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<正>孟山都公司研发的新一代抗麦草畏大豆和抗麦草畏抗草铵膦棉花近日获得了美国农业部批准。孟山都公司即将推行抗麦草畏抗农达二代两种复合性状的大豆产品和抗麦草畏、抗草铵膦、抗农达和抗虫四种复合性状的棉花产品的商业化,新的杂草管理解  相似文献   

抗草甘膦转基因大豆能显著提高大豆生产效率,具有重大的应用前景.本实验室前期研究建立了农杆菌介导、草胺膦为筛选剂的大豆转基因体系,转化效率在4%以上.在此基础上,利用G6-EPSPS和G10-EPSPS 2个具有自主知识产权的草甘膦抗性基因,通过优化转化体系,成功建立了以草甘膦为筛选剂的大豆遗传转化体系,转化效率达1%以上.浓度梯度实验发现,当草甘膦的筛选浓度为100 mg/L时,虽然丛生芽的再生率下降了50%~60%,但最终转化效率不受影响.进一步通过基因表达分析、Western blot、Southern blot和除草剂抗性鉴定等方法对转基因大豆进行了分子检测和验证,最后获得了分子特征明确、对草甘膦抗性稳定的抗草甘膦转基因大豆后代.结果对国内抗草甘膦转基因大豆转基因方法研究及抗除草剂新品种选育具有意义.  相似文献   

CP4-EPSPS转基因棉花植株鉴定方法比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CP4-EPSPS是从土壤农杆菌CP4菌株中分离得到的抗除草剂草甘膦基因,是转基因植物研究中最为常用的一种筛选标记基因。但是在CP4-EPSPS转基因植物后期筛选过程中仅凭简单的草甘膦抗性筛选并不能得到完全准确的鉴定结果,常会出现假阳性或漏选的情况。本研究以抗草甘膦转CP4-EPSPS基因棉花为材料,对PCR扩增、ELISA、CP4-EPSPS蛋白检测试纸条及草甘膦抗性四种转基因阳性植株筛选方法进行比较,从筛选结果的准确性、时效性、易用性及实惠性等不同方面综合分析了各种筛选方法的优缺点,结果表明ELISA、试纸条检测方法的准确性显著高于PCR检测与0.3%浓度草甘膦抗性检测,而试纸条检测操作更加便捷,因此建议将草甘膦抗性与试纸条检测方法结合起来使用。本研究结果为以CP4-EPSPS基因为标记筛选的转基因植物的室内及大田筛选提供实验依据。  相似文献   

将近缘植物的抗病基因导入小麦是改良小麦抗病性的重要途径之一,对其外源染色体进行准确鉴定能够提高外源基因的选择与利用效率。本研究分别利用小麦白粉病、条锈病菌生理小种接种、荧光原位杂交和分子标记的方法对来源于中间偃麦草的部分双二倍体TAI7047为中间亲本创制的新种质CH357进行了鉴定分析。结果显示,CH357是一个小麦-中间偃麦草6JS/6B代换系,兼抗小麦白粉病、条锈病2种病害,其抗性可能来源于中间偃麦草的6JS染色体,可以作为一个小麦白粉病和条锈病新抗源进行小麦抗性遗传改良。基于中间偃麦草第6同源群Contig序列开发了160个STS标记,其中8个可作为识别小麦-中间偃麦草异代换系CH357中6JS染色体/片段的特异标记,为中间偃麦草6JS染色体/片段的鉴定提供较为经济和方便的检测手段。  相似文献   

目的:通过农杆菌介导法遗传转化大豆。方法:通过热激法将质粒pCAAFP66导入根癌农杆菌菌株EHA105中获得含有抗冷冻蛋白基因(afp)及除草剂抗性筛选标记基因(bar)的农杆菌工程菌株;以大豆品种华春6号和马祖1号种子的下胚轴为外植体,经过农杆菌介导将抗冷冻蛋白基因导入大豆基因组中,在含有除草剂草丁膦(PPT)的培养基中筛选、并经过PCR鉴定获得大豆转化植株。结果:PPT的最佳筛选浓度为1.0mg/L,华春6号和马祖1号的阳性植株数分别为6株和2株,转化效率分别为3.70%和0.94%。结论:不同基因型大豆的转化率存在差异,抗冷冻蛋白基因成功遗传转化进大豆细胞中。  相似文献   

转bar基因小麦和非转基因小麦抗除草剂鉴定方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方便、快捷、准确地对转基因小麦中的bar基因进行检测,对于筛选纯合稳定转基因植株、获得无筛选标记转基因植株、鉴定常规小麦品种和商品小麦中的bar基因成分等具有一定价值。本试验对叶片涂抹、植株喷洒、培养基添加除草剂3种方法鉴定转bar基因小麦植株的效果进行了比较,表明3种方法都能很好鉴定转基因小麦中的bar基因,叶片涂抹200mg/LLiberty鉴别的准确性高于PCR检测,植株喷洒Basta的适宜浓度为100mg/L,喷洒Liberty的适宜浓度为150mg/L,培养基添加Bialaphos的适宜浓度为5~8mg/L。叶片涂抹和植株喷洒除草剂方法受环境条件影响较大,区别转基因植株和非转基因植株的标准不够明确。相比之下,成熟胚离体培养除草剂筛选不受外界环境条件的影响,具有鉴定效果直观明了、操作简单、试验周期短等优点,在检测小麦转入或飘入的bar基因方面具有潜在应用前景。  相似文献   

大豆种质资源耐盐性鉴定与研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对793份大豆种质资源进行芽期耐盐性鉴定,以及部分品种进行苗期和全生育期耐盐性鉴定,筛选出芽期、苗期及全生育期耐盐品种117份、41份和35份。其中有3个品种(WDD1812,晋豆23和晋遗38号)在芽期和苗期都表现高耐盐性;1个品种(晋豆23)在芽期、苗期、全生育期都表现高耐盐性。晋豆23还具有高度抗旱、高抗病毒病、耐红蜘蛛等特性,而晋遗38号来源于晋豆23。芽期或苗期耐盐性为一级的品种,如中黄13、新大豆1号、陕豆125、东农46、东大1号、合丰38等,不但具有高耐盐性,而且具有很好的丰产性,有些品种还具有优质和抗逆等优异的农艺性状。本研究筛选到的耐盐品种将为大豆耐盐育种提供优异的种质资源,同时对大豆全生育期耐盐性鉴定的指标和方法的探讨,将为大豆耐盐性鉴定科学方法的建立提供重要信息。  相似文献   

小麦种子经麦草畏处理后,其萌发率降低,萌发胚的生活力下降;幼苗期处理时,生长和根分生区细胞有丝分裂受抑制,染色体发生畸变,根中RNA和DNA含量增高。  相似文献   

以生物素标记中间偃麦草基因组DNA为探针,与抗黄矮病小麦-中间偃麦草染色体异附加系Z6进行原位杂交,鉴定出附加的1对中间偃麦草染色体。对异附加系Z6和L1及它们的小麦亲本进行了RAPD分析,从120个随机引物中,筛选出2个引物可以扩增出附加染色体的特异DNA片段,可作为鉴定导入小麦的中间偃麦草染色质的分子标记。  相似文献   

本研究以国家一级濒危植物华山新麦草为试验材料,以园土为对照,设计了3个基质配方(园土:细沙=1:1;园土:草炭=1:2;园土:草炭:珍珠岩=1:2:1),通过测定不同处理下华山新麦草幼苗的各项指标,研究不同基质配方对其幼苗生长发育的影响,结果表明:复配基质的育苗效果要优于单一基质;3个复配基质中,配方3 (园土:草炭:珍珠岩=1:2:1)处理下,华山新麦草的发芽率、苗期各形态指标及生理指标表现较优,可作为华山新麦草的育苗基质配方;配方3处理能够显著促进华山新麦草幼苗的根系发育,显著提高其根系活力,进而显著增加了华山新麦草幼苗叶片中的氮素含量及叶绿素含量,最终使得华山新麦草幼苗生物量的积累表现更优。本研究结果可为濒危植物华山新麦草的迁地保护提供一些技术支撑。  相似文献   

以萌发初期大豆弯曲的子叶节为靶点,利用草甘膦(Roundup)点施鉴定法,分析了221份大豆微核心种质的草甘膦耐受性及其与抗草甘膦转CP4-EPSPS基因大豆AG5601的差异,结果表明,草甘膦对不同大豆种质的抑制程度与点施的草甘膦浓度呈正相关,Roundup稀释浓度为1/1000、1/10000时,草甘膦对大豆生长几乎无影响;Roundup稀释浓度为1/10时,草甘膦显著抑制大豆生长,导致植株死亡;Roundup稀释浓度为1/100时,不同大豆种质对草甘膦耐受性差异显著,并鉴定出对草甘膦具有较好耐受性的种质10份。虽然大豆微核心种质对草甘膦的耐受程度远远低于AG5601,但不同大豆种质对草甘膦耐受性存在显著差异,这为利用转基因和杂交转育技术培育抗草甘膦转基因大豆的受体或轮回亲本的选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Auxinic herbicides (e.g. dicamba) are extensively used in agriculture to selectively control broadleaf weeds. Although cultivated species of Brassicaceae (e.g. Canola) are susceptible to auxinic herbicides, some biotypes of Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard) were found dicamba resistant in Canada. In this research, dicamba tolerance from wild mustard was introgressed into canola through embryo rescue followed by conventional breeding. Intergeneric hybrids between S. arvensis (2n = 18) and B. napus (2n = 38) were produced through embryo rescue. Embryo formation and hybrid plant regeneration was achieved. Transfer of dicamba tolerance from S. arvensis into the hybrid plants was determined by molecular analysis and at the whole plant level. Dicamba tolerance was introgressed into B. napus by backcrossing for seven generations. Homozygous dicamba-tolerant B. napus lines were identified. The ploidy of the hybrid progeny was assessed by flow cytometry. Finally, introgression of the piece of DNA possibly containing the dicamba tolerance gene into B. napus was confirmed using florescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This research demonstrates for the first time stable introgression of dicamba tolerance from S. arvensis into B. napus via in vitro embryo rescue followed by repeated backcross breeding. Creation of dicamba-tolerant B. napus varieties by this approach may have potential to provide options to growers to choose a desirable herbicide-tolerant technology. Furthermore, adoption of such technology facilitates effective weed control, less tillage, and possibly minimize evolution of herbicide resistant weeds.  相似文献   

The phenoxy herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba are released daily into the environment in large amount. The mechanisms of genotoxicity and mutagenicity of these herbicides are poorly understood, and the available genotoxicity data is controversial. There is a cogent need for a novel genotoxicity monitoring system that could provide both reliable information at the molecular level, and complement existing systems.We employed the transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana 'point mutation' and 'recombination' plants to monitor the genetic effects of the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba. We found that both herbicides had a significant effect on the frequency of homologous recombination A-->G mutation. Neither herbicides affected the T-->G mutation frequency. Interestingly, these transgenic biomonitoring plants were able to detect the presence of phenoxy herbicides at concentrations that were lower than the guideline levels for Drinking Water Quality. The results of our studies suggest that our transgenic system may be ideal for the evaluation of the genotoxicity of herbicide-contaminated water. Moreover, the unique ability of the plants to detect both double-strand breaks (homologous recombination) and point mutations provides tremendous potential in the study of molecular mechanisms of genotoxicity and mutagenicity of phenoxy herbicides.  相似文献   

The phenoxy herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba are released daily into the environment in large amount. The mechanisms of genotoxicity and mutagenicity of these herbicides are poorly understood, and the available genotoxicity data is controversial. There is a cogent need for a novel genotoxicity monitoring system that could provide both reliable information at the molecular level, and complement existing systems.We employed the transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana ‘point mutation’ and ‘recombination’ plants to monitor the genetic effects of the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba. We found that both herbicides had a significant effect on the frequency of homologous recombination A→G mutation. Neither herbicides affected the T→G mutation frequency. Interestingly, these transgenic biomonitoring plants were able to detect the presence of phenoxy herbicides at concentrations that were lower than the guideline levels for Drinking Water Quality. The results of our studies suggest that our transgenic system may be ideal for the evaluation of the genotoxicity of herbicide-contaminated water. Moreover, the unique ability of the plants to detect both double-strand breaks (homologous recombination) and point mutations provides tremendous potential in the study of molecular mechanisms of genotoxicity and mutagenicity of phenoxy herbicides.  相似文献   

The effects of the herbicides 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridylium dichloride (paraquat), 3,6-dichloro-2-metoxybenzoic acid (dicamba) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on cell growth of non-green potato tuber calli are described. We attempted to relate the effects with toxicity, in particular the enzymes committed to the cellular antioxidant system. Cell cultures were exposed to the herbicides for a period of 4 weeks. Cellular integrity on the basis of fluorescein release was strongly affected by 2,4-D, followed by dicamba, and was not affected by paraquat. However, the three herbicides decreased the energy charge, with paraquat and 2,4-D being very efficient. Paraquat induced catalase (CAT) activity at low concentrations (1muM), whereas at higher concentrations, inhibition was observed. Dicamba and 2,4-D stimulated CAT as a function of concentration. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was strongly stimulated by paraquat, whereas dicamba and 2,4-D were efficient only at higher concentrations. Glutathione reductase (GR) activity was induced by all the herbicides, suggesting that glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes are putatively involved in the detoxification of these herbicides. Paraquat slightly inhibited glutathione S-transferase (GST), whereas 2,4-D and dicamba promoted significant activation. These results indicate that the detoxifying mechanisms for 2,4-D and dicamba may be different from the mechanisms of paraquat detoxification. However, the main cause of cell death induced by paraquat and 2,4-D is putatively related with the cell energy charge decrease.  相似文献   

A biolistic transformation of soybean using the construct pAHTUAm, which contains a mutant α-tubulin gene, as a selectable marker gene that confers resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides, as well as the additional construct pAHTUB1, which carries a full-length barley β-tubulin gene that ensures correct co-expression of exogenous tubulin in cells of transgenic soybean lines, is carried out. It is established that 10 μM trifluralin is the most optimal selective concentration to pick up transformed soybean lines. The transgenic nature of the selected regenerants is confirmed by Southern blotting hybridization using a specific probe to the α-tubulin selectable gene  相似文献   

Although Brazil has recently reached the position as the second largest producer of genetically modified soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], there are few reports on the effects of transgenic crops and the associated use of specific herbicides on soil microbial communities, both under the edaphoclimatic conditions in Brazil, and in other producer regions in the southern hemisphere. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of transgenic soybean containing the ahas gene conferring resistance to herbicides of the imidazolinone group, and of the herbicides associated with transgenic soybeans on the soil microbial community. Twenty field experiments were carried out during three growing seasons (summer of 2006/2007, short-season of 2007 and summer of 2007/2008), in nine municipalities located in six Brazilian states and in the Federal District. The experiments were conducted using a completely randomized block design with four replicates and three treatments: (1) conventional (non-transgenic) soybean cultivar Conquista with conventional herbicides (bentazone + acifluorfen-sodium and other herbicides, depending on the level of infestation in each region); (2) near-isogenic transgenic Cultivance (CV127) containing the ahas gene, with conventional herbicides; (3) transgenic Cultivance with specific herbicide of the imidazolinone group (imazapyr). As the objective of the study was to verify impacts of the transgene and herbicides on the soil microbial community of the whole area and not only a punctual rhizospheric effects, samples were taken at the 0–10 cm layer prior to cropping and at R2 soybean growth stage, between plant rows. Quantitative (microbial biomass C and N, MB-C and MB-N) and qualitative (DGGE of the 16S rDNA region) parameters of soil microbial community were evaluated. No qualitative or quantitative differences were found that could be attributed to the transgene ahas. A comparison of Cultivance soybean with conventional and imidazolinone-group herbicides applications also failed to reveal differences that could be attributed to the specific use of imazapyr, even after three consecutive croppings at the same site. Finally, no differences were detected between conventional (Conquista and conventional herbicides) and transgenic soybean managements (Cultivance and imazapyr). However, marked differences were observed in MB-C and MB-N between the different sites and times of year and, for the 16S rDNA-DGGE profiles, between different sites. In conclusion, microbial community evaluations were found to be sensitive and viable for monitoring different technologies and agricultural management methods, but no differences could be attributed to the ahas transgene for three consecutive cropping seasons.  相似文献   

Rahman  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):367-375
Sulfonylurea herbicides are potent inhibitors of plant growth and are extremely active against a wide spectrum of weeds. They are used at very low rates (10–50 g ai/ha) and cause rapid inhibition of root and shoot growth of young plants. Routine chemical assays for detecting low levels of these compounds are difficult and there is need to develop sensitive bioassay methods for detecting their extremely low residue levels in the soil.This paper describes a simple pot bioassay method with a self watering system using turnip (Brassica rapa) seedlings as test plants for quantitative determination of sulfonylurea herbicides. Results are presented with six of these compounds whose activity was investigated in widely differing substrates. The potential availability to plants was calculated from the dose-response curves in different substrates. The dose-response relationship has been described by a specifically developed computer model. Details are also given of a direct seeded bioassay method with controlled watering system using several test species for detection of sulfonylurea herbicides. The potential uses and practical applications of both techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Miscanthus, is a promising bioenergy crop, considered superior to other bioenergy crops because of its higher water and nutrient use efficiency, cold tolerance, and higher production of biomass. Broadleaf weeds and grass weeds, cause major problems in the Miscanthus field. A field experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019, to assess the effects of pre-emergence (alachlor and napropamide) and post-emergence herbicides (nicosulfuron, dicamba, bentazon, and glufosinate ammonium) on broadleaf and grass weeds in M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus fields. The weed control efficiency and phytotoxicity of pre- and post-emergence herbicides were evaluated at 30 days after treatment (DAT) and compared to those of the control plots. The results showed wide variations in the susceptibility of the weed species to the treated herbicides. Treatment with nicosulfuron 40 g.a.i.ha−1 provided the most effective overall weed control (with 10% visual injury), without affecting the height and biomass of neither Miscanthus species in the field. Post-emergence herbicides such as glufosinate ammonium 400 g.a.i.ha−1 and dicamba 482 g.a.i.ha−1 were effective and inhibited the growth and density of the majority of weeds to a 100%; however, they showed significant phytotoxicity (toxicity scale of 1–10) to both species of Miscanthus. The application of glufosinate ammonium caused severe injuries to the foliar region (90% visual injury) of both Miscanthus sps. Comparatively, M. sinensis showed a slightly higher tolerance to the herbicides nicosulfuron, bentazon and napropamide with 10% visual injury at the recommended dose than M. sacchariflorus. The present study clearly showed that infestation of broadleaf and grass weeds in Miscanthus fields can cause significant damage to the growth and biomass of Miscanthus and applying pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides effectively controls the high infestation of these weeds.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient in both plants and humans. Fe deficiency on calcareous soil with low Fe availability is a major agricultural problem. Nicotianamine (NA) is one of the Fe chelator in plants, which is involved in metal translocation into seeds, and serves as an antihypertensive substance in humans. In this study, soybean plants overexpressing the barley NA synthase 1 (HvNAS1) gene driven by the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter were produced using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The transgenic soybean showed no growth defect and grew normally. The NA content of transgenic soybean seeds was up to four-fold greater than that of non-transgenic (NT) soybean seeds. The level of HvNAS1 expression was positively correlated with the amount of NA, and a high concentration of NA was maintained in the seeds in succeeding generations. The Fe concentration was approximately two-fold greater in transgenic soybean seeds than in NT soybean seeds. Furthermore, the transgenic soybeans showed tolerance to low Fe availability in calcareous soil. Our results suggested that increasing the NA content in soybean seeds by the overexpression of HvNAS1 offers potential benefits for both human health and agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

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