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阔口尖毛虫无性生殖和生理改组过程的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阔口尖毛虫无性生殖中先后发生后口围带原基,前、后的波动膜原基,额腹横棘毛原基和左、右缘棘毛原基,老口围带也在此期间更新,结果形成2套新纤毛结构,原老结构瓦解消失;生理改组时按同样顺序产生口围带原基等几类腹面纤毛原基,结果形成1套新纤毛结构,替换老结构。在这两个截然不同的过程中,新纤毛结构的分化和老纤毛结构退化时也表现出某些相似的特征。作者据此推测,这种纤毛虫无性生殖和生理改组中,纤毛原基的发生、发育和定位在细胞控制机理上可能是相同的。  相似文献   

翟楠  郭键  林钦  倪兵 《生物学杂志》2012,29(5):19-21,24
应用激光扫描共聚焦显微术,显示腹毛类纤毛虫阔口尖毛虫(Oxytricha platystoma)无性生殖过程中,新的口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管先后分化,老纤毛器微管去分化,细胞分裂产生各含一套纤毛器微管的前、后两仔虫;生理改组过程中,口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管发生去分化和再分化,细胞皮层微管胞器更新形成含一套纤毛器微管的新细胞。结果表明阔口尖毛虫在无性生殖和生理改组这两种不同的生理条件下,其纤毛器微管结构的形成或更新可能具有相同的细胞调控机制,形态发生中老纤毛器结构可能对新结构的发生和发育具有诱导定位和物质贡献的作用。  相似文献   

冠突伪尾柱虫的腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器及其形态发生   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周素娟  尹飞  生欣  顾福康 《动物学报》2008,54(2):299-308
应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记和抗α-微管蛋白抗体免疫荧光标记方法,显示冠突伪尾柱虫腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器由口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛和左右缘棘毛等纤毛器微管、纤毛器基部附属微管等组成。口围带基部含小膜托架及与托架相联系的肋壁微管,其中领部小膜托架间由"∧"形微管相联接;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束和周围微管束,其微管在不同棘毛基部的发达程度不一,其中两列中腹棘毛基部微管紧密联系成一条粗绳索样结构,且左、右中腹棘毛基部的横微管束定向相反;左、右缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束,其中横微管束不发达。与目前已知的腹毛目纤毛虫例如贻贝棘尾虫、魏氏拟尾柱虫的纤毛器基部微管相比较,冠突伪尾柱虫腹皮层纤毛器基部微管除具有腹毛目纤毛虫纤毛器基部微管的基本特征外,也具有一些特殊的组成模式。皮层纤毛器微管形态发生中,前仔虫口围带并非全部是由老口围带更新而来的,其老口围带只有翻领部发生更新,且翻领部与领部接续处有一小段老的翻领部小膜保留,领部的小膜保留,结果其领部小膜、接续处保留的小膜与更新的翻领部小膜三部分共同组成前仔虫的新口围带。在后仔虫口原基发生的位置,其邻近的老横棘毛没有变化,此时老的横棘毛或许能起到"参照点"或定位作用;各类纤毛器发生、分化过程中,处于非原基区的老额棘毛、横棘毛及左右缘棘毛在较长时间内均未见明显的变化。它们可能是在新结构形成时仍然起到运动作用继而逐渐失去功能而退化瓦解的。  相似文献   

应用能同时显示纤毛虫的皮膜结构及核器的蛋白银染色方法,研究了急纤虫Tachysoma pellionella的形态及其无性生殖周期中核器和纤毛器的发育演化过程。其中的形态发生过程是:(1)大核改组带出现后,在口围带(AZM)和腹棘毛VC4、VC5之间形成一条细线,于细线中发生许多成群的毛基体,逐渐演变成为后AZM原基区。最终,原基区颗粒组装成一片片整齐排列的小膜,它们构成为新AZM。老AZM也伴随着由基部向前更新,(2)在额棘毛FC5-FC8和腹棘毛VCl-VC3全部瓦解时紧接着产生前、后波动膜原基和新棘毛原基区,并发生波动膜的分化,棘毛的分化、移动和定位过程;(3)左、右缘棘毛原基的发育形式相同,但右缘棘毛原基的发育稍早。在右缘棘毛列中的第2(或第3)根和约第16根棘毛、左缘棘毛列的第1根和约第17根棘毛开始,随老棘毛基部的瓦解,于老棘毛基部位置各产生前、后两部分新缘棘毛原基,左、右每部分原基各占据了约六个老棘毛基部位置后分别朝所在的老棘毛列的外侧、内侧向后伸展开来;(4)在第1—3列背触毛中分别于每列之前、后两部分的中部范围产生前、后第1—3列新原基,每列原基向其两端伸展替代老背触毛列,它们后来成为前、后仔虫的相应的第1—3列新背触毛。接着在前,后各第3列背触毛原基后端发生前、后第4列原基,并稍偏向第3列原  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记法显示,腹毛目纤毛虫新伪尾柱虫(Pseudourostyla nova)腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器由口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛和左右缘棘毛等纤毛器微管及纤毛器基部附属微管组成.口围带基部含小膜托架及与托架相联系的肋壁微管,其中领部小膜托架间由"Λ"形微管相联接;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束和周围微管束,其微管在不同棘毛基部的发达程度不一;缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束.同时,对新伪尾柱虫纤毛器微管胞器的形态发生和生理改组过程进行了详细的追踪研究,并对细胞皮层的额腹棘毛定位及组成特征进行了补充报道.此外,发现形态发生末期新纤毛器微管形成时,残存部分老额棘毛、横棘毛和缘棘毛,此后老结构逐渐被吸收.结果表明,新伪尾柱虫的纤毛器基部微管具有其种的特异性,新纤毛器微管分化过程中老结构可能具有定位和物质贡献作用.  相似文献   

魏氏拟尾柱虫腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器的形态及形态发生   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
娄慧玲  高巍  倪兵  顾福康 《动物学报》2007,53(4):742-749
应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记和抗α-微管蛋白抗体免疫荧光标记显示,魏氏拟尾柱虫(Paraurostyla weissei)腹面皮层纤毛器微管胞器由口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛和左右缘棘毛等纤毛器微管、纤毛器基部附属微管等组成。其中口围带基部微管包括小膜托架、小膜附属微管;额腹横棘毛和左右缘棘毛基部附属微管包括前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束,它们由各自的纤毛器基部向皮层细胞质不同方向发射,形成腹皮层表面下微管网。结果表明,魏氏拟尾柱虫的纤毛器骨架、纤毛器附属结构也是一类以微管蛋白为基本成分的微管胞器,其中缘棘毛基部附属微管具有不同于其他纤毛虫(例如棘尾虫)中所观察到的同种微管胞器的建构特征。形态发生中,前仔虫口围带在老结构位置形成,其结构建成与部分老口围带的更新有关;老缘棘毛的结构物质对新的左、右缘棘毛的发生可能具有定位作用及物质贡献,但此后新的左、右缘棘毛列分别在老缘棘毛的右侧形成,而并非是在老缘棘毛位置分化的。在有些细胞中,新的左缘棘毛左侧另有一列棘毛,这可能是形态发生中老的左缘棘毛退化不完全产生的。  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记法显示,原生动物纤毛虫伪红色双轴虫(Diaxonellapseudorubra)细胞纤毛器微管中,口围带基部含小膜托架及与托架相联系的肋壁微管;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束和周围微管束,其微管在不同棘毛基部的定向和发达程度不一;缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束。细胞形态发生过程中,前仔虫口纤毛器微管独立发生于老口围带内侧,在细胞形态发生末期新纤毛器微管形成时,尚有部分老额棘毛、横棘毛和缘棘毛残存,此后老结构逐渐被吸收。结果表明,伪红色双轴虫的纤毛器基部微管的分化很可能具有种属级的特异性,新纤毛器微管分化过程中老结构可能具有定位和物质贡献作用。  相似文献   

应用直接荧光和免疫荧光标记显示,腹毛目纤毛虫华美游仆虫(Euplotes elegans)细胞微管胞器由口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、缘棘毛、尾棘毛、背触毛等纤毛器微管以及纤毛器基部附属微管和非纤毛区皮层微管骨架组成.其中,口围带基部含有小膜托架、小膜附属微管,波动膜基部含有波动膜托架,额腹横棘毛基部含有前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束或放射微管柬,左缘棘毛和尾棘毛基部微管束分化不明显,背纤毛基部含有攻瑰花状的基体周围骨架,这些微管结构与细胞背腹面皮层纵微管与横微管网一起组织成该类纤毛虫的主要皮层细胞骨架.结果表明,游仆虫皮层细胞骨架是以微管为主要成分构建而成的,并且其棘毛基部微管的组成具有与其他类纤毛虫不同的特征;游仆虫间期细胞及形态发生时期纤毛基体或纤毛原基中存在中心蛋白,其可能与纤毛基体结构的维持及基体发生过程中微管的组装有关.  相似文献   

本文应用FLUTAX直接荧光标记和抗α-微管蛋白抗体免疫荧光标记.显示了土壤纤毛虫草丛土毛虫(Territricha stramenticola)的皮层纤毛器微管胞器.其中纤毛器基部微管按口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛、背触毛等纤毛器图式分布和定位,口围带和波动膜基部含小膜微管托架、小膜附属微管和波动膜微管骨架网;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束:左、右缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束及后微管芽;背触毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管柬。横棘毛基部含有较发达的横微管束,缘棘毛基部含后微管芽及其横微管束的定位可能具有本种纤毛虫细胞的特异性。纤毛器微管胞器在细胞表膜下分化形成的基部微管及其微管层使细胞的运动纤毛器与强固的微管骨架结构网相联系.其微管胞器的建构可能是细胞对土壤生存环境的一种适应.是细胞运动胞器的功能活动与环境相互作用的结果。形态发生中,老口围带微管是逐步进行更新的:老棘毛微管胞器对新结构的发生和形成具有定位和物质贡献的作用.并且老结构在新结构分化和成熟期间也经历了行使相应的生理功能及逐渐退化和失去功能的过程.  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记,显示腹毛目纤毛虫大尾柱虫Urostyla grandis腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器由口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛和左、右缘棘毛等纤毛器微管、纤毛器基部附属微管等组成.其中,口围带小膜托架及其相联系的肋壁微管和波动膜基体托架,额棘毛基部前纵微管束、后纵微管束及横棘毛基部前纵微管束,中腹棘毛及左、右缘棘毛基部前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束,是该纤毛虫皮层纤毛器基部的主要附属微管.据结果推测,尽管腹毛目纤毛虫的纤毛器基部微管具有相同的结构成分,但其结构的组成、分化特征、定位和定向、发达程度等均有差异.所得结果为进一步说明纤毛虫细胞皮层纤毛器的形态及其微管建构的多样性提供了新的证据资料.  相似文献   

红色角毛虫的形态学和形态发生过程的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察并描述了上海采集到的红色角毛虫的形态结构和形态发生过程。发现形态发生时虫体分别于前、后两个区域发生前、后两个口围带原基,并且由同一个体分裂而成的前,后两个仔虫内,额、腹、横棘毛和缘棘毛的分化并不完全相同,以至造成两个仔虫上棘毛的数目和缘棘毛的列数有明显差异。根据红色角毛虫的形态结构及其形态发生中的一些不够稳定的特点,推测它可能是一种还处于分化中的腹毛类纤毛虫。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The protargol technic was used in a study of the development of oral, cirral, and dorsal primordia of Urostyla weissei fixed during division, reorganization, and regeneration following transection at different levels. While the course of development is similar in all situations, differences were observed in the way in which some primordia are initiaily formed. The primordium of the new AZM always appears posterior to the old AZM. It develops into an entire new membranellar band in dividing cells and in opimers (posterior fragments from equatorial transections), while it eventually joins with a portion of the old AZM in reorganizers, promers (anterior fragments from equatorial transections) and “large opimers” (cells whose anterior tip has been cut off). The UM-primordium of proters is derived from disaggregation of the kinetosomes of the 2 old UM's, that of opisthes and opimers is formed “de novo” to the right of the AZM-primordium, while the UM-primordium of reorganizers, promers, and “large opimers” is of composite origin, partly “de novo” and partly from the old UM's. The UM primordium differentiates into the new UM's and the 1st frontal cirrus. The primordia of the remaining frontal, ventral, transversal (F-V-T) and marginal cirri originate as “streaks” of cilia, most of which are derived from re-alignment of the constituent cilia of certain pre-existing cirri. New cirri differendiate from the streaks, and replace the remaining old cirri. The streaks are formed similarly in all developmental situations, except for the 1st 3 F-V-T streaks. In proters, reorganizers, and promers, these originate from the posterior 3 frontal cirri, while in opisthes and opimers they are formed “de novo” to the right of the UM-primordium. In the “large opimers” these streaks are formed “de novo” behind the 1st 3 frontal cirri, in spite of the continued presence of these cirri at the anterior tip of the fragments. The site of formation of these streaks thus appears to be determined by an anteriorposterior gradient, rather than by any preformed cortical structure. The new dorsal bristle rows I to III develop from the proliferation of portions of the old rows, while rows IV and V originate from short kineties formed “de novo” on the right margin. New caudal cirri differentiate at the posterior ends of the new rows I to III. The numbers of ventral cirral rows and transversal cirri are variable; these variations are correlated, and related to variations in numbers of developing streaks. A survey of hypotrich developmental patterns revealed extensive parallels, especially in the sites of appearance of primordia. The primordium site appears to be a more constant feature of cortical development than is the “source” of ciliary units. It is concluded that sites of primordia are determined by cellular gradients, with competent preformed structures being utilized if they are appropriately positioned within these gradients.  相似文献   

Nuclear behavior and accompanying cytoplasmic changes have been traced in conjugation and binary fission in Aspidisca costata, a fresh water hypotrich. Cases of autogamy in singles also have been found. In conjugation the animals pair with left ventral sides apposed, at an angle of ∼ 100°, connected by a broad bridge. After 2 maturation divisions 4 potential gametic nuclei are formed. Thereafter 1 of 2 alternative plans is followed. The essential difference between them is the occurrence in Scheme B of degeneration of 2 products of the 2nd prezygotic division, thus reducing to 2 the 4 potential gametic nuclei–all viable in Scheme A. Single or double synkarya are thus generated, respectively, in each conjugant, certain of them necessarily by autogamy. After 1 or 2 postzygotic divisions, 4 final nuclei are formed: 1 macronuclear anlage, 2 micronuclei, and a degenerate nucleus. The exconjugants at 1st are astomatous, although a new complete set of cirri (exclusive of the anterior “tooth”) arises during conjugation. A later reorganization in the exconjugants must restore the buccal apparatus and probably also replaces the cirri and tooth. The morphogenetic changes in fission have been observed. All the cirri are replaced, in 2 sets, at each cycle. These originate in a single locus, a pouch anterior to the contractile vacuole. A new adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) arises for the opisthe, as a new tooth. The old AZM and the old tooth are retained by the proter. It is suggested that the tooth is the homolog of the 1/I cirrus of other hypotrichs.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察到在一种游仆虫无性生殖周期中,新口围带发育时老口围带的更新、新波动膜原基的发生、棘毛原基发生的最早形态和背触毛发生等在其他种游仆虫中未见报道的现象。  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of Diophrys japonica spec. nov., isolated from the Mie Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated from life and following impregnation with protargol. The new species is recognized by the following characters: Body elliptical in outline and slightly greyish to yellowish in color; size in vivo about 80-120 x 50-70 microm; pellicle flexible, with underlying granules densely arranged in lines; ciliature comprising about 30-46 adoral membranelles, 4-7 frontal, 1-4 ventral and 4-7 transverse cirri, always 1 left marginal and 3 caudal cirri, and 4 dorsal kineties; usually two macronuclear nodules; fragment kinety with 2-5 dikinetids; marine habitat. The main morphogenetic events are: (1) the opisthe's oral primordium develops de novo in a subsurface pouch near the left transverse cirri; (2) the proter retains the parental AZM except for reorganization of some proximal membranelles; (3) cirral anlagen for the frontal, ventral and transverse cirri in both dividers develop separately from the oral primordium or parental cirri, and are derived from the separation of primary primordia that originate de novo; (4) the anlagen for the left marginal cirrus and fragment kinety also form de novo and separately; (5) dorsal kinety anlagen occur within the parental structures at mid-body and posterior end of the cell, of which the right-most one contributes three caudal cirri from its posterior portion. Based on available ontogenetic data, the author proposes that the numbers of left marginal and caudal cirri can be regarded as reliable characters for species identification, while the numbers of frontal, ventral and transverse cirri are not consistent enough for species distinction. A key to the eleven adequately known species of Diophrys is presented.  相似文献   

Summary The unique monoclonal antibody FXXXIX 12G9 obtained againstTetrahymena cortices was used to label cytoskeletal structures related to basal body proliferation inParaurostyla weissei. The antibody binds to an amorphous material interconnecting basal bodies in compound ciliary structures: dorsal units, cirri and membranelles in interfission cells, and filamentous structures supporting the primordia of ciliary structures and fission line in dividing cells. The antibody visualized meridional filaments preceding proliferation of new basal bodies in the oral primordium and structures accompanying all developing ciliary primordia. It congregated in differentiating new procirri and membranelles, whereas another population of transient meridional structures accompanied the final distribution of new structures. A meridional filament connecting transverse cirri with the oral apparatus, marking the future stomatogenic meridian, persisted in both division products until completion of cell elongation. The fission line was found to originate from an anterior extension of the pre-oral filament toward the parental oral structures. It then encircled the cell's midbody demarcating the boundary between daughter cells; two additional circumferential structures bordering the anterior and posterior ends of differentiating division products participate in formation of the new poles. They disappear after separation of daughter cells and completion of resorption of parental ciliature. In the enhanced multi-left-marginal mutant expressing gross hyperduplication of basal bodies, the location of the 12G9 antigen corresponded to that in wild-type cells. The sequence of formation of meridional filaments in the mutant was found to be altered. The filaments in the left lateral domain preceded the formation of the preoral filament, yet the temporal pattern of basal body assembly was not modified. The fission line, as in wild-type cells, originated in connection with the oral primordium. We conclude that the nucleation of the filamentous structures bearing the 12G9 antigen and the basal body assembly occur by independent mechanisms reading the same cell cycle signals. We suggest that the 12G9-antigen-bearing protein might be similar to septins: involved in signaling the position of the oral primordium and the fission line and functioning in establishing and maintaining the asymmetric cortical domain characteristics.Abbrevations AZM zone of adorai membranelles - bb basal bodies - CC caudal cirri - FC frontal cirri - Fmf frontal meridional filament - FTV the primordia of fronto-ventro-transverse cirri - LD, RD dorsal rows of bristle units - LM, RM left or right marginal cirral row - OA oral apparatus - OP primordium of the adoral membranelles - pLM, pRM primordium of the left or right marginal cirri - pLD, pRD primordia of the left or right dorsal bristle rows - pUM primordium of the undulating membranes - TC transverse cirri - UM undulating membranes - VC ventral cirral rows  相似文献   

We investigated development of cortical ciliature in Stylonychia mytilus during starvation-induced physiological reorganization, and during regeneration following amputation of the anterior part of the cell. Cortical reorganization in the two processes is generally similar. The posterior part of the adoral zone of membranelles is resorbed and replaced with newly assembled membranelles. The pre-existing set of ventral cirri and dorsal bristles is entirely resorbed and replaced with new ones. Regenerants exhibit posterior displacement of the frontal-ventral-transverse cirri primordium and the undulating membrane primordium, and recruit basal bodies from ectopic locations for the development of these ciliature. This illustrates flexibility in the initiation site of ciliary primordia, and opportunism in utilizing building blocks. Such morphogenetic versatility of hypotrichs provides the basis for the operation of a global control of pattern formation, which governs cortical reorganization in dividers, and additionally, in the absence of the prerequisites for binary fission, alternative modes of cortical development such as physiological reorganization or regeneration. These considerations suggest that the three processes are homologous and that physiological reorganization and regeneration have evolved from binary fission. In physiological reorganization and regeneration, the micro- and macronuclei reorganize to resemble that in binary fission; these nuclear events are considered evolutionary relics of the nuclear development of binary fission. Tetrahymena also exhibits such morphogenetic flexibility; stomatogenesis is under global control, so that asexual cells can replace its oral apparatus without undergoing binary fission. Paramecium , on the other hand, adopts a more rigid strategy in relying heavily on pre-existing structures for morphogenetic cues; this could have imposed constraints in the exploration of alternative modes of asexual development.  相似文献   

利用蛋白银染色法研究了毛尾刺虫的形态及无性生殖周期中的形态发生,其过程为:(1)后仔虫口原基出现在左缘棘毛内侧深层,其内的毛基体组装成整齐排列的小膜并分化成新AZM1,AZM2和口侧膜,(2)前仔虫口原基出现在老仔虫AZM2之前方深处,其随后发育成前仔虫的AZM2口侧膜及AZM1的一部分,并更新老结构的AZM1中第7-11片小膜,(3)额腹横棘毛原基为5列,分别以3:3:2:2:3方式分化最终产出  相似文献   

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