项技术的临床应用情况。  相似文献   

目的 扩散光学层析成像(diffuse optical tomography,DOT)在女性大尺寸乳腺检测时因信噪比低,导致其成像分辨率较低。本文基于计算机断层扫描激光乳腺成像系统(computed tomography laser mammography,CTLM),提出一种提高乳腺扩散光学层析成像分辨率的方式。方法 本文首先通过仿体实验探讨仿体直径和目标深度对扩散光学层析成像分辨率的影响;其次,本文使用高透性的光敏树脂通过3D打印制作外壳定位件,在验证其对扩散光学层析成像分辨率无显著影响后,利用外壳定位件对被测物进行约束压缩,以减小被测物直径来提高信噪比,优化扩散光学层析成像分辨率。结果 本文通过仿体实验验证了仿体直径的增加和目标深度的变化均会在一定程度上影响成像分辨率,随着仿体直径的增加,其感兴趣区(region of interests,ROIs)宽轴和长轴半高宽基本属于上升趋势;随着目标深度的增加,也会对ROIs宽轴和长轴半高宽产生影响。同时发现仿体直径对ROIs长轴半高宽有显著影响,目标深度对ROIs宽轴半高宽有显著影响。另外通过仿体实验结果验证了外壳定位件对扩散光学层析成像分辨率无显著影响,利用外壳定位件约束压缩后ROIs长轴半高宽降幅明显,降幅达到30%以上,远大于宽轴半高宽的降幅,达到了提高成像分辨率的作用。结论 本文所提出的方式能够达到提高乳腺扩散光学层析成像分辨率的作用,且所使用的材料和方法简单,具有较强的可实施性,为提高乳腺扩散光层析成像分辨率提供了新思路。  相似文献   

目的 本文提出了一种基于主成分分析(PCA)的双对比光学投影断层成像(DC-OPT)方法,以获得活体中血流网络和骨骼的三维可视化。方法 使用主成分分析方法来提取吸收图像和血流图像,原始图像序列的第一主成分用于获取吸收图像;通过计算每个像素的调制深度来获得流动图像。不同投影位置的流动和吸收对比图像被用于三维血流网络和骨骼的同步重建。结果 采用PCA和OPT相结合的方法,通过将动态血流信号和静态背景信号分离,实现了对微生物样本的血流网络和骨骼的三维成像。结论 本文研究的新颖之处在于通过同一光学系统获得了快速、同步、双对比的血流网络和骨骼三维图像。实验结果可用于活体生物的生理发育研究。  相似文献   

目的研究山羊卵巢表面不同直径卵泡卵母细胞的发育特征及体外发育能力,优化山羊早期胚胎体外生产系统。方法收集繁殖期和非繁殖期山羊卵巢,采集表面直径小于1.5 mm、1.5-2.5 mm、2.5-3.5 mm和大于3.5 mm4种卵泡卵母细胞,以Hoechst33342染色检查核发育阶段;同时,利用体外培养方法观察不同直径卵泡卵母细胞的成熟、受精和早期胚胎发育能力。结果直径小于1.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞主要处于GVI期;1.5-2.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞以GVⅠ、GVⅡ和GVⅢ期为主;2.5-3.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞在GVⅡ到GVⅣ期间平均分布;大于3.5mm卵泡卵母细胞主要为GVⅢ到GVBD期。体外培养实验发现,直径小于1.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞仅有个别能完成成熟和卵裂;大于1.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞具有核成熟能力,能完成成熟和受精,但1.5-2.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞的受精卵通常阻滞于4-8细胞期;当卵泡直径大于2.5 mm时,卵母细胞才能较好地支持胚胎继续发育,其桑/囊胚的比例达到30%以上。卵泡卵母细胞的发育特征和体外发育能力与动物所处的繁殖季节无关。结论山羊卵巢上直径大于1.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞具有核成熟能力,大于2.5 mm卵泡卵母细胞能支持早期胚胎继续发育。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种声弹性成像定量分析方法用于评价深静脉血栓(DVT)患者血栓进展的情况。方法:经处理得12条大隐静脉标本,采用声弹性成像技术分别在1d、3d、6d、9d采集静脉标本中血凝块声弹性图像;应用等硬度区域面积测量技术(AMEHR)进行处理,计算血凝块区域在静脉标本中所占的比例,并进行数据分析。结果:经由AMEHR技术分析,在1d、3d、6d、9d静脉标本中,血凝块区所占比例分别为46.72%±12.16%,71.93%±7.24%,82.17%±5.17%,91.92%±3.69%。随着血栓时间的增加,血凝块区域所占比例逐渐增加,且差异有统计学意义(P0.05);随着时间的进展,血凝块增长的速率逐渐降低(1-3d:25.21%,3-6d:10.24%,6-9d:9.75%)。结论:AMEHR技术对血栓形成时间的评估上有一定的应用价值,有望为评估血栓形成时间提供参考。  相似文献   

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a disorder when a blood clot (thrombus) is formed in one of the deep veins. These clots detach from the original sites and circulate in the blood stream at high velocities. Diagnosing these blood clots at an early stage is necessary to decide the treatment strategy. For label-free, in vivo, and real-time detection, high framerate photoacoustic imaging can be used. In this work, a dual modal clinical ultrasound and photoacoustic (PA) system is used for the high framerate PA imaging of circulating blood clots in blood at linear velocities up to 107 cm/sec. Blood clot had 1.4 times higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the static mode and 1.3 times higher SNR compared to blood PA signal in the flow experiments. This work demonstrates that fast-moving circulating blood clots are easy to recognize against the background PA signal and may aid in early diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的 声聚焦光声内窥成像具有成像深度大的优点,是一种非常有前景的功能成像技术,该技术被广泛应用于直肠、食道等内窥成像中。声聚焦光声内窥成像通常采用基于单个聚焦超声传感器的侧向扫描方式,同时采用传统的B扫描方法进行重建,会大大降低图像质量。为了获得高质量的图像,本文提出了几种动态聚焦的声聚焦光声内窥成像算法。方法 本文使用几种动态聚焦算法进行了数值仿真,并搭建系统进行了仿体实验验证,从横向分辨率和信噪比等多方面比较了各算法在动态聚焦中的成像效果。结果 相比B扫描方法,动态聚焦后的图像在离焦区域的横向分辨率与信噪比方面都有提升,仿真模拟中最高可将离焦区域的成像目标分辨率提升约26倍,其信噪比经动态聚焦后最高可提高2.3倍左右,实验中的远距离点目标经动态聚焦重建后分辨率提升3~6倍。结论 整体而言,基于时空响应的算法和合成孔径聚焦重建算法是在实验条件下更为适用的算法。本工作对后续的声聚焦光声内窥成像的设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):353-365

Capsule: There is a substantial gain in precision and accuracy of geolocator locations when using a light stalk.

Aims: Light stalks or tubes increase the accuracy of geolocators when tracking migrant birds because they reduce potential shading of the light sensor by feathers but may increase detrimental tag effects. We aimed to determine how adding light stalks to geolocator tags increased accuracy and precision of locations.

Methods: We quantified how precision and accuracy of geolocator locations was affected by comparing variation of sunrise and sunset times from tags with variable length light stalks (6 of 0?mm, 8 of 5?mm and 21 of 10?mm). Tags were fitted to Whinchats Saxicola rubetra in central Nigeria (the known location to compare accuracy), and variance in latitude and longitude of geolocator estimated locations were also compared across light stalk lengths during spring migration stationary locations, and at breeding sites in Eastern Europe, for both Geolight and FlightR methods.

Results: Without a light stalk, the standard deviation of sunset and sunrise times increased by 50% and 100%, respectively (i.e. less precise): confidence intervals for latitude were larger by about 4.3 degrees at non-breeding low latitudes and 1.8 degrees at stop-over latitudes, or confidence intervals for longitude were larger by 2.3 degrees, dependent on analysis method. Estimated sun elevation angles were significantly less accurate and so calculated non-breeding locations were significantly less accurate by about 8 degrees of latitude. Precision in sunrise, sunset times, latitude and longitude, was similar when using a 5?mm or 10?mm stalk.

Conclusions: The results show a substantial gain in precision and accuracy of low latitude geolocator locations when using a light stalk that brings the sensor above covering feathers. There is no advantage from longer light stalk lengths than those necessary to just expose the light sensor above the feathers, at least for small passerines.  相似文献   


False lumen thrombosis (FLT) in type B aortic dissection has been associated with the progression of dissection and treatment outcome. Existing computational models mostly assume rigid wall behavior which ignores the effect of flap motion on flow and thrombus formation within the FL. In this study, we have combined a fully coupled fluid–structure interaction (FSI) approach with a shear-driven thrombosis model described by a series of convection–diffusion reaction equations. The integrated FSI-thrombosis model has been applied to an idealized dissection geometry to investigate the interaction between vessel wall motion and growing thrombus. Our simulation results show that wall compliance and flap motion can influence the progression of FLT. The main difference between the rigid and FSI models is the continuous development of vortices near the tears caused by drastic flap motion up to 4.45 mm. Flap-induced high shear stress and shear rates around tears help to transport activated platelets further to the neighboring region, thus speeding up thrombus formation during the accelerated phase in the FSI models. Reducing flap mobility by increasing the Young’s modulus of the flap slows down the thrombus growth. Compared to the rigid model, the predicted thrombus volume is 25% larger using the FSI-thrombosis model with a relatively mobile flap. Furthermore, our FSI-thrombosis model can capture the gradual effect of thrombus growth on the flow field, leading to flow obstruction in the FL, increased blood viscosity and reduced flap motion. This model is a step closer toward simulating realistic thrombus growth in aortic dissection, by taking into account the effect of intimal flap and vessel wall motion.


目的 多层生物介质的生物传感器被广泛应用于各大领域,其检测特性对于传感器优劣的评估尤为重要。本文目的在于量化表征多层生物介质的电学特征。方法 基于生物电阻抗谱技术来探究多层生物介质的电化学阻抗谱特性,并结合保角映射的方法来量化表征多层生物介质,阐明其对阻抗的影响规律,继而为生物传感器的研制与开发提供理论基础。有效提取各生物介质层修饰后电阻抗参数(Z*),从而量化表征多层生物介质层的电阻抗谱特性。结果 对多层模型进行了理论计算并构建了相关试验测试系统,研究结果表明,随着生物介质层的逐步修饰,检测区域电阻抗参数(Z*)在f=0.1~50 MHz下持续上升,理论计算结果趋势与试验结果趋势较好吻合,论证了此理论计算方法的正确性。结论 本文证实了可根据生物电阻抗谱和保角映射方法量化表征多层生物介质的电阻抗谱特性,对生物传感器的研制与开发有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   


We use classical molecular dynamics simulations to study both the structural modifications through the glass transition and the thermal conductivity k of a model silica glass. The first part is based on the Voronoï tessellation and we show that the structural freezing following upon the glass transition is noticeable in all the geometric characteristics of the Voronoï cells and a possible interpretation in terms of geometrical frustration is proposed.

In the second part we calculate k directly in the simulation box by using the standard equations of heat transport. The calculations have been done between 10 and 1000 Kelvin and the results are in good agreement with the experimental data at temperatures above 20 K. The plateau observed around 10 K can be accounted for by correcting our results taking into account finite size effects in a phenomenological way.  相似文献   

BackgroundConflicting reports in the literature have raised the question whether radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (rESWT) devices and vibrating massage devices have similar energy signatures and, hence, cause similar bioeffects in treated tissues.ResultsFOPH measurements demonstrated that both rESWT devices generated acoustic waves with comparable pressure and energy flux density. Furthermore, both rESWT devices generated cavitation as evidenced by high-speed imaging and caused mechanical damage on the surface of x-ray film. The vibrating massage device did not show any of these characteristics. Moreover, locomotion ability of C. elegans was statistically significantly impaired after exposure to radial extracorporeal shock waves but was unaffected after exposure of worms to the vibrating massage device.ConclusionsThe results of the present study indicate that both energy signature and bioeffects of rESWT devices are fundamentally different from those of vibrating massage devices.

Clinical Relevance

Prior ESWT studies have shown that tissues treated with sufficient quantities of acoustic sound waves undergo cavitation build-up, mechanotransduction, and ultimately, a biological alteration that “kick-starts” the healing response. Due to their different treatment indications and contra-indications rESWT devices cannot be equated to vibrating massage devices and should be used with due caution in clinical practice.  相似文献   

We investigated in vitro and in vivo fibrinolytic and antithrombotic activity of spirulan and analyzed its partial biochemical properties. Spirulan, a sulfated polysaccharide from the blue‐green alga Arthrospira platensis, exhibits antithrombotic potency. Spirulan showed a strong fibrin zymogram lysis band corresponding to its molecular mass. It specifically cleaved Aα and Bβ, the major chains of fibrinogen. Spirulan directly decreased the activity of thrombin and factor X activated (FXa), procoagulant proteins. In vitro assays using human fibrin and mouse blood clots showed fibrinolytic and hemolytic activities of spirulan. Spirulan (2 mg/kg) showed antithrombotic effects in the ferric chloride (FeCl3)‐induced carotid arterial thrombus model and collagen and epinephrine‐induced pulmonary thromboembolism mouse model. These results may be attributable to the prevention of thrombus formation and partial lysis of thrombus. Therefore, we suggest that spirulan may be a potential antithrombotic agent for thrombosis‐related diseases.  相似文献   

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